def test_frequency(self): """Test if frequency location of peak corresponds to frequency of generated input signal. """ # Input parameters ampl = 2. w = 1. phi = 0.5 * np.pi nin = 100 nout = 1000 p = 0.7 # Fraction of points to select # Randomly select a fraction of an array with timesteps np.random.seed(2353425) r = np.random.rand(nin) t = np.linspace(0.01*np.pi, 10.*np.pi, nin)[r >= p] # Plot a sine wave for the selected times x = ampl * np.sin(w*t + phi) # Define the array of frequencies for which to compute the periodogram f = np.linspace(0.01, 10., nout) # Calculate Lomb-Scargle periodogram P = lombscargle(t, x, f) # Check if difference between found frequency maximum and input # frequency is less than accuracy delta = f[1] - f[0] assert_(w - f[np.argmax(P)] < (delta/2.))
def test_amplitude(self): """Test if height of peak in normalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram corresponds to amplitude of the generated input signal. """ # Input parameters ampl = 2. w = 1. phi = 0.5 * np.pi nin = 100 nout = 1000 p = 0.7 # Fraction of points to select # Randomly select a fraction of an array with timesteps np.random.seed(2353425) r = np.random.rand(nin) t = np.linspace(0.01*np.pi, 10.*np.pi, nin)[r >= p] # Plot a sine wave for the selected times x = ampl * np.sin(w*t + phi) # Define the array of frequencies for which to compute the periodogram f = np.linspace(0.01, 10., nout) # Calculate Lomb-Scargle periodogram pgram = lombscargle(t, x, f) # Normalize pgram = np.sqrt(4 * pgram / t.shape[0]) # Check if difference between found frequency maximum and input # frequency is less than accuracy assert_approx_equal(np.max(pgram), ampl, significant=2)
def lomb_search(dates,y,pmin,pmax,nfreq=1000,fap_threshold=1e-7,maxvars=100,plotfile='/dev/null'): nstars = y.shape[0] npoints = y.shape[1] logp = np.linspace(np.log10(pmin), np.log10(pmax), nfreq) freq = 2*np.pi/(10.0**logp) variables = [] periods = [] faps = [] nvars = 0 for star in range(nstars): if nvars < maxvars: qq = np.where(np.isfinite(y[star,:]))[0] if len(qq)>100: print star print dates[qq] print y[star,qq] lnp = spectral.lombscargle(dates[qq], (y[star,qq]-np.mean(y[star,qq]))/np.std(y[star,qq]), freq) lnpmax = np.max(lnp) p = 2*np.pi/freq[np.where(lnp == lnpmax)[0][0]] # fap = 1.0 - (1.0 - (1.0-2.0*lnpmax/npoints)**( (npoints-3)/2.0 ) )**nfreq fap = ((npoints-3)/2.0)*np.exp(-lnpmax) if fap < fap_threshold and not(np.abs(p-1.0) < 0.01) and not(np.abs(p-0.5) < 0.01) and not(np.abs(p-0.33333) < 0.01): print star,p,np.max(lnp),fap variables.append(star) periods.append(p) faps.append(fap) plt.figure() plt.subplot(3,1,1) plt.plot(dates[qq],y[star,qq],'b.') ymax = np.percentile(y[star,qq],99) ymin = np.percentile(y[star,qq],1) plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax=plt.gca() ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) lfap = np.log10(fap) plt.title(str(star)+' P = '+"%6.3f"%p+' d $log_{10}$ FAP = '+"%4.1f"%lfap) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Magnitude') plt.subplot(3,1,2) cycle = dates[qq]/p phase = cycle - np.floor(cycle) plt.plot(phase,y[star,qq],'b.',phase+1,y[star,qq],'b.') plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax=plt.gca() ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) plt.xlabel('PHASE') plt.ylabel('Magnitude') plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.plot(logp,lnp,'r-') plt.xlabel('$log_{10}$ Period (d)') plt.ylabel('LNP') plt.savefig('var%(star)05d.png'%vars(),orientation='portrait',papertype='a4') plt.close() nvars += 1 return variables, periods, faps
def render_frequency_prevalence(gf, period, templ): """ The frequency is in samples/year. """ ff = np.zeros((gf.d.shape[1], gf.d.shape[2]), dtype = np.float64) tm = np.arange(0, gf.d.shape[0] / 12.0, 1.0 / 12, dtype = np.float64) for i in range(gf.d.shape[1]): for j in range(gf.d.shape[2]): pg = lombscargle(tm, gf.d[:, i, j].astype(np.float64), np.array([2.0 * np.pi / period])) ff[i,j] = np.sqrt(pg[0] * 4.0 / tm.shape[0]) f = render_component_single(ff, gf.lats, gf.lons, None, None, '%gyr period' % period) f.savefig('figs/%s_%dyr_cycle_prevalence.pdf' % (templ, period))
def pgram(x, y, peak1): fs = np.linspace(5, 45, 10000) # c/d ws = 2*np.pi*fs # lombscargle uses angular frequencies pgram = lombscargle(x, y, ws) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.', capsize=0, ecolor='.8') plt.plot(x, y, 'k.') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.xlabel('$\mu~c/d$') plt.axvline(peak1, color='r') plt.plot(ws/(2*np.pi), pgram) raw_input('enter')
