예제 #1
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    m = 20

    if args.input == 'grid':
        image = make_grid(args.n, m * q.m).thickness.get()
    elif args.input == 'lena':
        from scipy.misc import lena
        image = lena().astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
        if args.n != image.shape[0]:
            image = gutil.get_host(ip.rescale(image, (args.n, args.n)))

    n = image.shape[0]
    crop_n = n - 2 * m - 2
    y, x = np.mgrid[-n / 2:n / 2, -n / 2:n / 2]
    # Compute a such that the disk diameter is exactly the period when distance from the middle is n
    # / 2
    a = m / (2 * (crop_n / 2.) ** 2)
    radii = (a * np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 2 + 1e-3).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
    x_param = radii
    y_param = radii

    result = ip.varconvolve_disk(image, (y_param, x_param)).get()
    result = ip.crop(result, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    radii = ip.crop(radii, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    image = ip.crop(image, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()

    if args.output:
        save_image(args.output, result)

    show(image, title='Original Image')
    show(2 * radii, title='Blurring Disk Diameters')
    show(result, title='Blurred Image')
예제 #2
파일: data.py 프로젝트: NelleV/COPRE
def get_weight_lena(sigma=50000.):
    Calculates the weight matrix of a small patch of lena's image

    sigma: int

    lena = misc.lena()

    lena = lena[:30:, :30]
    patches = []

    for i in range(lena.shape[0] - 7):
        for j in range(lena.shape[1] - 7):
            patches.append(lena[i:i + 6, j:j + 6].flatten())
    dist = np.exp(- euclidean_distances(patches, patches) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
    thres = dist.copy()
    thres = thres[:, ::-1][:, 6]

    dist[dist < thres] = 0
    return dist
예제 #3
def test_cercle():
    im = lena()
    roi = roi_quad(im.shape,250,250,400)
    im = np.multiply(roi,im)
예제 #4
    def initTexture(self):
        init the texture - this has to happen after an OpenGL context
        has been created

        # make the OpenGL context associated with this canvas the current one

        data = np.uint8(np.flipud(lena()))
        w,h = data.shape
        # generate a texture id, make it current
        self.texture = gl.glGenTextures(1)

        # texture mode and parameters controlling wrapping and scaling
        gl.glTexEnvf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_ENV, gl.GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, gl.GL_MODULATE )
        gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_REPEAT )
        gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_REPEAT )
        gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR )
        gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR )

        # map the image data to the texture. note that if the input
        # type is GL_FLOAT, the values must be in the range [0..1]
예제 #5
def IST():
    from scipy.misc import lena
    #from numpy.random import random

    x = lena()

    xx = x + np.random.random(x.shape) * 255 / 10
    xx, ys = ISTreal(xx, p=1.0)
    xx = idwt2_full(xx)

    a = np.random.random(x.shape) * 255 / 10
    error = abs(xx - x)

    print mean(a)
    print mean(error)


    imshow(ys, cmap='gray')
    imshow(xx, cmap='gray')
    savefig('stackexchange.png', dpi=300)
    def _plot_default(self):
        # Create a GridContainer to hold all of our plots: 2 rows, 4 columns:
        container = GridContainer(fill_padding=True,
                                  bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer=True,
                                  shape=(2, 4))

        arrangements = [('top left', 'h'),
                        ('top right', 'h'),
                        ('top left', 'v'),
                        ('top right', 'v'),
                        ('bottom left', 'h'),
                        ('bottom right', 'h'),
                        ('bottom left', 'v'),
                        ('bottom right', 'v')]
        orientation_name = {'h': 'horizontal', 'v': 'vertical'}

        pd = ArrayPlotData(image=lena())
        # Plot some bessel functions and add the plots to our container
        for origin, orientation in arrangements:
            plot = Plot(pd, default_origin=origin, orientation=orientation)

            # Attach some tools to the plot
            zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

            title = '{0}, {1}'
            plot.title = title.format(orientation_name[orientation],
                                      origin.replace(' ', '-'))

