예제 #1
 def solve(self):
     Shoot: compute initial momentum to satisfy BVP
     by solving nonlinear system
     print("Shoot: Solving with ",self.no_steps, "steps...")
     Pout=spo.root(self._objective,  np.ravel(Pin),
                   jac=self._Jacobian,  options=opt)
     if Pout['success']==False:
         print("Heavy artillery brought in...")
         Pout=spo.root(self._objective,  np.ravel(P),
                       jac=self._Jacobian, method='lm',
     print("Run time %3.1f secs" % (end-start))
     print(Pout['message'], "Success=", Pout['success'])
     assert Pout['success']
     self.set_path(P0, self.landmarks[0,:,:])
     return P0
예제 #2
    def update_Psi(self):
        """Update the policy functions.
        Calculates S labor decision policy functions, and S-1 capital savings policy 
        functions. Also calculates upper and lower bounds for a feasible region 
        for each ability and age in the model. 

        # Make Psi_n_S.
        for j in range(self.J):
            for i in range(self.grid_size):
                grid = self.Grid[-1,j,i]
                def get_n_S(n):
                    return (self.w*self.e[j]*(self.w*self.e[j]*n+grid*(1+self.r))**-sigma
                n_S, r = brentq(get_n_S, 0, 1, full_output=1)
                if r.converged!=1:
                    print 'n_S did not converge!'
                self.Psi_n[-1,j,i] = n_S        
        for s in range(self.S-2,-1,-1):
            for j in range(self.J):
                # Make Psi_n_S
                lb = -999                        
                for j_ in range(self.J):
                    psi_b = UnivariateSpline(self.Grid[s+1,j_], self.Psi_b[s+1,j_])                
                    psi_n = UnivariateSpline(self.Grid[s+1,j_], self.Psi_n[s+1,j_])                
                    def get_lb(b1):
                        b2 = psi_b(b1)
                        n1 = psi_n(b1)
                        c1 = b1*(1+self.r)+self.w*self.e[j_]*n1-b2
                        return c1
                    guess = (-self.w*self.e[j_]*1.+psi_b(0))/(1+self.r)
                    lb_, info, ier, mesg = fsolve(get_lb, guess, full_output=1)
                    lb = np.max([lb,lb_])
                    if ier!=1:
                        print s, j, j_, 'The lower bound wasn\'t calculated correctly.'
                self.lb = lb
                self.b0min = (lb-self.w*self.e[j]*0.)/(1+self.r)+1e-5
                self.Grid[s,j] = np.linspace(self.b0min, self.b0max, self.grid_size)
                ub = self.Grid[s,j]*(1+self.r)+self.w*self.e[j]*1.
                self.ub = ub
                for i in range(self.grid_size):
                    obj = lambda x: self.obj(x, self.Grid[s,j,i], s, j, i)
                    jac = lambda x: self.jac(x, self.Grid[s,j,i], s, j, i)
#                     print obj(((lb+ub[i])/2., self.Psi_n[s+1,j,i]))
#                     print jac(((lb+ub[i])/2., self.Psi_n[s+1,j,i]))
#                     print (lb+ub[i])/2, self.lb
                    #TODO Fix feasible region
                    #TODO Check root method for jacobian evaluation
                    sol = root(obj, ((lb+ub[i])/2., self.Psi_n[s+1,j,i]), jac=jac)
                    print sol.fun, sol.x, self.Psi_n[s+1,j,i]
                    (self.Psi_b[s,j,i], self.Psi_n[s,j,i]), ier = sol.x, sol.success
                    # self.Psi[s,j,i], info, ier, mesg = fsolve(obj, (lb+ub[i])/2., full_output=1)
                    if ier!=1:
                        sol = root(obj, ((lb+ub[i])/2., .9999999), jac=jac)
                        print sol.fun, sol.x, self.Psi_n[s+1,j,i]
                        (self.Psi_b[s,j,i], self.Psi_n[s,j,i]), ier = sol.x, sol.success
                        print s, j, i, sol.message
    def compute_dy_Z(self):
        Computes linearization w/ respecto aggregate state.
        global dZ_Z0
        self.dZ_Z = np.eye(nZ)
        #right now assume nZ =1
        def dy_Z(z_i):
            DFi = self.DF(z_i)[n:,:]
            df = self.df(z_i)
            DFhat_Zinv = np.linalg.inv(DFi[:,y] + DFi[:,e].dot(df) + DFi[:,v].dot(Ivy)*self.dZ_Z[0]) 
            return DFhat_Zinv.dot(-DFi[:,Z]),DFhat_Zinv.dot(-DFi[:,Y])
        DG = lambda z_i : self.DG(z_i)[nG:,:]
        def dY_Z():
            A,B = lambda z_i : dy_Z(z_i)[0], lambda z_i : dy_Z(z_i)[1]
            temp1 = self.integrate(  lambda z_i: DG(z_i)[:,y].dot(A(z_i)) + DG(z_i)[:,Z]  )
            temp2 = self.integrate(  lambda z_i: DG(z_i)[:,y].dot(B(z_i)) + DG(z_i)[:,Y]  )
            return np.linalg.solve(temp2,-temp1)
        def residual(dZ_Z):
            self.dZ_Z = np.array([dZ_Z])
            return (dY_Z()[:nZ]-dZ_Z).flatten()
        res = root(residual,dZ_Z0)
        if not res.success or res.x >= 1.:
            res = root(residual,np.array([1.]))        
        if not res.success or res.x >= 1.:
            state = np.random.get_state()
            ni = 0
            while True:
                if rank == 0:
                    dY_Z0 = np.random.randn(nY*nZ)
                    dY_Z0 = None
                dY_Z0 = comm.bcast(dY_Z0)
                res = root(lambda dY_Z:self.dY_Z_residual(dY_Z.reshape(nY,nZ)).flatten() ,dY_Z0)
                if res.success and res.x[0] < 1.:
                    ni += 1
                if ni>10:
                    raise "Could not find stable dZ_Z"
            self.dZ_Z = res.x.reshape(nY,nZ)[:nZ]
            dZ_Z0 = self.dZ_Z.flatten()
            self.dZ_Z = res.x.reshape(nZ,nZ)
            dZ_Z0 = res.x.reshape(nZ)
        #self.dZ_Z = root(residual,0.9*np.ones(1)).x.reshape(nZ,nZ)
        self.dY_Z = dY_Z()

        def compute_dy_Z(z_i):
            A,B = dy_Z(z_i)
            return A+B.dot(self.dY_Z)
        self.dy[Z] = dict_fun(compute_dy_Z)
 def _get_damage( self ):
     damage_all = np.array( self.c_mask ) * 1.
     if self.Ll > 1e6:
                 self.Ll = 1e6
     if self.Lr > 1e6:
                 self.Lr = 1e6
     # print'w,Lmin,Lmax', self.w, self.Ll, self.Lr
     if self.w == 0.:
         damage = np.zeros_like( self.sorted_depsf[self.c_mask] )
         self._x_arr = np.hstack( ( np.repeat( self.Ll, len( self.sorted_depsf ) ), 0, np.repeat( self.Lr, len( self.sorted_depsf ) ) ) )
         self._epsm_arr = np.array( np.repeat( 1e-6, 1 + 2 * len( self.sorted_depsf ) ) )
         self._epsf0_arr = np.repeat( 0, len( self.sorted_depsf ) )
         # self.E_mtrx = self._E_mtrx_default()
         ff = t.clock()
             damage = root( self.damage_residuum, damage_all[self.c_mask] * 0.2,
                           method = 'excitingmixing', options = {'maxiter':100} )
             # damage = root( self.damage_residuum, np.ones_like( self.sorted_depsf ) * 0.2 ,
             #              method = 'excitingmixing', options = {'maxiter':100} )
             if np.any( damage.x < 0.0 ) or np.any( damage.x > 1.0 ):
                 raise ValueError
             damage = damage.x
             print 'fast opt method does not converge: switched to a slower, robust method for this step'
             damage = root( self.damage_residuum, damage_all[self.c_mask] * 0.2, method = 'krylov' )
             damage = damage.x
     damage_all[self.c_mask] = damage
     return damage_all
예제 #5
 def findPolicies(self,K_):
     Finds the solution to the policy equation
     global z0_guess
     I,S = len(theta),len(P)
     if not self.PF == None:
         z0 = self.PF(K_)
         res = root(lambda z: self.policy_residuals(K_,z),z0)
         if not res.success:
             if not z0_guess == None and len(z0) == len(z0_guess):
                 res = root(lambda z: self.policy_residuals(K_,z),z0_guess)
                 if not res.success:
                     return None
                 return None
         z0_guess = res.x
         return res.x
         z0 = np.hstack((np.ones(2*I*S),np.zeros(2*(I-1)*S+S)))
         res = root(lambda z: self.policy_residuals_end(K_,z),z0)
         if not res.success:
             if not z0_guess == None:
                 res = root(lambda z: self.policy_residuals_end(K_,z),z0_guess)
                 if not res.success:
                     return None
                 return None
         z0_guess = res.x
         c1,ci,n1,ni,phi,xi,eta = getQuantities_end(res.x)
         return np.hstack((c1,ci.flatten(),n1,ni.flatten(),K_*np.ones(S),phi.flatten(),xi.flatten(),eta.flatten()))
예제 #6
 def barrier_lowering(self):
     guess_r = -1e-9
     solution_l = root(self.field, guess_r)
     if solution_l.success:
         r0_l = solution_l.x[0]
         delta_phi_l = abs(self.potential(r0_l))
         print 'left:', r0_l, delta_phi_l
         r0_l = 0
         delta_phi_l = 0
     guess_r = 1e-9
     solution_r = root(self.field, guess_r)
     if solution_r.success:
         r0_r = solution_r.x[0]
         delta_phi_r = abs(self.potential(r0_r))
         print 'right:', r0_r, delta_phi_r
         r0_r = 0
         delta_phi_r = 0
     if r0_l == r0_r:
         r0 = np.array([r0_l])
         delta_phi = np.array([delta_phi_l])
         r0 = np.array([r0_l, r0_r])
         delta_phi = np.array([delta_phi_l, delta_phi_r])
     return delta_phi, r0
예제 #7
파일: test__root.py 프로젝트: 317070/scipy
    def test_tol_parameter(self):
        # Check that the minimize() tol= argument does something
        def func(z):
            x, y = z
            return np.array([x**3 - 1, y**3 - 1])

        def dfunc(z):
            x, y = z
            return np.array([[3*x**2, 0], [0, 3*y**2]])

        for method in ['hybr', 'lm', 'broyden1', 'broyden2', 'anderson',
                       'diagbroyden', 'krylov']:
            if method in ('linearmixing', 'excitingmixing'):
                # doesn't converge

            if method in ('hybr', 'lm'):
                jac = dfunc
                jac = None

            sol1 = root(func, [1.1,1.1], jac=jac, tol=1e-4, method=method)
            sol2 = root(func, [1.1,1.1], jac=jac, tol=0.5, method=method)
            msg = "%s: %s vs. %s" % (method, func(sol1.x), func(sol2.x))
            assert_(sol1.success, msg)
            assert_(sol2.success, msg)
            assert_(abs(func(sol1.x)).max() < abs(func(sol2.x)).max(),
예제 #8
 def rapo(e):
         rs = []
         for i in range(len(e)):
             E = e[i]
             if E**-1 > 0.2:
                 rguess = 10*E**-1
             elif E**-1 < 0.2:
                 rguess = 0.01*E**-1
             rresult = root(rapoimplicit,rguess,args=E)
             if rresult.success == True:
             elif rresult.success == False:
                 print 'Failed to evaluate rapo'
                 print rresult.message
         return array(rs)
     except (TypeError,AttributeError) as err:
         print err
         E = e
         if E**-1 > 0.2:
             rguess = 10*E**-1
         elif E**-1 < 0.2:
             rguess = 0.01*E**-1
         rresult = root(rapoimplicit,rguess,args=E)
         if rresult.success == True:
             return abs(rresult.x)
         elif rresult.success == False:
             print 'Failed to evaluate rapo'
             print rresult.message
             return abs(rresult.x)
예제 #9
 def funcJc2(E,verbose):
         t = E.shape
         Jcs = []
         problems = []
         for i in range(len(E)):
             if E[i]**-1 > 0.4:
                 rguess = 10*E[i]**-1
             elif E[i]**-1 < 0.4:
                 rguess = 0.01*E[i]**-1
             rresult = root(Jc2implicit,rguess,args=(E[i],verbose))
             rresult.x = abs(rresult.x)
             if rresult.success == True:
             elif rresult.success == False:
                 if verbose==True:
                     print 'Failed to evaluate Jc2'
                     print rresult.message
         return array(Jcs),problems
     except AttributeError:
         rresult = root(Jc2implicit,0.01*E[i]**-1,args=(E[i],verbose))
         problem = []
         rresult.x = abs(rresult.x)
         if rresult.success == True:
             Jc = ((10**Mencgood(log10(rresult.x))+model.Mnorm)*rresult.x)[0]
         elif rresult.success == False:
             if verbose==True:
                 print 'Failed to evaluate Jc2'
                 print rresult.message
             Jc = ((10**Mencgood(log10(rresult.x))+model.Mnorm)*rresult.x)[0]
             problem = [E]
         return Jc, problem
예제 #10
def rapo(E,prereqs):
    E - energy
    prereqs - a list containing the functional form of psi