def render_frequency_prevalence(gf, period, templ): """ The frequency is in samples/year. """ ff = np.zeros((gf.d.shape[1], gf.d.shape[2]), dtype=np.float64) tm = np.arange(0, gf.d.shape[0] / 12.0, 1.0 / 12, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(gf.d.shape[1]): for j in range(gf.d.shape[2]): pg = lombscargle(tm, gf.d[:, i, j].astype(np.float64), np.array([2.0 * np.pi / period])) ff[i, j] = np.sqrt(pg[0] * 4.0 / tm.shape[0]) f = render_component_single(ff, gf.lats, gf.lons, None, None, '%gyr period' % period) f.savefig('figs/%s_%dyr_cycle_prevalence.pdf' % (templ, period))
def __init__(self, timeData, magnitudeData, freq_low, \ freq_high, freq_num): """Initializing the LombScargle Object""" self.freqs = np.linspace(freq_low, freq_high, freq_num) # Convert arrays to Numpy Arrays for lombscargle to understand timeArray = np.asarray(timeData) magnitudeArray = np.asarray(magnitudeData) # Calculating the periodogram and return it self.power = spectral.lombscargle(timeArray, magnitudeArray, \ self.freqs) self.periodogram = np.column_stack([self.freqs, self.power]) # The Frequency and LS-Power of the Maximum LS-Power self.maxLS = [self.freqs[self.power.argmax(axis=0)], \ np.amax(self.power)]
# if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored(np.sum(peaks_sci_diff)/len(peaks_sci_diff),"green")) # s0_smooth = spline(s1_data[peaks_sci_s1_idx], s1_t[peaks_sci_s1_idx], s1_t) # plt.plot(s1_t, s0_smooth, label = "spline (????????????????)" ) #################################################### # CONPUTE PERIOD OF A ROTATION #################################################### if (COMPUTE_ANGULAR_FREQUENCY_DEGREE_DRIFT): # SRC: from scipy.signal import spectral # generates 1000 frequencies between 0.01 and 1 freqs = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100) # computes the Lomb Scargle Periodogram of the time and scaled magnitudes using each frequency as a guess periodogram_s1 = spectral.lombscargle(s1_t, s1_data, freqs) periodogram_s2 = spectral.lombscargle(s2_t, s2_data, freqs) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(periodogram) # returns the inverse of the frequence (i.e. the period) of the largest periodogram value angular_freq_s1 = 1 / freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s1)] angular_freq_s2 = 1 / freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s2)] if (DEBUG > 10): print(args.s1_filename, "Angular frequency:", angular_freq_s1, "radians per second") if (DEBUG > 10): print(args.s2_filename, "Angular frequency:", angular_freq_s2, "radians per second") if (DEBUG > 10): print(args.s1_filename, "Period:", (2 * math.pi) / (1 / angular_freq_s1))
def process_data(s1, s2, truncate_start, truncate_end, smooth_cut_off_freq=None, smooth_cut_off_freq_w_s0=None, s1_name=None, s2_name=None, compute_periodogram=False): # global SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ # SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ = smooth_cut_off_freq ######################################################## ### ALIGN S1 AND S2 BEFORE XCORR ######################################################## # s1,s2 = align(s1,s2) s1, s2 = align(s1, s2) s1_t = s1[:, 0] s2_t = s2[:, 0] s1_data = s1[:, DATA_COL] s2_data = s2[:, DATA_COL] ############################################### ## TRUNCATE ############################################### if truncate_end != 0: TRUNCATE_END = truncate_end s1_t = s1_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_t = s2_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s1_data = s1_data[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_data = s2_data[:TRUNCATE_END] if truncate_start != 0: TRUNCATE_START = truncate_start s1_t = s1_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_t = s2_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s1_data = s1_data[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_data = s2_data[TRUNCATE_START:] # s1_data = smoothen_without_shift(s1_data) # s2_data = smoothen_without_shift(s2_data) # impulse_length = 5000 if (SMOOTH_WO_SHIFT): s1_data = smoothen_without_shift( s1_data, smooth_cut_off_freq_w_s0) #, impulse_length) s2_data = smoothen_without_shift( s2_data, smooth_cut_off_freq) #, impulse_length) if (NORMALIZE): # pass s1_data = normalize_regularize(s1_data) s2_data = normalize_regularize(s2_data) if (TRIM_START_END): s1_t = s1_t[TRIM_LENGTH:len(s1_t) - TRIM_LENGTH] s2_t = s2_t[TRIM_LENGTH:len(s2_t) - TRIM_LENGTH] s1_data = s1_data[TRIM_LENGTH:len(s1_data) - TRIM_LENGTH] s2_data = s2_data[TRIM_LENGTH:len(s2_data) - TRIM_LENGTH] # print(len(s1_data),len(s2_data)) if (DEBUG > 10): print("len " + s1_name, len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) if (DEBUG > 10): print("len " + s2_name, len(s2_t), len(s2_data)) # print(find_peaks(s1_data,height=1,width=1000)) # print(find_peaks(s2_data,height=1,width=1000)) if (not CORRELATION_CIRCULAR): # METHOD 1: CORRELATION # numpy default correlation, 'zero padding?' xcorr = correlate(s1_data, s2_data) # xcorr = fftconvolve(s1_data, s2_data) time_shift = (len(xcorr) / 2 - xcorr.argmax()) # print(len(xcorr)/2,xcorr.argmax(),time_shift) else: # METHOD 2: CORRELATION # periodic/circular correlation xcorr = periodic_corr_np(s2_data, s1_data) xcorr_max = xcorr.argmax() # time_shift = xcorr_max if xcorr_max <= len(s1_data) / 2: time_shift = xcorr_max else: time_shift = xcorr_max - len(s1_data) if (SHOW_PLOT): plt.plot(s1_data, label=s1_name) plt.plot(s2_data, label=s2_name) # plt.plot(wiener(s2_data,1000), label = 'wiener') # plt.plot(medfilt(s2_data,5), label = 'medfilt') # plt.plot(normalize_regularize(fftconvolve(s1_data, s2_data)), label = 'fftconvolve') if (SHOW_PLOT_XCORR): plt.plot(normalize_regularize(xcorr), label="xcorr") plt.legend() if (DEBUG > 2): print(colored("Time shift:" + str(time_shift) + " ms", "yellow")) # generates 1000 frequencies between 0.01 and 1 freqs = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100) # computes the Lomb Scargle Periodogram of the time and scaled magnitudes using each frequency as a guess if (compute_periodogram): periodogram_s0 = spectral.lombscargle(s1_t, s1_data, freqs) angular_freq_s0 = 1 / freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s0)] period_s0 = round(((2 * math.pi) / (1 / angular_freq_s0)) * 1000, 2) # negative greater than half of period if (math.fabs(time_shift * 2) > period_s0): time_shift = round(time_shift % period_s0, 1) # positive greater than half of period if ((time_shift * 2) > period_s0): time_shift = round(time_shift - period_s0, 1) else: period_s0 = 1 return time_shift, period_s0
totalCounts= curve.sum() totalTime= (jd[len(jd)-1]-jd[0])*86400 countRate= totalCounts/totalTime #scaled_curve = curve scaled_curve = (curve-curve.mean())/curve.std() time = jd # Create array of frequencies to check for fourier components, function requires angular frequencies freqs=np.linspace(1,4000,10000)/86400 #freqs = np.logspace(1,3.63,num=10000) angular_freqs=2*np.pi*freqs # Create periodogram using frequencies, times, and normalized curve periodogram = spectral.lombscargle(time, scaled_curve, angular_freqs) # Calculate eclipse period and frequency, and compare it to expected value eclipse_period = 2*np.pi/(angular_freqs[np.argmax(periodogram)]) eclipse_frequency = 1/eclipse_period expected_period = 0.01966127 # in days print 'Eclipse period =',eclipse_period,'days.' print 'Eclipse frequency =',eclipse_frequency, 'cycles/day.' print 'Percent error = ' + str(100*(eclipse_period-expected_period)/expected_period) + '%' # Create a figure with light curve in top plot and periodogram in bottom plot fig = plt.figure() # Plot light curve ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(time,scaled_curve,'b.') ax.set_title('Light Curve')
def ls_spectral_estimate(freqs, tsn): """ The frequencies must be in angular "months". """ ls = lombscargle(np.arange(tsn.shape[0], dtype = np.float64), tsn, freqs) return np.sqrt(ls * 4.0 / tsn.shape[0])
x = np.concatenate((x, t)) y = np.concatenate((y, flux)) yerr = np.concatenate((yerr, flux_err)) # convert t to seconds x *= 24.*60.*60. # the frequency array nu_maxHz = nu_max(m, r, teff)*1e-6 fs = np.arange(1300e-6, 1700e-6, 1e-7) # Hz fs = np.linspace(5, 45, 10000) # c/d ws = 2*np.pi*fs # lombscargle uses angular frequencies # convert ys to float64 y2 = np.empty((len(y))) for i in range(len(y)): y2[i] = y[i].astype('float64') y = y2 pgram = lombscargle(x, y2, ws) print np.var(y) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.', capsize=0, ecolor='.8') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.xlabel('$\mu Hz$') plt.plot(ws/(2*np.pi)*1e6, pgram) plt.savefig('KIC%s' % KID) print 'KIC%s.png' % KID
totalAverageBins = int(exptime/averagingTime) timestepsPerBin = int(averagingTime/timestep) # Specify frequencies for which the periodogram algorithm should find transform components. freqs = np.linspace(1,1000,num=10**4) angularFreqs=2*np.pi*freqs binnedCounts, binEdges = np.histogram(timestamps,range=[0,exptime],bins = exptime/timestep) times = binEdges[0:timestepsPerBin] periodogramStack=np.zeros((totalAverageBins,len(freqs))) tic = time() print 'Calculating individual Fourier Transforms...' for bin in range(int(totalAverageBins)): counts = binnedCounts[bin*timestepsPerBin:(bin+1)*timestepsPerBin] scaledCounts = (counts-counts.mean())/counts.std() periodogram = spectral.lombscargle(times, scaledCounts, angularFreqs) periodogramStack[bin,:] = periodogram completed = 100*(float(bin)+1)/float(totalAverageBins) print '%.1f' % completed + '% complete' print 'Total Fourier Transform time: ' + str(time()-tic) + 's' averageStack = np.zeros(len(freqs)) for i in range(len(freqs)): timeInterval=np.zeros(totalAverageBins) for j in range(totalAverageBins): timeInterval[j]=periodogramStack[j][i] averageStack[i]=np.average(timeInterval) print 'Saving data to txt files...' # Save data to txt files. g=open(savePath+'frequencyData.txt','w')
