예제 #1
 def test_secant_by_name(self):
     r"""Invoke secant through root_scalar()"""
     for f, f_1, f_2 in [(f1, f1_1, f1_2), (f2, f2_1, f2_2)]:
         r = root_scalar(f, method='secant', x0=3, x1=2, xtol=1e-6)
         assert_allclose(f(r.root), 0, atol=1e-6)
         r = root_scalar(f, method='secant', x0=3, x1=5, xtol=1e-6)
         assert_allclose(f(r.root), 0, atol=1e-6)
예제 #2
 def test_root_scalar_fail(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         root_scalar(f1, method='secant', x0=3, xtol=1e-6)  # no x1
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         root_scalar(f1, method='newton', x0=3, xtol=1e-6)  # no fprime
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         root_scalar(f1, method='halley', fprime=f1_1, x0=3, xtol=1e-6)  # no fprime2
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         root_scalar(f1, method='halley', fprime2=f1_2, x0=3, xtol=1e-6)  # no fprime
예제 #3
    def test_newton_combined(self):
        f1 = lambda x: x**2 - 2*x - 1
        f1_1 = lambda x: 2*x - 2
        f1_2 = lambda x: 2.0 + 0*x

        def f1_and_p_and_pp(x):
            return x**2 - 2*x-1, 2*x-2, 2.0

        sol0 = root_scalar(f1, method='newton', x0=3, fprime=f1_1)
        sol = root_scalar(f1_and_p_and_pp, method='newton', x0=3, fprime=True)
        assert_allclose(sol0.root, sol.root, atol=1e-8)
        assert_equal(2*sol.function_calls, sol0.function_calls)

        sol0 = root_scalar(f1, method='halley', x0=3, fprime=f1_1, fprime2=f1_2)
        sol = root_scalar(f1_and_p_and_pp, method='halley', x0=3, fprime2=True)
        assert_allclose(sol0.root, sol.root, atol=1e-8)
        assert_equal(3*sol.function_calls, sol0.function_calls)
예제 #4
 def _find_root_of_omega_minus(self, N):
     omega_minus = lambda r: self.omega_minus(r, N)
     min = self.gamma / self.c_dilute * 0.1
     max = 1 / self.k_dilute
     if (omega_minus(max) > 0):
     sol = root_scalar(omega_minus,
                       bracket=[min, max],
     return sol.root
예제 #5
    def get_limit_of_detection_nreads(self, tcr_freq, conf_level=0.95):
        opt_nreads = partial(self.pcmodel.predict_detection_probability,

        opt_res = optimize.root_scalar(
            lambda nreads: opt_nreads(num_reads=nreads) - conf_level,

        return int(np.around(opt_res.root))
예제 #6
    def time_when_equal_to(self, x: float) -> float:
        def f(t):
            return self(t) - x

        if not self.final_value < x < self.initial_value:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Can't solve for Pnot = {x}. It is out the calculated range: {self.initial_value}, {self.final_value}"

        result = root_scalar(f, bracket=[self.min_time, self.max_time])
        return result.root
예제 #7
def modelToPercentileDecay(model, percentile=0.5, coarse=False):
    """When will memory decay to a given percentile? 🏀
  Given a memory `model` of the kind consumed by `predictRecall`,
  etc., and optionally a `percentile` (defaults to 0.5, the
  half-life), find the time it takes for memory to decay to
  `percentile`. If `coarse`, the returned time (in the same units as
  `model`) is approximate.
    # Use a root-finding routine in log-delta space to find the delta that
    # will cause the GB1 distribution to have a mean of the requested quantile.
    # Because we are using well-behaved normalized deltas instead of times, and
    # owing to the monotonicity of the expectation with respect to delta, we can
    # quickly scan for a rough estimate of the scale of delta, then do a finishing
    # optimization to get the right value.

    assert (percentile > 0 and percentile < 1)
    from scipy.special import betaln
    from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
    alpha, beta, t0 = model
    logBab = betaln(alpha, beta)
    logPercentile = np.log(percentile)

    def f(lndelta):
        logMean = betaln(alpha + np.exp(lndelta), beta) - logBab
        return logMean - logPercentile

