def pk_pos(img_, make_sparse=False, nsigs=7, sig_G=None, thresh=1): """ function for detecting peaks with a little flexibility... Parameters ========== img_, np.ndarray an image, it will be copied make_sparse, bool whether to threshold the image according to argument nsigs or not. if true, all pixels below nsigs on the mean will be set to 0 nsigs, float how many standard deviations above the mean should a pixel be to be considered as a peak sig_G, float gaussian variance, for applying gaussian smoothing prior to peak detection thresh, float Returns ======= pos, list of tuples, peak positions [(y0,x0), (y1,x1) .. ] where y,x corresponds to the image slow,fast scan, respeectively intens, list the intensities of the peaks, the maximum value Note, if make_sparse is False, then nsigs can be ignored """ if make_sparse: img = img_.copy() m = img[img > 0].mean() s = img[img > 0].std() img[img < m + nsigs * s] = 0 if sig_G is not None: img = gaussian_filter(img, sig_G) lab_img, nlab = measurements.label( detect_peaks(gaussian_filter(img, sig_G))) locs = measurements.find_objects(lab_img) pos = [(int((y.start + y.stop) / 2.), int((x.start + x.stop) / 2.)) for y, x in locs] pos = [p for p in pos if img[p[0], p[1]] > thresh] intens = [img[p[0], p[1]] for p in pos] else: if sig_G is not None: lab_img, nlab = measurements.label( detect_peaks(gaussian_filter(img_, sig_G))) else: lab_img, nlab = measurements.label(detect_peaks(img_)) locs = measurements.find_objects(lab_img) pos = [(int((y.start + y.stop) / 2.), int((x.start + x.stop) / 2.)) for y, x in locs] pos = [p for p in pos if img_[p[0], p[1]] > thresh] intens = [img_[p[0], p[1]] for p in pos] return pos, intens
def find_objects(image, **kw): """Redefine the scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects function to work with a wider range of data types. The default function is inconsistent about the data types it accepts on different platforms. Return a list of slice tuples for each label (except 0/bg), or None for missing labels between 0 and max_label+1. """ # This OpenCV based approach is MUCH slower: # objects = list() # for label in range(max_label+1 if max_label else amax(image)): # mask = array(image==(label+1), uint8) # if mask.any(): # x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(mask) # objects.append(,y+h,x,x+w)) # else: # objects.append(None) # return objects try: return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw) except: pass types = ["int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "int16", "uint16"] for t in types: try: return measurements.find_objects(array(image, dtype=t), **kw) except: pass # let it raise the same exception as before return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw)
def _filter_grouplen(arr, minsize=3): """Filter out the groups of grid points smaller than minsize Parameters ---------- arr : the array to filter (should be False and Trues) minsize : the minimum size of the group Returns ------- the array, with small groups removed """ # Do it with trues r, nr = label(arr) nr = [ i + 1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize) ] arr = np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) # and with Falses r, nr = label(~arr) nr = [ i + 1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize) ] arr = ~np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) return arr
def find_objects(image, **kw): """Expand scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects to work w/ more data. The default function is inconsistent about the weight types it accepts on different platforms. # Arguments image [np array]: the image # Returns [tuple of np arrays]: the label of connected components and their corresponding positions """ try: return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw) except: pass types = ["int32", "uint32", "int64", "unit64", "int16", "uint16"] for t in types: try: return measurements.find_objects(array(image, dtype=t), **kw) except: pass # let it raise the same exception as before return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw)
def find_objects(image,**kw): """Redefine the scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects function to work with a wider range of data types. The default function is inconsistent about the data types it accepts on different platforms.""" try: return measurements.find_objects(image,**kw) except: pass types = ["int32","uint32","int64","unit64","int16","uint16"] for t in types: try: return measurements.find_objects(array(image,dtype=t),**kw) except: pass # let it raise the same exception as before return measurements.find_objects(image,**kw)
def pk_pos(img_, make_sparse=False, nsigs=7, sig_G=None, thresh=1, min_dist=None): if make_sparse: img = img_.copy() m = img[img > 0].mean() s = img[img > 0].std() img[img < m + nsigs * s] = 0 if sig_G is not None: img = gaussian_filter(img, sig_G) lab_img, nlab = measurements.label( detect_peaks(gaussian_filter(img, sig_G))) locs = measurements.find_objects(lab_img) pos = [(int((y.start + y.stop) / 2.), int((x.start + x.stop) / 2.)) for y, x in locs] pos = [p for p in pos if img[p[0], p[1]] > thresh] intens = [img[p[0], p[1]] for p in pos] else: if sig_G is not None: lab_img, nlab = measurements.label( detect_peaks(gaussian_filter(img_, sig_G))) else: lab_img, nlab = measurements.label(detect_peaks(img_)) locs = measurements.find_objects(lab_img) pos = [(int((y.start + y.stop) / 2.), int((x.start + x.stop) / 2.)) for y, x in locs] pos = [p for p in pos if img_[p[0], p[1]] > thresh] intens = [img_[p[0], p[1]] for p in pos] npeaks = len(pos) if min_dist and npeaks > 1: y, x = list(map(np.array, list(zip(*pos)))) K = cKDTree(pos) XX = x.copy() II = np.array(intens) YY = y.copy() vals = list(K.query_pairs(min_dist)) while vals: inds = [v[np.argmax(II[list(v)])] for v in vals] inds = np.unique( [i for i in range(len(II)) if i not in np.unique(inds)]) K = cKDTree(list(zip(XX[inds], YY[inds]))) vals = list(K.query_pairs(min_dist)) XX = XX[inds] YY = YY[inds] II = II[inds] pos = list(zip(YY, XX)) intens = II return pos, intens
