예제 #1
def filter_from_df(df, p_cutoff=0.95, smoothing=('raw',np.nan), features=('centroid','l_ear','r_ear'),
    resnet_name = df.keys()[0][0]
    output = dict()
    for feature in features:
        feature_details = dict()
        feature_x = df[(resnet_name,feature,'x')]
        feature_y = df[(resnet_name,feature,'y')]
        feature_p = df[(resnet_name,feature,'likelihood')]
        # remove the unreliable
        feature_x.loc[feature_p<p_cutoff] = np.nan
        feature_y.loc[feature_p<p_cutoff] = np.nan

        # smoothing
        if smoothing[0]=='raw':
            # do nothing to the distance
        elif smoothing[0]=='median_filter':
            # median filter
            filter_duration = smoothing[1] # 200 ms
            filter_dur_in_frames = int(filter_duration*frame_rate)
            if not is_odd(filter_dur_in_frames):filter_dur_in_frames = filter_dur_in_frames+1
            feature_x = medfilt(feature_x,size=filter_dur_in_frames)
            feature_y = medfilt(feature_y,size=filter_dur_in_frames)
        # now add to the data
        feature_details['x'] = feature_x
        feature_details['y'] = feature_y
        output[feature] = feature_details
    return output
예제 #2
def get_animal_speed(df,bodypart='centroid',p_cutoff=0.95,strategy='raw',frame_rate=20.0,arena_size_in_mm=450,time_filter=None):
    resnet_name = df.keys()[0][0]
    t_l_corner = np.asarray([df[resnet_name,'box_tl','x'].mean(),-df[resnet_name,'box_tl','y'].mean()])
    t_r_corner = np.asarray([df[resnet_name,'box_tr','x'].mean(),-df[resnet_name,'box_tl','y'].mean()])
    arena_length_in_pix = euclidean_dist(t_l_corner,t_r_corner)
    centroid_x = df[(resnet_name,'centroid','x')]
    centroid_y = df[(resnet_name,'centroid','y')]
    centroid_p = df[(resnet_name,'centroid','likelihood')]
    good_data = (centroid_p>p_cutoff)
    # remove data from the initial section - there is no animal and estimates are terrible
    # criterion is atleast 1 second of reliable data 
    remove_until = 0
    for i in range(1,len(good_data)):
        if np.any(good_data[:i]) and np.all(good_data[i:i+int(frame_rate)]):
    body_location =  [(k,l) for k,l in zip(centroid_x,centroid_y)]
    body_location[:remove_until] = np.full((remove_until,1),np.nan)
    body_speed = np.full_like(body_location,np.nan)
    for i in range(remove_until+1,len(good_data)):
        body_speed[i] = euclidean_dist(body_location[i-1],body_location[i])
    body_speed = body_speed.astype(np.float64)
    if time_filter:
        n_to_keep = int(frame_rate*time_filter)
        body_speed = body_speed[:n_to_keep]
    if strategy=='raw':
        # do nothing to the distance
    elif strategy=='raw+outlier_removal':
        # do nothing to the distance
        body_speed[body_speed>np.nanquantile(body_speed,0.999)] = np.nan
    elif strategy=='median_filter':
        # median filter
        filter_duration = 0.1 # 200 ms
        filter_dur_in_frames = int(filter_duration*frame_rate)
        if not is_odd(filter_dur_in_frames):filter_dur_in_frames = filter_dur_in_frames+1
        body_speed = medfilt(body_speed,size=filter_dur_in_frames)
    elif strategy=='median_filter+outlier_removal':
        # median filter
        filter_duration = 0.1 # 200 ms
        filter_dur_in_frames = int(filter_duration*frame_rate)
        if not is_odd(filter_dur_in_frames):filter_dur_in_frames = filter_dur_in_frames+1
        body_speed = medfilt(body_speed,size=filter_dur_in_frames)
        body_speed[body_speed>np.nanquantile(body_speed,0.999)] = np.nan
    # body_speed is in delta(pix)/frame. Convert to delta(mm)/s        
    body_speed = body_speed*(arena_size_in_mm/arena_length_in_pix)*frame_rate
    return body_speed
def load_running_speed(data, smooth=False, time=None):
    if time is None:
        print('`time` not passed. using vsync from pkl file')
        time = load_time(data)

    dx_raw = np.array(data['dx'])
    dx = medfilt(dx_raw, size=5)  # remove big, single frame spikes in encoder values
    dx = np.cumsum(dx)  # wheel rotations

    time = time[:len(dx)]

    speed = calc_deriv(dx, time)  # speed is in deg/s
    speed = deg_to_dist(speed)  # converts speed to cm/s

    if smooth:
        # running_speed_cm_per_sec = pd.rolling_mean(running_speed_cm_per_sec, window=6)
        raise NotImplementedError