def process_data(s1,s2, truncate_start, truncate_end, smooth_cut_off_freq=SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ, s1_name=None, s2_name=None): global SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ = smooth_cut_off_freq ######################################################## ### ALIGN S1 AND S2 BEFORE XCORR ######################################################## s1,s2 = align(s1,s2) s1_t = s1[:,0] s2_t = s2[:,0] s1_data = s1[:,DATA_COL] s2_data = s2[:,DATA_COL] ############################################### ## TRUNCATE ############################################### if truncate_end != 0: TRUNCATE_END = truncate_end s1_t = s1_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_t = s2_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s1_data = s1_data[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_data = s2_data[:TRUNCATE_END] if truncate_start != 0: TRUNCATE_START = truncate_start s1_t = s1_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_t = s2_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s1_data = s1_data[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_data = s2_data[TRUNCATE_START:] # s1_data = smoothen_without_shift(s1_data) # s2_data = smoothen_without_shift(s2_data) # impulse_length = 5000 if(SMOOTH_WO_SHIFT): s1_data = smoothen_without_shift(s1_data)#, impulse_length) s2_data = smoothen_without_shift(s2_data)#, impulse_length) if(NORMALIZE): # pass s1_data = normalize_regularize(s1_data) s2_data = normalize_regularize(s2_data) if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + s1_name, len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + s2_name, len(s2_t), len(s2_data)) if(not CORRELATION_CIRCULAR): # METHOD 1: CORRELATION # numpy default correlation, 'zero padding?' xcorr = correlate(s1_data, s2_data) time_shift = (len(xcorr)/2 - xcorr.argmax()) else: # METHOD 2: CORRELATION # periodic/circular correlation xcorr = periodic_corr_np(s2_data, s1_data) time_shift = xcorr.argmax() if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored("Time shift:" + str(time_shift) + " ms", "yellow")) # generates 1000 frequencies between 0.01 and 1 freqs = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100) # computes the Lomb Scargle Periodogram of the time and scaled magnitudes using each frequency as a guess periodogram_s0 = spectral.lombscargle(s1_t, s1_data, freqs) angular_freq_s0 = 1/freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s0)] period_s0 = round(((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s0)) * 1000,2) return time_shift, period_s0
def ls_spectral_estimate(freqs, tsn): """ The frequencies must be in angular "months". """ ls = lombscargle(np.arange(tsn.shape[0], dtype=np.float64), tsn, freqs) return np.sqrt(ls * 4.0 / tsn.shape[0])
def process_data(s1,s2, truncate_start, truncate_end, smooth_cut_off_freq=SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ, filename1=None, filename2=None): # if(DEBUG > 10): print(np.min(s1[:,0]),np.max(s1[:,0])) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(np.min(s2[:,0]),np.max(s2[:,0])) global SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ = smooth_cut_off_freq ######################################################## ### ALIGN S1 AND S2 BEFORE XCORR ######################################################## s1,s2 = align(s1,s2) s1_t = s1[:,0] s2_t = s2[:,0] s1_data = s1[:,DATA_COL] s2_data = s2[:,DATA_COL] ############################################### ## TRUNCATE ############################################### if truncate_end != 0: TRUNCATE_END = truncate_end s1_t = s1_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_t = s2_t[:TRUNCATE_END] s1_data = s1_data[:TRUNCATE_END] s2_data = s2_data[:TRUNCATE_END] if truncate_start != 0: TRUNCATE_START = truncate_start s1_t = s1_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_t = s2_t[TRUNCATE_START:] s1_data = s1_data[TRUNCATE_START:] s2_data = s2_data[TRUNCATE_START:] # s1_data = smoothen_without_shift(s1_data) # s2_data = smoothen_without_shift(s2_data) # impulse_length = 5000 if(SMOOTH_WO_SHIFT): s1_data = smoothen_without_shift(s1_data)#, impulse_length) s2_data = smoothen_without_shift(s2_data)#, impulse_length) if(NORMALIZE): # pass s1_data = normalize_regularize(s1_data) s2_data = normalize_regularize(s2_data) # s1_data = normalize_max_min(s1_data) # s2_data = normalize_max_min(s2_data) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(np.min(s1[:,0]),np.max(s1[:,0])) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(np.min(s2[:,0]),np.max(s2[:,0])) # s1_data = s1[:,DATA_COL]-np.min(s1) # s2_data = s2[:,DATA_COL]-np.min(s2) # s1_data = s1_data[mean_samples-1:] # s1_data = running_mean((s1[:,DATA_COL]-np.min(s1)),mean_samples) # s2_data = running_mean((s2[:,DATA_COL]-np.min(s2)),mean_samples) # s2_data = signal.resample(s2_data, int(len(s2_data/2))) # s2_data = s2_data[::2] #decimate(s2_data, 10) ######################################## # REGULARIZE DATASETS # ######################################## # s1_data -= s1_data.mean(); s1_data /= (3*s1_data.std()) # s2_data -= s2_data.mean(); s2_data /= (3*s2_data.std()) ########################################## # OR NORMALIZE BETWEEN ZERO AND ONE # ONE EXTREME CHANGE CAN HIJACK EVERYTHING? ########################################## # dx_s1 = np.max(s1_data) - np.min(s1_data) # s1_data = (s1_data-np.min(s1_data))/dx_s1 # dx_s2 = np.max(s2_data) - np.min(s2_data) # s2_data = (s2_data-np.min(s2_data))/dx_s2 # ######################################## # s1_t = s1[:,0][mean_samples-1:] # s2_t = s2[:,0][mean_samples-1:] # ############################################ # #NORMALIZE TIME # ############################################ # s1_t = s1_t - s1_t[0] # s2_t = s2_t - s2_t[0] # s2_t = s2_t[::2] #decimate(s2_t, 10) # s2_t = signal.resample(s2_t, int(len(s2_t/2))) # s2_t = s2_t[:len(s2_data)] if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + filename1, len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + filename2, len(s2_t), len(s2_data)) if(WAVELET): ####################################################### # START OF: WAVELET TEST ####################################################### [s1_cA, s1_cD] = wavedec(s1_data, pywt.Wavelet('dmey'),level=1) [s2_cA, s2_cD] = wavedec(s2_data, pywt.Wavelet('dmey'),level=1) # t = s1_t[0:len(s1_cD)] plt.plot(s1_cA, label='s1_cA') plt.plot(s2_cA, label='s2_cA') plt.plot(s1_cD, label='s1_cD') plt.plot(s2_cD, label='s2_cD') # plt.legend() # s1_data = s1_cA s2_data = s2_cA # print(len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) s1_t = np.linspace(0,len(s1_data)/500,num=len(s1_data)) s2_t = np.linspace(0,len(s1_data)/500,num=len(s1_data)) # ti = np.linspace(0, len(s1_data), 1) # dxdt, dydt = interpolate.splev(s1_data,der=1) # plt.plot(dxdt, label='dxdt_s1') # plt.plot(dydt, label='dydt_s1') # ti = np.linspace(0, len(s2_data), 1) # dxdt, dydt = interpolate.splev(s2_data,der=1) # plt.plot(dxdt, label='dxdt_s2') # plt.plot(dydt, label='dydt_s2') if(SHOW_PLOT): plt.legend() # print(len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) ########################################### # CORRELATION ########################################### if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + filename1, len(s1_t), len(s1_data)) if(DEBUG > 10): print("len " + filename2, len(s2_t), len(s2_data)) if(not CORRELATION_CIRCULAR): # METHOD 1: CORRELATION # numpy default correlation, 'zero padding?' xcorr = correlate(s1_data, s2_data) time_shift = (len(xcorr)/2 - xcorr.argmax()) else: # METHOD 2: CORRELATION # periodic/circular correlation xcorr = periodic_corr_np(s2_data, s1_data) time_shift = xcorr.argmax() # xcorr -= xcorr.mean(); xcorr /= xcorr.std() #downsampling for plotting # xcorr = xcorr[1:len(xcorr)] # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("XCorr: " + str(xcorr), "yellow")) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("Time shift (APPROX - IN TERMS OF SAMPLES):" + str(time_shift), "yellow")) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("Time shift (COULD BE APPROX):" + str(s1_t[time_shift] - s1_t[0]), "yellow")) if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("Time shift:" + str(time_shift) + " ms", "yellow")) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(len(xcorr), len(s1_data)) # ########################################### # # CORRELATION # ########################################### # xcorr = correlate(s1_cD, s2_cD) # time_shift = (int(len(xcorr)/2) - xcorr.argmax())*2 # # xcorr -= xcorr.mean(); xcorr /= xcorr.std() # #downsampling for plotting # # xcorr = xcorr[1:len(xcorr):2] # # xcorr_t = # plt.plot(xcorr, label='xcorr') # # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("XCorr: " + str(xcorr), "yellow")) # # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("Time shift (APPROX - IN TERMS OF