def build_graph_from_matrix(self, x, is_directed=True, remove_self_loops=False, normalized_edge=True, outward_prob_check=False): # The x matrix is exactly the relationship map between them."Building graph.") self.edges = x #For memmap compatibility if not issparse(self.edges):"Transforming into scipy sparse matrix") self.edges = csr_matrix(self.edges) # Iterate through matrix to get directed node -> node relationship"Build relation matrix (self.edges)") row_idxs, col_idxs = csr_matrix.nonzero(self.edges) assert len(row_idxs) == len(col_idxs) for i in range(len(row_idxs)): self.nodes[row_idxs[i]].append(col_idxs[i]) self.make_consistent() if remove_self_loops: self.remove_self_loops() if not is_directed: self.make_bidirection() if normalized_edge: self.normalize_edges() self.check_valid(outward_prob_check=outward_prob_check)
def _apply_cfidf(csr_matrix): num_docs, num_concepts = csr_matrix.shape _, nz_concept_idx = csr_matrix.nonzero() cf = np.bincount(nz_concept_idx, minlength=num_concepts) icf = np.log(num_docs / cf) icf[np.isinf(icf)] = 0 return safe_sparse_dot(csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.diags(icf))
def csr_to_symmetric(csr_matrix): """ This is suuuuupper slow :param csr_matrix: :return: """ rows, cols = csr_matrix.nonzero() csr_matrix[cols, rows] = csr_matrix[rows, cols] return csr_matrix
def save_sparse_file(csr_matrix,filename): data = rows, cols = csr_matrix.nonzero() f = open(filename,'w') for i in range(len(data)): f.write(str(rows[i]+1)+' ') f.write(str(cols[i]+1)+' ') f.write(str(data[i])+'\n') f.close()
def tpe(pc_xyz_noise, pc_weight_unit, pc_weight_sym): pc_smooth_plane = np.zeros_like(pc_xyz_noise) pc_smooth_patch = np.zeros_like(pc_xyz_noise) pc_avg_plane = pc_weight_unit @ pc_xyz_noise num_data = pc_xyz_noise.shape[0] normal_vec = np.zeros((num_data, 3)) inter = np.zeros((num_data, 1)) for ii in range(num_data): pc_neigh_plane_ii = pc_xyz_noise[csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_unit[ii])[-1]].T pc_neigh_patch_ii = pc_xyz_noise[csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_sym[ii])[-1]].T pc_neigh_mat_ii_tr = np.zeros_like(pc_neigh_plane_ii)[None, :, :] pc_neigh_mat_ii_tr[0, :, :] = pc_neigh_plane_ii pc_neigh_mat_ii = np.transpose(pc_neigh_mat_ii_tr, [1, 0, 2]) pc_avg_ii = pc_avg_plane[ii][:, None] weight_ii = pc_weight_unit[ii] # sum to 1 weight_ii = np.asarray(weight_ii[:, csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_unit[ii])[-1]].todense()) weight_mat_ii = np.tile(weight_ii, (3, 3, 1)) M_ii = np.sum(pc_neigh_mat_ii * pc_neigh_mat_ii_tr * weight_mat_ii, axis=-1) - pc_avg_ii @ pc_avg_ii.T # k: # of xyz(3), m:1, n: # of nonzero D,V = np.linalg.eig(M_ii) # D: eigenvalue V: eigenvector D_sort = np.sort(D)[::-1] index = np.argsort(D)[::-1] V_sort = V[:,index] n_ii = V_sort[:, -1] # min eigenvector (normal vector) c_ii = pc_avg_ii.T @ n_ii # intercept normal_vec[ii , :] = n_ii inter[ii , :] = c_ii pc_neigh_plane_proj_ii = pc_xyz_noise[ii , :].T - (n_ii @ pc_xyz_noise[ii , :] - c_ii) * n_ii pc_neigh_patch_proj_ii = pc_neigh_patch_ii - n_ii[:, None] * np.tile((n_ii @ pc_neigh_patch_ii - np.tile(c_ii, (1 , pc_neigh_patch_ii.shape[-1]))), (3 , 1)) weight_patch = np.asarray(pc_weight_sym[ii, csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_sym[ii])[-1]].todense()) pc_smooth_plane[ii] = pc_neigh_plane_proj_ii.T pc_smooth_patch[csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_sym[ii])[-1], : ] = pc_smooth_patch[csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_sym[ii])[-1], : ] + (weight_patch * pc_neigh_patch_proj_ii).T pc_smooth_patch = pc_smooth_patch/(np.sum(pc_weight_sym, axis=1)) pc_xyz_denoise_wmp = np.array(pc_smooth_plane * 0.6 + pc_smooth_patch * 0.4) return pc_xyz_denoise_wmp, normal_vec, inter
def csr_to_graph(csr_matrix): graph = dict() fathers, sons = csr_matrix.nonzero() for father, son in zip(fathers, sons): if father not in graph: graph[father] = set([son]) else: graph[father].add(son) # Add the reverse edges as well for son, father in zip(fathers, sons): if father not in graph: graph[father] = set([son]) else: graph[father].add(son) return graph
