예제 #1
def calculate_phase_factor_coeff(vj, freq, num_f, num_p, num_b):
    """Calculate the overall phase factor spectrum coefficients.

    Runs once per qtcurrent function call.

    Eqns. 5.7 and 5.12 in Kittara's thesis.

        vj (ndarray): Voltage across the SIS junction
        freq (ndarray): Frequencies
        num_f (int): Number of non-harmonically related frequencies
        num_p (int): Number of harmonics
        num_b (int): Summation limits for phase factor coefficients

        ndarray: Phase factor spectrum coefficients (C_k(H) in Kittara)


    # Number of bias voltage points
    npts = len(vj[0, 0, :])

    # Summation limits for phase factor coefficients
    if isinstance(num_b, int):
        num_b = tuple([num_b] * num_f)

    # Junction drive level:
    # alpha[f, p, i] in R^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(npts)
    # Eqn. 5.5 in Kittara's thesis
    alpha = np.zeros_like(vj, dtype=float)
    for f in range(1, num_f + 1):
        for p in range(1, num_p + 1):
            alpha[f, p, :] = np.abs(vj[f, p, :]) / (p * freq[f])

    # Junction voltage phase:
    # phi[f, p, i] in R^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(npts)
    phi = np.angle(vj)  # in radians

    # Complex coefficients from the Jacobi-Anger equality:
    # jac[f, p, n, i] in C^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(num_b*2+1)(npts)
    # Equation 5.7 in Kittara's thesis
    # Note: This chunk of code dominates the computation time of this function
    # I tried using the recurrence relation, but ran into numerical errors
    jac = np.zeros((num_f + 1, num_p + 1, max(num_b) * 2 + 1, npts), dtype=complex)
    for f in range(1, num_f + 1):
        for p in range(1, num_p + 1):
            jac[f, p,  0] = bessel(0, alpha[f, p])
            for n in range(1, num_b[f - 1] + 1):
                # using Bessel function identity
                jn = bessel(n, alpha[f, p])
                jac[f, p,  n] = jn * np.exp(-1j * n * phi[f, p])
                jac[f, p, -n] = (-1)**n * np.conj(jac[f, p,  n])

    # Overall phase factor coefficients:
    # ckh[f, k, i] in C^(num_f+1)(num_b*2+1)(npts)
    ckh = _convolve_coefficients(jac)

    return ckh
예제 #2
    def windolf_sampling(self, params, layer):
	a = np.abs(params)
	alpha = np.angle(params)

	if layer=='visible':
	    rates = np.abs(self.clamp)
	    phases = vm(alpha, a*rates / self.sigma_sq)
	    return rates*np.exp(1j*phases)
	    bessels = bessel(a - self.biases)/ self.sigma_sq
	    custom_kernel = np.ones((self.pool_size, self.pool_size))
	    sum_bessels = conv(bessels, custom_kernel, mode='valid')
	    # Downsample
	    sum_bessels = sum_bessels[0::self.pool_stride, 0::self.pool_stride]
	    bessel_sftmx_denom = 1.0 + sum_bessels
	    upsampled_denom = bessel_sftmx_denom.repeat(self.pool_stride, axis=0).repeat(self.pool_stride, axis=1)    
	    hid_cat_P = bessels / upsampled_denom
	    pool_P = 1.0 - 1.0 / bessel_sftmx_denom
	    hid_rates, pool_rates = self._dbn_maxpool_sample_helper(hid_cat_P, pool_P)
	    hid_phases = vm(alpha, a*hid_rates / self.sigma_sq)
	    hid_samples = hid_rates*np.exp(1j*hid_phases)
	    pool_phases = np.sum(imx.view_as_blocks(hid_phases, (self.pool_size, self.pool_size)), axis=(2,3))
	    pool_samples = pool_rates*np.exp(1j*pool_phases)
	    return hid_samples, pool_samples
예제 #3
    def get_FD_qT_space(self,
        D = self.D

        # hint:
        #   hankel transform for F*D (see Eq.75 of reference)
        #   FD_qT_space  = \int_0^inf dbT bT J0(qT*bT) F(bT) D(bT)   <- change var: k = qT*bT
        #                = (1/qT**2) * \int_0^inf dk J0(k) [k F(k/bT) D(k/qT)]

