예제 #1
def window(f,start,stop,type='blackman'):
    runs the data through a hamming window.
    @param f: The data matrix
    @param start: The start index of the hamming window.
    @param stop: The end index of the hamming window.

    if len(h.shape)==1:
        if type=='hamming':
        elif type=='blackman':
        elif type=='hann':
        elif type=='blackmanharris':
        elif type=='rectangular' or type=='rect' or type=='boxcar':
        if type=='hamming':
        elif type=='blackman':
        elif type=='hann':
        elif type=='blackmanharris':
        elif type=='rectangular' or type=='rect' or type=='boxcar':
    return numpy.multiply(f,h)
예제 #2
def window(f, start, stop, type='blackman'):
    runs the data through a hamming window.
    @param f: The data matrix
    @param start: The start index of the hamming window.
    @param stop: The end index of the hamming window.
    h = numpy.zeros(f.shape, dtype=float)

    if len(h.shape) == 1:
        if type == 'hamming':
            h[start:stop] = signal.hamming(stop - start)
        elif type == 'blackman':
            h[start:stop] = signal.blackman(stop - start)
        elif type == 'hann':
            h[start:stop] = signal.hann(stop - start)
        elif type == 'blackmanharris':
            h[start:stop] = signal.blackmanharris(stop - start)
        elif type == 'rectangular' or type == 'rect' or type == 'boxcar':
            h[start:stop] = signal.boxcar(stop - start)
        if type == 'hamming':
            h[:, start:stop] = signal.hamming(stop - start)
        elif type == 'blackman':
            h[:, start:stop] = signal.blackman(stop - start)
        elif type == 'hann':
            h[:, start:stop] = signal.hann(stop - start)
        elif type == 'blackmanharris':
            h[:, start:stop] = signal.blackmanharris(stop - start)
        elif type == 'rectangular' or type == 'rect' or type == 'boxcar':
            h[:, start:stop] = signal.boxcar(stop - start)
    return numpy.multiply(f, h)
예제 #3
def blur_image(im, n, ny=None, ftype='boxcar'):
    """ blurs the image by convolving with a filter ('gaussian' or
		'boxcar') of
		size n. The optional keyword argument ny allows for a different
		size in the y direction.
    n = int(n)
    if not ny:
        ny = n
        ny = int(ny)
    #  keep track of nans
    nan_idx = np.isnan(im)
    im[nan_idx] = 0
    if ftype == 'boxcar':
        if np.ndim(im) == 1:
            g = boxcar(n) / float(n)
        elif np.ndim(im) == 2:
            g = boxcar([n, ny]) / float(n)
    elif ftype == 'gaussian':
        x, y = np.mgrid[-n:n + 1, -ny:ny + 1]
        g = np.exp(-(x**2 / float(n) + y**2 / float(ny)))
        if np.ndim(im) == 1:
            g = g[n, :]
        g = g / g.sum()
    improc = convolve(im, g, mode='same')
    improc[nan_idx] = np.nan
    return improc
예제 #4
    def psd(self, **kwargs):
        Calculate the one-sided non-windowed power spectrum of the light curve. This uses the
        :func:`matplotlib.mlab.psd` function for computing the power spectrum, with a single
        non-overlapping FFT.

        column : str, optional
           The column of the lightcurve which should be analysed.

        sk : array-like
           The Power spectral density of the light curve.
        f  : array-like
           An array of the frequencies.

        data = self.data

        if isinstance(data, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
            # If the supplied data is a pandas DataFrame we'll need to
            # decide if we're working on just one column, or all of them.
            if "column" in kwargs:
                column = kwargs["column"]
                dataw = np.array(data[column])
                dataw = self.nan_interp(dataw)
                l = len(dataw)
                sk, f = ml.psd(x=dataw,
                sk = {}
                f = {}
                for column in data.columns.values.tolist():
                    dataw = np.array(data[column])
                    dataw = self.nan_interp(dataw)
                    l = len(dataw)
                    sk[column], f[column] = ml.psd(x=dataw,

        # return power spectral density and array of frequencies
        return sk, f
예제 #5
def blurImage(im, n, ny=None, ftype='boxcar'):
    Smooths a 2D image by convolving with a filter

    im : array_like
        The array to smooth
    n, ny : int
        The size of the smoothing kernel
    ftype : str
        The type of smoothing kernel. Either 'boxcar' or 'gaussian'

    res: array_like
        The smoothed vector with shape the same as im
    from scipy import signal
    n = int(n)
    if not ny:
        ny = n
        ny = int(ny)
    #  keep track of nans
    nan_idx = np.isnan(im)
    im[nan_idx] = 0
    g = signal.boxcar(n) / float(n)
    if 'box' in ftype:
        if im.ndim == 1:
            g = signal.boxcar(n) / float(n)
        elif im.ndim == 2:
            g = signal.boxcar(n) / float(n)
            g = np.tile(g, (1, ny, 1))
            g = g / g.sum()
            g = np.squeeze(g)  # extra dim introduced in np.tile above
        elif im.ndim == 3:  # mutlidimensional binning
            g = signal.boxcar(n) / float(n)
            g = np.tile(g, (1, ny, 1))
            g = g / g.sum()
    elif 'gaussian' in ftype:
        x, y = np.mgrid[-n:n + 1, 0 - ny:ny + 1]
        g = np.exp(-(x**2 / float(n) + y**2 / float(ny)))
        g = g / g.sum()
        if np.ndim(im) == 1:
            g = g[n, :]
        if np.ndim(im) == 3:
            g = np.tile(g, (1, ny, 1))
    improc = signal.convolve(im, g, mode='same')
    improc[nan_idx] = np.nan
    return improc
예제 #6
파일: xcompare.py 프로젝트: keithini/python
def plot_spec(root='star', root2='star5', wmin=850, wmax=1850, smooth=21):
    Multi-panel plot comparing a CMFGen and Python model
    in the UV
    star = ascii.read(root + '.spec')
    star['nuFnu'] = star['Lambda'] * star['A45P0.50']
    star_nufnu = convolve(star['nuFnu'],
                          boxcar(smooth) / float(smooth),

    star2 = ascii.read(root2 + '.spec')
    star2['nuFnu'] = star2['Lambda'] * star2['A45P0.50']
    star2_nufnu = convolve(star2['nuFnu'],
                           boxcar(smooth) / float(smooth),
    plt.figure(1, (8, 12))


    plt.plot(star['Lambda'], star_nufnu, label=root)
    plt.plot(star2['Lambda'], star2_nufnu, label=root2)
    plt.xlim(850, 1200)
    # plt.ylabel(r'$\nu F_{\nu}$ (ergs cm$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$)')
    # plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\AA$)')


    plt.plot(star['Lambda'], star_nufnu, label=root)
    plt.plot(star2['Lambda'], star2_nufnu, label=root2)
    plt.xlim(1150, 1500)
    plt.ylabel(r'$\nu F_{\nu}$ (ergs cm$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$)', size=16)
    # plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\AA$)')


    plt.plot(star['Lambda'], star_nufnu, label=root)
    plt.plot(star2['Lambda'], star2_nufnu, label=root2)
    plt.xlim(1450, 1800)
    # plt.ylabel(r'$\nu F_{\nu}$ (ergs cm$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$)')
    plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\AA$)', size=16)

    plt.savefig('%s_%s.png' % (root, root2))
예제 #7
	def boxfilter(self, cutoff):
		"""Filter the data using a boxcar filter and store the values in filteredseries"""
		for i in range(len(self.recarray[0])):
			fil = signal.boxcar(cutoff)
			output = signal.convolve(self.recarray[:,i]/cutoff, fil, mode='same')
			self.filteredseries[:,i] = output
		return self.filteredseries
예제 #8
파일: lc.py 프로젝트: RuthAngus/GProtation
    def acf(self, pmin=0.1, pmax=100, filter=True, smooth=None):
        """Filters with pmax = pmax, then returns ACF up to lag=2*pmax
        if filter:
            if self._x_full is None:

            x, y, yerr = bandpass_filter(self._x_full,
            x, y = self.x, self.y

        lags, ac = acf(x, y, maxlag=2 * pmax)

        if smooth is not None:
            cadence = np.median(np.diff(lags))
            Nbox = smooth / cadence
            if Nbox >= 3:
                ac = convolve(ac, boxcar(Nbox) / float(Nbox), mode='reflect')

        return lags, ac
예제 #9
파일: icsd.py 프로젝트: Junji110/iCSD
 def filter_csd(self):
     '''Spatial filtering of the CSD estimate, using an N-point filter'''
     if not self.f_order > 0 and type(self.f_order) == type(3):
         raise Exception, 'Filter order must be int > 0!'
     if self.f_type == 'boxcar':
         num = ss.boxcar(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'hamming':
         num = ss.hamming(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'triangular':
         num = ss.triang(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'gaussian':
         num = ss.gaussian(self.f_order[0], self.f_order[1])
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
         raise Exception, '%s Wrong filter type!' % self.f_type
     num_string = '[ '
     for i in num:
         num_string = num_string + '%.3f ' % i
     num_string = num_string + ']'
     denom_string = '[ '
     for i in denom:
         denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
     denom_string = denom_string + ']'
     print 'discrete filter coefficients: \nb = %s, \na = %s' % \
                                                  (num_string, denom_string) 
     self.csd_filtered = pl.empty(self.csd.shape)
     for i in xrange(self.csd.shape[1]):
         self.csd_filtered[:, i] = ss.filtfilt(num, denom, self.csd[:, i])
예제 #10
def get_audio_from_frame(frame, win=signal.boxcar(160), classes=256):
    ## Convert frame to audio
    audio_vec = frame_to_audio(frame, win)
    ## Convert Normalized audio back to un-Normalized audio
    # gen_audio = generate_audio(audio_vec, classes=classes)
    gen_audio = audio_vec
    return gen_audio
예제 #11
    def psd(self):
        Calculate the one-sided non-windowed power spectrum of the light curve. This uses the
        :func:`matplotlib.mlab.psd` function for computing the power spectrum, with a single
        non-overlapping FFT.

        sk : array-like
           The Power spectral density of the light curve.
        f  : array-like
           An array of the frequencies.
        l = len(self.clc)

        # get the power spectrum of the lightcurve data
        sk, f = ml.psd(x=self.clc,

        # return power spectral density and array of frequencies
        return sk, f
예제 #12
 def generate_window(self, wnd_size, front_size = 3):
     #wnd = np.hstack((np.zeros(wnd_size),np.ones(wnd_size)))
     wnd = signal.hann(2*front_size)
     wnd = np.insert(wnd,front_size,signal.boxcar(wnd_size))
     wnd = np.insert(np.zeros(2*front_size),front_size, wnd)
     return wnd
예제 #13
    def timbral_fe_rectangular_notopdb(self):
        """ Extracts mfcc and its delta feature from input audio
        rectangular window (or no window) is used.
            fmin: Minimum frequency of Mel-filter bank, defaults to 0
            fmax: Maximum frequency of Mel-filter bank,defaults to Sampling rate/2

        # MFCC extraction
        power = 2
        S = np.abs(

        # Mel-filter bank
        mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel(sr=self.sampling_rate,

        S = np.dot(mel_basis, S)
        S = librosa.core.logamplitude(S, top_db=None)
        Y_mfcc_coeff = np.dot(
            librosa.filters.dct(n_filters=self.n_mfcc, n_input=S.shape[0]), S)
        Y_mfcc_coeff_transpose = np.transpose(Y_mfcc_coeff)

        # delta mfcc features
        mfcc_delta = librosa.feature.delta(Y_mfcc_coeff)

        return (Y_mfcc_coeff_transpose, mfcc_delta.T)
예제 #14
def main(i):
    #globalize the current reading and previous data.
    global time
    global orig_signal
    reading = str(ser.readline().decode('utf-8'))
    #calculate and plot original EMG scaled signal
    if "\n" in reading:
        orig_signal += [float(reading[reading.find("g:") + 3:reading.find("V")])]
        time += [int(reading[reading.find("t:") + 3:reading.find("micro")])]
    plot_signal(fig1, time, orig_signal, 'Original EMG Scaled Data')
    #calculate and plot hi-low pass signal
    b_high, a_high = signal.butter(3, 0.1, 'highpass', analog=False)
    high_pass_signal = my_filter(b_high, a_high, orig_signal)    
    b_low, a_low = signal.butter(3, .5, 'lowpass', analog=False)    
    hilo_pass_signal = my_filter(b_low, a_low, high_pass_signal)
    plot_signal(fig2, time, hilo_pass_signal, 'High-Low Pass EMG Scaled Data')

    #calculate and plot rectified signal
    rectified_signal = []
    for x in hilo_pass_signal:
        rectified_signal += [abs(x)]
    plot_signal(fig3, time, rectified_signal, 'Rectified EMG Scaled Data')
    #calculate and plot smoothed signal
    box = signal.boxcar(100)
    smoothed_signal = signal.lfilter(box, 1, rectified_signal)
    plot_signal(fig4, time, smoothed_signal, 'Smoothed EMG Scaled Data')
    #calculate and plot the power spectral density
    frequency, power = signal.welch(hilo_pass_signal, 200)
    plot_signal(fig5, frequency, power, 'Power Spectral Density', 'Frequency(Hz)', 'log(Power/Hz)')
예제 #15
파일: spectralc.py 프로젝트: kb-/IOTvib
    def fft_spectrum(self, y , fs=1, nl=None, o=0.75, win='hann', nAverage=np.inf):
        n = len(y)
        if nl is None:
            nl = n
        i = 0.
        m = 0
        done = False
        f = np.arange(0, nl)/nl*fs
        Y = np.zeros(nl)

        if win == 'rectangle':
            w = sig.boxcar(nl)
        elif win == 'flattop':
            w = sig.flattop(nl)
            w = sig.hann(nl)

        while not done:
            a = int(np.floor(i*nl))
            b = int(a+nl)
            Y = np.abs(fft(y[a:b]*w/np.sum(w)))+Y
            i = i+1*(1-o)
            done = b > (n-nl*(1-o)) or m == nAverage
        Y = Y/m*2

        return (Y, f, m)
예제 #16
def kconvol(array, kernel, scale_factor=1, center=0):

    if array.ndim == 1:
        if kernel.shape[0] == 0:
            wx = kernel
            wx = kernel.shape[1]

        border = wx * 2
        eg1 = array.shape[1] + wx - 1
        sa = np.zeros(border+array.shape[1])
        sa[wx:eg1] = array

        a = np.rot90(np.transpose(array))

        if kernel.size() == 1:
            sa = boxcar(sa, kernel)
            #check this...
            sa = np.convolve(sa, kernel)

        sa = sa[wx:eg1]

    if array.ndim == 2:
        if kernel.shape[0] == 0:
            wx = kernel
            wy = kernel
            wx = kernel.shape[1]

        raise ValueError('The current version of this code only supports up to 2 dimensions.')
예제 #17
def create_boxcar(raw, event_id=None, stim_dur=1):
    Generate boxcar representation of the experimental paradigm.

    raw : instance of Raw
        Haemoglobin data.
    event_id : as specified in MNE
        Information about events.
    stim_dur : Number
        The length of your stimulus.

    s : array
        Returns an array for each annotation label.
    from scipy import signal
    bc = signal.boxcar(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * stim_dur))
    events, ids = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=event_id)
    s = np.zeros((len(raw.times), len(ids)))
    for idx, id in enumerate(ids):
        id_idx = [e[2] == idx + 1 for e in events]
        id_evt = events[id_idx]
        event_samples = [e[0] for e in id_evt]
        s[event_samples, idx] = 1.
        s[:, idx] = np.convolve(s[:, idx], bc)[:len(raw.times)]
    return s
예제 #18
def raw_ctd_filter(df=None, window="triangle", win_size=24, parameters=None):
    Filter raw CTD data using one of three window types (boxcar, hanning, triangle).

    df : DataFrame
        Raw CTD data
    window : str, optional
        Type of filter window
    win_size : int, optional
        Length of window in number of samples
    parameters : list of str, optional
        List of DataFrame columns to be filtered

    filtered_df : DataFrame
        CTD data with filtered parameters

    filter_df = df.copy()
    if parameters is not None:
        for p in parameters:
            if window == "boxcar":
                win = sig.boxcar(win_size)
            elif window == "hanning":
                win = sig.hann(win_size)
            elif window == "triangle":
                win = sig.triang(win_size)
            filter_df[p] = sig.convolve(filter_df[p], win,
                                        mode="same") / np.sum(win)

    return filter_df
예제 #19
def create_boxcar(raw, event_id=None, stim_dur=5):
    Create a boxcar of the experiment.