            # Add to the grid container

        return container
예제 #7
    def setUp(self):
        im = lena()
        self.lena_offset = np.array((256, 256))
        s = hs.signals.Image(np.zeros((10, 100, 100)))
        self.scales = np.array((0.1, 0.3))
        self.offsets = np.array((-2, -3))
        izlp = []
        for ax, offset, scale in zip(
                s.axes_manager.signal_axes, self.offsets, self.scales):
            ax.scale = scale
            ax.offset = offset
        self.izlp = izlp
        self.ishifts = np.array([(0, 0), (4, 2), (1, 3), (-2, 2), (5, -2),
                                 (2, 2), (5, 6), (-9, -9), (-9, -9), (-6, -9)])
        self.new_offsets = self.offsets - self.ishifts.min(0) * self.scales
        zlp_pos = self.ishifts + self.izlp
        for i in xrange(10):
            slices = self.lena_offset - zlp_pos[i, ...]
            s.data[i, ...] = im[slices[0]:slices[0] + 100,
                                slices[1]:slices[1] + 100]
        self.spectrum = s

        # How image should be after successfull alignment
        smin = self.ishifts.min(0)
        smax = self.ishifts.max(0)
        offsets = self.lena_offset + self.offsets / self.scales - smin
        size = np.array((100, 100)) - (smax - smin)
        self.aligned = im[offsets[0]:offsets[0] + size[0],
                          offsets[1]:offsets[1] + size[1]]
예제 #8
파일: core.py 프로젝트: idf/scanify
 def run(self, img=misc.lena(), increase=True):
     img = misc.imread('/Users/Daniel/Desktop/p0.jpg')
     img_blurred = self.__blur(img)
     img = self.__divide(img, img_blurred)
     if False:
         img = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(img)
     misc.imsave('/Users/Daniel/Desktop/p1.jpg', img)
예제 #9
def get_image():
    # Build Image
        filename = sys.argv[1]
        image = ndimage.imread(filename, flatten=True).astype(np.float32)
    except IndexError:
        image = misc.lena().astype(np.float32)
    return image
예제 #10
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    Generates a set of test for the registration methods.

    image = misc.lena()
    image = nd.zoom(image, 0.50)

    if metafunc.function is test_shift:

        for displacement in np.arange(-10.,10.):

            p = np.array([displacement, displacement])

            template = warp(

                id='dx={}, dy={}'.format(

    if metafunc.function is test_affine:

        # test the displacement component
        for displacement in np.arange(-10.,10.):

            p = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., displacement, displacement])

            template = warp(

                    id='dx={}, dy={}'.format(
예제 #11
def plot_lena_overlay():
    logo = ScipyLogo((300, 300), 180)
    img = lena()
    #mask = logo.get_mask(img.shape, 'upper left')
    #img[mask] = 255
예제 #12
    def setUp( self ):
        import numpy as np
        self.np = np
        from scipy.misc import lena
        self.lena = lena()

        self.raw = np.zeros((1,512,512,1,1))
        self.raw[0,:,:,0,0] = self.lena
        self.source = ArraySource( self.raw )
def main():
    img = lena()

    frames, desc = imagesift.get_sift_keypoints(img)

    out = imagesift.draw_sift_frames(img, frames)

    cv2.imshow('sift image', out)
예제 #14
def main():
    print "Loading Lena image..."
    # img_size = 50, 50
    # orig_img = misc.lena()[160:160+img_size[0], 160:160+img_size[1]]

    orig_img = misc.lena()

    print "Image dtype: %s" % orig_img.dtype
    print "Image size: %6d" % orig_img.size
    print "Image shape: %3dx%3d" % (orig_img.shape[0], orig_img.shape[1])
    print "Max value %3d at pixel %6d" % (orig_img.max(), orig_img.argmax())
    print "Min value %3d at pixel %6d" % (orig_img.min(), orig_img.argmin())
    print "Variance: %1.5f" % orig_img.var()
    print "Standard deviation: %1.5f" % orig_img.std()

    misc.imsave("orig.png", orig_img)

    # Generate additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
    print "Generating noisy image..."

    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        # Use sigma specified by the user
        user_sigma = float(sys.argv[1])
        noise = get_noise(noise_size=orig_img.size, noise_sigma=user_sigma)
        # Use default sigma
        noise = get_noise(noise_size=orig_img.size)

    nois_img = get_noisy_img(orig_img, noise)
    misc.imsave("noisy.png", nois_img)

    # Normalize image, that is, translate values in image so its
    # distribution is comparable to a normal N(0, 1) (mean = 0.0,
    # standard deviation = 1.0). This way, parameters of the denoising
    # algorithm, like h and sigma, are independent of the values and
    # distribution of the image.
    print "Normalizing noisy image..."
    nois_img_mean = nois_img.mean()
    nois_img_std  = nois_img.std()

    normal_nois_img = nois_img - nois_img_mean
    if nois_img_std > 0.01: # Divide by std. dev. if it is not zero
        normal_nois_img /= nois_img_std

