예제 #1
def shear(a,dl,method,y,x):
    if method=="v1" :
         return geometric_transform(a,mapping_v1,(y,x+dl),order=5,mode='nearest',extra_arguments=(y,x,dl))[:, dl/2:-dl/2]
    elif method=="v2" :
         return geometric_transform(a,mapping_v2,(y,x+dl),order=5,mode='nearest',extra_arguments=(y,x,dl))[:, dl/2:-dl/2]
    elif method=="h1" :
        return geometric_transform(a,mapping_h1,(y+dl,x),order=5,mode='nearest',extra_arguments=(y,x,dl))[dl/2:-dl/2, :]
    elif method=="h2" :
        return geometric_transform(a,mapping_h2,(y+dl,x),order=5,mode='nearest',extra_arguments=(y,x,dl))[dl/2:-dl/2, :]
예제 #2
def polar_trfm(Im, ntheta, nrad, rmax):
    #Polar Transform
    rows, cols = Im.shape
    cx = (rows + 1) / 2
    cy = (cols + 1) / 2
    #     rmax=(rows-1)/2
    #     deltatheta = 2 * np.pi/(ntheta)
    #     deltarad = rmax/(nrad-1)
    theta_int = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, ntheta)
    r_int = np.linspace(0, rmax, nrad)
    theta, radius = np.meshgrid(theta_int, r_int)

    def transform(coords):
        theta = 2.0 * np.pi * coords[1] / ntheta
        radius = rmax * coords[0] / nrad
        i = cx + radius * np.cos(theta)
        j = radius * np.sin(theta) + cy
        return i, j
#     xi = radius * np.cos(theta) + cx
#     yi = radius * np.sin(theta) + cy

    PolIm = geometric_transform(Im.astype(float),
                                output_shape=(nrad, ntheta))
    PolIm[np.isnan(PolIm[:])] = 0
    return PolIm
예제 #3
def do_geo_warp(image, field):
    def mapper(t):
        x, y = t
        tx, ty = field[x, y]
        return x + tx, y + ty

    return geometric_transform(image, mapper, mode='nearest')
예제 #4
def resample_field(data_src,
    #see http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.interpolation.geometric_transform.htm
    bbox0, bbox1 = np.asarray(bbox_dst), np.asarray(bbox_src)
    o_ = (bbox0[0] - bbox1[0]) / (bbox1[1] - bbox1[0])
    s_ = (bbox0[1] - bbox0[0]) / (bbox1[1] - bbox1[0])
    s_ /= np.asarray(shape_dst) - 1
    o_ *= np.asarray(data_src.shape) - 1
    s_ *= np.asarray(data_src.shape) - 1
    #  def trafo(c_):
    #    q = tuple(c*s+o for (c,s,o) in zip(c_, s_, o_))
    #    return q
    lerp = libkrebs.PyLerp(
        o_, s_)  # speedup of c++ to python implementation: ca x30!!
    #import time
    #t_ = time.time()
    ret = geometric_transform(data_src,
    #print 'resample time: %f' % (time.time()-t_)
    return ret
def topolar(img, order=1):
    Transform img to its polar coordinate representation.

    order: int, default 1
        Specify the spline interpolation order. 
        High orders may be slow for large images.
    # max_radius is the length of the diagonal
    # from a corner to the mid-point of img.

    print "in to polar"
    max_radius = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(img.shape)

    def transform(coords):
        # Put coord[1] in the interval, [-pi, pi]
        theta = 2 * np.pi * coords[1] / (img.shape[1] - 1.)

        # Then map it to the interval [0, max_radius].
        #radius = float(img.shape[0]-coords[0]) / img.shape[0] * max_radius
        radius = max_radius * coords[0] / img.shape[0]

        i = 0.5 * img.shape[0] - radius * np.sin(theta)
        j = radius * np.cos(theta) + 0.5 * img.shape[1]
        return i, j

    print "beginning sklearn geometric transform"
    polar = geometric_transform(img, transform, order=order)
    print "finished geometric transform"

    rads = max_radius * np.linspace(0, 1, img.shape[0])
    angs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, img.shape[1])

    return polar, (rads, angs)
예제 #6
def skew(array, shift_size):
    h, l = array.shape
    def mapping(lc):
        l, c = lc
        dec = (dl * (l - h)) / h
        return l, c + dec
    dl = 50
    c = geometric_transform(a, mapping, (h, l + dl), order=5, mode='nearest')
예제 #7
def undistort_imagearray(imarray, fit_distortion):
    def undistort(coords):
        yp, xp = coords
        yd, xd = yp - fit_distortion(xp), xp
        return (yd, xd)
    return geometric_transform(imarray, undistort)
    def __call__(self, inputs):

        distance = int(np.random.uniform(self.min_distance, self.max_distance))
        inputs = inputs.resize_((28, 28))
        inputs_np = inputs.numpy()

        dimen = np.random.randint(0, 2, 1)

        h, l = 28, 28
        if dimen[0] == 0:

            def _mapping(lc):
                l, c = lc
                dec = (distance * (l - h)) / h
                return l, c + dec

            inputs_np = geometric_transform(inputs_np,
                                            output_shape=(28, 28 + distance),
            start = (28 + distance) // 2 - 14
            end = (28 + distance) // 2 + 14
            inputs_np_center = inputs_np[:, start:end].copy()
            inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs_np_center)


            def _mapping(lc):
                l, c = lc
                dec = (distance * (c - h)) / h
                return l + dec, c

            inputs_np = geometric_transform(inputs_np,
                                            output_shape=(28 + distance, 28),
            start = (28 + distance) // 2 - 14
            end = (28 + distance) // 2 + 14
            inputs_np_center = inputs_np[start:end, ].copy()
            inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs_np_center)

        return inputs.resize_((1, 28, 28))
예제 #9
파일: linegen.py 프로젝트: sixtyfive/kraken
def distort_line(im, distort=3.0, sigma=10, eps=0.03, delta=0.3):
    Distorts a line image.