def deskew(args,image, image_param): # Deskew the given image based on the horizontal line # Calculate the angle of the points between 20% and 80% of the line uintimage = get_uintimg(image) binary = get_binary(args, uintimage) for x in range(0,args.binary_dilation): binary = ski.morphology.binary_dilation(binary,selem=np.ones((3, 3))) labels, numl = measurements.label(binary) objects = measurements.find_objects(labels) deskew_path = None for i, b in enumerate(objects): linecoords = Linecoords(image, i, b) # The line has to be bigger than minwidth, smaller than maxwidth, stay in the top (30%) of the img, # only one obj allowed and the line isn't allowed to start contact the topborder of the image if int(args.minwidthhor * image_param.width) < get_width(b) < int(args.maxwidthhor * image_param.width) \ and int(image_param.height * args.minheighthor) < get_height(b) < int(image_param.height * args.maxheighthor) \ and int(image_param.height * args.minheighthormask) < (linecoords.height_start+linecoords.height_stop)/2 < int(image_param.height * args.maxheighthormask) \ and linecoords.height_start != 0: pixelwidth = set_pixelground(binary[b].shape[1]) #arr = np.arange(1, pixelwidth(args.deskewlinesize) + 1) mean_y = [] #Calculate the mean value for every y-array old_start = None for idx in range(pixelwidth(args.deskewlinesize)): value_y = measurements.find_objects(labels[b][:, idx + pixelwidth((1.0-args.deskewlinesize)/2)] == i + 1)[0] if old_start is None: old_start = value_y[0].start #mean_y.append((value_y[0].stop + value_y[0].start) / 2) if abs(value_y[0].start-old_start) < 5: mean_y.append(value_y[0].start) old_start = value_y[0].start #stuff = range(1, len(mean_y) - 1) polyfit_value = np.polyfit(range(0,len(mean_y)), mean_y, 1) deskewangle = np.arctan(polyfit_value[0]) * (360 / (2 * np.pi)) args.ramp = True deskew_image = transform.rotate(image, deskewangle, mode="edge") create_dir(image_param.pathout+os.path.normcase("/deskew/")) deskew_path = "%s_deskew.%s" % (image_param.pathout+os.path.normcase("/deskew/"), args.extension) deskewinfo = open(image_param.pathout+os.path.normcase("/deskew/") + "_deskewangle.txt", "w") deskewinfo.write("Deskewangle:\t%f" % deskewangle) deskewinfo.close() image_param.deskewpath = deskew_path with warnings.catch_warnings(): #Transform rotate convert the img to float and save convert it back warnings.simplefilter("ignore") misc.imsave(deskew_path, deskew_image) break return deskew_path
def findVerticalAlternative(self): # This is an alternative method, a bit more expensive # than the first version, and is called on failure of # the previous findVertical. It uses Scipy labelling to segment the a strip # of data from the ROI self.found = False cx = self.ROIwh[0]//2 expectedW, expectedH = self.expectedSize win = (expectedW - (expectedW*self.sizeMargin) )//2 #take a vertical section of pixels from the ROI and threshold it vROI = self.ROIimg[:,cx-win:cx+win] #Make a single pixel wide strip, with the median of all the rows vROI = np.median(vROI,axis=1) threshVal = int(vROI.max() * self.thresholdVal) vROIthres = vROI >= threshVal candidate = None if vROIthres.min() != vROIthres.max(): # Prevent a divide by zero because roi is all the same value. # e.g. we have a frame completely white or black lbl,numLbl = nd.label(vROIthres) obj = nd.find_objects(lbl) brightest = 0 for s in obj: print s # s is an np.slice object sBright = np.mean(vROI[s]) sHeight = s[0].stop - s[0].start if (self.heightRange[0] <= sHeight <= self.heightRange[1]) and sBright > brightest: candidate = s[0] brightest = sBright if candidate: self.setPerfPosition( self.ROIcentrexy[0], self.ROIxy[1]+candidate.start + ((candidate.stop-candidate.start)/2 )) self.found = True
def file_fetch_trends_extents(trends_path, geo_extent): """ Retrieve the patches of trends data present inside of the given GeoExtent :param trends_path: :param geo_extent: :return: tuple of geo extents """ affine = geo_utils.get_raster_affine(trends_path) block_arr = geo_utils.array_from_rasterband(trends_path, geo_extent=geo_extent) labels, _ = ndimage.label(block_arr) slices = find_objects(labels) geo_exts = tuple(geo_utils.rowcolext_to_geoext(affine, geo_utils.RowColumnExtent(start_row=y.start, start_col=x.start, end_row=y.stop, end_col=x.stop)) for y, x in slices) blocks = tuple(block_arr[s] for s in slices) # return geo extents so that they can be used with other data sets return blocks, geo_exts
def addFeatures(self, lbl, num_lbls, shrink_size): slices = find_objects(lbl) # index regions of each object in targets matrix for i, coords in ((i, np.where(lbl == i+1)) for i in range(num_lbls)): # coordinates list for each feature mass = len(coords[0]) # number of points in each object if mass >= self.minTargSize: # only continue if object is of reasonable size bounds = [slices[i][j].indices(shrink_size)[:2] for j in (0,1)] # slice.indices takes maximum index as argument com = np.mean(coords, axis=1, dtype=int) # scipy's center_of_mass is too heavy (for no reason)
