def ucm_to_raveler(ucm, sp_threshold=0.0, body_threshold=0.1, **kwargs): """Return Raveler map from a UCM. Parameters ---------- ucm : numpy ndarray, shape (M, N, P) An ultrametric contour map. This is a map of scored segment boundaries such that if A, B, and C are segments, then score(A, B) = score(B, C) >= score(A, C), for some permutation of A, B, and C. A hierarchical agglomeration process produces a UCM. sp_threshold : float, optional (default: 0.0) The value for which to threshold the UCM to obtain the superpixels. body_threshold : float, optional (default: 0.1) The value for which to threshold the UCM to obtain the segments/bodies. The condition `body_threshold >= sp_threshold` should hold in order to obtain sensible results. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed through to `segs_to_raveler`. Returns ------- superpixels : numpy ndarray, shape (M, N, P) The superpixel map. Non-zero superpixels are unique to each plane. That is, `np.unique(superpixels[i])` and `np.unique(superpixels[j])` have only 0 as their intersection. sp_to_segment : numpy ndarray, shape (Q, 3) The superpixel to segment map. Segments are unique to each plane. The first number on each line is the plane number. segment_to_body : numpy ndarray, shape (R, 2) The segment to body map. """ sps = label(ucm < sp_threshold)[0] bodies = label(ucm <= body_threshold)[0] return segs_to_raveler(sps, bodies, **kwargs)
def label_clusters(self): # by default only fully connected voxels and no diagonal connections # if needed structure must be passed, eg structure = np.ones((3,3,3)) self.cluster_array_labelled, self.cluster_count = label(self.cluster_array_bool) # filter out clusters smaller than threshold if self.min_cluster_size is not None: # loop over clusters for i in range(self.cluster_count): n_cluster = i + 1 cluster_ids = np.where(self.cluster_array_labelled == n_cluster) cluster_size = cluster_ids[0].size # if cluster below limit set it to np.nan in cluster_array if cluster_size < self.min_cluster_size: self.cluster_array_labelled[cluster_ids] = 0 self.cluster_array_labelled, self.cluster_count = label(self.cluster_array_labelled) if self.cluster_count == 0: raise NoClustersError('Exiting PearsonMerger: parameters too strict, no clusters detectable!') # overwrite zeros with nan for plotting zeros_ids = np.where(self.cluster_array_labelled == 0) # doesnt work on int array, thus convert to float type self.cluster_array_labelled = self.cluster_array_labelled.astype('float') self.cluster_array_labelled[zeros_ids] = np.nan self.cluster_img = nib.Nifti1Image(self.cluster_array_labelled, self.affine)
def formatTS(start, stop, r, useIntersects=True): aStarts = {} X = [] Y = [] coords = [] sigNum = [] strcArr = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]] for sig in xrange(start, stop): if sig % 50 == 0: print sig path = np.array(sigs[sig]) imgO = imread(getFilePath(sig), as_grey=True) xs = [n for n in xrange()] plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(imgO) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(guassian_filter(imgO, 1)) thresh = 0.9 img = gaussian_filter(imgO, 1) < thresh imgX, imgY = np.nonzero(img) imgW = imgX.max() - imgX.min() imgH = imgY.max() - imgY.min() img = skeletonize(img) img = img[imgX.min() : imgX.max(), imgY.min() : imgY.max()] skltnSegs, nSkltnSegs = label(img, structure=strcArr) # print nSkltnSegs # plt.imshow(skltnSegs) # imgO = imgO[imgX.min() : imgX.max(), imgY.min() : imgY.max()] sumArr = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) summed = convolve(img, sumArr, mode="constant", cval=0) corners = (summed == 2) & (img == 1) startx = path[0][0] * img.shape[1] starty = path[0][1] * img.shape[0] aStarts[sig] = [startx, starty] if useIntersects: intersects = (summed >= 4) & (img == 1) labeled, nLabels = label(intersects, structure=strcArr) itrscts = [] for l in xrange(1, nLabels + 1): intersect = np.array((labeled == l), dtype=int) posX, posY = np.nonzero(intersect) xC, yC = np.array([[np.sum(posX) / posX.size], [np.sum(posY) / posY.size]]) itrscts.append([xC[0], yC[0]]) itrscts = np.array(itrscts) corners = np.transpose(np.array(np.nonzero(corners))) if useIntersects: try: corners = np.vstack((itrscts, corners)) except: print "something went wrong at", sig corners[:, [0, 1]] = corners[:, [1, 0]] for i, corner in enumerate(corners): x, y = corner[0], corner[1] x = getFeatures(imgO, x, y, r, imgH, imgW, skltnSegs) X.append(x) sigNum.append(sig) coords.append([x, y]) return np.array(X), np.array(sigNum), np.array(coords)
def getPara(predict, true, threshold, resolution, windowsize): (TP, FP, TN, FN, class_lable) = perf_measure(true, predict, threshold) if((TP + FN) == 0): TPR = 0 else: TPR = np.float(TP) / (TP + FN) class_lable = class_lable.astype(bool).reshape(250, 130) true = true.astype(bool).reshape((250, 130)) num = 2 x = np.arange( -num , num+1, 1) xx, yy = np.meshgrid( x, x ) struc = (xx * xx + yy * yy)<= num * num class_lable = binary_dilation(class_lable, struc) class_lable = binary_erosion(class_lable, struc) # predict2 = remove_small_objects(class_lable, windowsize * resolution, in_place=False) predict2 = remove_small_objects(class_lable, windowsize, in_place=False) labeled_array1, num_features1 = label(predict2) labeled_array2, num_features2 = label(true) FP_num = num_features1 - num_features2 if FP_num < 0: FP_num = 0 return TPR, FP_num
def segs_to_raveler(sps, bodies, **kwargs): import morpho min_sp_size = kwargs.get('min_sp_size', 16) sps_out = [] sps_per_plane = [] sp_to_segment = [] segment_to_body = [array([[0,0]])] total_nsegs = 0 for i, (sp_map, body_map) in enumerate(zip(sps, bodies)): sp_map, nsps = label( morpho.remove_small_connected_components(sp_map, min_sp_size, True) ) segment_map, nsegs = label(body_map) segment_map += total_nsegs segment_map *= sp_map.astype(bool) total_nsegs += nsegs sps_out.append(sp_map[newaxis,...]) sps_per_plane.append(nsps) valid = (sp_map != 0) + (segment_map == 0) sp_to_segment.append(unique( zip(it.repeat(i), sp_map[valid], segment_map[valid]))) valid = segment_map != 0 logging.debug('plane %i done'%i) segment_to_body.append(unique( zip(segment_map[valid], body_map[valid])))'total superpixels before: ' + str(len(unique(sps))) + 'total superpixels after: ' + str(sum(sps_per_plane))) sps_out = concatenate(sps_out, axis=0) sp_to_segment = concatenate(sp_to_segment, axis=0) segment_to_body = concatenate(segment_to_body, axis=0) return sps_out, sp_to_segment, segment_to_body
def split_exclusions(image, labels, exclusions, dilation=0, connectivity=1, standard_seeds=False): """Ensure that no segment in 'labels' overlaps more than one exclusion.""" labels = labels.copy() cur_label = labels.max() dilated_exclusions = exclusions.copy() foot = generate_binary_structure(exclusions.ndim, connectivity) for i in range(dilation): dilated_exclusions = grey_dilation(exclusions, footprint=foot) hashed = labels * (exclusions.max() + 1) + exclusions hashed[exclusions == 0] = 0 violations = bincount(hashed.ravel()) > 1 violations[0] = False if sum(violations) != 0: offending_labels = labels[violations[hashed]] mask = zeros(labels.shape, dtype=bool) for offlabel in offending_labels: mask += labels == offlabel if standard_seeds: seeds = label(mask * (image == 0))[0] else: seeds = label(mask * dilated_exclusions)[0] seeds[seeds > 0] += cur_label labels[mask] = watershed(image, seeds, connectivity, mask)[mask] return labels
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = np.atleast_1d(result.astype(np.bool)) reference = np.atleast_1d(reference.astype(np.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict() # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set() # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate(slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = np.unique(labelmap1[slicer][ bobj]) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len( l2ids): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len(l2ids): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [(l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop() # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping
def label(image,**kw): """Redefine the scipy.ndimage.measurements.label function to work with a wider range of data types. The default function is inconsistent about the data types it accepts on different platforms.""" try: return measurements.label(image,**kw) except: pass types = ["int32","uint32","int64","unit64","int16","uint16"] for t in types: try: return measurements.label(array(image,dtype=t),**kw) except: pass # let it raise the same exception as before return measurements.label(image,**kw)
def threshold_components(A, d1, d2, medw = (3,3), thr = 0.9999, se = np.ones((3,3),, ss = np.ones((3,3), from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_closing from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label d, nr = np.shape(A) Ath = np.zeros((d,nr)) for i in range(nr): A_temp = np.reshape(A[:,i],(d2,d1)) A_temp = median_filter(A_temp,medw) Asor = np.sort(np.squeeze(np.reshape(A_temp,(d,1))))[::-1] temp = np.cumsum(Asor**2) ff = np.squeeze(np.where(temp<(1-thr)*temp[-1])) if ff.size > 0: ind = ff[-1] A_temp[A_temp<Asor[ind]] = 0 BW = (A_temp>=Asor[ind]) else: BW = (A_temp>=0) Ath[:,i] = np.squeeze(np.reshape(A_temp,(d,1))) BW = binary_closing(BW.astype(,structure = se) labeled_array, num_features = label(BW, structure=ss) BW = np.reshape(BW,(d,1)) labeled_array = np.squeeze(np.reshape(labeled_array,(d,1))) nrg = np.zeros((num_features,1)) for j in range(num_features): nrg[j] = np.sum(Ath[labeled_array==j+1,i]**2) indm = np.argmax(nrg) Ath[labeled_array==indm+1,i] = A[labeled_array==indm+1,i] return Ath
def snippets_except_labels(self, exclude_labels=None): """ Returns list of snippets which have labels not in the 'exclude_labels' list TODO - perhaps this should instead return the entire part? if exclude_labels is None, then return *all* unlabelled sections """ if isinstance(exclude_labels, basestring): exclude_labels = [exclude_labels] # create vector which is one whenever one of the exclude labels occurs is_label = np.zeros(self.series.shape[0]) for annotation in self.annotations: if annotation['Label'] in exclude_labels: start_point = self.time_to_position(annotation['LabelStartTime_Seconds']) end_point = self.time_to_position(annotation['LabelEndTime_Seconds']) is_label[start_point:end_point] += 1 # now extract the snippets from which there are no labels labs, nlabels = measurements.label(is_label==0) snippets = [] for lab in range(1, nlabels+1): snippet = Wave(self.series[labs==lab], self.sample_rate) snippets.append(snippet) return snippets
def set_array(self, arr, **kwds): kwds['structure'] = kwds.get('structure', np.ones((3,3,3))) self._structure = kwds['structure'] # keep record of this self._arr = np.asarray(arr) labels, num = label(self._arr, **kwds) self._labels = labels self._nlabels = num
def findLabels(heatMap): # Visualize the heatmap when displaying thresholdMap = np.clip(heatMap, 0, 255) # Find final boxes from heatmap using label function labels = label(thresholdMap) # labels[0] is the bit map, labelss[1] is the number of maps print("findLabels-len(labels):", len(labels), ", labels[1]:", labels[1]) return labels