    Run BEFORE degrade_line as a white border of 5 pixels will be added.

        im (PIL.Image): Input image
        distort (float):
        sigma (float):
        eps (float):
        delta (float):

        PIL.Image in mode 'L'
    w, h = im.size
    # XXX: determine correct output shape from transformation matrices instead
    # of guesstimating.
    logger.debug('Pasting source image into canvas')
    image = Image.new('L', (int(1.5 * w), 4 * h), 255)
    image.paste(im, (int((image.size[0] - w) / 2), int(
        (image.size[1] - h) / 2)))
    line = pil2array(image.convert('L'))

    # shear in y direction with factor eps * randn(), scaling with 1 + eps *
    # randn() in x/y axis (all offset at d)
    logger.debug('Performing affine transformation')
    m = np.array([[1 + eps * np.random.randn(), 0.0],
                  [eps * np.random.randn(), 1.0 + eps * np.random.randn()]])
    c = np.array([w / 2.0, h / 2])
    d = c - np.dot(m, c) + np.array(
        [np.random.randn() * delta,
         np.random.randn() * delta])
    line = affine_transform(line,

    hs = gaussian_filter(np.random.randn(4 * h, int(1.5 * w)), sigma)
    ws = gaussian_filter(np.random.randn(4 * h, int(1.5 * w)), sigma)
    hs *= distort / np.amax(hs)
    ws *= distort / np.amax(ws)

    def _f(p):
        return (p[0] + hs[p[0], p[1]], p[1] + ws[p[0], p[1]])

    logger.debug('Performing geometric transformation')
    im = array2pil(geometric_transform(line, _f, order=1, mode='nearest'))
    logger.debug('Cropping canvas to content box')
    im = im.crop(ImageOps.invert(im).getbbox())
    return im
예제 #10
def cells_from_points(array):
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import geometric_transform

    def shift_func(output_coords):
        return (output_coords[0] - 0.5, output_coords[1] - 0.5)

    cells = geometric_transform(array,
                                output_shape=(array.shape[0] - 1,
                                              array.shape[1] - 1))
    return cells
예제 #11
파일: linegen.py 프로젝트: QuLogic/ocropy
def ocropy_degrade(im, distort=1.0, dsigma=20.0, eps=0.03, delta=0.3, degradations=[(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0)]):
    Degrades and distorts a line using the same noise model used by ocropus.

        im (PIL.Image): Input image
        distort (float):
        dsigma (float):
        eps (float):
        delta (float): 
        degradations (list): list returning 4-tuples corresponding to
                             the degradations argument of ocropus-linegen.

        PIL.Image in mode 'L'
    w, h = im.size
    # XXX: determine correct output shape from transformation matrices instead
    # of guesstimating.
    image = Image.new('L', (int(1.5*w), 4*h), 255)
    image.paste(im, (int((image.size[0] - w) / 2), int((image.size[1] - h) / 2)))
    a = pil2array(image.convert('L'))
    (sigma,ssigma,threshold,sthreshold) = degradations[np.random.choice(len(degradations))]
    sigma += (2*np.random.rand()-1)*ssigma
    threshold += (2*np.random.rand()-1)*sthreshold
    a = a*1.0/np.amax(a)
    if sigma>0.0:
        a = gaussian_filter(a,sigma)
    a += np.clip(np.random.randn(*a.shape)*0.2,-0.25,0.25)
    m = np.array([[1+eps*np.random.randn(),0.0],[eps*np.random.randn(),1.0+eps*np.random.randn()]])
    w,h = a.shape
    c = np.array([w/2.0,h/2])
    d = c-np.dot(m, c)+np.array([np.random.randn()*delta, np.random.randn()*delta])
    a = affine_transform(a, m, offset=d, order=1, mode='constant', cval=a[0,0])
    a = np.array(a>threshold,'f')
    [[r,c]] = find_objects(np.array(a==0,'i'))
    r0 = r.start
    r1 = r.stop
    c0 = c.start
    c1 = c.stop
    a = a[r0-5:r1+5,c0-5:c1+5]
    if distort > 0:
        h,w = a.shape
        hs = np.random.randn(h,w)
        ws = np.random.randn(h,w)
        hs = gaussian_filter(hs, dsigma)
        ws = gaussian_filter(ws, dsigma)
        hs *= distort/np.amax(hs)
        ws *= distort/np.amax(ws)
        def f(p):
            return (p[0]+hs[p[0],p[1]],p[1]+ws[p[0],p[1]])
        a = geometric_transform(a, f, output_shape=(h,w), order=1, mode='constant', cval=np.amax(a))
    im = array2pil(a).convert('L')
    return im
예제 #12
def polar(img, order=5):
    max_radius = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(img.shape)
    def transform(coords):
        theta = (2.0*np.pi*coords[1])/(img.shape[1] -1.)
        radius = (max_radius*coords[0])/img.shape[0]
        i = 0.5*img.shape[0] - radius*np.sin(theta) + img.shape[1] #+ 250
        j = radius*np.cos(theta) + 0.5*img.shape[1] + img.shape[1] #+ 250
        return i, j

    impolar = geometric_transform(img, transform, order=order, mode='nearest', prefilter=True)

    return impolar
예제 #13
def skew(image):
    Skew the provided image.
    Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/33088550/4855984
    h, l = image.shape
    dl = np.random.normal(loc=15, scale=5) # Norm = 15px, Sigma = 5px