def plot_labels(self, withfits=False, diameter=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a plot of the found peaks, individually ''' # check if the fitting has been performed yet, warn user if it hasn't if withfits: if self._fits is None: withfits = False warnings.warn('Blobs have not been fit yet, cannot show fits', UserWarning) else: fits = self._fits # pull the labels and the data from the object labels = self._labels data = # check to see if data has been labelled if labels is None: labels = self.label_blobs(diameter=diameter) if labels is None: warnings.warn('Labels were not available', UserWarning) return None # find objects from labelled data my_objects = find_objects(labels) # generate a nice layout nb_labels = len(my_objects) nrows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nb_labels))) ncols = int(np.ceil(nb_labels / nrows)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3 * ncols, 3 * nrows)) for n, (obj, ax) in enumerate(zip(my_objects, axes.ravel())): ex = (obj[1].start, obj[1].stop - 1, obj[0].stop - 1, obj[0].start) ax.matshow(data[obj], extent=ex, **kwargs) if withfits: # generate the model fit to display, from parameters. dict_params = dict(fits.loc[n].dropna()) # recenter dict_params['x0'] -= obj[1].start dict_params['y0'] -= obj[0].start params = Gauss2D.dict_to_params(dict_params) fake_data = Gauss2D.gen_model(data[obj], *params) ax.contour(fake_data, extent=ex, colors='w', origin='image') # # Remove empty plots for ax in axes.ravel(): if not(len(ax.images)) and not(len(ax.lines)): fig.delaxes(ax) fig.tight_layout() # return the fig and axes handles to user for later manipulation. return fig, axes
def measure_bounding_box(mask, margin): """Determine the bounding box of a mask. This should give the same result as the ``bbox`` attribute of `skimage.measure.regionprops <>`_: >>> from skimage.measure import regionprops >>> regionprops(mask).bbox Parameters ---------- mask : array_like Input mask margin : float Margin to add to bounding box Returns ------- bounding_box : BoundingBox Bounding box """ from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects box = find_objects(mask.astype(int))[0] ny, nx = mask.shape xmin = max(0, int(box[1].start - margin)) + 1 xmax = min(nx - 1, int(box[1].stop + margin)) + 1 ymin = max(0, int(box[0].start - margin)) + 1 ymax = min(ny - 1, int(box[0].stop + margin)) + 1 bbox = BoundingBox(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) return bbox
def manual_split(probs, seg, body, seeds, connectivity=1, boundary_seeds=None): """Manually split a body from a segmentation using seeded watershed. Input: - probs: the probability of boundary in the volume given. - seg: the current segmentation. - body: the label to be split. - seeds: the seeds for the splitting (should be just two labels). [-connectivity: the connectivity to use for watershed.] [-boundary_seeds: if not None, these locations become inf in probs.] Value: - the segmentation with the selected body split. """ struct = generate_binary_structure(seg.ndim, connectivity) body_pixels = seg == body bbox = find_objects(body_pixels)[0] body_pixels = body_pixels[bbox] body_boundary = binary_dilation(body_pixels, struct) - body_pixels non_body_pixels = True - body_pixels - body_boundary probs = probs.copy()[bbox] probs[non_body_pixels] = probs.min()-1 if boundary_seeds is not None: probs[boundary_seeds[bbox]] = probs.max()+1 probs[body_boundary] = probs.max()+1 seeds = label(seeds.astype(bool)[bbox], struct)[0] outer_seed = seeds.max()+1 # should be 3 seeds[non_body_pixels] = outer_seed seg_new = watershed(probs, seeds, dams=(seg==0).any(), connectivity=connectivity, show_progress=True) seg = seg.copy() new_seeds = unique(seeds)[:-1] for new_seed, new_label in zip(new_seeds, [0, body, seg.max()+1]): seg[bbox][seg_new == new_seed] = new_label return seg
def __init__(self, image, perc): threshold = np.percentile(image.ravel(), perc) a = image.copy() # Keep only tail of image values distribution with signal a[a < threshold] = 0 s = generate_binary_structure(2, 2) # Label image labeled_array, num_features = label(a, structure=s) # Find objects objects = find_objects(labeled_array) # Container of object's properties _objects = np.empty(num_features, dtype=[('label', 'int'), ('dx', '<f8'), ('dy', '<f8'), ('max_pos', 'int', (2,))]) labels = np.arange(num_features) + 1 dx = [int(obj[1].stop - obj[1].start) for obj in objects] dy = [int(obj[0].stop - obj[0].start) for obj in objects] # Filling objects structured array _objects['label'] = labels _objects['dx'] = dx _objects['dy'] = dy self.objects = _objects self._classify(image, labeled_array) # Fetch positions of only successfuly classified objects self.max_pos = self._find_positions(image, labeled_array) self._sort()
def detect_sources(snmap, threshold): hot = (snmap > threshold) hot = binary_dilation(hot, iterations=2) hot = binary_fill_holes(hot) blobs,nblobs = label(hot) print(nblobs, 'blobs') #print('blobs min', blobs.min(), 'max', blobs.max()) slices = find_objects(blobs) px,py = [],[] for i,slc in enumerate(slices): blob_loc = blobs[slc] sn_loc = snmap[slc] imax = np.argmax((blob_loc == (i+1)) * sn_loc) y,x = np.unravel_index(imax, blob_loc.shape) y0,x0 = slc[0].start, slc[1].start px.append(x0+x) py.append(y0+y) #if i == 0: # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plt.imshow(blob_loc, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow((blob_loc==(i+1))*sn_loc, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') return np.array(px),np.array(py)
def find_blobsV2(G, cent, prom, ratio = 0.5, verbose = True): ''' G- the big field cent- blob center whose bounds we want Very naive implementation - can be made significantly faster ''' from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects, label #modify G with prom and ratio pr_th = G[cent]-prom*ratio G_ = G.copy() G_[G<=pr_th] = 0 #only regions with half prom available if G[cent] == 0: return -1 print('huhh'); print(pr_th); print(np.sum(G_)) G_obs = find_objects(label(G_)[0]) #print(len(G_obs)) for i in G_obs: #print(i) test = np.zeros(G.shape) test[i] = 1 if test[cent]: #this blob contains the cnt if verbose: plt.figure() plt.imshow(test) plt.colorbar() test[cent] = 2 dims = getdims(test[i]) return dims return -1