def mcs_find(image, thresh=None): if not thresh: print('Give threshold') return image[image > thresh] = 0 image[image <= thresh] = 1 image[np.isnan(image)] = 0 if np.sum(image<10): return [] labels, numL = label(image) ret = [] for l in np.unique(labels): if l == 0: continue blob = np.sum(labels == l) pdb.set_trace() if np.sum(len(blob[0])) < 100: # at least 1000m2 continue ret.append(blob*49) return ret
def select_downcast(pressure, for_overturn_calcs=False): """Find indices of the downcast part of data""" # Take the derivative of the pressure profile dp = np.diff(pressure) # Constants for the filter B, A = signal.butter(2, 0.01, output='ba') # Filter the pressure derivative, to smooth out the curve dp_smooth = signal.filtfilt(B, A, dp) # Make the arrays the same size dp_smooth = np.append(dp_smooth, [0]) # Find the indices where the descent rate is more than 0.05 falling_inds = dp_smooth > 0.05 if for_overturn_calcs: # For overturns, we want fall to be smooth. # Therefore, we want to exclude portions near the surface where # fall rate may drop below 0.05. In such cases without the code below # we would end up with discontinuous pieces of the profile inds_label = label(falling_inds)[0] inds_label_mode = mode(inds_label[falling_inds])[0] falling_inds[inds_label != inds_label_mode] = False falling_inds = np.where(falling_inds)[0] return falling_inds
def _filter_small_slopes(hgt, dx, min_slope=0): """Masks out slopes with NaN until the slope if all valid points is at least min_slope (in degrees). """ min_slope = np.deg2rad(min_slope) slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)) # beware the minus sign # slope at the end always OK slope[-1] = min_slope # Find the locs where it doesn't work and expand till we got everything slope_mask = np.where(slope >= min_slope, slope, np.NaN) r, nr = label(~np.isfinite(slope_mask)) for objs in find_objects(r): obj = objs[0] i = 0 while True: i += 1 i0 = objs[0].start-i if i0 < 0: break ngap = obj.stop - i0 - 1 nhgt = hgt[[i0, obj.stop]] current_slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(nhgt, ngap * dx)) if i0 <= 0 or current_slope[0] >= min_slope: break slope_mask[i0:obj.stop] = np.NaN out = hgt.copy() out[~np.isfinite(slope_mask)] = np.NaN return out
def _get_map_cluster_sizes(map_): labels, num = measurements.label(map_) area = measurements.sum(map_, labels, index=np.arange(1, num + 1)) if not len(area): return [0] else: return area.astype(int)
def clean_cc_mask(mask): """ Cleans a segmentation of the corpus callosum so no random pixels are included. Parameters ---------- mask : ndarray Binary mask of the coarse segmentation. Returns ------- new_cc_mask : ndarray Binary mask of the cleaned segmentation. """ from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label new_cc_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape) # Flood fill algorithm to find contiguous regions. labels, numL = label(mask) volumes = [len(labels[np.where(labels == l_idx+1)]) for l_idx in np.arange(numL)] biggest_vol = np.arange(numL)[np.where(volumes == np.max(volumes))] + 1 new_cc_mask[np.where(labels == biggest_vol)] = 1 return new_cc_mask
def translate_back(outputs,threshold=0.7): """Translate back. Thresholds on class 0, then assigns the maximum class to each region.""" labels,n = measurements.label(outputs[:,0]<threshold) mask = tile(labels.reshape(-1,1),(1,outputs.shape[1])) maxima = measurements.maximum_position(outputs,mask,arange(1,amax(mask)+1)) return [c for (r,c) in maxima]
def erase_reg(arr, p, val=0): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label labs, num = label(arr) aval = labs[p] idxs = np.where(labs == aval) arr[idxs] = val
def calc_modes(N2, bottom_depth, z_bins): """Wave velocity and structure of first three modes""" dz = np.mean(np.diff(z_bins)) # Truncate N2 to appropriate length based on depth and dz Nz = (bottom_depth/dz).astype(int) N2 = N2[:Nz] # Find indices of start and end of finite values finite_vals = nan_or_masked(N2) == 0 labels = label(finite_vals)[0] main_data = np.where(labels == mode(labels[finite_vals]))[1] start_ind, end_ind = main_data[0], main_data[-1] # Fill in NaN values with start or end values N2[:start_ind] = N2[start_ind] N2[end_ind + 1:] = N2[end_ind] # Preallocate arrays for horizontal and vertical structure hori = np.full((len(z_bins) - 1, 3), np.nan) vert = hori.copy() hori[:len(N2), :], vert[:len(N2), :], c, _ = vertModes(N2, dz, 3) return hori, vert, c[:3]
def manual_split(probs, seg, body, seeds, connectivity=1, boundary_seeds=None): """Manually split a body from a segmentation using seeded watershed. Input: - probs: the probability of boundary in the volume given. - seg: the current segmentation. - body: the label to be split. - seeds: the seeds for the splitting (should be just two labels). [-connectivity: the connectivity to use for watershed.] [-boundary_seeds: if not None, these locations become inf in probs.] Value: - the segmentation with the selected body split. """ struct = generate_binary_structure(seg.ndim, connectivity) body_pixels = seg == body bbox = find_objects(body_pixels)[0] body_pixels = body_pixels[bbox] body_boundary = binary_dilation(body_pixels, struct) - body_pixels non_body_pixels = True - body_pixels - body_boundary probs = probs.copy()[bbox] probs[non_body_pixels] = probs.min()-1 if boundary_seeds is not None: probs[boundary_seeds[bbox]] = probs.max()+1 probs[body_boundary] = probs.max()+1 seeds = label(seeds.astype(bool)[bbox], struct)[0] outer_seed = seeds.max()+1 # should be 3 seeds[non_body_pixels] = outer_seed seg_new = watershed(probs, seeds, dams=(seg==0).any(), connectivity=connectivity, show_progress=True) seg = seg.copy() new_seeds = unique(seeds)[:-1] for new_seed, new_label in zip(new_seeds, [0, body, seg.max()+1]): seg[bbox][seg_new == new_seed] = new_label return seg
def fix_elevations(z, riv_i, riv_j, ch_depth, sea_level, slope, dx, max_rand, SLRR): test_elev = z - sea_level max_cell_h = slope * dx riv_prof = test_elev[riv_i, riv_j] test_elev[riv_i, riv_j] += 2*ch_depth # set new subaerial cells to marsh elevation test_elev[test_elev == 0] = max_cell_h # make mask for depressions ocean_mask = test_elev < max_cell_h labeled_ponds, ocean = measurements.label(ocean_mask) # # fill in underwater spots that are below SL (?) # below_SL = [z <= sea_level] # underwater_cells, big_ocean = measurements.label(below_SL) # underwater_cells[underwater_cells == big_ocean] = 0 # test_elev[underwater_cells > 0] = max_cell_h + SLRR + (np.random.rand() * max_rand) # create an ocean and shoreline mask ocean_and_shore = np.copy(labeled_ponds) # create an ocean mask # ocean_cells = np.copy(ocean_and_shore) # ocean_and_shore[test_elev > 0] = 0 # create mask for pond cells and fix them area = measurements.sum(ocean_mask, labeled_ponds, index=np.arange(labeled_ponds.max() + 1)) areaPonds = area[labeled_ponds] labeled_ponds[areaPonds == areaPonds.max()] = 0 #finish creating ocean and shoreline mask ocean_and_shore[areaPonds != areaPonds.max()] = 0 # something here to get rid of ocean cells test_elev[labeled_ponds > 0] = max_cell_h + SLRR + (np.random.rand() * max_rand) # raise cells close to sea level above it test_elev[(test_elev >= max_cell_h) & (test_elev <= (max_cell_h + SLRR))] = \ (max_cell_h + SLRR + (np.random.rand() * max_rand)) riv_buffer = np.zeros_like(test_elev) riv_buffer[riv_i, riv_j] = 1 riv_buffer[riv_i[1:]-1, riv_j[1:]] = 1 for i in xrange(1, test_elev.shape[0]-1): for j in xrange(test_elev.shape[1]): if (not ocean_and_shore[i, j] and not ocean_and_shore[i-1, j] and not ocean_and_shore[i+1, j] and not riv_buffer[i, j]): if test_elev[i+1, j] >= test_elev[i, j]: test_elev[i, j] = test_elev[i+1, j] + (np.random.rand() * slope) test_elev[riv_i, riv_j] = riv_prof z = test_elev + sea_level return z
def blob_define(array, thresh, min_area=None, max_area=None, minmax_area=None): array[array >= thresh] = 0 # T threshold maskout array[np.isnan(array)] = 0 # set ocean nans to 0 labels, numL = label(array) u, inv = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) n = np.bincount(inv) goodinds = u[u!=0] if min_area != None: goodinds = u[(n>=min_area) & (u!=0)] badinds = u[n<min_area] for b in badinds: pos = np.where(labels==b) labels[pos]=0 if max_area != None: goodinds = u[(n<=max_area) & (u!=0)] badinds = u[n>max_area] if minmax_area != None: goodinds = u[(n <= minmax_area[1]) & (u != 0) & (n>=minmax_area[0])] badinds = u[(n > minmax_area[1]) | (n < minmax_area[0])] for b in badinds: pos = np.where(labels==b) labels[pos]=0 return labels, goodinds
def hist_clustersize(dic, keys, tr, clim, norm=True, bars=False, fig_name=None, higher=True): plt.figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=200) for k in keys: h = np.zeros((len(dic),clim[1]-clim[0]+1)) for j in range(len(dic)): x = np.array(dic[j][k]) if higher: x[x<tr[k][0]] = 0.0 x[x>tr[k][0]] = 1.0 else: x[x<tr[k][0]] = 1.0 x[x>tr[k][0]] = 0.0 xs, n_clusters = measurements.label(x) print n_clusters, 'clusters found' a = measurements.sum(x, xs, index=arange(xs.max() + 1)) ma = np.max(a) h[j,:] = np.asarray([np.sum(a==i) for i in np.arange(clim[0],clim[1]+1,1)]) hm = np.mean(h,axis=0) if norm: hm = hm/np.sum(hm) plt.ylim([0.0,1.0]) if bars:[0]-0.4, clim[1], 1.0 ),hm) else: plt.plot(np.arange(clim[0], clim[1]+1, 1.0 ),hm, 'ob-', ms=10) plt.xlim([clim[0]-0.5,clim[1]+0.5]) plt.xticks(range(clim[0], clim[1]+1,1)) plt.xlabel('Cluster size') plt.ylabel('Number of clusters') #plt.title(k) if fig_name!=None: plt.savefig(fig_name, format='pdf', dpi=200)
def mod_regions(composite, mod_id, algorithm): # paths template = composite.templates.get(name='region') # REGION TEMPLATE # get region img set that has the region template region_img_set = composite.gons.filter(channel__name='-regionimg', template__name='region') # channel region_channel, region_channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name='-regions') # iterate for t in range(composite.series.ts): print(t) region_img = region_img_set.filter(t=t) if region_img.count()==0: region_img = region_img_set.get(t=t-1) else: region_img = region_img_set.get(t=t) # for each image, determine unique values of labelled array # make gon with label array and save region_gon = composite.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=region_channel, template=template) region_gon.set_origin(0, 0, 0, t) region_gon.set_extent(, composite.series.cs, 1) # modify image region_array = region_img.load() region_array = region_array[:,:,0] region_array[region_array>0] = 1 region_array, n = label(region_array) region_gon.array = region_array.copy() region_gon.save_array(composite.experiment.composite_path, template)
def find_sudoku_edges(im, axis=0): """ 寻找对齐后数独图像的的单元边线 """ # threshold and sum rows and columns #阈值化,像素值小于128的阈值处理后为1,大于128的为0 trim = 1*(128 > im) #阈值处理后对行(列)相加求和 s = trim.sum(axis=axis) print s # find center of strongest lines # 寻找连通区域 s_labels, s_nbr = measurements.label((0.5*max(s)) < s) print s_labels print s_nbr #计算各连通域的质心 m = measurements.center_of_mass(s, s_labels, range(1, s_nbr+1)) print m #对质心取整,质心即为粗线条所在位置 x = [int(x[0]) for x in m] print x # if only the strong lines are detected add lines in between # 如果检测到了粗线条,便在粗线条间添加直线 if 4 == len(x): dx = diff(x) x = [x[0], x[0]+dx[0]/3, x[0]+2*dx[0]/3, x[1], x[1]+dx[1]/3, x[1]+2*dx[1]/3, x[2], x[2]+dx[2]/3, x[2]+2*dx[2]/3, x[3]] if 10 == len(x): return x else: raise RuntimeError('Edges not detected.')
