예제 #1
def log_gaussian_pdf(x,
    if mu is None:
        mu = np.zeros(len(x))
    if Sigma is None:
        Sigma = np.eye(len(mu))

    if is_cholesky is False:
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(Sigma)
        L = Sigma

    assert len(x) == Sigma.shape[0]
    assert len(x) == Sigma.shape[1]
    assert len(x) == len(mu)

    # solve y=K^(-1)x = L^(-T)L^(-1)x
    x = np.array(x - mu)
    y = cho_solve((L, True), x)
    # y = solve_triangular(L, x.T, lower=True)
    # y = solve_triangular(L.T, y, lower=False)

    if not compute_grad:
        log_determinant_part = -np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
        quadratic_part = -0.5 * x.dot(y)
        const_part = -0.5 * len(L) * np.log(2 * np.pi)

        return const_part + log_determinant_part + quadratic_part
        return -y
def non_negative_qpsolver(A,
    Solves (1/2)x.T A x - b.T x
    :param x_init: Initial value for solution x
    :param x_tol: Smallest allowed non zero value for x_opt. Values below x_tol are made zero
    :param check_tol: Allowed tolerance for stopping criteria. If negative, uses x_tol value
    :param epsilon_high: maximum value of x during optimization
    :param epsilon_low: minimum value of x during optimization
    :return: x_opt, error
    if epsilon_low < 0:
        epsilon_low = x_tol  # np.finfo(float).eps
    if epsilon_high < 0:
        epsilon_high = x_tol
    if check_tol < 0:
        check_tol = x_tol

    n = A.shape[0]
    # A = A + 1e-6 * np.eye(n)
    max_iter = 50 * n
    itr = 0
    # %%
    x_opt = np.reshape(x_init, (n, 1))
    N = x_opt > (1 - epsilon_high
                 )  # Similarity too close to 1 (nodes collapse)
    if sum(N) > 0:
        x_opt = x_opt * N.astype(np.float)
        return x_opt[:, 0], 0

    # %%
    non_pruned_elements = np.ones(
        (n, 1), dtype=np.bool)  # F tracks elements pruned based on negativity
    check = 1
    while (check > check_tol) and (itr < max_iter):
        non_pruned_elements = np.logical_and(x_opt > epsilon_low,
        x_opt = np.zeros((n, 1))
        x_opt[non_pruned_elements] = cho_solve(
                                             0], :][:,
            b[non_pruned_elements[:, 0]])

        itr = itr + 1
        N = x_opt < epsilon_low
        if sum(N) > 0:
            check = np.max(np.abs(x_opt[N]))
            check = 0

    x_opt[x_opt < x_tol] = 0
    return x_opt[:, 0], check
예제 #3
    def update(
            self, eta: np.ndarray, P: np.ndarray,
            z: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, np.ndarray]:
        """Update eta and P with z, associating landmarks and adding new ones.

        eta : np.ndarray
        P : np.ndarray
        z : np.ndarray, shape=(#detections, 2)

        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, np.ndarray]
        numLmk = int((eta.shape[0] - 3) // 2)
        assert (eta.shape[0] -
                3) % 2 == 0, "EKFSLAM.update: landmark length not even"

        if numLmk > 0:
            # Prediction and innovation covariance
            zpred = self.h(eta)
            H = self.H(eta)

            # Here you can use simply np.kron (a bit slow) to form the big (very big in VP after a while) R,
            # or be smart with indexing and broadcasting (3d indexing into 2d mat) realizing you are adding the same R on all diagonals
            S = H @ P @ H.T
            idxs = np.arange(numLmk * 2).reshape(numLmk, 2)
            S[idxs[..., None], idxs[:, None]] += self.R[None]
            assert (S.shape == zpred.shape *
                    2), "EKFSLAM.update: wrong shape on either S or zpred"
            z = z.ravel()  # 2D -> flat

            # Perform data association
            za, zpred, Ha, Sa, a = self.associate(z, zpred, H, S)

            # No association could be made, so skip update
            if za.shape[0] == 0:
                etaupd = eta
                Pupd = P
                NIS = 1  # beware this one when analysing consistency.

                # Create the associated innovation
                v = za.ravel() - zpred  # za: 2D -> flat
                v[1::2] = utils.wrapToPi(v[1::2])

                # Kalman mean update
                # Optional, used in places for S^-1, see scipy.linalg.cho_factor and scipy.linalg.cho_solve
                S_cho_factors = la.cho_factor(Sa)
                # Kalman gain, can use S_cho_factors
                W = la.cho_solve(S_cho_factors, Ha @ P).T
                etaupd = eta + W @ v  # Kalman update

                # Kalman cov update: use Joseph form for stability
                jo = -W @ Ha
                # same as adding Identity mat
                jo[np.diag_indices(jo.shape[0])] += 1
                Pupd = jo @ P @ jo.T + W @ np.kron(
                    np.eye(za.size // 2), self.R
                ) @ W.T  # Kalman update. This is the main workload on VP after speedups

                # calculate NIS, can use S_cho_factors
                NIS = v.T @ cho_solve(S_cho_factors, v)

                # When tested, remove for speed
                assert np.allclose(
                    Pupd, Pupd.T), "EKFSLAM.update: Pupd not symmetric"
                assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(Pupd) > 0
                              ), "EKFSLAM.update: Pupd not positive definite"

        else:  # All measurements are new landmarks,
            a = np.full(z.shape[0], -1)
            z = z.flatten()
            NIS = 0  # beware this one, you can change the value to for instance 1
            etaupd = eta
            Pupd = P

        # Create new landmarks if any is available
        if self.do_asso:
            is_new_lmk = a == -1
            if np.any(is_new_lmk):
                z_new_inds = np.empty_like(z, dtype=bool)
                z_new_inds[::2] = is_new_lmk
                z_new_inds[1::2] = is_new_lmk
                z_new = z[z_new_inds]
                # add new landmarks.
                etaupd, Pupd = self.add_landmarks(etaupd, Pupd, z_new)

        assert np.allclose(Pupd,
                           Pupd.T), "EKFSLAM.update: Pupd must be symmetric"
        assert np.all(
            np.linalg.eigvals(Pupd) >= 0), "EKFSLAM.update: Pupd must be PSD"

        return etaupd, Pupd, NIS, a