    # Scan for a bracket.
    bracket_width = 1.0 if coarse else 6.0
    blow = -bracket_width / 2.0
    bhigh = bracket_width / 2.0
    flow = f(blow)
    fhigh = f(bhigh)
    while flow > 0 and fhigh > 0:
        # Move the bracket up.
        blow = bhigh
        flow = fhigh
        bhigh += bracket_width
        fhigh = f(bhigh)
    while flow < 0 and fhigh < 0:
        # Move the bracket down.
        bhigh = blow
        fhigh = flow
        blow -= bracket_width
        flow = f(blow)

    assert flow > 0 and fhigh < 0

    if coarse:
        return (np.exp(blow) + np.exp(bhigh)) / 2 * t0

    sol = root_scalar(f, bracket=[blow, bhigh])
    t1 = np.exp(sol.root) * t0
    return t1
예제 #8
def ks_ss(lb=0.98,
    """Solve steady state of full GE model. Calibrate beta to hit target for interest rate."""
    # set up grid
    a_grid = mathutils.agrid(amax=amax, n=nA)
    L = pUE / (pUE + pEU)  # labor endowment normalized to 1
    e_grid = np.array([b, 1 - (1 - L) / L * b])
    Pi = np.array([[1 - pUE, pUE], [pEU, 1 - pEU]])

    # solve for aggregates analitically
    rk = r + delta
    Z = (rk / alpha)**alpha / L**(1 - alpha)  # normalize so that Y=1
    K = (alpha * Z / rk)**(1 / (1 - alpha)) * L
    Y = Z * K**alpha * L**(1 - alpha)
    w = (1 - alpha) * Z * (alpha * Z / rk)**(alpha / (1 - alpha))

    # solve for beta consistent with this
    beta_min = lb / (1 + r)
    beta_max = ub / (1 + r)
    sol = opt.root_scalar(
        lambda bet: household_ss(Pi, a_grid, e_grid, r, w, bet, eis)['A'] - K,
        bracket=[beta_min, beta_max],
    if sol.converged:
        beta = sol.root
        raise ValueError('Steady-state solver did not converge.')

    # extra evaluation to report variables
    ss = household_ss(Pi, a_grid, e_grid, r, w, beta, eis)
    mpc = mathutils.mpcs(ss['c'], ss['a_grid'], ss['r'])
        'mpc': mpc,
        'MPC': np.vdot(ss['D'], mpc),
        'w': w,
        'Z': Z,
        'K': K,
        'L': L,
        'Y': Y,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'delta': delta,
        'goods_mkt': Y - ss['C'] - delta * K

    return ss
예제 #9
 def k2(self,k0,k1):
     # Find the k2 that is consistent with the Euler equation
     sol = optimize.root_scalar(lambda x: self.eulerError(k0,k1,x),
                                x0=k0, x1=self.kss)
     # Return exception if no compatible capital is found
     if sol.flag != "converged":
         raise Exception('Could not find capital value satisfying Euler equation')
예제 #10
def determine_EFs_circ1dNP(p, Vds, Ids_cutoff):
    function to find E_F at source in circular 1d NW
    e0 = optimize.root_scalar(
        func_det_EFs_circ1dNP, args=(p, Vds, Ids_cutoff), x0=0.0, x1=0.15)
        return e0.root
        print("EFs convergence error !")
        return 0
예제 #11
 def qscalar(val):
     if val <= p_bnd[0]:
         return self.bracket[0]
     if val >= p_bnd[1]:
         return self.bracket[1]
     sol = root_scalar(
         lambda x: val - self.p(x),
     return sol.root
예제 #12
def density_match_exact(kperp,tev):
    from scipy import optimize

    def test(wp):

        return tpd_match_func(wp,kperp,tev)

    # DEBUG
    # print(test2)
    # DEBUG
    return test2.root*test2.root
예제 #13
def E0_2d_root(Vds, Vgs, EFs, p, left=-0.5, right=0.5):
    Get top of the barrier in 2D ballitic FET (Python implementation)
    Parabolic band
    e0 = optimize.root_scalar(func_for_findroot_E0_2d, args=(Vds,Vgs, EFs, p), x0=left, x1=right)
        return e0.root
        print("EFs convergence error !")
        return 0
예제 #14
def ann_plateau_radius(r_tr, lum, gamma, rho_max=rho_max):
    """Solves for the annihilation plateau radius.

    r_tr : float
        Truncation radius, kpc.
    lum : float
        Clump luminosity, Hz.
    gamma : float
    rho_max : float
        Maximum DM density, which defines the annihilation plateau, GeV/cm^3.

