예제 #1
    def _laplacian_blocks(self, Adjacency):
        """Creates block diagonal matrices from adjacency matrices

        W_datasets          - a list of k (n x n) sparse matrices

        L                   - a sparse (n*k x n*k) Laplacian matrix
        L_datasets          - a list of k (n x n) sparse Laplacian matrices
        D                   - a sparse (n*k x n*k) Diagonal matrix
        D_datasets          - a list of k (n x n) sparse Diagonal matrices

        1) Clever trick with the dual output list comprehension

            It don't think it's faster to compute the lists separately
            because I'm doing some heavier calculations behind the scenes
            as compared to actual number creating.

        L_datasets, D_datasets = zip(*[create_laplacian(dataset,
                                      sparse=self.sparse_mat) \
                                                   for dataset in Adjacency])

        return block_diag(L_datasets), L_datasets, \
                block_diag(D_datasets), D_datasets
예제 #2
def generate_suffix_counting_cstr(cycle_set, X, R):
    """Generate inequalities (47b) for suffix counting"""

    # Variables a[0] ... a[C-1] + slack vars b[c][l]

    J = len(cycle_set)
    N_cycle_tot = sum(len(C) for C in cycle_set)

    # First set: A_iq1_a a + A_iq1_b b \leq b_iq1
    # guarantee that count in each cycle is less than
    # slack var
    A_iq1_a = sp.block_diag(tuple([_cycle_matrix(C, X)
                            for C in cycle_set]))

    A_iq1_b = sp.block_diag(tuple([-np.ones([len(C), 1])
                            for C in cycle_set]))
    b_iq1 = np.zeros(N_cycle_tot)

    # Second set: A_iq2_b b \leq b_iq2
    # guarantees that sum of slack vars
    # less than R
    A_iq2_a = sp.coo_matrix((1, N_cycle_tot))
    A_iq2_b = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(J), (np.zeros(J), range(J))),
                            shape=(1, J))

    b_iq2 = np.array([R])

    return A_iq1_a, A_iq1_b, b_iq1, A_iq2_a, A_iq2_b, b_iq2
예제 #3
  def blockLiftingAnalysis(self):
    Build, lift and analyze block matrix form of the collected LPs.
    # Extract lists of matrices for each LP element from the collected LPs.
    # The coo_matrix calls are needed because vectors are delivered in dense format
    # by the (block) grounder and the stacking below needs a sparse representation.
    am = [ x["a"] for x in self.ground]
    bm = [ sp.coo_matrix(x["b"]) for x in self.ground]
    cm = [ sp.coo_matrix(x["c"]) for x in self.ground]
    gm = [ x["g"] for x in self.ground]
    hm = [ sp.coo_matrix(x["h"]) for x in self.ground]

    # stack it
    block_a = sp.block_diag(am)
    block_b = sp.vstack(bm)
    block_c = sp.vstack(cm)
    block_g = sp.block_diag(gm)
    block_h = sp.vstack(hm)

    # lift it
    ground = mdict(block_a,block_b,block_c,block_g,block_h)
    lifted = lift(ground, self.sparse, self.orbits)

    # say it
    print >> self.report, "BLOCK LP LIFTING"
    reportToFile(self.report,ground,lifted, self.dumpBlockMatrix)
예제 #4
파일: ActiveOptics.py 프로젝트: fquiros/CEO
    def sparse_WFE(self,SVD_threshold, gs_wfs_mag=None, 
                   spotFWHM_arcsec=None, pixelScale_arcsec=None, 
                   ron=0.0, nPhBackground=0.0, controller=None,

        self.C.threshold = SVD_threshold

        M_wfs = sprs.block_diag(self.C.M)
        D = list(self.C.D)
        D[-1] = np.insert(D[-1],[2,7],0,axis=1)
        D_wfs = sprs.block_diag(D)
        Q = sprs.eye(M_wfs.shape[0]) - M_wfs.dot(D_wfs)

        L = sprs.block_diag(self.L)
        self.Qb2 = Q.dot(L.dot(Q.T))
        if G_ncpa is not None:
            Delta_ncpa = M_wfs.dot(G_ncpa.dot(M_wfs.T))
            self.Qb2 += Delta_ncpa

        n = self.Os[0].shape[0]
        wfe_rms = lambda x : np.sqrt(x.diagonal().sum()/n)*1e9
        Osp = sprs.block_diag(self.Osp)

        self.Cov_wo_noise = Osp.dot(self.Qb2.dot(Osp.T))
        self.noise_free_wfe = wfe_rms(self.Cov_wo_noise)

예제 #5
    def Jfull(self, m=None, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.fields(m)

        nn = len(f)-1
        Asubs, Adiags, Bs = list(range(nn)), list(range(nn)), list(range(nn))
        for ii in range(nn):
            dt = self.timeSteps[ii]
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, f[ii])
            Asubs[ii], Adiags[ii], Bs[ii] = self.diagsJacobian(
                m, f[ii], f[ii+1], dt, bc
        Ad = sp.block_diag(Adiags)
        zRight = Utils.spzeros(
            (len(Asubs)-1)*Asubs[0].shape[0], Adiags[0].shape[1]
        zTop = Utils.spzeros(
            Adiags[0].shape[0], len(Adiags)*Adiags[0].shape[1]
        As = sp.vstack((zTop, sp.hstack((sp.block_diag(Asubs[1:]), zRight))))
        A = As + Ad
        B = np.array(sp.vstack(Bs).todense())

        Ainv = self.Solver(A, **self.solverOpts)
        AinvB = Ainv * B
        z = np.zeros((self.mesh.nC, B.shape[1]))
        du_dm = np.vstack((z, AinvB))
        J = self.survey.deriv(f, du_dm_v=du_dm)  # not multiplied by v
        return J
예제 #6
 def aveE2CCV(self):
     "Construct the averaging operator on cell edges to cell centers."
     if(self.dim == 1):
         return self.aveEx2CC
     elif(self.dim == 2):
         return sp.block_diag((self.aveEx2CC, self.aveEy2CC), format="csr")
     elif(self.dim == 3):
         return sp.block_diag((self.aveEx2CC, self.aveEy2CC, self.aveEz2CC), format="csr")
예제 #7
def generate_prefix_dyn_cstr(G, T, init):
    """Generate equalities (47c), (47e) for prefix dynamics"""
    K = G.K()
    M = G.M()

    # variables: u[0], ..., u[T-1], x[1], ..., x[T]

    # Obtain system matrix
    B = G.system_matrix()

    # (47c)
    # T*K equalities
    A_eq1_u = sp.block_diag((B,) * T)
    A_eq1_x = sp.block_diag((sp.identity(K),) * T)
    b_eq1 = np.zeros(T * K)

    # (47e)
    # T*K equalities
    A_eq2_u = sp.block_diag((_id_stacked(K, M),) * T)
    A_eq2_x = sp.bmat([[sp.coo_matrix((K, K * (T - 1))),
                        sp.coo_matrix((K, K))],
                       [sp.block_diag((sp.identity(K),) * (T - 1)),
                        sp.coo_matrix((K * (T - 1), K))]
    b_eq2 = np.hstack([init, np.zeros((T - 1) * K)])

    # Forbid non-existent modes
    # T * len(ban_idx) equalities
    ban_idx = [G.order_fcn(v) + m * K
               for v in G.nodes_iter()
               for m in range(M)
               if G.mode(m) not in G.node_modes(v)]
    A_eq3_u_part = sp.coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(ban_idx)), (range(len(ban_idx)), ban_idx)),
        shape=(len(ban_idx), K * M)
    A_eq3_u = sp.block_diag((A_eq3_u_part,) * T)
    A_eq3_x = sp.coo_matrix((T * len(ban_idx), T * K))
    b_eq3 = np.zeros(T * len(ban_idx))