        FD_bT_space = lambda bT: self.get_FD_bT_space(x, y, z, Q2, mu2, zetaF,
                                                      zetaD, bT**2, charge)
        f = lambda k: k * FD_bT_space(k / qT)

        if method == 'FFT':

            f = np.vectorize(f)
            FD_qT_space = D['hankel'].transform(
                f, ret_err=False)[0] / qT**2 * 2 * np.pi

        elif method == 'quad':

            integrand = lambda k: bessel(0, k) * f(k)
            FD_qT_space = quad(integrand, 1e-4, np.inf)[0] / qT**2 * 2 * np.pi

        return FD_qT_space
예제 #4
def plot_sample_image(image, image_parameters, figsize=(15, 5)):
    Plot a sample image.

    image: image of the particles
    image_parameters: list with the values of the image parameters
    figsize: figure size [list of two positive numbers]

    # initialize the image at the background level
    image_background = ones((image_size, image_size)) * image_background_level
    # add gradient to image background
    if gradient_intensity!=0:
        image_background = image_background + gradient_intensity * (image_coordinate_x * sin(gradient_direction) + 
                                                                    image_coordinate_y * cos(gradient_direction) ) / (sqrt(2) * image_size)


    image_particles = zeros((image_size, image_size))
    for particle_center_x, particle_center_y, particle_radius, particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities, ellipsoidal_orientation in zip(particle_center_x_list, particle_center_y_list, particle_radius_list, particle_bessel_orders_list, particle_intensities_list, ellipsoidal_orientation_list):
        # calculate the radial distance from the center of the particle 
        # normalized by the particle radius
        radial_distance_from_particle = sqrt((image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)**2 
                                        + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)**2 
                                        + .001**2) / particle_radius

        # for elliptical particles
        rotated_distance_x = (image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)*cos(ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)*sin(ellipsoidal_orientation)
        rotated_distance_y = -(image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)*sin(ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)*cos(ellipsoidal_orientation)
        elliptical_distance_from_particle = sqrt((rotated_distance_x)**2 
                                        + (rotated_distance_y / ellipticity)**2 
                                        + .001**2) / particle_radius

        # calculate particle profile
        for particle_bessel_order, particle_intensity in zip(particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities):
            image_particle = 4 * particle_bessel_order**2.5 * (bessel(particle_bessel_order, elliptical_distance_from_particle) / elliptical_distance_from_particle)**2
            image_particles = image_particles + particle_intensity * image_particle


    # calculate image without noise as background image plus particle image
    image_particles_without_noise = clip(image_background + image_particles, 0, 1)

    ### ADD NOISE
    image_particles_with_noise = poisson(image_particles_without_noise * signal_to_noise_ratio**2) / signal_to_noise_ratio**2

    return image_particles_with_noise
예제 #5
def compute_log_bessel(n, x):
    bessel_val = bessel(n, x)
    if (bessel_val == 0.0):
        return -np.inf
    log_bessel_val = np.log(bessel_val)
    if (np.isnan(log_bessel_val) or np.isinf(log_bessel_val)):
        raise ValueError
    return log_bessel_val
예제 #6
    def windolf_sampling(self, params, layer):
        a = np.abs(params)
        alpha = np.angle(params)

        if layer == 'visible':
            rates = np.abs(self.clamp)
        elif layer == 'hidden':
            b = bessel(a - self.biases) / self.sigma_sq
            ber_P = b / (1.0 + b)
            rates = 1 * (np.random.rand(3, self.out_shape, self.out_shape) <
        elif layer == 'final':
            b = bessel(a - self.f_biases) / self.sigma_sq
            ber_P = b / (1.0 + b)
            rates = 1 * (np.random.rand(3) < ber_P)
        phases = vm(alpha, a * rates / self.sigma_sq)
        return rates * np.exp(1j * phases)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self,
        Temporal Match Kernel Layer
        :param T: Periods (list)
        :param beta: beta param of the modified Bessel function of the first kind
        :param m: number of Fourier coefficients per period
        :param init: type of initialization ('von_mises' or 'uniform': random from uniform distribution)
        :param normalize_l1: Whether to L1 normalize Fourier coefficents before each forward pass
        super(TemporalMatchKernel, self).__init__()
        self.T = T
        self.beta = beta
        self.m = m
        self.normalize_l1 = normalize_l1
        self.normalization = normalization

