def PreProcess(img_path):
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    I = img[:, :, 2]
    I2 = bwdist(I <= 100)
    I3 = bwdist(I > 100)

    img[:, :, 0] = np.clip(I2, 0, 255)
    img[:, :, 1] = np.clip(I3, 0, 255)

    return img
예제 #2
def combined_potential(obstacles_grid,
                       attractive_coef=1. / 700,
    """ Repulsive potential """
    goal = meters2grid(goal)
    d = bwdist(obstacles_grid == 0)
    d2 = (d / 100.) + 1  # Rescale and transform distances
    d0 = influence_radius + 1

    nu = repulsive_coef
    repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
    repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0

    d0_m = influence_radius * d0_m_coef + 1
    repulsive_d0 = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0_m)**2)
    repulsive_d0[d2 > d0_m] = 0
    """ Attractive potential """
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ncols), np.arange(nrows))
    xi = attractive_coef
    attractive = xi * ((x - goal[0])**2 + (y - goal[1])**2)
    """ Combine terms """
    total = attractive + repulsive
    return total, attractive, repulsive, d2, repulsive_d0
예제 #3
def drawSkeleton(segment, edge):
    skeleton = skeletonize(segment)
    dist = 2.0 * bwdist(1.0 - edge)
    make_scale = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: 0 if y < 0.5 else x)

    scale = make_scale(dist, skeleton).astype(np.uint8)
    return scale
def CombinedPotential(obstacle, goal):
    """ Repulsive potential """
    d = bwdist(obstacle == 0)
    d2 = (d / 100.) + 1
    # Rescale and transform distances
    d0 = 2
    nu = 500
    # repulsive strength: 500 is stronger than 100
    repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1 / d0)**2)
    repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0
    """ Attractive potential """
    xi = 1 / 700.  # attractive strength: 1/100 is stronger than 1/500
    attractive = xi * ((x - goal[0])**2 + (y - goal[1])**2)
    """ Combine terms """
    f = attractive + repulsive
    return f
예제 #5
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        # input and target images
        inputName = self.listData[0][i]
        targetName = self.listData[1][i]
        # process the images
        transf = transforms.ToTensor()
        inputImage = transf(
   + inputName).convert('RGB'))
        itemGround = loadmat(self.rootDir + targetName)
        edge, skeleton = itemGround['edge'], itemGround['symmetry']
        dist = bwdist(1.0 - edge.astype(float))
        make_scale = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: 0 if y < 0.5 else x)
        scale = make_scale(dist, skeleton)
        scaleTarget = torch.from_numpy(scale).float()

        return inputImage, scaleTarget
def combined_potential(obstacles_poses, goal, nrows=500, ncols=500):
    obstacles_map = map(obstacles_poses)
    goal = meters2grid(goal)
    d = bwdist(obstacles_map == 0)
    d2 = (d / 100.) + 1
    # Rescale and transform distances
    d0 = 2
    nu = 200
    repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
    repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ncols), np.arange(nrows))
    xi = 1 / 700.
    attractive = xi * ((x - goal[0])**2 + (y - goal[1])**2)
    """ Combine terms """
    f = attractive + repulsive
    return f
def sum_overlapping(tmp1,tmp2):
    """ calculate overlapping area between patches  """  
    bw = np.zeros(tmp1.shape)
    D = bwdist(bw==0)
    D = np.exp(-D)
    w1 = np.nan*np.zeros(tmp1.shape)
    w2 = np.nan*np.zeros(tmp1.shape)
    w2[:,0:5] = np.fliplr(D[:,0:5])
    w2[0:5,4:] = np.flipud(D[0:5,4:])
    w1[:,0:5] = D[:,0:5]
    w1[0:5,4:] = D[0:5,4:]
    wsum = w1+w2
    w1 = w1/wsum
    w2 = w2/wsum
    tmp2[~np.isnan(tmp2)] = 2*tmp2[~np.isnan(tmp2)]*w2[~np.isnan(tmp2)]
    tmp1[~np.isnan(tmp2)] = 2*tmp1[~np.isnan(tmp2)]*w1[~np.isnan(tmp2)]
    overlap = np.array([tmp2,tmp1])
    overlap = np.nanmean(overlap,axis=0)
    return overlap
예제 #8
def combined_potential(obstacles_poses, goal, nrows=50, ncols=50, nd=50):
    global num_random_obstacles
    obstacles_map = map(obstacles_poses)
    goal = meters2grid(goal)
    d = bwdist(obstacles_map == 0)
    #bwdist 3d applicable?
    d2 = (d / 2.) + 1
    # Rescale and transform distances
    d0 = 2
    nu = 300
    repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
    repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0

