def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-c", "--compare", action="store_true", dest="compare", default=False, help="compare with default scipy.sparse solver [default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--plot", action="store_true", dest="plot", default=False, help="plot time statistics [default: %default]" ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--default-url", action="store_true", dest="default_url", default=False, help="use default url [default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-f", "--format", type=type(""), dest="format", default="triplet", help="matrix format [default: %default]" ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) >= 1: matrixNames = args else: parser.print_help(), return sizes, nnzs, times, errors = [], [], [], [] legends = ["umfpack", "sparse.solve"] for ii, matrixName in enumerate(matrixNames): print("*" * 50) mtx = readMatrix(matrixName, options) sizes.append(mtx.shape) nnzs.append(mtx.nnz) tts = np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.double) times.append(tts) err = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.double) errors.append(err) print("size : %s (%d nnz)" % (mtx.shape, mtx.nnz)) sol0 = np.ones((mtx.shape[0],), dtype=np.double) rhs = mtx * sol0 umfpack = um.UmfpackContext() tt = time.clock() sol = umfpack(um.UMFPACK_A, mtx, rhs, autoTranspose=True) tts[0] = time.clock() - tt print("umfpack : %.2f s" % tts[0]) error = mtx * sol - rhs err[0, 0] = nla.norm(error) print("||Ax-b|| :", err[0, 0]) error = sol0 - sol err[0, 1] = nla.norm(error) print("||x - x_{exact}|| :", err[0, 1]) if tt = time.clock() sol = sp.solve(mtx, rhs) tts[1] = time.clock() - tt print("sparse.solve : %.2f s" % tts[1]) error = mtx * sol - rhs err[1, 0] = nla.norm(error) print("||Ax-b|| :", err[1, 0]) error = sol0 - sol err[1, 1] = nla.norm(error) print("||x - x_{exact}|| :", err[1, 1]) if options.plot: try: import pylab except ImportError: raise ImportError("could not import pylab") times = np.array(times) print(times) pylab.plot(times[:, 0], "b-o") if pylab.plot(times[:, 1], "r-s") else: del legends[1] print(legends) ax = pylab.axis() y2 = 0.5 * (ax[3] - ax[2]) xrng = list(range(len(nnzs))) for ii in xrng: yy = y2 + 0.4 * (ax[3] - ax[2]) * np.sin(ii * 2 * np.pi / (len(xrng) - 1)) if pylab.text( ii + 0.02, yy, "%s\n%.2e err_umf\n%.2e err_sp" % (sizes[ii], np.sum(errors[ii][0, :]), np.sum(errors[ii][1, :])), ) else: pylab.text(ii + 0.02, yy, "%s\n%.2e err_umf" % (sizes[ii], np.sum(errors[ii][0, :]))) pylab.plot([ii, ii], [ax[2], ax[3]], "k:") pylab.xticks(xrng, ["%d" % (nnzs[ii]) for ii in xrng]) pylab.xlabel("nnz") pylab.ylabel("time [s]") pylab.legend(legends) pylab.axis([ax[0] - 0.05, ax[1] + 1, ax[2], ax[3]])
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option( "-c", "--compare", action="store_true", dest="compare", default=False, help="compare with default scipy.sparse solver [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-p", "--plot", action="store_true", dest="plot", default=False, help="plot time statistics [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-d", "--default-url", action="store_true", dest="default_url", default=False, help="use default url [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-f", "--format", type=type(''), dest="format", default='triplet', help="matrix format [default: %default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) >= 1): matrixNames = args else: parser.print_help(), return sizes, nnzs, times, errors = [], [], [], [] legends = ['umfpack', 'sparse.solve'] for ii, matrixName in enumerate(matrixNames): print('*' * 50) mtx = readMatrix(matrixName, options) sizes.append(mtx.shape) nnzs.append(mtx.nnz) tts = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=np.double) times.append(tts) err = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.double) errors.append(err) print('size : %s (%d nnz)' % (mtx.shape, mtx.nnz)) sol0 = np.ones((mtx.shape[0], ), dtype=np.double) rhs = mtx * sol0 umfpack = um.UmfpackContext() tt = time.clock() sol = umfpack(um.UMFPACK_A, mtx, rhs, autoTranspose=True) tts[0] = time.clock() - tt print("umfpack : %.2f s" % tts[0]) error = mtx * sol - rhs err[0, 0] = nla.norm(error) print('||Ax-b|| :', err[0, 0]) error = sol0 - sol err[0, 1] = nla.norm(error) print('||x - x_{exact}|| :', err[0, 1]) if tt = time.clock() sol = sp.solve(mtx, rhs) tts[1] = time.clock() - tt print("sparse.solve : %.2f s" % tts[1]) error = mtx * sol - rhs err[1, 0] = nla.norm(error) print('||Ax-b|| :', err[1, 0]) error = sol0 - sol err[1, 1] = nla.norm(error) print('||x - x_{exact}|| :', err[1, 1]) if options.plot: try: import pylab except ImportError: raise ImportError("could not import pylab") times = np.array(times) print(times) pylab.plot(times[:, 0], 'b-o') if pylab.plot(times[:, 1], 'r-s') else: del legends[1] print(legends) ax = pylab.axis() y2 = 0.5 * (ax[3] - ax[2]) xrng = list(range(len(nnzs))) for ii in xrng: yy = y2 + 0.4 * (ax[3] - ax[2])\ * np.sin( ii * 2 * np.pi / (len( xrng ) - 1) ) if pylab.text( ii + 0.02, yy, '%s\n%.2e err_umf\n%.2e err_sp' % (sizes[ii], np.sum( errors[ii][0, :]), np.sum(errors[ii][1, :]))) else: pylab.text( ii + 0.02, yy, '%s\n%.2e err_umf' % (sizes[ii], np.sum(errors[ii][0, :]))) pylab.plot([ii, ii], [ax[2], ax[3]], 'k:') pylab.xticks(xrng, ['%d' % (nnzs[ii]) for ii in xrng]) pylab.xlabel('nnz') pylab.ylabel('time [s]') pylab.legend(legends) pylab.axis([ax[0] - 0.05, ax[1] + 1, ax[2], ax[3]])