def _make_floor_ceil(self, cabin_voxel): """ Alternate method of ceiling detection: get the label in a region containing troops ( assumed to be the cabin interior volume), then find min and max points where that label is found, everywhere in the vehicle. Floor and ceiling are the endpoints of the longest continuous gap between floor and ceiling. :param cabin_voxel: 3-tuple containing the ijk indices of a voxel known to be cabin- determine this from the position of a troop manikin in the vehicle model """ # Default value = bottom of vehicle box. Easy to spot meaningless ceiling points. labels = self.get_labels(mask_from_voxel=cabin_voxel) self.ceiling = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype=np.int16) self.floor = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]), dtype=np.int16) for i in xrange(labels.shape[0]): for j in xrange(labels.shape[1]): labs, isl = meas.label(labels[i, j, :]) if isl == 0: continue slices = meas.find_objects(labs) lrgst = np.argmax(np.array([sli[0].stop - sli[0].start for sli in slices])) self.floor[i, j] = slices[lrgst][0].start - 1 self.ceiling[i, j] = slices[lrgst][0].stop # Hack: postprocess so that floor and ceiling arrays have the default values assumed # by rest of test bench self.floor[self.floor == -1] = 0 self.ceiling[self.ceiling == labels.shape[2]] = 0
def rand_by_threshold(ucm, gt, npoints=None): """Compute Rand and Adjusted Rand indices for each threshold of a UCM Parameters ---------- ucm : np.ndarray, arbitrary shape An Ultrametric Contour Map of region boundaries having specific values. Higher values indicate higher boundary probabilities. gt : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as ucm The ground truth segmentation. npoints : int, optional If provided, only compute values at npoints thresholds, rather than all thresholds. Useful when ucm has an extremely large number of unique values. Returns ------- ris : np.ndarray of float, shape (3, len(np.unique(ucm))) or (3, npoints) The rand indices of the segmentation induced by thresholding and labeling `ucm` at different values. The 3 rows of `ris` are the values used for thresholding, the corresponding Rand Index at that threshold, and the corresponding Adjusted Rand Index at that threshold. """ ts = np.unique(ucm)[1:] if npoints is None: npoints = len(ts) if len(ts) > 2 * npoints: ts = ts[np.arange(1, len(ts), len(ts) / npoints)] result = np.zeros((2, len(ts))) for i, t in enumerate(ts): seg = label(ucm < t)[0] result[0, i] = rand_index(seg, gt) result[1, i] = adj_rand_index(seg, gt) return np.concatenate((ts[np.newaxis, :], result), axis=0)
def getMapMatrix(self): if self.displayMode == 0: return self.breezyMap if self.INTERNAL_MAP else self.pointMap if self.displayMode == 1: return self.breezyMap if self.displayMode == 2: return self.pointMap fow_darkLimit = 80 # breezyMap value cutoff for points too low to be fog of war fow_brightLimit = 200 # breezyMap value cutoff for points too high to be fog of war wall_brightLimit = 240 # pointMap value cutoff for points too high to be walls road_darkLimit = 240 # breezyMap value cutoff for points too low to be road shrink_size = 200 # size of reduced-size map (used to speed up processing) # stime = time.clock() pointMapShrunk = shrinkTo(self.pointMap, shrink_size, shrink_size) breezyMapShrunk = shrinkTo(self.breezyMap, shrink_size, shrink_size) unexplored = np.logical_and(fow_darkLimit < breezyMapShrunk, breezyMapShrunk < fow_brightLimit) wall = pointMapShrunk < wall_brightLimit display = np.where(wall, 0, np.where(unexplored, 127, 255)) if self.displayMode == 3: return display if self.displayMode == 6: return np.where(breezyMapShrunk > road_darkLimit, 255, 0) gradientx, gradienty = np.zeros((shrink_size,shrink_size), dtype=bool), np.zeros((shrink_size,shrink_size), dtype=bool) n = 1 # number of times to take the diff (width of diff) gradientx[:,:-n], gradienty[:-n,:] = np.absolute(np.diff(display, n=n, axis=1))==128, np.absolute(np.diff(display, n=n, axis=0))==128 targets = np.any([gradientx, np.roll(gradientx, n, axis=1), gradienty, np.roll(gradienty, n, axis=0)], axis=0) # targets = np.logical_or(gradientx, gradienty) if self.displayMode == 4: return np.where(targets, 127, np.where(wall, 0, 255)) lbl, num_lbls = label(targets, structure=[[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]) self.addFeatures(lbl, num_lbls, shrink_size) # etime = time.clock() # print etime-stime if self.displayMode == 5: return lbl*255/(lbl.max() if lbl.max() != 0 else 1)
def character_seg_erosion(grey_scale_image, max_w_h_ratio=0.85): bin_img = grey_scale_image > 0 labels, num_labels = label(binary_erosion(bin_img > 0)) for span, mask in _create_spans_and_masks(labels, num_labels): char_img = grey_scale_image[:, span[0]:span[1]].copy() char_img[mask == False] = 0 yield char_img
def _label_and_slice(self, img): '''Label contiguous binary patches numerically and make list of smallest parallelpipeds that contain each.''' img = np.copy(img) img = scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes(img).astype(np.uint8) labeled_img, _ = measurements.label(img) return measurements.find_objects(labeled_img)
def connected_components (array): structure = np.ones((3, 3), # 8-neighboorhood labeled, ncomponents = label(array, structure) return labeled
def process_frame(img): rects=[] dist_pickle = pickle.load(open( "training_result.p", "rb" )) svc = dist_pickle["svc"] color_space = dist_pickle["color_space"] orient = dist_pickle["orient"] pix_per_cell = dist_pickle["pix_per_cell"] cell_per_block = dist_pickle["cell_per_block"] spatial_size = dist_pickle["spatial_size"] hist_bin = dist_pickle["hist_bin"] X_scaler = dist_pickle["X_scaler"] ystart = 400 ystop = 464 scale = 1.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 416 ystop = 480 scale = 1.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 400 ystop = 496 scale = 1.5 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 432 ystop = 528 scale = 1.5 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 400 ystop = 528 scale = 2.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 400 ystop = 596 scale = 3.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) ystart = 464 ystop = 660 scale = 3.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) rectangles = [item for sublist in rects for item in sublist] heatmap_img = np.zeros_like(img[:,:,0]) heatmap_img = add_heat(heatmap_img, rectangles) heatmap_img = apply_threshold(heatmap_img, 2) labels = label(heatmap_img) draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels) return draw_img
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = np.atleast_1d(result.astype(np.bool)) reference = np.atleast_1d(reference.astype(np.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict( ) # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set( ) # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate( slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[ slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = np.unique( labelmap1[slicer][bobj] ) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len( l2ids ): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len( l2ids ): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [ (l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many ] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop( ) # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping
def process_frame(img): rectangles = [] colorspace = 'YUV' # Can be RGB, HSV, LUV, HLS, YUV, YCrCb orient = 11 pix_per_cell = 16 cell_per_block = 2 hog_channel = 'ALL' # Can be 0, 1, 2, or "ALL" ystart = 400 ystop = 465 scale = 1.0 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 415 ystop = 480 scale = 1.0 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 400 ystop = 495 scale = 1.5 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 430 ystop = 530 scale = 1.5 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 400 ystop = 530 scale = 2.0 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 430 ystop = 560 scale = 2.0 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 400 ystop = 595 scale = 3.5 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) ystart = 465 ystop = 660 scale = 3.5 rectangles.append( find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, colorspace, hog_channel, svc, None, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, None, None)) rectangles = [item for sublist in rectangles for item in sublist] heatmap_img = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0]) heatmap_img = add_heat(heatmap_img, rectangles) heatmap_img = apply_threshold(heatmap_img, 1) labels = label(heatmap_img) draw_img, rects = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels) return draw_img
def process_image(img_src, vis_heat=False): draw_img = np.copy(img_src) current_draw_img = np.copy(img_src) scales = [1, 1.5] img_src = img_src.astype(np.float32) / 255 heat_map = np.zeros_like(img_src[:, :, 0]) img_src = cv2.cvtColor(img_src, cv2.COLOR_RGB2YCrCb) img_cropped = img_src[y_start_stop[0]:y_start_stop[1], :, :] for scale in scales: if scale != 1: imshape = img_cropped.shape img_cropped = cv2.resize( img_cropped, ([1] / scale),[0] / scale))) ch1 = img_cropped[:, :, 0] ch2 = img_cropped[:, :, 1] ch3 = img_cropped[:, :, 2] nxblocks = (ch1.shape[1] // pix_per_cell) - 1 nyblocks = (ch1.shape[0] // pix_per_cell) - 1 window = 64 nblock_per_window = (window // pix_per_cell) - 1 cells_per_step = 2 nxsteps = (nxblocks - nblock_per_window) // cells_per_step nysteps = (nyblocks - nblock_per_window) // cells_per_step hog1 = get_hog_features(ch1, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, feature_vec=False) hog2 = get_hog_features(ch2, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, feature_vec=False) hog3 = get_hog_features(ch3, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, feature_vec=False) for xb in range(nxsteps): for yb in range(nysteps): test_features = [] ypos = yb * cells_per_step xpos = xb * cells_per_step xleft = xpos * pix_per_cell ytop = ypos * pix_per_cell subimg = cv2.resize( img_cropped[ytop:ytop + window, xleft:xleft + window], (64, 64)) spatial_features = bin_spatial(subimg, size=spatial_size) test_features.append(spatial_features) hist_features = color_hist(subimg, nbins=hist_bins) test_features.append(hist_features) hog_feat1 = hog1[ypos:ypos + nblock_per_window, xpos:xpos + nblock_per_window].ravel() hog_feat2 = hog2[ypos:ypos + nblock_per_window, xpos:xpos + nblock_per_window].ravel() hog_feat3 = hog3[ypos:ypos + nblock_per_window, xpos:xpos + nblock_per_window].ravel() hog_features = np.hstack((hog_feat1, hog_feat2, hog_feat3)) test_features.append(hog_features) test_features = np.concatenate(test_features) test_features = X_scaler.transform(test_features) test_prediction = svc.decision_function(test_features) if test_prediction > 0.75: xbox_left = * scale) ytop_draw = * scale) win_draw = * scale) cv2.rectangle(current_draw_img, (xbox_left, ytop_draw + y_start_stop[0]), (xbox_left + win_draw, ytop_draw + y_start_stop[0] + win_draw), color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=6) heat_map[ytop_draw + y_start_stop[0]:ytop_draw + y_start_stop[0] + win_draw, xbox_left:xbox_left + win_draw] += 1 heat_map[heat_map <= 1] = 0 heat_maps.append(heat_map) summed_heat_maps = np.sum(heat_maps, axis=0) #summed_heat_maps[summed_heat_maps <= 5] = 0 labels = label(summed_heat_maps) draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(draw_img, labels) if vis_heat == True: diagScreen = np.zeros((720, 2560, 3), dtype=np.uint8) diagScreen[0:720, 0:1280] = draw_img diagScreen[0:720, 1280:2560] = stack_arr(heat_map * 255 // heat_map.max()) return diagScreen else: return draw_img