    # Stack everything
    A_eq_u = sp.bmat([[A_eq1_u],
    A_eq_x = sp.bmat([[-A_eq1_x],
    b_eq = np.hstack([b_eq1, b_eq2, b_eq3])

    return A_eq_u, A_eq_x, b_eq
 def _noise_eval(self, fx, theta):
     Evaluate the noise.
     fx_part = self._extract_parts(fx, self._idx_dim, self.model.num_input)
     theta_part = self._extract_parts(theta, self._idx_like_params, self.num_like_params)
     states = [c._noise_eval(f, t) for f, t in izip(fx_part, theta_part)]
     state = {}
     state['L'] = np.sum([s['L'] for s in states])
     state['L_grad_f'] = np.hstack([s['L_grad_f'] for s in states])
     state['L_grad_theta'] = np.hstack([s['L_grad_theta'] for s in states])
     state['L_grad_2_f'] = block_diag([s['L_grad_2_f'] for s in states])
     state['L_grad_2_theta'] = block_diag([s['L_grad_2_theta'] for s in states])
     state['L_grad_2_theta_f'] = block_diag([s['L_grad_2_theta_f'] for s in states])
     return state
예제 #9
def eigbh(cm,bm,return_vecs=True):
    Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for matrice with block structure specified by block marker.

        :cm: csr_matrix/bsr_matrix, the input matrix.
        :return_vecs: bool, return the eigenvectors or not.
        :bm: <BlockMarkerBase>, the block marker.

        (eigenvalues,eigenvectors) if return vecs==True.
        (eigenvalues) if return vecs==False.
    for i in xrange(bm.nblock):
        if return_vecs:
            if is_sparse: mi=mi.toarray()
    if return_vecs:
        return concatenate(EL),sps.block_diag(UL)
        return concatenate(EL)
예제 #10
    def build_projective_lcp(self):
        Build the projective lcp
        Q = self.Q
        N = self.num_nodes
        K = self.num_bases
        A = self.num_actions
        # Block diagonal basis
        RepQ = [Q]*(A+1)
        if isinstance(Q, np.ndarray):
            BigQ = sp.linalg.block_diag(*RepQ)
            BigQ = sps.block_diag(RepQ)
        assert((N,K) == BigQ.shape)
        self.BigQ = BigQ

        # Build the U part of the matrix
        U = mdp.mdp_skew_assembler([Q.T]*A)
        assert((N,N) == U.shape)
        self.U = U
        q = self.build_q()
        assert((N,) == q.shape)
        self.proj_lcp_obj = lcp.ProjectiveLCPObj(BigQ,U,q)
        return self.proj_lcp_obj
예제 #11
 def generate_regularization_matrix(self):
     regmat = self.reg()
     shape = regmat.shape
     shape = (shape[0]*(self.num_epochs-1), shape[1]*(self.num_epochs-1))
     zero = sparse.csc_matrix(shape)
     L = sparse.block_diag([regmat, zero])
     return L        
예제 #12
def kron_mat(lin_op):
    """Returns the coefficient matrix for KRON linear op.

    lin_op : LinOp
        The conv linear op.

    list of SciPy CSC matrix
        The matrix representing the Kronecker product.
    constant = const_mat(lin_op.data)
    lh_rows, lh_cols = constant.shape
    rh_rows, rh_cols = lin_op.args[0].size
    # Stack sections for each column of the output.
    col_blocks = []
    for j in range(lh_cols):
        # Vertically stack A_{ij}Identity.
        blocks = []
        for i in range(lh_rows):
            blocks.append(constant[i, j]*sp.eye(rh_rows))
        column = sp.vstack(blocks)
        # Make block diagonal matrix by repeating column.
        col_blocks.append( sp.block_diag(rh_cols*[column]) )
    coeff = sp.vstack(col_blocks).tocsc()

    return [coeff]
예제 #13
파일: losses.py 프로젝트: chrinide/hep_ml
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight):
        self.queries = X[self.request_column]
        self.y = y
        self.possible_queries, normed_queries = numpy.unique(self.queries, return_inverse=True)
        self.possible_ranks, normed_ranks = numpy.unique(self.y, return_inverse=True)

        self.lookups = [normed_ranks, normed_queries * len(self.possible_ranks) + normed_ranks]
        self.minlengths = [len(self.possible_ranks), len(self.possible_ranks) * len(self.possible_queries)]
        self.rank_penalties = numpy.zeros([len(self.possible_ranks), len(self.possible_ranks)], dtype=float)
        for r1 in self.possible_ranks:
            for r2 in self.possible_ranks:
                if r1 < r2:
                    if self.messup_penalty == 'square':
                        self.rank_penalties[r1, r2] = (r2 - r1) ** 2
                    elif self.messup_penalty == 'linear':
                        self.rank_penalties[r1, r2] = r2 - r1
                        raise NotImplementedError()

        self.penalty_matrices = []
        self.penalty_matrices.append(self.rank_penalties / numpy.sqrt(1 + len(y)))
        n_queries = numpy.bincount(normed_queries)
        assert len(n_queries) == len(self.possible_queries)
        self.penalty_matrices.append(sparse.block_diag([self.rank_penalties * 1. / numpy.sqrt(1 + nq) for nq in n_queries]))
        HessianLossFunction.fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
예제 #14
    def _adjacency_blocks(self, X):
        """Create adjacency block matrices from adjacency matrices

        X               - a k list of (n x m) dense array entries

        W               - a sparse diagonal (n*k) x (n*k) matrix
        W_datasets      - a list of sparse (n x m) adjacency matrix entries

        # create adjacency matrices
        W_datasets = [compute_adjacency(dataset,
                                        gamma=self.gamma) \
                                            for dataset in X]

        ''' TODO: list comprehensions of list comprehensions for different
        values in the adjacency matrix. e.g. different weight, affinity,
        n_neighbors, metric, trees, gamma, algorithm for each matrix.
        # return
        return block_diag(W_datasets), W_datasets
예제 #15
    def make_precon(self, atoms):
        if self.H0 is not None:
            # only build H0 on first call
            return NotImplemented

        variable_cell = False
        if isinstance(atoms, Filter):
            variable_cell = True
            atoms = atoms.atoms

        # position DoF
        omega = self.phonon_frequency
        mass = atoms.get_masses().mean()
        block = np.eye(3) / (mass * omega**2)
        blocks = [block] * len(atoms)

        # cell DoF
        if variable_cell:
            coeff = 1.0
            if self.apply_cell:
                coeff = 1.0 / (3 * self.bulk_modulus)
            blocks.append(np.diag([coeff] * 9))

        self.H0 = sparse.block_diag(blocks, format='csr')
        return NotImplemented
예제 #16
파일: piqs.py 프로젝트: jenshnielsen/qutip
def block_matrix(N):
    """Construct the block-diagonal matrix for the Dicke basis.