def shrink_corpus(corpus, length): TfIdf_info = TfIdf(corpus) scores = TfIdf_info['scores'] column_to_vocab = TfIdf_info['column_to_vocab'] new_corpus = [] for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(0, len(corpus))): # obtain nonzero columns: row = scores.getrow(i) # use getrow since scores is csr matrix indices = csr_matrix.nonzero(row)[1] # obtain the Tfidf-score of each word-index entries = [scores[i, j] for j in indices] # sort those scores and keep only the top ones top_entries = np.argsort(entries)[-length:] # get the corresponding column-index for each score top_word_indices = [indices[j] for j in top_entries] # get the corresponding word for each column index: top_words = [column_to_vocab[j] for j in top_word_indices] # shrink the commentt shrunken_comment = [word for word in corpus[i] if word in top_words] new_corpus.append(shrunken_comment) return new_corpus
def wmp(pc_xyz_noise, pc_weight_unit, normal_vec, inter, lmd=2/3, eta=0.05): num_data = pc_xyz_noise.shape[0] pc_xyz_denoise = copy.deepcopy(pc_xyz_noise) for ii in range(num_data): pc_neigh_ii = csr_matrix.nonzero(pc_weight_unit[ii])[-1] mu = 0 t = np.zeros(3) num_neigh = len(pc_neigh_ii) eta = np.log10(num_neigh)/num_neigh # might be changed sum_prod = 0 for jj in pc_neigh_ii: proj = pc_xyz_denoise[ii] - (normal_vec[ii] @ pc_xyz_denoise[ii] - inter[ii]) # argmin_t||p-t||_2^2 # t_prev = t t = 1 / (lmd*pc_weight_unit[ii, jj]+eta) * (lmd*pc_weight_unit[ii, jj] * pc_xyz_denoise[ii] + eta * (proj - mu/eta)) # print((lmd*pc_weight_unit[ii, jj]+eta)) # print(lmd*pc_weight_unit[ii, jj] * pc_xyz_noise[ii]) # print(eta * (proj - mu/eta)) mu += 2 * eta * (t - proj) sum_prod += pc_weight_unit[ii, jj] * t pc_xyz_denoise[ii] = 1 / (1+lmd) * (pc_xyz_noise[ii] + lmd * sum_prod) return pc_xyz_denoise
def get_node_neighbor_dict(adj, N): node_neighbors_dict = {} for i in range(N): node = adj[i] node_neighbors_dict[i] = csr_matrix.nonzero(node)[1] return node_neighbors_dict
def BGCN_model_trial(trials_per_partition, data_partition_seed, trial_index, log_dir): def train_gcn_one_epoch(support_graph, epoch): # Prepare feed dict for training set t = time.time() feed_dict_train = construct_feed_dict(features, support_graph, y_train, train_mask, placeholders) feed_dict_train.update({placeholders['dropout']: FLAGS.dropout}) # Training step outs =[model.opt_op, model.loss, model.accuracy], feed_dict=feed_dict_train) # Validation set cost_val, acc_val, duration = evaluate(features, support_original, y_val, val_mask, placeholders) # Test set using the sampled graph test_cost, test_acc, test_duration = evaluate(features, support_graph, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) # Test set using the original graph test_cost_original_graph, test_acc_original_graph, _ = evaluate( features, support_original, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) #get the softmax using the sample graphs feed_dict_val = construct_feed_dict(features, support_graph, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) feed_dict_val.update({placeholders['dropout']: 0}) soft_labels_sample_graphs =, feed_dict=feed_dict_val) #get the softmax of using the original graph feed_dict_OG = construct_feed_dict(features, support_original, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) feed_dict_OG.update({placeholders['dropout']: 0}) soft_labels_OG_graph =, feed_dict=feed_dict_OG) # evaluate cross-entropy loss cross_entropy_loss_avg_soft_labels = log_loss( labels_value[test_set_index], soft_labels_sample_graphs[test_set_index]) # Print results if epoch % 10 == 9: print( "===================================================================" ) print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch + 1), "train_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(outs[1]), "train_acc=", "{:.5f}".format(outs[2]), "time=", "{:.5f}".format(time.time() - t)) print("val_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(cost_val), "val_acc=", "{:.5f}".format(acc_val)) return cost_val, soft_labels_OG_graph, soft_labels_sample_graphs # data_partition_seed is used for data partition and generate a seed list for the neural network initial seed np.random.seed(data_partition_seed) trials_per_partition = trials_per_partition seed_list = np.random.randint(1, 1e6, trials_per_partition) for seed in seed_list: np.random.seed(data_partition_seed) #decide the data partition seed # ===========================load data======================================== timestamp = str([0:10] log_file_name = 'trial_index_' + str(trial_index) + '_data_partition_seed_' + str(data_partition_seed) \ + '_seed_' + str(seed) + '_' + timestamp + '.txt' if FLAGS.save_log: sys.stdout = open(log_dir + log_file_name, 'w') if not FLAGS.random_data_partition: adj, features, y_train, y_val, y_test, train_mask, val_mask, test_mask, labels, order = \ data_partition_fixed(dataset_name=FLAGS.dataset, label_n_per_class=FLAGS.label_per_class_n) else: adj, features, y_train, y_val, y_test, train_mask, val_mask, test_mask, labels, order = \ data_partition_random(dataset_name=FLAGS.dataset, label_n_per_class=FLAGS.label_per_class_n) np.random.seed(seed) # decide the seed for graph inference random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed( seed) # decide the random seed for neural network initial weights print("The index number for this trial is {}".format(trial_index)) print("The data partition seed for this trial is {}".format( data_partition_seed)) print("The seed number for this trial is {}".format(seed)) N = len(y_train) node_neighbors_dict = {} for i in range(N): node = adj[i] node_neighbors_dict[i] = csr_matrix.nonzero(node)[1] labels_value = labels.argmax(axis=1) #get the label value test_set_index = np.where(test_mask == True)[0] # ===========================================GCNN model set up======================================== features = preprocess_features(features) if FLAGS.model == 'gcn': support_original = [preprocess_adj(adj)] num_supports = 1 model_func = GCN elif FLAGS.model == 'gcn_cheby': support_original = chebyshev_polynomials(adj, FLAGS.max_degree) num_supports = 1 + FLAGS.max_degree model_func = GCN else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument for model: ' + str(FLAGS.model)) # Define placeholders placeholders = { 'support': [tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32) for _ in range(num_supports)], 'features': tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32, shape=tf.constant(features[2], dtype=tf.int64)), 'labels': tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, y_train.shape[1])), 'labels_mask': tf.placeholder(tf.int32), 'dropout': tf.placeholder_with_default(0., shape=()), 'num_features_nonzero': tf.placeholder(tf.int32) # helper variable for sparse dropout } order = labels_value.argsort() model = model_func(placeholders, input_dim=features[2][1], logging=True) upper_tri_index = np.triu_indices(N, k=1) # =======================================GCNN model initialization============================================== # Initialize session sess = tf.Session() # Define model evaluation function def evaluate(features, support, labels, mask, placeholders): t_test = time.time() feed_dict_val = construct_feed_dict(features, support, labels, mask, placeholders) outs_val =[model.loss, model.accuracy], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) return outs_val[0], outs_val[1], (time.time() - t_test) # Init variables cost_val_list = [] soft_max_sum_OG_graph = 0 # store the softmax output of the GCNN from different weight samples (from original graph) soft_max_sum_sample_graph = 0 # store the softmax output of the GCNN from different weight samples (from sample graphs) print( "===============================Start training the GCNN Model========================" ) for epoch in range(FLAGS.epochs): if FLAGS.graph_generation_mode == 'Copying': # =======================================GCNN pre train process===================================== if epoch < FLAGS.pretrain_n: cost_val, soft_labels_OG_graph, soft_labels_sample_graphs = train_gcn_one_epoch( support_original, epoch) cost_val_list.append(cost_val) obtained_labels = soft_labels_OG_graph.argmax(axis=1) if epoch == FLAGS.pretrain_n: sampled_graph = sample_graph_copying(seed, node_neighbors_dict, obtained_labels, order, set_seed=True) inferred_graph = csr_matrix(sampled_graph) # pk.dump(MAP_graph, open(os.path.join(log_dir, MAP_graph), 'wb')) if FLAGS.model == 'gcn_cheby': support = chebyshev_polynomials( inferred_graph, FLAGS.max_degree) else: support = [preprocess_adj(inferred_graph)] cost_val, soft_labels_OG_graph, soft_labels_sample_graphs = train_gcn_one_epoch( support, epoch) cost_val_list.append(cost_val) if epoch > FLAGS.pretrain_n: sampled_graph = sample_graph_copying(seed, node_neighbors_dict, obtained_labels, order, set_seed=False) inferred_graph = csr_matrix(sampled_graph) # pk.dump(MAP_graph, open(os.path.join(log_dir, MAP_graph), 