    # Test saving and loading a noisy image.
    print "Saving as TMP format..."
    save_to_tmp("noisy.tmp", normal_nois_img)

    print "Load from TMP format..."
    loaded_img = load_from_tmp("noisy.tmp")[0]

    # Check if saved and loaded image are quite similar (some small error
    # could be expected)
    if numpy.allclose(normal_nois_img, loaded_img):
        print "Saved and loaded images are equal"
        print "Saved and loaded images are NOT equal"
 def __init__(self):
     iris         = datasets.load_iris()
     self._x_iris = iris.data
     self._y_iris = iris.target
        self._lena = sp.lena()
     except AttributeError:
        from scipy import misc
        self._lena = misc.lena()
예제 #16
def gen_lena():
    Generate a (512, 512, 2) matrix where first layer is
    lena image. And the second layer is an array of 0s
    from scipy.misc import lena 
    lena = np.atleast_3d(lena()).astype(np.float32)
    zeros = np.zeros_like(lena)
    feats = np.dstack([lena, zeros])
    return feats
예제 #17
파일: tasks.py 프로젝트: mathiasose/TDT4195
def task5():
    img_mat = np.asarray(normalize_intensity(lena()))
    outputs = dict()
    for param in (0.1, 0.3, 0.8):
        outputs[param] = salt_and_pepper_noise(img_mat, param)
        file_name = 'noisy_{}.png'.format(str(param).replace('.', '_'))
        imsave(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, file_name), outputs[param])

    pl.imshow(outputs[0.1], cmap=cm.Greys_r)
예제 #18
def test_downsample():
    Tests register data down-sampling.
    image = register.RegisterData(misc.lena())
    for factor in [1, 2, 4, 6, 8 ,10]:
        subSampled = image.downsample(factor)
        assert subSampled.data.shape[0] == image.data.shape[0] / factor
        assert subSampled.data.shape[1] == image.data.shape[1] / factor
        assert subSampled.coords.spacing == factor
예제 #19
def main():
    print "Loading Lena image..."
    orig_img = misc.lena()[160:160+10, 160:160+10]

    print "Image dtype: %s" % orig_img.dtype
    print "Image size: %6d" % orig_img.size
    print "Image shape: %3dx%3d" % (orig_img.shape[0], orig_img.shape[1])
    print "Max value %3d at pixel %6d" % (orig_img.max(), orig_img.argmax())
    print "Min value %3d at pixel %6d" % (orig_img.min(), orig_img.argmin())
    print "Variance: %1.5f" % orig_img.var()
    print "Standard deviation: %1.5f" % orig_img.std()

    misc.imsave("orig.png", orig_img)

    print "Generating noisy image..."
    print "Noise standard deviation: %1.5f" % noise_sigma

    # Generate additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with specifed sigma
    normal_noise = np.random.normal(scale=noise_sigma, size=orig_img.size)
    normal_noise = normal_noise.reshape(orig_img.shape)

    nois_img = orig_img + normal_noise

    misc.imsave("noisy.png", nois_img)

    # Normalize image, that is, translate values in image so its distribution
    # is comparable to a normal N(0, 1) (mean = 0.0, standard deviation = 1.0).
    # This way, parameters of the denoising algorithm, like h and sigma, are
    # independent of the values and distribution of the image.
    print "Normalizing noisy image..."
    nois_img_mean = nois_img.mean()
    nois_img_std  = nois_img.std()

    normal_nois_img = np.empty(nois_img.shape, dtype=np.float32)

    for x in xrange(normal_nois_img.shape[0]):
        for y in xrange(normal_nois_img.shape[1]):
            normal_nois_val = nois_img[x, y] - nois_img_mean
            if nois_img_std != 0.000001: normal_nois_val /= nois_img_std
            normal_nois_img[x, y] = normal_nois_val

    print "Denoising image..."
    normal_rest_img = denoise2D(normal_nois_img, True)

    print "Denormalizing noisy image..."
    rest_img = np.empty(nois_img.shape, dtype=orig_img.dtype)

    for x in xrange(rest_img.shape[0]):
        for y in xrange(rest_img.shape[1]):
            rest_val = normal_rest_img[x, y] * nois_img_std
            rest_val += nois_img_mean
            rest_img[x, y] = rest_val

    print "Storing denoised image..."
    misc.imsave("denoised.png", rest_img)
예제 #20
파일: test_lpool.py 프로젝트: npinto/sthor
    def test_test_lena_npy_array():

        arr_in = lena()[::32, ::32].astype(DTYPE)

        idx = [[4, 2], [4, 2]]