    Annihilation plateau radius, kpc.
    def f(r_p):  # rescaled luminosity
        if gamma != 1.5:
            return (3 * r_tr**3 * (r_p / r_tr)**(2. * gamma) -
                    2 * gamma * r_p**3 + 3 * (2. * gamma - 3) * mx**2 * lum /
                    (2 * np.pi * sv * rho_max**2) / kpc_to_cm**3)
            return r_p**3 * (1. +
                             3. * np.log(r_tr / r_p)) - 3. * mx**2 * lum / (
                                 2 * np.pi * sv * rho_max**2) / kpc_to_cm**3

    def fprime(r_p):
        if gamma != 1.5:
            return 6 * gamma * r_p * (r_tr *
                                      (r_p / r_tr)**(2. * gamma - 1.) - r_p)
            return 9. * r_p**2 * np.log(r_tr / r_p)

    sol = root_scalar(f,
                      x0=1e-7 * r_tr,
    root = np.real(sol.root)
    if root < 0:
        return np.nan
        # raise ValueError("r_p is negative.")
    elif root > r_tr:
        return np.nan
        # raise ValueError("r_p is larger than the truncation radius.")
    elif np.imag(sol.root) / root > 1e-5:
        return np.nan
        # raise ValueError("r_p is imaginary")
        return root
예제 #15
def find_scale(first_layer_width, number_of_layers, max_depth):
    if first_layer_width * number_of_layers >= max_depth:
        raise ValueError("Max depth must be greater then the number of layers times "
                         "the first layer width.")
        solver = root_scalar(lambda x: max_depth - first_layer_width * np.sum(np.exp(x * np.arange(number_of_layers))),
                             bracket=(0.0, 1.0))

        if solver.converged:
            return solver.root
            raise RuntimeError
예제 #16
    def ppf(self, p):

        if self.n_modes == 1:
            return self._ppf(p)

        if isinstance(p, (np.ndarray)) or (isinstance(p, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in p)):
            return np.array([self.ppf(pi) for pi in p])

        ppf = self._ppf(p)
        low = np.min(ppf)
        high = np.max(ppf)
        return root_scalar(lambda x: self.cdf(x) - p, method='brentq', bracket=[low, high], maxiter=10).root
예제 #17
def bubble_point(x, K, p, T_guess):

    :param x: mole fractions in liquid
    :param p: total pressure
    :param K: functions calculating K for each component
    :param T_guess: guess temperature
    :return: Temperature at which the liquid mixture begins to boil.
    from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
    sol = root_scalar(residual, args=(x, K, p), x0=T_guess-10, x1=T_guess+10)
    return sol.root
예제 #18
def update_mu(Delta, Sigma, occupancy_goal, T, old_mu):
    sol = optimize.root_scalar(
        lambda x: calc_occupancy(Delta, Sigma, x, T) - occupancy_goal,
        x0=old_mu - 0.05,
        x1=old_mu + 0.05)
    if not sol.converged:
        if verbose():
                "root_scalar() failed to converged. Keeping the old value of mu."
        return old_mu
    return sol.root
def execute(paths):
    """Finds threshold level and writes it to threshold file if no threshold
    level was provided by the user"""
    if is_threshold_provided(paths):

    map_data = deepcopy(mrcfile.open(paths['cleaned_map'], mode='r').data).ravel()
    num_non_zero_values = count_values(map_data, 0)