def setSegmentation(self, segmentation, cseg=0): """Set the line segmentation.""" # reorder the labels by the x center of bounding box segmentation = common.renumber_labels_by_boxes( segmentation, key=lambda x: mean((x[1].start, x[1].stop))) # compute the bounding boxes in order boxes = [None] + measurements.find_objects(segmentation) n = len(boxes) # now consider groups of boxes groups = [] for i in range(1, n): for r in range(1, self.maxrange + 1): box = None gap = 0 labels = [] for j in range(i, min(n, i + r)): if box is not None: gap = max(gap, boxes[j][1].start - box[1].stop) box = sl.union(box, boxes[j]) labels.append(j) # skip if two constituent boxes have too large a gap between them if gap > self.maxdist: continue a = sl.aspect(box) # skip if the aspect ratio is wrong if 1.0 / a > self.maxaspect: continue groups.append((box, labels)) # compute some statistics mw = median([sl.dim0(g[0]) for g in groups]) # now select based on statistics groups = [g for g in groups if sl.dim1(g[0]) < self.maxwidth * mw] # now we have a list of candidate groups self.segmentation = segmentation self.groups = groups self.clearLattice() return len(self.groups)
def Pi(): # L = 100 for L in (50, 100, 200): p = linspace(0.5, 0.7, 50) nx = len(p) Ni = zeros(nx) N = 1000 for i in range(N): z = rand(L, L) for ip in range(nx): m = z < p[ip] lw, num = measurements.label(m) labelList = arange(lw.max() + 1) area = measurements.sum(m, lw, labelList) maxLabel = labelList[where(area == area.max())] sliced = measurements.find_objects(lw == maxLabel) if (len(sliced) > 0): sliceX = sliced[0][1] sliceY = sliced[0][0] dx = sliceX.stop - sliceX.start dy = sliceY.stop - sliceY.start maxsize = max(dx, dy) if (maxsize >= L): # Percolation Ni[ip] = Ni[ip] + 1 Pi = Ni / N plot(p, Pi) show()
def update(p): p = pSlider.val z = r<p im1.set_data(z) im1.set_clim(z.min(), z.max()) lw, num = measurements.label(z) # labeled clusters b = arange(lw.max() + 1) # create an array of values from 0 to lw.max() + 1 shuffle(b) # shuffle this array shuffledLw = b[lw] # replace all values with values from b im2.set_data(shuffledLw) # show image clusters as labeled by a shuffled lw im2.set_clim(shuffledLw.min(), shuffledLw.max()) # calculate area area = (measurements.sum(z, lw, index=range(lw.max() + 1))).astype(int) areaImg = area[lw] im3.set_data(areaImg) im3.set_clim(areaImg.min(), areaImg.max()) sliced = measurements.find_objects(areaImg == areaImg.max()) if(len(sliced) > 0): sliceX = sliced[0][1] sliceY = sliced[0][0] ontopplot.set_xdata([sliceX.start, sliceX.start, sliceX.stop, sliceX.stop, sliceX.start]) ontopplot.set_ydata([sliceY.start, sliceY.stop, sliceY.stop, sliceY.start, sliceY.start]) else: ontopplot.set_xdata([0]) ontopplot.set_ydata([0]) draw()
def get_chunks(array, area, output, tag): ## define connected bins to check, in this case, all the surrounding bins (8-d) neighborhood = generate_binary_structure(2, 2) ## put all the pixels maximal value in therir neighborhood local_max = maximum_filter(array, footprint=neighborhood) == array ## detect background of the array background = (array == 0) ## remove background from array, to only keep peaks eroded_background = binary_erosion(background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1) detected_peaks = local_max ^ eroded_background ## in order to extract the chunks, fill gaps dilation = binary_dilation(detected_peaks, structure=np.ones( (area, area))).astype( ## extraction of loops and write results labeled_array, num_features = label(dilation, structure=neighborhood) positions = find_objects(labeled_array, max_label=num_features + 1) w = open(output + '/%s_chunk_loops.tsv' % (tag), 'w') for n, p in enumerate(positions): try: xstart, xend = p[0].start, p[0].stop ystart, yend = p[1].start, p[1].stop position_anchor1 = min(xstart, xend) + start_bin position_anchor2 = min(ystart, yend) + start_bin w.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(crm, position_anchor1, position_anchor2)) except TypeError: continue w.close()
def find_objects_bb(mask): '''Returns the bounding boxes of objects found in mask, sorted by size.''' labels, _ = nd_label(mask) labels = relabel_size_sorted(labels) return find_objects(labels)
def findProbObjects(data, data_threshold, prob_threshold): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects connectivity = np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.int32) ens_prob = (data >= data_threshold).sum(axis=0) / float(data.shape[0]) labels, n_objs = label(ens_prob >= prob_threshold, structure=connectivity) return find_objects(labels)
def _filter_small_slopes(hgt, dx, min_slope=0): """Masks out slopes with NaN until the slope if all valid points is at least min_slope (in degrees). """ min_slope = np.deg2rad(min_slope) slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)) # beware the minus sign # slope at the end always OK slope[-1] = min_slope # Find the locs where it doesn't work and expand till we got everything slope_mask = np.where(slope >= min_slope, slope, np.NaN) r, nr = label(~np.isfinite(slope_mask)) for objs in find_objects(r): obj = objs[0] i = 0 while True: i += 1 i0 = objs[0].start-i if i0 < 0: break ngap = obj.stop - i0 - 1 nhgt = hgt[[i0, obj.stop]] current_slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(nhgt, ngap * dx)) if i0 <= 0 or current_slope[0] >= min_slope: break slope_mask[i0:obj.stop] = np.NaN out = hgt.copy() out[~np.isfinite(slope_mask)] = np.NaN return out
def edt_prob(lbl_img): """Perform EDT on each labeled object and normalize.""" def grow(sl, interior): return tuple( slice(s.start - int(w[0]), s.stop + int(w[1])) for s, w in zip(sl, interior)) def shrink(interior): return tuple( slice(int(w[0]), (-1 if w[1] else None)) for w in interior) objects = find_objects(lbl_img) prob = np.zeros(lbl_img.shape, np.float32) for i, sl in enumerate(objects, 1): # i: object label id, sl: slices of object in lbl_img if sl is None: continue interior = [(s.start > 0, s.stop < sz) for s, sz in zip(sl, lbl_img.shape)] # 1. grow object slice by 1 for all interior object bounding boxes # 2. perform (correct) EDT for object with label id i # 3. extract EDT for object of original slice and normalize # 4. store edt for object only for pixels of given label id i shrink_slice = shrink(interior) grown_mask = lbl_img[grow(sl, interior)] == i mask = grown_mask[shrink_slice] edt = distance_transform_edt(grown_mask)[shrink_slice][mask] prob[sl][mask] = edt / np.max(edt) return prob
