예제 #1
def solve(X,y,tolerance=1e-6) :
    Solve the regression problem ||Xw - y||^2 using the QR factorization of X.
    Returns: beta, variance estimates for parameters, SSE
    TODO: use an implementation that uses ||Q'Xw - Q'y||^2 to avoid returning Q when it is not
    needed. Somwhere in Lapack there is probably something we could use.
    n = X.shape[0]
    p = X.shape[1]
    Q,R,permutation = linalg.qr(X,pivoting=True,mode='economic')
    R_diag = np.diag(R)
    rank = np.where(np.abs(R_diag) < tolerance)[0]
    rank = R_diag.shape[0] if rank.shape[0] == 0 else rank[0]
    b     = np.dot(y,Q)[:rank]
    beta  = linalg.solve_triangular(R[:rank,:rank],b,lower=False)
    if rank < R.shape[0] : beta = np.append(beta,np.zeros(R_diag.shape[0] - rank))
    beta[permutation]  = beta.copy() #non-atomic operation requires copy
    R_small = R[:rank,:rank]
    #Computing the inverse from R in a numericaly stable way requires a Cholesky
    #based approach.  I discovered this while testing against statsmodel's 
    #Langley data set which has very high condition number
    XXn1,_   = dpotri(R_small)
    XXn1_diag = np.append(np.diag(XXn1),np.zeros(R.shape[1] - R_small.shape[1]))
    XXn1_diag[permutation] = XXn1_diag.copy()
    betaSigmaSq = XXn1_diag
    resid = y - np.dot(X,beta)
    SSE   = np.dot(resid,resid)
    return beta, betaSigmaSq, SSE, rank,Q
예제 #2
def dpotri(A, lower=1):
    A = force_F_ordered(A)
    R, info = lapack.dpotri(
        A, lower=lower)  #needs to be zero here, seems to be a scipy bug

    return R, info
예제 #3
def pdinv(A, *args):
    :param A: A DxD pd numpy array
    :rval Ai: the inverse of A
    :rtype Ai: np.ndarray
    :rval L: the Cholesky decomposition of A
    :rtype L: np.ndarray
    :rval Li: the Cholesky decomposition of Ai
    :rtype Li: np.ndarray
    :rval logdet: the log of the determinant of A
    :rtype logdet: float64
        Ai = np.linalg.inv(A)
        logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(A)[1]
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)
        Li = chol_inv(L)
    except linalg.LinAlgError:
        L = jitchol(A, *args)
        logdet = 2. * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
        Li = chol_inv(L)
        Ai, _ = lapack.dpotri(L)
        # Ai = np.tril(Ai) + np.tril(Ai,-1).T

    return Ai, L, Li, logdet
 def LML_se(self,theta,returnGradients=False):
     K,r = self.cov(self.X,retr=True)
     Ky = K.copy()
     Ky +=  np.eye(self.X.shape[0])*self.var_n + np.eye(self.X.shape[0])*1e-8
     L = self.cholSafe(Ky)
     WlogDet = 2.*np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
     alpha, status = dpotrs(L, self.Y, lower=1)
     dataFit = - np.sum(alpha * self.Y)
     modelComplexity = -self.Y.shape[1] * WlogDet
     normalizer = -self.Y.size * log2pi
     logMarginalLikelihood = 0.5*(dataFit + modelComplexity + normalizer)
     if returnGradients == False:
         return logMarginalLikelihood
         Wi, status = dpotri(-L, lower=1)
         Wi = np.asarray(Wi)
         # copy bottom triangle to top triangle
         triu = np.triu_indices_from(Wi,k=1)
         Wi[triu] = Wi.T[triu]
         # dL = change in LML, dK is change in Kernel(K)
         dL_dK = 0.5 * (np.dot(alpha,alpha.T) - self.Y.shape[1] * Wi)
         dL_dVarn = np.diag(dL_dK).sum()
         varfGradient = np.sum(K* dL_dK)/self.var_f
         dK_dr = -r*K
         dL_dr = dK_dr * dL_dK
         lengthscaleGradient = -np.sum(dL_dr*r)/self.charLen
         grads = np.array([varfGradient, lengthscaleGradient, dL_dVarn])
         return logMarginalLikelihood, grads
예제 #5
def pdinv(A, *args):
    :param A: A DxD pd numpy array
    :rval Ai: the inverse of A
    :rtype Ai: np.ndarray
    :rval L: the Cholesky decomposition of A
    :rtype L: np.ndarray
    :rval Li: the Cholesky decomposition of Ai
    :rtype Li: np.ndarray
    :rval logdet: the log of the determinant of A
    :rtype logdet: float64
        Ai = np.linalg.inv(A)
        logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(A)[1]
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)
        Li = chol_inv(L)
    except linalg.LinAlgError:
        L = jitchol(A, *args)
        logdet = 2.*np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L)))
        Li = chol_inv(L)
        Ai, _ = lapack.dpotri(L)
        # Ai = np.tril(Ai) + np.tril(Ai,-1).T
    return Ai, L, Li, logdet
예제 #6
def invpd(A, return_chol=False):
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)
    Ainv = lapack.dpotri(L, lower=True)[0]
    if return_chol:
        return Ainv, L
        return Ainv
예제 #7
파일: linalg.py 프로젝트: OwenThomas/GPy
def dpotri(A, lower=0):
    """Wrapper for lapack dpotri function