        gt = np.array([1280.99987793, 992.0], dtype=DTYPE)

        arr_out = lpool(arr_in, plugin=plugin, plugin_kwargs=plugin_kwargs)
        gv = arr_out[idx]
        assert_allclose_round(gv, gt, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
예제 #21
        def setUp( self ):
            import numpy as np
            self.np = np
            from scipy.misc import lena
            self.lena = lena()
            self.raw = np.zeros((1,512,512,1,1), dtype=np.uint8)
            self.raw[0,:,:,0,0] = self.lena

            g = Graph()
            op = OpDataProvider(g, self.raw)
            self.source = LazyflowSource(op, "Data")
예제 #22
def test_CubicSpline_estimate():
    Asserts that scaling a warp field is a reasonable thing to do.
    scale = 2.0
    # Form a high resolution image.
    high = register.RegisterData(misc.lena().astype(np.double))
    # Form a low resolution image.
    low = high.downsample(scale)
    # Make a deformed low resolution image.
    p = model.CubicSpline(low.coords).identity
    p += np.random.rand(p.shape[0]) * 100 - 50
    warp = model.CubicSpline(low.coords).transform(p)
    dlow = sampler.Nearest(low.coords).f(
        low.coords.tensor - warp
    # Scale the low resolution warp field to the same size as the high resolution 
    # image. 
    hwarp = np.array( [nd.zoom(warp[0],scale), nd.zoom(warp[1],scale)] ) * scale
    # Estimate the high resolution spline parameters that best fit the 
    # enlarged warp field.
    invB = np.linalg.pinv(model.CubicSpline(high.coords).basis)
    pHat = np.hstack(
        (np.dot(invB, hwarp[1].flatten()), 
         np.dot(invB, hwarp[0].flatten()))
    warpHat = model.CubicSpline(high.coords).warp(pHat)
    # Make a deformed high resolution image.
    dhigh = sampler.Nearest(high.coords).f(high.data, warpHat).reshape(high.data.shape)
    # down-sample the deformed high-resolution image and assert that the 
    # pixel values are "close".
    dhigh_low = nd.zoom(dhigh, 1.0/scale)
    # Assert that the down-sampler highresolution image is "roughly" similar to
    # the low resolution image.
    assert (np.abs((dhigh_low[:] - dlow[:])).sum() / dlow.size < 10.0), \
        "Normalized absolute error is greater than 10 pixels."
예제 #23
파일: test_lpool.py 프로젝트: npinto/sthor
    def test_strides_scipy_naive():

        arr_in = lena() / 1.0
        arr_in = arr_in[:12, :12]

        for stride in xrange(1, 12):
                gt = lpool(arr_in, stride=stride, plugin="scipy_naive")
                gv = lpool(arr_in, stride=stride, plugin=plugin, plugin_kwargs=plugin_kwargs)
                assert_array_equal(gv, gt)
            except NotImplementedError:
                raise SkipTest
예제 #24
def old_ex():
    img = lena()
    # the underlying signal is a sinusoidally modulated image
    t = np.arange(100)
    time = np.sin(0.1 * t)
    real = time[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * img[np.newaxis, ...]

    # we add some noise
    noisy = real + np.random.randn(*real.shape) * 255

    # (observations, features) matrix
    M = noisy.reshape(noisy.shape[0], -1)
예제 #25
def main():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('image', Image, queue_size=1)
    img = cv2.cvtColor(lena().astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
    msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding='bgr8')
    msg.header.frame_id = 'camera'
    # publish in 30 hz
    rate = rospy.Rate(30)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
예제 #26
def test_2d(fac = .3):
    from scipy.misc import lena

    d = lena().astype(np.float32)

    d = d[:,:-10]
    sig = .2*np.amax(d)
    y = d+sig*np.random.uniform(0,1.,d.shape)

    out = nlm2(y.astype(np.float32),fac*sig,3,5)

    return out
예제 #27
파일: test_lpool.py 프로젝트: npinto/sthor
    def test_test_lena_pt3_array():

        lena32 = lena()[::32, ::32].astype(DTYPE) / 255.0
        arr_in = Array(lena32.shape, dtype=DTYPE)
        arr_in[:] = lena32

        idx = [[4, 2], [4, 2]]

        gt = np.array([5.02353001, 3.89019608], dtype=DTYPE)

        arr_out = lpool(arr_in, plugin=plugin, plugin_kwargs=plugin_kwargs)
        gv = arr_out[idx]
        assert_allclose_round(gv, gt, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
예제 #28
파일: test_lnorm.py 프로젝트: npinto/sthor
    def test_lena_npy_array():