'wb')) if FLAGS.model == 'gcn_cheby': support = chebyshev_polynomials( inferred_graph, FLAGS.max_degree) else: support = [preprocess_adj(inferred_graph)] cost_val, soft_labels_OG_graph, soft_labels_sample_graphs = train_gcn_one_epoch( support, epoch) # ===========save the softmax output from different weight samples================= if epoch > FLAGS.epoch_to_start_collect_weights and epoch % FLAGS.weight_sample_interval == 0: soft_max_sum_OG_graph += soft_labels_OG_graph hard_label_OG_graph = soft_max_sum_OG_graph.argmax( axis=1) acc_OG_graph = accuracy_score( labels_value[test_set_index], hard_label_OG_graph[test_set_index]) soft_max_sum_sample_graph += soft_labels_sample_graphs hard_label_sample_graph = soft_max_sum_sample_graph.argmax( axis=1) acc_sample_graph = accuracy_score( labels_value[test_set_index], hard_label_sample_graph[test_set_index]) obtained_labels = hard_label_sample_graph if epoch % 10 == 9: print( "============= weight sampling results at iteration {}==========" .format(epoch + 1)) print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the original graph is {}" .format(acc_OG_graph)) print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the sample graph is {}" .format(acc_sample_graph)) cost_val_list.append(cost_val) elif FLAGS.graph_generation_mode == 'None': cost_val, soft_labels_OG_graph, soft_labels_sample_graphs = train_gcn_one_epoch( support_original, epoch) cost_val_list.append(cost_val) if epoch > FLAGS.epoch_to_start_collect_weights and epoch % FLAGS.weight_sample_interval == 0: soft_max_sum_OG_graph += soft_labels_OG_graph hard_label_OG_graph = soft_max_sum_OG_graph.argmax(axis=1) acc_OG_graph = accuracy_score( labels_value[test_set_index], hard_label_OG_graph[test_set_index]) if epoch % 10 == 9: print( "========= weight sampling results at iteration {}========" .format(epoch + 1)) print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the original graph is {}" .format(acc_OG_graph)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument for model: ' + str(FLAGS.graph_generation_mode)) print("Optimization Finished!") print( "===============================Start evaluate the final model performance =============================" ) if FLAGS.graph_generation_mode != 'None': softmax_log_file_name = 'BCGN_softmax_trial_index_' + str( trial_index) + '_data_partition_seed_' + str( data_partition_seed) + '_seed_' + str( seed) + '_' + timestamp + '.pk' pk.dump(soft_max_sum_OG_graph, open(os.path.join(log_dir, softmax_log_file_name), 'wb')) # Test set using the sampled graph test_cost, test_acc, test_duration = evaluate( features, support, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) # Test set using the original graph test_cost_original_graph, test_acc_original_graph, _ = evaluate( features, support_original, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) print("Model: Bayesian GCNN") print( "============1) final result using the weight at the last iteration (OG graph)=========" ) print("The accuracy from original graph is {}".format( test_acc_original_graph)) print( "============1) final result using the weight at the last iteration (Sample graph)=========" ) print("The accuracy from original graph is {}".format(test_acc)) print( "============2) final result for weight samping and graph sampling=========" ) print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the original graph is {}" .format(acc_OG_graph)) print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the sample graph is {}" .format(acc_sample_graph)) else: softmax_log_file_name = 'Vanilla_softmax_trial_index_' + str( trial_index) + '_data_partition_seed_' + str( data_partition_seed) + '_seed_' + str( seed) + '_' + timestamp + '.pk' pk.dump(soft_max_sum_OG_graph, open(os.path.join(log_dir, softmax_log_file_name), 'wb')) test_cost_original_graph, test_acc_original_graph, _ = evaluate( features, support_original, y_test, test_mask, placeholders) print("Model: Vanilla GCNN") print( "============1) final result using the weight at the last iteration=========" ) print("The accuracy from original graph is {}".format( test_acc_original_graph)) print("============2) final result for weight samping===========") print( "The accuracy from avg weight sampling using the original graph is {}" .format(acc_OG_graph)) sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph() return 0