    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    return lapack.dpotri(A, lower=lower)
예제 #8
def dpotri(A, lower=0):
    Wrapper for lapack dpotri function
    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    :returns: A inverse
    return lapack.dpotri(A, lower=lower)
예제 #9
def invPsd(A, AChol=None, returnChol=False):
    # https://github.com/mattjj/pybasicbayes/blob/9c00244b2d6fd767549de6ab5d0436cec4e06818/pybasicbayes/util/general.py
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(A) if AChol is None else AChol
    Ainv = lapack.dpotri(L, lower=True)[0]
    Ainv += np.tril(Ainv, k=-1).T
    if returnChol:
        return Ainv, L
    return Ainv
예제 #10
def chol_inv(x: np.array):
    """Calculates invserse of matrix using Cholesky decomposition.
    Keyword arguments:
        x -- A matrix.
    c, info = lapack.dpotrf(x)
    if info:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError
    lapack.dpotri(c, overwrite_c=1)
    c += c.T
    np.fill_diagonal(c, c.diagonal() / 2)
    return c
예제 #11
def cholesky_inverse(A):
    Compute the inverse of the matrix AA' given its cholesky decomposition A.
    X, info = lapack.dpotri(A, lower=1)
    if info != 0:
        raise LinAlgError('Matrix is not invertible')
    triu = np.triu_indices_from(X, k=1)
    X[triu] = X.T[triu]
    return X
예제 #12
파일: linalg.py 프로젝트: appcoreopc/reggie
def cholesky_inverse(A):
    Compute the inverse of the matrix AA' given its cholesky decomposition A.
    X, info = lapack.dpotri(A, lower=1)
    if info != 0:
        raise LinAlgError('Matrix is not invertible')
    triu = np.triu_indices_from(X, k=1)
    X[triu] = X.T[triu]
    return X
예제 #13
def inv_psd(A, return_chol=False):
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)
    Ainv = lapack.dpotri(L, lower=True)[0]
    # if not np.allclose(Ainv, np.linalg.inv(A), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5):
    #     import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    if return_chol:
        return Ainv, L
        return Ainv
예제 #14
def inv_psd(A, return_chol=False):
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)
    Ainv = lapack.dpotri(L, lower=True)[0]
    # if not np.allclose(Ainv, np.linalg.inv(A), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5):
    #     import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    if return_chol:
        return Ainv, L
        return Ainv
예제 #15
def cholesky_inv(M):