    N: int
        Number of two-level systems.

    block_matr: ndarray
        A 2D block-diagonal matrix of ones with dimension (nds,nds),
        where nds is the number of Dicke states for N two-level
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    # create a list with the sizes of the blocks, in order
    blocks_dimensions = int(N/2 + 1 - 0.5*(N % 2))
    blocks_list = [(2 * (i+1 * (N % 2)) + 1*((N+1) % 2))
                   for i in range(blocks_dimensions)]
    blocks_list = np.flip(blocks_list, 0)
    # create a list with each block matrix as element
    square_blocks = []
    k = 0
    for i in blocks_list:
        square_blocks.append(np.ones((i, i)))
        k = k + 1
    return block_diag(square_blocks)
예제 #17
def run_figure_3_8():
    # perturbation size
    epsilon = 1e-8

    # define base matrix
    B = numpy.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
    n = 20
    C = numpy.diag(numpy.ones(n-1), -1)
    C[0, -1] = 1
    A = block_diag((B, 1e2*C)).todense()

    # get pseudospectrum (normal matrix!)
    from pseudopy import Normal
    pseudo = Normal(A)

    # get polynomial
    p = utils.NormalizedRootsPolynomial(numpy.linalg.eigvals(B))

    # define deltas for evaluation
    deltas = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(epsilon*1.01), 8, 400)

    # compute bound
    bound = utils.bound_perturbed_gmres(pseudo, p, epsilon, deltas)
    pyplot.loglog(deltas, bound)

    # add labels and legend
예제 #18
파일: affine_prod.py 프로젝트: heath9/cvxpy
    def _grad(self, values):
        """Gives the (sub/super)gradient of the atom w.r.t. each argument.

        Matrix expressions are vectorized, so the gradient is a matrix.

            values: A list of numeric values for the arguments.

            A list of SciPy CSC sparse matrices or None.
        X = values[0]
        Y = values[1]

        DX_rows = self.args[0].size[0]*self.args[0].size[1]
        cols = self.args[0].size[0]*self.args[1].size[1]

        # DX = [diag(Y11), diag(Y12), ...]
        #      [diag(Y21), diag(Y22), ...]
        #      [   ...        ...     ...]
        DX = sp.dok_matrix((DX_rows, cols))
        for k in range(self.args[0].size[0]):
            DX[k::self.args[0].size[0], k::self.args[0].size[0]] = Y
        DX = sp.csc_matrix(DX)
        DY = sp.block_diag([X.T for k in range(self.args[1].size[1])], 'csc')

        return [DX, DY]
예제 #19
def get_sample_data(n_sess, full_brain=False, subj=1):
    Download the data for the current session and subject

    n_sess: int
        number of session, one of {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
    subj: int 
        number of subject, one of {1, 2}
    DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    ds = np.DataSource(DIR)
    BASEDIR = 'http://fa.bianp.net/projects/hrf_estimation/data'
    BASEDIR_COMMON = BASEDIR + '/data_common/'
    if full_brain:
        BASEDIR += '/full_brain'
    BASEDIR_SUBJ = BASEDIR + '/data_subj%s/' % subj
    event_matrix = io.mmread(ds.open(
        BASEDIR_COMMON + 'event_matrix.mtx')).toarray()
    print('Downloading BOLD signal')
    voxels = np.load(ds.open(
        BASEDIR_SUBJ + 'voxels_%s.npy' % n_sess))
    # print('Downloading Scatting Stim')
    # scatt_stim = np.load(ds.open(
    #     BASEDIR_SUBJ + 'scatt_stim_%s.npy' % n_sess))

    em = sparse.coo_matrix(event_matrix)
    fir_matrix = utils.convolve_events(event_matrix, np.eye(HRF_LENGTH))
    events_train = sparse.block_diag([event_matrix] * 5).toarray()
    conditions_train = sparse.coo_matrix(events_train).col
    onsets_train = sparse.coo_matrix(events_train).row

    return voxels, conditions_train, onsets_train
예제 #20
 def setMs(self, nSensors=10):
     '''Creates an n-grid mesh across the surface for the 3D case '''
     self.nSen = nSensors*nSensors
     '''First find the appropriate 10 indexes within the PML & illumination region '''
     indx = np.round(np.linspace(self.npml+5,self.nx-self.npml-5, nSensors)).astype(int)-1;
     indx = np.unique(indx)
     # print (indx + 1)
     ''' make the exact X operator using strides '''
     xl,zl = np.meshgrid(indx+1,indx)
     Mx = sparse.dok_matrix((self.nSen,(self.nx+1)*self.ny*self.nz))
     for ix,loc in enumerate(zip(xl.flatten(),zl.flatten())):
         pts = loc[0]*self.ny*self.nz + self.div*self.nz + loc[1]
         Mx[ix,pts] = 1.0
     xl,zl = np.meshgrid(indx,indx)
     My = sparse.dok_matrix((self.nSen,self.nx*(self.ny+1)*self.nz))
     for ix,loc in enumerate(zip(xl.flatten(),zl.flatten())):
         pts = loc[0]*(self.ny+1)*self.nz + (self.div+1)*self.nz + loc[1]
         My[ix,pts] = 1.0
     '''make the exact Z operator using strides '''
     xl,zl = np.meshgrid(indx,indx+1)
     Mz = sparse.dok_matrix((self.nSen,self.nx*self.ny*(self.nz+1)))
     for ix,loc in enumerate(zip(xl.flatten(),zl.flatten())): 
         pts = loc[0]*self.ny*(self.nz+1) + self.div*(self.nz+1) + loc[1]
         Mz[ix,pts] = 1.0        
     ''' smush together in block diagonal format '''
     self.Ms = sparse.block_diag((Mx,My,Mz),'csr')
     self.nSen = 3*self.nSen
예제 #21
def make_weak_corr_mat(corr_size):
    raw_corr_mats = [np.ones((corr_size, corr_size)) * float(i)/10 for i in range(10)]
    corr_mats = [np.maximum(_, np.eye(corr_size)) for _ in raw_corr_mats]
    corr_mat_sqrts = [np.linalg.cholesky(_) for _ in corr_mats]
    output_corr_mats = np.random.choice(len(corr_mat_sqrts), N_SNPS/corr_size, replace=True)
    output_corr_mat_sqrts = [corr_mat_sqrts[_] for _ in output_corr_mats]
    output_corr_mat_sqrt = block_diag(output_corr_mat_sqrts)
    return output_corr_mat_sqrt
예제 #22
파일: util.py 프로젝트: catniplab/vLGP
def sparse_prior(sigma, omega, trial_lengths, rank):
    # [diagonal(G1, G2, ..., Gq)]
    from scipy import sparse

    return [
        sparse.block_diag([s * ichol_gauss(l, w, rank) for s, w in zip(sigma, omega)])
        for l in trial_lengths
예제 #23
def _build_sparse_mtx():
    Create 3 topics and each have 3 words
    n_topics = 3
    alpha0 = eta0 = 1.0 / n_topics
    block = n_topics * np.ones((3, 3))
    X = sp.block_diag([block] * n_topics).tocsr()
    return n_topics, alpha0, eta0, X
예제 #24
 def gen_basis_matrix(self):
     res = []
     for nth, _ in enumerate(self.yf[0:-1]):
         for mth, _ in enumerate(self.xf[0:-1]):            
             slip = self.gen_slip_mesh(mth, nth)
     res1 = sparse.csr_matrix(hstack(res))
     res2 = sparse.block_diag([res1]*self.num_epochs)
     return res2
예제 #25
    def mitochondrial_relationship_matrix(self, ids=None):
        Returns a block diagonal matrix of mitochondrial relationships
        for each pedigree.