        # Initialization
        if init == "von_mises":
            np_a = [(bessel(0, self.beta) - np.exp(-self.beta)) /
                    (2 * np.sinh(self.beta))] + [
                        bessel(i, self.beta) / np.sinh(self.beta)
                        for i in range(1, self.m)
            np_a = np.asarray(np_a).reshape(1, -1)
            np_a = np.repeat(np_a, len(T), 0)
        elif init == "uniform":
            np_a = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (len(T), self.m))
            raise NotImplementedError

        self.a = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(np_a).float())  # (T, m)
        self.ms = 2 * np.pi * torch.arange(0, self.m).float()
        self.Ts = torch.tensor(self.T,
예제 #8
    def windolf_sampling(self, params, layer):
	a = np.abs(params)
	alpha = np.angle(params)

	if layer=='visible':
	    rates = np.abs(self.clamp)
	    b = bessel(a - self.biases)	/ self.sigma_sq
	    ber_P = b / (1.0 + b)
	    rates = 1*(np.random.rand(1, self.out_shape, self.out_shape) < ber_P)
	phases = vm(alpha, a*rates / self.sigma_sq)
	return rates*np.exp(1j*phases)
예제 #9
    def windolf_sampling(self, params, layer):
	a = np.abs(params)
	alpha = np.angle(params)

	if layer=='visible':
	    rates = np.abs(self.clamp)
	    #phases = np.where(rates>0, vm(alpha, rates*a / self.sigma_sq), np.angle(self.v_run[-1]))
	    b = bessel(a - self.biases)	/ self.sigma_sq
	    ber_P = b / (1.0 + b)
	    rates = 1*(np.random.rand(self.out_shape) < ber_P)
	    #phases = np.where(rates > 0, vm(alpha, rates*a / self.sigma_sq), np.angle(self.h_run[-1]))
	phases = vm(alpha, rates*a / self.sigma_sq)
	return rates*np.exp(1j*phases)
예제 #10
def particle_bessel_response(S:int, p:Tuple[float,float], p_r:float, orders:list, intensities:list, elip_d:float=0, ellipticity:float=1):
    Returns square array of size `S` containing response to particle a `p`
    r=radial_grid(S, p, p_r=p_r, elip_d=elip_d, ellipticity=ellipticity)
    if type(intensities) is Tensor:
        response = torch.zeros_like(r)
        response = np.zeros_like(r)

    for I,o in zip(intensities,orders):
        if type(I) is Tensor: I=I.numpy()
        response+=(I * 4 * o**2.5 * (bessel(o,r) / r)**2)
    return response
예제 #11
    def correlation_function(r, a, mu_0):
        Correlation function :math:`B(r)`.
        :param r: :math:`r`
        :param a: :math:`a`
        :param mu_0: :math:`\\mu_0`

        The correlation function is given by
        .. math:: B(r) = \\mu_0^2 \\frac{2^{2/3}}{\\Gamma(1/3)} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)^{1/3} K_{1/3} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)
        See Salomons, equation I.39.
        return mu_0**2.0 * 2.0**(2.0/3.0) / gamma(1.0/3.0) * (r/a)**(1.0/3.0) * bessel(1.0/3.0, r/a)
예제 #12
def _pelectrostatic_atom(atom, r):
        _, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, c1, d1, c2, d2, c3, d3 = scattering_params[
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(
            'Scattering information for element {} is unavailable.'.format(

    potential = np.zeros_like(r, dtype=np.float)
    for a, b, c, d in zip((a1, a2, a3), (b1, b2, b3), (c1, c2, c3),
                          (d1, d2, d3)):
        potential += 2 * a * bessel(2 * pi * r * sqrt(b)) + (c / d) * np.exp(
            -(r * pi)**2 / d)

    return 2 * a0 * e * (pi**2) * potential
예제 #13
    def correlation_function(r, a, mu_0):
        Correlation function :math:`B(r)`.
        :param r: :math:`r`
        :param a: :math:`a`
        :param mu_0: :math:`\\mu_0`

        The correlation function is given by
        .. math:: B(r) = \\mu_0^2 \\frac{2^{2/3}}{\\Gamma(1/3)} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)^{1/3} K_{1/3} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)
        See Salomons, equation I.39.
        return mu_0**2.0 * 2.0**(2.0 / 3.0) / gamma(
            1.0 / 3.0) * (r / a)**(1.0 / 3.0) * bessel(1.0 / 3.0, r / a)
def r2kappa(R):
    recalulate kappa from R for von Misses function
    if R < 0.53:
        kappa = 2 * R + R**3 + 5 / 6 * R**5

    elif R >= 0.53 and R < 0.85:
        kappa = -0.4 + 1.39 * R + 0.43 / (1 - R)

    elif R >= 0.85:
        kappa = 1 / (3 * R - 4 * R**2 + R**3)