def eval_on_images(shading_image_arr, pixel_labels_dir, thres_list, photo_id, bl_filter_size, img_dir): """ This method generates a list of precision-recall pairs and confusion matrices for each threshold provided in ``thres_list`` for a specific photo. :param shading_image_arr: predicted shading images :param pixel_labels_dir: Directory which contains the SAW pixel labels for each photo. :param thres_list: List of shading gradient magnitude thresholds we use to generate points on the precision-recall curve. :param photo_id: ID of the photo we want to evaluate on. :param bl_filter_size: The size of the maximum filter used on the shading gradient magnitude image. We used 10 in the paper. If 0, we do not filter. """ shading_image_linear_grayscale = shading_image_arr shading_image_linear_grayscale[ shading_image_linear_grayscale < 1e-4] = 1e-4 shading_image_linear_grayscale = np.log(shading_image_linear_grayscale) shading_gradmag = saw_utils.compute_gradmag(shading_image_linear_grayscale) shading_gradmag = np.abs(shading_gradmag) if bl_filter_size: shading_gradmag_max = maximum_filter(shading_gradmag, size=bl_filter_size) # We have the following ground truth labels: # (0) normal/depth discontinuity non-smooth shading (NS-ND) # (1) shadow boundary non-smooth shading (NS-SB) # (2) smooth shading (S) # (100) no data, ignored y_true = saw_utils.load_pixel_labels(pixel_labels_dir=pixel_labels_dir, photo_id=photo_id) img_path = img_dir + str(photo_id) + ".png" # diffuclut and harder dataset srgb_img = saw_utils.load_img_arr(img_path) srgb_img = np.mean(srgb_img, axis=2) img_gradmag = saw_utils.compute_gradmag(srgb_img) smooth_mask = (y_true == 2) average_gradient = np.zeros_like(img_gradmag) # find every connected component labeled_array, num_features = label(smooth_mask) for j in range(1, num_features + 1): # for each connected component, compute the average image graident for the region avg = np.mean(img_gradmag[labeled_array == j]) average_gradient[labeled_array == j] = avg average_gradient = np.ravel(average_gradient) y_true = np.ravel(y_true) ignored_mask = y_true > 99 # If we don't have labels for this photo (so everything is ignored), return # None if np.all(ignored_mask): return [None] * len(thres_list) ret = [] for thres in thres_list: y_pred = (shading_gradmag < thres).astype(int) y_pred_max = (shading_gradmag_max < thres).astype(int) y_pred = np.ravel(y_pred) y_pred_max = np.ravel(y_pred_max) # Note: y_pred should have the same image resolution as y_true assert y_pred.shape == y_true.shape # confusion_matrix = saw_utils.grouped_confusion_matrix(y_true[~ignored_mask], y_pred[~ignored_mask], y_pred_max[~ignored_mask]) confusion_matrix = saw_utils.grouped_weighted_confusion_matrix( y_true[~ignored_mask], y_pred[~ignored_mask], y_pred_max[~ignored_mask], average_gradient[~ignored_mask]) ret.append(confusion_matrix) return ret
data = npz['data'] times = npz['times'] ## Load trial info. info = read_csv(os.path.join(root_dir, 'afMSIT_%s_info.csv' % space)) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### Perform correlations. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ## Compute true correlations. r_vals, p_vals = np.apply_along_axis(spearmanr, axis=0, arr=data, b=info.RT) ## Find real clusters. masked = p_vals < alpha clusters, n_clusters = measurements.label(masked) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### Perform permutation testing (if possible). #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# np.random.seed(seed) if n_clusters > 0: ## Compute cluster sums. cluster_sums = measurements.sum(r_vals, clusters, index=np.arange(n_clusters) + 1) ## Compute cluster bounds. tmin = np.array(
def extract_baselines(image_map: np.array, base_line_index=1, base_line_border_index=2, original=None, processes=1): from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label base_ind = np.where(image_map == base_line_index) base_border_ind = np.where(image_map == base_line_border_index) baseline = np.zeros(image_map.shape) baseline_border = np.zeros(image_map.shape) baseline[base_ind] = 1 baseline_border[base_border_ind] = 1 baseline_ccs, n_baseline_ccs = label(baseline, structure=[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) baseline_ccs = [ np.where(baseline_ccs == x) for x in range(1, n_baseline_ccs + 1) ] baseline_ccs = [ BaseLineCCs(x, 'baseline') for x in baseline_ccs if len(x[0]) > 10 ] all_ccs = baseline_ccs # + baseline_border_ccs"Extracted {} CCs from probability map \n".format( len(all_ccs))) def calculate_distance_matrix(ccs, maximum_angle=5, processes=8): distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(ccs), len(ccs))) from functools import partial distance_func = partial(calculate_distance, ccs=ccs, maximum_angle=maximum_angle, baseline_border_image=baseline_border) indexes_ccs = list(range(len(ccs))) with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes, maxtasksperchild=100) as p: out = list(, indexes_ccs)) for x in out: indexes, values = x distance_matrix[indexes] = values return distance_matrix with PerformanceCounter(function_name="calculate_distance_matrix"): matrix = calculate_distance_matrix(all_ccs, processes=processes) from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN if np.sum(matrix) == 0: print("Empty Image") return t = DBSCAN(eps=100, min_samples=1, metric="precomputed").fit(matrix) ccs = [] for x in np.unique(t.labels_): ind = np.where(t.labels_ == x) line = [] for d in ind[0]: if all_ccs[d].type == 'baseline': line.append(all_ccs[d]) if len(line) > 0: ccs.append((np.concatenate([[0] for x in line]), np.concatenate([[1] for x in line]))) ccs = [list(zip(x[0], x[1])) for x in ccs] from itertools import chain from typing import List, Tuple from collections import defaultdict def normalize_connected_components(cc_list: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]]): # Normalize the CCs (line segments), so that the height of each cc is normalized to one pixel def normalize(point_list): normalized_cc_list = [] for cc in point_list: cc_dict = defaultdict(list) for y, x in cc: cc_dict[x].append(y) normalized_cc = [] for key in sorted(cc_dict.keys()): value = cc_dict[key] normalized_cc.append( [int(np.floor(np.mean(value) + 0.5)), key]) normalized_cc_list.append(normalized_cc) return normalized_cc_list return normalize(cc_list) ccs = normalize_connected_components(ccs) new_ccs = [] for baseline in ccs: new_ccs.append([coord_tup[::-1] for coord_tup in baseline]) return new_ccs
# %% '''Report Area and Intensity in Segmentation Mask''' nPixels = len(I[idx]) PercentArea = 100.0 * float(nPixels) / float(I.size) print("Number of Pixels in Mask: ", nPixels) #131296 print("Percent Area: ", PercentArea) #25.88 print("Mean Intensity in Mask: ", I[idx].mean()) #50.782 print("Max Intensity in Mask: ", I[idx].max()) #137 print("Min Intensity in Mask: ", I[idx].min()) #21 # %% from scipy.ndimage import measurements ILabel, nFeatures = measurements.label(idx) print("Number of elements: ", nFeatures) plt.imshow(ILabel) # %% '''Report Intensity Per Object''' for k in range(nFeatures): idxCell = ILabel == k print("Cell: ", k, " Mean: ", I[idxCell].mean()) # %% # Exercises: # 1. What may be the result of thresholding after np.log2 ? # 2. Better way to visualize the images and thresholding results? # 3. What can you do to separate the clustered cells?
def lung_segmentation(self, sc): """Method for lungs segmentation.""" """ Arguments: sc - LiTSscan object containing normalized volume """ h, w, d = [sc.get_height(), sc.get_width(), sc.get_depth()] # ..................................................................... # 1. Detecting air regions around and in body # ..................................................................... air_r = (sc.get_volume() < self.air_th) # ..................................................................... # 2. Detecting body bounds # ..................................................................... b_bounds = np.zeros((sc.get_depth(), 4), dtype='int16') b_bounds[:, 1], b_bounds[:, 3] = [w - 1, h - 1] bb_v, bb_h = [h - np.sum(air_r, axis=0), w - np.sum(air_r, axis=1)] bb_v = bb_v.astype('float32') / np.sum(bb_v, axis=0) bb_h = bb_h.astype('float32') / np.sum(bb_h, axis=0) xc ='float32'), bb_v) yc ='float32'), bb_h) for i in range(d): for j in range(int(xc[i]), 0, -1): if bb_v[j, i] < self.body_bounds_th[0]: b_bounds[i, 0] = j break for j in range(int(xc[i]), w): if bb_v[j, i] < self.body_bounds_th[0]: b_bounds[i, 1] = j break for j in range(int(yc[i]), 0, -1): if bb_h[j, i] < self.body_bounds_th[1]: b_bounds[i, 2] = j break for j in range(int(yc[i]), h): if bb_h[j, i] < self.body_bounds_th[2]: b_bounds[i, 3] = j break # ..................................................................... # 3. Down-sample air mask for further processing # ..................................................................... air_r_ds = (air_r[::self.ds_f[0], ::self.ds_f[1], ::self.ds_f[2]] == 0) # ..................................................................... # 4. Remove outside body air # ..................................................................... l_cs = np.zeros((h / self.ds_f[0], w / self.ds_f[1], d / self.ds_f[2]), dtype='bool') b_bounds_ds = b_bounds b_bounds_ds[:, 0:2] = b_bounds_ds[:, 0:2] / self.ds_f[0] b_bounds_ds[:, 2:] = b_bounds_ds[:, 2:] / self.ds_f[1] for i in range(sc.get_depth()): img_patch = air_r_ds[b_bounds_ds[i, 2]:b_bounds_ds[i, 3], b_bounds_ds[i, 0]:b_bounds_ds[i, 1], i] img_patch = self._remove_outside_body(img_patch) l_cs[b_bounds_ds[i, 2]:b_bounds_ds[i, 3], b_bounds_ds[i, 0]:b_bounds_ds[i, 1], i] = (img_patch == 0) # ..................................................................... # 5. Determine center of the largest air object along vertical axis # ..................................................................... self._largest_air_object_center(l_cs) # ..................................................................... # 6. Labeling in body air # ..................................................................... masks, label = measurements.label(l_cs) labels_list = np.arange(label) + 1 object_sizes = np.zeros(label) count_sgnf = 0 lv_th_ds = self.lv_th / (self.ds_f[0] * self.ds_f[1] * self.ds_f[2]) for l in range(1, label + 1): object_sizes[l - 1] = np.sum(masks == l) if object_sizes[l - 1] > lv_th_ds: count_sgnf += 1 # ..................................................................... # 7. Extracting lung candidates from labeled data according to the # size and/or position # ..................................................................... lungs = self._extract_lung_candidates(count_sgnf, labels_list, masks, object_sizes) # ..................................................................... # 8. Up-sample detected mask corresponding to the lungs # ..................................................................... lungs_up = np.zeros((h, w, d), dtype='bool') for s in range(d): for r in range(h / self.ds_f[0]): for c in range(w / self.ds_f[1]): if lungs[r, c, s]: r1, r2 = [r * self.ds_f[0], (r + 1) * self.ds_f[0]] c1, c2 = [c * self.ds_f[1], (c + 1) * self.ds_f[1]] lungs_up[r1:r2, c1:c2, s] = air_r[r1:r2, c1:c2, s] # ..................................................................... # 9. Re-labeling in body air # ..................................................................... masks, label = measurements.label(lungs_up) labels_list = np.arange(label) + 1 object_sizes = np.zeros(label) count_sgnf = 0 for l in range(1, label + 1): object_sizes[l - 1] = np.sum(masks == l) if object_sizes[l - 1] > self.lv_th: count_sgnf += 1 lungs = self._extract_lung_candidates(count_sgnf, labels_list, masks, object_sizes) # ..................................................................... # 10. Set meta segmentation # ..................................................................... sc.set_meta_segmentation(lungs.astype('uint8') * 3)