        See notes on Pedigree.mitochondrial_relationship_matrix
        mats = [x.mitochondrial_relationship_matrix(ids) for x in
                sorted(self.pedigrees, key=lambda x: x.label)]
        return block_diag(mats, format='bsr')
예제 #26
def build_chebyshev_basis(a,b,N,k):
    x = np.linspace(-1,1,N)

    B = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebvander(x,k-3)
    B = np.hstack([a[:,np.newaxis],
    B = orthonorm(B)
    P = sps.block_diag([B]*3)
    assert (3*N,3*k) == P.shape
    return P
예제 #27
    def additive_relationship_matrix(self, ids=None):
        Returns a block diagonal matrix of additive relationships
        for each pedigree.

        See notes on Pedigree.additive_relationship_matrix
        mats = [x.additive_relationship_matrix(ids) for x in
                sorted(self.pedigrees, key=lambda x: x.label)]
        mats = [x for x in mats if x.size > 0]
        return block_diag(mats, format='bsr')
예제 #28
def invrecovar(reData, sampleCov):
	numre = len(reData)
	temp = []
	for i in range(numre):
		nop = len(np.unique(reData[i][1]))
	result = temp[0]
	if numre>1:
		for i in np.arange(1,numre):
			result = block_diag((result, temp[i]))
	return (result)
예제 #29
 def fget(self):
     if(self._cellGradBC is None):
         BC = self.setCellGradBC(self._cellGradBC_list)
         n = self.vnC
         if(self.dim == 1):
             G = ddxCellGradBC(n[0], BC[0])
         elif(self.dim == 2):
             G1 = sp.kron(speye(n[1]), ddxCellGradBC(n[0], BC[0]))
             G2 = sp.kron(ddxCellGradBC(n[1], BC[1]), speye(n[0]))
             G = sp.block_diag((G1, G2), format="csr")
         elif(self.dim == 3):
             G1 = kron3(speye(n[2]), speye(n[1]), ddxCellGradBC(n[0], BC[0]))
             G2 = kron3(speye(n[2]), ddxCellGradBC(n[1], BC[1]), speye(n[0]))
             G3 = kron3(ddxCellGradBC(n[2], BC[2]), speye(n[1]), speye(n[0]))
             G = sp.block_diag((G1, G2, G3), format="csr")
         # Compute areas of cell faces & volumes
         S = self.area
         V = self.aveCC2F*self.vol  # Average volume between adjacent cells
         self._cellGradBC = sdiag(S/V)*G
     return self._cellGradBC
예제 #30
 def setMd(self, xrng, yrng, zrng):
     '''Tell me the xrange,yrange, and zrange and Ill
     1) specify nRx,nRy, and nRz
     2) produce a matrix that achieves a 1:1 sampling, self.Md '''
     '''set the right dimensions'''
     self.nRx = xrng[1]-xrng[0]
     self.nRy = yrng[1]-yrng[0]
     self.nRz = zrng[1]-zrng[0]
     nR = self.nRx*self.nRy*self.nRz
     ''' ok have to use spans:
     loc = i*J*K + j*K + k for row-major ordering '''
     ''' populate the locations in the X grid'''
     #sX = sparse.dok_matrix((self.nx+1,self.ny,self.nz),dtype='bool')
     #sX[xrng[0]+1:xrng[1]+1,yrng[0]:yrng[1],zrng[0]:zrng[1]] = True
     ''' make it an operator '''
     ''' nested for should give reshape-able vectors '''
     cnt = 0
     Mx = sparse.dok_matrix((nR,(self.nx+1)*self.ny*self.nz))
     for x in xrange(xrng[0]+1,xrng[1]+1):
         for y in xrange(yrng[0],yrng[1]):
             for z in xrange(zrng[0],zrng[1]):
                 pts = x*self.ny*self.nz + y*self.nz + z
                 Mx[cnt,pts] = 1.0
                 cnt += 1
     '''populate the locations in the Y grid'''
     My = sparse.dok_matrix((nR,self.nx*(self.ny+1)*self.nz))
     cnt = 0
     for x in xrange(xrng[0],xrng[1]):
         for y in xrange(yrng[0]+1,yrng[1]+1):
             for z in xrange(zrng[0],zrng[1]):
                 pts = x*(self.ny+1)*self.nz + y*self.nz + z
                 My[cnt,pts] = 1.0
                 cnt += 1
     '''populate the locations in the Z grid'''
     Mz = sparse.dok_matrix((nR,self.nx*self.ny*(self.nz+1)))
     cnt = 0
     for x in xrange(xrng[0],xrng[1]):
         for y in xrange(yrng[0],yrng[1]):
             for z in xrange(zrng[0]+1,zrng[1]+1):
                 pts = x*(self.ny)*(self.nz+1) + y*(self.nz+1) + z
                 Mz[cnt,pts] = 1.0
                 cnt += 1
     ''' put them all together in a block matrix '''    
     self.Md = spt.vCat([Mx.T,My.T,Mz.T]).T
     print 'Md shape ' + repr(self.Md.shape)
     self.x2u = sparse.block_diag((Mx,My,Mz), 'csc').T
     print 'x2u shape ' + repr(self.x2u.shape)
예제 #31
    def test_multithread(self):
        data = []

        n_rep = 20

        for i in range(n_rep):
            m = 1000
            n = 500
            Ad = sparse.random(m, n, density=0.3, format='csc')
            b = np.random.randn(m)

            # OSQP data
            P = sparse.block_diag(
                [sparse.csc_matrix((n, n)), sparse.eye(m)], format='csc')
            q = np.zeros(n+m)
            A = sparse.vstack([
                sparse.hstack([Ad, -sparse.eye(m)]),
                sparse.hstack([sparse.eye(n), sparse.csc_matrix((n, m))])], format='csc')
            l = np.hstack([b, np.zeros(n)])
            u = np.hstack([b, np.ones(n)])

            data.append((P, q, A, l, u))

        def f(i):
            P, q, A, l, u = data[i]
            m = osqp.OSQP()
            m.setup(P, q, A, l, u, verbose=False)

        pool = ThreadPool(2)

        tic = time.time()
        for i in range(n_rep):
        t_serial = time.time() - tic

        tic = time.time()
        pool.map(f, range(n_rep))
        t_parallel = time.time() - tic

        self.assertLess(t_parallel, t_serial)
예제 #32
def cvx_solve_u(A, B, x_cell):
    T = len(x_cell)
    ni, nj = x_cell[0].shape
    n = ni * nj
    Xvec = np.empty((0, n))

    for id in range(T):
        xt = np.transpose(x_cell[id])
        Xvec = np.append(Xvec, [xt.flatten()], axis=0)

    BigA = copy.deepcopy(A)
    BigB = copy.deepcopy(B)

    for id in range(T - 2):
        BigA = block_diag((BigA, A))
        BigB = vstack((B, B))

    # u = cvxpy.Variable(n)
    # uu = u
    # for i in range(T-2):
    #     uu = cvxpy.vstack(uu,u)
    Xvec = Xvec.flatten()
    coef = Xvec[n:n * T] - BigA * Xvec[0:n * (T - 1)]

    def func(params, xdata, ydata):
        return (ydata - np.dot(xdata, params))

    u = np.zeros(n)
    u = optimization.leastsq(func, u, args=(BigB.toarray(), coef))
    # fn = cvxpy.norm(coef - BigB.toarray() * uu)
    # eta = 2.22*1e-16
    # soltol = eta**(3/8)
    # stdtol = eta**(1/4)
    # redtol = eta**(1/4)
    # objective = cvxpy.Minimize(fn)
    # prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective)
    # # TODO: Change solver and tolerance levels
    # # prob.solve(solver=cvxpy.ECOS, verbose=False, abstol=1e-3, reltol=1e-3, feastol=1e-3)
    # prob.solve(solver=cvxpy.ECOS_BB, verbose=True, abstol=soltol, reltol=stdtol, feastol=soltol)
    # print prob.value
    return u[0]
예제 #33
def gen_qp_matrices(k, n, gammas, dens_lvl=0.5):
    Generate QP matrices for portfolio optimization problem