      .. warning:: The naming of this function may change. Use with caution.
                   This is just a place holder while I get the documentation\
                   up and running.

    raw : instance of Raw
        Haemoglobin data.
    event_id : as specified in MNE
        Information about events.
    stim_dur : Number
        The length of your stimulus.

    s : array
        Returns an array for each trigger channel.
    from scipy import signal
    bc = signal.boxcar(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * stim_dur))
    events, ids = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=event_id)
    s = np.zeros((len(raw.times), len(ids)))
    for idx, id in enumerate(ids):
        id_idx = [e[2] == idx + 1 for e in events]
        id_evt = events[id_idx]
        event_samples = [e[0] for e in id_evt]
        s[event_samples, idx] = 1.
        s[:, idx] = np.convolve(s[:, idx], bc)[:len(raw.times)]
    return s
예제 #20
def Rectangular(N, x):

    ventana = signal.boxcar(N)

    salida = np.multiply(x, ventana)

    return salida
예제 #21
def plot_specgram(ax, data, fs, nfft=256, noverlap=128, window='hann',
                  cmap='jet', interpolation='bilinear', rasterized=True):

    if window not in SPECGRAM_WINDOWS:
        raise ValueError("Window not supported")

    elif window == "boxcar":
        mwindow = signal.boxcar(nfft)
    elif window == "hamming":
        mwindow = signal.hamming(nfft)
    elif window == "hann":
        mwindow = signal.hann(nfft)
    elif window == "bartlett":
        mwindow = signal.bartlett(nfft)
    elif window == "blackman":
        mwindow = signal.blackman(nfft)
    elif window == "blackmanharris":
        mwindow = signal.blackmanharris(nfft)

    specgram, freqs, time = mlab.specgram(data, NFFT=nfft, Fs=fs,
    specgram = 10 * np.log10(specgram[1:, :])
    specgram = np.flipud(specgram)

    freqs = freqs[1:]
    halfbin_time = (time[1] - time[0]) / 2.0
    halfbin_freq = (freqs[1] - freqs[0]) / 2.0
    extent = (time[0] - halfbin_time, time[-1] + halfbin_time,
              freqs[0] - halfbin_freq, freqs[-1] + halfbin_freq)

    ax.imshow(specgram, cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation,
                            extent=extent, rasterized=rasterized)
예제 #22
    def enframe(self, datas, fs, frame_len, frame_inc, win):
        ' datas: 语音数据
        ' fs: 采样频率
        ' frame_len: 帧长,单位秒
        ' frame_inc: 帧移,单位秒
        ' win: 窗函数
        datas_len = len(datas)   # 数据总长度
        frame_len = int(round(frame_len * fs))   # 帧长,数据个数
        nstep = frame_len - int(round(frame_inc * fs))   # 帧移动步长,数据个数

        if datas_len < frame_len: # 若信号长度小于帧长,则帧数定义为1
            nf = 1
            nf = int(np.ceil((1.0*datas_len-frame_len)/nstep)) + 1

        pad_len = int((nf-1)*nstep + frame_len)    # 所有帧总数据长度
        # 多余的数据使用0填充
        new_datas = np.concatenate((datas, np.zeros(pad_len - datas_len)))

        indices = np.tile(np.arange(0,frame_len),(nf,1))+np.tile(np.arange(0,nf*nstep,nstep),(frame_len,1)).T  
        indices = np.array(indices, dtype = np.int32) # 否则会报类型错误

        frames = new_datas[indices] #得到帧信号

        # 加窗
        if win == 'hamming':
            win = signal.hamming(frame_len) 
        elif win == 'hanning':
            win = signal.hanning(frame_len)
            win = signal.boxcar(frame_len)

        return frames * np.tile(win, (nf, 1))
예제 #23
def blakmanTukey(signal, M=0, win="Bartlett", n1=0, n2=0, ax=0):

    if n1 == 0 and n2 == 0:  # por defecto usa la selal completa
        n1 = 0
        n2 = len(signal)

    N = n2 - n1
    if M == 0:
        M = int(N / 5)

    M = 2 * M - 1
    if M > N:
        raise ValueError('Window cannot be longer than data')

    if win == "Bartlett":
        w = np.bartlett(M)
    elif win == "Hanning":
        w = np.hanning(M)
    elif win == "Hamming":
        w = np.hamming(M)
    elif win == "Blackman":
        w = np.blackman(M)
    elif win == "Flattop":
        w = sg.flattop(M)
        w = sg.boxcar(M)

    r, lags = acorrBiased(signal)
    r = r[np.logical_and(lags >= 0, lags < M)]
    rw = r * w
    Px = 2 * fft(rw).real - rw[0]

    return Px
예제 #24
def graficarDienteDeSierra():
    fm = 20_000
    f0 = 138
    t = linspace(0,1,fm)
    dientes = sawtooth(2*pi*f0*t)
    tv = int((fm/f0))
    param = 2
    figureLabel = ""
    if(param == 0):
        window = boxcar(int(2**(ceil(log2(2*tv)))))
        overlap = 0
        figureLabel = "Diente de Sierra-Window=Boxcar"
    if(param == 1):
        window = get_window("hann", int(2**(ceil(log2(4*tv)))))
        overlap = int(len(window)/2)
        figureLabel = "Diente de Sierra-Window=Hann"
    if(param == 2):
        window = get_window("hamming", int(2**(ceil(log2(4*tv)))))
        overlap = int(len(window) / 2)
        figureLabel = "Diente de Sierra-Window=Hamming"
    fftRst = stft(dientes, window, fm, overlap)
    fftRst /= np.max(fftRst) #normalizar la señal
    print(f"f_0={fftRst[138]}, 2f_0={fftRst[276]}, 3f_0={fftRst[414]}, 4f_0={fftRst[552]}")
    xlabel("Freq (Hz)")
    return 0
예제 #25
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: gjgilbert/alderaan
def boxcar_smooth(x, winsize, passes=2):
    Smooth a data array with a sliding boxcar filter
        x : ndarray
            data to be smoothed
        winsize : int
            size of boxcar window
        passes : int
            number of passes (default=2)
        xsmooth : ndarray
            smoothed data array,same size as input 'x'
    win = sig.boxcar(winsize) / winsize
    xsmooth = np.pad(x, (winsize, winsize), mode='reflect')

    for i in range(passes):
        xsmooth = sig.convolve(xsmooth, win, mode='same')

    xsmooth = xsmooth[winsize:-winsize]

    return xsmooth
def smooth_boxcar(data, selected_columns, winsize):
    """Boxcar smoothing of data

    data:                   dataframe
    selected_columns:       list of keys, stating which columns will be smoothed
    winsize:                number of samples of rectangle window

    smoothed:               dataFrame


    logger.info("Boxcar smoothing with winsize %d", winsize)

    smoothed = data.copy(deep=True)

    for col_header in selected_columns:
        column = smoothed[col_header].as_matrix()