    # accel = calc_deriv(speed, time)
    # jerk = calc_deriv(accel, time)

    running_speed = pd.DataFrame({
        'time': time,
        'frame': range(len(time)),
        'speed': speed,
        'dx': dx_raw,
        'v_sig': data['vsig'],
        'v_in': data['vin'],
        # 'acceleration (cm/s^2)': accel,
        # 'jerk (cm/s^3)': jerk,
    return running_speed
def compute_running_speed(dx_raw, time, v_sig, v_in, smooth=False):
    """Calculate running speed

    dx_raw: numpy.ndarray
        dx values for each stimulus frame
    time: numpy.ndarray
        timestamps for each stimulus frame
    v_sig: numpy.ndarray
        v_sig for each stimulus frame: currently unused
    v_in: numpy.ndarray
        v_in for each stimulus frame: currently unused
    smooth: boolean, default=False
        flag to smooth output: not implemented

        Running speed (cm/s)
    dx = medfilt(dx_raw,
                 size=5)  # remove big, single frame spikes in encoder values
    dx = np.cumsum(dx)  # wheel rotations
    speed = calc_deriv(dx, time)  # speed in degrees/s
    speed = deg_to_dist(speed)

    if smooth:
        raise NotImplementedError

    return speed
예제 #5
def get_body_length(df,
    resnet_name = df.keys()[0][0]
    centroid_x = df[(resnet_name, 'centroid', 'x')]
    centroid_y = df[(resnet_name, 'centroid', 'y')]
    centroid_p = df[(resnet_name, 'centroid', 'likelihood')]

    l_ear_x = df[(resnet_name, 'l_ear', 'x')]
    l_ear_y = df[(resnet_name, 'l_ear', 'y')]
    l_ear_p = df[(resnet_name, 'l_ear', 'likelihood')]

    r_ear_x = df[(resnet_name, 'r_ear', 'x')]
    r_ear_y = df[(resnet_name, 'r_ear', 'y')]
    r_ear_p = df[(resnet_name, 'r_ear', 'likelihood')]

    good_data = (centroid_p > p_cutoff) & (l_ear_p > p_cutoff) & (r_ear_p >

    # remove data from the initial section - there is no animal and estimates are terrible
    # criterion is atleast 1 second of reliable data
    remove_until = 0
    for i in range(1, len(good_data)):
        if np.any(good_data[:i]) and np.all(good_data[i:i + int(frame_rate)]):
            remove_until = i
    body_length = np.full((df.shape[0], 1), np.nan)
    body_length_arrow_start = [(k, l)
                               for k, l in zip(body_length, body_length)]
    body_length_arrow_end = [(k, l) for k, l in zip(body_length, body_length)]

    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    # get the distance for the other data
    for i in range(remove_until, len(good_data)):
        body_length_arrow_start[i] = (int(centroid_x[i]), int(centroid_y[i]))
        body_length_arrow_end[i] = (int(
            (l_ear_x[i] + r_ear_x[i]) / 2), int((l_ear_y[i] + r_ear_y[i]) / 2))
        body_length[i] = euclidean_dist(body_length_arrow_start[i],
    if strategy == 'raw':
        # do nothing to the distance
    elif strategy == 'median_filter':
        filter_duration = 0.2  # 200 ms
        filter_dur_in_frames = int(filter_duration * frame_rate)
        if not is_odd(filter_dur_in_frames):
            filter_dur_in_frames = filter_dur_in_frames + 1
        body_length = medfilt(body_length, size=filter_dur_in_frames)
        raise ValueError(
            "Unknownstrategy= {0}. Must be one of 'raw' ,'median_filter'".
    df['body_length'] = body_length
    df['bl_arrow_start'] = body_length_arrow_start
    df['bl_arrow_end'] = body_length_arrow_end
    return df
def validate_encoder_voltage(core_data, range_threshold=3, wrap_threshold=2):
    check for potentially anomolous encoder voltage traces

    Two failure modes we're checking here:
    1) voltage range is less than the range_threshold.
        A single rotation of the encoder will give a voltage range of ~5V, so a small range indicates
        that the encoder makes less than 1 full rotation.

