def conv2d(self, img, kern, mode="valid"): """ Basic slow python implementatation for DebugMode """ if not imported_scipy_signal: raise NotImplementedError( "AbstractConv perform requires the python package" " for scipy.signal to be installed.") if not (mode in ('valid', 'full')): raise ValueError( 'invalid mode {}, which must be either ' '"valid" or "full"'.format(mode)) out_shape = get_conv_output_shape(img.shape, kern.shape, mode, [1, 1]) out = numpy.zeros(out_shape, dtype=img.dtype) val = _valfrommode(mode) bval = _bvalfromboundary('fill') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', numpy.ComplexWarning) for b in xrange(img.shape[0]): for n in xrange(kern.shape[0]): for im0 in xrange(img.shape[1]): # some cast generates a warning here out[b, n, ...] += _convolve2d(img[b, im0, ...], kern[n, im0, ...], 1, val, bval, 0) return out
def _conv2d(img, kern, mode="valid", dilation=(1, 1), groups=1): """Basic slow Python 2D or 3D convolution for DebugMode Copied and simplified from Theano (2020/11/08): """ convdim = 2 assert mode in ("valid", "full") out_shape = _get_conv_output_shape(img.shape, kern.shape, mode, [1] * convdim, dilation) dil_kern_shp = kern.shape[:-convdim] + tuple( (kern.shape[-convdim + i] - 1) * dilation[i] + 1 for i in range(convdim)) dilated_kern = np.zeros(dil_kern_shp, dtype=kern.dtype) dilated_kern[(slice(None), ) * (dilated_kern.ndim - convdim) + tuple(slice(None, None, dilation[i]) for i in range(convdim))] = kern out = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=img.dtype) input_channel_offset = img.shape[1] // groups output_channel_offset = kern.shape[0] // groups val = _valfrommode(mode) bval = _bvalfromboundary("fill") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", np.ComplexWarning) for b in range(img.shape[0]): for g in range(groups): for n in range(output_channel_offset): for im0 in range(input_channel_offset): # some cast generates a warning here out[b, g * output_channel_offset + n, ...] += _convolve2d( img[b, g * input_channel_offset + im0, ...], dilated_kern[g * output_channel_offset + n, im0, ...], 1, val, bval, 0, ) return out
def exec_multilayer_conv_nnet_old(conv_mode, ss, bsize, imshp, kshps, nkerns, unroll_batch=0, unroll_kern=0, img=T.dmatrix(), validate=True, conv_op_py=False, do_print=True, repeat=1, unroll_patch=False, unroll_patch_size=False, verbose=0): # build actual input images imgval = global_rng.rand(bsize, imshp[0], imshp[1], imshp[2]) a = T.dmatrix() kerns = [a for i in nkerns] inputs4 = dmatrix4() kerns4 = dmatrix4() # for each layer ntot = 0 tctot = 0 tpytot = 0 for kshp, kern, nkern, n_layer in zip(kshps, kerns, nkerns, range(len(nkerns))): if do_print: print '************* layer %i ***************' % n_layer print conv_mode, ss, n_layer, kshp, nkern # actual values w = global_rng.random_sample(N.r_[nkern, imshp[0], kshp]) w_flip = flip(w, kshp).reshape(w.shape) ## manual implementation # check first stage padimg = imgval if conv_mode == 'full': padimg_shp = N.array( imshp[1:]) + 2 * (N.array(kshp) - N.array([1, 1])) padimg = N.zeros(N.r_[bsize, imshp[0], padimg_shp]) padimg[:, :, kshp[0] - 1:-kshp[0] + 1, kshp[1] - 1:-kshp[1] + 1] = imgval outshp = N.hstack( (nkern, ConvOp.getOutputShape(imshp[1:], kshp, ss, conv_mode))) time1 = time.time() outval = N.zeros(N.r_[bsize, outshp]) if validate: # causes an atexit problem from scipy.signal.sigtools import _convolve2d from scipy.signal.signaltools import _valfrommode, _bvalfromboundary val = _valfrommode(conv_mode) bval = _bvalfromboundary('fill') for b in range(bsize): # loop over batches for n in range(nkern): # loop over filters for i in range(imshp[0]): # loop over input feature maps outval[b,n,...] += _convolve2d(\ imgval[b,i,...], w_flip[n,i,...],1,val, bval, 0)[0::ss[0],0::ss[1]] ntot += time.time() - time1 # ConvOp if unroll_patch and not unroll_patch_size: conv_op = ConvOp(dx=ss[0], dy=ss[1], output_mode=conv_mode, unroll_patch=unroll_patch, verbose=verbose)(inputs4, kerns4) else: conv_op = ConvOp(imshp, kshp, nkern, bsize, ss[0], ss[1], conv_mode, unroll_batch=unroll_batch, unroll_kern=unroll_kern, unroll_patch=unroll_patch, verbose=verbose)(inputs4, kerns4) l1shp = N.hstack( (nkern, ConvOp.getOutputShape(imshp[1:], kshp, ss, conv_mode))) propup2 = function([inputs4, kerns4], conv_op) propup3 = function([inputs4, kerns4], conv_op, mode=Mode(linker="py")) time1 = time.time() for i in range(repeat): hidval2_ = propup2(imgval, w_flip) hidval2 = hidval2_ #[:,:,0::ss[0],0::ss[1]] tctot += time.time() - time1 if conv_op_py: time1 = time.time() for i in range(repeat): hidval3_ = propup3(imgval, w_flip) hidval3 = hidval3_ #[:,:,0::ss[0],0::ss[1]] tpytot += time.time() - time1 assert (N.abs(hidval2 - hidval3) < 1e-5).all() else: tpytot += 0 if validate: temp = N.abs(outval - hidval2) assert (temp < 1e-5).all() if validate and conv_op_py: temp = N.abs(outval - hidval3) assert (temp < 1e-5).all() imshp = tuple(outshp) imgval = outval.reshape(bsize, outshp[0], outshp[1], outshp[2]) return tctot, tpytot, ntot
def exec_multilayer_conv_nnet_old( conv_mode, ss, bsize, imshp, kshps, nkerns, unroll_batch=0, unroll_kern=0, img=T.dmatrix(), validate=True, conv_op_py=False, do_print=True, repeat=1, unroll_patch=False, unroll_patch_size=False, verbose=0, ): # build actual input images imgval = global_rng.rand(bsize, imshp[0], imshp[1], imshp[2]) a = T.dmatrix() kerns = [a for i in nkerns] inputs4 = dmatrix4() kerns4 = dmatrix4() # for each layer ntot = 0 tctot = 0 tpytot = 0 for kshp, kern, nkern, n_layer in zip(kshps, kerns, nkerns, xrange(len(nkerns))): if do_print: print("************* layer %i ***************" % n_layer) print(conv_mode, ss, n_layer, kshp, nkern) # actual values w = global_rng.random_sample(N.r_[nkern, imshp[0], kshp]) w_flip = flip(w, kshp).reshape(w.shape) # manual implementation # check first stage padimg = imgval if conv_mode == "full": padimg_shp = N.array(imshp[1:]) + 2 * (N.array(kshp) - N.array([1, 1])) padimg = N.zeros(N.r_[bsize, imshp[0], padimg_shp]) padimg[:, :, kshp[0] - 1 : -kshp[0] + 1, kshp[1] - 1 : -kshp[1] + 1] = imgval outshp = N.hstack((nkern, ConvOp.getOutputShape(imshp[1:], kshp, ss, conv_mode))) time1 = time.time() outval = N.zeros(N.r_[bsize, outshp]) if validate: # causes an atexit problem from scipy.signal.sigtools import _convolve2d from scipy.signal.signaltools import _valfrommode, _bvalfromboundary val = _valfrommode(conv_mode) bval = _bvalfromboundary("fill") for b in xrange(bsize): # loop over batches for n in xrange(nkern): # loop over filters for i in xrange(imshp[0]): # loop over input feature maps outval[b, n, ...] += _convolve2d(imgval[b, i, ...], w_flip[n, i, ...], 1, val, bval, 0)[ 0 :: ss[0], 0 :: ss[1] ] ntot += time.time() - time1 # ConvOp if unroll_patch and not unroll_patch_size: conv_op = ConvOp(dx=ss[0], dy=ss[1], output_mode=conv_mode, unroll_patch=unroll_patch, verbose=verbose)( inputs4, kerns4 ) else: conv_op = ConvOp( imshp, kshp, nkern, bsize, ss[0], ss[1], conv_mode, unroll_batch=unroll_batch, unroll_kern=unroll_kern, unroll_patch=unroll_patch, verbose=verbose, )(inputs4, kerns4) # l1shp = N.hstack((nkern, # ConvOp.getOutputShape(imshp[1:], kshp, ss, conv_mode))) propup2 = function([inputs4, kerns4], conv_op) propup3 = function([inputs4, kerns4], conv_op, mode=Mode(linker="py")) time1 = time.time() for i in xrange(repeat): hidval2_ = propup2(imgval, w_flip) hidval2 = hidval2_ # [:,:,0::ss[0],0::ss[1]] tctot += time.time() - time1 if conv_op_py: time1 = time.time() for i in xrange(repeat): hidval3_ = propup3(imgval, w_flip) hidval3 = hidval3_ # [:,:,0::ss[0],0::ss[1]] tpytot += time.time() - time1 assert (N.abs(hidval2 - hidval3) < 1e-5).all() else: tpytot += 0 if validate: temp = N.abs(outval - hidval2) assert (temp < 1e-5).all() if validate and conv_op_py: temp = N.abs(outval - hidval3) assert (temp < 1e-5).all() imshp = tuple(outshp) imgval = outval.reshape(bsize, outshp[0], outshp[1], outshp[2]) return tctot, tpytot, ntot