def drift_adjustment(image_file, anchor_centers, output_filename, drift_trajectory_file, tracking=True, region_radius=50, ref_tstep=0): ###This function tracks an *actually stationary* object to account for drift in the x-y plane. This is only designed to work in the simplest case, where there is an isolated stationary object to use as an anchor (for example a pigment spot) ###Parameters: ###input_array: a numpy array containing input images, assumed to be (Txmxn) ###anchor_center: the center of the stationary object in the reference timestep, which is either the first or last frame. Can be approximate; the function will recalculate the centroid. ###region_radius: the radius of the region over which to calculate the centroid in the next frame. ###ref_tstep: drift displacement vectors will be calculated relative to the location of the object at this timestep. Default is 0. ###Calculate trajectory of stationary object by finding the brightness centroid within the circle with r=region_radius, around the center from the previous frame. import numpy from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass, label import matplotlib.pylab as pt from skimage import io, filters, morphology image_data = io.imread(image_file) ntsteps = image_data.shape[0] if not tracking_flag: output_filename = io.imsave(output_filename, image_data) file = open(drift_trajectory_file, 'w') for t in range(ntsteps): file.write(str(t) + '\t' + '0,0' + '\n') file.close() else: coms = anchor_centers circle_mask = numpy.zeros( (2 * region_radius + 1, 2 * region_radius + 1), dtype='int') for j in range(region_radius): x = numpy.sqrt((region_radius)**2 - j**2) circle_start = region_radius - int(round(x)) circle_end = region_radius + int(round(x)) for i in range(circle_start, circle_end + 1): circle_mask[i, region_radius - j] = 1 circle_mask[i, region_radius + j] = 1 com_trajectories = {} for com in coms: com_trajectories[tuple(com)] = [] com_trajectories['avg_disp'] = [] #print(coms) #ntsteps = 10 for i in range(ntsteps): if ref_tstep == -1: ###Trajectory will be calculated from the final tstep backwards t = ntsteps - i - 1 else: t = i disps = numpy.array([0., 0.]) for com in coms: com_list = com_trajectories[tuple(com)] if len(com_list) < 1: prev_com = com else: prev_com = com_list[i - 1] region = image_data[t, int(round(prev_com[0])) - region_radius:int(round(prev_com[0])) + region_radius + 1, int(round(prev_com[1])) - region_radius:int(round(prev_com[1])) + region_radius + 1] #*circle_mask ###Find the spot in the region otsu_thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(region) mask = numpy.zeros_like(region) mask[region > otsu_thresh] = 1 labels, num_features = label(mask) large_label = morphology.remove_small_objects(labels, min_size=4) ###Find the com of the labeled region local_com = center_of_mass(region, labels=large_label) #pt.pcolor(region) #pt.axis('equal') #pt.plot([local_com[1]],[local_com[0]], marker='o',color='k') #print(local_com) new_com = [ int(round(prev_com[0])) - region_radius + local_com[0], int(round(prev_com[1])) - region_radius + local_com[1] ] #pt.figure(figsize=(8,20)) #pt.pcolor(image_data[t,:,:]) #pt.plot([new_com[1]], [new_com[0]], marker='o',color='k') if t == 0: disp = numpy.array([0., 0.]) else: disp = numpy.array(new_com) - numpy.array(prev_com) com_trajectories[tuple(com)].append(new_com) disps += disp #print(local_com[0]) #print(prev_com[0]) #print(int(round(prev_com[0])) - region_radius) #print(new_com[0]) #print(disps) com_trajectories['avg_disp'].append(disps / 2.) #print(disp) drift_corrected_array = numpy.zeros_like(image_data) trajectories = numpy.array(com_trajectories['avg_disp']) for i in range(ntsteps): driftx = numpy.round(numpy.sum(trajectories[0:i + 1, :], axis=0)[0])) drifty = numpy.round(numpy.sum(trajectories[0:i + 1, :], axis=0)[1])) print(driftx, drifty) if ref_tstep == -1: ###Trajectory will be calculated from the final tstep backwards t = ntsteps - i - 1 else: t = i if (driftx >= 0 and drifty >= 0): if (driftx == 0 and drifty == 0): drift_corrected_array[t, :, :] = image_data[t, :, :] elif driftx == 0: drift_corrected_array[t, :, :-drifty] = image_data[t, :, drifty:] elif drifty == 0: drift_corrected_array[t, :-driftx, :] = image_data[t, driftx:, drifty:] else: drift_corrected_array[t, :-driftx, :-drifty] = image_data[ t, driftx:, drifty:] elif (driftx >= 0 and drifty < 0): if driftx == 0: drift_corrected_array[t, :, -drifty:] = image_data[ t, driftx:, :drifty] else: drift_corrected_array[t, :-driftx, -drifty:] = image_data[ t, driftx:, :drifty] elif (driftx < 0 and drifty >= 0): if drifty == 0: drift_corrected_array[t, -driftx:, :] = image_data[t, :driftx, drifty:] else: drift_corrected_array[t, -driftx:, :-drifty] = image_data[ t, :driftx, drifty:] elif (driftx < 0 and drifty < 0): drift_corrected_array[t, -driftx:, -drifty:] = image_data[ t, :driftx, :drifty] io.imsave(output_filename, drift_corrected_array) file = open(drift_trajectory_file, 'w') for t in range(ntsteps): file.write( str(t) + '\t' + (',').join([str(d) for d in com_trajectories['avg_disp'][t]]) + '\n') file.close()
def detector(image): image_backup = np.copy(image) windows = [] search_config = [(100, 180, 1.5), (96, 192, 2), (80, 200, 2, 5), (72, 232, 3), (64, 232, 3.5), (64, 232, 4), (64, 232, 5), (40, 300, 6), (40, 300, 8)] # search_config = [(190, 280, 1), (200, 300, 1.5), (150, 480, 2.5)] for config in search_config: out_img, out_windows = find_signs(image, config[0], config[1], config[2], svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bins, hog_channel) windows.append(out_windows) windows = [item for sublist in windows for item in sublist] # Initialize the heatmap heat = np.zeros_like(image[:, :, 0].astype(np.float)) # Add heat to each windows in windows list heat = add_heat(heat, windows) # Apply threshold to help remove false positives heat = apply_threshold(heat, 6) # Visualize the heatmap when displaying heatmap = np.clip(heat, 0, 255) # Find final windows from heatmap using lable function labels = label(heatmap) num_signs = labels[1] draw_img, sign_label, sign_position = draw_labeled_bboxes( np.copy(image), labels) # judge the types of traffic sign sign_types = [] for i in range(len(sign_label)): sign = image_backup[sign_position[i][1]:sign_position[i][3], sign_position[i][0]:sign_position[i][2]] sign = np.uint8(sign * 255) sign = cv2.resize(sign, (32, 32)) sign = cv2.cvtColor(sign, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) sign = np.expand_dims(sign, axis=0) sign_normalized = normalized(sign) sign_type =, 1), feed_dict={x: sign_normalized}) sign_types.append(sign_type) # anotate the traffic sign name in image cv2.putText(draw_img, '%s' % label_name[int('%d' % sign_type)], (sign_position[i][0], sign_position[i][1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 1, 0), 2) # cv2.putText(draw_img, '%d: %s' %(sign_type, label_name[sign_type]), (sign_position[i][1]-20, # sign_position[i][0]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 6, (0,0,255), 25) return np.uint8(draw_img * 255), sign_types
# set threshold gradthreshold = 16 # calculate gradients and threshold #GradX = roll(U,-1,axis=1)-U # x component of U gradient #GradY = roll(U,-1,axis=0)-U # y component #tGradX = 1*(GradX > gradthreshold) #tGradY = 1*(GradY > gradthreshold) imx = zeros(im.shape) filters.sobel(im, 1, imx) imy = zeros(im.shape) filters.sobel(im, 0, imy) gradmag = sqrt(imx**2 + imy**2) gradmag = 1 * (gradmag > gradthreshold) # find objects from gradient labels, nbr_objects = measurements.label(gradmag) print "Number of objects:", nbr_objects #display original, gradient figure() gray() subplot(1, 2, 1) axis('off') imshow(im) subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow(gradmag) axis('off') subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) show()
def batch_compute_invalid_moves(batch_state, batch_player, batch_ko_protect): """ Updates invalid moves in the OPPONENT's perspective 1.) Opponent cannot move at a location i.) If it's occupied i.) If it's protected by ko 2.) Opponent can move at a location i.) If it can kill 3.) Opponent cannot move at a location i.) If it's adjacent to one of their groups with only one liberty and not adjacent to other groups with more than one liberty and is completely surrounded ii.) If it's surrounded by our pieces and all of those corresponding groups move more than one liberty """ batch_idcs = np.arange(len(batch_state)) # All pieces and empty spaces batch_all_pieces = np.sum(batch_state[:, [govars.BLACK, govars.WHITE]], axis=1) batch_empties = 1 - batch_all_pieces # Setup invalid and valid arrays batch_possible_invalid_array = np.zeros(batch_state.shape[:1] + batch_state.shape[2:]) batch_definite_valids_array = np.zeros(batch_state.shape[:1] + batch_state.shape[2:]) # Get all groups batch_all_own_groups, _ = measurements.label( batch_state[batch_idcs, batch_player], group_struct) batch_all_opp_groups, _ = measurements.label( batch_state[batch_idcs, 1 - batch_player], group_struct) batch_data = enumerate( zip(batch_all_own_groups, batch_all_opp_groups, batch_empties)) for i, (all_own_groups, all_opp_groups, empties) in batch_data: own_labels = np.unique(all_own_groups) opp_labels = np.unique(all_opp_groups) own_labels = own_labels[np.nonzero(own_labels)] opp_labels = opp_labels[np.nonzero(opp_labels)] expanded_own_groups = np.zeros( (len(own_labels), *all_own_groups.shape)) expanded_opp_groups = np.zeros( (len(opp_labels), *all_opp_groups.shape)) # Expand the groups such that each group is in its own channel for j, label in enumerate(own_labels): expanded_own_groups[j] = all_own_groups == label for j, label in enumerate(opp_labels): expanded_opp_groups[j] = all_opp_groups == label # Get all liberties in the expanded form all_own_liberties = empties[np.newaxis] * ndimage.binary_dilation( expanded_own_groups, surround_struct[np.newaxis]) all_opp_liberties = empties[np.newaxis] * ndimage.binary_dilation( expanded_opp_groups, surround_struct[np.newaxis]) own_liberty_counts = np.sum(all_own_liberties, axis=(1, 2)) opp_liberty_counts = np.sum(all_opp_liberties, axis=(1, 2)) # Possible invalids are on single liberties of opponent groups and on multi-liberties of own groups # Definite valids are on single liberties of own groups, multi-liberties of opponent groups # or you are not surrounded batch_possible_invalid_array[i] += np.sum( all_own_liberties[own_liberty_counts > 1], axis=0) batch_possible_invalid_array[i] += np.sum( all_opp_liberties[opp_liberty_counts == 1], axis=0) batch_definite_valids_array[i] += np.sum( all_own_liberties[own_liberty_counts == 1], axis=0) batch_definite_valids_array[i] += np.sum( all_opp_liberties[opp_liberty_counts > 1], axis=0) # All invalid moves are occupied spaces + (possible invalids minus the definite valids and it's surrounded) surrounded = ndimage.convolve(batch_all_pieces, surround_struct[np.newaxis], mode='constant', cval=1) == 4 invalid_moves = batch_all_pieces + batch_possible_invalid_array * \ (batch_definite_valids_array == 0) * surrounded # Ko-protection for i, ko_protect in enumerate(batch_ko_protect): if ko_protect is not None: invalid_moves[i, ko_protect[0], ko_protect[1]] = 1 return invalid_moves > 0
def execute_test_pipeline(calibration_components, perspective_transform_components, src_vertices): ############################# ## TEST CAMERA CALIBRATION ## ############################# #test camera calibration by undistorting a test road image #load image bgr_test_road_image = cv2.imread("test_images/test6.jpg") #convert from bgr to rgb test_road_image = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_test_road_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) #undistort image - this undistorted image will be used to demonstrate the production_pipeline along the way (all outputs will be placed in 'output_images' folder) undistorted_test_road_image = perform_undistort(test_road_image, calibration_components) ################################ ## TEST PERSPECTIVE TRANSFORM ## ################################ #transform perspective (warp) - this will squish the depth of field in the source mapping into the height of the image, #which will make the upper 3/4ths blurry, need to adjust dest_upper* y-values to negative to stretch it out and clear the transformed image up #we won't do that as we'll lose right dashes in the 720 pix height of the image frame warped_undistorted_test_road_image = perform_perspective_transform( undistorted_test_road_image, perspective_transform_components[0]) #################################### ## TEST COLOR/GRADIENT THRESHOLD ## #################################### #apply thresholding to warped image and produce a binary result thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image = perform_thresholding( warped_undistorted_test_road_image) ######################### ## TEST LANE DETECTION ## ######################### ## BLIND SEARCH ## #map out the left and right lane line pixel coordinates via windowed search left_lane_pixel_coordinates, right_lane_pixel_coordinates, _ = perform_blind_lane_line_pixel_search( thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image, return_debug_image=False) #compute the polynomial coefficients for each lane line using the x and y pixel locations from the mapping function #we're fitting (computing coefficients of) a second order polynomial: f(y) = A(y^2) + By + C #we're fitting for f(y) rather than f(x), as the lane lines in the warped image are near vertical and may have the same x value for more than one y value left_lane_line_coeff, right_lane_line_coeff = compute_lane_line_coefficients( left_lane_pixel_coordinates, right_lane_pixel_coordinates) #generate range of evenly spaced numbers over y interval (0 - 719) matching image height y_linespace = np.linspace( 0, (thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image.shape[0] - 1), thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image.shape[0]) #left lane fitted