    Returns the root of rapoimplicit.
    #trial and error provided this as a good way to find an initial guess
    if isinstance(E,(list,ndarray)):
        rresults = []
        rguesses = zeros(len(E))
        large = where(E**-1 > 0.2)
        small = where(E**-1 < 0.2)
        rguesses[small] += 0.01*E[small]**-1
        rguesses[large] += 10*E[large]**-1
        for i in range(len(E)):
            rresult = root(rapoimplicit,rguesses[i],args = (E[i],prereqs))
        return array(rresults)
    elif isinstance(E,(float,int)):
        if E**-1 > 0.2:
            rguess = 10*E**-1
        elif E**-1 < 0.2:
            rguess = 0.01*E**-1
        rresult = root(rapoimplicit,rguess,args=(E,prereqs))
        if rresult.success == True:
            return abs(rresult.x)
        elif rresult.success == False:
            print 'Failed to evaluate rapo'
            print rresult.message
            return abs(rresult.x)
예제 #11
def R_Rdot_grid(E, potential_params, nR=10, nRdot=10):
    z = 0.

    # find the min and max allowed R values
    f = lambda R: E - effective_potential(np.array([R,0.,0.,0.]),**potential_params)
    res1 = root(f, x0=1., options={'xtol': 1e-8}, tol=1e-8)
    res2 = root(f, x0=50., options={'xtol': 1e-8}, tol=1e-8)

    if not (res1.success and res2.success):
        raise ValueError("R Root finding failed.")

    minR = res1.x[0] + res1.x[0]/100.
    maxR = res2.x[0] - res2.x[0]/100.
    R_grid = np.linspace(minR, maxR, nR)
    logger.info("Min, max R for grid: {},{}".format(minR, maxR))

    # now find the max allowed Rdot
    zvc = lambda R: -np.sqrt(2*(E - effective_potential(np.array([R,0.,0.,0.]), **potential_params)))
    res = minimize(zvc, x0=20., options={'xtol': 1e-8},  method='nelder-mead')
    if not res.success:
        raise ValueError("Rdot optimization failed.")

    maxRdot = -res.fun + res.fun/100.
    Rdot_grid = np.linspace(0., maxRdot, nRdot)

    # create a grid of initial conditions
    R,Rdot = map(np.ravel, np.meshgrid(R_grid, Rdot_grid))

    # now throw out any point where Rdot > ZVC
    ix = Rdot < -zvc(R)

    return R[ix], Rdot[ix]
예제 #12
파일: find_root.py 프로젝트: DiMoser/PyPinT
def find_root(fun, x0, method="hybr"):
    """Wrapper around SciPy's generic root finding algorithm to support complex numbers.

    SciPy's generic root finding algorithm (``scipy.optimize.root``) is not able to deal with functions returning
    and/or accepting arrays with complex numbers.

    This wrapped call will first convert all arrays of complex numbers into arrays of floats while splitting each
    complex number up into two floats.

    fun : :py:class:`callable`
        Complex function to find the root of

    x0 : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Initial guess.

    method : :py:class:`str`
        Root finding method to be used.
        See ``scipy.optimize.root`` for details.

    Same solution object as ``scipy.optimize.root`` but with ``x`` being converted back including complex numbers.

        from pypint.plugins.implicit_solvers.find_root import find_root
        import numpy
        fun = lambda x: (-1.0 + 1.0j) * x
        sol = find_root(fun, numpy.array([0.0]))
    assert_is_instance(x0, np.ndarray, descriptor="Initial Guess")
    assert_is_callable(fun, descriptor="Function to find root of")
    assert_is_instance(method, str, descriptor="Root finding method")

    _value_map = {}
    _transformed_size = 0
    _transform_necessary = False
    for i in range(0, x0.size):
        if isinstance(x0[i], complex):
            _value_map[i] = [_transformed_size, _transformed_size + 1]
            _transformed_size += 2
            _transform_necessary = True
            _value_map[i] = [_transformed_size]
            _transformed_size += 1

    if _transform_necessary:
        _wrapped_func = \
            lambda x_next: _transform_to_real(fun(_transform_to_complex(x_next, _value_map)),
                                              _value_map, _transformed_size)
        sol = root(fun=_wrapped_func, x0=_transform_to_real(x0, _value_map, _transformed_size), method=method)
        sol = root(fun=fun, x0=x0, method=method)

    if sol.success and _transform_necessary:
        sol.x = _transform_to_complex(sol.x, _value_map)
    return sol
예제 #13
def equilibrium(mass,cgZ,shape,w,verbose=None):
    obj_fun = lambda x: actions(mass,cgZ,np.array([x[0],x[1],0.]),

    if verbose:
        sol = optim.root(obj_fun,np.array([0.,0.,0.]),method='krylov',
        sol = optim.root(obj_fun,np.array([0.,0.,0.]),method='krylov')
    return tuple(sol.x)
예제 #14
 def solveSteadyState(self):
     Solve for the steady state
     global Y0
     res = root(self.SteadyStateRes,0.5*np.ones(nY))
     if not res.success:
         res = root(self.SteadyStateRes,Y0)
     if not res.success:
         raise Exception('Could not find steady state')
     Y0 = res.x
     self.Y = res.x
예제 #15
    def get_yield_stress(self, n):
        Gets the yield stress for a given direction

            n (3x1 array-like): direction for which to find the
                yield stress
        # TODO: root finding could be more robust
        comp = root(self.get_stability_criteria, -1, args=n)
        tens = root(self.get_stability_criteria, 1, args=n)
        return (comp.x, tens.x)
    def calculate(self, parameter_estimates = [1, 1, 1]):

        thermal_voltage_estimate = self.__thermal_voltage_estimate(parameter_estimates[2])

        if self.number_of_iterations == None:
          solution = optimize.root(self.__function_of_three_equations, [parameter_estimates[0], parameter_estimates[1], thermal_voltage_estimate])
          solution = optimize.root(self.__function_of_three_equations, [parameter_estimates[0], parameter_estimates[1], thermal_voltage_estimate], options={'maxfev': self.number_of_iterations})

        self.series_resistance = solution.x[0]
        self.shunt_resistance = solution.x[1]
        self.thermal_voltage = solution.x[2]

        self.diode_quality_factor = self.__diode_quality_factor()
예제 #17
def funcJc2(E,prereqs):
    E - energy
    prereqs - a list containg the model class instance and functional forms 
              of Menc and psi

    Returns circular angular momentum squared for orbit with energy E.
    model,Mencgood,psigood = prereqs
    #if E is in an array, cycle through elements and compute for each
    if isinstance(E,(list,ndarray)) == True:
        Jcs = []
        problems = []
        for i in range(len(E)):
            #trial and error produced this method of initial guess
            if E[i]**-1 > 0.4:
                rguess = 10*E[i]**-1
            elif E[i]**-1 < 0.4:
                rguess = 0.01*E[i]**-1
            rresult = root(Jc2implicit,rguess,args=(E[i],prereqs))
            rresult.x = abs(rresult.x)
            #if rootfinder fails, write error message to file
            if rresult.success == True:
            elif rresult.success == False:
                model.statfile.write('\nFailed to evaluate Jc2')
        return array(Jcs),problems
    elif isinstance(E,(float,int)) == True:
        #trial and error produced this method of initial guess
        if E**-1 > 0.4:
            rguess = 10*E**-1
        elif E**-1 < 0.4:
            rguess = 0.01*E**-1
        rresult = root(Jc2implicit,rguess,args=(E,prereqs))
        problem = []
        rresult.x = abs(rresult.x)
        #if rootfinder fails, write error message to file
        if rresult.success == True:
            Jc = ((10**Mencgood(log10(rresult.x))+model.Mnorm)*rresult.x)[0]
        elif rresult.success == False:
            model.statfile.write('\nFailed to evaluate Jc2')
            Jc = ((10**Mencgood(log10(rresult.x))+model.Mnorm)*rresult.x)[0]
            problem = [E]
        return Jc, problem
예제 #18
def solveLSmuTime0(mu,Para,b0):
    S = Para.P.shape[0]
    f = lambda z: LSResidualsTime0(z,mu,Para,b0)

    z_mu = root(f,0.5*np.ones(2*S)).x

    return z_mu[0:S],z_mu[S:2*S]
예제 #19
 def find_first_best(self):
     Find the first best allocation
     Para = self.Para
     S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G
     def res(z):
         c = z[:S]
         n = z[S:]
         return np.hstack(
         [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]            
     res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))
     if not res.success:
         raise Exception('Could not find first best')
     self.cFB = res.x[:S]
     self.nFB = res.x[S:]
     IFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.cFB + Un(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.nFB
     self.xFB = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, IFB)
     self.zFB = {}
     for s in range(S):
         self.zFB[s] = np.hstack([self.cFB[s],self.nFB[s],self.xFB])
예제 #20
    def _get_w_lst(self):
        '''evaluates the crack openings'''
        cb_lst = self.sorted_CB_lst
        for cb_i in cb_lst:
            cb_i.damage_switch = False
        CB_arr = np.array(cb_lst)
        def scalar_sigma_c(w, f):
            return f.get_sigma_c(w)      
        vect_sigma_c = np.vectorize(scalar_sigma_c)
        res = []
        def min_func(w_arr):
            w_arr = np.abs(w_arr)
            CB_sigmac_arr = vect_sigma_c(w_arr, CB_arr)
            residuum = np.hstack((CB_sigmac_arr[:-1] - CB_sigmac_arr[1:], self.W-np.sum(w_arr)))
            return residuum
        opt_result = root(min_func, np.repeat(self.W/float(len(cb_lst)),len(cb_lst)),
                          method='krylov', options={'maxiter':200})
#         res = np.array(res)
#         if len(CB_arr) > 2:
#             for i in np.arange(res.shape[1] - 1):
#                 plt.plot(res[:,i])
#             plt.show()
        for cb_i in cb_lst:
            cb_i.damage_switch = True 
        return np.abs(opt_result.x)
예제 #21
def solveLucasStockey_alt(x,Para):
    S = Para.P.shape[0]
    def LSres(z):
        beta = Para.beta
        c = z[0:S]
        mu = z[S:2*S]
        xi = z[2*S:3*S]
        l = (c+Para.g)/Para.theta
        xprime = np.zeros(S)
        for s in range(0,S):
            [cprime,lprime] = solveLSmu(mu[s],Para)
            Iprime = c*Para.U.uc(cprime,lprime,Para)+lprime*Para.U.ul(cprime,lprime,Para)
            xprime[s] = Para.P[0,:].dot( np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S)-(Para.beta*Para.P.T).T,Iprime))
        uc = Para.U.uc(c,l,Para)
        ucc = Para.U.ucc(c,l,Para)
        ul = Para.U.ul(c,l,Para)
        ull = Para.U.ull(c,l,Para)
        res = np.zeros(3*S)
        Euc = Para.P[0,:].dot(uc)
        mu_ = Para.P[0,:].dot(uc*mu)/Euc