    def mapping(lc):
        l, c = lc
        dec = (dl*(l-h))/h
        return l, c+dec
    return geometric_transform(image, mapping, (h, l), order=5, mode='nearest')
예제 #14
def topolar(img, C, R, order=1, ret_mapping=False):
    # Transforms an image from cartasian coordinates to polar coordinates
    # img: image
    # C: center of polar coordinates
    # R max radius
    # order: order of the spline interpolation

    mapping_function = get_mapping_function(C, 720, 200, 2*np.pi, R)
    polar = geometric_transform(img, mapping_function,
                                output_shape=[720, 200], order=order)
    if ret_mapping:
        return polar, mapping_function
    return polar
예제 #15
def apply_affine(input_volume,
    """ Provides methods for applying an affine matrix to a 3D volume. TODO:
        extend this past 3D volumes. Also has a method to apply the matrix in
        Slicer, if Slice is available. Slicer will be much faster, but requires
        a special array format.

        TODO: Get this working for 4D Volumes.

    input_numpy = convert_input_2_numpy(input_volume)

    if method == 'python':

        def affine_calculation(output_coords):
            output_coords = output_coords + (0, )
            return tuple(
                np.matmul(affine_matrix, np.array(output_coords))[:-1])

        return geometric_transform(input_numpy, affine_calculation)

    elif method == 'slicer':

        save_numpy_2_nifti(input_numpy, reference_file, 'temp.nii.gz')
        save_affine(affine_matrix, 'temp.txt')

        Slicer_Command = [
            Slicer_path, '--launch', 'ResampleScalarVectorDWIVolume',
            'temp.nii.gz', 'temp_out.nii.gz', '-f', 'temp.txt', '-i', 'bs'

        call(' '.join(Slicer_Command), shell=True)

        output_array = convert_input_2_numpy('temp_out.nii.gz')


        return output_array

    # return convert_input_2_numpy('temp_out.nii.gz')

        print 'Invalid method parameter. Returning []'
        return []
예제 #16
파일: helper.py 프로젝트: njisrawi/postpic
def transfromxy2polar(matrixxy,
    remaps a matrix matrixxy in kartesian coordinates x,y to a polar
    representation with axes r, phi.
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import geometric_transform
    import numpy as np

    def polar2xy(rphi):
        (r, phi) = rphi
        x = r * np.cos(phi)
        y = r * np.sin(phi)
        return (x, y)

    def koord2index(q1q2, extent, shape):
        (q1, q2) = q1q2
        return ((q1 - extent[0]) / (extent[1] - extent[0]) * shape[0],
                (q2 - extent[2]) / (extent[3] - extent[2]) * shape[1])

    def index2koord(ij, extent, shape):
        (i, j) = ij
        return (extent[0] + i / shape[0] * (extent[1] - extent[0]),
                extent[2] + j / shape[1] * (extent[3] - extent[2]))

    def mappingxy2polar(ij, extentxy, shapexy, extentpolar, shapepolar):
        actually maps indizes of polar matrix to indices of kartesian matrix
        (i, j) = ij
        ret = polar2xy(
            index2koord((float(i), float(j)), extentpolar, shapepolar))
        ret = koord2index(ret, extentxy, shapexy)
        return ret

    ret = geometric_transform(matrixxy,
                              extra_arguments=(extentxy, matrixxy.shape,
                                               extentpolar, shapepolar),
    if ashistogram:  # volumeelement is just r
        r = np.abs(np.linspace(extentpolar[0], extentpolar[1], ret.shape[0]))
        ret = (ret.T * r).T
    return ret
예제 #17
def topolar(img, order=5):
    max_radius = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(img.shape)

    def transform(coords):
        theta = 2.0 * np.pi * coords[1] / (img.shape[1] - 1.)
        radius = max_radius * coords[0] / img.shape[0]
        i = 0.5 * img.shape[0] - radius * np.sin(theta)
        j = radius * np.cos(theta) + 0.5 * img.shape[1]
        return i, j

    polar = geometric_transform(img,
    return polar
예제 #18
def distort_line(im, distort=3.0, sigma=10, eps=0.03, delta=0.3):
    Distorts a line image.

    Run BEFORE degrade_line as a white border of 5 pixels will be added.

        im (PIL.Image): Input image
        distort (float):
        sigma (float):
        eps (float):
        delta (float):

        PIL.Image in mode 'L'
    w, h = im.size
    # XXX: determine correct output shape from transformation matrices instead
    # of guesstimating.
    logger.debug(u'Pasting source image into canvas')
    image = Image.new('L', (int(1.5*w), 4*h), 255)
    image.paste(im, (int((image.size[0] - w) / 2), int((image.size[1] - h) / 2)))
    line = pil2array(image.convert('L'))

    # shear in y direction with factor eps * randn(), scaling with 1 + eps *
    # randn() in x/y axis (all offset at d)
    logger.debug(u'Performing affine transformation')
    m = np.array([[1 + eps * np.random.randn(), 0.0], [eps * np.random.randn(), 1.0 + eps * np.random.randn()]])
    c = np.array([w/2.0, h/2])
    d = c - np.dot(m, c) + np.array([np.random.randn() * delta, np.random.randn() * delta])
    line = affine_transform(line, m, offset=d, order=1, mode='constant', cval=255)

    hs = gaussian_filter(np.random.randn(4*h, int(1.5*w)), sigma)
    ws = gaussian_filter(np.random.randn(4*h, int(1.5*w)), sigma)
    hs *= distort/np.amax(hs)
    ws *= distort/np.amax(ws)

    def _f(p):
        return (p[0] + hs[p[0], p[1]], p[1] + ws[p[0], p[1]])