    # Find threshold value such that the surface area to volume ratio is 0.9
    threshold1 = root_scalar(lambda t: 0.9163020188305991 - sav(t, paths),
                             bracket=[0, 10]).root
    # Finding threshold value such that the ratio of number of values larger
    # than the threshold to number of non-zero values is 0.4
    threshold2 = root_scalar(lambda t: 0.4640027954434909 - (count_values(map_data, t) / num_non_zero_values),
                             bracket=[0, 10]).root

    threshold = (threshold1 + threshold2) / 2

    with open(paths['threshold'], 'w') as f:
예제 #20
 def _G_inv(self, arg, n_eff):
     # Numerical calculation of the inverse of `_G`.
     roots = []
     for val, neff in zip(arg, n_eff):
         func = lambda x: self._G(x, neff) - val  # noqa: _G_inv Traceback
             rt = brentq(func, a=0.05, b=200)
         except ValueError:
             # No root in [0.05, 200] (rare, but it may happen).
             rt = root_scalar(func, x0=1, x1=2).root.item()
     return np.asarray(roots)
예제 #21
    def inversion_cdf(cdf, size):
        sample = []
        roots = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size)
        for u in roots:

            def shifted(x):
                return cdf(x) - u

                root_scalar(shifted, method='bisect', x0=0.5,
                            bracket=[0, 1]).root)
        return np.array(sample)
예제 #22
def shoot(phi, xspan, lval, lder, rval, rder, init):

	Use the shooting method to solve a two-point boundary value problem. The ODE is
	u'' = `phi`(x,u,u') for x in `xspan`. Specify a function value or derivative at
	the left endpoint using `lval` and `lder`, respectively, and similarly for the
	right endpoint  using `rval` and `rder`. (Use an empty array to denote an
	unknown quantity.) The value `init` is an initial guess for whichever value is
	missing at the left endpoint.

	Return vectors for the nodes, the values of u, and the values of u'.

    # Tolerances for IVP solver and rootfinder.
    ivp_opt = 1e-6
    optim_opt = 1e-5

    # Evaluate the difference between computed and target values at x=b.
    def objective(s):
        nonlocal x, v  # change these values in outer scope
        # Combine s with the known left endpoint value.
        if len(lder) == 0:
            v_init = [lval[0], s]
            v_init = [s, lder[0]]

        # ODE posed as a first-order equation in 2 variables.
        def shootivp(x, v):
            return array([v[1], phi(x, v[0], v[1])])

        x = linspace(xspan[0], xspan[1], 400)  # make decent plots on return
        sol = solve_ivp(shootivp, xspan, v_init, t_eval=x)
        x = sol.t
        v = sol.y

        if len(rder) == 0:
            return v[0, -1] - rval[0]
            return v[1, -1] - rder[0]

    # Find the unknown quantity at x=a by rootfinding.
    x = []
    v = []
    # the values will be overwritten
    s = root_scalar(objective, x0=init, x1=init + 0.05, xtol=optim_opt).root

    # Don't need to solve the IVP again. It was done within the
    # objective function already.
    u = v[0]  # solution
    dudx = v[1]  # derivative

    return x, u, dudx
예제 #23
def find_critical_angle(func, x0, mini, maxi, args, typ='alpha'):
    Wrapper for the critical-angle-finding-algorithm.
    :param func: function; function of which to calculate the critical angle from.
    :param x0: float; comparison value
    :param mini: float; lower bound of the angle
    :param maxi: float; upper bound of the angle
    :param args: iterable; list of additional arguments for the function func
    :param typ: ['alpha', 'beta']; handles if the critical angle should be phi-like or theta-like.
    :return: float; the critical angle / root of the func
    guess = mini + (maxi - mini) / 2

    if typ == 'alpha':
        angle = opt.root_scalar(root, args=(func, args, x0, True), bracket=(mini, maxi), x0=guess)
    elif typ == 'beta':
        angle = opt.root_scalar(root, args=(func, args, x0, False), bracket=(mini, maxi), x0=guess)
        raise NotImplementedError('False typ specification.')