        res[0:S] = c*uc+l*ul+xprime-x*uc/(beta*Euc)
        res[S:2*S] = uc-mu*( c*ucc+uc )+x*ucc/(beta*Euc) * (mu-mu_)-xi
        res[2*S:3*S] = ul - mu*( l*ull+ul ) + Para.theta * xi
        return res
    z0 = [0.5]*S+[0]*2*S
    z_SL = root(LSres,z0).x

    cLS = z_SL[0:S]
    lLS = (cLS+Para.g)/Para.theta

    return cLS,lLS,Para.I(cLS,lLS)
예제 #22
def findBondSteadyState(Para):
    def xBondResidual(mu):
        c,l = solveLSmu(mu,Para)
        uc = Para.U.uc(c,l,Para)
        I = Para.I(c,l)
        Euc = Para.P[0,:].dot(uc)
        x= I/(uc/Euc-Para.beta)
        return x
    S = len(Para.P)
    if S == 2:
        def f(mu):
            x = xBondResidual(mu)
            return x[1]-x[0]
        def f(mu):
            x = xBondResidual(mu)
            xbar = Para.P[0,:].dot(x)
            return np.linalg.norm(x-xbar)
    muSS = root(f,0.0).x
    cSS,lSS = solveLSmu(muSS,Para)
    ucSS = Para.U.uc(cSS,lSS,Para)
    ISS = Para.I(cSS,lSS)
    EucSS = Para.P[0,:].dot(ucSS)
    xSS= ISS/(ucSS/EucSS-Para.beta)
    return muSS,cSS,lSS,xSS
예제 #23
def lake_problem(pollution_limit,
         b = 0.42,        # decay rate for P in lake (0.42 = irreversible)
         q = 2.0,         # recycling exponent
         mean = 0.02,     # mean of natural inflows
         stdev = 0.001,   # standard deviation of natural inflows
         alpha = 0.4,     # utility from pollution
         delta = 0.98,    # future utility discount rate
         nsamples = 100): # monte carlo sampling of natural inflows
    Pcrit = root(lambda x: x**q/(1+x**q) - b*x, 0.01, 1.5)
    nvars = len(pollution_limit)
    X = np.zeros((nvars,))
    average_daily_P = np.zeros((nvars,))
    decisions = np.array(pollution_limit)
    reliability = 0.0

    for _ in range(nsamples):
        X[0] = 0.0
        natural_inflows = np.random.lognormal(
                math.log(mean**2 / math.sqrt(stdev**2 + mean**2)),
                math.sqrt(math.log(1.0 + stdev**2 / mean**2)),
                size = nvars)
        for t in range(1,nvars):
            X[t] = (1-b)*X[t-1] + X[t-1]**q/(1+X[t-1]**q) + decisions[t-1] + natural_inflows[t-1]
            average_daily_P[t] += X[t]/float(nsamples)
        reliability += np.sum(X < Pcrit)/float(nsamples*nvars)
    max_P = np.max(average_daily_P)
    utility = np.sum(alpha*decisions*np.power(delta,np.arange(nvars)))
    inertia = np.sum(np.diff(decisions) > -0.02)/float(nvars-1)
    return (max_P, utility, inertia, reliability)
예제 #24
 def time1_allocation(self,mu):
     Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
     Para = self.Para
     S,Theta,G,Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = self.S,self.Theta,self.G,Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn
     def FOC(z):
         c = z[:S]
         n = z[S:2*S]
         Xi = z[2*S:]
         return np.hstack([            
         Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*c+Uc(c,n)) -Xi, #foc c
         Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta*Xi, #foc n
         Theta*n - c - G #resource constraint
     #find the root of the FOC
     res = root(FOC,self.zFB)
     if not res.success:
         raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
     z = res.x
     c,n,Xi = z[:S],z[S:2*S],z[2*S:]
     #now compute x
     I  = Uc(c,n)*c +  Un(c,n)*n
     x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, I )
     return c,n,x,Xi        
예제 #25
def plot_reml(C_eta, sel, sel_label, ax, ax2, sigma_diag):
    coh_arr = np.linspace(0.00, 0.30, 16)
    reml_arr = reml(C_eta, coh_arr, sel, sel_label, ax2, sigma_diag)
    ax.plot(coh_arr, reml_arr, 'm+', label=sel_label)

    # Fit a polynomial to the points
    coeff=np.polyfit(coh_arr, reml_arr, 4)
    coh_arr2=np.linspace(0.00, 0.20, 201)

    # Determine where the minumum occurs
    print "Miminum at %4.3f" % (minimum[0])
    # The uncetainty occurs whwn the the REML increases by 1 - need to double check
    # To find where the the REML increases by 1, we look for the roots
    coeff=np.polyfit(coh_arr, reml_arr-p(minimum[0])-1, 4)

    ax.plot(coh_arr2,fit,label="Min at %4.2f+%4.2f-%4.2f" % (m,upper,lower))
예제 #26
def newton_Bt ( psixy, Rxy, Btxy, Bpxy, pxy, hthe, mesh):
    #global  psi, a, b
    MU = 4.e-7*numpy.pi
    s = numpy.shape(Rxy)
    nx = s[0]
    ny = s[1]
    axy = old_div(DDX(psixy, Rxy), Rxy)
    bxy = MU*DDX(psixy, pxy) - Bpxy*DDX(psixy, Bpxy*hthe)/hthe
    Btxy2 = numpy.zeros((nx, ny))
    for i in range (ny) :
        psi = psixy[:,i]
        a = axy[:,i]
        b = bxy[:,i]
        print("Solving f for y=", i)
        sol=root(Bt_func, Btxy[:,i], args=(psi, a, b) )
        Btxy2[:,i] = sol.x
    # Average f over flux surfaces
    fxy = surface_average(Btxy2*Rxy, mesh)
    return old_div(fxy, Rxy)
def solver_Kirch_DiodeV2Mod2DirectBranchmathath (x,b,c=None):
    [Реестровая] +
    двухступенчатый - сначала np solver, затем math solver
    :param x:
    :param b:
    :param c:
    :param npVersion: если true, то возвращает numpy-compatible результат первой ступени, иначе идёт дальше
    global numnone
    global FT
    func = lambda y, x, b, c:  [float(func_Kirch_DiodeV2Mod2DirectBranchmathath (y,x,b,c)[0])]

        solx=optimize.root(func, solvinit, args=(x,b,c), jac=dfdy, method='lm').x
        #solx=optimize.root(func, solvinit, args=(x,b,c),  method='lm').x
                                                                                    #solx=optimize.root(func, solvinit, args=(x,b,c), method='lm').x
    except BaseException as e:
        print ("solver: ERROR first stage: "+e.__str__())
        return [None]

    return solx
예제 #28
def prob4():
    """Find the roots of the system
    [       -x + y + z     ]   [0]
    [  1 + x^3 - y^2 + z^3 ] = [0]
    [ -2 - x^2 + y^2 + z^2 ]   [0]

    Returns the values of x,y,z as an array.
    # Define the nonlinear system, its Jacobian, and the initial guess.
    def f(X):
        x,y,z = X
        return np.array([   -x + y + z,
                            1 + x**3 -y**2 + z**3,
                            -2 -x**2 + y**2 + z**2  ])
    def jacobian(X):
        x,y,z = X
        return np.array([   [    -1,    1, 1     ],
                            [3*x**2, -2*y, 3*z**2],
                            [  -2*x,  2*y, 2*z   ]  ])
    x0 = np.array([0,0,0])

    # Calculate the solution, check that it is a root, and return it.
    sol = opt.root(f, x0, jac=jacobian, method='hybr')
    assert np.allclose(np.zeros_like(sol.x), f(sol.x)), "FAILURE"
    return sol.x
def inference_cEWRGt(W, thresh):
    k = (W>0).sum(axis=0) # degrees
    s = W.sum(axis=0) # strength

    #from scipy.optimize import root
    from scipy.optimize import least_squares

    x0=np.concatenate([k,s])*1E-4 # initial solution
    # Initialize least squares from previous solution
    sollm = least_squares(lambda v: eq(v,thresh,k,s),
                          bounds= (0,np.inf),

    sollm = root(lambda z: eq(z,thresh,k,s),
    #print('Final cost', sollm['cost'])
    sollm = sollm['x']
    n2 = int(len(sollm)//2)
    x,y = sollm[0:n2],sollm[n2:]
    return x, y
def mcmc_newton(J):
    mt,ns,sd=1000, 200,3 # mc-time(until equilibrium), #sample, sampling distance 
    def genMCMC(x=[]):
        for t in range(mt+ns*sd):
            for i in range(l):
                valu=(( x[(l+i-1)%l]+x[(i+1)%l] ))
            if(t>mt and t%3==0):
        return x0.astype(int)                
    def calcf(J,c,x=[[]]):
        for i in range(100):
            m=m-c#surch for zero point ot 'm-a0 '
        return m
    x0=np.ones(d)# Initialize
    x=genMCMC(x0)# Generate mcmc-samples
    return J0
def getSol(startvals):
    solns = []
    for i in range(len(startvals)):
        sol = root(getGradient, startvals[i], method='lm')
    return solns
예제 #32
    def _calculate_momentum_distribution(self):
        """Calculate an approximation to the CDF of momentum magnitude.

        The purpose of this method is to calculate :member:_inv_cdf, a function
        giving a numerical approximation to the inverse cumulative distribution
        function of the magnitude of the momentum vector. This function can be
        used to perform inverse transform sampling to generate samples of the

        This method should be called before any sampling is performed. As
        implemented, it is called upon the first call to self.ask.

        Numerical integration of the momentum density is performed using the
        trapezoidal rule.

        # Calculate the value of p (momentum) corresponding to the maximum of
        # the pdf
        def logpdf_deriv(p):
            # logpdf_deriv(p) = 0 is the simplified form of d/dp(logpdf(p)) = 0
            d = np.sqrt(self._mass * (self._n_parameters - 1)) \
                * (p**2 + self._m2c2) ** 0.25 / np.sqrt(self._c * self._mass) \
                - p
            return d

        p_max = root(logpdf_deriv, self._mass).x[0]

        # The initial integration grid goes from 0 to twice p_max, with 1000
        # grid points
        max_value = 2 * p_max
        spacing = max_value / 1000
        integration_accepted = False

        while not integration_accepted:
            # Evaluate the logpdf on a grid
            integration_grid = np.arange(min(1e-6, 0.5 * spacing), max_value,
            logpdf_values = self._momentum_logpdf(integration_grid)

            # Integrate using the trapezoidal rule
            # Note that the step size (and any other constants) can be ignored
            # here, as the CDF will be normalized after this calculation
            cdf = np.logaddexp.accumulate(
                np.logaddexp(logpdf_values[1:], logpdf_values[:-1]))

            # Normalize the CDF
            cdf = np.exp(cdf - cdf[-1])

            # Adapt the integration grid if the result is inaccurate
            if np.diff(cdf)[-1] > 0.001 * max(np.diff(cdf)):
                # cdf is still increasing at the end
                max_value *= 2
                spacing *= 2

            elif max(np.diff(cdf)) > 1e-3:
                # cdf is changing too much, so a finer grid is required
                spacing /= 2

                integration_accepted = True

            if max_value / spacing > self._max_integration_size:
                warnings.warn('Failed to approximate momentum distribution '
                              'for given mass and speed of light. Samples of '
                              'momentum may be inaccurate.')
                integration_accepted = True