        # padding data
        # when winsize is even, int(winsize/2) is bigger than int((winsize-1)/2) by 1
        # when winsize is odd, int(winsize/2) is the same as int((winsize-1)/2)
        pad_head = [column[0]] * int((winsize - 1) / 2)
        pad_tail = [column[-1]] * int(winsize / 2)
        signal = np.r_[pad_head, column, pad_tail]

        window = boxcar(winsize)

        smoothed[col_header] = np.convolve(
            window / window.sum(), signal, mode='valid')

    return smoothed
예제 #27
def get_digit_indices(n_cycles=20, vols=256, vols_per_digit=2.56):
    Produce two boolean arrays, one for each run.
    Each array has shape (n_digits, n_volumes).
    Use these to select samples in our classification task
    # TODO: These indices are only correct if I understand Esther's stimulus timing correctly ...

    vols_per_digit_upsampled = int(vols_per_digit * 100)
    digits_run1 = []
    for didx in range(1, 6):
        # create series of 1s for the first finger stimulation
        finger_signal = signal.boxcar(vols_per_digit_upsampled)
        # add zeros before and after accordingly to form first cycle.
        post_padded = np.append(finger_signal,
                                [0] * vols_per_digit_upsampled * (5 - didx))
        first_cycle = np.insert(post_padded,
                                values=[0] * vols_per_digit_upsampled *
                                (didx - 1))
        all_cycles = np.tile(first_cycle, n_cycles)  # repeat to get all cycles
        # resample to volume space (i.e. take every 100th element)
        # and turn into boolean vector
        digit_bool = all_cycles[::100] > 0.01
    digits_run1 = np.array(digits_run1)
    digits_run2 = np.flip(digits_run1, axis=0)
    return digits_run1, digits_run2
예제 #28
def background_subtract(KT, objpos=None, radius=100, 
    minl=350, maxl=1000, n_std=9, n_iter=8, smoothing=400):
    if objpos is None:
        exclude = KT.KT.query_ball_point(objpos, radius)
        exclude = []

    lams = []
    specs = []
    for ix in xrange(len(KT.data)):
        e = KT.data[ix]

        if ix in exclude: continue
        if not e.ok: continue
        if e.lamrms > 1: continue
        if e.xrange[1] - e.xrange[0] < 200: continue
        if e.yrange[1] < 0 : continue
        if e.yrange[0] < 0 : continue
        if not np.isfinite(e.yrange[0]): continue
        if not np.isfinite(e.yrange[1]): continue

        try:l,s = e.get_flambda()
        except: continue
    exptime = e.exptime
    all_lams = np.array([lam for sublist in lams for lam in sublist])
    all_spec = np.array([spec for sublist in specs for spec in sublist])

    ix = np.argsort(all_lams)
    l,s = all_lams[ix], all_spec[ix]

    ok = (l > minl) & (l < maxl) & np.isfinite(l) & np.isfinite(s)
    knots = np.arange(minl, maxl,.1)
    boxcar = SG.boxcar(smoothing)/smoothing

    nok = len(s[ok])
    for i in xrange(n_iter):
        smoothed = SG.convolve(s[ok], boxcar, mode='same')
        ff = interp1d(l[ok], smoothed, kind='linear', 

        res = (s - ff(l))*exptime

        std = np.abs(res / np.sqrt(s*exptime))
        ok = (l > minl) & (l < maxl) & (std < n_std) & (np.isfinite(l)) 

        print i, nok, len(s[ok])
        if (float(nok)/len(s[ok]) - 1) < .001: break
        nok = len(s[ok])
    n_knots = len(s)/smoothing
    knots = np.arange(minl, maxl, float(maxl-minl)/n_knots)
    bgd = Background(lam_nm=knots, spec=ff(knots), exptime=exptime)

    return bgd
예제 #29
def smooth_signal(x, window_len, window, pol_order, implemented_smooth_method):
    """smooth the data using a window with requested size.

    This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal.
    The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal 
    (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized
    in the begining and end part of the output signal.

        the smoothed signal
    see also: 

    numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve

    x= np.array(x)

    if x.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.")

    if x.size < window_len:
        raise ValueError("Input array needs to be bigger than window size")

    #if window_len < 3:
    #    return x

    if not window in implemented_smooth_method:
        raise ValueError("Window method should be 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'")

    s = np.r_[x[window_len - 1:0:-1], x, x[-1:-window_len:-1]]

    if window == 'savgol':
        return savgol_filter(x, window_len, pol_order)

    elif window == 'boxcar':  # moving average
        w = boxcar(window_len)
        y = np.convolve(w, s, mode='valid')

    elif window == 'flat':  # moving average
        w = np.ones(window_len, 'd')

        y = np.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode='valid')
        w = eval(window + '(window_len)')

        y = np.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode='valid')

    return y[int(window_len / 2 - 1):int(-window_len / 2)]
예제 #30
    def test_extremes(self):
        # Test extremes of alpha correspond to boxcar and hann
        tuk0 = signal.tukey(100, 0)
        box0 = signal.boxcar(100)
        assert_array_almost_equal(tuk0, box0)

        tuk1 = signal.tukey(100, 1)
        han1 = signal.hann(100)
        assert_array_almost_equal(tuk1, han1)
예제 #31
    def test_extremes(self):
        # Test extremes of alpha correspond to boxcar and hann
        tuk0 = signal.tukey(100, 0)
        box0 = signal.boxcar(100)
        assert_array_almost_equal(tuk0, box0)

        tuk1 = signal.tukey(100, 1)
        han1 = signal.hann(100)
        assert_array_almost_equal(tuk1, han1)
예제 #32
 def win_len_change(self):
     if str(self.ui.winTypeComboBox.currentText()) == 'rectangular':
         window = ss.boxcar(self.ui.windowLenSpin.value())
     elif str(self.ui.winTypeComboBox.currentText()) == 'tukey':
         window = ss.tukey(self.ui.windowLenSpin.value())
     elif str(self.ui.winTypeComboBox.currentText()) == 'hann':
         window = ss.hann(self.ui.windowLenSpin.value())
     data_conv = ss.convolve(self.raw_data, window, mode='same')
     self.plt.setData(self.data_x, data_conv, pen='g')
예제 #33
def xsmooth(flux,smooth=21):
    boxcar smooth the flux
    if (smooth)>1:
예제 #34
def refineMask(mask, imageSeries, numDilations=3, thresh=0.5, se=None):
    def corrMaskWithSourcePreConv(imageSeriesSmoothed, dilatedBinaryMask, sourceSmoothed):

        corrImage = np.zeros((imageSeries.shape[0], imageSeries.shape[1]))

        bounds = np.squeeze(pymorph.blob(dilatedMask, 'boundingbox', output='data'))
        for x in range(bounds[1], bounds[3]):
            for y in range(bounds[0], bounds[2]):
                if dilatedBinaryMask[x,y]>0:
                    corr = stats.pearsonr(sourceSmoothed[1:-1], imageSeriesSmoothed[x,y,:])[0]
                    corrImage[x,y] = corr
        return corrImage

    # calculate box for smoothing
    box = sig.boxcar(3)
    box = box / box.sum()

    imageSeriesSmoothed = nd.convolve1d(imageSeries, box, axis=2, mode='mirror')

    completeRefinedMask = np.zeros_like(mask)

    if se is None:
        se = np.array([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]])
        #se = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])
    seedMask = mask.copy() > 0
    for rep in range(numDilations):
        seedMask = pymorph.dilate(seedMask, se)
    for maskIndex in range(1,mask.max()+1):
        origMask = mask == maskIndex

        dilatedOrigMask = origMask.copy() > 0
        for rep in range(numDilations):
            dilatedOrigMask = pymorph.dilate(dilatedOrigMask, se)

        forbiddenMask = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(seedMask, np.logical_not(dilatedOrigMask)), pymorph.dilate(completeRefinedMask))