        arr_in = lena()[::32, ::32].astype(DTYPE)

        idx = [[4, 2], [4, 2]]

        gt = np.array([0.2178068, 0.30647671],

        arr_out = lnorm(arr_in,
                        plugin=plugin, plugin_kwargs=plugin_kwargs)
        gv = arr_out[idx]
        assert_allclose(gv, gt, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
예제 #29
def test_strides_self():

    arr_in = lena() / 1.
    arr_in = arr_in[:12, :12]
    arr_in.shape = arr_in.shape[:2] + (1,)
    neighborhood = 3, 3

    for stride in xrange(1, 12):

        arr_out = lpool3(arr_in, neighborhood)
        gt = arr_out[::stride, ::stride]
        gv = lpool3(arr_in, neighborhood, stride=stride)
        assert_array_equal(gv, gt)
예제 #30
 def __init__(self):
     self.numImages = 1
     self.numPatches = 5000
     self.sizePatches = 4#8 must be equal number, to be able to split in half later
     self.imageDataBase = [misc.lena()]
     self.patchDataBase = []
     self.concImgArray = np.zeros((self.sizePatches*self.sizePatches,self.numPatches))
     for i in range(self.numPatches):
          #should be random num
         randPosX = random.randint(self.sizePatches/2, self.imageDataBase[self.numImages-1].shape[0]-self.sizePatches/2)            
         randPosY = random.randint(self.sizePatches/2, self.imageDataBase[self.numImages-1].shape[1]-self.sizePatches/2)                        
예제 #31
        inline(code, ['A', 'K', 'R', 'l', 'b', 'N', 'M', 'U', 'V', 'Z'],
        A_ = np.dot(U, V)
    return A_ + mean

#Rework of lena example
#From https://gist.github.com/thearn/5424219
#Full matrix SVD, low rank approximation
approx = K = 30
iterations = I = 10
A = np.asarray(lena(), dtype=np.double)
A_ = lowrank_SVD(A, approx=K)
plot.title("Low Rank SVD (full matrix) RMSE = ")
plot.imshow(A_, cmap=cm.gray)

#Sparse matrix setup
sparseness = .85
A = lena()
for i in xrange(len(A)):
    for j in xrange(len(A[i])):
        if np.random.rand() < sparseness:
            A[i, j] = 0.

#Sparse lena
예제 #32
# See
# http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/41526-gray-scale-image-segmentation-using-normalized-graphcuts/
# for a similar implementation in MATLAB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigh
from scipy.misc import imresize
# Downsized lena
# Converted with imagemagick
# convert -geometry 80x80 lenna.jpg lenna.jpg
# im = plt.imread("lenna.jpg")
from scipy.misc import lena
im = lena()
from scipy.misc import face
im = face(gray=True)

# Any bigger and my weak laptop gets memory errors
bounds = (50, 50)
im = imresize(im, bounds, interp="bicubic")
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
# zoom only works from 80 -> 50, not 512 -> 50
frac_x = bounds[0] / float(im.shape[0])
frac_y = bounds[1] / float(im.shape[1])
frac = (frac_x, frac_y)
im = zoom(im, frac, order=1)
        if is_correct[i]:
            plt.title(msg, color='green')
            plt.title(msg, color='red')
        for j in range(nsteps):
            plt.subplot(h, w, i * 2 * w + 2 + 1 + j)
            plt.imshow(patches_left[i, j])
            plt.subplot(h, w, i * 2 * w + 2 + 1 + j + w)
            plt.imshow(patches_right[i, j])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from scipy.misc import lena
    imgs = lena()[None, ...].repeat(3, axis=0)
    patches_left = lena()[None, None, :256].repeat(3, axis=0).repeat(5, axis=1)
    patches_right = lena()[None, None, 256:].repeat(3, axis=0).repeat(5,
    true_label = np.array(['angry', 'angry', 'sad'])
    predicted_label = np.array(['sad'] * 3)
    visualizefacenet('lena.pdf', imgs, patches_left, patches_right, true_label,

# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab:
예제 #34
from scipy.misc import lena
from pylab import imread
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from stl_tools import numpy2stl, text2png
Some quick examples

A = lena()  # load Lena image, shrink in half
A = gaussian_filter(A, 1)  # smoothing
numpy2stl(A, "examples/Lena.stl", scale=0.1, solid=False)