        # Do a reverse interpolation to approximate inverse cdf
        inv_cdf = interp1d([0.0] + list(cdf), integration_grid)

        # Save the inverse cdf so that it can be used for sampling
        self._inv_cdf = inv_cdf
예제 #33
    def SolveSteadySteate(self):
        Newton Method to find the root of the steady state equation

        self._solver = 'steady'
        if self._debug:
                              'Solving Steady State LLE with Python....')
        print('-' * 70)
        date = time.localtime()
        date = "{}-{:0>2}-{:0>2} ".format(date.tm_year,
                                          date.tm_mday) +\
        start = time.time()

        # -- CHeck Parity of the µ --
        μ_sim = copy(self.sim['mu_sim'])
        ind = 0
        if not μ_sim[0] == -μ_sim[1]:
            μ_sim = [-np.max(np.abs(μ_sim)), np.max(np.abs(μ_sim))]
            INFO = 'Not symmetric mode calculation -> switching to it with µ_sim = {}\n'.format(
            if self._debug:
                    self._logger.info('LLEsovler.SolveSteadySteate', INFO)
                    Info = ''.join([
                        self._greek[ii] if ii in self._greek.keys() else ii
                        for ii in Info
                    self._logger.info('LLEsovler.SolveSteadySteate', INFO)

            dum = self.Analyze(mu_sim=μ_sim, plot=False, f=None)

        # -- setting up parameters --
        β2 = self._analyze.β2
        Pin = self.sim['Pin']
        γ = self.res['gamma']
        L = 2 * np.pi * self.res['R']
        ω0 = self.sim['f_pmp'] * 2 * np.pi
        Q0 = self.res['Qi']
        Qc = self.res['Qc']
        tR = L * self.res['ng'] / self._c0
        α = 1 / 2 * (ω0 / Q0 + ω0 / Qc) * tR
        θ = ω0 / Qc * tR
        δω = -self.sim['domega'] * tR

        nlc = -1j * γ * L
        μ = np.arange(μ_sim[0], μ_sim[1] + 1)
        pmp_ind = np.where(μ == 0)[0][0]
        ω = μ * 2 * np.pi / tR + ω0
        ν = ω / (2 * np.pi)
        # -- setting up input power --
        Ein = np.zeros(μ.size)
        Ein[pmp_ind] = np.sqrt(Pin) * μ.size
        Ein_couple = np.sqrt(θ) * Ein

        # -- Define Initial Guess --
        sech = lambda x: 1 / np.cosh(x)
        η = δω / α  # need to be fixed
        B0 = np.sqrt(2 * η)
        f = np.sqrt(θ * Pin * γ * L / α**3)
        φ0 = np.arccos(np.sqrt(8 * η) / np.pi / f)
        τ = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, μ.size) * tR
        Φ0 = f / η**2 - 1j * f / η
        ut0 = np.sqrt(α / γ / L) * (Φ0 + B0 * np.exp(1j * φ0) *
                                    sech(B0 * np.sqrt(α /
                                                      (np.abs(β2) * L)) * τ))
        Em0 = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(ut0))
        x_init = np.concatenate((Em0.real, -Em0.imag))

        # -- Define the Steady State LLE Equation --
        φ = -α + 1j * δω - 1j * self.sim["dphi"]
        Em = lambda xx: xx[0:int(xx.shape[0] / 2)] + 1j * xx[int(xx.shape[0] /
        Ut = lambda xx: fft.ifft(Em(xx))
        fm = lambda xx: φ * Em(xx) + nlc * fft.fft(np.abs(Ut(xx))**2 * Ut(xx)
                                                   ) + Ein_couple
        fvec = lambda xx: np.concatenate((fm(xx).real, fm(xx).imag))

        # -- Solver the Steady State --
        out = optm.root(fvec, x_init, method='lm', jac=None, tol=1e-20)
        Ering = Em(out.x) / μ.size
        Ewg = Ein / μ.size - Ering * np.sqrt(θ)

        self.steady = {'Ering': Ering, 'Ewg': Ewg}
        if not pyType == 'jupyter':
            f, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=120)
            ax.plot(1e-12 * ν, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(Ering)), label='Ring')
            ax.plot(1e-12 * ν, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(Ewg)), label='Waveguide')
            return f, ax
            trace0 = go.Scatter(x=1e-12 * ν,
                                y=20 * np.log10(np.abs(Ering)),
                                name='Res. Power')
            trace1 = go.Scatter(x=1e-12 * ν,
                                y=20 * np.log10(np.abs(Ewg)),
                                name='Out Power')
            data = [trace0, trace1]
            layout = dict(
                xaxis=dict(title='Frequency (THz)'),
                yaxis=dict(title='Power (dBm)'),
            fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
            return fig
예제 #34
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import sys

fn1 = sys.argv[1]
fn2 = sys.argv[2]

w1 = np.loadtxt(fn1)[1][::-1]
w2 = np.loadtxt(fn2)[1][::-1]

model1 = np.poly1d(w1)
model2 = np.poly1d(w2)

def func(x):
    return model1(x) - model2(x)

sol = optimize.root(func, x0=0)
예제 #35
def runner():
    this function runs the cge model

    # solve cge_system
    dist = 10
    tpi_iter = 0
    tpi_max_iter = 1000
    tpi_tol = 1e-10
    xi = 0.1

    # pvec = pvec_init
    pvec = np.ones(len(ind) + len(h))

    # Load data and parameters classes
    d = calibrate.model_data(sam, h, u, ind)
    p = calibrate.parameters(d, ind)

    R = d.R0
    er = 1

    Zbar = d.Z0
    Ffbar = d.Ff0
    Kdbar = d.Kd0
    Qbar = d.Q0
    pdbar = pvec[0:len(ind)]

    pm = firms.eqpm(er, d.pWm)

    while (dist > tpi_tol) & (tpi_iter < tpi_max_iter):
        tpi_iter += 1
        cge_args = [p, d, ind, h, Zbar, Qbar, Kdbar, pdbar, Ffbar, R, er]

        print("initial guess = ", pvec)
        results = opt.root(cge.cge_system, pvec, args=cge_args, method='lm',
        pprime = results.x
        pyprime = pprime[0:len(ind)]
        pfprime = pprime[len(ind):len(ind) + len(h)]
        pyprime = Series(pyprime, index=list(ind))
        pfprime = Series(pfprime, index=list(h))

        pvec = pprime

        pe = firms.eqpe(er, d.pWe)
        pm = firms.eqpm(er, d.pWm)
        pq = firms.eqpq(pm, pdbar, p.taum, p.eta, p.deltam, p.deltad, p.gamma)
        pz = firms.eqpz(p.ay, p.ax, pyprime, pq)
        Kk = agg.eqKk(pfprime, Ffbar, R, p.lam, pq)
        Td = gov.eqTd(p.taud, pfprime, Ffbar)
        Trf = gov.eqTrf(p.tautr, pfprime, Ffbar)
        Kf = agg.eqKf(Kk, Kdbar)
        Fsh = firms.eqFsh(R, Kf, er)
        Sp = agg.eqSp(p.ssp, pfprime, Ffbar, Fsh, Trf)
        I = hh.eqI(pfprime, Ffbar, Sp, Td, Fsh, Trf)
        E = firms.eqE(p.theta, p.xie, p.tauz, p.phi, pz, pe, Zbar)
        D = firms.eqDex(p.theta, p.xid, p.tauz, p.phi, pz, pdbar, Zbar)
        M = firms.eqM(p.gamma, p.deltam, p.eta, Qbar, pq, pm, p.taum)
        Qprime = firms.eqQ(p.gamma, p.deltam, p.deltad, p.eta, M, D)
        pdprime = firms.eqpd(p.gamma, p.deltam, p.eta, Qprime, pq, D)
        Zprime = firms.eqZ(p.theta, p.xie, p.xid, p.phi, E, D)
        #    Zprime = Zprime.iloc[0]
        Kdprime = agg.eqKd(d.g, Sp, p.lam, pq)
        Ffprime = d.Ff0
        # Ffprime['CAP'] = R * d.Kk * (p.lam * pq).sum() / pf[1]
        Ffprime['CAP'] = R * Kk * (p.lam * pq).sum() / pfprime[1]

        dist = (((Zbar - Zprime) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)).sum()
        print('Distance at iteration ', tpi_iter, ' is ', dist)
        pdbar = xi * pdprime + (1 - xi) * pdbar
        Zbar = xi * Zprime + (1 - xi) * Zbar
        Kdbar = xi * Kdprime + (1 - xi) * Kdbar
        Qbar = xi * Qprime + (1 - xi) * Qbar
        Ffbar = xi * Ffprime + (1 - xi) * Ffbar

        Q = firms.eqQ(p.gamma, p.deltam, p.deltad, p.eta, M, D)

    print('Model solved, Q = ', Q)

    return Q
예제 #36
파일: SI.py 프로젝트: SeveNOlogy7/pyMMF
def findPropagationConstants(wl, indexProfile, tol=1e-9):
    Find the propagation constants of a step index fiber by numerically finding the sollution of the
    scalar dispersion relation [1]_ [2]_.

    wl : float
    		wavelength in microns.
    indexProfile: IndexProfile object
        object that contains data about the transverse index profile.
    modes : Modes object
        Object containing data about the modes. 
        Note that it does not fill the transverse profiles, only the data about the propagation constants 
        and the mode numbers.
    See Also
    .. [1]  K. Okamoto, "Fundamentals of optical waveguides" 
            Academic Press,
    .. [2]  S. M. Popoff, "Modes of step index multimode fibers" 
    lbda = wl
    NA = indexProfile.NA
    a = indexProfile.a
    n1 = indexProfile.n1

        'Finding the propagation constant of step index fiber by numerically solving the dispersion relation.'
    t0 = time.time()
    # Based on the dispersion relation,l eq. 3.74

    # The normalized frequency, cf formula 3.20 of the book
    v = (2 * np.pi / lbda * NA * a)

    roots = [0]
    m = 0
    modes = Modes()

    interval = np.arange(np.spacing(10), v - np.spacing(10), v * 1e-4)
    while (len(roots) > 0):

        def root_func(u):
            w = np.sqrt(v**2 - u**2)
            return jv(m, u) / (u * jv(m - 1, u)) + kn(m,
                                                      w) / (w * kn(m - 1, w))

        guesses = np.argwhere(np.abs(np.diff(np.sign(root_func(interval)))))
        froot = lambda x0: root(root_func, x0, tol=tol)
        sols = list(map(froot, interval[guesses]))
        roots = [s.x for s in sols if s.success]

        # remove solution outside the valid interval, round the solutions and remove duplicates
        roots = np.unique([
            np.round(r / tol) * tol for r in roots if (r > 0 and r < v)

        if (len(roots) > 0):

            degeneracy = 1 if m == 0 else 2
            modes.betas = np.concatenate((modes.betas, [
                np.sqrt((2 * np.pi / lbda * n1)**2 - (r / a)**2) for r in roots
            ] * degeneracy))
            modes.u = np.concatenate((modes.u, roots * degeneracy)).tolist()
            modes.w = np.concatenate(
                (modes.w, [np.sqrt(v**2 - r**2)
                           for r in roots] * degeneracy)).tolist()
            modes.number += len(roots) * degeneracy
            modes.m.extend([m] * len(roots) * degeneracy)
            modes.l.extend([x + 1 for x in range(len(roots))] * degeneracy)
        m += 1

    logger.info("Found %g modes is %0.2f seconds." %
                (modes.number, time.time() - t0))
    return modes
예제 #37
def implied_probabilities(odds: np.ndarray, method='basic', normalize=True):
    if (odds < 1).any():
        return False

    # Prepare the list that will be returned.
    result = {'probabilities': -1, 'margin': -1}

    # Some useful quantities
    one_match = False
        n_matches = odds.shape[0]
        n_outcomes = odds.shape[1]
    except IndexError:
        one_match = True
        n_matches = 1
        n_outcomes = odds.shape[0]