def edt_prob(lbl_img, anisotropy=None): """Perform EDT on each labeled object and normalize.""" def grow(sl,interior): return tuple(slice(s.start-int(w[0]),s.stop+int(w[1])) for s,w in zip(sl,interior)) def shrink(interior): return tuple(slice(int(w[0]),(-1 if w[1] else None)) for w in interior) constant_img = lbl_img.min() == lbl_img.max() and lbl_img.flat[0] > 0 if constant_img: lbl_img = np.pad(lbl_img, ((1,1),)*lbl_img.ndim, mode='constant') warnings.warn("EDT of constant label image is ill-defined. (Assuming background around it.)") dist_func = _edt_dist_func(anisotropy) objects = find_objects(lbl_img) prob = np.zeros(lbl_img.shape,np.float32) for i,sl in enumerate(objects,1): # i: object label id, sl: slices of object in lbl_img if sl is None: continue interior = [(s.start>0,s.stop<sz) for s,sz in zip(sl,lbl_img.shape)] # 1. grow object slice by 1 for all interior object bounding boxes # 2. perform (correct) EDT for object with label id i # 3. extract EDT for object of original slice and normalize # 4. store edt for object only for pixels of given label id i shrink_slice = shrink(interior) grown_mask = lbl_img[grow(sl,interior)]==i mask = grown_mask[shrink_slice] edt = dist_func(grown_mask)[shrink_slice][mask] prob[sl][mask] = edt/(np.max(edt)+1e-10) if constant_img: prob = prob[(slice(1,-1),)*lbl_img.ndim].copy() return prob
def spanning_cluster_density(perc_matrix): # Calculate and return the spanning cluster density total_area = 0 Lx, Ly = perc_matrix.shape Lmin = min(Lx, Ly) lw, num = measurements.label(perc_matrix) labels = arange(lw.max()+1) area = measurements.sum(perc_matrix, lw, index=labels) for l in labels: if area[l] > Lmin: sliced = measurements.find_objects(lw == l) sliceX = sliced[0][1] sliceY = sliced[0][0] width = sliceX.stop - sliceX.start height = sliceY.stop - sliceY.start if width == Lx or height == Ly: total_area += area[l] return total_area/Lx/Ly
def __load(picklefile, label): """ Load a pickled testbed as well as the original and label image for further processing. The label image will be relabeled to start with region id 1. @param picklefile the testbed pickle file name @param label the label image file name @return a tuple containing: label: the label image data as ndarray bounding_boxes: the bounding boxes around the label image regions (Note that the the bounding box of a region with id rid is accessed using bounding_boxes[rid - 1]) model_fg_ids: the region ids of all regions to create the foreground model from model_bg_ids: the region ids of all regions to create the background model from eval_ids: the regions to evaluate the regions term on, represented by their ids truth_fg: subset of regions from the eval_ids that are foreground according to the ground-truth truth_bg: subset of regions from the eval_ids that are background according to the ground-truth """ # load and preprocess images label_image = load(label) label_image_d = scipy.squeeze(label_image.get_data()) # relabel the label image to start from 1 label_image_d = medpy.filter.relabel(label_image_d, 1) # extracting bounding boxes bounding_boxes = find_objects(label_image_d) # load testbed with open(picklefile, 'r') as f: model_fg_ids = cPickle.load(f) model_bg_ids = cPickle.load(f) cPickle.load(f) # eval ids truth_fg = cPickle.load(f) truth_bg = cPickle.load(f) return label_image_d, label_image, bounding_boxes, model_fg_ids, model_bg_ids, truth_fg, truth_bg
def split(self, text): # noqa: D102 a = _string_to_array(text) if not a.size: return [] b = np.copy(a) b[b == ord(' ')] = 0 if self.margin != (1, 1): # Dilate the image structure = np.zeros( (2 * (self.margin[1] - 1) + 1, 2 * (self.margin[0] - 1) + 1)) structure[self.margin[1] - 1:, self.margin[0] - 1:] = 1 labels = binary_dilation(b, structure=structure).astype(b.dtype) else: labels = b label(labels, structure=np.ones((3, 3)), output=labels) objects = find_objects(labels) parts = [] for i, obj in enumerate(objects): mask = labels[obj] != i + 1 region = np.copy(a[obj]) region[mask] = ord(' ') part = '\n'.join(''.join(unichr(c or ord(' ')) for c in row) for row in region.tolist()) if part.strip(): parts.append(part) return parts
def bbox(mask, margin): """Determine the bounding box of a mask. This should give the same result as the ``bbox`` attribute of `skimage.measure.regionprops <>`_: >>> from skimage.measure import regionprops >>> regionprops(mask).bbox Parameters ---------- mask : array_like Input mask margin : float Margin to add to bounding box Returns ------- xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : int Bounding box parameters """ from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects box = find_objects(mask.astype(int))[0] ny, nx = mask.shape xmin = max(0, int(box[1].start - margin)) + 1 xmax = min(nx - 1, int(box[1].stop + margin)) + 1 ymin = max(0, int(box[0].start - margin)) + 1 ymax = min(ny - 1, int(box[0].stop + margin)) + 1 # box_string = '[{xmin}:{xmax},{ymin}:{ymax}]'.format(**locals()) bbox = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax return bbox # , box_string
def validate_battlefield(field): field = np.array(field) return sorted( ship.size if min(ship.shape) == 1 else 0 for ship in (field[pos] for pos in find_objects(label(field, np.ones(( 3, 3)))[0]))) == [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]
def addFeatures(self, lbl, num_lbls, shrink_size): slices = find_objects(lbl) for i, coords in ((i, np.where(lbl == i)) for i in range(1, num_lbls+1)): # coordinates list for each feature mass = len(coords[0]) if mass >= self.minTargSize: bounds = [slices[i][j].indices(shrink_size)[:2] for j in (0,1)] com = np.mean(coords, axis=1, dtype=int) # scipy's center_of_mass is too heavy