    logger.debug(u'Performing geometric transformation')
    im = array2pil(geometric_transform(line, _f, order=1, mode='nearest'))
    logger.debug(u'Cropping canvas to content box')
    im = im.crop(ImageOps.invert(im).getbbox())
    return im
예제 #19
파일: imageGen.py 프로젝트: WUT-IDEA/TTL
def rdistort(image, distort=3.0, dsigma=10.0, cval=0):
    h, w = image.shape
    hs = np.random.randn(h, w)
    ws = np.random.randn(h, w)
    hs = filters.gaussian_filter(hs, dsigma)
    ws = filters.gaussian_filter(ws, dsigma)
    hs *= distort / amax(hs)
    ws *= distort / amax(ws)

    def f(p):
        return (p[0] + hs[p[0], p[1]], p[1] + ws[p[0], p[1]])

    return interpolation.geometric_transform(image,
                                             output_shape=(h, w),
예제 #20
def fix_distortion(image, centers, tracedir=-1):
    '''Fit the path of the trace with a polynomial, and warp the image
    back to straight.'''
    tracedir = abs(tracedir)
    centers = Robust2D(centers)
    centers = (centers.T - centers.T[0,:]).T.combine()
    distortion = centers.fit_to_model(Polynomial1D(degree=2), 
    def undistort(coords):
        xp, yp = coords
        if tracedir:
            xp, yp = yp, xp
        if tracedir:
            return yp - distortion(xp), xp
        return xp, yp-distortion(xp)

    return geometric_transform(image, undistort)
예제 #21
def topolar(img, center, order=5):
    # max_radius = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(img.shape)

    # def transform(coords):
    #     """
    #     :param coords: coords in output image
    #     :return: coords in input image
    #     """
    #     theta = 2.0 * np.pi * coords[1] / (img.shape[1] - 1.)
    #     radius = max_radius * coords[0] / img.shape[0]
    #     i = center[0] - radius * np.sin(theta)
    #     j = center[1] - radius * np.cos(theta)
    #     return i, j
    transform2polar_p = partial(transform2polar, center=center, shape=img.shape)

    polar = geometric_transform(img, transform2polar_p, order=order, mode='nearest', prefilter=True)

    return polar
예제 #22
def transfromxy2polar(matrixxy, extentxy,
                      extentpolar, shapepolar, ashistogram=True):
    remaps a matrix matrixxy in kartesian coordinates x,y to a polar
    representation with axes r, phi.
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import geometric_transform
    import numpy as np

    def polar2xy(rphi):
        (r, phi) = rphi
        x = r * np.cos(phi)
        y = r * np.sin(phi)
        return (x, y)

    def koord2index(q1q2, extent, shape):
        (q1, q2) = q1q2
        return ((q1 - extent[0]) / (extent[1] - extent[0]) * shape[0],
                (q2 - extent[2]) / (extent[3] - extent[2]) * shape[1])

    def index2koord(ij, extent, shape):
        (i, j) = ij
        return (extent[0] + i / shape[0] * (extent[1] - extent[0]),
                extent[2] + j / shape[1] * (extent[3] - extent[2]))

    def mappingxy2polar(ij, extentxy, shapexy, extentpolar, shapepolar):
        actually maps indizes of polar matrix to indices of kartesian matrix
        (i, j) = ij
        ret = polar2xy(index2koord((float(i), float(j)),
                                   extentpolar, shapepolar))
        ret = koord2index(ret, extentxy, shapexy)
        return ret

    ret = geometric_transform(matrixxy, mappingxy2polar,
                              extra_arguments=(extentxy, matrixxy.shape,
                                               extentpolar, shapepolar),
    if ashistogram:  # volumeelement is just r
        r = np.abs(np.linspace(extentpolar[0], extentpolar[1], ret.shape[0]))
        ret = (ret.T * r).T
    return ret
예제 #23
def topolar(img, order=3):
    Transform img to its polar coordinate representation.

    order: int, default 1
        Specify the spline interpolation order.
        High orders may be slow for large images.
    # max_radius is the length of the diagonal
    # from a corner to the mid-point of img.

    max_radius = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(img.shape)


    def transform(coords):

        #print("coords ",coords)
        # Put coord[1] in the interval, [-pi, pi]
        theta = 2 * np.pi * coords[1] / (img.shape[1] - 1.)
        #print("theta ", theta)

        # Then map it to the interval [0, max_radius].
        #radius = float(img.shape[0]-coords[0]) / img.shape[0] * max_radius
        radius = max_radius * coords[0] / img.shape[0]
        #print("radius ", radius)
        i = 0.5 * img.shape[0] - radius * np.sin(theta)
        j = radius * np.cos(theta) + 0.5 * img.shape[1]

        if coords == (0, 0):
            print(theta, radius)
        return i, j

    polar = geometric_transform(img, transform, order=order)

    print(img.shape, polar.shape)
    rads = max_radius * np.linspace(0, 1, img.shape[0])
    angs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, img.shape[1])

    return polar, (rads, angs)
예제 #24
def tocart(img, center, order=5):
    # max_radius = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(img.shape)

    # def transform(coords):
    #     """
    #     :param coords: coords in output image
    #     :return: coords in input image
    #     """
    #     xindex, yindex = coords
    #     x = xindex - center[1]
    #     y = yindex - center[0]
    #     r = np.sqrt(x ** 2.0 + y ** 2.0) * (img.shape[1] / max_radius)
    #     theta = np.arctan2(y, x, where=True)
    #     theta_index = (theta + np.pi) * img.shape[1] / (2 * np.pi)
    #     return (r, theta_index)
    transform2cart_p = partial(transform2cart, center=center, shape=img.shape)

    polar = geometric_transform(img, transform2cart_p, order=order, mode='nearest', prefilter=True)

    return polar
예제 #25
def warp_image(image, field):
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import geometric_transform