    I0 = bessel(kappa)

    return kappa, I0
예제 #15
def MED(p,m,c,T,numparticls):
    theta = (k*T/(m*c**2))
    c = 1/(theta*bessel(theta/2))
    p = p/m 
    gamma = zeros([1,numparticles])
    for i in range(numparticles):
        gamma[i] = 1/sqrt((1-(p[i].dot(p[i])/c**2)))
    gf =  100
    dg = 0.1
    GammaDist = arange(0,100,df)    
    Juttner = theta*GammaDist**2*(sqrt(1-(1-(1/GammaDist))))*e**(-GammaDist/theta)
예제 #16
    def Bessel_Function(self, m, R, Vc, fc, fm):

        bessel_list = []

        # Components
        for x in range(0, 10000):
            lateral = np.round(bessel(x, m), 2)

            if x > 0:
                if lateral == 0.0:

        # Numpy Array
        new_bessel_list = np.array(bessel_list)

        # Voltage
        voltage_bessel_list = new_bessel_list * Vc

        # Average carrier power
        average_carrier_power = np.round((Vc**2)/(2*R), 3)

        # bessel power
        bessel_power = np.round(
            np.append((voltage_bessel_list[0]**2/(2*R)), voltage_bessel_list[1:]**2/R), 3)

        # Total power
        total_power = np.round(bessel_power.sum(), 3)

        # graph_power
        graph_power = np.append(
            voltage_bessel_list[:0:-1], voltage_bessel_list[1:])
        long = int(len(graph_power)/2)
        graph_power = np.insert(graph_power, long, voltage_bessel_list[0])

        # Frecuency
        frecuency = np.unique(np.append(np.array([x for x in range(
            fc, fc+1+fm*long, fm)]), np.array([x for x in range(fc, fc-1-fm*long, -fm)])))

        return [voltage_bessel_list, average_carrier_power, bessel_power, total_power, graph_power, frecuency, long, new_bessel_list]
예제 #17
def _convolution_coefficient(vj, vph, num_f, num_p, num_b):
    Calculate the convolution coefficients for each tone. Eqn. 5.12 in
    Kittara's thesis.


    npts = np.alen(vj[0, 0, :])
    if isinstance(num_b, tuple):
        num_b = max(num_b)

    # Junction drive level:  alpha[f, p, i] in R^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(npts)
    alpha = np.zeros((num_f + 1, num_p + 1, npts))
    for f in range(1, num_f + 1):
        for p in range(1, num_p + 1):
            alpha[f, p, :] = np.abs(vj[f, p, :]) / (p * vph[f])

    # Junction voltage phase:  phi[f, p, i] in R^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(npts)
    phi = np.angle(vj)  # in radians

    # Jacobi-Angers coefficients:
    # jac[f, p, n, i] in C^(num_f+1)(num_p+1)(num_b*2+1)(npts)
    jac = np.zeros((num_f + 1, num_p + 1, num_b * 2 + 1, npts), dtype=complex)
    for f in range(1, num_f + 1):
        for p in range(1, num_p + 1):
            for n in range(-num_b, num_b + 1):
                jac[f, p,
                    n] = bessel(n, alpha[f, p]) * np.exp(-1j * n * phi[f, p])

    # Convolution coefficients: cc[f, k, i] in C^(num_f+1)(num_b*2+1)(npts)
    cc_out = _calculate_coeff(jac)
    # cc_out.flags.writeable = False

    # # DEBUG
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.figure()
    # for f in range(1, num_f+1):
    #     plt.plot(vph[f]*np.arange(-num_b, num_b+1), cc_out[f, :, 70])
    # plt.show()

    return cc_out
예제 #18
  def get_FD_qT_space(self,x,y,z,Q2,mu2,zetaF,zetaD,qT,charge,method='FFT'):

    # hint: 
    #   hankel transform for F*D (see Eq.75 of reference)
    #   FD_qT_space  = \int_0^inf dbT bT J0(qT*bT) F(bT) D(bT)   <- change var: k = qT*bT  
    #                = (1/qT**2) * \int_0^inf dk J0(k) [k F(k/bT) D(k/qT)]

    FD_bT_space=lambda bT: self.get_FD_bT_space(x,y,z,Q2,mu2,zetaF,zetaD,bT**2,charge)
    f=lambda k: k*FD_bT_space(k/qT)

    if method=='FFT':