def select_biggest_segment(image, image_labels, mask_classes, buffer=10): copy = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], np.uint8) for i, class_value in enumerate(mask_classes): equality = np.equal(image_labels, class_value) class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1) copy[class_map] = i regions = find_objects(copy) print(regions) if len(regions) == 0: return None, None region_sizes = [region_size(i) for i in regions] biggest_region = regions[np.argmax(region_sizes)] image_shape = image.shape[:2] bounds = [0, image_shape[0], 0, image_shape[1]] region_with_buffer = expand_slice(biggest_region, buffer, buffer, bounds) print("region with buffer", region_with_buffer) return image[region_with_buffer], image_labels[region_with_buffer]
def collapse_small_area(labelled_image, minimum_area): """Collapse labelled image removing areas with too low are. Parameters ---------- labelled_image: array_like An image with labels minimum_area: float Areas with this and above area are retained Returns ------- label_collapsed_image: array_like Image with contigous labels """ collapsed_image = labelled_image.copy() collapsed_image = collapse_labels(collapsed_image) pixel_count, edges = np.histogram(collapsed_image, bins=collapsed_image.max() + 1) positions = ms.find_objects(collapsed_image) for i in range(1, pixel_count.size): if pixel_count[i] < minimum_area: patch = collapsed_image[positions[i - 1]] # Blacken out that patch patch[patch == i] = 0 collapsed_image = collapse_labels(collapsed_image) return collapsed_image
def select_segments(image, image_labels, mask_classes, buffer=10): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects copy = np.zeros(image.shape[:2], np.uint8) for i, class_value in enumerate(mask_classes): print i, class_value equality = np.equal(image_labels, class_value) class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1) copy[class_map] = i regions = find_objects(copy) print(regions) regions = [i for i in regions if i != None] if len(regions) == 0: return [] image_shape = image.shape[:2] bounds = [0, image_shape[0], 0, image_shape[1]] images = [] for roi in regions: roi_with_buffer = expand_slice(roi, buffer, buffer, bounds) images.append([image[roi_with_buffer], image_labels[roi_with_buffer]]) return images
def _filter_small_slopes(hgt, dx, min_slope=1): """Masks out slopes with NaN until the slope if all valid points is at least min_slope (in degrees). """ min_slope = np.deg2rad(min_slope) slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)) # beware the minus sign # slope at the end always OK slope[-1] = min_slope # Find the locs where it doesn't work and expand till we got everything slope_mask = np.where(slope >= min_slope, slope, np.NaN) r, nr = label(~np.isfinite(slope_mask)) for objs in find_objects(r): obj = objs[0] i = 0 while True: i += 1 i0 = objs[0].start-i if i0 < 0: break ngap = obj.stop - i0 - 1 nhgt = hgt[[i0, obj.stop]] current_slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(nhgt, ngap * dx)) if i0 <= 0 or current_slope[0] >= min_slope: break slope_mask[i0:obj.stop] = np.NaN out = hgt.copy() out[~np.isfinite(slope_mask)] = np.NaN return out
def keep_only_middle_patch(image): middle_y, middle_x = (image.shape[0]/2, image.shape[1]/2) lw, num = measurements.label(image) slice_tuples = measurements.find_objects(lw) current_min_dist = image.shape[0] print(current_min_dist) current_min_tuple = 0 for i, t in enumerate(slice_tuples): rows = (t[0].start, t[0].stop) cols = (t[1].start, t[1].stop) y_slice = (rows[1]+rows[0])/2 x_slice = (cols[1]+cols[0])/2 print(x_slice, y_slice) dist = np.sqrt((middle_x-x_slice)**2+(middle_y-y_slice)**2) if dist < current_min_dist: current_min_tuple = t rows = (current_min_tuple[0].start, current_min_tuple[0].stop) cols = (current_min_tuple[1].start, current_min_tuple[1].stop) image[:rows[0],:] = False image[rows[1]:,:] = False image[:,:cols[0]] = False image[cols[1]:,:] = False
def clusterNumberDensity(L,p,nSamples=100,bins=None): if bins == None: bins = array(sorted(set(logspace(0, log10(maxBinArea), nBins).astype(int64).tolist()))) totalBins = zeros(len(bins) - 1) maxBinArea = L*L for sample in range(nSamples): system = PercolationSystem(L,p) lw = system.lw area = system.area maxArea = system.maxArea maxLabels = system.maxLabels for label in maxLabels: sliced = measurements.find_objects(lw == label) if(len(sliced) > 0): sliceX = sliced[0][1] sliceY = sliced[0][0] if sliceX.stop - sliceX.start >= L or sliceY.stop - sliceY.start >= L: area[where(area == maxArea)] = 0 # remove the percolating cluster # currentBins = histogram(area, bins=bins, weights=area)[0] binAreas = diff(bins) currentBins = histogram(area, bins=bins)[0].astype(float) currentBins /= binAreas # normalize to values of 1x1 s bins currentBins /= maxBinArea totalBins += currentBins # totalBins += totalAreas / float(maxBinArea) totalBins /= nSamples return bins, totalBins
def get_coordinates(self, cluster_labels, max_width, max_height): ratio = 1 / self.__scale coordinates = [] structure = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) bbox_slices = {} for i in range(1, cluster_labels.max() + 1): B = cluster_labels.copy() B[B != i] = 0 bbox_slices[i] = mnts.find_objects( mnts.label(B, structure=structure)[0]) for key in bbox_slices.keys(): for width_slice, height_slice in bbox_slices[key]: rectangle_coordinates = list() rectangle_coordinates.append((int(height_slice.start * ratio), int(width_slice.start * ratio))) rectangle_coordinates.append( (int(height_slice.start * ratio), min(int(width_slice.stop * ratio), max_width - 1))) rectangle_coordinates.append( (min(int(height_slice.stop * ratio), max_height - 1), min(int(width_slice.stop * ratio), max_width - 1))) rectangle_coordinates.append( (min(int(height_slice.stop * ratio), max_height - 1), int(width_slice.start * ratio))) coordinates.append(rectangle_coordinates) return coordinates