    return angle.root
예제 #24
    def test_newton_combined(self):
        f1 = lambda x: x**2 - 2 * x - 1
        f1_1 = lambda x: 2 * x - 2
        f1_2 = lambda x: 2.0 + 0 * x

        def f1_and_p_and_pp(x):
            return x**2 - 2 * x - 1, 2 * x - 2, 2.0

        sol0 = root_scalar(f1, method='newton', x0=3, fprime=f1_1)
        sol = root_scalar(f1_and_p_and_pp, method='newton', x0=3, fprime=True)
        assert_allclose(sol0.root, sol.root, atol=1e-8)
        assert_equal(2 * sol.function_calls, sol0.function_calls)

        sol0 = root_scalar(f1,
        sol = root_scalar(f1_and_p_and_pp, method='halley', x0=3, fprime2=True)
        assert_allclose(sol0.root, sol.root, atol=1e-8)
        assert_equal(3 * sol.function_calls, sol0.function_calls)
예제 #25
def simulation_CCC_charts(r):
    p = 0.008
    p_tilde = 0.008
    changepoint = -1

    median = -1.0 / 2.0
    while stats.nbinom.cdf(median, r, p) - 1 / 2 < 0:
        median += 1

    mu = r / p
    sd = np.sqrt((1 - p) * r) / p


    def sampling_distr(x, p_):
        return np.random.negative_binomial(r, p_, x)

    LCL = max(0, mu - 3 * sd)
    sim = SimulationHandler(lambda x: sampling_distr(x, p), [
        lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_above_CL(x, 9, median),
        lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_below_CL(x, 9, median),
        lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_increasing(x, 6),
        lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_decreasing(x, 6),
        lambda x: RunsRules.lower_CL_rule(x, LCL)

    def simulate(_LCL):
        out = []
        for _ in range(1000):
                    lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_above_CL(x, 9, median),
                    lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_below_CL(x, 9, median),
                    lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_increasing(x, 6),
                    lambda x: RunsRules.n_points_decreasing(x, 6),
                    lambda x: RunsRules.lower_CL_rule(x, _LCL)
                ], changepoint, lambda x: sampling_distr(x, p_tilde)))
        return np.mean(np.array(out))

    output = []
    for _ in range(100):
            optimize.root_scalar(lambda k: simulate(mu - k * sd) - 80000,
                                 bracket=[0, 3],

    print(f"{simulate(mu)} : {simulate(mu - 3 * sd)}")
    print(simulate(np.mean(mu - np.mean(output) * sd)))
예제 #26
def intersect_curve_plane_equation(curve,
    Find intersections of curve and a plane, by directly solving an equation.
        * curve : SvCurve
        * plane : sverchok.utils.geom.PlaneEquation
        * init_samples: number of samples to subdivide the curve to; this defines the maximum possible number
            of solutions the method will return (the solution is searched at each segment).
        * tolerance: target tolerance
        * maxiter: maximum number of iterations
        list of 2-tuples:
            * curve T value
            * point at the curve

    dependencies: scipy
    u_min, u_max = curve.get_u_bounds()
    u_range = np.linspace(u_min, u_max, num=init_samples)
    init_points = curve.evaluate_array(u_range)
    init_signs = plane.side_of_points(init_points)
    good_ranges = []
    for u1, u2, sign1, sign2 in zip(u_range, u_range[1:], init_signs,
        if sign1 * sign2 < 0:
            good_ranges.append((u1, u2))
    if not good_ranges:
        return []

    plane_normal = np.array(plane.normal)
    plane_d = plane.d

    def goal(t):
        point = curve.evaluate(t)
        value = (plane_normal * point).sum() + plane_d
        return value

    solutions = []
    for u1, u2 in good_ranges:
        sol = root_scalar(goal,
                          bracket=(u1, u2),
        u = sol.root
        point = curve.evaluate(u)
        solutions.append((u, point))

    return solutions
예제 #27
    def optimal_liquidation_level_stop_loss(self):
        Calculates the optimal liquidation portfolio level considering the stop-loss level. (p.31)

        :return: (float) Optimal liquidation portfolio level considering the stop-loss.

        # Checking if the sl level was allocated
        if self.L is None:
            raise Exception(
                "To use this function stop-loss level must be allocated.")