    # Generate data
    F = spa.random(n, k, density=dens_lvl, format='csc')
    D = spa.diags(np.random.rand(n) * np.sqrt(k), format='csc')
    mu = np.random.randn(n)

    # Construct the problem
    #       minimize	x' D x + y' I y - (1/gamma) * mu' x
    #       subject to  1' x = 1
    #                   F' x = y
    #                   0 <= x <= 1
    P = spa.block_diag((2 * D, 2 * spa.eye(k)), format='csc')
    A = spa.vstack([
        spa.hstack([spa.csc_matrix(np.ones((1, n))),
                    spa.csc_matrix((1, k))]),
        spa.hstack([F.T, -spa.eye(k)])
    l = np.hstack([1., np.zeros(k)])  # Linear constraints
    u = np.hstack([1., np.zeros(k)])
    lx = np.zeros(n)  # Bounds
    ux = np.ones(n)

    # Create linear cost vectors
    q = np.empty((k + n, 0))
    for gamma in gammas:
        q = np.column_stack((q, np.append(-mu / gamma, np.zeros(k))))

    qp_matrices = utils.QPmatrices(P, q, A, l, u, lx, ux)

    # Add further matrices for CVXPY modeling
    qp_matrices.F = F
    qp_matrices.D = D
    qp_matrices.mu = mu
    qp_matrices.gammas = gammas

    # Return QP matrices
    return qp_matrices
def spline_dIm_dphi(img, phi):
    rows, columns = img.shape
    lx = np.linspace(0, columns - 1, columns)
    ly = np.linspace(0, rows - 1, rows)

    phi_x = phi[:, 0]
    phi_y = phi[:, 1]

    spline = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
        lx,  # coords once only
    x_grad = spline.ev(phi_y, phi_x, dx=1, dy=0)

    y_grad = spline.ev(phi_y, phi_x, dx=0, dy=1)
    all_grads = [x_grad, y_grad]

    gradient_array = np.dstack(
        [dim_arr.flatten(order='F') for dim_arr in all_grads[::-1]])[0]
    block_diag = sparse.block_diag(gradient_array)
    return block_diag
 def solveLaplacianMesh(self, anchors, anchorsIdx, cotangent=True):
     n = self.mesh.VPos.shape[0]  # N x 3
     k = anchorsIdx.shape[0]
     if cotangent:
         self.getLaplacianMatrixCotangent(anchorsIdx)  # get LaplacianMatrix   cotangent=True
     delta = np.array(self.L.dot(self.mesh.VPos))  # numpy data (5853, 3)
     print("delta shape is {}".format(delta.shape))
     print("n is {}".format(n))
     # augment delta solution matrix with weighted anchors
     for i in range(k):
         delta[n + i, :] = self.WEIGHT[i] * anchors[i, :]
     # update mesh vertices with least-squares solution
     # save_pickle_file("L.pkl", self.L)
     # save_pickle_file("delta.pkl", delta)
     l = block_diag((self.L, self.L, self.L))
     d = np.hstack((delta[:, 0], delta[:, 1], delta[:, 2]))
     ans = lsqr(l, d)
     self.mesh.VPos = ans[0].reshape(3, -1).T
예제 #36
파일: losses.py 프로젝트: kgizdov/hep_ml
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight):
        self.queries = X[self.request_column]
        self.y = y
        self.possible_queries, normed_queries = numpy.unique(self.queries, return_inverse=True)
        self.possible_ranks, normed_ranks = numpy.unique(self.y, return_inverse=True)

        self.lookups = [normed_ranks, normed_queries * len(self.possible_ranks) + normed_ranks]
        self.minlengths = [len(self.possible_ranks), len(self.possible_ranks) * len(self.possible_queries)]
        self.rank_penalties = numpy.zeros([len(self.possible_ranks), len(self.possible_ranks)], dtype=float)
        for r1 in self.possible_ranks:
            for r2 in self.possible_ranks:
                if r1 < r2:
                    self.rank_penalties[r1, r2] = (r2 - r1) ** self.penalty_power

        self.penalty_matrices = []
        self.penalty_matrices.append(self.rank_penalties / numpy.sqrt(1 + len(y)))
        n_queries = numpy.bincount(normed_queries)
        assert len(n_queries) == len(self.possible_queries)
            sparse.block_diag([self.rank_penalties * 1. / numpy.sqrt(1 + nq) for nq in n_queries]))
        HessianLossFunction.fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
예제 #37
    def __init__(self, item_model, rating_matrix, alpha=0.005):
        inter_item = item_model / norm(item_model, np.inf)

        # stochasticity adjustment
        adjustment = 1 - inter_item.sum(axis=1).A.squeeze()
        inter_item += diags(adjustment, shape=item_model.shape, format='csr')
        # M matrix
        transition = block_diag(
            (eye(rating_matrix.shape[0], format='csr'), inter_item),
        # H matrix
        walk_model = bmat(
            [[None, rating_matrix], [rating_matrix.T, None]],
        k = np.reciprocal(walk_model.sum(axis=1).A.squeeze())
        walk_model = diags(k, format='csr').dot(walk_model)
        self._p = alpha * walk_model + (1 - alpha) * transition
예제 #38
    def change_of_basis(self) -> sparse.coo_matrix:
        The change of basis matrix which decomposes the field types representation into irreps, given as a sparse
        (block diagonal) matrix (:class:`scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`).
        It is the direct sum of the change of basis matrices of each representation in
        .. seealso ::
            the change of basis
        change_of_basis = []
        for repr in self.representations:
        return sparse.block_diag(change_of_basis)
예제 #39
def matrices_A_B_sparse(C, theta, x, f):
    """ C : ensemble des coordonnées des K caméras
    theta : ensemble des angles de rotations associés aux caméras
    x : ensemble des coordonnées des images sur les K caméras des N points
    (array de taille (N, K, 2))
    Calcule les matrices A et B """

    K, N = C.shape[0], x.shape[0]
    A = []
    diag_B = []
    liste_couples = genere_liste_couples(K)
    for j in range(N):
        Aj, Bj=matrices_Aj_Bj(C, theta, x, j, f, liste_couples)
        if j==0:
            A=np.concatenate((A, Aj), axis=0)
    return coo_matrix(A), B
예제 #40
def build_diag_matrix(fields, func, func_args, restriction=None):

    if restriction is None:
        restrict = [None] * len(fields)
            n = len(restriction[0])
            if len(restriction) == len(fields):
                restrict = restriction
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Restriction size does not match number of fields')
        except TypeError:
            restrict = [restriction] * len(fields)

    tmp = []
    for j, field_row in enumerate(fields):
        args = func_args + (field_row, )
        tmp.append(func(*args, restriction=restrict[j]))

    return spsp.block_diag(tmp, format='coo')
예제 #41
파일: core.py 프로젝트: zhuyuecai/spektral
def _test_disjoint_mode(layer, sparse=False, **kwargs):
    A = sp.block_diag(
        [np.ones((N1, N1)), np.ones((N2, N2)), np.ones((N3, N3))]
    X = np.random.normal(size=(N, F))
    I = np.array([0] * N1 + [1] * N2 + [2] * N3).astype(int)