SAMPLES):" + str(time_shift), "yellow")) # # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored("Time shift (COULD BE APPROX):" + str(s1_t[time_shift] - s1_t[0]), "yellow")) # print(colored("Time shift:" + str(time_shift) + " ms", "yellow")) # plt.legend() # # sys.exit() # ####################################################### # # END OF: WAVELET TEST # ####################################################### # plt.figure(1) if(SHOW_PLOT):plt.figure(figsize=(13,9)) # plt.subplot(211) # plt.plot(s1[:,0], s1[:,2]-np.min(s1), label='s1') if(SHOW_PLOT):plt.plot(s1_t, s1_data, label=filename1) # plt.plot(s1[:,0][mean_samples-1:], s1_data, label='s1_avg') # plt.plot(s2[:,0], s2[:,2]-np.min(s2), label='s2') if(SHOW_PLOT):plt.plot(s2_t, s2_data, label=filename2) # plt.plot(np.arange(len(xcorr)) + s1_t[0], xcorr, label='xcorr') # if(len(s1_t) >= len(s2_t)): # xcorr_t = s1_t[0:len(xcorr)] # else: # xcorr_t = s2_t[0:len(xcorr)] xcorr_t = np.linspace(s1_t[0], s1_t[0] + len(xcorr)/1000, num = len(xcorr)) xcorr = normalize_regularize(xcorr) if(SHOW_XCORR):plt.plot(xcorr_t, xcorr, label='xcorr') # ##################################################### # # filtfilt smooth back amd forth # ##################################################### # # n=100 # # sig = np.random.randn(n)**3 + 3*np.random.randn(n).cumsum() # # x = np.random.randn(10) # # b, a = signal.ellip(4, 0.01, 120, 0.125) # Filter to be applied. # b, a = signal.butter(2, 0.0001) # a lowpass Butterworth filter with a cutoff of 0.125 times the Nyquist rate, or 125 Hz, and apply it to x with filtfilt. The result should be approximately xlow, with no phase shift. # # b, a = signal.butter(4, 100, 'low', analog=True) # fgust = signal.filtfilt(b, a, s1_data, method="gust") # fgust -= fgust.mean(); fgust /= (3*fgust.std()) # plt.plot(s1_t,fgust, label='gust', linestyle="--") # if(DEBUG > 10): print("peak detect") if(DEBUG > 10): print("xcorr peaks") # peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(s1_data, np.arange(1,1000), signal.ricker) # # peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(s1_data, wavelet = signal.wavelets.daub, widths=10) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peakind, s1[peakind])#, s1_data[peakind]) peaks_sci_xcorr_idx, _ = find_peaks(xcorr, width=peak_width) prominences = peak_prominences(xcorr, peaks_sci_xcorr_idx)[0] if(DEBUG > 2): print("peaks and prominences") if(DEBUG > 2): print(peaks_sci_xcorr_idx,end="") if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_sci_xcorr_idx),"cyan")) if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(prominences,"yellow"), colored(np.mean(prominences),"red")) peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = peakdetect(xcorr, lookahead=peak_width) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peaks_peakdetect_s1) if len(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[0]) == 0: if len(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = np.array([]) else: peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[1])[:,0] else: if len(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[0])[:,0] else: peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = np.append(np.array(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[0])[:,0],np.array(peaks_peakdetect_xcorr[1])[:,0]) # contains both peaks and valleys as separate lists peaks_peakdetect_xcorr.sort() peaks_peakdetect_xcorr = peaks_peakdetect_xcorr.astype(int) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peaks_peakdetect_s1, end="") # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_peakdetect_s1),"cyan")) if(SHOW_PEAKS_PROMINENCES): plt.plot(xcorr_t[peaks_sci_xcorr_idx], xcorr[peaks_sci_xcorr_idx], "x") if(DEBUG > 10): print("s1 peaks") # peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(s1_data, np.arange(1,1000), signal.ricker) # # peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(s1_data, wavelet = signal.wavelets.daub, widths=10) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peakind, s1[peakind])#, s1_data[peakind]) peaks_sci_s1_idx, _ = find_peaks(s1_data, width=peak_width) prominences = peak_prominences(s1_data, peaks_sci_s1_idx)[0] if(DEBUG > 2): print("peaks and prominences") if(DEBUG > 2): print(peaks_sci_s1_idx,end="") if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_sci_s1_idx),"cyan")) if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(prominences,"yellow"), colored(np.mean(prominences),"red")) peaks_peakdetect_s1 = peakdetect(s1_data, lookahead=peak_width) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peaks_peakdetect_s1) if len(peaks_peakdetect_s1[0]) == 0: if len(peaks_peakdetect_s1[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_s1 = np.array([]) else: peaks_peakdetect_s1 = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s1[1])[:,0] else: if len(peaks_peakdetect_s1[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_s1 = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s1[0])[:,0] else: peaks_peakdetect_s1 = np.append(np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s1[0])[:,0],np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s1[1])[:,0]) # contains both peaks and valleys as separate lists peaks_peakdetect_s1.sort() peaks_peakdetect_s1 = peaks_peakdetect_s1.astype(int) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peaks_peakdetect_s1, end="") # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_peakdetect_s1),"cyan")) if(SHOW_PEAKS_PROMINENCES): plt.plot(s1_t[peaks_sci_s1_idx], s1_data[peaks_sci_s1_idx], "x") # plt.plot(s1[peakind], s1_data[peakind], "o") # plt.plot(s1_t[peaks_peakdetect_s1], s1_data[peaks_peakdetect_s1], "X") # if(DEBUG > 10): print(signal.peak_prominences(s1_data,peakind)[0]) # # plt.plot(s1[:,0][mean_samples-1:][peakind], s1_data[peakind], "x") if(DEBUG > 10): print("s2 peaks") # peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(s2_data, np.arange(1,1000), signal.ricker) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peakind, s2[peakind]) peaks_sci_s2_idx, _ = find_peaks(s2_data, width=peak_width) prominences = peak_prominences(s2_data, peaks_sci_s2_idx)[0] if(DEBUG > 2): print("peaks and prominences") if(DEBUG > 2): print(peaks_sci_s2_idx, end="") if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_sci_s2_idx),"cyan")) if(DEBUG > 2): print(colored(prominences,"yellow"), colored(np.mean(prominences),"red")) # if(DEBUG > 10): print("peak detect") peaks_peakdetect_s2 = peakdetect(s2_data, lookahead=peak_width) if len(peaks_peakdetect_s2[0]) == 0: if len(peaks_peakdetect_s2[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_s2 = np.array([]) else: peaks_peakdetect_s2 = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[1])[:,0] else: if len(peaks_peakdetect_s2[1]) == 0: peaks_peakdetect_s2 = np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[0])[:,0] else: peaks_peakdetect_s2 = np.append(np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[0])[:,0],np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[1])[:,0]) # contains both peaks and valleys as separate lists # peaks_peakdetect_s2 = np.append(np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[0])[:,0],np.array(peaks_peakdetect_s2[1])[:,0]) # contains both peaks and valleys as separate lists peaks_peakdetect_s2.sort() peaks_peakdetect_s2 = peaks_peakdetect_s2.astype(int) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(peaks_peakdetect_s2, end="") # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored(np.diff(peaks_peakdetect_s2),"cyan")) if(SHOW_PEAKS_PROMINENCES): plt.plot(s2_t[peaks_sci_s2_idx], s2_data[peaks_sci_s2_idx], "x") # plt.plot(s2[peakind], s2_data[peakind], "o") # plt.plot(s2_t[peaks_peakdetect_s2], s2_data[peaks_peakdetect_s2], "X") # TAKE 10 INDICES ?????????????? # INDICES INVOLVED IN COMPUTING DIFF IS 10? try: peaks_sci_diff = (peaks_sci_s1_idx[0:6] - peaks_sci_s2_idx[0:6]) if(DEBUG >2): print(colored(peaks_sci_diff,"red"), np.mean(peaks_sci_diff)) except: if(DEBUG >2): print("ERROR TRYING TO COMPUTE PEAKS DIFF", len(peaks_sci_s1_idx), len(peaks_sci_s2_idx)) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(colored(np.sum(peaks_sci_diff)/len(peaks_sci_diff),"green")) # s0_smooth = spline(s1_data[peaks_sci_s1_idx], s1_t[peaks_sci_s1_idx], s1_t) # plt.plot(s1_t, s0_smooth, label = "spline (????????????????)" ) #################################################### # CONPUTE PERIOD OF A ROTATION #################################################### if(COMPUTE_ANGULAR_FREQUENCY_DEGREE_DRIFT): # SRC: from scipy.signal import spectral # generates 1000 frequencies between 0.01 and 1 freqs = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100) # computes the Lomb Scargle Periodogram of the time and scaled magnitudes using each frequency as a guess periodogram_s1 = spectral.lombscargle(s1_t, s1_data, freqs) periodogram_s2 = spectral.lombscargle(s2_t, s2_data, freqs) # if(DEBUG > 10): print(periodogram) # returns the inverse of the frequence (i.e. the period) of the largest periodogram value angular_freq_s1 = 1/freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s1)] angular_freq_s2 = 1/freqs[np.argmax(periodogram_s2)] if(DEBUG > 10): print(filename1, "Angular frequency:" , angular_freq_s1, "radians per second") if(DEBUG > 10): print(filename2, "Angular frequency:" , angular_freq_s2, "radians per