      FD_qT_space = D['hankel'].transform(f,ret_err=False)[0] / qT**2 * 2*np.pi

    elif method=='quad':

      integrand=lambda k: bessel(0,k)*f(k)
      FD_qT_space = quad(integrand,1e-4,np.inf)[0] / qT**2 *2*np.pi

    return FD_qT_space
예제 #19
    def windolf_sampling(self, params, layer):
	a = np.abs(params)
	alpha = np.angle(params)

	if layer=='visible':
	    rates = np.abs(self.clamp)
	    phases = vm(alpha, a*rates / self.sigma_sq)
	    return rates * np.exp(1j * phases)
	    b = bessel(a - self.biases)	/ self.sigma_sq
	    sum_bessels = np.array([np.sum(b[i*int(self.hid_shape / 2.0):(i+1)*int(self.hid_shape / 2.0), :]) for i in range(2)])
	    bessel_sftmx_denom = 1.0 + sum_bessels
	    upsampled_denom = np.ones((self.hid_shape, self.hid_shape))
	    for i in range(2):
	        upsampled_denom[i*int(self.hid_shape / 2.0):(i+1)*int(self.hid_shape / 2.0), :] *= bessel_sftmx_denom[i]
	    hid_cat_P = b / upsampled_denom
	    pool_P = 1.0 - 1.0 / bessel_sftmx_denom
	    hid_rates, pool_rates = self._dbn_maxpool_sample_helper(hid_cat_P, pool_P)
	    hid_phases = vm(alpha, a*hid_rates / self.sigma_sq)
	    hid_samples = hid_rates*np.exp(1j*hid_phases)
	    pool_phases = np.array([np.sum(hid_phases[:,i*(self.hid_shape / 2):(i+1)*(self.hid_shape / 2)], axis=(1,2)) for i in range(2)])
	    pool_samples = pool_rates*np.exp(1j*pool_phases)
	    return hid_samples, pool_samples
    for n in np.arange(1, 5):
        plt.plot(x, J(n, x), label=n)

    plt.xlim([0, x.max()])
    plt.legend(title=r'Zernike order $n$')
    plt.title(r'$J_{n+1}^2(2\pi x)/x^2$')

    # Parity of Bessel functions
    x0 = 5
    x = np.linspace(-x0, x0, 1000)
    styles = ['--', ':', '-.']
    for i, nu in enumerate([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]):
        y = bessel(nu, x)
        if nu % 2 == 0:
            color = 'blue'
            color = 'red'
        plt.plot(x, y, label=nu, linestyle=styles[i // 2], color=color)

    plt.legend(title=r'Bessel order $\nu$')
    plt.xlim([-x0, x0])