    A_in = Input(shape=(None,), sparse=sparse)
    X_in = Input(shape=(F,))
    I_in = Input(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32)
    inputs = [X_in, A_in, I_in]

    if sparse:
        input_data = [X, sp_matrix_to_sp_tensor(A), I]
        input_data = [X, A, I]

    layer_instance = layer(**kwargs)
    output = layer_instance(inputs)
    model = Model(inputs, output)

    output = model(input_data)

    X_pool, A_pool, I_pool, mask = output
    N_pool_expected = (
        np.ceil(kwargs["ratio"] * N1)
        + np.ceil(kwargs["ratio"] * N2)
        + np.ceil(kwargs["ratio"] * N3)
    N_pool_expected = int(N_pool_expected)
    N_pool_true = A_pool.shape[0]

    _check_number_of_nodes(N_pool_expected, N_pool_true)

    assert X_pool.shape == (N_pool_expected, F)
    assert A_pool.shape == (N_pool_expected, N_pool_expected)
    assert I_pool.shape == (N_pool_expected,)

    output_shape = [o.shape for o in output]
    _check_output_and_model_output_shapes(output_shape, model.output_shape)
예제 #42
def mul_by_const(constant, rh_coeffs, size):
    """Multiplies a constant by a list of coefficients.

    constant : numeric type
        The constant to multiply by.
    rh_coeffs : list
        The coefficients of the right hand side.
    size : tuple
        (product rows, product columns)

        A list of (id, size, coefficient) tuples.
    new_coeffs = []
    rep_mat = sp.block_diag(size[1] * [constant]).tocsc()
    # Multiply all left-hand constants by right-hand terms.
    for (id_, rh_size, coeff) in rh_coeffs:
        # For scalar left hand constants,
        # if right hand term is constant,
        # or single column, just multiply.
        # Keeps scalars and dense constants as original type.
        if intf.is_scalar(constant) or \
           id_ is lo.CONSTANT_ID or size[1] == 1:
            product = constant * coeff
        # For promoted variables with matrix coefficients,
        # flatten the matrix.
        elif size != (1, 1) and intf.is_scalar(coeff):
            flattened_const = flatten(constant)
            product = flattened_const * coeff
        # Otherwise replicate the matrix.
            product = rep_mat * coeff
        new_coeffs.append((id_, rh_size, product))
    rh_coeffs = new_coeffs

    return new_coeffs
예제 #43
    def _build_uncoupled_matrices(self, problem, names, cacheid=None):

        matrices = {name: [] for name in (names + ['select'])}

        zbasis = self.domain.bases[-1]
        dtype = zbasis.coeff_dtype
        for last_index in range(zbasis.coeff_size):
            submatrices = self._build_uncoupled_submatrices(problem,
            for name in matrices:

        for name in matrices:
            blocks = matrices[name]
            matrix = sparse.block_diag(blocks, format='csr', dtype=dtype)
            matrices[name] = matrix

        # Store minimal CSR matrices for fast dot products
        for name in names:
            matrix = matrices[name]
            setattr(self, name, matrix.tocsr())

        # Store expanded CSR matrices for fast combination
        self.LHS = zeros_with_pattern(*[matrices[name]
                                        for name in names]).tocsr()
        for name in names:
            matrix = matrices[name]
            matrix = expand_pattern(matrix, self.LHS)
            setattr(self, name + '_exp', matrix.tocsr())

        # Store operators for RHS
        self.G_eq = matrices['select']
        self.G_bc = None

        # no Dirichlet
        self.dirichlet = None
예제 #44
def _build_appearance_model_block_diagonal(all_patches_array, n_points,
                                           patch_shape, n_channels,
                                           n_appearance_parameters, level_str,
    # build appearance model
    if verbose:
        print_dynamic('{}Training appearance distribution per '

    # compute mean appearance vector
    app_mean = np.mean(all_patches_array, axis=-1)

    # number of images
    n_images = all_patches_array.shape[-1]

    # compute covariance matrix for each patch
    all_cov = []
    for e in range(n_points):
        # print progress
        if verbose:
            print_dynamic('{}Training appearance distribution '
                          'per patch - {}'.format(
                              progress_bar_str(float(e + 1) / n_points,
        # select patches and vectorize
        patches_vector = all_patches_array[e, ...].reshape(-1, n_images)

        # compute covariance
        cov_mat = np.cov(patches_vector)

        # compute covariance inverse
        inv_cov_mat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(cov_mat,

        # store covariance

    # create final sparse covariance matrix
    return app_mean, block_diag(all_cov).tocsr()
예제 #45
    def compute(self, X1, X2):

        if np.array_equal(X1, X2):

            print('Running efficient version.')

            # We can do something cleverer.
            input_dim = self.input_dims[0]
            ind_sorted = np.argsort(X1[:, input_dim])

            # FIXME: Quietly assuming that the input dim is all zeros, then all
            # 1s, and so on. This needs to be asserted somehow!

            sub_kernels = list()

            # Now, we can just compute the kernels individually and then put
            # them together to be block diagonal.
            for i, cur_kernel in enumerate(self.kernels):

                relevant = X1[:, input_dim] == i

                if np.sum(relevant) == 0:
                    # Nothing to do

                relevant_rows = X1[relevant, :]

                # Otherwise, compute the kernel for these rows
                computed_kernel = cur_kernel.compute(
                    relevant_rows, relevant_rows)


            return sps.block_diag(sub_kernels, format='csc')


            print('Running agnostic version.')
            return self.compute_agnostic(X1, X2)
예제 #46
    def parse(self, gb: pp.GridBucket) -> sps.spmatrix:
        """Convert the Ad expression into a divergence operators on all relevant grids,
        represented as a sparse block matrix.

            gb (pp.GridBucket): Not used, but needed for compatibility with the general
                parsing method for Operators.

            sps.spmatrix: Block matrix representation of a divergence operator on
                multiple grids.

        if self.dim == 1:
            mat = [pp.fvutils.scalar_divergence(g) for g in self._g]
            mat = [
                sps.kron(pp.fvutils.scalar_divergence(g), sps.eye(self.dim))
                for g in self._g
        matrix = sps.block_diag(mat)
        return matrix
예제 #47
    def test_serial_solver(self, precond_type=None):
        print('Testing Serial FETI solver ..........\n\n')
        solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(self.K_dict,
        sol_obj = solver_obj.solve()

        K_dual = sparse.block_diag((self.K_dict[1], self.K_dict[2]))
        f_dual = np.concatenate((self.f_dict[1].data, self.f_dict[2].data))
        u_dual = sol_obj.displacement

                                       self.L @ f_dual,
        u_primal = self.dual2primal(K_dual, u_dual, f_dual, self.L, self.Lexp)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.u_global, u_primal, decimal=10)

        print('end Serial FETI solver ..........\n\n')
        return u_dual, sol_obj
    def __call__(self,
                 A: sparse.spmatrix,
                 b: Union[sparse.spmatrix, np.ndarray],
                 x0: Optional[Union[np.ndarray]] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        assert A.shape[0] == b.shape[0]

        x0T = None
        if x0 is not None:
            x0T = x0.T.flatten()
            assert A.shape[1] * b.shape[1] == len(x0T)

        # Build diagonal block
        A = A.tocsc()
        BlockA = sparse.block_diag([A for d in range(b.shape[1])],
        BlockB = b.T.flatten()
        assert BlockA.shape[0] == BlockB.shape[0]