        # make smoothed source
        source = avgFromROIInSeries(imageSeries, origMask)
        sourceSmoothed = np.convolve(source, box)

        dilatedMask = (mask==maskIndex).copy()
        for rep in range(numDilations+1):
            dilatedMask = pymorph.dilate(dilatedMask)

        corrMask = corrMaskWithSourcePreConv(imageSeriesSmoothed, dilatedOrigMask, sourceSmoothed)
        threshMask = corrMask >= thresh

        newMask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(forbiddenMask), np.logical_or(threshMask, origMask))
        #completeRefinedMask = np.logical_xor(completeRefinedMask, newMask)
        completeRefinedMask += (newMask>0)*maskIndex
        completeRefinedMask[completeRefinedMask > maskIndex] = 0
    return completeRefinedMask
예제 #35
def smooth_waveform(in_waveform):      
    smoothing_number = 10
    smoothed_flux = signal.convolve(in_waveform.flux,signal.boxcar(smoothing_number),'same')
    cut_smoothed_flux = smoothed_flux[int(smoothing_number/2):-int(smoothing_number/2)]
    cut_wave = in_waveform.wave[int(smoothing_number/2):-int(smoothing_number/2)]
    # Mask negative values and skip spectra if something goes wrong               
    if len(smoothed_flux)==0:
        print("The length of smoothed_flux was 0 so skipping\n")
        return in_waveform
    return waveform(cut_wave,cut_smoothed_flux,in_waveform.name)
예제 #36
def get_frame_from_file(file_path,
    ## Read Audio
    if (isinstance(file_path, np.ndarray)):
        file_data = file_path
        filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)
        if (file_extension == '.mat'):
            mat = hdf5storage.loadmat(file_path)
            file_data = np.array(mat['audio']).flatten()
            fs = np.asscalar(np.array(mat['fs']))
            file_data = signal.resample(file_data,
                                        int(file_data.shape[0] * (sr / fs)))
        elif (duration is None):
            file_data, _ = lr.load(path=file_path,
                                   mono=n_channels == 1)
            file_data = read_audio(file_path,

    ## Normalize Audio for input to CNN
    # normalized_audio = normalize_audio(file_data, classes=classes)
    normalized_audio = file_data
    ## Enframe Normalized Audio
    frame = audio_to_frame(normalized_audio, win, inc)

    # frame = frame[:,~np.all(frame == 0, axis=0)]
    frame = frame[:, ~(frame.sum(axis=0)
                       == 0)]  ## Remove all zero-only speech units(columns)

    ## axis=1 ensure normalization across frames
    ## axis=0 ensure normalization within frames (as done for taslp work)
    if (is_cmvn):
        frame = stats.zscore(frame, axis=0, ddof=1)
        # frame= cmvn(frame)

    frame = frame[:, ~np.any(np.isnan(frame), axis=0)]
    frame = frame[:, ~np.any(np.isinf(frame), axis=0)]

    ## Random crop transform
    # if(frame.shape[1]>200):
    #     idx = random.randint(0,frame.shape[1]-200)
    #     frame = frame[:,idx:idx+200]

    return frame
예제 #37
    def _smooth(self, image):
        """Smoothing work horse."""
        t1 = time.time()
        data = image.get_data()

        if self.algorithm == 'gauss':
            s = 'sigma'
            s = 'size'

        debug_str = '{0}={1}, mode={2}'.format(s, self.smoothpars, self.mode)

        if self.mode == 'constant':
            debug_str += ', fillval={0}'.format(self.fillval)

        if self.algorithm == 'boxcar':
            kern = boxcar(self.smoothpars)
            kern /= kern.size
            new_dat = ndimage.convolve(data,
        elif self.algorithm == 'gauss':
            new_dat = ndimage.gaussian_filter(data,
        else:  # medfilt
            new_dat = ndimage.median_filter(data,

        # Insert new image
        old_name = image.get('name', 'none')
        new_name = self._get_new_name(old_name)
        new_im = self._make_image(new_dat, image, new_name)

        # This sets timestamp

        # Add change log
        s = 'Smoothed {0} using {1}, {2}'.format(old_name, self.algorithm,
        iminfo = self.chinfo.get_image_info(new_name)
        iminfo.reason_modified = s

        t2 = time.time()
        self.w.status.set_text('Done ({0:.3f} s)'.format(t2 - t1))
예제 #38
파일: hw2.py 프로젝트: kmamykin/ELENE4903
def smooth(x, window_size=10):
    Smooth a series with a moving average (simple). Smoothing over the trailing values.
    :param x: (n,)
    :param window_size: int, size of the smoothing window
    :return: (n,)
    window = signal.boxcar(window_size)  # using simple average
    window = window / np.sum(window)  # normalize the window so we don't change the scale of convolved series
    averaged = signal.convolve(x, window, mode='valid') # convolved series will be smaller when using valid mode
    return np.pad(averaged, pad_width=(window_size-1, 0), mode='edge')  # pad averaged on the left
예제 #39
    def psd(self, **kwargs):
        Calculate the one-sided non-windowed power spectrum of the light curve. This uses the
        :func:`matplotlib.mlab.psd` function for computing the power spectrum, with a single
        non-overlapping FFT.

        column : str, optional
           The column of the lightcurve which should be analysed.

        sk : array-like
           The Power spectral density of the light curve.
        f  : array-like
           An array of the frequencies.

        data = self.data
        if isinstance(data, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
            # If the supplied data is a pandas DataFrame we'll need to
            # decide if we're working on just one column, or all of them.
            if "column" in kwargs:
                column = kwargs["column"]
                dataw = np.array(data[column])
                dataw = self.nan_interp(dataw)
                l = len(dataw)
                sk, f = ml.psd(x=dataw, window=signal.boxcar(l), noverlap=0, NFFT=l, Fs=self.fs(), sides='onesided')
                sk = {}
                f = {}
                for column in data.columns.values.tolist():
                    dataw = np.array(data[column])
                    dataw = self.nan_interp(dataw)
                    l = len(dataw)
                    sk[column], f[column] = ml.psd(x=dataw, window=signal.boxcar(l), noverlap=0, NFFT=l, Fs=self.fs(), sides='onesided')

        # return power spectral density and array of frequencies
        return sk, f
def generate_window_coefs(window,window_length,file_path,numPoints):
	print '\nGenerating {} window of length {}...'.format(window,window_length)

	# specify total bits and fractional bits for fixed point input:
	n_bits = 16
	n_frac_bits = 15
	if (window=='boxcar'):
	elif (window=='hamming'):
	elif (window=='hann'):
	elif (window=='blackman'):

	#Write out hex file for VHDL

	if (window_length==numPoints):
		for i in range(len(coefs)):

	intData = [ID*(2**n_bits-1) for ID in intData]

	with open(str(file_path)+'/fpgaCoefData'+str(numPoints)+'_'+str(window)+'.txt','w') as FID:
		FID.write('\n'.join(['{}'.format(int(x)) for x in intData]))

	with open(str(file_path)+'/macCoefData'+str(numPoints)+'_'+str(window)+'.txt','w') as FID:
		FID.write('signal myCoef : input_array32 :=(')
		FID.write(','.join(['x"{0:08X}"'.format(int(x)) for x in intData])+');')
예제 #41
 def smooth_boxcar(self, width):
     """ Uses boxcar smoothing to smooth the internal arrays.
         width : integer
             The boxcar width in pixels.
         Reference: <a href="http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.boxcar.html" target="_blank">scipy.signal.boxcar</a>
     # I don't know if this is really the proper way to do this... should be tested!!
     from scipy.signal import convolve, boxcar
     self.flux = convolve(self.flux, boxcar(M=width))
예제 #42
def test_tukey():
    # Test against hardcoded data
    for k, v in tukey_data.items():
        if v is None:
            assert_raises(ValueError, signal.tukey, *k)
            win = signal.tukey(*k)
            assert_allclose(win, v, rtol=1e-14)

    # Test extremes of alpha correspond to boxcar and hann
    tuk0 = signal.tukey(100, 0)
    tuk1 = signal.tukey(100, 1)
    box0 = signal.boxcar(100)
    han1 = signal.hann(100)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tuk0, box0)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tuk1, han1)
예제 #43
파일: main.py 프로젝트: gavincyi/Kaggle-EEG
def generate_csp_features(csp, raw, picks, nwin, nfilters):
    """ Generate csp features and then smooth the features by convolution with a rectangle window.