    # Lower-triangular Cholesky factorization of M
    #L = np.linalg.cholesky(M)

    # Call LAPACK dpotri to get inverse (only lower triangle populated)
    Minv0 = lapack.dpotri(M, lower=True)[0]

    # Copy lower triangle to upper triangle
    Minv = Minv0 + Minv0.T - np.diag(Minv0.diagonal())
    return Minv
예제 #16
def multiple_pdinv(A):
    :param A: A DxDxN numpy array (each A[:,:,i] is pd)
    :rval invs: the inverses of A
    :rtype invs: np.ndarray
    :rval hld: 0.5* the log of the determinants of A
    :rtype hld: np.array
    N = A.shape[-1]
    chols = [jitchol(A[:, :, i]) for i in range(N)]
    halflogdets = [np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L[0]))) for L in chols]
    invs = [lapack.dpotri(L[0], True)[0] for L in chols]
    invs = [np.triu(I) + np.triu(I, 1).T for I in invs]
    return np.dstack(invs), np.array(halflogdets)
예제 #17
def multiple_pdinv(A):
    :param A: A DxDxN numpy array (each A[:,:,i] is pd)
    :rval invs: the inverses of A
    :rtype invs: np.ndarray
    :rval hld: 0.5* the log of the determinants of A
    :rtype hld: np.array
    N = A.shape[-1]
    chols = [jitchol(A[:, :, i]) for i in range(N)]
    halflogdets = [np.sum(np.log(np.diag(L[0]))) for L in chols]
    invs = [lapack.dpotri(L[0], True)[0] for L in chols]
    invs = [np.triu(I) + np.triu(I, 1).T for I in invs]
    return np.dstack(invs), np.array(halflogdets)
예제 #18
def cholesky_inv(M):
    Returns inverse of positive-definite matrix M using Cholesky decomposition

    # Lower-triangular Cholesky factorization of M
    L = linalg.cholesky(M, lower=True)

    # Call LAPACK dpotri to get inverse (only lower triangle populated)
    Minv0 = lapack.dpotri(L, lower=True)[0]

    # Copy lower triangle to upper triangle
    Minv = Minv0 + Minv0.T - np.diag(Minv0.diagonal())
    return Minv
예제 #19
def grammy_uncertainty(class_prob, prob_est, classifications):

    class_prob: np.ndarry
        probabilities of classification as each class for each species
    prob_est: np.ndarray
        estimated fragment proportions - output of grammy fitting procedure
    classifications: np.ndarray
        is the read data (so a vector with the classification of each read)

        output is a tuple first element is 95% lower bound, second element 95% upper bound
    # todo what do all these represent?!
    lp = prob_est.size
    lphat = prob_est.size - 1
    phat = prob_est[:-1]
    K = len(classifications)
    IO = np.zeros((lphat, lphat))
    for i in range(lphat):
        for j in range(lphat):
            IOij = [0] * K
            for k in range(K):
                IOij1 = (
                    class_prob[i, classifications[k]]
                    - class_prob[lphat, classifications[k]]
                IOij2 = (
                    class_prob[j, classifications[k]]
                    - class_prob[lphat, classifications[k]]
                IOij3 = IOij1 * IOij2
                IOij4 = np.sum(phat * class_prob[:lphat, classifications[k]])
                IOij5 = (1 - np.sum(phat)) * class_prob[lphat, classifications[k]]
                IOij6 = (IOij4 + IOij5) ** 2
                IOij7 = IOij3 / IOij6
                IOij[k] = IOij7
            IO[i, j] = sum(IOij)
    IO = np.asfortranarray(IO)
    IOinv = lapack.dpotri(np.linalg.cholesky(IO).T)[0]
    est_se = np.sqrt(np.diag(IOinv))
    up_CI = phat + 1.96 * est_se
    low_CI = phat - 1.96 * est_se
    return (low_CI, up_CI)
예제 #20
def dpotri(A, lower=1):
    Wrapper for lapack dpotri function

    DPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive
      definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization A =
      U**T*U or A = L*L**T computed by DPOTRF

    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    :returns: A inverse


    A = force_F_ordered(A)
    R, info = lapack.dpotri(A, lower=lower) #needs to be zero here, seems to be a scipy bug

    return R, info
예제 #21
def dpotri(A, lower=1):
    Wrapper for lapack dpotri function

    DPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive
      definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization A =
      U**T*U or A = L*L**T computed by DPOTRF