    # ==================================================================================================================
    """ Trigonometric factors """
예제 #21
	def airy_func(x,y):
		"A function to fit the Airy Disk for the given input"
		X = sqrt((x - center_x)**2/widthx + (y - center_y)**2/widthy)
		return offset + height * (bessel(1,X)/(X+1e-6)) **2
예제 #22
 def get_PDF(self, x, mu2, zetaF, qT, flav):
     integrand=lambda bT: bT*bessel(0,bT*qT)*\
     tgral = quad(integrand, 1e-4, 20)[0]
     return tgral
예제 #23
 def structure_function(r, a, mu_0, smaller_than_factor=0.1):
     Structure function :math:`D(r)`.
     :param r: :math:`r`
     :param a: :math:`a`
     :param mu_0: :math:`\\mu_0`
     :param smaller_than_factor: Factor
     .. math:: D(r) = 2 \\mu_0^2 \\left[ 1 - \\frac{2^{2/3}}{\\Gamma(1/3)} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)^{1/3} K_{1/3} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right) \\right]
     When :math:`a \\ll r`, or 'r < smaller_than_factor * a'
     .. math:: D(r) \\approx \\mu_0^2 \\frac{\\sqrt{\\pi}}{\\Gamma(7/6)} \\left( \\frac{r}{a} \\right)^{2/3} 
     See Salomons, equation I.40.
     return (r < smaller_than_factor * a) * \
            ( mu_0**2.0 * np.sqrt(np.pi)/gamma(7.0/6.0) * (r/a)**(2.0/3.0)  ) + \
            (r >= smaller_than_factor * a) * \
            ( mu_0**2.0 * (1.0 -  2.0**(2.0/3.0) / gamma(1.0/3.0) * (r/a)**(1.0/3.0) * bessel(1.0/3.0, r/a) )  )
예제 #24
 def get_FF(self, x, mu2, zetaD, qT, flav, charge):
     integrand=lambda bT: bT*bessel(0,bT*qT)*\
     tgral = quad(integrand, 1e-4, 20)[0]
     return tgral
예제 #25
 def structure_function(r, a, mu_0, smaller_than_factor=0.1):
     Structure function :math:`D(r)`.
     :param r: :math:`r`
     :param a: :math:`a`
     :param mu_0: :math:`\\mu_0`
     :param smaller_than_factor: Factor
     .. math:: D(r) = 2 \\mu_0^2 \\left[ 1 - \\frac{2^{2/3}}{\\Gamma(1/3)} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)^{1/3} K_{1/3} \\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right) \\right]
     When :math:`a \\ll r`, or 'r < smaller_than_factor * a'
     .. math:: D(r) \\approx \\mu_0^2 \\frac{\\sqrt{\\pi}}{\\Gamma(7/6)} \\left( \\frac{r}{a} \\right)^{2/3} 
     See Salomons, equation I.40.
     return (r < smaller_than_factor * a) * \
            ( mu_0**2.0 * np.sqrt(np.pi)/gamma(7.0/6.0) * (r/a)**(2.0/3.0)  ) + \
            (r >= smaller_than_factor * a) * \
            ( mu_0**2.0 * (1.0 -  2.0**(2.0/3.0) / gamma(1.0/3.0) * (r/a)**(1.0/3.0) * bessel(1.0/3.0, r/a) )  )
예제 #26
def bes(x):
    return bessel(0, x)
예제 #27
 def get_FF(self,x,mu2,zetaD,qT,flav,charge):
   integrand=lambda bT: bT*bessel(0,bT*qT)*\
   return tgral
예제 #28
def get_image(image_parameters):
    """Generate image with particles.
    image_parameters: list with the values of the image parameters in a dictionary:
        image_parameters['Particle Center X List']
        image_parameters['Particle Center Y List']
        image_parameters['Particle Radius List']
        image_parameters['Particle Bessel Orders List']
        image_parameters['Particle Intensities List']
        image_parameters['Image Size']
        image_parameters['Image Background Level']
        image_parameters['Signal to Noise Ratio']
        image_parameters['Gradient Intensity']
        image_parameters['Gradient Direction']
        image_parameters['Ellipsoid Orientation']
    Note: image_parameters is typically obained from the function get_image_parameters()
    image: image of the particle [2D numpy array of real numbers betwen 0 and 1]

    from numpy import meshgrid, arange, ones, zeros, sin, cos, sqrt, clip, array, ceil, mean, amax, asarray, amin
    from numpy.random import normal, poisson
    from math import e
    from scipy.special import jv as bessel
    import warnings

    particle_center_x_list = image_parameters['Particle Center X List']
    particle_center_y_list = image_parameters['Particle Center Y List']
    particle_radius_list = image_parameters['Particle Radius List']
    particle_bessel_orders_list = image_parameters[
        'Particle Bessel Orders List']
    particle_intensities_list = image_parameters['Particle Intensities List']
    image_size = image_parameters['Image Size']
    image_background_level = image_parameters['Image Background Level']
    signal_to_noise_ratio = image_parameters['Signal to Noise Ratio']
    gradient_intensity = image_parameters['Gradient Intensity']
    gradient_direction = image_parameters['Gradient Direction']
    ellipsoidal_orientation_list = image_parameters['Ellipsoid Orientation']
    ellipticity = image_parameters['Ellipticity']

    # initialize the image at the background level
    image_background = ones((image_size, image_size)) * image_background_level

    # calculate matrix coordinates from the center of the image
    image_coordinate_x, image_coordinate_y = meshgrid(arange(0, image_size),
                                                      arange(0, image_size),

    # add gradient to image background
    image_background = image_background + gradient_intensity * (
        image_coordinate_x * sin(gradient_direction) +
        image_coordinate_y * cos(gradient_direction)) / (sqrt(2) * image_size)

    image_particles = zeros((image_size, image_size))
    particle_intensities_for_SNR = []

    # calculate the particle profiles of all particles and add them to image_particles

    for particle_center_x, particle_center_y, particle_radius, particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities, ellipsoidal_orientation in zip(
            particle_center_x_list, particle_center_y_list,
            particle_radius_list, particle_bessel_orders_list,
            particle_intensities_list, ellipsoidal_orientation_list):
        # calculate coordinates of cutoff window
        start_x = int(max(ceil(particle_center_x - particle_radius * 3), 0))
        stop_x = int(
            min(ceil(particle_center_x + particle_radius * 3), image_size))
        start_y = int(max(ceil(particle_center_y - particle_radius * 3), 0))
        stop_y = int(
            min(ceil(particle_center_y + particle_radius * 3), image_size))