    #output = np.zeros_like(image)

    def warp_lookup(tup, strength=0.5):
        fv = field[tup[0], tup[1]]

        if len(tup) == 2:
            return int(tup[0] + fv[0] * strength), int(tup[1] +
                                                       fv[1] * strength)
        elif len(tup) == 3:
            return int(tup[0] +
                       fv[0] * strength), int(tup[1] +
                                              fv[1] * strength), tup[2]

    output = geometric_transform(image,
    return output
예제 #26
파일: rescaling.py 프로젝트: avigan/VIP
def frame_rescaling(array, ref_xy=None, scale=1.0, imlib='vip-fft',
                    interpolation='lanczos4', scale_y=None, scale_x=None):
    Rescale a frame by a factor wrt a reference point.

    The reference point is by default the center of the frame (typically the
    exact location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions.

    array : numpy ndarray
        Input frame, 2d array.
    ref_xy : float, optional
        Coordinates X,Y  of the point wrt which the rescaling will be
        applied. By default the rescaling is done with respect to the center
        of the frame.
    scale : float
        Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array equally
        along y and x by this factor.
    imlib : {'ndimage', 'opencv', 'vip-fft'}, optional
        Library used for image transformations. 'vip-fft' corresponds to a 
        FFT-based rescaling algorithm implemented in VIP 
    interpolation : str, optional
        For 'ndimage' library: 'nearneig', bilinear', 'biquadratic', 'bicubic',
        'biquartic', 'biquintic'. The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest
        and the 'biquintic' the slowest. The 'nearneig' is the worst
        option for interpolation of noisy astronomical images.
        For 'opencv' library: 'nearneig', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos4'.
        The 'nearneig' interpolation is the fastest and the 'lanczos4' the
        slowest and accurate.
    scale_y : float
        Scaling factor only for y axis. If provided, it takes priority on
        scale parameter.
    scale_x : float
        Scaling factor only for x axis. If provided, it takes priority on
        scale parameter.

    array_out : numpy ndarray
        Resulting frame.

    if array.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array.')

    if scale_y is None:
        scale_y = scale
    if scale_x is None:
        scale_x = scale

    outshape = array.shape
    if ref_xy is None:
        ref_xy = frame_center(array)
        if imlib == 'vip-fft' and ref_xy != frame_center(array):
            msg = "'vip-fft'imlib does not yet allow for custom center to be "
            msg+= " provided "
            raise ValueError(msg)
    # Replace any NaN with real values before scaling
    mask = None
    nan_mask = np.isnan(array)
    if np.any(nan_mask):
        medval = np.nanmedian(array)
        array[nan_mask] = medval

        mask = np.zeros_like(array)
        mask[nan_mask] = 1
    if imlib == 'ndimage':
        if interpolation == 'nearneig':
            order = 0
        elif interpolation == 'bilinear':
            order = 1
        elif interpolation == 'biquadratic':
            order = 2
        elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
            order = 3
        elif interpolation == 'biquartic' or interpolation == 'lanczos4':
            order = 4
        elif interpolation == 'biquintic':
            order = 5
            raise TypeError(
                'Scipy.ndimage interpolation method not recognized')

        array_out = geometric_transform(array, _scale_func, order=order,
                                        extra_keywords={'ref_xy': ref_xy,
                                                        'scaling': scale,
                                                        'scale_y': scale_y,
                                                        'scale_x': scale_x})
        array_out /= scale_y * scale_x

    elif imlib == 'opencv':
        if no_opencv:
            msg = 'Opencv python bindings cannot be imported. Install '
            msg += ' opencv or set imlib to skimage'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if interpolation == 'bilinear':
            intp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
        elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
            intp = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
        elif interpolation == 'nearneig':
            intp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
        elif interpolation == 'lanczos4':
            intp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
            raise TypeError('Opencv interpolation method not recognized')

        M = np.array([[scale_x, 0, (1. - scale_x) * ref_xy[0]],
                      [0, scale_y, (1. - scale_y) * ref_xy[1]]])
        array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32), M, outshape,
        array_out /= scale_y * scale_x

    elif imlib == 'vip-fft':
        if scale_x != scale_y:
            msg='FFT scaling only supports identical factors along x and y'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if array.shape[0] != array.shape[1]:
            msg='FFT scaling only supports square input arrays'
            raise ValueError(msg)   
        # make array with even dimensions before FFT-scaling
        if array.shape[0]%2:
            array_even = np.zeros([array.shape[0]+1,array.shape[1]+1])
            array_even[1:,1:] = array
            array = array_even
            odd = False

        if mask is not None:
            if odd:
                mask_even = np.zeros([mask.shape[0]+1,mask.shape[1]+1])
                mask_even[1:,1:] = mask
                mask = mask_even             
            mask = scale_fft(mask, scale_x, ori_dim=True)
            if odd:
                mask_odd = np.zeros([mask.shape[0]-1,mask.shape[1]-1])
                mask_odd = mask[1:,1:]
                mask = mask_odd
        array_out = scale_fft(array, scale_x, ori_dim=True)
        if odd:
            array = np.zeros([array_out.shape[0]-1,array_out.shape[1]-1])
            array = array_out[1:,1:]
            array_out = array

        raise ValueError('Image transformation library not recognized')