    # Inverted odds and margins
    inverted_odds = 1 / odds
    if not one_match:
        inverted_odds_sum = np.sum(inverted_odds, axis=1)
        inverted_odds_sum = inverted_odds_sum[:, None]
        inverted_odds_sum = np.sum(inverted_odds)
    result['margin'] = (inverted_odds_sum - 1) / (
        inverted_odds_sum)  # corrected margin definition

    if method == 'basic':
        result['probabilities'] = inverted_odds / inverted_odds_sum

    elif method == 'shin':

        zvalues = np.zeros(n_matches)  # The proportion of insider trading.
        probs = np.zeros((n_matches, n_outcomes))

        for ii in range(n_matches):
                resroot = root(shin_solvefor, 0, 0.4, args=inverted_odds[ii, ])
            except Exception as exc:
                # print("Cannot convert odds to probs: " + ",".join(map(str, odds[ii])))
            zvalues[ii] = resroot
            probs[ii, ] = shin_func(zz=resroot, io=inverted_odds[ii, ])

        result['probabilities'] = probs
        result['zvalues'] = zvalues

    elif method == 'wpo':
        # Margin Weights Proportional to the Odds.
        # Method from the Wisdom of the Crowds pdf.
        fair_odds = (n_outcomes * odds) / (n_outcomes -
                                           (result['margin'] * odds))
        result['probabilities'] = 1 / fair_odds
        result['specific_margins'] = (result['margin'] *
                                      fair_odds) / n_outcomes

    elif (method == 'or'):

        odds_ratios = np.zeros(n_matches)
        probs = np.zeros((n_matches, n_outcomes))

        for ii in range(n_matches):
                resroot = root(or_solvefor, 0.05, 5, args=inverted_odds[ii, ])
            except Exception as exc:
                # print("Cannot convert odds to probs: " + ",".join(map(str, odds[ii])))
            odds_ratios[ii] = resroot
            probs[ii, ] = or_func(cc=resroot, io=inverted_odds[ii, ])

        result['probabilities'] = probs
        result['odds_ratios'] = odds_ratios

    elif method == 'power':

        probs = np.zeros((n_matches, n_outcomes))
        exponents = np.zeros(n_matches)

        for ii in range(n_matches):
                resroot = root(pwr_solvefor,
                               args=inverted_odds[ii, ])
            except Exception as exc:
                # print("Cannot convert odds to probs: " + ",".join(map(str, odds[ii])))
            exponents[ii] = resroot
            probs[ii, ] = pwr_func(nn=resroot, io=inverted_odds[ii, ])

        result['probabilities'] = probs
        result['exponents'] = exponents

    ## do a final normalization to make sure the probabilites
    ## sum to 1 without rounding errors.
    if normalize:
        norm = np.sum(result['probabilities'], axis=1)[:, None]
            'ignore')  # division by zero (negative margin odds)
            result['probabilities'] = result['probabilities'] / norm
        except Warning:

    return result
예제 #38
    # Compute norms
    HNorm = [
        float(norm(H2)),  # Compute L2 vector norms
    ]  # ...

    # Solve system of equations
    sol = root(
        args=(K, HNorm),
        method='lm',  # Invoke solver using the
            'ftol': 1e-10,
            'xtol': 1e-10,
            'maxiter': 1000,  # Levenberg-Marquardt 
            'eps': 1e-8,
            'factor': 0.001
        })  # Algorithm (aka LMA)

    # Print solution (coordinates) to screen
    print("Current position (x , y , z):")
    print("(%.5f , %.5f , %.5f)mm" %
          (sol.x[0] * 1000, sol.x[1] * 1000, -1 * sol.x[2] * 1000))

    # Check if solution makes sense
    if (abs(sol.x[0] * 1000) > 500) or (abs(sol.x[1] * 1000) > 500) or (abs(
            sol.x[2] * 1000) > 500):
        initialGuess = findIG(Q_calcMag.get(
예제 #39
        pi = rhoi * csi **2.

        rscale = Nr
        csi = np.sqrt(1.4e20 / rscale)
        vri = 1.1e10 * visc * rscale**(-1. / 2.)
        pi = 1.7e16 * macc_scale / (visc * mbh_scale) * rscale**(-5. / 2. +
        omegai = 2.9e4 / (mbh_scale * rscale**(3. / 2.))
        rhoi = pi / csi**2.
        hi = csi / omegai

        adaf_sol = op.root(main2.adaf_temp, 1e4, args=(

        alfsig2.append(np.log10(2. * dens[i] * hi * visc))



예제 #40
def msgt_mix(rho1, rho2, Tsat, Psat, model, rho0='linear',
             z=20., n=20, ds=0.1, itmax=50, rho_tol=1e-3,
             full_output=False, root_method='lm', solver_opt=None):
    SGT for mixtures and beta != 0 (rho1, rho2, T, P) -> interfacial tension

    rho1 : float
        phase 1 density vector
    rho2 : float
        phase 2 density vector
    Tsat : float
        saturation temperature
    Psat : float
        saturation pressure
    model : object
        created with an EoS
    rho0 : string, array_like or TensionResult
        inital values to solve the BVP, avaialable options are 'linear' for
        linear density profiles, 'hyperbolic' for hyperbolic like
        density profiles. An array can also be supplied or a TensionResult of a
        previous calculation.
    z :  float, optional
        initial interfacial lenght
    n : int, optional
        number points to solve density profiles
    ds : float, optional
        time variable integration delta
    itmax : int, optional
        maximun number of iterations foward on time
    rho_tol: float, optional
        desired tolerance for density profiles
    full_output : bool, optional
        wheter to outputs all calculation info
    root_method: string, optional
        Method used un SciPy's root function
        default 'lm',  other options: 'krylov', 'hybr'. See SciPy documentation
        for more info
    solver_opt : dict, optional
        aditional solver options passed to SciPy solver

    ten : float
        interfacial tension between the phases

    z = 1. * z
    nc = model.nc

    # Dimensionless Variables
    Tfactor, Pfactor, rofactor, tenfactor, zfactor = model.sgt_adim(Tsat)
    Pad = Psat*Pfactor
    rho1a = rho1*rofactor
    rho2a = rho2*rofactor

    cij = model.ci(Tsat)
    cij /= cij[0, 0]
    dcij = np.linalg.det(cij)

    if np.isclose(dcij, 0):
        warning = 'Determinant of influence parameters matrix is: {}'
        raise Exception(warning.format(dcij))

    temp_aux = model.temperature_aux(Tsat)

    # Chemical potential
    mu0 = model.muad_aux(rho1a, temp_aux)
    mu02 = model.muad_aux(rho2a, temp_aux)
    if not np.allclose(mu0, mu02):
        raise Exception('Not equilibria compositions, mu1 != mu2')

    # Nodes and weights of integration
    roots, weights = gauss(n)
    rootsf = np.hstack([0., roots, 1.])

    # Coefficent matrix for derivatives
    A, B = colocAB(rootsf)

    # Initial profiles
    if isinstance(rho0, str):
        if rho0 == 'linear':
            # Linear Profile
            pend = (rho2a - rho1a)
            b = rho1a
            pfl = (np.outer(roots, pend) + b)
            ro_1 = (pfl.T).copy()
            rointer = (pfl.T).copy()
        elif rho0 == 'hyperbolic':
            # Hyperbolic profile
            inter = 8*roots - 4
            thb = np.tanh(2*inter)
            pft = np.outer(thb, (rho2a-rho1a))/2 + (rho1a+rho2a)/2
            rointer = pft.T
            ro_1 = rointer.copy()
            raise Exception('Initial density profile not known')
    elif isinstance(rho0,  TensionResult):
        _z0 = rho0.z
        _ro0 = rho0.rho
        z = _z0[-1]
        rointer = interp1d(_z0, _ro0)(roots * z)
        rointer *= rofactor
        ro_1 = rointer.copy()
    elif isinstance(rho0,  np.ndarray):
        # Check dimensiones
        if rho0.shape[0] == nc and rho0.shape[1] == n:
            rointer = rho0.copy()
            rointer *= rofactor
            ro_1 = rointer.copy()
            raise Exception('Shape of initial value must be nc x n')
        raise Exception('Initial density profile not known')

    zad = z*zfactor
    Ar = A/zad
    Br = B/zad**2

    Binter = Br[1:-1, 1:-1]
    B0 = Br[1:-1, 0]
    B1 = Br[1:-1, -1]
    dro20 = np.outer(rho1a, B0)  # cte
    dro21 = np.outer(rho2a, B1)  # cte

    Ainter = Ar[1:-1, 1:-1]
    A0 = Ar[1:-1, 0]
    A1 = Ar[1:-1, -1]
    dro10 = np.outer(rho1a, A0)  # cte
    dro11 = np.outer(rho2a, A1)  # cte

    if root_method == 'lm' or root_method == 'hybr':
        if model.secondordersgt:
            fobj = dfobj_z_newton
            jac = True
            fobj = fobj_z_newton
            jac = None
        fobj = fobj_z_newton
        jac = None

    s = 0.
    for i in range(itmax):
        s += ds
        sol = root(fobj, rointer.flatten(), method='lm', jac=jac,
                   args=(Binter, dro20, dro21, mu0, temp_aux, cij, n, ro_1,
                   ds, nc, model), options=solver_opt)

        rointer = sol.x
        rointer = np.abs(rointer.reshape([nc, n]))
        error = np.linalg.norm(rointer - ro_1)
        if error < rho_tol:
        ro_1 = rointer.copy()
        ds *= 1.3

    dro = np.matmul(rointer, Ainter.T)
    dro += dro10
    dro += dro11

    suma = cmix_cy(dro, cij)
    dom = np.zeros(n)
    for k in range(n):
        dom[k] = model.dOm_aux(rointer[:, k], temp_aux, mu0, Pad)
    dom[dom < 0] = 0.
    intten = np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(2*suma*dom))
    ten = np.dot(intten, weights)
    ten *= zad
    ten *= tenfactor

    if full_output:
        znodes = z * rootsf
        ro = np.insert(rointer, 0, rho1a, axis=1)
        ro = np.insert(ro, n+1, rho2a, axis=1)
        ro /= rofactor
        fun_error = np.linalg.norm(sol.fun)/n/nc
        dictresult = {'tension': ten, 'rho': ro, 'z': znodes,
                      'GPT': np.hstack([0, dom, 0]), 'rho_error': error,
                      'fun_error': fun_error, 'iter': i, 'time': s, 'ds': ds}
        out = TensionResult(dictresult)
        return out

    return ten
예제 #41
    def __init__(
            num_agents = 2, 
            c_i = 1, 
            a_minus_c_i = 1, 
            a_0 = 0, 
            mu = 0.25, 
            delta = 0.95, 
            m = 15, 
            xi = 0.1, 
            k = 1, 

        super(BertrandCompetitionDiscreteEnv, self).__init__()
        self.num_agents = num_agents

        # Length of Memory
        self.k = k

        # Marginal Cost
        self.c_i = c_i

        # Number of Discrete Prices
        self.m = m

        # Product Quality Indexes
        a = np.array([c_i + a_minus_c_i] * num_agents)
        self.a = a

        # Product Quality Index: Outside Good
        self.a_0 = a_0

        # Index of Horizontal Differentiation
        self.mu = mu


        # Nash Equilibrium Price
        def nash_func(p):
            ''' Derviative for demand function '''
            denominator = np.exp(a_0 / mu)
            for i in range(num_agents):
                denominator += np.exp((a[i] - p[i]) / mu)
            function_list = []
            for i in range(num_agents):
                term = np.exp((a[i] - p[i]) / mu)
                first_term = term / denominator
                second_term = (np.exp((2 * (a[i] - p[i])) / mu) * (-c_i + p[i])) / ((denominator ** 2) * mu)
                third_term = (term * (-c_i + p[i])) / (denominator * mu)
                function_list.append((p[i] - c_i) * (first_term + second_term - third_term))
            return function_list

        # Finding root of derivative for demand function
        nash_sol = optimize.root(nash_func, [2] * num_agents)
        self.pN = nash_sol.x[0]
        print('Nash Price:', self.pN)