        # calculate matrix coordinates from the center of the image
        image_coordinate_x, image_coordinate_y = meshgrid(
            arange(start_x, stop_x),
            arange(start_y, stop_y),

        # calculate the elliptical distance from the center of the particle normalized by the particle radius
        rotated_distance_x = (image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x) * cos(
            ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y
                                        ) * sin(ellipsoidal_orientation)
        rotated_distance_y = -(image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x) * sin(
            ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y
                                        ) * cos(ellipsoidal_orientation)

        # The factor 2 is because the particle radius is defined as the point where the intensity reaches 1/3 of
        # the intensity in the middle of the particle when Bessel order = 0. When Bessel order = 1, the middle of
        # the particle is black, and at the radius the intensity is approximately at its maximum. For higher
        # Bessel orders, there is no clear definition of the radius.
        elliptical_distance_from_particle = 2 * sqrt(
            (rotated_distance_x)**2 +
            (rotated_distance_y / ellipticity)**2 + .001**2) / particle_radius

        # calculate particle profile.
        for particle_bessel_order, particle_intensity in zip(
                particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities):
            image_particle = 4 * particle_bessel_order**2.5 * (
                       elliptical_distance_from_particle) /
            image_particles[start_x:stop_x, start_y:stop_y] = image_particles[
                start_y:stop_y] + particle_intensity * image_particle

    # calculate image without noise as background image plus particle image
    image_particles_without_noise = clip(image_background + image_particles, 0,

    ### ADD NOISE
    image_particles_with_noise = poisson(
        image_particles_without_noise *
        signal_to_noise_ratio**2) / signal_to_noise_ratio**2

    cut_off_pixels = tuple([image_particles_with_noise > 1])

    percentage_of_pixels_that_were_cut_off = image_particles_with_noise[
        cut_off_pixels].size / (image_size**2) * 100

    # warn if there is a pixel brighter than 1
    def custom_formatwarning(msg, *args, **kwargs):
        # ignore everything except the message
        return str(msg) + '\n'

    if percentage_of_pixels_that_were_cut_off > 0:
        warnings.formatwarning = custom_formatwarning
        warn_message = (
            "Warning: %.5f%% of the pixels in the generated image are brighter than the 1 (%d pixels)! "
            "These were cut-off to the max value 1. Consider adjusting your gradient intensity, particle "
            "intensity, background level, or signal to noise ratio." %

    # print("After poisson: Min is %.4f, Max is %.4f" % (amin(image_particles_with_noise),
    #                                                    amax(image_particles_with_noise)))

    return clip(image_particles_with_noise, 0, 1)
예제 #29
파일: HW3P1.py 프로젝트: mcriech/ME701
def Test_3(x):
    return bessel(0,x)
예제 #30
 def get_L(self,x,y,z,Q2,mu2,zetaF,zetaD,qT,charge):
   integrand=lambda bT: bT*bessel(0,bT*qT)*self.get_L_bT_space(x,y,z,Q2,mu2,zetaF,zetaD,bT**2,charge)/qT
   return tgral*qT/(2*np.pi)
예제 #31
def get_image(image_parameters, use_gpu=False):
    """Generate image with particles.
    image_parameters: list with the values of the image parameters in a dictionary:
        image_parameters['Particle Center X List']
        image_parameters['Particle Center Y List']
        image_parameters['Particle Radius List']
        image_parameters['Particle Bessel Orders List']
        image_parameters['Particle Intensities List']
        image_parameters['Image Size']
        image_parameters['Image Background Level']
        image_parameters['Signal to Noise Ratio']
        image_parameters['Gradient Intensity']
        image_parameters['Gradient Direction']
        image_parameters['Ellipsoid Orientation']
    Note: image_parameters is typically obained from the function get_image_parameters()
    image: image of the particle [2D numpy array of real numbers betwen 0 and 1]

    from numpy import meshgrid, arange, ones, zeros, sin, cos, sqrt, clip, array
    from numpy.random import poisson as poisson
    particle_center_x_list = image_parameters['Particle Center X List']
    particle_center_y_list = image_parameters['Particle Center Y List']
    particle_radius_list = image_parameters['Particle Radius List']
    particle_bessel_orders_list = image_parameters['Particle Bessel Orders List']
    particle_intensities_list = image_parameters['Particle Intensities List']
    image_size = image_parameters['Image Size'] 
    image_background_level = image_parameters['Image Background Level']
    signal_to_noise_ratio = image_parameters['Signal to Noise Ratio']
    gradient_intensity = image_parameters['Gradient Intensity']
    gradient_direction = image_parameters['Gradient Direction']
    ellipsoidal_orientation_list = image_parameters['Ellipsoid Orientation']
    ellipticity = image_parameters['Ellipticity']   
    # initialize the image at the background level
    image_background = ones((image_size, image_size)) * image_background_level