    # Place back NaN values in scaled array
    if mask is not None:
        array_out[mask >= 0.5] = np.nan

    return array_out
예제 #27
파일: rescaling.py 프로젝트: ddefrere/VIP
def frame_rescaling(array, ref_y=None, ref_x=None, scale=1.0, 
    Function to rescale a frame by a factor 'scale', wrt a reference point 
    ref_pt which by default is the center of the frame (typically the exact 
    location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions. It uses spline 
    interpolation of order 3 to find the new values in the output array.
    array : array_like 
        Input frame, 2d array.
    ref_y, ref_x : float, optional
        Coordinates X,Y  of the point with respect to which the rotation will be
        performed. By default the rotation is done with respect to the center 
        of the frame; central pixel if frame has odd size.
    scale : float
        Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array.        
    method: string, {'geometric_transform','cv2.warp_affine'}, optional
        String determining which library to apply to rescale. 
        Both options use a spline of order 3 for interpolation.
        Opencv is a few order of magnitudes faster than ndimage.

    array_out : array_like
        Resulting frame.
    def _scale_func(output_coords,ref_y=0,ref_x=0, scaling=1.0):    
        For each coordinate point in a new scaled image (output_coords), 
        coordinates in the image before the scaling are returned. 
        This scaling function is used within geometric_transform (in 
        which, for each point in the output image, will compute the (spline)
        interpolated value at the corresponding frame coordinates before the 
        return (ref_y+((output_coords[0]-ref_y)/scaling), 

    array_out = np.zeros_like(array)
    if not ref_y and not ref_x:  ref_y, ref_x = frame_center(array)

    if method == 'geometric_transform':
        geometric_transform(array, _scale_func, output_shape=array.shape, 
                            output = array_out, 

    elif method == 'cv2.warp_affine':
        M = np.array([[scale,0,(1.-scale)*ref_x],[0,scale,(1.-scale)*ref_y]])
        array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32), M, 
                                   (array.shape[1], array.shape[0]), 

        msg="Pick a valid method: 'geometric_transform' or 'cv2.warp_affine'"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    return array_out
예제 #28
def _frame_rescaling(array,
    Rescale a frame by a factor wrt a reference point.

    The reference point is by default the center of the frame (typically the
    exact location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions.

    array : numpy ndarray
        Input frame, 2d array.
    ref_xy : float, optional
        Coordinates X,Y  of the point wrt which the rescaling will be
        applied. By default the rescaling is done with respect to the center
        of the frame.
    scale : float
        Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array equally
        along y and x by this factor.
    scale_y : float
        Scaling factor only for y axis. If provided, it takes priority on
        scale parameter.
    scale_x : float
        Scaling factor only for x axis. If provided, it takes priority on
        scale parameter.

    array_out : numpy ndarray
        Resulting frame.

    if array.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array.')

    if scale_y is None:
        scale_y = scale
    if scale_x is None:
        scale_x = scale

    outshape = array.shape
    if ref_xy is None:
        ref_xy = frame_center(array)

    if imlib == 'ndimage':
        if interpolation == 'nearneig':
            order = 0
        elif interpolation == 'bilinear':
            order = 1
        elif interpolation == 'biquadratic':
            order = 2
        elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
            order = 3
        elif interpolation == 'biquartic' or interpolation == 'lanczos4':
            order = 4
        elif interpolation == 'biquintic':
            order = 5
            raise TypeError(
                'Scipy.ndimage interpolation method not recognized')

        array_out = geometric_transform(array,
                                            'ref_xy': ref_xy,
                                            'scaling': scale,
                                            'scale_y': scale_y,
                                            'scale_x': scale_x

    elif imlib == 'opencv':
        if no_opencv:
            msg = 'Opencv python bindings cannot be imported. Install '
            msg += ' opencv or set imlib to skimage'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if interpolation == 'bilinear':
            intp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
        elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
            intp = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
        elif interpolation == 'nearneig':
            intp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
        elif interpolation == 'lanczos4':
            intp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
            raise TypeError('Opencv interpolation method not recognized')

        M = np.array([[scale_x, 0, (1. - scale_x) * ref_xy[0]],
                      [0, scale_y, (1. - scale_y) * ref_xy[1]]])
        array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32),

        raise ValueError('Image transformation library not recognized')

    array_out /= scale_y * scale_x
    return array_out
예제 #29
        return ((q1 - extent[0]) / (extent[1] - extent[0]) * shape[0],
                (q2 - extent[2]) / (extent[3] - extent[2]) * shape[1])

    def index2koord((i, j), extent, shape):
        return (extent[0] + i / shape[0] * (extent[1] - extent[0]),
                extent[2] + j / shape[1] * (extent[3] - extent[2]))

    def mappingxy2polar((i, j), extentxy, shapexy, extentpolar, shapepolar):
        actually maps indizes of polar matrix to indices of kartesian matrix
        ret = polar2xy(index2koord((float(i), float(j)),
                       extentpolar, shapepolar))
        ret = koord2index(ret, extentxy, shapexy)
        return ret

    ret = geometric_transform(matrixxy, mappingxy2polar,
                              extra_arguments=(extentxy, matrixxy.shape,
                                               extentpolar, shapepolar),
    if ashistogram:  # volumeelement is just r
        r = np.abs(np.linspace(extentpolar[0], extentpolar[1], ret.shape[0]))
        ret = (ret.T * r).T
    return ret

예제 #30
def cells_from_points(array):
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import geometric_transform
    def shift_func(output_coords):
        return (output_coords[0] - 0.5, output_coords[1] - 0.5)
    cells = geometric_transform(array, shift_func, output_shape=(array.shape[0]-1,array.shape[1]-1))
    return cells
예제 #31
파일: rescaling.py 프로젝트: carlgogo/VIP
    def _frame_rescaling(array, ref_xy=None, scale=1.0, imlib='opencv',
                         interpolation='lanczos4', scale_y=None, scale_x=None):
        Rescale a frame by a factor wrt a reference point.