def bounding_box(a): a = array(a > 0, 'i') l = measurements.find_objects(a) ys, xs = l[0] return (0, 0, 0, 0) # y0,x0,y1,x1 return (ys.start, xs.start, ys.stop, xs.stop)
def _make_floor_ceil(self, cabin_voxel): """ Alternate method of ceiling detection: get the label in a region containing troops ( assumed to be the cabin interior volume), then find min and max points where that label is found, everywhere in the vehicle. Floor and ceiling are the endpoints of the longest continuous gap between floor and ceiling. :param cabin_voxel: 3-tuple containing the ijk indices of a voxel known to be cabin- determine this from the position of a troop manikin in the vehicle model """ # Default value = bottom of vehicle box. Easy to spot meaningless ceiling points. labels = self.get_labels(mask_from_voxel=cabin_voxel) self.ceiling = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype=np.int16) self.floor = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype=np.int16) for i in xrange(labels.shape[0]): for j in xrange(labels.shape[1]): labs, isl = meas.label(labels[i, j, :]) if isl == 0: continue slices = meas.find_objects(labs) lrgst = np.argmax(np.array([sli[0].stop - sli[0].start for sli in slices])) self.floor[i, j] = slices[lrgst][0].start - 1 self.ceiling[i, j] = slices[lrgst][0].stop # Hack: postprocess so that floor and ceiling arrays have the default values assumed # by rest of test bench self.floor[self.floor == -1] = 0 self.ceiling[self.ceiling == labels.shape[2]] = 0
def detect_sources(self, detsn, thresh, ps): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects # HACK -- Just keep the brightest pixel in each blob! peaks = (detsn > thresh) blobs, nblobs = label(peaks) slices = find_objects(blobs) return slices
def extracts_minima_areas(arr): neighborhood = morphology.generate_binary_structure(len(arr.shape),2) local_min = (filters.minimum_filter(arr, footprint=neighborhood)==arr) labels = measurements.label(local_min)[0] objects = measurements.find_objects(labels) areas_and_indices_and_bounding_boxes = [] for idx, sl in enumerate(objects): areas_and_indices_and_bounding_boxes.append((len(arr[sl][labels[sl] == idx + 1]), idx + 1, sl)) # first area, then index, then bounding box return sorted(areas_and_indices_and_bounding_boxes), labels
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = np.atleast_1d(result.astype(np.bool)) reference = np.atleast_1d(reference.astype(np.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict() # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set() # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate(slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = np.unique(labelmap1[slicer][ bobj]) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len( l2ids): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len(l2ids): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [(l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop() # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping
def area_open(im_label, min_area): """Removes small objects from label image. Parameters ---------- im_label : array_like A uint32 type label image generated by segmentation methods. min_area : int minimum area threshold for objects. Objects with fewer than 'min_area' pixels will be zeroed to merge with background. Returns ------- im_open : array_like A uint32 label where objects with pixels < min_area are removed. Notes ----- Objects are assumed to have positive nonzero values. im_label image will be condensed during processing. See Also -------- histomicstk.segmentation.label.condense, histomicstk.segmentation.label.shuffle, histomicstk.segmentation.label.split, histomicstk.segmentation.label.width_open """ # copy input image im_open = im_label.copy() # condense label image if np.unique(im_open).size-1 != im_open.max(): im_open = condense(im_open) # count pixels in each object Counts, Edges = np.histogram(im_open, bins=im_open.max()+1) # get locations of objects in initial image Locations = ms.find_objects(im_open) # iterate through objects, zeroing where needed for i in np.arange(1, Counts.size): if Counts[i] < min_area: # extract object from label image Template = im_open[Locations[i-1]] # label mask of object 'i' Template[Template == i] = 0 # condense to fill gaps im_open = condense(im_open) return im_open
def find(self, in_location): image = in_location.image bin_image = self.binary_image_function(image) for y_slice, x_slice in find_objects(*label(bin_image)): yield Location( x_slice.start, y_slice.start, x_slice.stop - x_slice.start, y_slice.stop - y_slice.start, parent=in_location, )
def ocropy_degrade(im, distort=1.0, dsigma=20.0, eps=0.03, delta=0.3, degradations=[(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0)]): """ Degrades and distorts a line using the same noise model used by ocropus. Args: im (PIL.Image): Input image distort (float): dsigma (float): eps (float): delta (float): degradations (list): list returning 4-tuples corresponding to the degradations argument of ocropus-linegen. Returns: PIL.Image in mode 'L' """ w, h = im.size # XXX: determine correct output shape from transformation matrices instead # of guesstimating. image ='L', (int(1.5*w), 4*h), 255) image.paste(im, (int((image.size[0] - w) / 2), int((image.size[1] - h) / 2))) a = pil2array(image.convert('L')) (sigma,ssigma,threshold,sthreshold) = degradations[np.random.choice(len(degradations))] sigma += (2*np.random.rand()-1)*ssigma threshold += (2*np.random.rand()-1)*sthreshold a = a*1.0/np.amax(a) if sigma>0.0: a = gaussian_filter(a,sigma) a += np.clip(np.random.randn(*a.shape)*0.2,-0.25,0.25) m = np.array([[1+eps*np.random.randn(),0.0],[eps*np.random.randn(),1.0+eps*np.random.randn()]]) w,h = a.shape c = np.array([w/2.0,h/2]) d =, c)+np.array([np.random.randn()*delta, np.random.randn()*delta]) a = affine_transform(a, m, offset=d, order=1, mode='constant', cval=a[0,0]) a = np.array(a>threshold,'f') [[r,c]] = find_objects(np.array(a==0,'i')) r0 = r.start r1 = r.stop c0 = c.start c1 = c.stop a = a[r0-5:r1+5,c0-5:c1+5] if distort > 0: h,w = a.shape hs = np.random.randn(h,w) ws = np.random.randn(h,w) hs = gaussian_filter(hs, dsigma) ws = gaussian_filter(ws, dsigma) hs *= distort/np.amax(hs) ws *= distort/np.amax(ws) def f(p): return (p[0]+hs[p[0],p[1]],p[1]+ws[p[0],p[1]]) a = geometric_transform(a, f, output_shape=(h,w), order=1, mode='constant', cval=np.amax(a)) im = array2pil(a).convert('L') return im