    [x, y, z] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ncols), np.arange(nrows), np.arange(nd))
    xi = 1 / 50.
    attractive = xi * (num_random_obstacles / 20) * ((x - goal[0])**2 +
                                                     (y - goal[1])**2 +
                                                     (z - goal[2])**2)
    """ Combine terms """
    f = attractive + repulsive
    return f
예제 #9
def combined_potential(obstacles_poses,
                       attractive_coef=1. / 700,
    """ Repulsive potential """
    obstacles_map = grid_map(obstacles_poses, R_obstacles)
    goal = meters2grid(goal)
    d = bwdist(obstacles_map == 0)
    d2 = (d / 100.) + 1  # Rescale and transform distances
    d0 = influence_radius
    nu = repulsive_coef
    repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
    repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0
    """ Attractive potential """
    [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ncols), np.arange(nrows))
    xi = attractive_coef
    attractive = xi * ((x - goal[0])**2 + (y - goal[1])**2)
    """ Combine terms """
    f = attractive + repulsive
    return f
예제 #10
def interpolate_nn(X):
    """Simple nearest-neighbor based interplolation.
    Missing values will be replaced with the nearest non-missing value.
    Here, "missing values" are defined as those < 0.

      X : a tensor with dimensions:  (#slices, #classes, #rows, #cols)

    Xout = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=X.dtype)
    Xi = np.zeros((Xout.shape[-2], Xout.shape[-1]), dtype=X.dtype)

    for z in range(Xout.shape[0]):
        for c in range(Xout.shape[1]):
            Xi[:] = X[z, c, ...]

            # interpolate, if needed
            if np.any(Xi < 0):
                #pct =  1.0*np.sum(Xi<0) / Xi.size
                dist, nn = bwdist(Xi < 0, return_indices=True)
                Xi[Xi < 0] = Xi[nn[0][Xi < 0], nn[1][Xi < 0]]

            Xout[z, c, ...] = Xi

    return Xout
예제 #11
def interpolate_nn(X):
    """Simple nearest-neighbor based interplolation.
    Missing values will be replaced with the nearest non-missing value.
    Here, "missing values" are defined as those < 0.

      X : a tensor with dimensions:  (#slices, #classes, #rows, #cols)

    Xout = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=X.dtype)
    Xi = np.zeros((Xout.shape[-2], Xout.shape[-1]), dtype=X.dtype)

    for z in range(Xout.shape[0]): 
        for c in range(Xout.shape[1]): 
            Xi[:] = X[z,c,...] 
            # interpolate, if needed 
            if np.any(Xi < 0): 
                #pct =  1.0*np.sum(Xi<0) / Xi.size 
                dist, nn = bwdist(Xi<0, return_indices=True) 
                Xi[Xi<0] = Xi[nn[0][Xi<0], nn[1][Xi<0]]

            Xout[z,c,...] = Xi

    return Xout
예제 #12
obstacle = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))
[x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ncols), np.arange(nrows))

# Generate some obstacle
obstacle[300:, 100:250] = True
obstacle[150:200, 400:500] = True
t = ((x - 200)**2 + (y - 50)**2) < 50**2
obstacle[t] = True
t = ((x - 400)**2 + (y - 300)**2) < 80**2
obstacle[t] = True
plt.imshow(1 - obstacle, 'gray')

# Compute distance transform
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt as bwdist

d = bwdist(obstacle == 0)  # distance to closest obstacle function
d2 = (d / 100.) + 1  # rescale and transform distances
d0 = 2  # radius of potential field influence
nu = 800
repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0

# Display repulsive potential
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
plt.title('Repulsive Potential')
# Plot the surface.
surf = ax.plot_surface(x,
def img_to_coords(im_cell, im_nuc, major_angle_object="cell"):
    Return unit vector of v

        zyx binary image of a cell shape

        zyx binary image of a nuclear shape

        string that specifies from which object the major angle is determined can be
        'cell' or 'nuc'

        channels corresponding to ratio image (1 at cell boundary, 0 on nuclear
        boundary, -1 inside nucleus)
        spherical coordinate system theta (radians)
        spherical coordinate system phi (radians)
        radial distance from center of nucleus
        angle of cell or nuclear shape (radians)

    cell_dist_in = skfmm.distance(, im_nuc)).data
    cell_dist_out = skfmm.distance( == 0,
                                                     im_cell == 0)).data

    nuc_dist = bwdist(im_nuc)
    nuc_ratio = -nuc_dist / np.max(nuc_dist)
    nuc_ratio[np.isnan(nuc_ratio)] = 0

    cyto_ratio = cell_dist_out / (cell_dist_out + cell_dist_in)
    cyto_ratio[np.isnan(cyto_ratio)] = 0

    im_cyto = (im_cell > 0) & (im_nuc == 0)

    im_ratio = np.zeros(im_nuc.shape)
    im_ratio[im_nuc > 0] = nuc_ratio[im_nuc > 0]
    im_ratio[im_cyto] = cyto_ratio[im_cyto]