    :param csp: The trained csp filter
    :param raw: The raw data
    :return: The filtered features

    # apply csp filters and rectify signal
    feat = np.dot(csp.filters_[0:nfilters], raw._data[picks]) ** 2

    # smoothing by convolution with a rectangle window
    feattr = np.array([(convolve)(feat[i], boxcar(nwin), 'full') for i in range(nfilters)])
    feattr = np.log(feattr[:, 0:feat.shape[1]])

    return feattr
예제 #44
파일: Smoothing.py 프로젝트: pllim/stginga
    def _smooth(self, image):
        """Smoothing work horse."""
        t1 = time.time()
        data = image.get_data()

        if self.algorithm == 'gauss':
            s = 'sigma'
            s = 'size'

        debug_str = '{0}={1}, mode={2}'.format(s, self.smoothpars, self.mode)

        if self.mode == 'constant':
            debug_str += ', fillval={0}'.format(self.fillval)

        if self.algorithm == 'boxcar':
            kern = boxcar(self.smoothpars)
            kern /= kern.size
            new_dat = ndimage.convolve(
                data, kern, mode=self.mode, cval=self.fillval)
        elif self.algorithm == 'gauss':
            new_dat = ndimage.gaussian_filter(
                data, sigma=self.smoothpars, mode=self.mode, cval=self.fillval)
        else:  # medfilt
            new_dat = ndimage.median_filter(
                data, size=self.smoothpars, mode=self.mode, cval=self.fillval)

        # Insert new image
        old_name = image.get('name', 'none')
        new_name = self._get_new_name(old_name)
        new_im = self._make_image(new_dat, image, new_name)
            self.fv.add_image, new_name, new_im, chname=self.chname)

        # This sets timestamp

        # Add change log
        s = 'Smoothed {0} using {1}, {2}'.format(
            old_name, self.algorithm, debug_str)
        iminfo = self.chinfo.get_image_info(new_name)
        iminfo.reason_modified = s

        t2 = time.time()
        self.w.status.set_text('Done ({0:.3f} s)'.format(t2 - t1))
예제 #45
def computePSTH(spike_file1,spike_file2,times,window_before=1,window_after=2, binsize=1):
		- spike_file1: sorted spikes for Channels 1 - 96
		- spike_file2: sorted spikes for Channels 97 - 160
		- times: time points to align peri-stimulus time histograms to
		- window_before: amount of time before alignment points to include in time window, units in seconds
		- window_after: amount of time after alignment points to include in time window, units in seconds
		- binsize: time length of bins for estimating spike rates, units in milleseconds
		- psth: peri-stimulus time histogram over window [window_before, window_after] averaged over trials
	boxcar_length = 4.
	channels = np.arange(1,161)
	binsize = float(binsize)/1000
	psth_time_window = np.arange(0,window_before+window_after-float(binsize),float(binsize))
	boxcar_window = signal.boxcar(boxcar_length)  # 2 ms before, 2 ms after for boxcar smoothing
	psth = dict()
	smooth_psth = dict()
	unit_labels = []

	for channel in channels:
		if channel < 97: 
			channel_spikes = [entry for entry in spike_file1 if (entry[1]==channel)]
			channel2 = channel % 96
			channel_spikes = [entry for entry in spike_file2 if (entry[1]==channel2)]
		units = [spike[2] for spike in channel_spikes]
		unit_vals = set(units)  # number of units
		if len(unit_vals) > 0:
			unit_vals.remove(0) 	# value 0 are units marked as noise events

		for unit in unit_vals:
			unit_name = 'Ch'+str(channel) +'_' + str(unit)
			spike_times = [spike[0] for spike in channel_spikes if (spike[2]==unit)]
			psth[unit_name] = np.zeros(len(psth_time_window))
			for time in times:
				epoch_bins = np.arange(time-window_before,time+window_after,float(binsize)) 
				counts, bins = np.histogram(spike_times,epoch_bins)
				psth[unit_name] += counts[0:len(psth_time_window)]/binsize	# collect all rates into a N-dim array

			psth[unit_name] = psth[unit_name]/float(len(times))
			smooth_psth[unit_name] = np.convolve(psth[unit_name], boxcar_window,mode='same')/boxcar_length

	return psth, smooth_psth, unit_labels
예제 #46
    def gFitTrace(self, specimage, y1, y2):
        Fit a gaussian to each column of an image.

        sizex, sizey = specimage.shape
        smoytrace = np.zeros(sizey).astype(np.float)
        boxcar_kernel = signal.boxcar(3) / 3.0

        for c in np.arange(sizey):
            col = specimage[:, c]
            col = col - np.median(col)
            smcol = ni.convolve(col, boxcar_kernel).astype(np.float)
            fit = gfit.gfit1d(smcol, quiet=1, maxiter=15)
            smoytrace[c] = fit.params[1]

        return np.array(smoytrace)
예제 #47
def computePSTH_SingleChannel(spike_file,channel,times,window_before=1,window_after=2, binsize=1):
		- spike_file: sorted spikes for Channels N; spike_file should be the results of 
			plx = plexfile.openFile('filename.plx') and spike_file = plx.spikes[:].data
		- times: time points to align peri-stimulus time histograms to
		- window_before: amount of time before alignment points to include in time window, units in seconds
		- window_after: amount of time after alignment points to include in time window, units in seconds
		- binsize: time length of bins for estimating spike rates, units in milleseconds
		- psth: peri-stimulus time histogram over window [window_before, window_after] averaged over trials
		- smooth_psth: psth smoothed using boxcar filter
		- unit_labels: names of units on channel
	boxcar_length = 4.
	channel = channel
	binsize = float(binsize)/1000
	psth_time_window = np.arange(0,window_before+window_after-float(binsize),float(binsize))
	boxcar_window = signal.boxcar(boxcar_length)  # 2 ms before, 2 ms after for boxcar smoothing
	psth = dict()
	smooth_psth = dict()
	unit_labels = []

	units = [spike[2] for spike in spike_file]
	unit_vals = set(units)  # number of units

	if len(unit_vals) > 0:
		unit_vals.remove(0) 	# value 0 are units marked as noise events

	for unit in unit_vals:
		unit_name = 'Ch'+str(channel) +'_' + str(unit)
		spike_times = [spike[0] for spike in spike_file if (spike[2]==unit)]
		psth[unit_name] = np.zeros(len(psth_time_window))
		for time in times:
			epoch_bins = np.arange(time-window_before,time+window_after,float(binsize)) 
			counts, bins = np.histogram(spike_times,epoch_bins)
			psth[unit_name] += counts[0:len(psth_time_window)]/binsize	# collect all rates into a N-dim array

		psth[unit_name] = psth[unit_name]/float(len(times))
		smooth_psth[unit_name] = np.convolve(psth[unit_name], boxcar_window,mode='same')/boxcar_length

	return psth, smooth_psth, unit_labels
예제 #48
 def automatic_gain_control(self):
     data = self.model.getData()
     data = data-np.amin(data)
     (ntime,ntrace) = data.shape
     # intialize a filter window
     wlength = 21
     window = signal.boxcar(wlength)
     gain_data = np.empty([ntime,ntrace])
     # first filter than divide
     for i in range(0,ntrace):
         #gain_data[:,i] = signal.convolve(data[:,i],window,'same') 
         gain_data[:,i] = signal.fftconvolve(data[:,i],window,'same') 
     # add a small number before dividing (in case of zeros)
     gain_data = gain_data+epsi
     gain_data = data/gain_data
     #tmp = '/home/amin/Dropbox/research-code/seismic/code/gain_data.txt'
예제 #49
    def psd(self):
        Calculate the one-sided non-windowed power spectrum of the light curve. This uses the
        :func:`matplotlib.mlab.psd` function for computing the power spectrum, with a single
        non-overlapping FFT.

        sk : array-like
           The Power spectral density of the light curve.
        f  : array-like
           An array of the frequencies.
        l = len(self.clc)

        # get the power spectrum of the lightcurve data
        sk, f = ml.psd(x=self.clc, window=signal.boxcar(l), noverlap=0, NFFT=l, Fs=self.fs(), sides='onesided')

        # return power spectral density and array of frequencies
        return sk, f
예제 #50
파일: util.py 프로젝트: fmagnoni/pycmt3d
def construct_taper(npts, taper_type="tukey", alpha=0.2):
    Construct taper based on npts

    :param npts: the number of points
    :param taper_type:
    :param alpha: taper width
    taper_type = taper_type.lower()
    _options = ['hann', 'boxcar', 'tukey']
    if taper_type not in _options:
        raise ValueError("taper type option: %s" % taper_type)
    if taper_type == "hann":
        taper = signal.hann(npts)
    elif taper_type == "boxcar":
        taper = signal.boxcar(npts)
    elif taper_type == "tukey":
        taper = signal.tukey(npts, alpha=alpha)
        raise ValueError("Taper type not supported: %s" % taper_type)
    return taper
예제 #51
 def test_basic(self):
     assert_allclose(signal.boxcar(6), [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
     assert_allclose(signal.boxcar(7), [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
     assert_allclose(signal.boxcar(6, False), [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
예제 #52
파일: xd_search.py 프로젝트: rij/calcos
def findPeak(e_j, box):
    """Find the location of the maximum within the subset.