        # lsqr_result = sparse.linalg.lsqr(BlockA, BlockB, x0=x0T, **self.kwargs)
        # return lsqr_result[0].reshape((3, -1)).T
        return call_solver(self.solver, BlockA, BlockB, x0T,
                           self.kwargs).reshape((3, -1)).T
예제 #49
def getB(A, params):
    Returns the matrix used for computing the value of the RHS of the ODE.
    A is the adjacency matrix
    params is a tuple containing the parameters for the ODE. Same order as in modelN
    a, theta0, theta1, g, k, tau = params
    n = A.shape[0]
    doublen = 2 * n
    doublepi = 2 * np.pi

    q = A.sum(axis=0).A[0]
    F = sp.lil_matrix((n, n))

    #generate F
    for j in range(
    ):  #only called once and not too resource intensive, so little gains from optimising this
        sumqA = 0.0
        for l in range(n):
            sumqA += q[l] * A[l, j]
        scaling = 0 if sumqA == 0 else tau / sumqA
        for i in range(n):
            F[i, j] = scaling * q[i] * A[i, j]
    del A  #no longer needed

    B = sp.block_diag((F, F, F), format="lil")
    del F
    del q

    #The tau term is given by sum F_ji = tau
        np.concatenate((np.zeros(n) - tau - g - k, np.zeros(n) - tau - k - a,
                        np.zeros(n) - tau - k),
    B.setdiag([a] * n, n)

    return B.tocsr()  #csr is optimised for matrix-vector multiplication
예제 #50
def load_test_data(data_path, output_path=None, loadflag=0):
    """Loads molecular data required to test a neural network."""
    features = [] #features of each node
    A=[] #list of graph adjacency matrices; each entry is the adjacency matrix for one molecule
    sizes = [] #list of sizes of molecules; each entry is the size of a molecule
    num_molecules = 0
    target = [] #list of "y's" - each entry is an "answer" for a molecule
    if (loadflag):
        return load_pickled(input_path,'adj','features','y','molecule_partitions','num_molecules')

    # Info for standardizing data
    elements = np.array([1,6,7,8,9])
    elements_mean = np.mean(elements)
    elements_stdev = np.std(elements)
    elements_all = [elements, elements_mean, elements_stdev]

    for file in os.listdir(data_path):
        features, target, A, sizes, num_molecules = add_sample(data_path+file,features,target,A,sizes,num_molecules,elements_all)

    print("Total molecules",num_molecules)

    molecule_partitions=np.cumsum(sizes) #to get partition positions

    adj = sp.csr_matrix(sp.block_diag(A))
    labels = np.array(target)

    features = sp.coo_matrix(np.array(features)).tolil()
    if output_path is not None:
        pickle_file(output_path,('adj', adj), ('features', features), ('y', labels),('molecule_partitions',molecule_partitions),('num_molecules',num_molecules))
        print("finished writing to file")

    data = {'adj': adj,
            'features': features,
            'y': labels,
            'molcule_partitions': molecule_partitions,
            'num_molecules': num_molecules}
    return data
예제 #51
파일: receivers.py 프로젝트: yjx520/simpeg
    def deriv(self, U, simulation, du_dm_v=None, v=None, adjoint=False):
        # The water retention curve model should have been updated in the prob

        P = self.getP(simulation.mesh, simulation.time_mesh)
        dT_du = sp.block_diag([simulation.water_retention.derivU(ui) for ui in U])

        if simulation.water_retention.needs_model:
            dT_dm = sp.vstack([simulation.water_retention.derivM(ui) for ui in U])
            dT_dm = Zero()

        if v is None and not adjoint:
            # this is called by the fullJ in the problem
            return P * (dT_du * du_dm_v) + P * dT_dm
        if not adjoint:
            return P * (dT_du * du_dm_v) + P * (dT_dm * v)

        # for the adjoint return both parts of the sum separately
        if v is None:
            raise Exception("v must be provided if computing adjoint")
        PTv = P.T * v
        return dT_du.T * PTv, dT_dm.T * PTv
예제 #52
파일: mpc.py 프로젝트: philzook58/cart_pole
    def __init__(self, x0, v0, theta0, thetadot0):
        self.N = 50
        self.NVars = 5
        T = 2.0
        dt = T / self.N
        self.dtinv = 1. / dt
        #Px = sparse.eye(N)
        #sparse.csc_matrix((N, N))
        # The three deifferent weigthing matrices for x, v, and external force
        reg = sparse.eye(self.N) * 0.05
        z = sparse.bsr_matrix((self.N, self.N))
        # sparse.diags(np.arange(N)/N)
        P = sparse.block_diag([reg, reg,
                               sparse.eye(self.N), reg, reg])  #1*reg,1*reg])
        THETA = 2
        q = np.zeros((self.NVars, self.N))
        q[THETA, :] = np.pi
        q[0, :] = 0.5
        #q[N,0] = -2 * 0.5 * 10
        q = q.flatten()
        q = -P @ q
        #u = np.arr

        self.x = np.random.randn(self.N, self.NVars).flatten()
        #x = np.zeros((N,NVars)).flatten()
        #v = np.zeros(N)
        #f = np.zeros(N)


        A, l, u = self.getAlu(self.x, x0, v0, theta0, thetadot0)
        self.m = osqp.OSQP()
        self.m.setup(P=P, q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, time_limit=0.1
                     )  #  **settings # warm_start=False, eps_prim_inf=1e-1
        self.results = self.m.solve()
        for i in range(100):
            self.update(x0, v0, theta0, thetadot0)
예제 #53
 def build_phase_1(self):
     Build the Linear equation that need to be optimized: left_mat @ src_vts_with_nm => right_mat
     "@" means the dot product(inner product) of two sparse matrix
     By using LU factorization to solve the linear equation, we could get the optimal deformed "src_vts_with_nm"
     If you can't understand why I construct the linear equation in this way. Try to learn something about:
     Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse and Lagrange Multiplier
     s_left, s_right, s_weight = self.build_smooth_optimization_term()
     i_left, i_right, i_weight = self.build_identity_optimization_term()
     cons_left, cons_right, cons_weight = self.build_constraint_optimization_term(
     tmp_left_mat = sps.vstack([s_left, i_left, cons_left], format='csc')
     tmp_right_mat = sps.vstack([s_right, i_right, cons_right],
     tmp_weight_mat = sps.block_diag([s_weight, i_weight, cons_weight],
     self.solver_left_mat = ((tmp_left_mat.transpose()).dot(tmp_weight_mat)
     self.solver_right_mat = ((tmp_left_mat.transpose()).dot(tmp_weight_mat)
예제 #54
def sparse_factor_solve_kkt(Q_tilde, D_tilde, A_, C_tilde, rx, rs, rz, ry, ns):
    nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = ns

    # H_ = csc_matrix((nz + nineq, nz + nineq))
    # H_[:nz, :nz] = Q_tilde
    # H_[-nineq:, -nineq:] = D_tilde
    H_ = block_diag([Q_tilde, D_tilde], format='csc')
    if neq > 0:
        g_ = torch.cat([rx, rs], 1).squeeze(0).numpy()
        h_ = torch.cat([rz, ry], 1).squeeze(0).numpy()
        g_ = torch.cat([rx, rs], 1).squeeze(0).numpy()
        h_ = rz.squeeze(0).numpy()

    H_LU = splu(H_)

    invH_A_ = csc_matrix(H_LU.solve(A_.todense().transpose()))
    invH_g_ = H_LU.solve(g_)