        # # Finding Nash Price by iteration
        # # Make sure this tries all possibilities
        # price_range = np.arange(0, 2.5, 0.01)
        # nash_temp = 0
        # for i in price_range:
        #     p = [i] * num_agents
        #     first_player_profit = (i - c_i) * self.demand(self.a, p, self.mu, 0)
        #     new_profit = []
        #     for j in price_range:
        #         p[0] = j
        #         new_profit.append((j - c_i) * self.demand(self.a, p, self.mu, 0))
        #     if first_player_profit >= np.max(new_profit):
        #         nash_temp = i
        # self.pN = nash_temp
        # print('Nash Price:', self.pN)


        # Monopoly Equilibrium Price
        def monopoly_func(p):
            return -(p[0] - c_i) * self.demand(self.a, p, self.mu, 0)

        monopoly_sol = optimize.minimize(monopoly_func, 0)
        self.pM = monopoly_sol.x[0]
        print('Monopoly Price:', self.pM)

        # # Finding Monopoly Price by iteration
        # # Make sure this tries all possibilities
        # price_range = np.arange(0, 2.5, 0.01)
        # monopoly_profit = []
        # for i in price_range:
        #     p = [i] * num_agents
        #     monopoly_profit.append((i - c_i) * self.demand(self.a, p, self.mu, 0) * num_agents)
        # self.pM = price_range[np.argmax(monopoly_profit)]
        # print('Monopoly Price:', self.pM)


        # Nash and Monopoly Profit

        # nash_profit = (self.pN - self.c_i) * self.demand(self.a, [self.pN, self.pN], self.mu, 0)
        # monopoly_profit = (self.pM - self.c_i) * self.demand(self.a, [self.pM, self.pM], self.mu, 0)

        # print('Nash Profit:', nash_profit)
        # print('Monopoly Profit:', monopoly_profit)


        # Profit Gain Plot

        # val = []
        # # x_range = np.linspace(self.pN-0.05, self.pM+0.05, 100)
        # x_range = np.arange(1.45, 2.00, 0.05)

        # for i in x_range:
        #     profit = (i - self.c_i) * self.demand(self.a, [i, i], self.mu, 0)
        #     profit_gain = (profit - nash_profit) / (monopoly_profit - nash_profit)
        #     val.append(profit_gain)

        #     print(i, profit, profit_gain)

        # plt.plot(x_range, val, c='k')
        # plt.axvline(x=self.pN, c='b', ls='--', label='Nash Price')
        # plt.axvline(x=self.pM, c='r', ls='--', label='Monopoly Price')
        # plt.xlabel('Price')
        # plt.ylabel('Profit Gain Δ')
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.savefig('profit_gain')


        # MultiAgentEnv Action and Observation Space
        self.agents = ['agent_' + str(i) for i in range(num_agents)]
        self.observation_spaces = {}
        self.action_spaces = {}

        if k > 0:
            self.numeric_low = np.array([0] * (k * num_agents))
            numeric_high = np.array([m] * (k * num_agents))
            obs_space = Box(self.numeric_low, numeric_high, dtype=int)
            self.numeric_low = np.array([0] * num_agents)
            numeric_high = np.array([m] * num_agents)
            obs_space = Box(self.numeric_low, numeric_high, dtype=int)

        for agent in self.agents:
            self.observation_spaces[agent] = obs_space
            self.action_spaces[agent] = Discrete(m)

        if supervisor:
            self.observation_spaces['supervisor'] = obs_space
            self.action_spaces['supervisor'] = Discrete(num_agents)

        self.action_price_space = np.linspace(self.pN - xi * (self.pM - self.pN), self.pM + xi * (self.pM - self.pN), m)
        self.reward_range = (-float('inf'), float('inf'))
        self.current_step = None
        self.max_steps = max_steps
        self.sessions = sessions
        self.convergence = convergence
        self.convergence_counter = 0
        self.trainer_choice = trainer_choice
        self.action_history = {}
        self.use_pickle = use_pickle
        self.supervisor = supervisor
        self.proportion_boost = proportion_boost
        self.path = path
        self.savefile = savefile

        # self.price_error = [[],[]]

        for agent in self.agents:
            if agent not in self.action_history:
                self.action_history[agent] = [self.action_spaces[agent].sample()]

        if supervisor:
            self.action_history['supervisor'] = [self.action_spaces['supervisor'].sample()]

예제 #42
    Ic5 = (2 * Ic / bjt['beta_1mA'])
    vbe5 = bjt['n'] * g51.VT * np.log( Ic5 / \
        (bjt['Is'] * (1 + ((Vcc - Vbe)/abs(bjt['VA'])))))

    vce = Vbe + vbe5

    vbe3 = bjt['n'] * g51.VT * np.log(Ic / \
        (bjt['Is'] * ( 1 + (vce/abs(bjt['VA'])))))

    return vbe3 - Vbe

Vcc = 5.0
Ic3 = 1e-3
f1_args = (pnp_2n3906, Ic3, Vcc)
Vbe3 = optimize.root(f1, 0.6, args=f1_args).x[0]

Ic5 = 2 * Ic3 / pnp_2n3906['beta_1mA']
Vce5 = Vcc - Vbe3
Vbe5 = eee51.bjt_find_vbe(Ic5, Vce5, \
    pnp_2n3906['Is'], pnp_2n3906['n'], pnp_2n3906['VA'])

Vce3 = Vbe3 + Vbe5
Vo1 = Vcc - Vce3

Ic1 = 1e-3
Vic = 1.8

def f1b(Vx, Ic1, Vo1, Vic, bjt):
    Vbe1 = eee51.bjt_find_vbe(Ic1, Vo1 - Vx, \
예제 #43
    def transition_arc(self, Rstar0, vmin, vmax, angle, delta_v):
        """ lower transition arc function
            Rstar0 (float) : initial R*
            vmin (float) : small v(Prandtle-Meyer angle) [deg]
            vmax (float) : large v(Prandtle-Meyer angle) [deg]
            angle (float) : rotate angle from Y* to y* [deg]
            delta_v (float) : interval Prandtle-Meyer angle  [deg]
        kmin = 1
        kmax = int((vmax - vmin) / delta_v) + 1
        k = np.arange(kmin, kmax)

        xstar_l = np.zeros(k.size)
        ystar_l = np.zeros(k.size)
        xstar_l[-1] = 0
        ystar_l[-1] = Rstar0
        func_Rstar = 2 * np.radians(vmax) - np.pi / 2 * (np.sqrt(
            (self.gamma + 1) /
            (self.gamma - 1)) - 1) - np.radians(2 * (k - 1) * delta_v)

        def func(Rstar, func_Rstar_i):
            return 2 * self.chara_line(Rstar) - func_Rstar_i

        Rstar = np.zeros(func_Rstar.size)
        for (i, f_Rstar) in enumerate(func_Rstar):
            sol = optimize.root(func, Rstar0, args=(f_Rstar))
            Rstar[i] = sol.x[0]

        fai_k = np.radians(vmax - vmin - (k - 1) * delta_v)
        xstar_k = -Rstar * np.sin(fai_k)
        ystar_k = Rstar * np.cos(fai_k)
        myu_k = -np.arcsin(
            np.sqrt(((self.gamma + 1) / 2) * Rstar**2 - (self.gamma - 1) / 2))

        m_k = []
        for (i, j) in enumerate(k[:-1]):
            m_k += [
                np.tan((fai_k[i] + fai_k[j]) / 2 + (myu_k[i] + myu_k[j]) / 2)
        mbar_k = np.tan(fai_k[1:])

        Xstar_l, Ystar_l = self.rotate(xstar_l[-1], ystar_l[-1], angle)
        x, y = [Xstar_l], [Ystar_l]
        xprev = 0
        for i in range(kmax - kmin - 2, 0, -1):
            a = ystar_l[i + 1] - mbar_k[i] * xstar_l[i + 1]
            b = ystar_k[i] - m_k[i] * xstar_k[i]
            c = m_k[i] - mbar_k[i]
            xstar_l[i] = (a - b) / c
            ystar_l[i] = (m_k[i] * a - mbar_k[i] * b) / c
            if (angle > 0):
                xtemp = xstar_l[i]
                assert xtemp < xprev, "initial vu or vl must be changed"
                xtemp = -xstar_l[i]
                assert xtemp > xprev, "initial vu or v0 must be changed"

            Xstar_l, Ystar_l = self.rotate(xtemp, ystar_l[i], angle)

            x += [(Xstar_l)]
            y += [(Ystar_l)]

            xprev = xtemp
        return x, y
예제 #44
    def calc_MB(self, *args, retnumrates=False):
        params, NT, Rstar = self.calc_params(*args)
        R, V, GB, Gt, Gd, Ntmax, Rt, Ges, NTw, eta, P, D = params
        # Steady state values
        t = 0  # dummy var. for rate eq.
        Nqp0, Nt0, Nw0 = root(
            [NT, NT / 2, NTw],
            args=(t, params),
        # M and B matrices

        M = np.array([
                Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) + (2 * Rstar * Nqp0 + 0.5 * Rt * Nt0) / V,
                -Gd - Gt * Nqp0 - Rt * Nqp0 / (2 * V),
                -Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) + Rt * Nt0 / (2 * V),
                Gd + Gt * Nqp0 + Rt * Nqp0 / (2 * V),
        B = np.array([
                Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) * Nqp0 + Gd * Nt0 +
                (4 * Rstar *
                 (Nqp0**2 + NT**2) + 5 * Rt * Nt0 * Nqp0) / (2 * V),
                -Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) * Nqp0 - Gd * Nt0 - Rt * Nqp0 * Nt0 /
                (2 * V),
                -Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) * Nqp0 - Gd * Nt0 - Rt * Nqp0 * Nt0 /
                (2 * V),
                Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0) * Nqp0 + Gd * Nt0 + Rt * Nqp0 * Nt0 /
                (2 * V),

        #         M = np.array([[Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)+2*Rstar*Nqp0/V+Rt*Nt0/(2*V),-Gd-Gt*Nqp0+Rt*Nqp0/(2*V)],
        #                       [-Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)-Rt*Nt0/(2*V),Gd+Gt*Nqp0-Rt*Nqp0/(2*V)]])
        #         B = np.array([[Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0+Gd*Nt0+4*Rstar*Nqp0**2/V+Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/(2*V),
        #                        -Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0-Gd*Nt0-Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/(2*V)],
        #                       [-Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0-Gd*Nt0-Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/(2*V),
        #                        Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0+Gd*Nt0+5*Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/(2*V)]])

        #         M = np.array([[Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)+2*Rstar*Nqp0/V+Rt*Nt0/(2*V),-Gd-Gt*Nqp0+Rt*Nqp0/(2*V)],
        #                       [-Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)+Rt*Nt0/(2*V),Gd+Gt*Nt0+Rt*Nqp0/(2*V)]])
        #         B = np.array([[Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0+Gd*Nt0+4*Rstar*Nqp0**2/V+Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/V,
        #                        -Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0-Gd*Nt0],
        #                       [-Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0-Gd*Nt0,
        #                        Gt*(Ntmax-Nt0)*Nqp0+Gd*Nt0+Rt*Nqp0*Nt0/V]])
        if retnumrates:
            return (
                    "NqpT": NT,
                    "Nqp0": Nqp0,
                    "Nt0": Nt0,
                    "Nw0": Nw0
                    "R*NqpT/2V": R * NT / (2 * V),
                    "R*Nqp0/2V": R * Nqp0 / (2 * V),
                    "Rt*Nt0/2V": Rt * Nt0 / (2 * V),
                    "T*(Ntmax-Nt0)": Gt * (Ntmax - Nt0),
                    "Gd": Gd,
            return M, B
예제 #45
    def SteadyState(self):
        w = self.wbar
        A = 1.
        MP_shock = 1.
        G_shock = 1.
        etam = 1.0
        S = 1.0
        SA = S
        pi = 1.
        pstar = 1.