A = 256 * imread("examples/example_data/NASA.png")
A = A[:, :, 2] + 1.0 * A[:, :, 0]  # Compose RGBA channels to give depth
A = gaussian_filter(A, 1)  # smoothing
numpy2stl(A, "examples/NASA.stl", scale=0.05, mask_val=5., solid=True)

A = 256 * imread("examples/example_data/openmdao.png")
A = A[:, :,
      0] + 1. * A[:, :, 3]  # Compose some elements from RGBA to give depth
A = gaussian_filter(A, 2)  # smoothing

text = ("$\oint_{\Gamma} (A\, dx + B\, dy) = \iint_{U} \left(\\frac{\partial "
        "B}{\partial x} - \\frac{\partial A}{\partial y}\\right)\ dxdy$ \n\n "
        "$\\frac{\partial \\rho}{\partial t} + \\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}"
예제 #35
import numpy as np
from oclutils import Ocl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def myhist256(img):
    res = np.clip(img.astype(np.int32), 0, 255)
    h = np.histogram(res, bins=256, range=(0, 255))
    return h[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from scipy.misc import lena
    img = lena().astype(np.int32)  # !

    Nr, Nc = img.shape

    # Initialize device
    ocl = Ocl(profile=True)
    print("running on %s" % ocl.devicename)

    # Build Program
    program = ocl.compile_file("opencl/histogram.cl")

    # Device memory
    d_input = ocl.to_device(img, flags="r")
    d_output = ocl.create_buffer_zeros(256, np.int32)

    # Execute
    wg = None
예제 #36
    imgs = np.array(imgs)
    X = imgs[0].copy()
    P = nabla(X)
    Rs = np.zeros_like(imgs)
    for i in xrange(iter_n):
        P = project_nd(P + sigma * nabla(X), 1.0)
        Rs = np.clip(Rs + sigma * (X - imgs), -clambda, clambda)
        X1 = X - tau * (nablaT(P) + Rs.sum(0))
        X = X1 + theta * (X1 - X)
    return X

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.misc import lena
    img_ref = lena()[140:, 120:][:256, :256] / 255.0

    def make_noisy(img):
        # add gaussian noise
        img = img + 0.1 * np.random.normal(size=img.shape)
        # add some outliers in on the right side of the image
        m = np.random.rand(*img.shape) < 0.2
        m[:, :160] = 0
        img[m] = np.random.rand(m.sum())
        return img

    def make_spotty(img, r=3, n=1000):
        img = img.copy()
        h, w = img.shape
        for i in xrange(n):
            x, y = np.int32(np.random.rand(2) * (w - r, h - r))
예제 #37
파일: py5_np_pd.py 프로젝트: vmoroz2/try2
#--- plot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ipy interactive plot spyder Tools>Preferences>Ipython Console>Graphics>Graphics Backend
# plt.show(), weak win_upd; fig_window_update stopped working (need to resize win to update); plt.show(),spyder_restart did not help;
from numpy import *; from matplotlib.pyplot import *; from scipy.misc import lena;
# import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt; from scipy.misc import lena;
# plot,axis,lbl etc
x=arange(0,2,.01); y=sin(2*pi*x); theta=arange(0,2*pi,0.001); r=sin(2*theta);
clf(); subplot(211); plot(x,y,'g+'); subplot(212); semilogy(x,1.5+y,'r',linewidth=1); # semilogy(x,linewidth=1); loglog(x,y); scatter(x,y); polar(theta,r);
axis([0,10,0,5]); text(2,.25,'t2'); xlabel('x1'); ylabel('y1'); title('a$^2$'); grid(1); # xlim,xticks;
show(); ion(); ioff(); # interactive mode (worked before,not now?)
clf(); hist(x**2,50);
# contour,surface etc
o=r_[-2:2:100j]; [x,y]=meshgrid(o,o); z=x*power(math.e,-x**2-y**2);
clf(); contour(x,y,z,cmap=cm.gray,origin='lower',extent=(-3,3,-3,3)); im=imshow(z,interpolation='bilinear',origin='lower',extent=(-3,3,-3,3));
contour(); contourf(); colorbar(); quiver(x,z); # quiver - plot arrows
clf(); imshow(lena(),cmap=cm.gray) # image_proc; cm only pseudo_color?
d=random.rand(2,100)*512; scatter(d[0,:],d[1,:]); # clf(); hist(lena().flatten(),50);
savefig('foo.pdf') # os.system('merge ...');
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages; pp=PdfPages('multipage.pdf'); pp.savefig(); pp.close(); # no '-append to fnm_existing'
#--- numpy arrays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
###n=2; nt=5; a=[None]*n; b=np.zeros((n,nt)); b[:]=np.nan; c=np.zeros((n,nt),dtype=object); c[:]=None; # init list,vec,array NaN/None