    Note that the data were collapsed to the left edge to get e_j, so
    the location is the intercept on the edge, rather than where the
    spectrum crosses the middle of the detector or where it crosses
    X = x_offset.
    Also, e_j is not the full height of the detector, just a subset
    centered on the nominal Y location of the spectrum.

    e_j: array_like
        1-D array of data collapsed along dispersion axis, taking into
        account the tilt of the spectrum

    box: int
        Smooth e_j with a box of this width before looking for the

        The location (float) in the cross-dispersion direction relative
        to the first pixel in e_j, an estimate of the uncertainty in
        that location, and the FWHM of the peak in the cross-dispersion

    boxcar_kernel = signal.boxcar(box) / box
    e_j_sm = ndimage.convolve(e_j, boxcar_kernel, mode="nearest")

    index = np.argsort(e_j_sm)
    ymax = index[-1]

    nelem = len(e_j)

    # This may be done again later, after we have found the location more
    # accurately.
    fwhm = findFwhm(e_j, ymax)

    # fit a quadratic to at least five points centered on ymax
    MIN_NPTS = 5
    npts = int(round(fwhm))
    npts = max(npts, MIN_NPTS)
    if npts // 2 * 2 == npts:
        npts += 1
    x = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float64)
    j1 = ymax - npts // 2
    j1 = max(j1, 0)
    j2 = j1 + npts
    if j2 > nelem:
        j2 = nelem
        j1 = j2 - npts
        j1 = max(j1, 0)
    (coeff, var) = cosutil.fitQuadratic(x[j1:j2], e_j_sm[j1:j2])

    (y_locn, y_locn_sigma) = cosutil.centerOfQuadratic(coeff, var)
    if y_locn is None:
        y_locn = ymax
        y_locn_sigma = 999.

    # Find the FWHM again if the location is far from the brightest pixel.
    if abs(y_locn - ymax) > fwhm / 4.:
        fwhm = findFwhm(e_j, y_locn)

    return (y_locn, y_locn_sigma, fwhm)
예제 #53
    def filter_csd(self, csd, filterfunction='convolve'):
        Spatial filtering of the CSD estimate, using an N-point filter

        csd : np.ndarrray * quantity.Quantity
            Array with the csd estimate
        filterfunction : str
            'filtfilt' or 'convolve'. Apply spatial filter using
            scipy.signal.filtfilt or scipy.signal.convolve.
        if self.f_type == 'gaussian':
                assert(len(self.f_order) == 2)
            except AssertionError as ae:
                raise ae('filter order f_order must be a tuple of length 2')
                assert(self.f_order > 0 and isinstance(self.f_order, int))
            except AssertionError as ae:
                raise ae('Filter order must be int > 0!')
            assert(filterfunction in ['filtfilt', 'convolve'])
        except AssertionError as ae:
            raise ae("{} not equal to 'filtfilt' or \

        if self.f_type == 'boxcar':
            num = ss.boxcar(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'hamming':
            num = ss.hamming(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'triangular':
            num = ss.triang(self.f_order)
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'gaussian':
            num = ss.gaussian(self.f_order[0], self.f_order[1])
            denom = np.array([num.sum()])
        elif self.f_type == 'identity':
            num = np.array([1.])
            denom = np.array([1.])
            print('%s Wrong filter type!' % self.f_type)

        num_string = '[ '
        for i in num:
            num_string = num_string + '%.3f ' % i
        num_string = num_string + ']'
        denom_string = '[ '
        for i in denom:
            denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
        denom_string = denom_string + ']'

        print(('discrete filter coefficients: \nb = {}, \
               \na = {}'.format(num_string, denom_string)))

        if filterfunction == 'filtfilt':
            return ss.filtfilt(num, denom, csd, axis=0) * csd.units
        elif filterfunction == 'convolve':
            csdf = csd / csd.units
            for i in range(csdf.shape[1]):
                csdf[:, i] = ss.convolve(csdf[:, i], num / denom.sum(), 'same')
            return csdf * csd.units
예제 #54
numtaps = 185

taps_none = firwin2(numtaps, freqs, gains, fs=fs, window=None)
taps_h = firwin2(numtaps, freqs, gains, fs=fs)

beta = 2.70
taps_k = firwin2(numtaps, freqs, gains, fs=fs, window=('kaiser', beta))

w_none, h_none = freqz(taps_none, 1, worN=2000)
w_h, h_h = freqz(taps_h, 1, worN=2000)
w_k, h_k = freqz(taps_k, 1, worN=2000)

plt.figure(figsize=(4.0, 2.8))

win_boxcar = boxcar(numtaps)
win_hamming = hamming(numtaps)
win_kaiser = kaiser(numtaps, beta)

plt.plot(win_hamming, label='Hamming')
plt.plot(win_kaiser, label='Kaiser, $\\beta$=%.2f' % beta)
plt.plot(win_boxcar, label='rectangular')
plt.xticks([0, (numtaps - 1)//2, numtaps - 1])
plt.xlabel('Sample number')
plt.ylim(0, 1.05)
plt.title("Window functions", fontsize=10)
plt.legend(framealpha=1, shadow=True)

import nitime.algorithms as tsa
import nitime.utils as utils
from nitime.viz import winspect
from nitime.viz import plot_spectral_estimate

For demonstration, we will use a window of 128 points:

npts = 128

fig01 = plt.figure()

# Boxcar with zeroed out fraction
b = sig.boxcar(npts)
zfrac = 0.15
zi = int(npts*zfrac)
b[:zi] = b[-zi:] = 0
name = 'Boxcar - zero fraction=%.2f' % zfrac
winspect(b, fig01, name)


.. image:: fig/multi_taper_spectral_estimation_01.png

The figure on the left shows a boxcar window and the figure on the right
shows the spectrum of the boxcar function (in dB units, relative to the
frequency band of interest).