    centroid = regionprops((im_nuc > 0).astype("uint8"))[0]["centroid"]

    if major_angle_object == "nuc":
        major_angle = rigidAlignment.get_major_angle(
            im_nuc, degrees_or_radians="radians")[0][1]
    elif major_angle_object == "cell":
        major_angle = rigidAlignment.get_major_angle(
            im_cell, degrees_or_radians="radians")[0][1]

    coords = np.where(im_cell > 0)

    th, phi, r = cart2sph(coords[1] - centroid[1], coords[2] - centroid[2],
                          coords[0] - centroid[0])

    th = th - major_angle
    th = th - 2 * math.pi * np.floor((th + math.pi) / (2 * math.pi))

    im_th = np.zeros(im_nuc.shape)
    im_th[im_cell > 0] = th

    im_phi = np.zeros(im_nuc.shape)
    im_phi[im_cell > 0] = phi

    im_r = np.zeros(im_nuc.shape)
    im_r[im_cell > 0] = r

    return im_ratio, im_th, im_phi, im_r, major_angle
예제 #14
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from import loadmat
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt as bwdist

rootDirGt = "data/groundTruth/train/"
rootDirImg = "data/images/train/"

ouputDir = "data/skeleton/train/"
os.makedirs(ouputDir, exist_ok=True)
listImages = sorted(os.listdir(rootDirImg))
listData = sorted(os.listdir(rootDirGt))

for i, itemName in enumerate(listData, 0):
    itemGround = loadmat(rootDirGt + itemName)
    edge, skeleton = itemGround['edge'], itemGround['symmetry']
    dist = bwdist(1.0 - edge.astype(float))
    appl = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: y if x > 0.5 else 0)
    result = appl(skeleton, dist)
    savePath = listImages[i].split(".jpg")[0] + ".bmp"
    img = Image.fromarray(result.astype(np.uint8), 'L') + savePath)
    transf = transforms.ToTensor()
        torch.max(255.0 *
                  transf( + savePath).convert('L'))))
예제 #15
    BIGGER_SIZE = big

    plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE)  # controls default text sizes
    plt.rc('axes', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)  # fontsize of the axes title
    plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE)  # fontsize of the x and y labels
    plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)  # fontsize of the tick labels
    plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)  # fontsize of the tick labels
    plt.rc('legend', fontsize=MEDIUM_SIZE)  # legend fontsize
    plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)  # fontsize of the figure title

obstacles_grid = np.zeros(500)
obstacles_grid[:235] = 1
obstacles_grid[265:] = 1

d = bwdist(obstacles_grid == 0)
d2 = (d / 100.) + 1

d0 = 0.15 + 1
nu = 200
repulsive = nu * ((1. / d2 - 1. / d0)**2)
repulsive[d2 > d0] = 0
repulsive /= np.max(repulsive)

x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, len(obstacles_grid))

         2 * repulsive,
         label='Repulsive potential, $U_y^r$',
예제 #16
    for angle in tqdm([0, 90, 180, 270]):
        # os.makedirs(output_dir + str(scale) + "/o/" + str(angle) + "/f/", exist_ok=True)
        # os.makedirs(img_dir + str(scale) + "/o/" + str(angle) + "/f/", exist_ok=True)
        for flip in tqdm([0, 1, 2]):
            # os.makedirs(output_dir + str(scale) + "/o/" + str(angle) + "/f/" + str(flip), exist_ok=True)
            # os.makedirs(img_dir + str(scale) + "/o/" + str(angle) + "/f/" + str(flip), exist_ok=True)
            for i in range(len(listData)):
                targetName = listData[i]
                gtpath = output_dir + str(scale) + str(angle) + str(flip) + "_"
                impath = img_dir + str(scale) + str(angle) + str(flip) + "_"
                name = targetName.replace(".mat", ".png")
                imageTrain = cv2.imread(trainDirImg + listimages[i])
                itemGround = loadmat(rootDirGt + targetName)
                edge, skeleton = itemGround['edge'], itemGround['symmetry']
                dist = 2*bwdist(1 - edge)
                appl = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: 0 if y < 0.5 else x)
                img = appl(dist,skeleton)
                img = Image.fromarray(img.astype(np.uint8))
                img = img.rotate(angle, PIL.Image.BICUBIC, True)
                imageTrain = Image.fromarray(imageTrain)
                imageTrain = imageTrain.rotate(angle, PIL.Image.BICUBIC, True)
                new_size = (int(np.ceil(scale*img.size[0])), int(np.ceil(scale*img.size[1])))
                img = img.resize(new_size)

                new_size_train = (int(np.ceil(scale*imageTrain.size[0])), int(np.ceil(scale*imageTrain.size[1])))
                imageTrain = imageTrain.resize(new_size_train)
                if flip == 1:
                    img = img.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
                    imageTrain = imageTrain.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
                elif flip == 2: