예제 #1
def fit_to_model(imchunk,model, mode = 'pinv',fit_pix_mask = None,baseline = None):
    import numpy as np
    #im_array = (imchunk-baseline)#/baseline
    if not(baseline is None):
    	im_array = imchunk-baseline#/baseline
    	im_array = imchunk
    imshape = np.shape(im_array[0])
    im_array = im_array.reshape((-1,imshape[0]*imshape[1]))
    if mode == 'nnls':
        fits = np.empty((np.shape(model)[0],np.shape(im_array)[0]))
        for i,im2 in enumerate(im_array):
            im = im2.copy()
            im[~np.isfinite(im)] = 0
            from scipy.optimize import nnls
            if not(fit_pix_mask is None):
                fits[:,i] = nnls(model[:,fit_pix_mask].T,im[fit_pix_mask])[0]
                fits[:,i] = nnls(model.T,im)[0]
        im = im_array
        print np.shape(im_array)
        from numpy.linalg import pinv
        if not(fit_pix_mask is None):
            fits = np.dot(pinv(model[:,fit_pix_mask]).T,im[:,fit_pix_mask].T)
            fits = np.dot(pinv(model).T,im)
    return fits
예제 #2
    def _update_scipy_nnls(self, W, H):
        Run the update step with regularized cost function, and Nonnegative Least Squares
        provided by SciPy (activeset variant)

        :param W: the left factorizing matrix
        :param H: the right factorizing matrix
        :type W: numpy.ndarray
        :type H: numpy.ndarray
        :returns: two-tuple (W,H) with new matrices

        # 'augmented' data matrix with vector of zeros
        Xaug = np.r_[self.X, np.zeros((1,H.shape[1]))]

        # 'augmented' left factorizing matrix with vector of ones
        Waug = np.r_[W, np.sqrt(self.beta)*np.ones((1,H.shape[0]))]

        Htaug = np.r_[H.T, np.sqrt(self.eta) * np.eye(H.shape[0])]
        Xaugkm = np.r_[self.X.T, np.zeros(W.T.shape)]

        for i in xrange(W.shape[0]):
            W[i, :] = nnls(Htaug, Xaugkm[:, i])[0]

        for j in xrange(H.shape[1]):
            H[:, j] = nnls(Waug, Xaug[:, j])[0]

        return (W,H)
예제 #3
파일: test_nnls.py 프로젝트: BranYang/scipy
 def test_maxiter(self):
     # test that maxiter argument does stop iterations
     # NB: did not manage to find a test case where the default value
     # of maxiter is not sufficient, so use a too-small value
     rndm = np.random.RandomState(1234)
     a = rndm.uniform(size=(100, 100))
     b = rndm.uniform(size=100)
     with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
         nnls(a, b, maxiter=1)
예제 #4
파일: matrixUtils.py 프로젝트: Tachyon5/dev
 def _autoEncode(self, queryVector, H, nnlsRegress=False):
     if nnlsRegress:
         # a very clean topic assignment, most topics are zero.
         latentVector, _ = nnls(H.T, queryVector)
         recs, _ = nnls(H, latentVector)
         # slightly more noisy, which might be good
         latentVector = np.dot(H, queryVector)
         recs = np.dot(latentVector, H)
     return recs, latentVector
예제 #5
    def transform(self, X):
        """Transform the data X according to the fitted NMF model


        X: {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Data matrix to be transformed by the model

        data: array, [n_samples, n_components]
            Transformed data
        X, = check_arrays(X, sparse_format='csc')
        Wt = np.zeros((self.n_components_, X.shape[0]))
        check_non_negative(X, "ProjectedGradientNMF.transform")

        if sp.issparse(X):
            Wt, _, _ = _nls_subproblem(X.T, self.components_.T, Wt,
            for j in range(0, X.shape[0]):
                Wt[:, j], _ = nnls(self.components_.T, X[j, :])
        return Wt.T
예제 #6
def tikhonov(A, b, alpha, allowNegative=True):
    Wendet die Tikhonov-Regularisierung auf die Matrix A und die Lösung b an.
    @type  A: matrix
    @param A: Die zu regularisierende Matrix.
    @type  b: vector
    @param b: Die Lösung der Matrixoperation.
    @type  alpha: number
    @param alpha: Der Regularisierungsparameter.
    @type  allowNegative: boolean 
    @param allowNegative: Wenn false, werden nur positive x-Werte zur Annäherung erlaubt; sonst auch negative.
    @rtype: vector, number, number
    @return: Solution, Residuum, Norm der Lösung
    n = A.shape[0]
    m = A.shape[1]
    A1 = np.concatenate((A, alpha * matlib.identity(m)))
    b1 = np.concatenate((b, np.zeros(shape=(n,1))))
    print A, A.shape
    print A1, A1.shape

    if (allowNegative):
        x, res, rank, s = lstsq(A1, np.squeeze(b1))
        return x, res, norm(x)
        x, res = spOpt.nnls(A1, np.squeeze(b1))
        return x, res, norm(x)
예제 #7
파일: zfinder.py 프로젝트: julienguy/redfit
 def store_models(self, specs, ivar):
     self.models = n.zeros( (specs.shape) )
     for i in xrange(self.models.shape[0]):
         minloc = n.unravel_index( self.zchi2arr[i].argmin(),
                                  self.zchi2arr[i].shape )
         pmat = n.zeros( (specs.shape[-1],self.npoly+1) )
         this_temp = self.templates[minloc[:-1]]
         pmat[:,0] = this_temp[(minloc[-1]*self.npixstep) +
                               self.pixoffset:(minloc[-1]*self.npixstep) +
         polyarr = poly_array(self.npoly, specs.shape[-1])
         pmat[:,1:] = n.transpose(polyarr)
         ninv = n.diag(ivar[i])
         try: # Some eBOSS spectra have ivar[i] = 0 for all i
             f = n.linalg.solve( n.dot(n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),pmat),
                             n.dot( n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),specs[i]) )
             f = nnls( n.dot(n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),pmat),
                      n.dot( n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),specs[i]) );\
                             f = n.array(f)[0]
             self.models[i] = n.dot(pmat, f)
         except Exception as e:
             self.models[i] = n.zeros(specs.shape[-1])
             print "Exception: %r" % r
예제 #8
    def change_component_set(self, new_component_list):
        Change the set of basis components without 
        changing the bulk composition. 

        Will raise an exception if the new component set is 
        invalid for the given composition.

        new_component_list : list of strings
            New set of basis components.
        composition = np.array([self.atomic_composition[element]
                                for element in self.element_list])
        component_matrix = np.zeros((len(new_component_list), len(self.element_list)))
        for i, component in enumerate(new_component_list):
            formula = dictionarize_formula(component)
            for element, n_atoms in formula.items():
                component_matrix[i][self.element_list.index(element)] = n_atoms

        sol = nnls(component_matrix.T, composition)
        if sol[1] < 1.e-12:
            component_amounts = sol[0]
            raise Exception('Failed to change component set. '
                            'Could not find a non-negative least squares solution. '
                            'Can the bulk composition be described with this set of components?')

        composition = OrderedCounter(dict(zip(new_component_list, component_amounts)))
        self.__init__(composition, 'molar')
예제 #9
def _optimise_onedgaussian_amp_nnls(pars, x=None, data=None) :
    """ Returns the best set of amplitude for a given set of sigma
    for a set of N 1D Gaussian functions

    The function returns the result of the NNLS solving (scipy)

    :param pars: input parameters including sigma
    :param x: radii
    :param data: data to fit
        data and r should have the same size

    ngauss = len(pars) 

    ## First get the normalised values from the gaussians
    ## We normalised this also to 1/data to have a sum = 1
    nGnorm = _n_centred_onedgaussian_Datanorm(pars=pars)(x,data)

    ## This is the vector we wish to get as close as possible
    ## The equation being : Sum_n In * (G1D_n) = 1.0
    ##                   or       I  x    G    = d
    d = np.ones(np.size(x), dtype=np.float64)

    ## Use NNLS to solve the linear bounded (0) equations
    try :
        sol_nnls, norm_nnls = nnls(nGnorm, d)
    except RuntimeError :
        print "Warning: Too many iterations in NNLS"
        return np.zeros(ngauss, dtype=np.float64)
    return sol_nnls
예제 #10
파일: amaps.py 프로젝트: chsasank/pysptools
def NNLS(M, U):
    NNLS performs non-negative constrained least squares of each pixel
    in M using the endmember signatures of U.  Non-negative constrained least
    squares with the abundance nonnegative constraint (ANC).
    Utilizes the method of Bro.

        M: `numpy array`
            2D data matrix (N x p).

        U: `numpy array`
            2D matrix of endmembers (q x p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        An abundance maps (N x q).

        Bro R., de Jong S., Journal of Chemometrics, 1997, 11, 393-401.
    import scipy.optimize as opt

    N, p1 = M.shape
    q, p2 = U.shape

    X = np.zeros((N, q), dtype=np.float32)
    MtM = np.dot(U, U.T)
    for n1 in range(N):
        # opt.nnls() return a tuple, the first element is the result
        X[n1] = opt.nnls(MtM, np.dot(U, M[n1]))[0]
    return X
예제 #11
def logP(value=0.,p=pars):
    lp = 0.
    models = []
    for i in range(len(imgs)):
        if i == 0:
            dx,dy = 0,0
            dx = pars[0].value 
            dy = pars[1].value 
        xp,yp = xc+dx,yc+dy
        image = imgs[i]
        sigma = sigs[i]
        psf = PSFs[i]
        imin,sigin,xin,yin = image[mask], sigma[mask],xp[mask2],yp[mask2]
        n = 0
        model = np.empty(((len(srcs)),imin.size))
        for lens in lenses:
        x0,y0 = pylens.lens_images(lenses,srcs,[xin,yin],1./OVRS,getPix=True)
        for src in srcs:
            tmp = xc*0.
            tmp[mask2] = src.pixeval(x0,y0,1./OVRS,csub=1)
            tmp = iT.resamp(tmp,OVRS,True)
            tmp = convolve.convolve(tmp,psf,False)[0]
            model[n] = tmp[mask].ravel()
            n +=1
        rhs = (imin/sigin) # data
        op = (model/sigin).T # model matrix
        fit, chi = optimize.nnls(op,rhs)
        model = (model.T*fit).sum(1)
        resid = (model-imin)/sigin
        lp += -0.5*(resid**2.).sum()
    return lp #,models
예제 #12
 def create_model(self, fname, npoly, npixstep, minvector, zfindobj,
                  flux, ivar):
     """Return the best fit model for a given template at a
         given redshift.
         pixoffset = zfindobj.pixoffset
         temps = read_ndArch( join( environ['REDMONSTER_TEMPLATES_DIR'],
                                   fname ) )[0]
         pmat = n.zeros( (self.npixflux, npoly+1) )
         this_temp = temps[minvector[:-1]]
         pmat[:,0] = this_temp[(minvector[-1]*npixstep)+pixoffset:\
                               (minvector[-1]*npixstep)+pixoffset + \
         polyarr = poly_array(npoly, self.npixflux)
         pmat[:,1:] = n.transpose(polyarr)
         ninv = n.diag(ivar)
         f = linalg.solve( n.dot(n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),pmat),
                            n.dot( n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),flux) ); \
                 f = n.array(f)
         if f[0] < 0:
                 f = nnls( n.dot(n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),pmat),
                          n.dot( n.dot(n.transpose(pmat),ninv),flux) )[0]; \
                         f = n.array(f)
                 return n.dot(pmat,f), tuple(f)
             except Exception as e:
                 print("Exception: %r" % e)
                 return n.zeros(self.npixflux), (0,)
             return n.dot(pmat,f), tuple(f)
     except Exception as e:
         print("Exception: %r" % e)
         return n.zeros(self.npixflux), (0,)
예제 #13
 def test_nnls(self):
     a = arange(25.0).reshape(-1,5)
     x = arange(5.0)
     y = dot(a,x)
     x, res = nnls(a,y)
     assert_(res < 1e-7)
     assert_(norm(dot(a,x)-y) < 1e-7)
예제 #14
def calculate(target, ig_min, ig_max, ingredients):
    from scipy import optimize
    Gmatrix = np.array([i.compounds for i in ingredients])
    # Non-negative least squares solution
    Igrams = optimize.nnls(Gmatrix.T, target)[0]
    # Weed out gram amounts that are not within the specified range. Also
    # remove the rows corresponding to that ingredient from the matrix and the
    # ingredient.
    zipped = izip(Igrams, Gmatrix, ingredients)
    tuples = filter(lambda (g, r, i): within(ig_min, ig_max, g), zipped)
    Igrams = [ g for g, r, i in tuples ]
    if not Igrams:
        return None
    Gmatrix = [ r for g, r, i in tuples ]
    Ingredients = [ i for g, r, i in tuples ]

    Cgrams    = (np.matrix(Gmatrix).T * np.array([Igrams]).T).T.getA1()
    Icalories = [ i.calories*x for i, x in zip(Ingredients, Igrams) ]
    Ccalories = np.multiply(CGs.values(), Cgrams)
    Cnames    = CGs.keys()
    Inames    = [ i.name for i in Ingredients ]

    return {
        'error': np.linalg.norm(np.array(Cgrams) - target)/100,
        'total': (np.sum(Igrams), np.sum(Icalories)),
        'ingredients': sorted(zip(Inames, Igrams, Icalories), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
        'compounds': zip(Cnames, Cgrams, Ccalories),
예제 #15
파일: sr24.py 프로젝트: JoelHough/pykibble
 def complete_with(self, foods):
     # This function does these things
     # Adjust rdi based on already added foods
     # Build food_mat from foods
     # Normalizes and weights using half of upper-lower
     # Linear regress
     # Remove zero foods from result
     n, m = len(self.target_di), len(foods)
     food_mat = np.zeros([n, m])
     di_amounts = np.zeros([n])
     di_so_far = self.get_di()
     norm_terms = np.ones([n])
     missing = dict()
     for i in range(n):
         di = self.target_di[i]
         norm_terms[i] = (di.upper - di.lower) / 2.0 
         di_amounts[i] = (di.lower + norm_terms[i] - di_so_far[i].amount) / norm_terms[i]
         for j in range(m):
             food = foods[j]
                 food_mat[i][j] = food.nut_amounts[di.nut] / norm_terms[i]
             except KeyError:
                 # print "Warning: No nutrient data for " + str(nut) + " in " + str(food)
                 # missing[nut] = (missing.get(nut) or 0) + 1
     amounts, error = op.nnls(food_mat, di_amounts)
     for j in range(m):
         if amounts[j] > 0:
             self.add_food(foods[j], amounts[j] * 100.0)
     return error
def run_regression(result, dates):
    mid = []
    future = []
    sample_freq = 120
    future_horizon = 120 * 0.5
    signals = defaultdict(list)
    for adate in dates:
        data = result[adate]
        signals_tmp = get_signals(data)
        mid_tmp = midpoint(data)
        base_ind, offset_inds = generate_offset_index(len(data), [future_horizon],
                                                      base = subsample_nsample(data, sample_freq),
                                                      burn_in = sample_freq)
        for key in signals_tmp.keys():
            signals[key] += list(signals_tmp[key][base_ind])
        mid +=(list(mid_tmp[base_ind]))
        future +=(list(mid_tmp[offset_inds[0]]))
    names = signals.keys()
    X = np.c_[[np.array(signals[nm]) for nm in names]].T
    Y = np.array(future) - np.array(mid)
    #beta, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(X, Y)
    beta, rrs = nnls(X, Y)
    valuation = np.dot(X, beta)
    print 'Regression Dates  : %s - %s'%(min(dates), max(dates))
    print 'Regression Results: %s'%(str(dict(zip(names, beta))))
    return names, dict(zip(names, list(beta))), np.abs(valuation).mean()
예제 #17
 def residuum(arr):
     cali.sV0 = float(arr)
     sigma = cali.responses
     sigma[0] = 1e6*np.ones_like(cali.tau_arr)
     data[0] = 1e6
     residual = nnls(sigma, data)[1]
     return residual
예제 #18
파일: dv.py 프로젝트: Tillsten/skultrafast
def do_nnls(A,b):
    n = b.shape[1]
    out = np.zeros((A.shape[1], n))
    for i in range(n):
        #mls.bounded_lsq(A.T, b[:,i], np.zeros((A.shape[1],1)), np.ones((A.shape[1],1))).shape
        out[:,i] =  nnls(A, b[:,i])[0]
    return out
예제 #19
def nnls_fit(spectrum, expected_matrix):
    Non-negative least squares fitting.

    spectrum : array
        spectrum of experiment data
    expected_matrix : array
        2D matrix of activated element spectrum

    results : array
        weights of different element
    residue : array

    This is merely a domain-specific wrapper of
    scipy.optimize.nnls. Note that the order of arguments
    is changed. Confusing for scipy users, perhaps, but
    more natural for domain-specific users.
    experiments = spectrum
    standard = expected_matrix

    [results, residue] = nnls(standard, experiments)
    return results, residue
예제 #20
def get_coeffs(file_list, target_path, is_mono):
    """Calculate weighted mixing coefficients.

    file_list : list
        List of files to calculate coefficients of.
    target_path: str
        Path to file that the list will be tested against.
    is_mono: bool
        True if input file is mono. Default=False.

    mixing_coeffs : dict
        Dictionary of each file and its associated mixing coefficient
        relative to target path.

    target_audio = loadmono(target_path)

    full_audio = np.vstack(
        [loadmono(f, is_mono=is_mono) for f in file_list]

    coeffs, _ = nnls(full_audio.T, target_audio.T)

    base_keys = [os.path.basename(s) for s in file_list]

    mixing_coeffs = { 
        i : float(c) for i, c in zip(base_keys, coeffs)

    return mixing_coeffs
예제 #21
 def estimate_expression(feat_class, pieces, ids):
     #--- Build the exons-transcripts structure matrix:
     # Lines are exons, columns are transcripts,
     # so that A[i,j]!=0 means "transcript Tj contains exon Ei".
     if feat_class == Gene:
         is_in = lambda x,g: g in x.gene_id.split('|')
     elif feat_class == Transcript:
         is_in = lambda x,t: t in x.transcripts
     n = len(pieces)
     m = len(ids)
     A = zeros((n,m))
     for i,p in enumerate(pieces):
         for j,f in enumerate(ids):
             A[i,j] = 1. if is_in(p,f) else 0.
     #--- Build the exons scores vector
     E = asarray([p.rpk for p in pieces])
     #--- Solve for RPK
     T,rnorm = nnls(A,E)
     #--- Store result in *feat_class* objects
     feats = []
     for i,f in enumerate(ids):
         exs = sorted([e for e in exons if is_in(e,f)], key=lambda x:(x.start,x.end))
         flen = sum(p.length for p in pieces if is_in(p,f))
         feats.append(feat_class(name=f, start=exs[0].start, end=exs[-1].end,
                 length=flen, rpk=T[i], count=fromRPK(T[i],flen,options['normalize']),
                 chrom=exs[0].chrom, gene_id=exs[0].gene_id, gene_name=exs[0].gene_name))
     return feats
예제 #22
def weighted_nnls_fit(spectrum, expected_matrix, constant_weight=10):
    Non-negative least squares fitting with weight.

    spectrum : array
        spectrum of experiment data
    expected_matrix : array
        2D matrix of activated element spectrum
    constant_weight : float
        value used to calculate weight like so:
        weights = constant_weight / (constant_weight + spectrum)

    results : array
        weights of different element
    residue : array
    experiments = spectrum
    standard = expected_matrix

    weights = constant_weight / (constant_weight + experiments)
    weights = np.abs(weights)
    weights = weights/np.max(weights)

    a = np.transpose(np.multiply(np.transpose(standard), np.sqrt(weights)))
    b = np.multiply(experiments, np.sqrt(weights))

    [results, residue] = nnls(a, b)

    return results, residue
예제 #23
def solution_bounds(endmember_occupancies):
    endmember_occupancies : 2d array of floats
        A 1D array for each endmember in the solid solution,
        containing the number of atoms of each element on each site.

    solution_bounds : 2d array of floats
        An abbreviated version of endmember_occupancies, 
        where the columns represent the independent compositional 
        bounds on the solution
    # Find bounds for the solution
    i_sorted =zip(*sorted([(i,
                            sum([1 for val in endmember_occupancies.T[i]
                                 if val>1.e-10]))
                           for i in range(len(endmember_occupancies.T))
                                          if np.any(endmember_occupancies.T[i] > 1.e-10)],
                          key=lambda x: x[1]))[0]

    solution_bounds = endmember_occupancies[:,i_sorted[0],np.newaxis]
    for i in i_sorted[1:]:
        if np.abs(nnls(solution_bounds, endmember_occupancies.T[i])[1]) > 1.e-10:
            solution_bounds = np.concatenate((solution_bounds,
    return solution_bounds
예제 #24
def nnls_fit(spectrum, expected_matrix, weights=None):
    Non-negative least squares fitting.

    spectrum : array
        spectrum of experiment data
    expected_matrix : array
        2D matrix of activated element spectrum
    weights : array, optional
        for weighted nnls fitting. Setting weights as None means fitting
        without weights.

    results : array
        weights of different element
    residue : float

    nnls is chosen as amplitude of each element should not be negative.
    if weights is not None:
        expected_matrix = np.transpose(np.multiply(np.transpose(expected_matrix), np.sqrt(weights)))
        spectrum = np.multiply(spectrum, np.sqrt(weights))
    return nnls(expected_matrix, spectrum)
예제 #25
def nmfTransform(R, nmfResult, flatX):
    """ Replace the existing numpy implementation to work on sparse tensor """
    W = np.zeros((flatX.shape[0], R))
    coef = nmfResult.coef().todense().transpose()
    for j in xrange(0, flatX.shape[0]):
        W[j, :], _ = nnls(coef, np.ravel(flatX.getrow(j).todense()))
    return W
예제 #26
        def main():
            if parameters["-k"] not in ["7","8"]:
                print usage
                print "Problem(s):"
                print "-"*50
                print "-k parameter has to be 7, or 8"
                print "-"*50


                #find the best set of organisms that reconstruct the user metagenome using NNLS

                for i in [0]:


                #Writes tabular output!
                o.write("Query: "+parameters["-q"]+"\n")
                o.write("K-mer size: "+parameters["-k"]+"\n\n")
                for result in tabular:
예제 #27
파일: analysis.py 프로젝트: atanna/benchpy
def ridge_regression(X_y, alpha=0.15):
    r"""Fits an L2-penalized linear regression to the data.

    The ridge coefficients are guaranteed to be non-negative and minimize

    .. math::

       \min\limits_w ||X w - y||_2 + \alpha ||w||_2

    Xy : (N, M + 1) array_like
        Observation matrix. The first M columns are observations. The
        last column corresponds to the target values.
    alpha : float
        Penalization strength. Larger values make the solution more robust
        to collinearity.

    w : (M, ) ndarray
        Non-negative ridge coefficients.
    X_y = np.atleast_2d(X_y)
    X, y = X_y[:, :-1], X_y[:, -1]

    M = X.shape[1]
    X_new = np.append(X, alpha * np.eye(M), axis=0)
    y_new = np.append(y, np.zeros(M))
    w, _residuals = nnls(X_new, y_new)
    return w
def solve_nnls(x, y, kernel=None, params=None, design=None):
    Solve the mixture problem using NNLS

    x : ndarray
    y : ndarray

    kernel : callable
    params : list

    if design is None and (kernel is None or params is None):
        e_s = "Need to provide either design matrix, or kernel and list of"
        e_s += "params for generating the design matrix"
        raise ValueError(e_s)

    if design is None:
        A = parameters_to_regressors(x, kernel, params)
        A = design
    y = y.ravel()
    beta_hat, rnorm = opt.nnls(A, y)
    return beta_hat, rnorm
예제 #29
def optimise_twodgaussian_amp_nnls(pars, parPSF=_default_parPSF, r=None, theta=None, data=None) :
    Returns the best set of amplitude for a given set of q,sigma,pa
    for a set of N 2D Gaussian functions
    The function returns the result of the NNLS solving (scipy)
    pars  : input parameters including q, sigma, pa (in degrees)
    r     : radii
    theta : angle for each point in radians
    data  : data to fit
       data, theta and r should have the same size

    pars = pars.ravel()

    ## First get the normalised values from the gaussians
    ## We normalised this also to 1/data to have a sum = 1
    nGnorm = _n_centred_twodgaussian_Datanorm(pars=pars, parPSF=parPSF)(r,theta,data)

    ## This is the vector we wish to get as close as possible
    ## The equation being : Sum_n In * (G2D_n) = 1.0
    ##                   or       I  x    G    = d
    d = np.ones(np.size(r), dtype=floatFit)

    ## Use NNLS to solve the linear bounded (0) equations
    sol_nnls, norm_nnls = nnls(nGnorm, d)
    return nGnorm, sol_nnls
예제 #30
def nn_ls_fit(data,spect, max_bins=16, min_norm=10**-4):
    #not used?
    #uses non-negitive least squares to fit data
    #spect is libaray array
    #match wavelength of spectra to data change in to appropeate format
    model = {}
    for i in xrange(spect[0, :].shape[0]):
        if i == 0:
            model['wave'] = nu.copy(spect[:, i])
            model[str(i-1)] = nu.copy(spect[:, i])

    model = data_match_new(data, model, spect[0, :].shape[0] - 1)
    index = nu.int64(model.keys())
    #nnls fit handles uncertanty now 
    if data.shape[1] == 2:
        N,chi = nnls(nu.array(model.values()).T[:,
                     data[:, 1])
    elif data.shape[1] == 3:
        N, chi = nnls(nu.array(model.values()).T[:, 
                nu.argsort(nu.int64(nu.array(model.keys())))] / nu.tile(data[:, 2], (bins, 1)).T, data[:, 1] / data[:, 2]) 
    N = N[index.argsort()]
    #check if above max number of binns
    if len(N[N > min_norm]) > max_bins:
        #remove the lowest normilization
        N_max_arg = nu.nonzero(N > min_norm)[0]
        N_max_arg = N_max_arg[N[N_max_arg].argsort()]
        #sort by norm value
        current = []
        for i in xrange(N_max_arg.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
            if len(current) == max_bins:
        current = nu.array(current)
        current = info[N > min_norm]
    metal, age=[], []
    for i in current:
        metal.append(float(i[4: 10]))
        age.append(float(i[11: -5]))
    metal, age=nu.array(metal), nu.array(age)
    #check if any left
    return (metal[nu.argsort(age)], age[nu.argsort(age)], 
            N[N > min_norm][nu.argsort(age)])
예제 #31
        _ff = ff[[n], :]
        t, _ffsw = sliding_window(_ff,
        _ffpower = np.sum(_ffsw**2, axis=-1) / _ffsw.shape[-1]
    power = np.stack(power)
    t, _p = sliding_window(pupil, fs=fs, window_size=4, step_size=2)
    pds = np.mean(_p, axis=-1)[np.newaxis, :]

    power = scale(power, with_mean=True, with_std=True, axis=-1)
    pds = scale(pds, with_mean=True, with_std=True, axis=-1)

    # do nnls regression to avoid to sign ambiguity due to power conversion
    x, r = nnls(power.T, -pds.squeeze())
    second_order_weights = x

    if np.linalg.norm(x) == 0:
        sow_norm = x
        sow_norm = x / np.linalg.norm(x)

    # project weights back into neuron space (then the can be compared with PC weights too)
    fow_nspace = pca.components_.T.dot(fow_norm)
    sow_nspace = pca.components_.T.dot(sow_norm)

    # compute cosine similarities
    cos_fow_sow = fow_nspace.dot(sow_nspace)
    cos_fow_PC1 = fow_nspace.dot(pca.components_[0])
    cos_sow_PC1 = sow_nspace.dot(pca.components_[0])
예제 #32
def minfn(data, model, theTemp, doHyst):
    Using an assumed value for gamma (already stored in the model), find optimum
    values for remaining cell parameters, and compute the RMS error between true
    and predicted cell voltage

    alltemps = [d.temp for d in data]
    ind, = np.where(np.array(alltemps) == theTemp)[0]

    G = abs(model.GParam[ind])

    Q = abs(model.QParam[ind])
    eta = abs(model.etaParam[ind])
    RC = abs(model.RCParam[ind])
    numpoles = len(RC)

    ik = data[ind].s1.current.copy()
    vk = data[ind].s1.voltage.copy()
    tk = np.arange(len(vk))
    etaik = ik.copy()
    etaik[ik < 0] = etaik[ik < 0] * eta

    hh = 0*ik
    sik = 0*ik
    fac = np.exp(-abs(G * etaik/(3600*Q)))

    for k in range(1, len(ik)):
        hh[k] = (fac[k-1]*hh[k-1]) - ((1-fac[k-1])*np.sign(ik[k-1]))
        sik[k] = np.sign(ik[k])
        if abs(ik[k]) < Q/100:
            sik[k] = sik[k-1]

    # First modeling step: Compute error with model = OCV only
    vest1 = data[ind].OCV
    verr = vk - vest1

    # Second modeling step: Compute time constants in "A" matrix
    y = -np.diff(verr)
    u = np.diff(etaik)
    A = SISOsubid(y, u, numpoles)

    # Modify results to ensure real, preferably distinct, between 0 and 1

    eigA = np.linalg.eigvals(A)
    eigAr = eigA + 0.001 * np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=eigA.shape)
    eigA[eigA != np.conj(eigA)] = abs(eigAr[eigA != np.conj(eigA)]) # Make sure real
    eigA = np.real(eigA)                                            # Make sure real
    eigA[eigA<0] = abs(eigA[eigA<0])    # Make sure in range 
    eigA[eigA>1] = 1 / eigA[eigA>1]
    RCfact = np.sort(eigA)
    RCfact = RCfact[-numpoles:]
    RC = -1 / np.log(RCfact)

    # Compute RC time constants as Plett's Matlab ESCtoolbox 
    # nup = numpoles
    # while 1:
    #     A = SISOsubid(y, u, nup)

    #     # Modify results to ensure real, preferably distinct, between 0 and 1
    #     eigA = np.linalg.eigvals(A)
    #     eigA = np.real(eigA[eigA == np.conj(eigA)])   # Make sure real
    #     eigA = eigA[(eigA>0) & (eigA<1)]    # Make sure in range 
    #     okpoles = len(eigA)
    #     nup = nup + 1
    #     if okpoles >= numpoles:
    #         break
    #     # print(nup)

    # RCfact = np.sort(eigA)
    # RCfact = RCfact[-numpoles:]
    # RC = -1 / np.log(RCfact)

    # Simulate the R-C filters to find R-C currents
    stsp = dlti(np.diag(RCfact), np.vstack(1-RCfact), np.eye(numpoles), np.zeros((numpoles, 1))) 
    [tout, vrcRaw, xout] = dlsim(stsp, etaik)

    # Third modeling step: Hysteresis parameters
    if doHyst:
        H = np.column_stack((hh, sik, -etaik, -vrcRaw))
        W = nnls(H, verr)
        M = W[0][0]
        M0 = W[0][1]
        R0 = W[0][2]
        Rfact = W[0][3:].T
        H = np.column_stack((-etaik, -vrcRaw))
        W = np.linalg.lstsq(H,verr, rcond=None)[0]
        M = 0
        M0 = 0
        R0 = W[0]
        Rfact = W[1:].T

    idx, = np.where(np.array(model.temps) == data[ind].temp)[0]
    model.R0Param[idx] = R0
    model.M0Param[idx] = M0
    model.MParam[idx] = M
    model.RCParam[idx] = RC.T
    model.RParam[idx] = Rfact.T

    vest2 = vest1 + M*hh + M0*sik - R0*etaik - vrcRaw @ Rfact.T
    verr = vk - vest2

    # plot voltages
    plt.plot(tk[::10]/60, vk[::10], label='voltage')
    plt.plot(tk[::10]/60, vest1[::10], label='vest1 (OCV)')
    plt.plot(tk[::10]/60, vest2[::10], label='vest2 (DYN)')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
    plt.title(f'Voltage and estimates at T = {data[ind].temp} C')
    plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1)

    # plot modeling errors
    plt.plot(tk[::10]/60, verr[::10], label='verr')
    plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
    plt.ylabel('Error (V)')
    plt.title(f'Modeling error at T = {data[ind].temp} C')

    # Compute RMS error only on data roughly in 5% to 95% SOC
    v1 = OCVfromSOCtemp(0.95, data[ind].temp, model)[0]
    v2 = OCVfromSOCtemp(0.05, data[ind].temp, model)[0]
    N1 = np.where(vk < v1)[0][0]
    N2 = np.where(vk < v2)[0][0]

    rmserr = np.sqrt(np.mean(verr[N1:N2]**2))
    cost = np.sum(rmserr)
    print(f'RMS error = {cost*1000:.2f} mV')

    return cost, model
예제 #33
    def solve_SS_network(self, T, P):
        calculates the steady state concentrations if all A => B + C
        reactions are irreversible and the flux from/to the source
        configuration is 1.0
        A = np.zeros((len(self.isomers),len(self.isomers)))
        b = np.zeros(len(self.isomers))
        bimolecular = len(self.source) > 1
        isomerSpcs = [iso.species[0] for iso in self.isomers]

        for rxn in self.netReactions:
            if rxn.reactants[0] in isomerSpcs:
                ind = isomerSpcs.index(rxn.reactants[0])
                kf = rxn.getRateCoefficient(T,P)
                A[ind,ind] -= kf
                ind = None
            if rxn.products[0] in isomerSpcs:
                ind2 = isomerSpcs.index(rxn.products[0])
                kr = rxn.getRateCoefficient(T,P)/rxn.getEquilibriumConstant(T)
                A[ind2,ind2] -= kr
                ind2 = None

            if ind is not None and ind2 is not None:
                A[ind,ind2] += kr
                A[ind2,ind] += kf

            if bimolecular:
                if rxn.reactants[0] == self.source:
                    kf = rxn.getRateCoefficient(T,P)
                    b[ind2] += kf
                elif rxn.products[0] == self.source:
                    kr = rxn.getRateCoefficient(T,P)/rxn.getEquilibriumConstant(T)
                    b[ind] += kr
        if not bimolecular:
            ind = isomerSpcs.index(self.source[0])
            b[ind] = -1.0 #flux at source
            b = -b/b.sum() #1.0 flux from source
        if len(b) == 1:
            return np.array([b[0]/A[0,0]])
        con = np.linalg.cond(A)
        if np.log10(con) < 15:
            c = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
            logging.warn("Matrix Ill-conditioned, attempting to use Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic")
            mp.dps = 30+int(np.log10(con))
            Amp = mp.matrix(A.tolist())
            bmp = mp.matrix(b.tolist())
                c = mp.qr_solve(Amp,bmp)

                c = np.array(list(c[0]))

                if any(c<=0.0):
                    c, rnorm = opt.nnls(A,b)

                c = c.astype(np.float64)
            except: #fall back to raw flux analysis rather than solve steady state problem
                return None
        return c
예제 #34
                index_p += 1
                index_B += 1
        index_a += 1
        index_Theta += 1
    index_Phi += 1

LamInv = np.linalg.pinv(LambdaM)
Experiment = IntensityDC2.flat
pVec1 = np.dot(LamInv, Experiment)

# read weights from a file
pMatrix = np.reshape(pVec1, (len(Phi), len(Theta)))
TheoryVec = np.dot(LambdaM, pVec1)
TheoryMatr = np.reshape(TheoryVec, (765, 29))

pVec2, rnorm1 = nnls(LambdaM, Experiment)
pMatrix2 = np.reshape(pVec2, (len(Phi), len(Theta)))
TheoryVec2 = np.dot(LambdaM, pVec2)
TheoryMatr2 = np.reshape(TheoryVec2, (765, 29))

pVec3, rnorm2 = nnls(LambdaMepr, Experiment)
pMatrix3 = np.reshape(pVec3, (len(Phi), len(Theta)))
TheoryVec3 = np.dot(LambdaMepr, pVec3)
TheoryMatr3 = np.reshape(TheoryVec3, (765, 29))

gnufile = open('TwoTrpTheor5nnlsEPR.dat', 'w+')
for i in xrange(765):
    for j in xrange(29):
            str(freqDC2[i]) + '  ' + str(fieldDC2[j]) + '  ' +
            str(TheoryMatr[i][j]) + '  ' + str(TheoryMatr2[i][j]) + '  ' +
예제 #35
def mixed_netNMF(data,
    # Initialize H and W Matrices from data array if not given
    r, c = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    # Initialize H
    H_init = np.random.rand(k, c)
    H = np.maximum(H_init, eps)
    # Initialize W
    W_init = np.linalg.lstsq(H.T, data.T)[0].T
    W_init = np.dot(W_init, np.diag(1 / sum(W_init)))
    W = np.maximum(W_init, eps)

    if verbose:
        print 'W and H matrices initialized'

    # Get graph matrices from laplacian array
    D = np.diag(np.diag(KNN_glap)).astype(float)
    A = (D - KNN_glap).astype(float)
    if verbose:
        print 'D and A matrices calculated'
    # Set mixed netNMF reconstruction error convergence factor
    XfitPrevious = np.inf

    # Updating W and H
    for i in range(maxiter):
        XfitThis = np.dot(W, H)
        WHres = np.linalg.norm(data - XfitThis)  # Reconstruction error

        # Change in reconstruction error
        if i == 0:
            fitRes = np.linalg.norm(XfitPrevious)
            fitRes = np.linalg.norm(XfitPrevious - XfitThis)
        XfitPrevious = XfitThis

        # Reporting netNMF update status
        if (verbose) & (i % 10 == 0):
            print 'Iteration >>', i, 'Mat-res:', WHres, 'Lambda:', l, 'Wfrob:', np.linalg.norm(
        if (err_delta_tol > fitRes) | (err_tol > WHres) | (i + 1 == maxiter):
            if verbose:
                print 'NMF completed!'
                print 'Total iterations:', i + 1
                print 'Final Reconstruction Error:', WHres
                print 'Final Reconstruction Error Delta:', fitRes
            numIter = i + 1
            finalResidual = WHres

        # Note about this part of the netNMF function:
        # There used to be a small block of code that would dynamically change l
        # to improve the convergence of the algorithm. We did not see any mathematical
        # or statistical support to have this block of code here. It seemed to just
        # add confusion in the final form of the algorithm. Therefore it has been removed.
        # The default l parameter is fine here, but the regularization constant can
        # be changed by the user if so desired.

        # Terms to be scaled by regularization constant: l
        KWmat_D = np.dot(D, W)
        KWmat_W = np.dot(A, W)

        # Update W with network constraint
        W = W * ((np.dot(data, H.T) + l * KWmat_W + eps) /
                 (np.dot(W, np.dot(H, H.T)) + l * KWmat_D + eps))
        W = np.maximum(W, eps)
        # Normalize W across each gene (row-wise)
        W = W / matlib.repmat(np.maximum(sum(W), eps), len(W), 1)

        # Update H
        H = np.array([nnls(W, data[:, j])[0] for j in range(c)]).T
        # ^ Hofree uses a custom fast non-negative least squares solver here, we will use scipy's implementation here
        H = np.maximum(H, eps)

    return W, H, numIter, finalResidual
예제 #36
 def NNLS_recon(self, ps, PhiRecon):
     chis = -np.log(2 * (ps - .5))
     return op.nnls(PhiRecon, np.squeeze(chis))[0]
예제 #37
def mixed_netNMF_debug(data,
    # Initialize H and W Matrices from data array if not given
    r, c = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
    # Initialize H
    if H_init is None:
        H_init = np.random.rand(k, c)
        H = np.maximum(H_init, eps)
        # Check H_init dimensions
        if H_init.shape == (k, c):
            H = np.copy(H_init)
            raise ValueError('H_init dimensions must be ' + repr(k) + ' x ' +
    # Initialize W
    if W_init is None:
        W_init = np.linalg.lstsq(H.T, data.T)[0].T
        W_init = np.dot(W_init, np.diag(1 / sum(W_init)))
        W = np.maximum(W_init, eps)
        # Check H_init dimensions
        if W_init.shape == (r, k):
            W = np.copy(W_init)
            raise ValueError('W_init dimensions must be ' + repr(k) + ' x ' +
    if verbose:
        print 'W and H matrices initialized'

    # Get graph matrices from laplacian array
    D = np.diag(np.diag(KNN_glap)).astype(float)
    A = (D - KNN_glap).astype(float)
    if verbose:
        print 'D and A matrices calculated'
    # Set mixed netNMF reporting variables
    resVal, fitResVect, timestep, Wlist, Hlist = [], [], [], [], []
    XfitPrevious = np.inf

    # Updating W and H
    for i in range(maxiter):
        iter_time = time.time()
        XfitThis = np.dot(W, H)
        WHres = np.linalg.norm(data - XfitThis)  # Reconstruction error

        # Change in reconstruction error
        if i == 0:
            fitRes = np.linalg.norm(XfitPrevious)
            fitRes = np.linalg.norm(XfitPrevious - XfitThis)
        XfitPrevious = XfitThis
        # Tracking reconstruction errors and residuals
        if (verbose) & (i % 10 == 0):
            print 'Iteration >>', i, 'Mat-res:', WHres, 'Gamma:', l, 'Wfrob:', np.linalg.norm(
        if (err_delta_tol > fitRes) | (err_tol > WHres) | (i + 1 == maxiter):
            if verbose:
                print 'NMF completed!'
                print 'Total iterations:', i + 1
                print 'Final Reconstruction Error:', WHres
                print 'Final Reconstruction Error Delta:', fitRes
            numIter = i + 1
            finalResidual = WHres

    # Note about this part of the netNMF function:
    # There used to be a small block of code that would dynamically change l
    # to improve the convergence of the algorithm. We did not see any mathematical
    # or statistical support to have this block of code here. It seemed to just
    # add confusion in the final form of the algorithm. Therefore it has been removed.
    # The default l parameter is fine here, but the regularization constant can
    # be changed by the user if so desired.

    # Terms to be scaled by regularization constant: l
        KWmat_D = np.dot(D, W)
        KWmat_W = np.dot(A, W)

        # Update W with network constraint
        W = W * ((np.dot(data, H.T) + l * KWmat_W + eps) /
                 (np.dot(W, np.dot(H, H.T)) + l * KWmat_D + eps))
        W = np.maximum(W, eps)
        W = W / matlib.repmat(np.maximum(sum(W), eps), len(W), 1)

        # Update H
        H = np.array([nnls(W, data[:, j])[0] for j in range(c)]).T
        # ^ Hofree uses a custom fast non-negative least squares solver here, we will use scipy's implementation here
        H = np.maximum(H, eps)

        # Track each iterations' time step
        timestep.append(time.time() - iter_time)

    return W, H, numIter, finalResidual, resVal, fitResVect, Wlist, Hlist, timestep
예제 #38
 def _reweight(self, f):
     self.w[f] = 1.
     nz_idcs = self.w > 0
     res = nnls(self.A[:, nz_idcs], self.b, maxiter=100 * self.A.shape[1])
     self.w[nz_idcs] = res[0]
예제 #39
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Generate random problem instance
    n = 1000000
    m = 3
    showMatrices = False

    A = np.random.rand(n, m)
    if showMatrices:

    y = np.dot(A, np.random.randn(m))
    if showMatrices:

    start = time.time()
    x_NNLS = nnls(A, y)[0]
    end = time.time()
    print("NNLS: " + str(end - start) + " Seconds")
    if showMatrices:

    start = time.time()
    x_subspaceNNLS = subspaceNNLS(A, y)
    end = time.time()
    print("Subspace NNLS:" + str(end - start) + " Seconds")
    if showMatrices:
예제 #40
        print(i, loss.item())


            constraints)  # keep wieghts positive after gradient decent
        h_out = torch.transpose(out.data, 0, 1)
        h_out_t = out.data

        # NNLS
        # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.nnls.html

        w_arrays = [
            nnls(out.data.numpy(), V[f, mask])[0] for f in range(features)
        nnls_w = np.stack(w_arrays, axis=-1)
        dnmf_w = torch.from_numpy(nnls_w).float()

        # dnmf_w = dnmf_w * (h_out.mm(v_train)).div(h_out.mm(h_out_t).mm(dnmf_w))

    # test_inputs = (h_0_test, v_test)
    # start_iter = time.time()
    # netwrok_prediction = deep_nmf(*test_inputs)
    # dnmf_elapsed = round(time.time() - start_iter, 5)
    # dnmf_err = round(
    #     frobinuis_reconstruct_error(V[:, ~mask], dnmf_w.data.numpy().T, netwrok_prediction.data.numpy().T), 2)
    # mu_error = round(frobinuis_reconstruct_error(V[:, ~mask], W, fit.coef()), 2)
예제 #41
 def nnls(A, b):
     return nnls(A, b)
예제 #42
def nnls_reg(K, b, val):
    b_prime = r_[b, zeros(K.shape[1])]
    x, _ = nnls(A_prime(K, val), b_prime)
    return x
예제 #43
파일: nnls_ODE.py 프로젝트: aychat/Switches
    def integrate(self, t_final, atol=1e-18, rtol=1e-10):
        Adaptively integrate the system of equations assuming self.t and self.y set the initial value.
        :param t_final: (scalar) the final time to be reached.
        :param atol: the absolute tolerance parameter
        :param rtol: the relative tolerance parameter
        :return: current value of y
        if not np.isscalar(t_final):
            raise ValueError(
                "t_final must be a scalar. If t_final is iterable consider using "
                "the list comprehension [integrate(t) for t in times].")

        sign_dt = np.sign(t_final - self.t)

        # Loop util the final time moment is reached
        while sign_dt * (t_final - self.t) > 0:
            #           Description of numerical methods
            #   A formal solution of the system of linear ode y'(t) = M(t) y(t) reads as
            #       y(t) = T exp[ \int_{t_init}^{t_fin} M(\tau) d\tau ] y(t_init)
            #   where T exp is a Dyson time-ordered exponent. Hence,
            #       y(t + dt) = T exp[ \int_{t}^{t+dt} M(\tau) d\tau ] y(t).
            #   Dropping the time ordering operation leads to the cubic error
            #       y(t + dt) = exp[ \int_{t}^{t+dt} M(\tau) d\tau ] y(t) + O( dt^3 ).
            #   Employing the mid-point rule for the integration also leads to the cubic error
            #       y(t + dt) = exp[  M(t + dt / 2) dt ] y(t) + O( dt^3 ).
            #   Therefore, we finally get the linear equation w.r.t. unknown y(t + dt) [note y(t) is known]
            #       exp[  -M(t + dt / 2) dt ] y(t + dt) = y(t) + O( dt^3 ),
            #   which can be solved by scipy.optimize.nnls ensuring the non-negativity constrain for y(t + dt).

            # Initial guess for the time-step
            dt = 0.25 / norm(self.M(self.t, *self.M_args))

            # time step must not take as above t_final
            dt = sign_dt * min(dt, abs(t_final - self.t))

            # Loop until optimal value of dt is not found (adaptive step size integrator)
            while True:
                M = self.M(self.t + 0.5 * dt, *self.M_args)
                M = np.array(M, copy=False)
                M *= -dt

                new_y, residual = nnls(expm(M), self.y)

                # Adaptive step termination criterion
                if np.allclose(residual, 0., rtol, atol):
                    # residual is small it seems we got the solution

                    # Additional check: If M is a transition rate matrix,
                    # then the sum of y must be preserved
                    if np.allclose(M.sum(axis=0), 0., rtol, atol):

                        # exit only if sum( y(t+dt) ) = sum( y(t) )
                        if np.allclose(sum(self.y), sum(new_y), rtol, atol):
                        # M is not a transition rate matrix, thus exist

                if np.allclose(dt, 0., rtol, atol):
                    # print waring if dt is very small
                        "Warning in nnl_ode: adaptive time-step became very small." \
                        "The numerical result may not be trustworthy."
                    # half the time-step
                    dt *= 0.5

            # the dt propagation is successfully completed
            self.t += dt
            self.y = new_y

        return self.y
예제 #44
파일: nnls.py 프로젝트: shwhalen/datasink
 def fit(self, X, y):
     self.coef_, self.residuals_ = nnls(X, y)
     return self
예제 #45
def fit_HH21inv(
	nu_max = 10,
	nu_min = -50,
	nnu = 300,
	non_neg = True,
	omega = 'auto',
	Fits D evolution data using the distributed activation energy model of
	Hemingway and Henkes (2021). This function solves for rho_nu, the
	regularized distribution of rates in lnk space. See HH21 Eq. X for
	notation and details. This function can estimate best-fit omega using
	Tikhonov regularization.

	he : isotopylog.HeatingExperiment
		`ipl.HeatingExperiment` instance containing the D data to be modeled.

	nu_max : float
		The maximum lnk value to consider. Defaults to `10`.

	nu_min : float
		The minimum lnk value to consider. Defaults to `-50`.

	nnu : int
		The number of nu values in the array such that
		dnu = (nu_max - nu_min)/nnu. Defaults to `300`.

	non_neg : boolean
		Tells the function whether or not to constrain the solution to be
		non-negative. Defaults to ``True``.

	omega : str or float
		The "smoothing parameter" to use. This can be a number or `auto`; if 
		'auto', the function uses Tikhonov regularization to calculate the
		optimal omega value. Defaults to `auto`.

	rho_nu_inv : array-like
		Resulting regularized rho distribution, of length `n_nu`.

	omega : float
		If inputed `omega = 'auto'`, then this is the best-fit omega value.
		If inputted omega was a number, this is simply same as the inputted

	res_inv : float
		Root mean square error of the inverse model fit, in D47 units.

	rgh_inv : float
		Roughness norm of the inverse model fit.


		If `omega` is not 'Auto' or float or int type.

		If unexpected keyword arguments are passed to `calc_L_curve`.

	See Also

		Method for fitting heating experiment data using the lognormal model
		of Hemingway and Henkes (2021).

		Method for generating a `kDistribution` instance from experimental


	Basic implementation, assuming a `ipl.HeatingExperiment` instance `he`
		#import modules
		import isotopylog as ipl

		#assume he is a HeatingExperiment instance
		results = ipl.fit_HH21inv(he, omega = 'auto')

	Same implementation, but if best-fit `omega` is known a priori::

		#import modules
		import isotopylog as ipl

		#assume best-fit omega is 3
		omega = 3

		#assume he is a HeatingExperiment instance
		results = ipl.fit_HH21inv(he, omega = 3)


	[1] Forney and Rothman (2012) *J. Royal Soc. Inter.*, **9**, 2255--2267.\n
	[2] Hemingway and Henkes (2021) *Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.*, **566**, 116962.

	#extract variables
	tex = he.tex
	Gex = he.Gex
	nu = np.linspace(nu_min, nu_max, nnu)
	nt = len(tex)

	#calculate A matrix
	A = _calc_A(tex, nu)
	#calculate regularization matrix, R
	R = _calc_R(nnu)
	#calculate omega using L curve if necessary:
	if omega in ['auto', 'Auto']:

		#run L curve function to calculate best-fit omega
		omega = calc_L_curve(
			nu_max = nu_max,
			nu_min = nu_min,
			nnu = nnu,
			plot = False,

	#make sure omega is a scalar
	elif not isinstance(omega, float) and not isinstance(omega, int):

		omt = type(omega).__name__

		raise TypeError(
			'Attempting to input `omega` of type %s. Must be `int`, `float`'
			' or "auto".' % omt)

	#ensure it's float
		omega = float(omega)

	#concatenate A+R and Gex+zeros
	A_reg = np.concatenate(
		(A, R*omega))

	Gex_reg = np.concatenate(
		(Gex, np.zeros(nnu + 1)))

	#concatenate sum to unity constraint
	dnu = nu[1] - nu[0]
	nuvec = dnu*np.ones([1,nnu])

	A_reg_unity = np.concatenate((A_reg, nuvec))
	Gex_reg_unity = np.concatenate((Gex_reg, np.ones(1)))

	#calculate inverse results and estimated G
	if non_neg is True:
		# rho_nu_inv, _ = nnls(A_reg, Gex_reg)
		rho_nu_inv, _ = nnls(A_reg_unity, Gex_reg_unity)

		res = lsq_linear(A_reg, Gex_reg)
		rho_nu_inv = res.x

	Ghat = np.inner(A, rho_nu_inv)
	rgh = np.inner(R, rho_nu_inv)

	#convert to D47
	D47hat, _ = _calc_D_from_G(
		clumps = he.clumps,
		G_std = None,
		ref_frame = he.ref_frame

	#calculate errors
	# res_inv = norm(Gex - Ghat)/nt**0.5
	res_inv = _calc_rmse(he.dex[:,0], D47hat)
	rgh_inv = norm(rgh)/nnu**0.5

	return rho_nu_inv, omega, res_inv, rgh_inv
def frac_coverage_classify(dataset_in, clean_mask=None, no_data=-9999):
      Performs fractional coverage algorithm on given dataset. If no clean mask is given, the 'cf_mask'
      variable must be included in the input dataset, as it will be used to create a
      clean mask
      - The implemented algqorithm is defined for Landsat 5/Landsat 7; in order for it to
        be used for Landsat 8, the bands will need to be adjusted
      - Guerschman, Juan P., et al. "Assessing the effects of site heterogeneity and soil
        properties when unmixing photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation
        and bare soil fractions from Landsat and MODIS data." Remote Sensing of Environment
        161 (2015): 12-26.
      dataset_in (xarray.Dataset) - dataset retrieved from the Data Cube (can be a derived
        product, such as a cloudfree mosaic; should contain
          coordinates: latitude, longitude
          variables: blue, green, red, nir, swir1, swir2
        If user does not provide a clean_mask, dataset_in must also include the cf_mask
    Optional Inputs:
      clean_mask (nd numpy array with dtype boolean) - true for values user considers clean;
        If none is provided, one will be created which considers all values to be clean.
      dataset_out (xarray.Dataset) - fractional coverage results with no data = -9999; containing
          coordinates: latitude, longitude
          variables: bs, pv, npv
        where bs -> bare soil, pv -> photosynthetic vegetation, npv -> non-photosynthetic vegetation
    # Default to masking nothing.
    if clean_mask is None:
        clean_mask = create_default_clean_mask(dataset_in)

    band_stack = []

    mosaic_clean_mask = clean_mask.flatten()
    #     mosaic_clean_mask = clean_mask

    for band in [
            dataset_in.blue.values, dataset_in.green.values,
            dataset_in.red.values, dataset_in.nir.values,
            dataset_in.swir1.values, dataset_in.swir2.values
        band = band.astype(np.float32)
        band = band * 0.0001
        band = band.flatten()
        band_clean = np.full(band.shape, np.nan)
        band_clean[mosaic_clean_mask] = band[mosaic_clean_mask]

    band_stack = np.array(band_stack).transpose()

    for b in range(6):
        band_stack = np.hstack(
            (band_stack, np.expand_dims(np.log(band_stack[:, b]), axis=1)))
    for b in range(6):
        band_stack = np.hstack(
             np.expand_dims(np.multiply(band_stack[:, b], band_stack[:,
                                                                     b + 6]),
    for b in range(6):
        for b2 in range(b + 1, 6):
            band_stack = np.hstack(
                 np.expand_dims(np.multiply(band_stack[:, b], band_stack[:,
    for b in range(6):
        for b2 in range(b + 1, 6):
            band_stack = np.hstack(
                 np.expand_dims(np.multiply(band_stack[:, b + 6],
                                            band_stack[:, b2 + 6]),
    for b in range(6):
        for b2 in range(b + 1, 6):
            band_stack = np.hstack((band_stack,
                                        band_stack[:, b2] - band_stack[:, b],
                                        band_stack[:, b2] + band_stack[:, b]),

    band_stack = np.nan_to_num(
        band_stack)  # Now a n x 63 matrix (assuming one acquisition)

    ones = np.ones(band_stack.shape[0])
    ones = ones.reshape(ones.shape[0], 1)
    band_stack = np.concatenate(
        (band_stack, ones),
        axis=1)  # Now a n x 64 matrix (assuming one acquisition)

    end_members = np.loadtxt(csv_file_path,
                             delimiter=',')  # Creates a 64 x 3 matrix

    SumToOneWeight = 0.02
    ones = np.ones(end_members.shape[1]) * SumToOneWeight
    ones = ones.reshape(1, end_members.shape[1])
    end_members = np.concatenate((end_members, ones),

    result = np.zeros((band_stack.shape[0], end_members.shape[1]),
                      dtype=np.float32)  # Creates an n x 3 matrix

    for i in range(band_stack.shape[0]):
        if mosaic_clean_mask[i]:
            result[i, :] = (
                opt.nnls(end_members, band_stack[i, :])[0].clip(0, 2.54) *
            result[i, :] = np.ones((end_members.shape[1]), dtype=np.int16) * (
                -9999)  # Set as no data

    latitude = dataset_in.latitude
    longitude = dataset_in.longitude

    result = result.reshape(latitude.size, longitude.size, 3)

    pv_band = result[:, :, 0]
    npv_band = result[:, :, 1]
    bs_band = result[:, :, 2]

    pv_clean = np.full(pv_band.shape, -9999)
    npv_clean = np.full(npv_band.shape, -9999)
    bs_clean = np.full(bs_band.shape, -9999)
    pv_clean[clean_mask] = pv_band[clean_mask]
    npv_clean[clean_mask] = npv_band[clean_mask]
    bs_clean[clean_mask] = bs_band[clean_mask]

    rapp_bands = collections.OrderedDict([('bs', (['latitude',
                                                   'longitude'], bs_band)),
                                          ('pv', (['latitude',
                                                   'longitude'], pv_band)),
                                          ('npv', (['latitude',
                                                    'longitude'], npv_band))])

    rapp_dataset = xr.Dataset(rapp_bands,
                                  'latitude': latitude,
                                  'longitude': longitude

    return rapp_dataset
예제 #47
    def ssp_fit(self,

        #Quick naming
        obs_wave = fit_data['obs_wave_resam']
        obs_flux_masked = fit_data['obs_flux_norm_masked']
        rest_wave = fit_data['basesWave_resam']
        bases_flux = fit_data['bases_flux_norm']
        int_mask = fit_data['int_mask']
        obsFlux_mean = fit_data['normFlux_obs']

        #Apply physical data to stellar grid
        ssp_grid = self.physical_SED_model(rest_wave, obs_wave, bases_flux,
                                           input_Av, input_z, input_sigma, 3.1)
        ssp_grid_masked = (int_mask * ssp_grid.T).T

        #---Leasts square fit
        if fit_scheme == 'lsq':
            start = timer()
            optimize_result = lsq_linear(ssp_grid_masked,
                                         bounds=(0, inf))
            end = timer()
            print 'lsq', ' time ', (end - start)

            coeffs_bases = optimize_result.x * obsFlux_mean

        elif fit_scheme == 'nnls':
            start = timer()
            optimize_result = nnls(ssp_grid_masked, obs_flux_masked)
            end = timer()
            print 'nnls', ' time ', (end - start), '\n'

            coeffs_bases = optimize_result[0] * obsFlux_mean

        #---Linear fitting without restrictions

            start = timer()

            #First guess
            coeffs_bases = self.linfit1d(obs_flux_masked, obsFlux_mean,
                                         ssp_grid_masked, inv_pdl_error_i)

            #Count positive and negative coefficients
            idx_plus_0 = coeffs_bases[:] > 0
            plus_coeff = idx_plus_0.sum()
            neg_coeff = (~idx_plus_0).sum()

            #Start loops
            counter = 0
            if plus_coeff > 0:

                while neg_coeff > 0:
                    counter += 1

                    bases_model_n = zeros([nObsPix, plus_coeff])

                    idx_plus_0 = (coeffs_bases[:] > 0)
                    bases_model_n[:, 0:idx_plus_0.sum(
                    )] = bases_grid_model_masked[:,
                                                 idx_plus_0]  #These are replace in order
                    coeffs_bases[~idx_plus_0] = 0

                    #Repeat fit
                    coeffs_n = self.linfit1d(obsFlux_normMasked, obsFlux_mean,
                                             bases_model_n, inv_pdl_error_i)

                    idx_plus_n = coeffs_n[:] > 0
                    idx_min_n = ~idx_plus_n
                    plus_coeff = idx_plus_n.sum()
                    neg_coeff = (idx_min_n).sum()

                    #Replacing negaive by zero
                    coeffs_n[idx_min_n] = 0
                    coeffs_bases[idx_plus_0] = coeffs_n

                    if plus_coeff == 0:
                        neg_coeff = 0
                plus_coeff = nBases

            end = timer()
            print 'FIT3D', ' time ', (end - start)

        #Save data to export
        fit_products = {}
        flux_sspFit = np_sum(coeffs_bases.T * ssp_grid_masked, axis=1)
        fluxMasked_sspFit = flux_sspFit * int_mask
        fit_products['flux_components'] = coeffs_bases.T * ssp_grid_masked
        fit_products['weight_coeffs'] = coeffs_bases
        fit_products['flux_sspFit'] = flux_sspFit
        fit_products['fluxMasked_sspFit'] = fluxMasked_sspFit

        return fit_products
예제 #48
    def NMF(self, rank, nmf_tol, print_results=0):
        Run NMF on the TFIDF representation of documents to obtain a low-dimensional representaion (dim=rank),
        then apply SVM to classify the data.

            rank (int): input rank for NMF
            nmf_tol (float): tolerance for termanating NMF model
            print_results (boolean): 1: print classification report, heatmaps, and keywords, 0:otherwise
             nmf_svm_acc (float): classification accuracy on test set
             W (ndarray): learnt word dictionary matrix, shape (words, topics)
             nn_svm (ndarray): learnt (nonegative) coefficient matrix for SVM classification, shape (classes, topics)
             nmf_svm_predicted (ndarray): predicted labels for data points in test set
             nmf_iter (int): actual number of iterations of NMF
             H (ndarray): document representation matrix for train set, shape (topics, train documents)
             H_test (ndarray): document representation matrix for test set, shape (topics, test documents)
        self.nmf_tol = nmf_tol

        print("\nRunning NMF + SVM")
        nmf = NMF(n_components=rank,

        # Dictionary matrix, shape (vocabulary, topics)
        W = nmf.fit_transform(self.X_train_full)
        # Representation matrix, shape (topics, documents)
        H = nmf.components_
        # Actual number of iterations
        nmf_iter = nmf.n_iter_
        # Train SVM classifier on train data
        text_clf = Pipeline([('scl',StandardScaler()), \
                                ('clf', SGDClassifier(tol=1e-5))])
        text_clf.fit(H.T, self.train_labels_full)

        # TESTING STEP
        # Compute the representation of test data
        H_test = np.zeros([rank, np.shape(self.X_test)[1]])
        for i in range(np.shape(self.X_test)[1]):
            H_test[:, i] = nnls(W, self.X_test[:, i])[0]
        # Classify test data using trained SVM classifier
        nmf_svm_predicted = text_clf.predict(H_test.T)
        # Report classification accuracy on test data
        nmf_svm_acc = np.mean(nmf_svm_predicted == self.test_labels)
            "The classification accuracy on the test data is {:.4f}%\n".format(
                nmf_svm_acc * 100))

        # SVM non-negaitve coefficient matrix
        nn_svm = text_clf['clf'].coef_.copy()
        nn_svm[nn_svm < 0] = 0

        if print_results == 1:
            # Extract top keywords representaion of topics
            print_keywords(W.T, features=self.feature_names_train, top_num=10)
            factors_heatmaps(nn_svm, cls_names=self.cls_names)

        return nmf_svm_acc, W, nn_svm, nmf_svm_predicted, nmf_iter, H, H_test
예제 #49
def quadratic_program(H, f, A, b, C=None, d=None, tol=1.e-7):
    Solves the strictly convex (H > 0) quadratic program min .5 x' H x + f' x s.t. A x <= b, C x  = d using nonnegative least squres.
    (See "Bemporad - A Quadratic Programming Algorithm Based on Nonnegative Least Squares With Applications to Embedded Model Predictive Control", Theorem 1.)

    H : numpy.ndarray
        Positive definite Hessian of the cost function.
    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.
    tol : float
        Maximum value for: the residual of the pnnls to consider the problem unfeasible, for the residual of an inequality to consider the constraint active.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the QP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        active_set : list of int
            Indices of the active inequallities {i | A_i argmin = b} (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_inequality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the inequality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_equality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the equality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or without equality constraints).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # reshape inputs
    if len(f.shape) == 1:
        f = np.reshape(f, (f.shape[0], 1))
    if len(b.shape) == 1:
        b = np.reshape(b, (b.shape[0], 1))
    if n_eq > 0 and len(d.shape) == 1:
        d = np.reshape(d, (d.shape[0], 1))

    # state equalities as inequalities
    if n_eq > 0:
        AC = np.vstack((A, C, -C))
        bd = np.vstack((b, d, -d))
        AC = A
        bd = b

    # build and solve pnnls problem
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(H)
    L_inv = np.linalg.inv(L)
    H_inv = L_inv.T.dot(L_inv)
    M = AC.dot(L_inv.T)
    m = bd + AC.dot(H_inv).dot(f)
    gamma = 1
    A_nnls = np.vstack((-M.T, -m.T))
    b_nnls = np.vstack((np.zeros((n_x, 1)), gamma))
    y, r = nnls(A_nnls, b_nnls.flatten())
    y = np.reshape(y, (y.shape[0], 1))

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None,
        'active_set': None,
        'multiplier_inequality': None,
        'multiplier_equality': None

    # if feasibile
    if r > tol:
        lam = y / (gamma + m.T.dot(y))
        sol['multiplier_inequality'] = lam[:n_ineq, :]
        sol['argmin'] = -H_inv.dot(f + AC.T.dot(lam))
        sol['min'] = (.5 * sol['argmin'].T.dot(H).dot(sol['argmin']) +
                      f.T.dot(sol['argmin']))[0, 0]
        sol['active_set'] = sorted(
            list(np.where(sol['multiplier_inequality'] > tol)[0]))
        if n_eq > 0:
            mul_eq_pos = lam[n_ineq:n_ineq + n_eq, :]
            mul_eq_neg = -lam[n_ineq + n_eq:n_ineq + 2 * n_eq, :]
            sol['multiplier_equality'] = mul_eq_pos + mul_eq_neg

    return sol
예제 #50
def run_inversion(home,
    Assemble G and d, determine smoothing and run the inversion
    from mudpy import inverse as inv
    from numpy import zeros, dot, array, squeeze, expand_dims, empty, tile, eye
    from numpy.linalg import lstsq
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as sparse
    from scipy.optimize import nnls
    from datetime import datetime
    import gc

    t1 = datetime.now()
    #Get data vector
    d = inv.getdata(home, project_name, GF_list, decimate, bandpass=None)
    #Get GFs
    G = inv.getG(home, project_name, fault_name, model_name, GF_list,
                 G_from_file, G_name, epicenter, rupture_speed, num_windows,
                 decimate, bandpass)
    #Get data weights
    if weight == True:
        print 'Applying data weights'
        w = inv.get_data_weights(home, project_name, GF_list, d, decimate)
        W = empty(G.shape)
        W = tile(w, (G.shape[1], 1)).T
        WG = empty(G.shape)
        WG = W * G
        wd = w * d.squeeze()
        wd = expand_dims(wd, axis=1)
        #Clear up extraneous variables
        W = None
        w = None
        #Define inversion quantities
        x = WG.transpose().dot(wd)
        print 'Computing G\'G'
        K = (WG.T).dot(WG)
        #Define inversion quantities if no weightd
        x = G.transpose().dot(d)
        print 'Computing G\'G'
        K = (G.T).dot(G)
    #Get regularization matrices (set to 0 matrix if not needed)
    static = False  #Is it jsut a static inversion?
    if reg_spatial != None:
        if Ltype == 2:  #Laplacian smoothing
            Ls = inv.getLs(home, project_name, fault_name, nfaults,
                           num_windows, bounds)
        else:  #Tikhonov smoothing
            N = nfaults[0] * nfaults[
                1] * num_windows * 2  #Get total no. of model parameters
            Ls = eye(N)
        Ninversion = len(reg_spatial)
        Ls = zeros(K.shape)
        reg_spatial = array([0.])
        Ninversion = 1
    if reg_temporal != None:
        Lt = inv.getLt(home, project_name, fault_name, num_windows)
        Ninversion = len(reg_temporal) * Ninversion
        Lt = zeros(K.shape)
        reg_temporal = array([0.])
        static = True
    #Make L's sparse
    Ls = sparse(Ls)
    Lt = sparse(Lt)
    #Get regularization tranposes for ABIC
    LsLs = Ls.transpose().dot(Ls)
    LtLt = Lt.transpose().dot(Lt)
    Ls = Ls.todense()
    Lt = Lt.todense()
    LsLs = LsLs.todense()
    LtLt = LtLt.todense()
    #off we go
    dt = datetime.now() - t1
    print 'Preprocessing wall time was ' + str(dt)
    print '\n--- RUNNING INVERSIONS ---\n'
    ttotal = datetime.now()
    kout = 0
    for kt in range(len(reg_temporal)):
        for ks in range(len(reg_spatial)):
            t1 = datetime.now()
            lambda_spatial = reg_spatial[ks]
            lambda_temporal = reg_temporal[kt]
            print 'Running inversion ' + str(kout + 1) + ' of ' + str(
                Ninversion) + ' at regularization levels: ls =' + repr(
                    lambda_spatial) + ' , lt = ' + repr(lambda_temporal)
            if static == True:  #Only statics inversion no Lt matrix
                Kinv = K + (lambda_spatial**2) * LsLs
                Lt = eye(len(K))
                LtLt = Lt.T.dot(Lt)
            else:  #Mixed inversion
                Kinv = K + (lambda_spatial**2) * LsLs + (lambda_temporal**
                                                         2) * LtLt
            if solver.lower() == 'lstsq':
                sol, res, rank, s = lstsq(Kinv, x)
            elif solver.lower() == 'nnls':
                x = squeeze(x.T)
                    sol, res = nnls(Kinv, x)
                    print '+++ WARNING: No solution found, writting zeros.'
                    sol = zeros(G.shape[1])
                x = expand_dims(x, axis=1)
                sol = expand_dims(sol, axis=1)
                print 'ERROR: Unrecognized solver \'' + solver + '\''
            #Compute synthetics
            ds = dot(G, sol)
            #Get stats
            L2, Lmodel = inv.get_stats(Kinv, sol, x)
            VR = inv.get_VR(home, project_name, GF_list, sol, d, ds, decimate)
            ABIC = inv.get_ABIC(G, K, sol, d, lambda_spatial, lambda_temporal,
                                Ls, LsLs, Lt, LtLt)
            #Get moment
            Mo, Mw = inv.get_moment(home, project_name, fault_name, model_name,
            #If a rotational offset was applied then reverse it for output to file
            if beta != 0:
                sol = inv.rot2ds(sol, beta)
            #Write log
            inv.write_log(home, project_name, run_name, kout, rupture_speed,
                          num_windows, lambda_spatial, lambda_temporal, beta,
                          L2, Lmodel, VR, ABIC, Mo, Mw, model_name, fault_name,
                          G_name, GF_list, solver)
            #Write output to file
            inv.write_synthetics(home, project_name, run_name, GF_list, G, sol,
                                 ds, kout, decimate)
            inv.write_model(home, project_name, run_name, fault_name,
                            model_name, rupture_speed, num_windows, epicenter,
                            sol, kout)
            kout += 1
            dt1 = datetime.now() - t1
            dt2 = datetime.now() - ttotal
            print '... inversion wall time was ' + str(
                dt1) + ', total wall time elapsed is ' + str(dt2)
def optimMuscleParams(osimModel_ref_filepath, osimModel_targ_filepath, N_eval,

    # results file identifier
    res_file_id_exp = '_N' + str(N_eval)

    # import models
    osimModel_ref = opensim.Model(osimModel_ref_filepath)
    osimModel_targ = opensim.Model(osimModel_targ_filepath)

    # models details
    name = Path(osimModel_targ_filepath).stem
    ext = Path(osimModel_targ_filepath).suffix

    # assigning new name to the model
    osimModel_opt_name = name + '_opt' + res_file_id_exp + ext

    # initializing log file
    log_folder = Path(log_folder)
    log_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    logging.basicConfig(filename=str(log_folder) + '/' + name + '_opt' +
                        res_file_id_exp + '.log',

    # get muscles
    muscles = osimModel_ref.getMuscles()
    muscles_scaled = osimModel_targ.getMuscles()

    # initialize with recognizable values
    LmOptLts_opt = -1000 * np.ones((muscles.getSize(), 2))
    SimInfo = {}

    for n_mus in range(0, muscles.getSize()):

        tic = time()

        # current muscle name (here so that it is possible to choose a single muscle when developing).
        curr_mus_name = muscles.get(n_mus).getName()
        print('processing mus ' + str(n_mus + 1) + ': ' + curr_mus_name)

        # import muscles
        curr_mus = muscles.get(curr_mus_name)
        curr_mus_scaled = muscles_scaled.get(curr_mus_name)

        # extracting the muscle parameters from reference model
        LmOptLts = [
        PenAngleOpt = curr_mus.getPennationAngleAtOptimalFiberLength()
        Mus_ref = sampleMuscleQuantities(osimModel_ref, curr_mus, 'all',

        # calculating minimum fiber length before having pennation 90 deg
        # acos(0.1) = 1.47 red = 84 degrees, chosen as in OpenSim
        limitPenAngle = np.arccos(0.1)
        # this is the minimum length the fiber can be for geometrical reasons.
        LfibNorm_min = np.sin(PenAngleOpt) / np.sin(limitPenAngle)
        # LfibNorm as calculated above can be shorter than the minimum length
        # at which the fiber can generate force (taken to be 0.5 Zajac 1989)
        if LfibNorm_min < 0.5:
            LfibNorm_min = 0.5

        # muscle-tendon paramenters value
        MTL_ref = [musc_param_iter[0] for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref]
        LfibNorm_ref = [musc_param_iter[1] for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref]
        LtenNorm_ref = [
            musc_param_iter[2] / LmOptLts[1] for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref
        penAngle_ref = [musc_param_iter[4] for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref]
        # LfibNomrOnTen_ref = LfibNorm_ref.*cos(penAngle_ref)
        LfibNomrOnTen_ref = [(musc_param_iter[1] * np.cos(musc_param_iter[4]))
                             for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref]

        # checking the muscle configuration that do not respect the condition.
        okList = [
            pos for pos, value in enumerate(LfibNorm_ref)
            if value > LfibNorm_min
        # keeping only acceptable values
        MTL_ref = np.array([MTL_ref[index] for index in okList])
        LfibNorm_ref = np.array([LfibNorm_ref[index] for index in okList])
        LtenNorm_ref = np.array([LtenNorm_ref[index] for index in okList])
        penAngle_ref = np.array([penAngle_ref[index] for index in okList])
        LfibNomrOnTen_ref = np.array(
            [LfibNomrOnTen_ref[index] for index in okList])

        # in the target only MTL is needed for all muscles
        MTL_targ = sampleMuscleQuantities(osimModel_targ, curr_mus_scaled,
                                          'MTL', N_eval)
        evalTotPoints = len(MTL_targ)
        MTL_targ = np.array([MTL_targ[index] for index in okList])
        evalOkPoints = len(MTL_targ)

        # The problem to be solved is:
        # [LmNorm*cos(penAngle) LtNorm]*[Lmopt Lts]' = MTL;
        # written as Ax = b or their equivalent (A^T A) x = (A^T b)
        A = np.array([LfibNomrOnTen_ref, LtenNorm_ref]).T
        b = MTL_targ

        # ===== LINSOL =======
        # solving the problem to calculate the muscle param
        x = linalg.solve(np.dot(A.T, A), np.dot(A.T, b))
        LmOptLts_opt[n_mus] = x

        # checking the results
        if np.min(x) <= 0:
            # informing the user
            line0 = ' '
            line1 = 'Negative value estimated for muscle parameter of muscle ' + curr_mus_name + '\n'
            line2 = '                         Lm Opt        Lts' + '\n'
            line3 = 'Template model       : ' + str(LmOptLts) + '\n'
            line4 = 'Optimized param      : ' + str(LmOptLts_opt[n_mus]) + '\n'

            x = optimize.nnls(np.dot(A.T, A), np.dot(A.T, b))
            x = x[0]
            LmOptLts_opt[n_mus] = x
            line5 = 'Opt params (optimize.nnls): ' + str(LmOptLts_opt[n_mus])

            logging.info(line0 + line1 + line2 + line3 + line4 + line5 + '\n')
            # In our tests, if something goes wrong is generally tendon slack
            # length becoming negative or zero because tendon length doesn't change
            # throughout the range of motion, so lowering the rank of A.
            if np.min(x) <= 0:
                # analyzes of Lten behaviour
                Lten_ref = [musc_param_iter[2] for musc_param_iter in Mus_ref]
                Lten_ref = np.array([Lten_ref[index] for index in okList])
                if (np.max(Lten_ref) - np.min(Lten_ref)) < 0.0001:
                        ' Tendon length not changing throughout range of motion'

                # calculating proportion of tendon and fiber
                Lten_fraction = Lten_ref / MTL_ref
                Lten_targ = Lten_fraction * MTL_targ

                # first round: optimizing Lopt maintaing the proportion of
                # tendon as in the reference model
                A1 = np.array([LfibNomrOnTen_ref, LtenNorm_ref * 0]).T
                b1 = MTL_targ - Lten_targ
                x1 = optimize.nnls(np.dot(A1.T, A1), np.dot(A1.T, b1))
                x[0] = x1[0][0]

                # second round: using the optimized Lopt to recalculate Lts
                A2 = np.array([LfibNomrOnTen_ref * 0, LtenNorm_ref]).T
                b2 = MTL_targ - np.dot(A1, x1[0])
                x2 = optimize.nnls(np.dot(A2.T, A2), np.dot(A2.T, b2))
                x[1] = x2[0][1]

                LmOptLts_opt[n_mus] = x

        # Here tests about/against optimizers were implemented

        # calculating the error (mean squared errors)
        fval = mean_squared_error(b, np.dot(A, x), squared=False)

        # update muscles from scaled model

        # PRINT LOGS
        toc = time() - tic
        line0 = ' '
        line1 = 'Calculated optimized muscle parameters for ' + curr_mus.getName(
        ) + ' in ' + str(toc) + ' seconds.' + '\n'
        line2 = '                         Lm Opt        Lts' + '\n'
        line3 = 'Template model       : ' + str(LmOptLts) + '\n'
        line4 = 'Optimized param      : ' + str(LmOptLts_opt[n_mus]) + '\n'
        line5 = 'Nr of eval points    : ' + str(evalOkPoints) + '/' + str(
            evalTotPoints) + ' used' + '\n'
        line6 = 'fval                 : ' + str(fval) + '\n'
        line7 = 'var from template [%]: ' + str(
            100 *
            (np.abs(LmOptLts - LmOptLts_opt[n_mus])) / LmOptLts) + '%' + '\n'

        logging.info(line0 + line1 + line2 + line3 + line4 + line5 + line6 +
                     line7 + '\n')


        SimInfo[n_mus] = {}
        SimInfo[n_mus]['colheader'] = curr_mus.getName()
        SimInfo[n_mus]['LmOptLts_ref'] = LmOptLts
        SimInfo[n_mus]['LmOptLts_opt'] = LmOptLts_opt[n_mus]
        SimInfo[n_mus]['varPercLmOptLts'] = 100 * (
            np.abs(LmOptLts - LmOptLts_opt[n_mus])) / LmOptLts
        SimInfo[n_mus]['sampledEvalPoints'] = evalOkPoints
        SimInfo[n_mus]['sampledEvalPoints'] = evalTotPoints
        SimInfo[n_mus]['fval'] = fval

    # assigning optimized model as output
    osimModel_opt = osimModel_targ

    return osimModel_opt, SimInfo
예제 #52
                    # Else zero.
                    s_idx += 1

                # Augment by one column for normalization
                pt_mat = np.c_[predicted_points.T,
                               np.ones((len(support_regions), 1))]
                local_A = np.dot(local_feat_mat, pt_mat)

                # Divide by last column for common normalization.
                if n_rad > 0:
                    local_A = local_A / np.tile(local_A[:, 2], (3, 1)).T

                A = np.r_[A, local_A[:, :-1].T]
                rhs = np.r_[rhs, matched_pt]

    # System is built, solve now.
# A = np.r_[A, 1e5*np.ones((1, feature_dims))]
# rhs = np.r_[rhs, 1e5]

    weights = la.lstsq(A, rhs)[0]
    res = np.dot(A, weights) - rhs
    rms = np.sqrt(res.dot(res) / len(res))

    weights_pos = opt.nnls(A, rhs)[0]
    res_pos = np.dot(A, weights_pos) - rhs
    rms_pos = np.sqrt(res_pos.dot(res_pos) / len(res))

    plt.bar(range(0, len(weights)), abs(weights))
예제 #53
 def fit_nnls(self):
     from scipy.optimize import nnls
     return nnls(self.tree_graph, self.HI_dist)[0]
예제 #54
    def brute_force_closest_vertex_to_joints(self):
        scenes = self.get_valid_scenes()

        # calculate 50 nearest vertex ids for all meshes and joints
        closest_k = 50
        candidates = {}
        keep_searching = True
        while keep_searching:
            for key, scene in scenes.items():
                joint = np.squeeze(scene['joint'].vertices)
                distances, vertex_ids = scene['mesh'].kdtree.query(joint, closest_k)
                candidates[key] = {vertex_id: dist for vertex_id, dist in zip(vertex_ids, distances)}

            # only keep common ids
            from functools import reduce
            common_ids = reduce(np.intersect1d, [list(c.keys()) for c in candidates.values()])

            if len(common_ids) <= self.settings_loader.min_vertices:
                closest_k += 10
                keep_searching = False

            # calculate average distance per mesh/joint for valid ids
            mean_dist = [np.mean([c[common_id] for c in candidates.values()]) for common_id in common_ids]
            mean_dist = {common_id: dist for common_id, dist in zip(common_ids, mean_dist)}
            mean_dist = {k: v for k, v in sorted(mean_dist.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])}

        # pick closest vertex with min average distance to all joints per mesh
        closest_id = list(mean_dist)[0]
        final_vertices = [closest_id]

        while len(final_vertices) < self.settings_loader.min_vertices:
            # calculate all distance combinations between valid vertices
            vertex_ids = list(mean_dist)
            id_dist = [sp.distance.cdist(s['mesh'].vertices[final_vertices], s['mesh'].vertices[vertex_ids]) for s in
            id_dist = np.mean(id_dist, axis=0)

            # min the ratio between distances to joint and distance to all other vertices
            best_dist = list(mean_dist.values()) / id_dist
            best_id = np.argmin(best_dist)

            # max the difference between distance to all other vertices and distances to joint
            # best_dist = id_dist - list(mean_dist.values())
            # best_id = np.argmax(best_dist)

            n, m = np.unravel_index(best_id, best_dist.shape)
            best_id = vertex_ids[m]


        vertices, joints = [], []
        for scene in scenes.values():
            verts = np.asarray(scene['mesh'].vertices).reshape([-1, 3])
            verts = verts[final_vertices]
            joint = np.asarray(scene['joint'].vertices).reshape([-1, 3])

        vertex_weight = np.zeros([6890, ])

        vertices = np.stack(vertices).transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape([-1, len(final_vertices)])
        joints = np.stack(joints).transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape([-1])
        # constraint weights to sum up to 1
        vertices = np.concatenate([vertices, np.ones([1, vertices.shape[1]])], 0)
        joints = np.concatenate([joints, np.ones(1)])
        # solve with non negative least squares
        weights = so.nnls(vertices, joints)[0]
        vertex_weight[final_vertices] = weights

        file = join('regressors', 'regressor_{}.npy'.format(self.regressor_name.text()))
        with open(file, 'wb') as f:
            vertex_weight = vertex_weight.astype(np.float32)
            vertex_weight = np.expand_dims(vertex_weight, -1)
            np.save(f, vertex_weight)

            widget = QMessageBox(
                text='Regressor file successfully saved to: {}\n\nClick Reset to start again'.format(file),

        vertex_weight = np.squeeze(vertex_weight)

        for scene in self.scene_chache.values():
            mesh = scene.geometry['geometry_0']
            mesh.visual.vertex_colors = [200, 200, 200, 255]
            mesh.visual.vertex_colors[final_vertices] = [0, 255, 0, 255]

            x = np.matmul(vertex_weight, mesh.vertices[:, 0])
            y = np.matmul(vertex_weight, mesh.vertices[:, 1])
            z = np.matmul(vertex_weight, mesh.vertices[:, 2])
            joints = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
            joints = trimesh.PointCloud(joints, colors=[0, 255, 0, 255])
            scene.add_geometry(joints, geom_name='new_joints')
예제 #55
    def lsq_solution(self, point, plot=False):
        Returns non-negtive least-squares solution for given input point.

        point : dict
            in solution space

        point with least-squares solution
        from scipy.optimize import nnls

        if self.config.problem_config.mode_config.regularization != \
            raise ValueError(
                'Least-squares- solution for distributed slip is only '
                'available with laplacian regularization!')

        lc = self.composites['laplacian']
        slip_varnames_candidates = ['uparr', 'utens']

        slip_varnames = []
        for var in slip_varnames_candidates:
            if var in self.varnames:

        if len(slip_varnames) == 0.:
            raise ValueError(
                'LSQ distributed slip solution is only available for %s,'
                ' which were fixed in the setup!' %

        Gs = []
        ds = []
        for datatype, composite in self.composites.items():
            if datatype == 'geodetic':
                crust_ind = composite.config.gf_config.reference_model_idx
                keys = [
                    for var in slip_varnames
                Gs.extend([composite.gfs[key]._gfmatrix for key in keys])

                # removing hierarchicals from data
                displacements = []
                for dataset in composite.datasets:

                displacements = composite.apply_corrections(displacements,

            elif datatype == 'seismic':
                if False:
                    for wmap in composite.wavemaps:
                        keys = [
                            for var in slip_varnames
                            [composite.gfs[key]._gfmatrix for key in keys])

        if len(Gs) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No Greens Function matrix available!'
                             ' (needs geodetic datatype!)')

        G = num.vstack(Gs)
        D = num.vstack([lc.smoothing_op for sv in slip_varnames]) * \
            point[bconfig.hyper_name_laplacian] ** 2.

        dzero = num.zeros(D.shape[1], dtype=tconfig.floatX)
        A = num.hstack([G, D])
        d = num.hstack(ds + [dzero])

        # m, rmse, rankA, singularsA =  num.linalg.lstsq(A.T, d, rcond=None)
        m, res = nnls(A.T, d)
        npatches = self.config.problem_config.mode_config.npatches
        for i, var in enumerate(slip_varnames):
            point[var] = m[i * npatches:(i + 1) * npatches]

        if plot:
            from beat.plotting import source_geometry
            gc = self.composites['geodetic']
            fault = gc.load_fault_geometry()
                            title='slip [m]',

        point['uperp'] = dzero
        return point
예제 #56
Hph1 = create_hph(angle1=0, angle2=180, npx=200, radius=radius)
Hph2 = create_hph(angle1=90, angle2=270, npx=200, radius=radius)

I1 = np.abs(ifft2(S1 * image_fft))
I2 = np.abs(ifft2(S2 * image_fft))
I3 = np.abs(ifft2(S3 * image_fft))
I4 = np.abs(ifft2(S4 * image_fft))

Idpc1 = simple_dpc(I1, I2)
Idpc2 = simple_dpc(I3, I4)

# phi = tik_deconvolution([Hph1], [Idpc1], alpha=0.1)

print(Idpc1.shape, np.zeros(shape=(npx, 1)).shape)
A1 = np.concatenate((Hph1, 1 * np.matlib.identity(npx)))
b1 = np.concatenate((Idpc1, np.zeros(shape=(1, npx))))
phi = optimize.nnls(A1, b1)

fig, (axes) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(25, 15))

Hph = 1j * (signal.correlate2d(P, S1 * P) - signal.correlate2d(P, S2 * P))
axes[0][0].imshow(np.imag(1 / (Hph1 + .1)), cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot'))
axes[0][1].imshow(image_phase, cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot'))
예제 #57
 def fit(self, X, y):
     self.coef_, self.residual, *extra = nnls(X, y)
     return self
예제 #58
print 'Computing G\'G'

##Inversion quantities if single data set

#Get smoothing matrix
for ks in range(len(reg_spatial)):
    print ks
        print '+++ WARNING: No solution found, writting zeros.'
예제 #59
    def _get_coefs(self, y, y_pred_cv):
        Find coefficients that minimize the estimated risk.

        y: numpy.array of observed oucomes

        y_pred_cv: numpy.array of shape [len(y), len(self.library)] of cross-validated

        coef: numpy.array of normalized non-negative coefficents to combine
              candidate estimators
        if self.coef_method is 'L_BFGS_B':
            if self.loss == 'nloglik':
                raise SLError("coef_method 'L_BFGS_B' is only for 'L2' loss")

            def ff(x):
                return self._get_risk(y, self._get_combination(y_pred_cv, x))

            x0 = np.array([1. / self.n_estimators] * self.n_estimators)
            bds = [(0, 1)] * self.n_estimators
            coef_init, b, c = fmin_l_bfgs_b(ff,
            if c['warnflag'] is not 0:
                raise SLError(
                    "fmin_l_bfgs_b failed when trying to calculate coefficients"

        elif self.coef_method is 'NNLS':
            if self.loss == 'nloglik':
                raise SLError("coef_method 'NNLS' is only for 'L2' loss")
            coef_init, b = nnls(y_pred_cv, y)

        elif self.coef_method is 'SLSQP':

            def ff(x):
                return self._get_risk(y, self._get_combination(y_pred_cv, x))

            def constr(x):
                return np.array([np.sum(x) - 1])

            x0 = np.array([1. / self.n_estimators] * self.n_estimators)
            bds = [(0, 1)] * self.n_estimators
            coef_init, b, c, d, e = fmin_slsqp(ff,
            if d is not 0:
                raise SLError(
                    "fmin_slsqp failed when trying to calculate coefficients")

            raise ValueError("method not recognized")
        coef_init = np.array(coef_init)
        #All coefficients should be non-negative or possibly a very small negative number,
        #But setting small values to zero makes them nicer to look at and doesn't really change anything
        coef_init[coef_init < np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.double).eps)] = 0
        #Coefficients should already sum to (almost) one if method is 'SLSQP', and should be really close
        #for the other methods if loss is 'L2' anyway.
        coef = coef_init / np.sum(coef_init)
        return coef
예제 #60
    def predict(self, X, n_neighbor=None, radius=NP.inf, use_nugget=False):
           Calculate and predict interesting value with looping for all data, the method take long time but save memory
           Obtain the linear argibra terms
            | V_ij -1 || w_i | = | V_k |
            |  1   0 ||  u  |   |  1  |
                a    *   w    =    b
              w = a^-1 * b
              y = w_i * Y
            V_ij : semi-variance matrix within n neighors
            V_k  : semi-variance vector between interesting point and n neighbors
            w_i  : weights for linear combination
            u    : lagrainge multiplier
            Y    : true value of neighbors
            y    : predicted value of interesting point
            X          : array-like, input data with same number of fearture in training data
            n_neighbor : int,        number of neighbor w.r.t input data, while distance < searching radius (5)
            radius     : float,      searching radius w.r.t input data (inf)
            use_nugget : bool,       if use nugget to be diagonal of kriging matrix for prediction calculation (False)
            1D/2D array(float)
            prediction : float, prdicted value via Kriging system y
            error      : float, error of predicted value (only if get_error = True)
            lambda     : float, lagrange multiplier u
        ## Make input to numpy.array
        X = NP.atleast_1d(X)
        if self.ndim == 1:
            if X.ndim < 2: X = X[:, NP.newaxis]
            X = NP.atleast_2d(X)

        ## Find the neighbors with K-tree object
        if n_neighbor is None:
            n_neighbor = self.shape[0]
        neighbor_dst, neighbor_idx = self.X.query(X, k=n_neighbor, p=2)

        ## Calculate prediction
        idxes = range(X.shape[0])
        out_lambda = NP.zeros(len(X))
        out_predict = NP.zeros(len(X))
        out_error = NP.zeros(len(X))
        for nd, ni, i in zip(neighbor_dst, neighbor_idx, idxes):
            ## select in searching radius
            ni = ni[nd < radius] # neighbors' index, while the distance < search radius
            nd = nd[nd < radius] # neighbors' distance, while the distance < search radius

            if len(ni) == 0:
                n = len(ni)

            ## Initialization
            a = NP.zeros((n+1,n+1))
            b = NP.ones((n+1,))

            ## Fill matrix a
            a[:n, :n] = self.variogram.predict(cdist(self.X.data[ni], self.X.data[ni], metric='euclidean'))
            a[:n, n] = 1
            a[n, :n] = 1

            ## Fill vector b
            b[:n] = self.variogram.predict(nd)

            ## set self-varinace is zero if not using Nugget
            if not use_nugget:
                ## modify a
                NP.fill_diagonal(a, 0.)
                ## modify b
                zero_index = NP.where(NP.absolute(nd) == 0)
                if len(zero_index) > 0:
                    b[zero_index[0]] = 0.

            ## Get weights
            #w = scipy.linalg.solve(a, b) # no constraint solution
            w = OPT.nnls(a, b)[0] # non-negative solution

            ## Fill results and prediction
            out_lambda[i] = w[n]
            out_predict[i] = w[:n].dot(self.y[ni])
            out_error[i] = NP.sqrt(w[:n].dot(b[:n]))

        return out_predict, out_error, out_lambda