def get_conn_comp(imgarr, sort=True): labelled_image, n_components = meas.label(imgarr) slices = meas.find_objects(labelled_image) components = [] for islice, slaiss in enumerate(slices): components.append(Component(labelled_image, slaiss, islice+1)) if sort: components = sorted(components) return components, labelled_image
def AreaOpenLabel(Label, Area): """Removes small objects from label image. Parameters: ----------- Label : array_like A uint32 type label image generated by segmentation methods. Area : int Area threshold for objects. Objects with fewer than 'Area' pixels will be zeroed to merge with background. Notes: ------ Objects are assumed to have positive nonzero values. Label image will be condensed during processing. Returns: -------- Split : array_like A uint32 label where objects with pixels < Area are removed. See Also: --------- CondenseLabel, ShuffleLabel, SplitLabel, MaxwidthOpenLabel """ # copy input image Opened = Label.copy() # condense label image if np.unique(Opened).size-1 != Opened.max(): Opened = htk.CondenseLabel(Opened) # count pixels in each object Counts, Edges = np.histogram(Opened, bins=Opened.max()+1) # get locations of objects in initial image Locations = ms.find_objects(Opened) # iterate through objects, zeroing where needed for i in np.arange(1, Counts.size): if Counts[i] < Area: # extract object from label image Template = Opened[Locations[i-1]] # label mask of object 'i' Template[Template == i] = 0 # condense to fill gaps Opened = htk.CondenseLabel(Opened) return Opened
def match_positions(self, shape, list_of_coords): """ In cases where we have multiple matches, each highlighted by a region of coordinates, we need to separate matches, and find mean of each to return as match position """ match_array = np.zeros(shape) # excpetion hit on this line if nothing in list_of_coords- i.e. no matches match_array[list_of_coords[:,0],list_of_coords[:,1]] = 1 labelled = label(match_array) objects = find_objects(labelled[0]) coords = [{'x':(slice_x.start, slice_x.stop),'y':(slice_y.start, slice_y.stop)} for (slice_y,slice_x) in objects] final_positions = [MatchRegion(slice(int(np.mean(coords[i]['y'])), int(np.mean(coords[i]['y'])) +,slice(int(np.mean(coords[i]['x'])), int(np.mean(coords[i]['x']) for i in range(len(coords))] return final_positions
def bbox(mask, margin, binsz): """Determine the bounding box of a mask""" from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects box = find_objects(mask.astype(int))[0] ny, nx = mask.shape xmin = max(0, int(box[1].start - margin / binsz)) + 1 xmax = min(nx - 1, int(box[1].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1 ymin = max(0, int(box[0].start - margin / binsz)) + 1 ymax = min(ny - 1, int(box[0].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1 box_string = '[{xmin}:{xmax},{ymin}:{ymax}]'.format(**locals())'box = {box}, box_string = {box_string}' ''.format(**locals())) box = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax return box, box_string
def spanningClusterMass(L,p,nSamples=100): percolatingMass = 0 for sample in range(nSamples): system = PercolationSystem(L,p) lw = system.lw for label in system.maxLabels: sliced = measurements.find_objects(lw == label) if(len(sliced) > 0): sliceX = sliced[0][1] sliceY = sliced[0][0] if sliceX.stop - sliceX.start >= L or sliceY.stop - sliceY.start >= L: percolatingMass += system.maxArea percolatingMass /= nSamples return percolatingMass
def bbox(mask, margin, binsz): """Determine the bounding box of a mask. TODO: this is an old utility function ... put it into the BoundingBox class. """ from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects box = find_objects(mask.astype(int))[0] ny, nx = mask.shape xmin = max(0, int(box[1].start - margin / binsz)) + 1 xmax = min(nx - 1, int(box[1].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1 ymin = max(0, int(box[0].start - margin / binsz)) + 1 ymax = min(ny - 1, int(box[0].stop + margin / binsz)) + 1 box_string = '[{xmin}:{xmax},{ymin}:{ymax}]'.format(**locals()) box = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax return box, box_string
def _filter_grouplen(arr, minsize=3): """Filter out the groups of grid points smaller than minsize Parameters ---------- arr : the array to filter (should be False and Trues) minsize : the minimum size of the group Returns ------- the array, with small groups removed """ # Do it with trues r, nr = label(arr) nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)] arr = np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) # and with Falses r, nr = label(~ arr) nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)] arr = ~ np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) return arr
def group_pixels(regions): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import find_objects # Get the bounding box of each object objects = find_objects(regions) new_objects = [] ref_index = [] for i, obj in enumerate(objects): if obj != None: new_objects.append(obj) ref_index.append(i) # Return the list of objects return new_objects, ref_index
def group_pixels(mask): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects # Label the indices in the mask regions, nregions = label(mask)#, structure) # from matplotlib import pylab, cm # for f in range(9): # pylab.imshow(regions[f,:,:], cmap=cm.Greys_r) # # Get the bounding box of each object objects = find_objects(regions) # Return the list of objects return objects