These two problems can together be mitigated through the use of other
예제 #56
    def makemask( self ):
      """ Make and output mask
      thresh = self.thresh
      medfile = self.medfile
      callist = self.callist
      verbosity = self.verbosity

      blot1 = np.zeros((ASIZE,ASIZE), dtype=np.float64)

      # open callist and read file names
      cfile = open(callist, 'r')
      calfiles = []
      num_files = 0
      while 1: # first count number of files in list and generate file list
          line = cfile.readline()
          if not line: break
          num_files += 1
          calfiles.append( line )

      bltfiles = [] # list of blot files

      if (verbosity >=1 ):  print('There are' ,num_files,'cal files. They are : ')
      for ii in range(num_files):
         calfiles[ii].lstrip().rstrip() # strip leading and trailing whitespace
         calfile_prefix = calfiles[ii].split('_')[0]
         if (verbosity >=1 ): print('  calfiles[',ii,'] = ',calfiles[ii])

      #  associate blt files with cal files
         bltfile =  calfile_prefix+str("_cal_sci1_blt.fits")
         bltfile.lstrip().rstrip() # strip leading and trailing whitespace
         bltfiles.append( bltfile )
         bltfiles[ii] = bltfile

      im_cube = np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE, num_files), dtype=np.float64)
      blot_cube = np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE, num_files), dtype=np.float64)

      for kk in range(num_files):
         fh_cal = pyfits.open(calfiles[ kk ])
         fh_blot = pyfits.open(bltfiles[ kk ])
         im_cube[:,:,kk] = fh_cal[1].data
         blot_cube[:,:,kk] = fh_blot[0].data

      # make mask from blotted images
      mask_cube = np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE, num_files), dtype=np.float64)
      boxcar_kernel = signal.boxcar((3, 3)) / 9

      for ii in range(num_files):
         mm = np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE), dtype=np.float64)
         dif_0 = blot_cube[:,:,ii]
         dif = np.reshape( dif_0,((ASIZE,ASIZE)))
         ur =  dif > thresh
         mm[ ur ] = 1

         # expand the mask.
         # smooth over 3x3 ; this will differ from IDL's "smooth" which ...
         #  ... leaves boundary values unchanged, which is not an option in
         # convolve's boxcar
         mm = ndimage.convolve(mm, boxcar_kernel)

         ur =  mm != 0.0
         mm = np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE), dtype=np.float64)
         mm[ ur ] = 1
         mask_cube[:,:,ii] = mm

   ## make the masked median image
      if (verbosity >=1 ):  print(' Making the masked median image ... ')

      maskall= np.zeros((ASIZE, ASIZE), dtype=np.float64)

      for jj in range(ASIZE):
        for kk in range(ASIZE):
           uu = mask_cube[ kk,jj,:] != 1
           im_sub =  im_cube[kk,jj,uu]
           im_sub_size = im_sub.size
           im_1d = np.reshape( im_sub, im_sub.size)
           if ( im_sub_size  > 0 ):  maskall[ kk,jj ]= np.median(im_1d)

   # get primary header of 1st cal file to copy to output
      fh_cal0 = pyfits.open(calfiles[ 0 ])
      pr_hdr = fh_cal0[0].header

      write_to_file(maskall, medfile, pr_hdr, verbosity)

      if (verbosity >=1 ):  print('DONE')
예제 #57
파일: wavecal.py 프로젝트: jhunkeler/calcos
def ttFindSpec(xdisp, xtract_info, life_adj_offset, xd_range, box):
    """Find the location in the cross-dispersion direction.

    xdisp: array_like
        The cross-dispersion profile, 1-D array of time-tag data collapsed
        along the dispersion axis, but taking into account the tilt of the

    xtract_info: array_like
        Data block (but just one row) from the xtractab.

    life_adj_offset: float
        Normally this will be 0.  If the LIFE_ADJ keyword is -1, however,
        indicating that the aperture block is not at one of the recognized
        "lifetime positions," life_adj_offset will be the expected offset
        (in pixels) of the wavecal spectrum from lifetime position 1.

    xd_range: int
        Search within + or - xd_range from the nominal location for the
        peak in xdisp.

    box: int
        Smooth xdisp with a box of this width before looking for the

    (shift2, y): tuple of two floats
        shift2 is the shift from nominal in the cross-dispersion
        direction (or None), and y is the location of the spectrum.
        The location is based on fitting a quadratic to points near the
        maximum.  Note that the data were collapsed to the left edge to
        get xdisp, so the location is the intercept on the edge, rather
        than where the spectrum crosses the middle of the detector.

    y_nominal = xtract_info.field("b_spec")[0] + life_adj_offset
    segment = xtract_info.field("segment")[0]   # for possible warning message

    # The values of y_nominal and xd_range should be such that neither
    # y0 nor y1 will be less than zero or greater than 1023.
    y0 = int(round(y_nominal - xd_range))
    y1 = int(round(y_nominal + xd_range)) + 1
    if y0 < 0 or y1 >= len(xdisp):
        cosutil.printWarning("XD_RANGE in WCPTAB is too large.")
        y0 = max(y0, 0)
        y1 = min(y1, len(xdisp) - 1)

    boxcar_kernel = scipysignal.boxcar(box) / box
    xdisp_sm = ndimage.convolve(xdisp, boxcar_kernel, mode="nearest")
    len_xdisp_sm = len(xdisp_sm)

    if y0 >= y1:
        return (None, 0.)
    index = np.argsort(xdisp_sm[y0:y1])
    y = y0 + index[-1]
    signal = xdisp_sm[y]                # value in smoothed array
    # Check for duplicate values.
    y_min = y
    y_max = y
    while y_min > 0 and xdisp_sm[y_min] == signal:
        y_min -= 1
    while y_max < len_xdisp_sm and xdisp_sm[y_max] == signal:
        y_max += 1
    y_float = float(y_min + y_max) / 2.
    y = int(round(y_float))

    # Fit a quadratic to the smoothed curve near the peak.
    fit_range = (y_max - y_min) + box
    if fit_range < xd_range:
        r0 = y - fit_range // 2
        r1 = r0 + fit_range
        r0 = max(r0, 0)
        r1 = min(r1, len_xdisp_sm)
        r0 = r1 - fit_range
        x = np.arange(fit_range, dtype=np.float64)
        (coeff, var) = cosutil.fitQuadratic(x, xdisp_sm[r0:r1])
        (y_temp, y_float_sigma) = cosutil.centerOfQuadratic(coeff, var)
        if y_temp is None:
            return (None, 0.)
        y_float = y_temp + r0

    # Find the background level.
    i = index[(y1-y0)//2]
    background = xdisp_sm[y0+i]         # median of smoothed array

    sigma_s = math.sqrt(signal * box)
    sigma_b = math.sqrt(background * box)
    sigma_s_b = math.sqrt(sigma_s**2 + sigma_b**2)
    if sigma_s_b > 0.:
        signal_to_noise = (signal - background) * box / sigma_s_b
        signal_to_noise = 0.

    if signal_to_noise >= 5.:
        shift2 = y_float - y_nominal + life_adj_offset
        shift2 = None

    return (shift2, y_float)
        # get data 
        X = epochs.get_data()
        y = np.array(y)

        # train CSP
        csp = CSP(n_components=nfilters, reg='lws')

        ################ Create Training Features #################################x`
        # apply csp filters and rectify signal
        feat = np.dot(csp.filters_[0:nfilters],raw._data[picks])**2
        # smoothing by convolution with a rectangle window    
        feattr = np.empty(feat.shape)
        for i in range(nfilters):
            feattr[i] = np.log(convolve(feat[i],boxcar(nwin),'full'))[0:feat.shape[1]]
    # training labels
    # they are stored in the 6 last channels of the MNE raw object
    labels = raw._data[32:]
    # vertically stack filter bank features together
    feattr = np.concatenate(feattr_tot)
    ################ Create test Features #####################################
    # read test data 
    fnames =  glob('test/subj%d_series*_data.csv' % (subject))
    raw = concatenate_raws([creat_mne_raw_object(fname, read_events=False) for fname in fnames])
예제 #59
 epochs = concatenate_epochs(epochs_tot)
 # get data 
 X = epochs.get_data()
 y = np.array(y)
 # train CSP
 csp = CSP(n_components=nfilters, reg='lws')
 ################ Create Training Features #################################
 # apply csp filters and rectify signal
 feat = np.dot(csp.filters_[0:nfilters],raw._data[picks])**2
 # smoothing by convolution with a rectangle window    
 feattr = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(convolve)(feat[i],boxcar(nwin),'full') for i in range(nfilters)))
 feattr = np.log(feattr[:,0:feat.shape[1]])
 # training labels
 # they are stored in the 6 last channels of the MNE raw object
 labels = raw._data[32:]
 ################ Create test Features #####################################
 # read test data 
 fnames =  glob("../30 Data/test/subj%d_series*_data.csv" % (subject))
 raw = concatenate_raws([creat_mne_raw_object(fname, read_events=False) for fname in fnames])
 raw._data[picks] = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(lfilter)(b,a,raw._data[i]) for i in picks))
 # read ids
 ids = np.concatenate([np.array(pd.read_csv(fname)['id']) for fname in fnames])