        # six equations in h, Y, H, q, J, u
        # guess Y, J, and Vn
        def g(X, Mode='Residuals'):
            Y, J, Vn = X  #unpack
            h = ((1 - self.tau) * w * S * Y / (A * (Y - J)))**(1. /
                                                               (1. + gamma))
            M = ((A / mu - w) * h / psi_1 / upsilon)**(1 / psi_2)
            q = (M * Vn)**(1.0 / kappa)
            u = upsilon * (1 - q * M) / (q * M + upsilon * (1 - q * M))
            H = 1 - u - (1 - upsilon) * (1 - u)
            # check Y, J, Vn
            Y2 = A * h * (1 - u)
            J2 = psi_1 * M**psi_2 * H
            Vn2 = (-log(self.b) - h**(1 + gamma) /
                   (1 + gamma) + psy) / (1 - beta * (1 - upsilon) *
                                         (1 - kappa / (1 + kappa) * q * M))
            if Mode.lower() == 'residuals':
                return np.array((Y2 - Y, J2 - J, Vn2 - Vn))
            elif Mode.lower() == 'values':
                return Y, J, h, q, u, H, M, Vn
                raise Exception('Unrecognized value for Mode')

        sol = optimize.root(g, (Ycalib, Jcalib, Vncalib), jac=False)
        Y, J, h, q, u, H, M, Vn = g(sol.x, Mode='values')

        IP_Moments = self.IP.get_Moments(u, u, self.tau)
        ElogAlpha = (1 - delta) * IP_Moments[1] / delta
        EAlph = float(delta / (1.0 - (1.0 - delta) * IP_Moments[0]))

        EU = upsilon * (1 - q * M)
        I = 1.0 / (beta * ((1 - EU) + EU / self.b) * IP_Moments[2])
        C = (Y - J) / (1 + chi)
        G = chi * C
        pB = Y / (1 - (1 - theta) / I)
        pA = pB

        MU = 1.0 / C

        dVndb = -1. / self.b / (1 - beta * (1 - upsilon) * (1 - q * M))

        X = np.array((A, G_shock, EAlph, ElogAlpha, u, M, Vn, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
                      Y, G, Y, h, w, u, J, q, MU))

        V = np.dot(
                np.eye(len(iVRange)) - np.diag(self.Discounting(X).flatten())),

        X[iVRange] = V.flatten()

        return X
예제 #46
def nonlinear_triangulation(kp1, kp2, K, R, T, matches):
    Here We Suppose the 1st Camera Coordination is the refence coordination
    input kp1: list of key points of first  camera
    input kp2: list of key points of second camera
    input K  : intrisic matrix of second camera
    input R  : the rotation matrix of camera 2 related to camera 1
    input C  : the word coordinate of camera 1 related to camera 2
    input matches: a list of DMatch between kp1 and kp2
    output points3D: a list of 3D points after triangulation
    def make_target(p1_2d, p2_2d):
        def func(x):
            point_3d = np.array([x[0], x[1], x[2], 1])
            RT = np.column_stack([np.eye(3), np.zeros((3, 1))])
            P = np.dot(K, RT)
            RT_p = np.column_stack([R, T])
            P_p = np.dot(K, RT_p)
            U = np.dot(P, np.array([x[0], x[1], x[2], 1]))
            U = point_normalize(U)[:-1]
            U_p = np.dot(P_p, np.array([x[0], x[1], x[2], 1]))
            U_p = point_normalize(U_p)[:-1]
            # f
            f = [np.sum(np.square(p1_2d - U) + np.square(p2_2d - U_p)), 0, 0]

            # df ???
            def jacob(K, RC, p_2d, point_3d):
                f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y = K[0][0], K[1][1], K[0][2], K[1][2]
                r_0, r_1, r_2 = RC[0], RC[1], RC[2]
                u, v = p_2d[0], p_2d[1]
                A = f_x * r_0.dot(point_3d) + c_x * r_2.dot(point_3d)
                dA_dx = f_x * r_0[0] + c_x * r_2[0]
                dA_dy = f_x * r_0[1] + c_x * r_2[1]
                dA_dz = f_x * r_0[2] + c_x * r_2[2]
                B = r_2.dot(point_3d)
                dB_dx = r_2[0]
                dB_dy = r_2[1]
                dB_dz = r_2[2]
                C = f_y * r_1.dot(point_3d) + c_y * r_2.dot(point_3d)
                dC_dx = f_y * r_1[0] + c_y * r_2[0]
                dC_dy = f_y * r_1[1] + c_y * r_2[1]
                dC_dz = f_y * r_1[2] + c_y * r_2[2]
                df_dx = 2 * (u - A / B) * (-(dA_dx * B - A * dB_dx) / pow(
                    B, 2)) + 2 * (v - C / B) * (-(dC_dx * B - C * dB_dx) /
                                                pow(B, 2))
                df_dy = 2 * (u - A / B) * (-(dA_dy * B - A * dB_dy) / pow(
                    B, 2)) + 2 * (v - C / B) * (-(dC_dy * B - C * dB_dy) /
                                                pow(B, 2))
                df_dz = 2 * (u - A / B) * (-(dA_dz * B - A * dB_dz) / pow(
                    B, 2)) + 2 * (v - C / B) * (-(dC_dz * B - C * dB_dz) /
                                                pow(B, 2))
                return [df_dx, df_dy, df_dz]

            # for 1st cam
            [df_dx_1, df_dy_1, df_dz_1] = jacob(K, RT, p1_2d, point_3d)
            # for 2nd cam
            [df_dx_2, df_dy_2, df_dz_2] = jacob(K, RT_p, p2_2d, point_3d)

            df_dx = df_dx_1 + df_dx_2
            df_dy = df_dy_1 + df_dy_2
            df_dz = df_dz_1 + df_dz_2

            df = np.array([[df_dx, df_dy, df_dz], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
            return f, df

        return func

    ret = []
    points3D_0 = linear_triangulation(kp1, kp2, K, R, T, matches)
    for match, point3D_0 in zip(matches, points3D_0):
        p1_idx = match.queryIdx
        p2_idx = match.trainIdx
        p_1, p_2 = kp1[p1_idx], kp2[p2_idx]
        u, v = p_1.pt
        u_p, v_p = p_2.pt
        func = make_target(np.array([u, v]), np.array([u_p, v_p]))

        # do unit test here
        def unit_test_func(dx, dy, dz):
            x0, y0, z0 = 10., 20, 3.0
            x, y, z = x0, y0, z0
            f_0, df_0 = func([x, y, z])
            print([x, y, z], f_0[0])
            x, y, z = x0 + dx, y0 + dy, z0 + dz
            f_1, df_1 = func([x, y, z])
            print([x, y, z], f_1[0])
            x, y, z = x0 + dx / 2, y0 + dy / 2, z0 + dz / 2
            f_2, df_2 = func([x, y, z])
            print([x, y, z], f_2[0])
            if dx > 0.000001:
                print("Estimated Dx:", df_2[0][0])
                print("True      Dx:", (f_1[0] - f_0[0]) / dx)
            if dy > 0.000001:
                print("Estimated Dy:", df_2[0][1])
                print("True      Dy:", (f_1[0] - f_0[0]) / dy)
            if dz > 0.000001:
                print("Estimated Dz:", df_2[0][2])
                print("True      Dz:", (f_1[0] - f_0[0]) / dz)

        #unit_test_func(0.001, 0, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0.0001, 0, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0.00001, 0, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0, 0.001, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0, 0.0001, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0, 0.00001, 0)
        #unit_test_func(0., 0, 0.01)
        #unit_test_func(0., 0, 0.001)
        #unit_test_func(0., 0, 0.0001)
        #print("Linear Optimized:", point3D_0)
        point3D_0[0] += 4
        point3D_0[1] += 0
        point3D_0[2] += 0
        #print("Initial Value(Distorted) for Non-Linear Optimizer:", point3D_0)
        sol = root(func, [point3D_0[0], point3D_0[1], point3D_0[2]],
        #print("Non-Linear Optimized:", sol.x)
    return ret
예제 #47
파일: Root.py 프로젝트: arkharim/OpenCool
 def solve(self, circuit, initial_conditions, **kwargs):
     ndarray_initial_conditions = np.array(initial_conditions)
     self._solution = root(self._get_equations_error, ndarray_initial_conditions, args=circuit)
     return self._adapt_solution_to_solution_results()
예제 #48
    h_se = h_r + h_cv
    alpha_s = h_se
    return alpha_s

def GB50264_delta_to_T_s(x):
    Q, T_1, T_2, T_s = x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]
    return np.array([(T_0 - T_1) / (delta_1 / lamb(material_1, T_0, T_1)) - Q,
                     (T_1 - T_2) / (delta_2 / lamb(material_2, T_1, T_2)) - Q,
                     (T_2 - T_s) / (delta_3 / lamb(material_3, T_2, T_s)) - Q,
                     (T_s - T_a) / (1 / alpha_s(T_s, T_a, v, H)) - Q])

sol_root = root(GB50264_delta_to_T_s,
                [Q_max, T_1_assumption, T_2_assumption, T_s_assumption])
sol_fsolve = fsolve(GB50264_delta_to_T_s,
                    [Q_max, T_1_assumption, T_2_assumption, T_s_assumption])
Q = sol_fsolve[0]
T_1 = sol_fsolve[1]
T_2 = sol_fsolve[2]
T_s = sol_fsolve[3]

print(">>>>>>>>>>> When the delta_1 delta_2 delta_3 is ", delta_1, delta_2,
      delta_3, " :")
print("    delta_1 = ", delta_1)
print("    delta_2 = ", delta_2)
print("    delta_3 = ", delta_3)
print("     lamb_1 = ", lamb(material_1, T_0, T_1))
print("     lamb_2 = ", lamb(material_2, T_1, T_2))
예제 #49
from scipy.optimize import root
from math import pow

def diff(x):
    return marketPrice - (1 + (c / x - 1) * (1 - pow((1 + x * dt), -(T / dt))))

T = 4  #time to maturity
dt = 0.5  #the step time
marketPrice = (106 + 21.125 / 32) / 100  #current market price
c = 0.0675  #coupon rate

sol = root(diff, 0.2)
예제 #50
    def calculate_consistent_initial_conditions(self,
        Calculate consistent initial conditions for the algebraic equations through

        rhs : method
            Function that takes in t and y and returns the value of the differential
        algebraic : method
            Function that takes in t and y and returns the value of the algebraic
        y0_guess : array-like
            Array of the user's guess for the initial conditions, used to initialise
            the root finding algorithm
        jac : method
            Function that takes in t and y and returns the value of the jacobian for the
            algebraic equations

        y0_consistent : array-like, same shape as y0_guess
            Initial conditions that are consistent with the algebraic equations (roots
            of the algebraic equations)
        pybamm.logger.info("Start calculating consistent initial conditions")