# ML_arrays pass-by-value semantics,slice_copy,lazy copy-on-write;
# np.array pass-by-ref, slice_view(ptr); vec is 1d np.array; "usemask"~array_bool; np.array "go by row",ML "go by col"
# single_ix[3],slice[2:5],ix_arr[1,2,4],mask_arr[T,T,F,T];
# visualization: (d1,d2,d3) d1-outer,(d2,d3); ML (d1,d2),d3 outer;
# vec (array ndim=1) and array often behave differently;
# array_column-major order ML,Fortran,R; array_row-maj C/cpp,py
# array - row,col,page(3rd dim); array fn works on lists, not the opposite
import numpy as np; from numpy import r_,c_,ix_; # np.matrix more ML-like,2D-only; to be avoided;
n=3; nt=4; A=np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],dtype=np.float); A.astype('complex'); B=np.array([A,A,A,A]); # B is 3D
예제 #38
    x = np.random.normal(size=(size, size, size))
    y = np.random.normal(size=(3, size, size, size))

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(gradient(x) * y),
                                   -np.sum(x * div(y)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # First our test
    from scipy.misc import lena
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from time import time

    # Smoke test on lena
    l = lena().astype(np.float)
    # normalize image between 0 and 1
    l /= l.max()
    l += 0.1 * l.std() * np.random.randn(*l.shape)
    t0 = time()
    res = tv_denoise_fista(l, weight=2.5, eps=5.e-5, verbose=True)
    t1 = time()
    print t1 - t0
    plt.imshow(l, cmap='gray')
    plt.imshow(res, cmap='gray')

    # Smoke test on a 3D random image with hidden structure
from scipy import misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

lena = misc.lena().astype(float)/255.0
noisy_mask = np.random.poisson(0.05, lena.shape) > 0
noisy_lena = np.array(lena)
noisy_lena[noisy_mask] = 0
# print lena
# print noisy_lena
# print np.random.poisson(0.1, lena.shape).astype(float)

fig = plt.figure()
예제 #40
파일: images.py 프로젝트: oJacker/_python
from scipy import misc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import ndimage
# (1) 载入Lena图像,并使用灰度颜色表将其在子图中显示出来。
image = misc.lena().astype(np.float32)
plt.title("Original Image")
img = plt.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
# 2) 中值滤波器扫描信号的每一个数据点,并替换为相邻数据点的中值。
plt.title("Median Filter")
filtered = ndimage.median_filter(image, size=(42,42))
plt.imshow(filtered, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
plt.axis("off" )
# (3) 旋转图像并显示在第三个子图中。
rotated = ndimage.rotate(image, 90)
plt.imshow(rotated, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
# (4) Prewitt滤波器是基于图像强度的梯度计算。对图像应用Prewitt滤波器并显示在第四个子图中
plt.title("Prewitt Filter")
filtered = ndimage.prewitt(image)
plt.imshow(filtered, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
예제 #41
                        channel_order=cl.channel_order.RGBA) for i in range(2)

    outImg = dev.createImage(data.shape[::-1],

    dev.writeImage(inImg, data.astype(np.float32))
    dev.writeImage(pImgs[0], np.zeros((4, ) + data.shape, dtype=np.float32))
    dev.writeImage(pImgs[1], np.zeros((4, ) + data.shape, dtype=np.float32))

    for i in range(Niter):
        proc.runKernel("div_step", inImg.shape, None, inImg, pImgs[i % 2],
        proc.runKernel("grad_step", inImg.shape, None, outImg, pImgs[i % 2],
                       pImgs[1 - i % 2], np.float32(weight))
    return dev.readImage(outImg, dtype=np.float32)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from scipy.misc import lena

    d = lena()

    d = np.random.poisson(d, d.shape)

    res = bilateral2(d, 3, 100.)
예제 #42
파일: plot_lena.py 프로젝트: apa711/ORE
Displaying Lena

Small example to plot lena.

from scipy import misc
l = misc.lena()
misc.imsave('lena.png', l) # uses the Image module (PIL)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
예제 #43
from __future__ import division
from pylab import *
from scipy.misc import lena, imresize
from numpy import savetxt

x = lena()
#N = 2**9
#x = imresize(x, (N, N))
x = x / x.max()

savetxt('input.csv', x, delimiter=',')