    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    :returns: A inverse


    A = force_F_ordered(A)
    R, info = lapack.dpotri(A, lower=lower) #needs to be zero here, seems to be a scipy bug

    return R, info
예제 #22
def fast_pd_inverse(m: 'numpy array') -> 'numpy array':
    This method calculates the inverse of a A real symmetric positive definite (n × n)-matrix
    It is much faster than Numpy's "np.linalg.inv" method for example.
        cholesky, info = lapack.dpotrf(m)
        if info != 0:
            raise ValueError('dpotrf failed on input {}'.format(m))
            #print("cas 1")
        inv, info = lapack.dpotri(cholesky)
        if info != 0:
            raise ValueError('dpotri failed on input {}'.format(cholesky))
            #print("cas 2")
        inv = np.linalg.inv(m)

    return inv
예제 #23
def partial_correlation(x, return_pvalue=False):
    """ x: samples X features """
    n, gp = x.shape 
    df = np.max(n - np.linalg.matrix_rank(x), 0)

    cvx = np.cov(x.T)
    r = la.cholesky(cvx, overwrite_a=True)
    icvx, info = lapack.dpotri(r, overwrite_c=True)

    pcor = -_cov2cor(icvx)
    pcor += pcor.T
    np.fill_diagonal(pcor, 1.0)

    if return_pvalue:
        statistic = pcor*np.sqrt(df/(1-pcor**2))
        pvalue = 2*stats.t.cdf(-abs(statistic), df)
        np.fill_diagonal(pvalue, 0.0)
        return pcor, pvalue

    return pcor
예제 #24
def partial_correlation(x, return_pvalue=False):
    """ x: samples X features """
    n, gp = x.shape
    df = np.max(n - np.linalg.matrix_rank(x), 0)

    cvx = np.cov(x.T)
    r = la.cholesky(cvx, overwrite_a=True)
    icvx, info = lapack.dpotri(r, overwrite_c=True)

    pcor = -_cov2cor(icvx)
    pcor += pcor.T
    np.fill_diagonal(pcor, 1.0)

    if return_pvalue:
        statistic = pcor * np.sqrt(df / (1 - pcor**2))
        pvalue = 2 * stats.t.cdf(-abs(statistic), df)
        np.fill_diagonal(pvalue, 0.0)
        return pcor, pvalue

    return pcor
예제 #25
def multiple_dpotri_old(Ls):
    M, _, D = Ls.shape
    Kis = np.rollaxis(Ls, -1).copy()
    [dpotri(Kis[i,:,:], overwrite_c=1, lower=1) for i in range(D)]
    code = """
    for(int d=0; d<D; d++)
      for(int m=0; m<M; m++)
        for(int mm=0; mm<m; mm++)
          Kis[d*M*M + mm*M + m ] = Kis[d*M*M + m*M + mm];

    weave.inline(code, ['Kis', 'D', 'M'])
    Kis = np.rollaxis(Kis, 0, 3) #wtf rollaxis?
    return Kis
예제 #26
파일: gpy_linalg.py 프로젝트: davmre/treegp
def dpotri(A, lower=1):
    Wrapper for lapack dpotri function

    DPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive
      definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization A =
      U**T*U or A = L*L**T computed by DPOTRF

    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    :returns: A inverse

    if _fix_dpotri_scipy_bug:
        assert lower==1, "scipy linalg behaviour is very weird. please use lower, fortran ordered arrays"
        lower = 0

    A = force_F_ordered(A)
    R, info = lapack.dpotri(A, lower=lower) #needs to be zero here, seems to be a scipy bug