second") if(DEBUG > 10): print(filename1, "Period:", (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1)) if(DEBUG > 10): print(filename2, "Period:", (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2)) angular_freq_avg = ( (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1) + (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1) )/2 angular_freq_max = (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1) if (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1) > (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1) else (2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2) # degree_shift = (time_shift/1000)*(360/(angular_freq_avg)) degree_shift = (time_shift/1000)*(360/(angular_freq_max)) degree_shift = degree_shift%360 if math.fabs(degree_shift) > 180 else degree_shift degree_shift = round(degree_shift,1) # if(DEBUG > 0): print("file s1 \t\t", "file s2 \t\t", "time_shift (s)\t", "angular_freq_s1\t", "angular_freq_s2\t", "degree_shift") # if(DEBUG > 0): print(args.s1_filename, "\t", args.s2_filename,"\t", time_shift/1000,"\t", round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),3), "\t\t",round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),3), "\t",degree_shift) if(DEBUG > 0 and not CSV_OUTPUT): global t1, min_time_shift, min_time_shift_row, total_time_shift total_time_shift = total_time_shift + time_shift/1000 time_shift_arr.append(time_shift/1000) # t1.add_row([args.s1_filename, args.s2_filename, truncate_start, truncate_end, time_shift/1000, round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5),round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5), round(angular_freq_s1,5), round(angular_freq_s2,5), colored(degree_shift, "cyan")]) t1.add_row([filename1, filename2, truncate_start, truncate_end, SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ, time_shift/1000, round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5),round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5), round(degree_shift,5)]) if(min_time_shift == None or min_time_shift > math.fabs(time_shift/1000)): min_time_shift = math.fabs(time_shift/1000) min_time_shift_row = [filename1, filename2, truncate_start, truncate_end, SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ, colored(time_shift/1000, "red"), round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5),round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5), colored(round(degree_shift,5), "red")] print( "\n".join(t1.get_string().splitlines()[-2:]) ) elif(CSV_OUTPUT): print(filename1, ",", filename2, ",", truncate_start, ",", truncate_end, ",", SMOOTH_CUT_OFF_FREQ,",", time_shift/1000, "," , round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5), ",",round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5), ",", round(angular_freq_s1,5), ",", round(angular_freq_s2,5), ",", degree_shift%360) # else if(PRINT_TIME_SHIFT__PERIOD_S1__PERIOD_S2_ONLY): # print(args.s1_filename, ",", args.s2_filename, ",", time_shift/1000, "," , round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5), ",",round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5), ",", degree_shift) if(SHOW_PLOT): plt.legend() return time_shift/1000, round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s1),5), round((2*math.pi)/(1/angular_freq_s2),5)
jd =bin_edges[0:-1] #jd =bin_edges[0:-1]/86400 print 'Finished binning in',time()-tic, 'seconds.' scaled_counts = (counts_per_timestep-counts_per_timestep.mean())/counts_per_timestep.std() # Create array of frequencies to check for Fourier components, function requires angular frequencies #freqs=np.logspace(2,5,num=10**3) freqs= np.logspace(0,5,num=10**3) #freqs=np.linspace(10**-4,10**-3,num=100) #freqs = np.linspace(10**2,10**6,num=999901) #freqs= np.linspace(100,1000000,num=999901) angular_freqs=2*np.pi*freqs print 'Calculating Fourier components...' tic = time() periodogram = spectral.lombscargle(jd, scaled_counts, angular_freqs) print 'Calculated Fourier components in',time()-tic, 'seconds.' ''' # Calculate eclipse period and frequency, and compare it to expected value eclipse_period = 2*np.pi/(angular_freqs[np.argmax(periodogram)]) eclipse_frequency = 1/eclipse_period expected_period = 0.01966127 # in days print 'Eclipse period =',eclipse_period,'days.' print 'Eclipse frequency =',eclipse_frequency, 'cycles/day.' print 'Percent error = ' + str(100*(eclipse_period-expected_period)/expected_period) + '%' ''' np.savetxt('/home/pszypryt/sdss_data/20121208/periodogram6.txt',periodogram) np.savetxt('/home/pszypryt/sdss_data/20121208/frequencies6.txt',freqs) np.savetxt('/home/pszypryt/sdss_data/20121208/lightcurve6.txt',scaled_counts[10::10**3])