        The reference point is by default the center of the frame (typically the
        exact location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions.

        array : numpy ndarray
            Input frame, 2d array.
        ref_xy : float, optional
            Coordinates X,Y  of the point wrt which the rescaling will be
            applied. By default the rescaling is done with respect to the center
            of the frame.
        scale : float
            Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array equally
            along y and x by this factor.
        scale_y : float
            Scaling factor only for y axis. If provided, it takes priority on
            scale parameter.
        scale_x : float
            Scaling factor only for x axis. If provided, it takes priority on
            scale parameter.

        array_out : numpy ndarray
            Resulting frame.

        if array.ndim != 2:
            raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array.')

        if scale_y is None:
            scale_y = scale
        if scale_x is None:
            scale_x = scale

        outshape = array.shape
        if ref_xy is None:
            ref_xy = frame_center(array)

        if imlib == 'ndimage':
            if interpolation == 'nearneig':
                order = 0
            elif interpolation == 'bilinear':
                order = 1
            elif interpolation == 'bicuadratic':
                order = 2
            elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
                order = 3
            elif interpolation == 'biquartic':
                order = 4
            elif interpolation == 'biquintic':
                order = 5
                raise TypeError(
                    'Scipy.ndimage interpolation method not recognized')

            array_out = geometric_transform(array, _scale_func, order=order,
                                            extra_keywords={'ref_xy': ref_xy,
                                                            'scaling': scale,
                                                            'scale_y': scale_y,
                                                            'scale_x': scale_x})

        elif imlib == 'opencv':
            if no_opencv:
                msg = 'Opencv python bindings cannot be imported. Install '
                msg += ' opencv or set imlib to skimage'
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            if interpolation == 'bilinear':
                intp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
            elif interpolation == 'bicubic':
                intp = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
            elif interpolation == 'nearneig':
                intp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
            elif interpolation == 'lanczos4':
                intp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
                raise TypeError('Opencv interpolation method not recognized')

            M = np.array([[scale_x, 0, (1. - scale_x) * ref_xy[0]],
                          [0, scale_y, (1. - scale_y) * ref_xy[1]]])
            array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32), M, outshape,

            raise ValueError('Image transformation library not recognized')

        array_out /= scale_y * scale_x
        return array_out
예제 #32
def frame_rescaling(array,
    Function to rescale a frame by a factor 'scale', wrt a reference point 
    ref_pt which by default is the center of the frame (typically the exact 
    location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions. It uses spline 
    interpolation of order 3 to find the new values in the output array.
    array : array_like 
        Input frame, 2d array.
    ref_y, ref_x : float, optional
        Coordinates X,Y  of the point with respect to which the rotation will be
        performed. By default the rotation is done with respect to the center 
        of the frame; central pixel if frame has odd size.
    scale : float
        Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array equally along y
        and x by this factor.      
    method: string, {'geometric_transform','cv2.warp_affine'}, optional
        String determining which library to apply to rescale. 
        Both options use a spline of order 3 for interpolation.
        Opencv is a few order of magnitudes faster than ndimage.
    scale_y : float
        Scaling factor only for y axis. If provided, it takes priority on scale
    scale_x : float
        Scaling factor only for x axis. If provided, it takes priority on scale

    array_out : array_like
        Resulting frame.
    def _scale_func(output_coords,
        For each coordinate point in a new scaled image (output_coords), 
        coordinates in the image before the scaling are returned. 
        This scaling function is used within geometric_transform (in 
        which, for each point in the output image, will compute the (spline)
        interpolated value at the corresponding frame coordinates before the 
        if scaling_y is None:
            scaling_y = scaling
        if scaling_x is None:
            scaling_x = scaling
        return (ref_y + ((output_coords[0] - ref_y) / scaling_y),
                ref_x + ((output_coords[1] - ref_x) / scaling_x))

    array_out = np.zeros_like(array)

    if not ref_y and not ref_x: ref_y, ref_x = frame_center(array)

    if method == 'geometric_transform':
                                'ref_y': ref_y,
                                'ref_x': ref_x,
                                'scaling': scale,
                                'scaling_y': scale_y,
                                'scaling_x': scale_x

    elif method == 'cv2.warp_affine':
        if scale_y is None: scale_y = scale
        if scale_x is None: scale_x = scale
        M = np.array([[scale_x, 0, (1. - scale_x) * ref_x],
                      [0, scale_y, (1. - scale_y) * ref_y]])
        array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32),
                                   M, (array.shape[1], array.shape[0]),

        msg = "Pick a valid method: 'geometric_transform' or 'cv2.warp_affine'"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    return array_out
예제 #33
    def translate(img, x, y, order=1):
        def transform(coords):
            return coords[0] - x, coords[1] - y

        return geometric_transform(img, transform, order=order)
예제 #34
파일: linegen.py 프로젝트: sixtyfive/kraken
def ocropy_degrade(im,
                   degradations=((0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0), )):
    Degrades and distorts a line using the same noise model used by ocropus.

        im (PIL.Image): Input image
        distort (float):
        dsigma (float):
        eps (float):
        delta (float):
        degradations (list): list returning 4-tuples corresponding to
                             the degradations argument of ocropus-linegen.