    return R, info
예제 #27
def solveStepwiseInit(X,y,active,tolerance=1e-6) :
    Stepwise regression implementation requires we solve for the lower bound of the 
    search space.
    So how is this different from the non-stepwise case?  
    1. Treatment of rank deficiency
        To treat rank deficiency, discover it using rank-revealing QR and then flag 
        deficient columns for non-inclusion in a separate pass of full rank QR
    2. Creation of an augmented R which has two properties:
        a. columns forming the active set form an upper triangular R matrix
        b. the remaining columns have been multiplied by the set of householder matrices 
        sufficient to transform those same active set columns into upper triangular form
    n = X.shape[0]
    p = X.shape[1]
    #We start the computation with a rank-revealing QR (Scipy's QR routine)  
    Q,R,permutation = linalg.qr(X,pivoting=True,mode='economic')
    R_diag = np.diag(R)
    rank = np.where(R_diag < tolerance)[0]
    rank = R_diag.shape[0] if rank.shape[0] == 0 else rank[0]
    allowed_active = np.zeros(active.shape,dtype=np.bool)
    #We use allowed_active to filter out starting set variables that are linear combinations
    #of other starting variables
    allowed_active[permutation[:rank]] = True
    #Having completed this analysis, we will want an un-permuted full-rank QR decopomposition. 
    #For use in the stepwise procedure. Numpy's QR is a full rank variant and that is the one 
    #we apply below (in contrast to scipy's used in the non-stepwise case).
    df  = np.where(allowed_active)[0].shape[0]
    Q,R = np.linalg.qr(X[:,allowed_active],mode='full') #numpy's method differs from scipy's!
    b   = np.dot(Q.T,y)
    beta  = linalg.solve_triangular(R,b,lower=False)
    XXn1  = dpotri(R)
    var   = np.diag(XXn1)
    resid = y - np.dot(X[:,allowed_active],beta)
    SSE   = np.dot(resid,resid)
    return beta, var, SSE, df, np.dot(Q.T,X)
예제 #28
파일: gp.py 프로젝트: cyversewarwick/csi
    def __init__(self, X, Y, theta):
        theta = theta ** [2,1,2]
        [sf2, l2, sn2] = theta

        # evaluate RBF kernel for our given X
        r = dist.pdist(X) / l2
        K = dist.squareform(sf2 * np.exp(-0.5 * r**2))
        np.fill_diagonal(K, sf2)

        # add in Gaussian noise (+ a bit for numerical stability)
        Ky = K.copy()
        np.fill_diagonal(Ky, sf2 + sn2 + 1e-8)

        # compute the Cholesky factorization of our covariance matrix
        LW, info = lapack.dpotrf(Ky, lower=True)
        assert info == 0

        # calculate lower half of inverse of K (assumes real symmetric positive definite)
        Wi, info = lapack.dpotri(LW, lower=True)
        assert info == 0

        # make symmetric by filling in the upper half
        Wi += np.tril(Wi,-1).T

        # and solve
        alpha, info = lapack.dpotrs(LW, Y, lower=True)
        assert info == 0

        # save these for later
        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.theta = theta
        self.r = r
        self.K = K
        self.Ky = Ky
        self.LW = LW
        self.Wi = Wi
        self.alpha = alpha
예제 #29
    def _loss_and_grad(self, params):
        V = self.V
        X = self.X
        #X = np.zeros((self.n,self.n))
        X[self._mask] = params
        X += X.T
        np.fill_diagonal(X, 1)

        zz, info0 = dpotrf(X, False, False)
        iX, info1 = dpotri(zz)
        iX = np.triu(iX) + np.triu(iX, k=1).T
        if info0 != 0 or info1 != 0:
            return self._loss * 100, np.zeros_like(params)

        loss = np.sum(iX * V)
        G = -iX @ V @ iX
        g = G[self._mask] + G.T[self._mask]

        self._loss = loss
        #print(np.sqrt(loss / self.W.shape[0]))
        return loss, g  #G.flatten()
예제 #30
def dpotri(A, lower=1):
    Wrapper for lapack dpotri function

    DPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive
      definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization A =
      U**T*U or A = L*L**T computed by DPOTRF

    :param A: Matrix A
    :param lower: is matrix lower (true) or upper (false)
    :returns: A inverse

    if _fix_dpotri_scipy_bug:
        assert lower == 1, "scipy linalg behaviour is very weird. please use lower, fortran ordered arrays"
        lower = 0

    A = force_F_ordered(A)
    R, info = lapack.dpotri(
        A, lower=lower)  #needs to be zero here, seems to be a scipy bug

    return R, info