        # If the liquidation level wasn't calculated before, set it
        if self.liquidation_level[1] is None:

            # Calculating three sub-parts of the equation
            a_var = lambda price: ((self.L - self.c[0])
                                   * self._G(price, self.r[0])
                                   - (price - self.c[0])
                                   * self._G(self.L, self.r[0])) \
                                  * self._F_derivative(price, self.r[0])

            b_var = lambda price: ((price - self.c[0])
                                   * self._F(self.L, self.r[0])
                                   - (self.L - self.c[0])
                                   * self._F(price, self.r[0])) \
                                  * self._G_derivative(price, self.r[0])

            c_var = lambda price: (self._G(price, self.r[0]) * self._F(
                self.L, self.r[0]) - self._G(self.L, self.r[0]) * self._F(
                    price, self.r[0]))

            # Final equation
            equation = lambda price: a_var(price) + b_var(price) - c_var(price)

            bracket = [
                self.theta - 6 * np.sqrt(self.sigma_square),
                self.theta + 6 * np.sqrt(self.sigma_square)

            sol = root_scalar(equation, bracket=bracket)

            # The root is the optimal liquidation level considering the stop-loss level
            output = sol.root

            self.liquidation_level[1] = output


            output = self.liquidation_level[1]

        return output
예제 #28
파일: liu.py 프로젝트: kaylai/VESIcal
    def calculate_saturation_pressure(self,
        Calculates the pressure at which a an CO2-bearing fluid is saturated. Calls the
        scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the
        calculate_dissolved_volatiles method.

        sample:        Sample class
            Magma major element composition.

        temperature float
            Temperature in degrees C.

        X_fluid float
            OPTIONAL. Default is 0. Mole fraction of CO2 in the H2O-CO2 fluid.

            Calculated saturation pressure in bars.

        temperatureK = temperature + 273.15
        if temperatureK <= 0.0:
            raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.")
        if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1:
            raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.")
        if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False:
            raise core.InputError(
                "Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.")
        if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False:
            raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2.")
        if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0.0:
            raise core.InputError(
                "Dissolved CO2 concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.")

            satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure,
                               args=(temperature, sample, X_fluid, kwargs),
        except Exception:
            w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.",
            satP = np.nan
        return np.real(satP)
예제 #29
def haines(a0, ux0, uy0, uz0, t0, tf, z0):
    # Parameters
    # Ex = E0 sin(wt - kz)
    # a0 = laser amplitude
    # g0 = initially gamma of the particle
    # u[xyz]0 = normalized initial momenta (i.e., proper velocities, gamma*v)
    # t0 = initial time when the EM-wave hits the particle (can be thought of as phase of laser)
    # z0 = initial position of the particle
    g0 = np.sqrt(1. + np.square(ux0) + np.square(uy0) + np.square(uz0))
    bx0 = ux0 / g0
    by0 = uy0 / g0
    bz0 = uz0 / g0

    phi0 = t0 - z0

    # Solve for the final value of s for the desired final value of time
    def t_haines(s):
        return (
            1. / (2 * g0 * (1 - bz0)) *
            (0.5 * np.square(a0) * s + np.square(a0) / (4 * g0 * (1 - bz0)) *
             (np.sin(2 * g0 *
                     (1 - bz0) * s + 2 * phi0) - np.sin(2 * phi0)) + 2 * a0 *
             (g0 * bx0 - a0 * np.cos(phi0)) / (g0 * (1 - bz0)) *
             (np.sin(g0 * (1 - bz0) * s + phi0) - np.sin(phi0)) +
             np.square(g0 * bx0 - a0 * np.cos(phi0)) * s + s +
             np.square(g0 * by0) * s) - 0.5 * g0 * (1 - bz0) * s + g0 *
            (1 - bz0) * s - tf)

    sf = optimize.root_scalar(t_haines, x0=0, x1=tf).root

    s = np.linspace(0, sf, 1000)
    x = a0 / (g0 * (1 - bz0)) * (np.sin(g0 *
                                        (1 - bz0) * s + phi0) - np.sin(phi0)
                                 ) - a0 * s * np.cos(phi0) + g0 * bx0 * s
    z = 1. / (2 * g0 * (1 - bz0)) * (
        0.5 * np.square(a0) * s + np.square(a0) / (4 * g0 * (1 - bz0)) *
        (np.sin(2 * g0 *
                (1 - bz0) * s + 2 * phi0) - np.sin(2 * phi0)) + 2 * a0 *
        (g0 * bx0 - a0 * np.cos(phi0)) / (g0 * (1 - bz0)) *
        (np.sin(g0 * (1 - bz0) * s + phi0) - np.sin(phi0)) +
        np.square(g0 * bx0 - a0 * np.cos(phi0)) * s + s +
        np.square(g0 * by0) * s) - 0.5 * g0 * (1 - bz0) * s
    t = z + g0 * (1 - bz0) * s