예제 #44
def transforms_1():
    WIP image transforms collection.

    assert False, 'TODO'

    from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
    image = Image.open('downloads/jcfeb2011.jpg')

    ## Sharpness - 0.0 gives a blurred image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image, and a factor of 2.0 gives a sharpened image:
    i2 = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image).enhance(factor)

    ## An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.
    i2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image).enhance(factor)

    ## An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a solid grey image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.
    i2 = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image).enhance(factor)

    ## An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black and white image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.
    i2 = ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(factor)

    ## Rotate, -180 to 180, resample=Image.NEAREST, resample=Image.BILINEAR, resample=Image.BICUBIC:
    i2 = i1.rotate(45)

    ## Rotate without cropping:
    i2 = i2.rotate(45, expand=True)

    ## Specify transparent color:
    transparency = im.info['transparency']
    im.save('icon.gif', transparency=transparency)

    ## Crop off max 10% from each side:

    width, height = i1.size
    left = width / randint(10, 100)
    top = height / randint(10, 100)
    right = width - (width / randint(10, 100))
    bottom = height - (height / randint(10, 100))
    i2 = i1.crop((left, top, right, bottom))

    ### http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.1.x/reference/ImageOps.html

    ## cutoff – How many percent to cut off from the histogram. ignore – The background pixel value (use None for no background).
    PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast(image, cutoff=0, ignore=None)

    ## The black and white arguments should be RGB tuples;
    PIL.ImageOps.colorize(image, black, white)

    ## Remove border from image. The same amount of pixels are removed from all four sides.
    PIL.ImageOps.crop(image, border=0)

    ## Applies a non-linear mapping to the input image, in order to create a uniform distribution of grayscale values in the output image.
    PIL.ImageOps.equalize(image, mask=None)

    ## Add border to the image
    PIL.ImageOps.expand(image, border=0, fill=0)

    ## Returns a sized and cropped version of the image, cropped to the requested aspect ratio and size.
    PIL.ImageOps.fit(image, size, method=0, bleed=0.0, centering=(0.5, 0.5))

    ## Convert the image to grayscale.

    ## Reduce the number of bits for each color channel.
    PIL.ImageOps.posterize(image, bits)

    #### Perspective transformation: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14177744/how-does-perspective-transformation-work-in-pil

    ## http://cbio.ensmp.fr/~nvaroquaux/formations/scipy-lecture-notes/advanced/image_processing/index.html
    ## http://www.scipy-lectures.org/advanced/image_processing/

    from scipy import ndimage
    from scipy import misc
    lena = misc.imread('lena.png')


    ## Cropping
    lena = misc.lena()
    lx, ly = lena.shape
    crop_lena = lena[lx / 4:-lx / 4, ly / 4:-ly / 4]

    ## up <-> down flip
    flip_ud_lena = np.flipud(lena)

    ## rotation
    rotate_lena = ndimage.rotate(lena, 45)
    rotate_lena_noreshape = ndimage.rotate(lena, 45, reshape=False)

    ## Add noise to image:
    noisy = l + 0.4 * l.std() * np.random.random(l.shape)

    ## A Gaussian filter smoothes the noise out... and the edges as well:
    blurred_lena = ndimage.gaussian_filter(lena, sigma=3)
    very_blurred = ndimage.gaussian_filter(lena, sigma=5)

    ##A median filter preserves better the edges:
    med_denoised = ndimage.median_filter(noisy, 3)

    ##Total-variation (TV) denoising. Find a new image so that the total-variation of the image (integral of the norm L1 of the gradient) is minimized, while being close to the measured image:
    from skimage.filter import tv_denoise
    tv_denoised = tv_denoise(noisy, weight=50)

    ## Increase the weight of edges by adding an approximation of the Laplacian:
    filter_blurred_l = ndimage.gaussian_filter(blurred_l, 1)
    alpha = 30
    sharpened = blurred_l + alpha * (blurred_l - filter_blurred_l)
예제 #45
from PIL import Image
from scipy import misc

from scipy import linalg, dot

def transform(input_matrix, dim):
    print len(input_matrix)
    u, sigma, vt = linalg.svd(input_matrix)
    for index in xrange(dim, len(input_matrix)):
        sigma[index] = 0.0
    return dot(dot(u, linalg.diagsvd(sigma, len(input_matrix), len(vt))), vt)

lena = misc.lena()
U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(lena)
compressed = transform(lena, 64)
예제 #46
 def setUp(self):
     self.image = testdata.prepare_image()
     self.lena = Image.fromarray(misc.lena())