        PIL.Image in mode 'L'
    w, h = im.size
    # XXX: determine correct output shape from transformation matrices instead
    # of guesstimating.
    logger.debug('Pasting source image into canvas')
    image = Image.new('L', (int(1.5 * w), 4 * h), 255)
    image.paste(im, (int((image.size[0] - w) / 2), int(
        (image.size[1] - h) / 2)))
    a = pil2array(image.convert('L'))
    logger.debug('Selecting degradations')
    (sigma, ssigma, threshold,
     sthreshold) = degradations[np.random.choice(len(degradations))]
    sigma += (2 * np.random.rand() - 1) * ssigma
    threshold += (2 * np.random.rand() - 1) * sthreshold
    a = a * 1.0 / np.amax(a)
    if sigma > 0.0:
        logger.debug('Apply Gaussian filter')
        a = gaussian_filter(a, sigma)
    logger.debug('Adding noise')
    a += np.clip(np.random.randn(*a.shape) * 0.2, -0.25, 0.25)
    logger.debug('Perform affine transformation and resize')
    m = np.array([[1 + eps * np.random.randn(), 0.0],
                  [eps * np.random.randn(), 1.0 + eps * np.random.randn()]])
    w, h = a.shape
    c = np.array([w / 2.0, h / 2])
    d = c - np.dot(m, c) + np.array(
        [np.random.randn() * delta,
         np.random.randn() * delta])
    a = affine_transform(a,
                         cval=a[0, 0])
    a = np.array(a > threshold, 'f')
    [[r, c]] = find_objects(np.array(a == 0, 'i'))
    r0 = r.start
    r1 = r.stop
    c0 = c.start
    c1 = c.stop
    a = a[r0 - 5:r1 + 5, c0 - 5:c1 + 5]
    if distort > 0:
        logger.debug('Perform geometric transformation')
        h, w = a.shape
        hs = np.random.randn(h, w)
        ws = np.random.randn(h, w)
        hs = gaussian_filter(hs, dsigma)
        ws = gaussian_filter(ws, dsigma)
        hs *= distort / np.amax(hs)
        ws *= distort / np.amax(ws)

        def _f(p):
            return (p[0] + hs[p[0], p[1]], p[1] + ws[p[0], p[1]])

        a = geometric_transform(a,
                                output_shape=(h, w),
    im = array2pil(a).convert('L')
    return im
예제 #35
def frame_rescaling(array,
    """ Function to rescale a frame by a factor 'scale', wrt a reference point
    ref_pt which by default is the center of the frame (typically the exact 
    location of the star). However, it keeps the same dimensions. It uses spline 
    interpolation of order 3 to find the new values in the output array.
    array : array_like 
        Input frame, 2d array.
    ref_y, ref_x : float, optional
        Coordinates X,Y  of the point with respect to which the rotation will be
        performed. By default the rescaling is done with respect to the center
        of the frame; central pixel if frame has odd size.
    scale : float
        Scaling factor. If > 1, it will upsample the input array equally along y
        and x by this factor.      
    imlib: string, {'ndimage','opencv'}, optional
        String determining which library to apply to rescale. 
        Both options use a spline of order 3 for interpolation.
        Opencv is a few order of magnitudes faster than ndimage.
    scale_y : float
        Scaling factor only for y axis. If provided, it takes priority on scale
    scale_x : float
        Scaling factor only for x axis. If provided, it takes priority on scale

    array_out : array_like
        Resulting frame.
    def _scale_func(output_coords,
        For each coordinate point in a new scaled image (output_coords), 
        coordinates in the image before the scaling are returned. 
        This scaling function is used within geometric_transform (in 
        which, for each point in the output image, will compute the (spline)
        interpolated value at the corresponding frame coordinates before the 
        if scaling_y is None:
            scaling_y = scaling
        if scaling_x is None:
            scaling_x = scaling
        return (ref_y + ((output_coords[0] - ref_y) / scaling_y),
                ref_x + ((output_coords[1] - ref_x) / scaling_x))

    if not array.ndim == 2:
        raise TypeError('Input array is not a frame or 2d array.')

    if not ref_y and not ref_x:
        ref_y, ref_x = frame_center(array)

    if imlib not in ['ndimage', 'opencv']:
        raise ValueError('Imlib not recognized, try opencv or ndimage')

    if imlib == 'ndimage' or no_opencv:
        outshap = array.shape
        array_out = geometric_transform(array,
                                            'ref_y': ref_y,
                                            'ref_x': ref_x,
                                            'scaling': scale,
                                            'scaling_y': scale_y,
                                            'scaling_x': scale_x

        if scale_y is None: scale_y = scale
        if scale_x is None: scale_x = scale
        M = np.array([[scale_x, 0, (1. - scale_x) * ref_x],
                      [0, scale_y, (1. - scale_y) * ref_y]])
        array_out = cv2.warpAffine(array.astype(np.float32),
                                   M, (array.shape[1], array.shape[0]),

    # TODO: For conservation of flux (e.g. in aperture 1xFWHM), what to do when
    # there is a different scaling factor in x and y?
    if scale_y == scale_x:
        array_out /= scale**2

    return array_out
예제 #36
파일: _const.py 프로젝트: ax3l/postpic
        return ((q1 - extent[0]) / (extent[1] - extent[0]) * shape[0],
                (q2 - extent[2]) / (extent[3] - extent[2]) * shape[1])

    def index2koord((i, j), extent, shape):
        return (extent[0] + i / shape[0] * (extent[1] - extent[0]),
                extent[2] + j / shape[1] * (extent[3] - extent[2]))

    def mappingxy2polar((i, j), extentxy, shapexy, extentpolar, shapepolar):
        actually maps indizes of polar matrix to indices of kartesian matrix
        ret = polar2xy(index2koord((float(i), float(j)),
                       extentpolar, shapepolar))
        ret = koord2index(ret, extentxy, shapexy)
        return ret

    ret = geometric_transform(matrixxy, mappingxy2polar,
                              extra_arguments=(extentxy, matrixxy.shape,
                                               extentpolar, shapepolar),
    if ashistogram:  # volumeelement is just r
        r = np.abs(np.linspace(extentpolar[0], extentpolar[1], ret.shape[0]))
        ret = (ret.T * r).T
    return ret