        # Split y0_guess into differential and algebraic
        len_rhs = rhs(0, y0_guess).shape[0]
        y0_diff, y0_alg_guess = np.split(y0_guess, [len_rhs])

        def root_fun(y0_alg):
            "Evaluates algebraic using y0_diff (fixed) and y0_alg (changed by algo)"
            y0 = np.concatenate([y0_diff, y0_alg])
            out = algebraic(0, y0)
                "Evaluating algebraic equations at t=0, L2-norm is {}".format(
            return out

        if jac:
            if issparse(jac(0, y0_guess)):

                def jac_fn(y0_alg):
                    Evaluates jacobian using y0_diff (fixed) and y0_alg (varying)
                    y0 = np.concatenate([y0_diff, y0_alg])
                    return jac(0, y0)[:, len_rhs:].toarray()


                def jac_fn(y0_alg):
                    Evaluates jacobian using y0_diff (fixed) and y0_alg (varying)
                    y0 = np.concatenate([y0_diff, y0_alg])
                    return jac(0, y0)[:, len_rhs:]

            jac_fn = None
        # Find the values of y0_alg that are roots of the algebraic equations
        sol = optimize.root(
        # Return full set of consistent initial conditions (y0_diff unchanged)
        y0_consistent = np.concatenate([y0_diff, sol.x])

        if sol.success and np.all(sol.fun < self.root_tol * len(sol.x)):
                "Finish calculating consistent initial conditions")
            return y0_consistent
        elif not sol.success:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                "Could not find consistent initial conditions: {}".format(
            raise pybamm.SolverError("""
                Could not find consistent initial conditions: solver terminated
                successfully, but maximum solution error ({}) above tolerance ({})
                """.format(np.max(sol.fun), self.root_tol * len(sol.x)))
예제 #51
m.degrees(10)  #в градусы
m.inf * m.e * m.pi  # бесконечность умножить на е и умножить на пи так же есть m.nan

m1 = np.matrix([[1, 2, 3], [5, 5, 6]])
m2 = np.matrix([[3, 2], [4, 2], [1, 1]])
m1 * m2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(0.0, np.pi * 2.0,
              0.1)  # генерируем числа на интервале от нуля до 2пи с шагом 0.1
y1 = np.sin(x)  #строим синус
y2 = np.cos(x)  #строим косинус

plt.plot(x, y1, x, y2)  # строим график синуса и косинуса
    0, 2 * np.pi, -1.1, 1.1
])  # строим оси, (ось х начало,ось х конец, ось у начало, ось у конец )
plt.xlabel('$\\alpha, rad')
plt.legend(["sin", "cos"])

def func(x):
    ''' x + 2cos(x) = 0 '''
    return x + 2 * np.cos(x)

sol = root(func, 0.3)
예제 #52
    NU = 50
    Uls = linspace(0., 10., NU)
    dlt = 0.01
    Ne = 100
    Tmesh = linspace(1e-2, 5., NT)  #Temperature
    kmesh = linspace(-pi, pi, Nk)  #kmesh
    #Hubbard U.It is strange that U has to be so high(as 10) to have a magnetization at low temperature.
    #because the dos of paramagntic state at half filling is diverging(according to Mahan,Uc=0...)
    ekls = []
    for kx in kmesh:
        for ky in kmesh:
            ekls.append(-2.0 * t * (cos(kx) + cos(ky)))  #Band dispersion
    ekls = array(ekls)
    nls = [0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6]
    for T in Tmesh:
        print T
        for n in nls:
            fmag = open("mag_neq" + str(n) + ".txt", 'w')
            print >> fmag, "#occupation n=", n, "T=", T
            print >> fmag, "#U,|m|,mu,sucess"
            for U in Uls:
                print "U=", U
                sol = optimize.root(selffuns, [n * U / 2., 10.0],
                                    args=(n, T, U),
                                    method="anderson")  ##(mu,m)
                print >> fmag, U, abs(sol.x[1]), sol.x[0], sol.success
                if sol.success == 0: break
                print sol.success
예제 #53
파일: SS.py 프로젝트: snowdj/WB-India
def get_SS(bss_guess, args, graphs=False):
    Solve for the steady-state solution of the S-period-lived agent OG
    model with exogenous labor supply using one root finder in bvec
    bss_guess = (S-1,) vector, initial guess for b_ss
    args      = length 8 tuple,
                (nvec, beta, sigma, A, alpha, delta, SS_tol, SS_EulDiff)
    graphs    = boolean, =True if output steady-state graphs


    start_time = scalar > 0, clock time at beginning of program
    nvec       = (S,) vector, exogenous lifetime labor supply n_s
    beta       = scalar in (0,1), discount factor for each model per
    sigma      = scalar > 0, coefficient of relative risk aversion
    A          = scalar > 0, total factor productivity parameter in
                 firms' production function
    alpha      = scalar in (0,1), capital share of income
    delta      = scalar in [0,1], model-period depreciation rate of
    SS_tol     = scalar > 0, tolerance level for steady-state fsolve
    SS_EulDiff = Boolean, =True if want difference version of Euler
                 errors beta*(1+r)*u'(c2) - u'(c1), =False if want ratio
                 version [beta*(1+r)*u'(c2)]/[u'(c1)] - 1
    b_args     = length 7 tuple, args passed to opt.root(SS_EulErrs,...)
    results_b  = results object, output from opt.root(SS_EulErrs,...)
    b_ss       = (S-1,) vector, steady-state savings b_{s+1}
    K_ss       = scalar > 0, steady-state aggregate capital stock
    Kss_cstr   = boolean, =True if K_ss < epsilon
    L          = scalar > 0, exogenous aggregate labor
    r_params   = length 3 tuple, (A, alpha, delta)
    r_ss       = scalar > 0, steady-state interest rate
    w_params   = length 2 tuple, (A, alpha)
    w_ss       = scalar > 0, steady-state wage
    c_args     = length 3 tuple, (nvec, r_ss, w_ss)
    c_ss       = (S,) vector, steady-state individual consumption c_s
    Y_params   = length 2 tuple, (A, alpha)
    Y_ss       = scalar > 0, steady-state aggregate output (GDP)
    C_ss       = scalar > 0, steady-state aggregate consumption
    b_err_ss   = (S-1,) vector, Euler errors associated with b_ss
    RCerr_ss   = scalar, steady-state resource constraint error
    ss_time    = scalar > 0, time elapsed during SS computation
                 (in seconds)
    ss_output  = length 10 dict, steady-state objects {b_ss, c_ss, w_ss,
                 r_ss, K_ss, Y_ss, C_ss, b_err_ss, RCerr_ss, ss_time}


    RETURNS: ss_output
    start_time = time.clock()
    nvec, beta, sigma, A, alpha, delta, SS_tol, SS_EulDiff = args
    b_args = (nvec, beta, sigma, A, alpha, delta, SS_EulDiff)
    results_b = opt.root(SS_EulErrs, bss_guess, args=(b_args))
    b_ss = results_b.x
    K_ss, Kss_cstr = aggr.get_K(b_ss)
    L = aggr.get_L(nvec)
    r_params = (A, alpha, delta)
    r_ss = firms.get_r(K_ss, L, r_params)
    w_params = (A, alpha)
    w_ss = firms.get_w(K_ss, L, w_params)
    c_args = (nvec, r_ss, w_ss)
    c_ss = hh.get_cons(b_ss, 0.0, c_args)
    Y_params = (A, alpha)
    Y_ss = aggr.get_Y(K_ss, L, Y_params)
    C_ss = aggr.get_C(c_ss)
    b_err_ss = results_b.fun
    RCerr_ss = Y_ss - C_ss - delta * K_ss

    ss_time = time.clock() - start_time

    ss_output = {
        'b_ss': b_ss,
        'c_ss': c_ss,
        'w_ss': w_ss,
        'r_ss': r_ss,
        'K_ss': K_ss,
        'Y_ss': Y_ss,
        'C_ss': C_ss,
        'b_err_ss': b_err_ss,
        'RCerr_ss': RCerr_ss,
        'ss_time': ss_time
    print('b_ss is: ', b_ss)
    print('K_ss=', K_ss, ', r_ss=', r_ss, ', w_ss=', w_ss)
    print('Max. abs. savings Euler error is: ', np.absolute(b_err_ss).max())
    print('Max. abs. resource constraint error is: ',

    # Print SS computation time
    utils.print_time(ss_time, 'SS')

    if graphs:
        get_ss_graphs(c_ss, b_ss)

    return ss_output
예제 #54
    return c

def g(x):
    c=((2*np.cosh(x))**(d-1)+(2*np.sinh(x))**(d-1))/ ((2*np.cosh(x))**d+(2*np.sinh(x))**d)-b
    c= float(c)
    return c
for t in range(EMrepeat):
    GibbsSampling(100, h_est, J_est,inference,dameged)#SSE
    for i in range(thermAv):
    p = np.array(p, dtype=np.float)
예제 #55
 def guess_create(equations, guess, c_list, K_list):
     root_func = lambda X0: equations(X0, c_list, K_list)
     solution = root(root_func, guess, method='lm', tol=1e-10)
     return solution.x
     "# N, mean_cd1_mast,mean_cd1,mean_ml,std_cd1mast/sqrtM,std_cd1/sqrtM,std_ml/sqrtM \n"
 for N in N_list:
     cd1_mast_list = np.zeros(M)
     cd1_list = np.zeros(M)
     ml_list = np.zeros(M)
     for m in range(M):
         set_data = mean_x(h0, N)
         m_model, m_data = 100, np.mean(set_data[1])
         if (abs(m_data) != N):
             args_cd1_master = (set_data[1])
             args_cd1 = (m_data, set_data[1])
             args_ml = (m_data)
             sol_cd1_mast = optimize.root(eq_cd1_master,
             sol_cd1 = optimize.root(eq_cd1, h_init, args=args_cd1).x[0]
             sol_ml = optimize.root(eq_ml, h_init, args=args_ml).x[0]
             cd1_mast_list[m], cd1_list[m], ml_list[
                 m] = sol_cd1_mast, sol_cd1, sol_ml
     m_cd1_mas = abs(np.mean(cd1_mast_list)) - h0
     m_cd1 = abs(np.mean(cd1_list)) - h0
     m_ml = abs(np.mean(ml_list)) - h0
     sqtM = np.sqrt(M)
     std_cd1_mas = np.std(cd1_mast_list) / sqtM
     std_cd1 = np.std(cd1_list) / sqtM
     std_ml = np.std(ml_list) / sqtM
         str(N) + "  " + str(m_cd1_mas) + "  " + str(std_cd1_mas) +
         "  " + str(m_cd1) + "  " + str(std_cd1) + "  " + str(m_ml) +
예제 #57
                    (cs - k)**2 + k_arr[i + 1]**2)
                res.append(np.abs(wl - wk) * sigmaf)

                epsfl = epsf0l[i] + depsfl * cs - 2. * depsfl * l
                epsfk = epsf0k[i] + depsfk * cs - 2. * depsfk * k
                res.append((np.abs(epsfl) + np.abs(epsfk)) / 2. * Ef - sigmaf)
                wl = (epsfl - (cs - l) / 2. * depsfl) * 2. * (cs - l)
                wk = (epsfk - (cs - k) / 2. * depsfk) * 2. * (cs - k)
                res.append(np.abs(wl - wk) * sigmaf)
        return np.array(res)

result = root(residuum, np.ones(N) * 4., method='krylov')
print result.x
print residuum(result.x)

l1_arr = np.hstack((0.0, result.x[1:N / 2]))
l2_arr = np.hstack((result.x[0], cs - l1_arr[1:]))
예제 #58

#Ecuacion de minima velocidad de fluidización

#Calculo epsilon_mf

#Resolución de la ecuación para hallar la velocidad minima de fluidizacion
def  f_u_mf(x_u_mf, epsilon_mf, fi_s, d_p, rho_g, mi_g):
    """ Resolución de la ecuación para hallar la velocidad minima de fluidizacion """
    return (1.75/(epsilon_mf**3*fi_s))*(((d_p*x_u_mf*rho_g)/mi_g)**2)+((150*(1-epsilon_mf))/(epsilon_mf**3*fi_s**2))*((d_p*x_u_mf*rho_g)/mi_g)-((d_p**3*rho_g*(rho_s-rho_g)*g)/mi_g**2)
u_mf=optimize.root(f_u_mf, 1, args=(epsilon_mf, fi_s, d_p, rho_g, mi_g))
print ('u_mf (m/s) =',u_mf)




# Ecuación de velocidad terminal
예제 #59
This file contains Python codes.

General nonlinear solvers
- with a solution

import scipy.optimize as optimize

y = lambda x: x**3 + 2.*x**2 - 5.
dy = lambda x: 3.*x**2 + 4.*x

print (optimize.fsolve(y, 5., fprime=dy))
print (optimize.root(y, 5.))
예제 #60
from scipy import optimize

# Global optimization
grid = (-10, 10, 0.1)
xmin_global = optimize.brute(f, (grid, ))
print("Global minima found %s" % xmin_global)

# Constrain optimization
xmin_local = optimize.fminbound(f, 0, 10)
print("Local minimum found %s" % xmin_local)

# Root finding

root = optimize.root(f, 1)  # our initial guess is 1
print("First root found %s" % root.x)
root2 = optimize.root(f, -2.5)
print("Second root found %s" % root2.x)

# Plot function, minima, and roots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# Plot the function
ax.plot(x, f(x), 'b-', label="f(x)")