polynomial (f(y) = A(y^2) + By + C) left_lane_line_fitted_poly = (left_lane_line_coeff[0] * (y_linespace**2)) + ( left_lane_line_coeff[1] * y_linespace) + left_lane_line_coeff[2] #right lane fitted polynomial (f(y) = A(y^2) + By + C) right_lane_line_fitted_poly = (right_lane_line_coeff[0] * (y_linespace**2)) + ( right_lane_line_coeff[1] * y_linespace) + right_lane_line_coeff[2] #draw the fitted polynomials on the debug_image and export #recast the x and y points into usable format for polylines and fillPoly pts_left = np.array( [np.transpose(np.vstack([left_lane_line_fitted_poly, y_linespace]))]) pts_right = np.array([ np.flipud( np.transpose(np.vstack([right_lane_line_fitted_poly, y_linespace]))) ]) ## compute left and right lane curvature ## left_curvature, right_curvature = compute_curvature_of_lane_lines( thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image.shape, left_lane_line_fitted_poly, right_lane_line_fitted_poly) ## compute vehicle offset from center ## vehicle_offset = compute_vehicle_offset( thresholded_warped_undistorted_test_road_image.shape, left_lane_line_coeff, right_lane_line_coeff) ##################################### ## TEST PROJECTION BACK ONTO ROAD ## ##################################### #create an image to draw the lines on warped_lane = np.zeros_like(warped_undistorted_test_road_image).astype( np.uint8) #draw the lane onto the warped blank image pts = np.hstack((pts_left, pts_right)) cv2.fillPoly(warped_lane, np.int_([pts]), (152, 251, 152)) #draw fitted lines on image cv2.polylines(warped_lane, np.int_([pts_left]), False, color=(189, 183, 107), thickness=20, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.polylines(warped_lane, np.int_([pts_right]), False, color=(189, 183, 107), thickness=20, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) #transform perspective back to original (unwarp) warped_to_original_perspective = perform_perspective_transform( warped_lane, perspective_transform_components[1]) #combine (weight) the result with the original image projected_lane = cv2.addWeighted(undistorted_test_road_image, 1, warped_to_original_perspective, 0.3, 0) #add tracking text font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText( projected_lane, 'Lane curvature: {0:.2f} meters'.format( np.mean([left_curvature, right_curvature])), (20, 50), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(projected_lane, 'Vehicle offset: {0:.2f} meters'.format(vehicle_offset), (20, 100), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) ###################################### ## TEST VEHICLE DETECTION/TRACKING ## ###################################### #hyperparameters spatial_reduction_size = 32 #reduce the training images from 64x64 to 32x32 resolution (smaller feature vector but still retains useful shape and color information) pixel_intensity_fd_bins = 64 #number of bins to use to compute raw pixel intensity frequency distribution hog_orientation_bins = 9 #number of orientation bins to use in hog feature extraction hog_pixels_per_cell = 8 #number of pixels per cell to use in hog feature extraction hog_cells_per_block = 2 #number of cells per block to use in hog feature extraction scale_factor_list = [2.0, 1.5, 1.2, 1] #window scales y_axis_start = 400 #start y-axis crop y_axis_stop = 656 #end y-axis crop dist_pickle = pickle.load( open("model_training/pickled_objects/trained_model.p", "rb")) support_vector_classifier = dist_pickle["model"] X_feature_scaler = dist_pickle["scaler"] #for the current frame, detect vehicles at each scale, #returning the list of coordinates (p1 and p2) of the window that signaled a positive prediction positive_detection_window_coordinates = perform_vehicle_search( undistorted_test_road_image, y_axis_start, y_axis_stop, scale_factor_list, support_vector_classifier, X_feature_scaler, spatial_reduction_size, pixel_intensity_fd_bins, hog_orientation_bins, hog_pixels_per_cell, hog_cells_per_block) #create a heat map heatmap = np.zeros_like(undistorted_test_road_image[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) #apply heat to all pixels within the set of detected windows heatmap = apply_heat_to_heatmap(heatmap, positive_detection_window_coordinates) #apply threshold to heatmap to help remove false positives heatmap = apply_threshold_to_heatmap(heatmap, 3) #compute final bounding boxes from heatmap labeled_objects = label(heatmap) #draw final bounding boxes on projected lane image projected_lane = draw_bounding_boxes_for_labeled_objects( projected_lane, labeled_objects) #save image #convert from rgb to bgr (the format opencv likes) projected_lane = cv2.cvtColor(projected_lane, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite("output_images/projected_lane_and_detected_vehices_test6.jpg", projected_lane)
def from_mask(cls, array, geometry=None, chunk_size=None, threshold=None, overlap=1, pbar=False, cube_shape=None, fmt='mask'): """ Label faults in an array. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.ndarray or SeismicGeometry binary mask of faults or array of coordinates. geometry : SeismicGeometry or None geometry instance to create Fault-instance. chunk_size : int size of chunks to apply `measurements.label`. threshold : float or None threshold to drop small faults. overlap : int size of overlap to join faults from different chunks. pbar : bool progress bar cube_shape : tuple shape of cube. If fmt='mask', can be infered from array. fmt : str if 'mask', array is a binary mask of faults. If 'points', array consists of coordinates of fault points. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of shape (n_faults, ) where each item is array of fault points of shape (N_i, 3). """ # TODO: make chunks along xlines if isinstance(array, SeismicGeometry): array = array.file_hdf5 chunk_size = chunk_size or len(array) if chunk_size == len(array): overlap = 0 if cube_shape is None and fmt == 'points': raise ValueError("If fmt='points', cube_shape must be specified") cube_shape = cube_shape or array.shape if fmt == 'mask': chunks = [ (start, array[start:start + chunk_size]) for start in range(0, cube_shape[0], chunk_size - overlap) ] total = len(chunks) else: def _chunks(): for start in range(0, cube_shape[0], chunk_size - overlap): chunk = np.zeros((chunk_size, *cube_shape[1:])) points = array[array[:, 0] < start + chunk_size] points = points[points[:, 0] >= start] chunk[points[:, 0] - start, points[:, 1], points[:, 2]] = 1 yield (start, chunk) chunks = _chunks() total = len(range(0, cube_shape[0], chunk_size - overlap)) prev_overlap = np.zeros((0, *cube_shape[1:])) labels = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype='int32') n_objects = 0 chunks = tqdm(chunks, total=total) if pbar else chunks for start, item in chunks: chunk_labels, new_objects = measurements.label( item, structure=np.ones((3, 3, 3))) # labels for new chunk chunk_labels[ chunk_labels > 0] += n_objects # shift all values to avoid intersecting with previous labels new_overlap = chunk_labels[:overlap] if len(prev_overlap) > 0: coords = np.where(prev_overlap > 0) if len(coords[0]) > 0: # while there are the same objects with different labels repeat procedure while (new_overlap != prev_overlap).any(): # find overlapping objects and change labels in chunk chunk_transform = { k: v for k, v in zip(new_overlap[coords], prev_overlap[coords]) if k != v } for k, v in chunk_transform.items(): chunk_labels[chunk_labels == k] = v new_overlap = chunk_labels[:overlap] # find overlapping objects and change labels in processed part of cube labels_transform = { k: v for k, v in zip(prev_overlap[coords], new_overlap[coords]) if k != v } for k, v in labels_transform.items(): labels[labels[:, 3] == k, 3] = v prev_overlap[prev_overlap == k] = v prev_overlap = chunk_labels[-overlap:] chunk_labels = chunk_labels[overlap:] nonzero_coord = np.where(chunk_labels) chunk_labels = np.stack( [*nonzero_coord, chunk_labels[nonzero_coord]], axis=-1) chunk_labels[:, 0] += start labels = np.concatenate([labels, chunk_labels]) n_objects += new_objects labels = labels[np.argsort(labels[:, 3])] labels = np.array(np.split( labels[:, :-1], np.unique(labels[:, 3], return_index=True)[1][1:]), dtype=object) sizes = faults_sizes(labels) if threshold: labels = labels[sizes >= threshold] if geometry is not None: labels = [ Fault(points.astype('int32'), geometry=geometry) for points in labels ] return labels
def DHRegions(DH, DH_threshold): ''' This code uses the concept of connected components from image processing library of Scipy in order to detect the potential district heating areas. ''' # "struct" defines how the connected components can be considered. struct = np.ones((3, 3)).astype(int) # expansion and erosion of the connected components in order to connect # different components which are in close vicinity of each other # struct(3,3): 200 meter distance between the two connected components DH_expanded = binary_dilation(DH, structure=struct) DH_connected = binary_erosion(DH_expanded, structure=struct) # fills the holes within the connected components #DH_noHole = binary_fill_holes(DH_connected) DH_noHole = DH_connected # label the connected components struct = np.ones((3, 3)).astype(int) labels, numLabels = measurements.label(DH_noHole, structure=struct) # the conditional statement prevents from error in the following code. # This can also be incorporated in order to filter areas smaller than a # specific size e.g. 1km2 ~ 100. if labels.size > 0: # labels start from 1. Therefore, PotDH should have numLabels+1 # elements PotDH = np.zeros((numLabels + 1)).astype(bool) # using sparse matrix indices to swift the calculation. This helps to # implement "np.unique" much faster sparseRow, sparseCol = np.nonzero(labels) sparseLabels = labels[sparseRow, sparseCol] sparseDH = DH[sparseRow, sparseCol] # sort sparse values based on sparseLabels. This helps to implement # summation process much faster. sortedSparseData = np.asarray( sorted(zip(sparseRow, sparseCol, sparseLabels, sparseDH), key=lambda x: x[2])) # find unique values and their counts within the sparseLabels unique, counts = np.unique(sparseLabels, return_counts=True) ''' calculate starting and ending indices of each unique value in order to swift the summation operation. calculate starting and ending indices of each unique value in order to swift the summation operation. Note that a[st:end] refers to elements of a including "st" and excluding end. Note: To get the last element of the same type, however, cumsum shoud be subtracted by 1: (e.g. [1,1,1,1,2,2,2]: hear st for 1 is 0; end for 1 is 4; the last element which is one is 3) ''' end = np.cumsum(counts) st = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1)), end[0:numLabels - 1])) for i in range(numLabels): # sum over sparseDH # input: [MWh/ha] for each ha --> summation returns MWh for the # coherent area pot = np.sum(sortedSparseData[int(st[i]):int(end[i]), 3]) if pot >= DH_threshold: # here should be i+1 because labeling starts from one and not # from zero PotDH[i + 1] = True DH_regions = PotDH[labels] return DH_regions