    S_ = A_.dot(invH_A_) + C_tilde
    S_LU = splu(S_)
    # t_ = invH_g_[np.newaxis].dot(A_.transpose()).squeeze(0) - h_
    t_ = A_.dot(invH_g_) - h_
    w_ = -S_LU.solve(t_)
    # t_ = -g_ - w_[np.newaxis].dot(A_).squeeze(0)
    t_ = -g_ - A_.transpose().dot(w_)
    v_ = H_LU.solve(t_)

    dx = v_[:nz]
    ds = v_[nz:]
    dz = w_[:nineq]
    dy = w_[nineq:] if neq > 0 else None

    dx = torch.DoubleTensor(dx).unsqueeze(0)
    ds = torch.DoubleTensor(ds).unsqueeze(0)
    dz = torch.DoubleTensor(dz).unsqueeze(0)
    dy = torch.DoubleTensor(dy).unsqueeze(0) if neq > 0 else None

    return dx, ds, dz, dy
    def assemble_dkg_du_SIMP(dkg_du, dkg_rows, dkg_cols, element_map,
        Build global Matrix dkg/du for each dof,
        applying the SIMP densities
        Kg(x,u) = x * Kg0
        dK(x,u)/du = x * dKg/du
        ndof = len(dkg_du)
        rows = dkg_rows
        cols = dkg_cols

        #dofs = np.arange(ndof)
        dkg_list = np.array([])
        # print(dkg_du[0].shape)#dkg_du = csr_matrix((int(ndof**2), ndof))
        for ui in np.arange(ndof):
            # Apply densities fro SIMP
            #length = len(dkg)
            # print(dui.shape)
            vals = apply_densities(dkg_du[ui], len(dkg_du[ui]),
                                   element_map[ui], densities)

            kg = coo_matrix((vals, (rows[ui], cols[ui])), shape=(ndof, ndof))
            dkg_list = np.append(dkg_list, kg)  #dkg_list.append(kg)
            # kgline = kg.reshape((int(ndof ** 2), 1))

            # dkg_du = hstack(dkg_du, kgline)
        #t0 = time.process_time()
        dkg_du_block_d = block_diag(dkg_list, format='csc')
        #print('Build block(%f s)' % (time.process_time()-t0))

        return dkg_du_block_d
예제 #56
 def flux_upwind(q, grid: StaggeredGrid):
     This function computes the upwind flux matrix from the flux vector.
     @param q: Nf by 1 flux vector from the flow problem
     @param grid: structure containing all pertinent information about the grid
     @return: Nf by N matrix containing the upwinded fluxes
     if grid.is_problem_1d():
         idx = 0 if grid.n_cell_dofs[0] == grid.n_cell_dofs_total else 1
         qn = np.minimum(q[:grid.n_cell_dofs[idx]], 0)
         qp = np.maximum(q[1:], 0)
         return diags(diagonals=[qp, qn],
                      offsets=[-1, 0],
                      shape=(grid.n_cell_dofs[idx] + 1,
     elif grid.is_problem_2d():
         qn_x = np.minimum(q[:grid.n_flux_dofs[0] - grid.n_cell_dofs[1]], 0)
         qp_x = np.maximum(q[grid.n_cell_dofs[1]:grid.n_flux_dofs[0]], 0)
         offsets = [-grid.n_cell_dofs[1], 0]
         A_x = diags(diagonals=[qp_x, qn_x],
                            grid.n_flux_dofs[0] - grid.n_cell_dofs[1]))
         A_y = []
         for i in range(grid.n_cell_dofs[0]):
             step = grid.n_flux_dofs[0] + i * (grid.n_cell_dofs[1] + 1)
             qn_y = np.minimum(q[step:step + grid.n_cell_dofs[1]], 0)
             qp_y = np.maximum(q[step + 1:step + grid.n_cell_dofs[1] + 1],
                 diags(diagonals=[qp_y, qn_y],
                       offsets=[-1, 0],
                       shape=(grid.n_cell_dofs[1] + 1,
         A_y = block_diag(mats=tuple(A_y), format='csr')
         return vstack([A_x, A_y], format='csr')
         raise ValueError("3d flux is not implemented.")
예제 #57
    def load_spectra(self):

        self.phase, self.X = self.load_phase_wavelength(self.sn_name[0])
        self.Y_cardelli_corrected_cosmo_corrected = np.zeros(
            (len(self.sn_name), len(self.X)))
        self.Y_cosmo_corrected = np.zeros((len(self.sn_name), len(self.X)))
        self.CovY = []

        for i, sn in enumerate(self.sn_name):
            print sn
                i], self.Y_cardelli_corrected_cosmo_corrected[i] = (

            Cov = self.load_cov_matrix(sn)
            COV = []
            for i in range(self.number_bin_wavelength):
                    coo_matrix(Cov[i * self.number_bin_phase:(i + 1) *
                                   i * self.number_bin_phase:(i + 1) *
예제 #58
    def is_max(self, image, alpha=10):
        This is soft version of 'is_max' rule.
        Strong version returns 1 it it is max among neighbors, 0 otherwise.
        The greater alpha, the closer we are to 'strong' version

        :param image:  Hough image(s) from transformation(s)
        :param alpha:  Weight of exponential reweighting
        # Exponentially reweight the data
        exponents = np.exp(alpha * image)
        # Check the number of maxima we expect to get back
        # Note, we expect two maxima for each tested hough transform
        # One for even, one for odd.
        # Testing multiple transforms scales as 2*n_transforms
        n_parts = image.shape[1] // self.track_neighs.shape[1]
        assert n_parts * self.track_neighs.shape[1] == image.shape[1]
        # Block diagnol matrix, with each block being one copy of the
        # neighs_matrix
        full_neigh = block_diag([self.track_neighs]*n_parts, format='csr')
        # Return the value at the point
        # normalized the sum of its values and its neighbouring values
        return exponents / full_neigh.dot(exponents.T).T
예제 #59
    def __init__(self, limit=20, L=256, number=10, filename='schrodinger_data.h5', potential_generator=V_SHO):
        self.filename = filename
        self.limit = limit
        self.L = L
        self.number = number
        self.potential_generator = potential_generator
        x = np.linspace(-self.limit, self.limit, self.L)
        y = np.linspace(-self.limit, self.limit, self.L)
        #grid spacing
        self.dx = x[1]-x[0]
        self.dy = y[1]-y[0]

        self.mesh = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        block = sp.diags([-1,4,-1], [-1,0,1],(L,L)) #main tri-diagonal
        dia = sp.block_diag((block,)*L)  #repeat it num times to create the main block-diagonal
        sup = sp.diags([-1],[L],(L**2,L**2)) # super-diagonal fringe
        sub = sp.diags([-1],[-L],(L**2,L**2)) #sub-diagonal fringe

        self.T = (dia + sup + sub) / (2*self.dx*self.dy)
예제 #60
def H_SOTI(size, p, q, t=-1, M=2.3, D1=0.8, D2=0.5):
    SOTI Hamiltonian Fourier transformed in z and real in x,y

    # put blocks in diagonal - 1 for every zu
    blocks = np.zeros((size, 4 * size**2, 4 * size**2), dtype=complex)
    zus = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, size, endpoint=True)
    for i in range(size):
        zu = zus[i]
        blocks[i, :, :] = soti_block(size=size,

    # use sparse.block_diag instead of scipy.ditto because it takes in an array
    H = ss.block_diag(blocks).toarray()  # <- still needs testing

    return H