    px = a0 * (np.cos(g0 * (1 - bz0) * s + phi0) - np.cos(phi0)) + g0 * bx0
    pz = 1. / (2 * g0 * (1 - bz0)) * (
        np.square(-a0 *
                  (np.cos(g0 *
                          (1 - bz0) * s + phi0) - np.cos(phi0)) - g0 * bx0) +
        1 + np.square(g0 * by0)) - 0.5 * g0 * (1 - bz0)
    g = np.sqrt(1 + np.square(px) + np.square(pz))
    return [t, x, z, px, pz, g]
예제 #30
def find_beta_deltaE(meanE_over_deltaE):
    # x = np.linspace(-100,100,10000)
    # plt.plot(x, np.vectorize(fn_for_beta)(x, meanE_over_deltaE))
    # plt.show()
    if meanE_over_deltaE == 0:
        x0 = 1e-6
        x1 = -1e-6
        x0 = 2*meanE_over_deltaE
        x1 = meanE_over_deltaE
    sol = optimize.root_scalar(fn_for_beta, args=(meanE_over_deltaE), x0 = x0, x1 = x1)
    # print(sol)
    return sol.root
예제 #31
    def UTransform(self, a, b, eta, u, G_inv, lam):

        g = np.zeros(len(u))

        nu = lambda x: x - lam * a * (a / (1 - eta) * x + b)**(eta - 1)

        for i in range(len(u)):
            g[i] = optimize.root_scalar(
                lambda x: nu(x) - G_inv[i],
                bracket=[-b * (1 - eta) / a + 1e-5, 100]).root

        return g
def get_ray_1guess(minfn, odefn, rmax, z0, zm, dr, boundguess):
    lb, rb = get_bounds_1guess(boundguess, odefn, rmax, z0, zm, dr)
    if (lb == None and rb == None):
        return None, None
        minsol = root_scalar(
            minfn, args=(odefn, hit_bot, rmax, z0, zm, dr), bracket=[
                lb, rb
            ])  #, options={'xtol':1e-12, 'rtol':1e-12, 'maxiter':int(1e4)})

    print(minsol.converged, minsol.flag)
    odesol = shoot_ray(odefn, hit_top, 0, rmax, minsol.root, z0, dr)
    return odesol, rb
def calculate_decay_rate_trunc(average_x_truncated, configuration_space, fv,
    root_result = root_scalar(V, bracket=[fv, tv])
    b = root_result.root
    truncated_ensemble_idx = range(len(average_x_truncated))
    count = 0
    for idx in truncated_ensemble_idx:
        for lattice_point in configuration_space[idx]:
            if lattice_point < b:
                count += 1
    decay_rate = count / len(truncated_ensemble_idx)
예제 #34
 def run_check_by_name(self, name, smoothness=0, **kwargs):
     a = .5
     b = sqrt(3)
     xtol = 4*np.finfo(float).eps
     rtol = 4*np.finfo(float).eps
     for function, fname in zip(tstutils_functions, tstutils_fstrings):
         if smoothness > 0 and fname in ['f4', 'f5', 'f6']:
         r = root_scalar(function, method=name, bracket=[a, b], x0=a,
                         xtol=xtol, rtol=rtol, **kwargs)
         zero = r.root
         assert_allclose(zero, 1.0, atol=xtol, rtol=rtol,
                         err_msg='method %s, function %s' % (name, fname))
예제 #35
 def test_halley_by_name(self):
     r"""Invoke halley through root_scalar()"""
     for f, f_1, f_2 in [(f1, f1_1, f1_2), (f2, f2_1, f2_2)]:
         r = root_scalar(f, method='halley', x0=3,
                         fprime=f_1, fprime2=f_2, xtol=1e-6)
         assert_allclose(f(r.root), 0, atol=1e-6)