# show() # 对红章图进行连通域标记,选择面积第二大的区域为红章区域 bn_stamp = np.zeros((thirdw, h)) maskstamp_third = maskstamp[0:thirdw, :] bn_stamp[maskstamp_third] = 1 # bn_stamp = np.ones((w,h)) # bn_stamp[maskstamp] = 0 # gray() # figure() # imshow(bn_stamp) # show() # stamp_open = morphology.binary_erosion(bn_stamp,ones((2,2)),iterations = 2) # stamp_open = morphology.binary_dilation(stamp_open,ones((2,2)),iterations = 1) labels_open, nbr = measurements.label(bn_stamp) # imsave("label.png",labels_open) # gray() # figure() # imshow(stamp_open) # show() count = zeros(nbr) for i in range(nbr): count[i] = np.sum(labels_open == i) # print(count[i]) index = np.argsort(-count)[1] # print(index) maskstamponly = (labels_open == index) # print(a.shape)
def compute_invalid_moves(state, player, ko_protect=None): """ Updates invalid moves in the OPPONENT's perspective 1.) Opponent cannot move at a location i.) If it's occupied i.) If it's protected by ko 2.) Opponent can move at a location i.) If it can kill 3.) Opponent cannot move at a location i.) If it's adjacent to one of their groups with only one liberty and not adjacent to other groups with more than one liberty and is completely surrounded ii.) If it's surrounded by our pieces and all of those corresponding groups move more than one liberty """ # All pieces and empty spaces all_pieces = np.sum(state[[govars.BLACK, govars.WHITE]], axis=0) empties = 1 - all_pieces # Setup invalid and valid arrays possible_invalid_array = np.zeros(state.shape[1:]) definite_valids_array = np.zeros(state.shape[1:]) # Get all groups all_own_groups, num_own_groups = measurements.label(state[player]) all_opp_groups, num_opp_groups = measurements.label(state[1 - player]) expanded_own_groups = np.zeros((num_own_groups, *state.shape[1:])) expanded_opp_groups = np.zeros((num_opp_groups, *state.shape[1:])) # Expand the groups such that each group is in its own channel for i in range(num_own_groups): expanded_own_groups[i] = all_own_groups == (i + 1) for i in range(num_opp_groups): expanded_opp_groups[i] = all_opp_groups == (i + 1) # Get all liberties in the expanded form all_own_liberties = empties[np.newaxis] * ndimage.binary_dilation( expanded_own_groups, surround_struct[np.newaxis]) all_opp_liberties = empties[np.newaxis] * ndimage.binary_dilation( expanded_opp_groups, surround_struct[np.newaxis]) own_liberty_counts = np.sum(all_own_liberties, axis=(1, 2)) opp_liberty_counts = np.sum(all_opp_liberties, axis=(1, 2)) # Possible invalids are on single liberties of opponent groups and on multi-liberties of own groups # Definite valids are on single liberties of own groups, multi-liberties of opponent groups # or you are not surrounded possible_invalid_array += np.sum(all_own_liberties[own_liberty_counts > 1], axis=0) possible_invalid_array += np.sum( all_opp_liberties[opp_liberty_counts == 1], axis=0) definite_valids_array += np.sum(all_own_liberties[own_liberty_counts == 1], axis=0) definite_valids_array += np.sum(all_opp_liberties[opp_liberty_counts > 1], axis=0) # All invalid moves are occupied spaces + (possible invalids minus the definite valids and it's surrounded) surrounded = ndimage.convolve(all_pieces, surround_struct, mode='constant', cval=1) == 4 invalid_moves = all_pieces + possible_invalid_array * \ (definite_valids_array == 0) * surrounded # Ko-protection if ko_protect is not None: invalid_moves[ko_protect[0], ko_protect[1]] = 1 return invalid_moves > 0
def file_loop(passit): gridd = passit[0] inds = gridd[0] weights = gridd[1] shape = gridd[2] grid = gridd[3] m = passit[1] files = passit[2] min = '00' strr = files.split(os.sep)[-1] if (([4:6]) > 9) | ([4:6]) < 6)): print('Skip month') return if not ( ([8:10]) >= 17) | ([8:10]) <= 3) ): #& ([8:10]) <= 19) ): #(([8:10]) > 3)): #not (([8:10]) >= 16) & ([8:10]) <= 19) ): #& ([8:10]) < 18): #([4:6]) != 6) & #([8:10]) != 3) , ([8:10]) > 3) print('Skip hour') return lon, lat = grid.ll_coordinates file = files + min + '.gra' print('Doing file: ' + file) try: mdic = m.read_data(file, llbox=[-11, 11, 9, 20]) except FileNotFoundError: print('File not found') return if not mdic: print('File missing') return hour = mdic['time.hour'] minute = mdic['time.minute'] day = mdic[''] month = mdic['time.month'] year = mdic['time.year'] date = dt.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute) outt = u_int.interpolate_data(mdic['t'].values, inds, weights, shape) figure = np.zeros_like(outt) outt[outt > -70] = 0 outt[np.isnan(outt)] = 0 labels, numL = label(outt) u, inv = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) n = np.bincount(inv) badinds = u[( n < 200 )] # 40 / 200 pixels for 1000-5000k, 600 for 15k, all blobs with more than 36 pixels = 18 km x*y = 324 km2 (meteosat ca. 3km) goodinds = u[(n > 200)] for bi in badinds: inds = np.where(labels == bi) outt[inds] = 0 for gi in goodinds: if gi == 0: continue dummy = np.zeros_like(outt) pos = np.where(labels == gi) y_middle = (np.min(pos[0]) + (np.max(pos[0]) - np.min(pos[0])) / 2)) x_front = pos[1])) #+ (np.max(pos[1]) - np.min(pos[1])) / 2)) x_middle = np.min(pos[1]) + (np.max(pos[1]) - np.min(pos[1])) / 2) x_back =[1])) y_bottom =[0])) y_top =[0])) random1 =[1]) - 40) random2 =[1]) + 40) random11 =[1]) - 80) random22 =[1]) + 80) random3 =[0]) - 40) random4 =[0]) + 40) rlist1 = [(y_middle, random1), (y_middle, random2)] # west - east shift rlist11 = [(y_middle, random11)] # west - east shift rlist12 = [(y_middle, random22)] rlist2 = [(random3, x_middle), (random4, x_middle)] # south-north shift dummy[y_middle, x_middle] = 2 dummy[y_middle, x_front] = 1 dummy[y_middle, x_back] = 3 dummy[y_bottom, x_middle] = 4 dummy[y_top, x_middle] = 5 for r in rlist1: try: dummy[r[0], r[1]] = 6 # west east except IndexError: continue for r in rlist11: try: dummy[r[0], r[1]] = 8 # west far front except IndexError: continue for r in rlist12: try: dummy[r[0], r[1]] = 9 # east far back except IndexError: continue for r in rlist2: try: dummy[r[0], r[1]] = 7 # north south except IndexError: continue figure[dummy > 0] = dummy[dummy > 0] da = xr.DataArray(figure, coords={ 'time': date, 'lat': lat[:, 0], 'lon': lon[0, :] }, dims=['lat', 'lon']) #[np.newaxis, :] print('Did ', file) return (da)
thresh=90, thresh_op=0) #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(grad_img_bin_open) #Deleting black noise grad_img_bin_open_1 = select_special_object(abs(1 - grad_img_bin_open), img_op=0, thresh=70, thresh_op=0) #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(grad_img_bin_open_1) '''add a condition about abnormal graduations''' # check for abnormal graduations labs, _ = measurements.label(grad_img_bin_open_1) labs = np.array(labs) lab = labs.flatten() count_grad = Counter(lab) del count_grad[0] if bin_thresh == 100: grad_sizes = [x for x in count_grad.values() if 120 < x < 500] else: grad_sizes = [x for x in count_grad.values() if 120 < x < 700] grad_size = np.mean(grad_sizes) + 0.75 * (np.max(grad_sizes) - np.min(grad_sizes)) for _, size in count_grad.items(): if size > grad_size: abnormal = 1 break else:
def fit(self, target_mask, method='min_distance', r=5, n_exps=50, n_parcels=2, meta_estimator=SCALE, **kwargs): """ Run CBP parcellation. Parameters ---------- target_mask : img_like Image with binary mask for region of interest to be parcellated. n_parcels : :obj:`int` or array_like of :obj:`int`, optional Number of parcels to generate for ROI. If array_like, each parcel number will be evaluated and results for all will be returned. Default is 2. n_iters : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations to run for each parcel number. Default is 10000. n_cores : :obj:`int`, optional Number of cores to use for model fitting. Returns ------- results """ assert np.array_equal(self.mask.affine, target_mask.affine) kernel_args = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith('kernel__') } meta_args = { k.split('meta__')[1]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith('meta__') } if not isinstance(n_parcels, list): n_parcels = [n_parcels] # Step 1: Build correlation matrix target_data = apply_mask(target_mask, self.mask) target_map = unmask(target_data, self.mask) target_data = target_map.get_data() mask_idx = np.vstack(np.where(target_data)) n_voxels = mask_idx.shape[1] voxel_arr = np.zeros((n_voxels, np.sum(self.mask))) ijk = self.coordinates[['i', 'j', 'k']].values temp_df = self.coordinates.copy() for i_voxel in range(n_voxels): voxel = mask_idx[:, i_voxel] temp_df['distance'] = cdist(ijk, voxel) if method == 'min_studies': # number of studies temp_df2 = temp_df.groupby('id')[['distance']].min() temp_df2 = temp_df2.sort_values(by='distance') sel_ids = temp_df2.iloc[:n_exps].index.values elif method == 'min_distance': # minimum distance temp_df2 = temp_df.groupby('id')[['distance']].min() sel_ids = temp_df2.loc[temp_df2['distance'] < r].index.values # Run MACM voxel_meta = meta_estimator(self.dataset, ids=sel_ids, **kernel_args)**meta_args) voxel_arr[i_voxel, :] = apply_mask(voxel_meta.results['ale'], self.mask) # Correlate voxel-specific MACMs across voxels in ROI voxel_corr = np.corrcoef(voxel_arr) corr_dist = 1 - voxel_corr # Step 2: Clustering labels = np.zeros((n_voxels, len(n_parcels))) metric_types = ['contiguous'] metrics = pd.DataFrame(index=n_parcels, columns=metric_types, data=np.zeros( (len(n_parcels), len(metric_types)))) for i_parc, n_clusters in enumerate(n_parcels): # K-Means clustering _, labeled, _ = k_means(corr_dist, n_clusters, init='k-means++', precompute_distances='auto', n_init=1000, max_iter=1023, verbose=False, tol=0.0001, random_state=1, copy_x=True, n_jobs=1, algorithm='auto', return_n_iter=False) labels[:, i_parc] = labeled # Check contiguity of clusters # Can nilearn do this? temp_mask = np.zeros(target_data.shape) for j_voxel in range(n_voxels): i, j, k = mask_idx[:, j_voxel] temp_mask[i, j, k] = labeled[j_voxel] labeled = meas.label(temp_mask, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))[0] n_contig = len(np.unique(labeled)) metrics.loc[n_clusters, 'contiguous'] = int(n_contig > (n_clusters + 1)) = labels self.metrics = metrics
def _call(self, ds): if len(ds) > 1: # average all samples into one, assuming we got something like one # sample per subject as input avgr = mean_sample() ds = avgr(ds) # threshold input; at this point we only have one sample left thrd = ds.samples[0] > self._thrmap # mapper default mapper = IdentityMapper() # overwrite if possible if hasattr(ds, 'a') and 'mapper' in ds.a: mapper = ds.a.mapper # reverse-map input othrd = _verified_reverse1(mapper, thrd) # TODO: what is your purpose in life osamp? ;-) osamp = _verified_reverse1(mapper, ds.samples[0]) # prep output dataset outds = ds.copy(deep=False) outds.fa['featurewise_thresh'] = self._thrmap # determine clusters labels, num = measurements.label(othrd) area = measurements.sum(othrd, labels, index=np.arange(1, num + 1)).astype(int) com = measurements.center_of_mass(osamp, labels=labels, index=np.arange(1, num + 1)) maxpos = measurements.maximum_position(osamp, labels=labels, index=np.arange(1, num + 1)) # for the rest we need the labels flattened labels = mapper.forward1(labels) # relabel clusters starting with the biggest and increase index with # decreasing size ordered_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape, dtype=int) ordered_area = np.zeros(area.shape, dtype=int) ordered_com = np.zeros((num, len(osamp.shape)), dtype=float) ordered_maxpos = np.zeros((num, len(osamp.shape)), dtype=float) for i, idx in enumerate(np.argsort(area)): ordered_labels[labels == idx + 1] = num - i # kinda ugly, but we are looping anyway ordered_area[i] = area[idx] ordered_com[i] = com[idx] ordered_maxpos[i] = maxpos[idx] labels = ordered_labels area = ordered_area[::-1] com = ordered_com[::-1] maxpos = ordered_maxpos[::-1] del ordered_labels # this one can be big # store cluster labels after forward-mapping outds.fa['clusters_featurewise_thresh'] = labels.copy() # location info outds.a['clusterlocations'] = \ np.rec.fromarrays( [com, maxpos], names=('center_of_mass', 'max')) # update cluster size histogram with the actual result to get a # proper lower bound for p-values # this will make a copy, because the original matrix is int cluster_probs_raw = _transform_to_pvals( area, self._null_cluster_sizes.astype('float')) clusterstats = ([area, cluster_probs_raw], ['size', 'prob_raw']) # evaluate a bunch of stats for all clusters morestats = {} for cid in xrange(len(area)): # keep clusters on outer loop, because selection is more expensive clvals = ds.samples[0, labels == cid + 1] for id_, fx in (('mean', np.mean), ('median', np.median), ('min', np.min), ('max', np.max), ('std', np.std)): stats = morestats.get(id_, []) stats.append(fx(clvals)) morestats[id_] = stats for k, v in morestats.items(): clusterstats[0].append(v) clusterstats[1].append(k) if self.params.multicomp_correction is not None: # do a local import as only this tiny portion needs statsmodels import statsmodels.stats.multitest as smm rej, probs_corr = smm.multipletests( cluster_probs_raw, alpha=self.params.fwe_rate, method=self.params.multicomp_correction)[:2] # store corrected per-cluster probabilities clusterstats[0].append(probs_corr) clusterstats[1].append('prob_corrected') # remove cluster labels that did not pass the FWE threshold for i, r in enumerate(rej): if not r: labels[labels == i + 1] = 0 outds.fa['clusters_fwe_thresh'] = labels outds.a['clusterstats'] = \ np.rec.fromarrays(clusterstats[0], names=clusterstats[1]) return outds