    2) The ratio of forward wraps to backward wraps is less than the wrap_threshold:
        When the encoder spinning clockwise (rotation direction for forward motion by the mouse),
        the encoder transitions (wraps) from 5V to 0V once per rotation. If the encoder spinning CCW,
        the transition will be from 0V to 5V. So assuming that the mouse is walking forward, there should be
        far more forward wraps (5V-to-0V) than backward wraps (0V-to-5V). If the ratio is close to 1, this likely indicates
        an encoder that is oscillating back and forth across the zero-point due to noise

    Note that both failure modes can result from a stationary mouse (or a test session with no mouse).
    running = core_data['running']

    # filter out voltage artifacts
    filtered_vsig = medfilt(running['v_sig'], size=5)

    v_sig_range = filtered_vsig.max() - filtered_vsig.min()

    def get_wrap_ratio(forward_wraps, backward_wraps):
        if backward_wraps == 0:
            return np.inf
            return forward_wraps / backward_wraps

    wrap_ratio = get_wrap_ratio(count_wraps(running, 'forward'),
                                count_wraps(running, 'backward'))

    if v_sig_range < range_threshold or wrap_ratio < wrap_threshold:
        return False
        return True
예제 #7
def save_core_data_components(core_data, lims_data, stimulus_timestamps):
    rewards = core_data['rewards']
    save_dataframe_as_h5(rewards, 'rewards', get_analysis_dir(lims_data))

    running = core_data['running']
    running_speed = running.rename(columns={'speed': 'running_speed'})
    # filter to get rid of encoder spikes
    running_speed['running_speed'] = medfilt(
        running_speed.running_speed.values, size=5)
    save_dataframe_as_h5(running_speed, 'running_speed',

    licks = core_data['licks']
    save_dataframe_as_h5(licks, 'licks', get_analysis_dir(lims_data))

    stimulus_table = core_data['visual_stimuli'][:
                                                 -10]  # ignore last 10 flashes
    if 'omitted_stimuli' in core_data.keys():
        if len(core_data['omitted_stimuli']
               ) > 0:  # sometimes there is a key but empty values
            omitted_flash = core_data['omitted_stimuli'].copy()
            omitted_flash = omitted_flash[['frame']]
            omitted_flash['omitted'] = True
            flashes = stimulus_table.merge(omitted_flash,
            flashes['omitted'] = [
                True if omitted is True else False
                for omitted in flashes.omitted.values
            flashes = flashes.sort_values(by='frame').reset_index().drop(
            flashes = flashes[[
                'frame', 'end_frame', 'time', 'image_category', 'image_name',
            flashes = flashes.reset_index()
            flashes.image_name = [
                'omitted' if flashes.iloc[row].omitted == True else
                flashes.iloc[row].image_name for row in range(len(flashes))
            # infer end time for omitted flashes as 16 frames after start frame (250ms*60Hz stim frame rate)
            flashes['end_frame'] = [
                flashes.loc[idx, 'end_frame'] if flashes.loc[idx, 'omitted']
                == False else flashes.loc[idx, 'frame'] + 16
                for idx in flashes.index.values
            stimulus_table = flashes.copy()
            stimulus_table['omitted'] = False
        stimulus_table['omitted'] = False
    if np.isnan(
            stimulus_table.loc[0, 'end_frame']
    ):  # exception for cases where the first flash in the session is omitted
        stimulus_table = stimulus_table.drop(index=0)
    # workaround to rename columns to harmonize with visual coding and rebase timestamps to sync time
                          value=np.arange(0, len(stimulus_table)))
    stimulus_table = stimulus_table.rename(columns={
        'frame': 'start_frame',
        'time': 'start_time'
    start_time = [
        for start_frame in stimulus_table.start_frame.values
    stimulus_table.start_time = start_time
    end_time = [
        for end_frame in stimulus_table.end_frame.values
    # end_time = [stimulus_timestamps[int(end_frame)] if np.isnan(end_frame) is False else np.nan()
    #             for end_frame in stimulus_table.end_frame.values]
    stimulus_table.insert(loc=4, column='end_time', value=end_time)
    if 'level_0' in stimulus_table.keys():
    save_dataframe_as_h5(stimulus_table, 'stimulus_table',

    task_parameters = get_task_parameters(core_data)
    save_dataframe_as_h5(task_parameters, 'task_parameters',