    # calculate matrix coordinates from the center of the image
    image_coordinate_x, image_coordinate_y = meshgrid(arange(0, image_size), 
                                                      arange(0, image_size), 
    # add gradient to image background
    if gradient_intensity!=0:
        image_background = image_background + gradient_intensity * (image_coordinate_x * sin(gradient_direction) + 
                                                                    image_coordinate_y * cos(gradient_direction) ) / (sqrt(2) * image_size)

    image_particles = zeros((image_size, image_size))

    # calculate the particle profiles of all particles and add them to image_particles
        print('No GPU!')
        #calc_particle_profile_gpu(particle_center_x_list, particle_center_y_list,particle_radius_list, image_particles,particle_intensities_list)
        from scipy.special import jv as bessel
        for particle_center_x, particle_center_y, particle_radius, particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities, ellipsoidal_orientation in zip(particle_center_x_list, particle_center_y_list, particle_radius_list, particle_bessel_orders_list, particle_intensities_list, ellipsoidal_orientation_list):
            # calculate the radial distance from the center of the particle 
            # normalized by the particle radius
            radial_distance_from_particle = sqrt((image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)**2 
                                            + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)**2 
                                            + .001**2) / particle_radius

            # for elliptical particles
            rotated_distance_x = (image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)*cos(ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)*sin(ellipsoidal_orientation)
            rotated_distance_y = -(image_coordinate_x - particle_center_x)*sin(ellipsoidal_orientation) + (image_coordinate_y - particle_center_y)*cos(ellipsoidal_orientation)
            elliptical_distance_from_particle = sqrt((rotated_distance_x)**2 
                                            + (rotated_distance_y / ellipticity)**2 
                                            + .001**2) / particle_radius

            # calculate particle profile
            for particle_bessel_order, particle_intensity in zip(particle_bessel_orders, particle_intensities):
                image_particle = 4 * particle_bessel_order**2.5 * (bessel(particle_bessel_order, elliptical_distance_from_particle) / elliptical_distance_from_particle)**2
                image_particles = image_particles + particle_intensity * image_particle

    # calculate image without noise as background image plus particle image
    image_particles_without_noise = clip(image_background + image_particles, 0, 1)

    ### ADD NOISE
    image_particles_with_noise = poisson(image_particles_without_noise * signal_to_noise_ratio**2) / signal_to_noise_ratio**2

    return image_particles_with_noise
예제 #32
 def integrand(self,Q,Q0,bT,x,z,qT): 
   return bT*bessel(0,qT*bT)*self.WL_bT(Q,Q0,x,z,bT)
 def J(n, x):
     f = (bessel(n + 1, 2 * np.pi * x) / x)**2
     return f
예제 #34
 def get_L(self, x, y, z, Q2, mu2, zetaF, zetaD, qT, charge):
     integrand = lambda bT: bT * bessel(0, bT * qT) * self.get_L_bT_space(
         x, y, z, Q2, mu2, zetaF, zetaD, bT**2, charge) / qT
     tgral = quad(integrand, 0, np.inf)[0]
     return tgral * qT / (2 * np.pi)
예제 #35
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import pylab as py
from hankel import HankelTransform
from scipy.special import jv as bessel
from scipy.integrate import quad, quadrature, fixed_quad

BT = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
W = lambda bT: np.exp(-0.5 * bT**2)

qT = 2.0

integrand = lambda bT: bT * bessel(0, bT * qT) * W(bT)
tgral = quad(integrand, 1e-4, np.inf)[0]
print tgral

f = lambda x: x * W(x / qT)
#h = HankelTransform(nu=0,N=120,h=0.03)
h = HankelTransform(nu=0, N=120, h=0.003)
print h.transform(f, ret_err=False)[0] / qT**2

#f = lambda x: 1  #Define the input function f(x)
#h = HankelTransform(nu=0,N=120,h=0.03)  #Create the HankelTransform instance
#print h.transform(f)