def process_image(image, do_output=False, image_name="", image_was_jpg=True, return_original=True): """ Given an image (loaded from a file or a frame of a video), process it to find the vehicles and draw bounding boxes around them. image: the full-color image (eg: from cv2.imread()). do_output: whether to output images of the various steps. Intended to be done doing for the static images but not for the videos (since there are a ton of frames). image_name: optional. Recommended when do_output is true. This will be used for debug and output-filenames related to this image. image_was_jpg: If true, then we assume the input image was a jpg (video frames are not jpgs) which means that we need to scale the color to be 0-1 instead of 0-255 to match the training-images that were loaded as pngs. """ global recent_hot_windows image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_name) image_copy = image.copy() # Scale the colors from the range 0-255 to be 0-1 which matches training images. if image_was_jpg: image = image.astype(np.float32)/255 #box_color = (0,0,1.0) if image_was_jpg else (0,0,255) # since we draw onto the pre-scaled version box_color = (0,0,255) # Get the sliding-window boundaries that we'll search for cars. # We use just the bottom area of the images since we don't expect flying-cars to interfere with our driving ;) y_start = int(image.shape[0] * 0.55) x_start = int(image.shape[1] * 0.35) # ignore the far-left.. it's the shoulder of the road windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[x_start, None], y_start_stop=[y_start, None], xy_window=(128, 128), xy_overlap=(0.5, 0.5)) # Use multiple scales of windows... here we add a second scale which has much smaller windows, only processes # the top part of our area of interest (because that's the only place that cars are that small) and adds these # windows to our list y_start -= 16 # just to stagger it a bit from the bigger windows x_start = int(image.shape[1] * 0.45) # ignore the far-left.. it's the shoulder of the road y_stop = int(image.shape[0] * 0.80) windows.extend(slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[x_start, None], y_start_stop=[y_start, y_stop], xy_window=(64, 64), xy_overlap=(0.5, 0.5))) #smaller_windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[x_start, None], y_start_stop=[y_start, y_stop], # xy_window=(64, 64), xy_overlap=(0.5, 0.5)) if do_output: window_image = draw_boxes(image_copy, windows, color=box_color, thick=6) #window_image = draw_boxes(window_image, smaller_windows, color=(1.0,0,0), thick=4) # DEBUG: This was just used to render the smaller scaled windows plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "010-all-windows-"+image_name+".png"), window_image) plt.close() #else: # if(randint(0, 30) == 1): # window_image = draw_boxes(image_copy, windows, color=box_color, thick=6) # plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "010-all-windows-VIDEO.png"), window_image) # plt.close() # Extract the HOG features for the whole image here, then we will pass this into search_windows # which will sub-sample from this array to get the HOG features for each desired window. color_spaces = { 'HSV': cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV, 'LUV': cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV, 'HLS': cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS, 'YUV': cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV, 'YCrCb': cv2.COLOR_RGB2YCrCb } if colorspace in color_spaces: converted_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, color_spaces[colorspace]) else: converted_image = np.copy(image) # if do_output: # plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "011-color-converted-"+image_name+".png"), converted_image) # plt.close() #else: #if(randint(0, 30) == 1): # plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "011-color-converted-VIDEO.png"), converted_image) # plt.close() ch1 = converted_image[:,:,0] ch2 = converted_image[:,:,1] ch3 = converted_image[:,:,2] hog1 = get_hog_features(ch1, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, vis=False, feature_vec=False) hog2 = get_hog_features(ch2, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, vis=False, feature_vec=False) hog3 = get_hog_features(ch3, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, vis=False, feature_vec=False) # Do the sliding-window search across the image to find "hot" windows where it appears # that there is a car. hot_windows = search_windows(converted_image, windows, svc, X_scaler, spatial_size=(spatial, spatial), hist_bins=histbin, orient=orient, pix_per_cell=pix_per_cell, cell_per_block=cell_per_block, hog_channel=hog_channel, use_spatial_feat=use_spatial_feat, use_hist_feat=use_hist_feat, use_hog_feat=use_hog_feat, hog_channels=(hog1, hog2, hog3), do_output=do_output, image_name=image_name) # Instead of drawing the bounding-boxes directly, we'll use a heatmap to find the best fits. #hot_windows_instantaneous = draw_boxes(image_copy, hot_windows, color=box_color, thick=6) if do_output: plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "011-hot-windows-"+image_name+".png"), hot_windows_instantaneous) plt.close() plt.imsave(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "010-boxes-"+image_name+".png"), window_image) plt.close() # RUBRIC POINT: # Combine overlapping-detections and remove false-positives. # == HEATMAPPING THE RECENT X FRAMES == NUM_FRAMES_TO_REMEMBER = 10 MIN_BOXES_NEEDED = 3 # remember: there are multiple (often overlapping) boxes per video-frame while( len(recent_hot_windows) >= NUM_FRAMES_TO_REMEMBER ): # Deletes the oldest set of hot windows del recent_hot_windows[0] recent_hot_windows.append( hot_windows ) # adds the new frame's hot windows heat = np.zeros_like(image[:,:,0]).astype(np.float) # Add heat to each box in box list, for each of the last NUM_FRAMES_TO_REMEMBER frames. for hot_wins in recent_hot_windows: heat = add_heat(heat, hot_wins) # Apply threshold to help remove false positives heat = apply_threshold(heat, MIN_BOXES_NEEDED) # Visualize the heatmap when displaying heatmap = np.clip(heat, 0, 255) labels = label(heatmap) hot_window_image = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(image_copy), labels, color=box_color) if do_output: fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(hot_windows_instantaneous) # instantaneous is the raw boxes plt.title('Car Positions') plt.subplot(122) # Render an individual heatmap rather than an averaged one heat = np.zeros_like(image[:,:,0]).astype(np.float) heat = add_heat(heat, hot_windows) plt.imshow(heat, cmap='hot') plt.title('Heat Map') fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "015-heatmap-"+image_name+".png")) plt.close() #return hot_windows_instantaneous # only use this if you want to debug the hot-windows instead of the heatmapped/thresholded bounding boxes. return hot_window_image
def tracking_pipeline(image, svc, X_scaler, y_start_stop=[350, 700], color_space='LUV', hog_channel='ALL', orient=9, pix_per_cell=8, cell_per_block=2, spatial_feat=True, hist_feat=True, hog_feat=True, spatial_size=(32, 32), hist_bins=32, stage='final', smooth=False): draw_image = np.copy(image) # Uncomment the following line if you extracted training # data from .png images (scaled 0 to 1 by mpimg) and the # image you are searching is a .jpg (scaled 0 to 255) # image = image.astype(np.float32)/255 # small_windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=y_start_stop, xy_window=(48, 48), xy_overlap=(0., 0.75)) # print("small_windows size", len(small_windows)) small_windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[350, 414], xy_window=(64, 64), xy_overlap=(0.8, 0.8)) # small_windows = [] # print("medium_windows size", len(medium_windows)) medium_windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[350, 520], xy_window=(96, 96), xy_overlap=(0.8, 0.8)) # medium_windows = [] medium_windows2 = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[350, 540], xy_window=(128, 128), xy_overlap=(0.8, 0.8)) # medium_windows2 = [] # print("medium_windows3 size", len(medium_windows3)) large_windows = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[350, 700], xy_window=(192, 192), xy_overlap=(0.75, 0.75)) # large_windows = [] # print("large_windows size", len(large_windows)) # windows = small_windows + medium_windows + medium_windows2 + medium_windows3 + large_windows # windows = small_windows + medium_windows + medium_windows2 + medium_windows3 + large_windows windows = small_windows + medium_windows + medium_windows2 + large_windows # print("total windows size", len(windows)) hot_windows = search_windows(image, windows, svc, X_scaler, color_space=color_space, spatial_size=spatial_size, hist_bins=hist_bins, orient=orient, pix_per_cell=pix_per_cell, cell_per_block=cell_per_block, hog_channel=hog_channel, spatial_feat=spatial_feat, hist_feat=hist_feat, hog_feat=hog_feat) # print(hot_windows) if stage == 'hot': window_img = draw_boxes(draw_image, hot_windows, color=(0, 0, 255), thick=6) return window_img heat = np.zeros_like(image[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) # Add heat to each box in box list heat = add_heat(heat, hot_windows) # Apply threshold to help remove false positives heat = apply_heat_threshold(heat, 1) # Visualize the heatmap when displaying heatmap = np.clip(heat, 0, 255) # TODO: get smoothing working properly # if smooth: # # print("smoothing") # # Average the heatmap over past 4 frames # if len(globals.heatmaps) == 4: # globals.heatmaps.append(heatmap) # globals.heatmaps.pop() # heatmap = np.mean(globals.heatmaps, axis=0) # else: # globals.heatmaps.append(heatmap) if stage == 'heat': return heatmap # Find final boxes from heatmap using label function labels = label(heatmap) draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(image), labels) return draw_img
from skimage.viewer import ImageViewer Lx = 100 Ly = 100 N = 1000 #number of porous systems generated p_ = np.linspace(0.5, 1, 51) with open("P.txt", "w") as File: File.write(" p P \n") for p in p_: average = [] for i in range(0, N): c**t = 0 seed = i np.random.seed(seed) r = np.random.rand(Lx, Ly) z = r < p # This generates the binary array z_labeled, num_clusters = label(z) regionp = regionprops(z_labeled) for prop in regionp: bbox = prop.bbox if (bbox[3] - bbox[1] == Lx) or (bbox[2] - bbox[0] == Ly): c**t += prop.area prob = c**t / float(Lx * Ly) average.append(prob) P = np.mean(average) print P File.write(" %1.3f %1.4f \n" % (p, P)) #view = ImageViewer(image)
from PIL import Image from numpy import * from scipy.ndimage import measurements, morphology from pylab import * """ This is the morphology counting objects example in Section 1.4. """ # load image and threshold to make sure it is binary figure() gray() im = array('../data/houses.png').convert('L')) subplot(221) imshow(im) axis('off') im = (im < 128) labels, nbr_objects = measurements.label(im) print("Number of objects:", nbr_objects) subplot(222) imshow(labels) axis('off') # morphology - opening to separate objects better im_open = morphology.binary_opening(im, ones((9, 5)), iterations=2) subplot(223) imshow(im_open) axis('off') labels_open, nbr_objects_open = measurements.label(im_open) print("Number of objects:", nbr_objects_open) subplot(224) imshow(labels_open)
# Loop through training images for filename in os.listdir(label_path): file = label_path + filename print(file) # Read images #image = labeled_image = # Binarize labeled image labeled_image = np.array(labeled_image) red_labeled_image = labeled_image[:, :, 0] vehicle_out = np.where(red_labeled_image == 10, 255, 0) road_out = np.where((red_labeled_image == 6) | (red_labeled_image == 7), 255, 0) # Remove front part of ego car structure = np.ones((3, 3), labeled, ncomponents = label(vehicle_out, structure) post_vehicle_out = np.where(labeled == ncomponents, 0, vehicle_out) # Merge both images red_channel = np.where(post_vehicle_out == 255, 0, 255) labeled_image[:, :, 0] = red_channel labeled_image[:, :, 2] = road_out final_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(labeled_image)) # Save images final_label_path = path + 'LabeledSeg/' + filename
ystop = 660 scale = 3.0 rects.append(find_cars(img, ystart, ystop, scale, color_space, svc, X_scaler, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, spatial_size, hist_bin, show_all_rectangles=False)) rectangles = [item for sublist in rects for item in sublist] # add detections to the history if len(rectangles) > 0: vehicles_rec.add_pos(rectangles) heatmap_img = np.zeros_like(img[:,:,0]) for rect_set in vehicles_rec.prepos: heatmap_img = add_heat(heatmap_img, rect_set) heatmap_img = apply_threshold(heatmap_img, 2 + len(vehicles_rec.prepos)//2) labels = label(heatmap_img) draw_img = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(img), labels) return draw_img vehicles_rec = Vehicles() test_out_file = 'project_video_out.mp4' clip_test = VideoFileClip('project_video.mp4') clip_test_out = clip_test.fl_image(process_frame_for_video) clip_test_out.write_videofile(test_out_file, audio=False)