def make_series(mul=1.0, x=1.0, y=1.0, order=1, sum=False, legendre=False, zero=True): if zero: res = [np.ones_like(x) * mul] else: res = [] for i in xrange(1, order + 1): maxr = i + 1 if legendre: maxr = order + 1 for j in xrange(maxr): #print i, '-', i - j, j if legendre: res.append(mul * leg(i)(x) * leg(j)(y)) else: res.append(mul * x**(i - j) * y**j) if sum: return np.sum(res, axis=0) else: return res
def gauquad(f, a, b, n=50): ''' 定义 Gaussian quadrature 积分 函数 f 的积分区间为 [a,b] 取 n 个 Legendre 的根 def Gaussian quadrature integration integrate function f from a to b take n Legendre roots ''' ft = lambda t: f((b - a) * t / 2 + (a + b) / 2) * (b - a) / 2 x, w = leg(n) I = 0 for i in range(n): I = I + w[i] * ft(x[i]) err = 0 return I, err
def gl_eva(self,Lmax): tau=self.tau() Ntau=self.Ntau() beta=self.beta() Gl=zeros(Lmax) xtau=[] for t in tau: xtau.append(2.0*t/beta-1.) for i in range(Lmax): y=[] for j in range(Ntau): y.append(leg(i,xtau[j])*Gtau[j]) y=array(y) Gl[i]=sqrt(2.*i+1)*integrate.simps(y,tau) return Gl
def Gtau_Gl(self,Gl,Lcut): tau=self.tau() beta=self.beta() Ntau=self.Ntau() Gtau_gl=[] xtau=[] Lmax=len(Gl) if Lmax<Lcut: raise Exception('Lcut used to construct Gtau is greater than Lmax!!!') for t in tau: xtau.append(2.0*t/beta-1.) for i in range(Ntau): sumGtau=0.0 for j in range(Lcut): sumGtau+=sqrt(2.*j+1)/beta*Gl[j]*leg(j,xtau[i]) Gtau_gl.append(sumGtau) Gtau_gl=array(Gtau_gl) return Gtau_gl
print('Theta values (deg):') print(th_list) ll = np.arange(l_start, l_stop + 1) binsz_x = 360. / N_x #bin size in degrees binsz_y = 180. / N_y NPIX = hp.pixelfunc.nside2npix(NSIDE) #number of pixel of the conversion map iii = range(NPIX) B, L = np.array(hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang( NSIDE, iii)) #gives b,l in radians (colatitude and longitude) #print np.degrees(B),np.degrees(L) pl_list = [] #Legendre polynomials for k in range(len(th_list)): pl_list.append(leg(ll, np.cos(np.radians(th_list[k])))) def normalization(moll_array): #moll_array[np.isinf(moll_array)] = 0.0 moll_array = moll_array + np.abs(np.min(moll_array)) moll_array = moll_array / (np.max(moll_array)) return moll_array #coordinates of the cartesian projection l_interp = np.arange(N_x) * binsz_x b_interp = np.arange(N_y) * binsz_y #coordinates conversion L, B = np.array((np.degrees(L) + 180.) % 360), np.array(180. - np.degrees(B))
#!/usr/bin/env python from scipy import * from pylab import * from scipy.special import eval_legendre as leg def check_norm(poly): sump = 0.0 N = len(poly) for i in range(N): sump += poly[i]**2 print sump if __name__ == "__main__": NL = 6 ## number of Legendre polynominals to be plotted Lmin = 191 Lmax = 196 Nx = 200 Legp = [] x = linspace(-1, 1, Nx) print "Dx=", x[1] - x[0] for n in range(Lmin, Lmax): y = leg(n, x) Legp.append(y) plot(x, y, label='L=' + str(n)) legend(loc=0) ylim([-1.2, 1.2]) check_norm(Legp[0]) show()
plot_test = False ############################################################### NPIX = 12 * NSIDE**2 ll = np.arange(l_start, l_stop) norm = 2. * np.pi / (ll * (ll + 1)) th_list = np.logspace(np.log10(theta_min), np.log10(theta_max), num=10) print('Theta values (deg):') print(th_list) cl_list = [np.insert(ll, 0, range(l_start))] CCF_list = [th_list] A = (2. * ll + 1.) / (4. * np.pi) pl = [] for i in range(len(th_list)): pl.append(leg(ll, np.cos(np.radians(th_list[i])))) print('factor for the correlation function:', fact) if tag is not '': text = '#TAG: ' + tag + '\n' + '#Maps number: ' + str( N_start) + ' - ' + str(N_stop) + '\n' + '#N, N1h, N2h, alpha' + '\n' text_cl = '#TAG: ' + tag + '\n' + '#Maps number: ' + str( N_start) + ' - ' + str(N_stop) + '\n' text_CCF = '#TAG: ' + tag + '\n' + '#Maps number: ' + str( N_start) + ' - ' + str(N_stop) + '\n' tag = tag + '_' else: text = '#Maps number: ' + str(N_start) + ' - ' + str( N_stop) + '\n' + '#N, N1h, N2h, alpha' + '\n' text_cl = '#Maps number: ' + str(N_start) + ' - ' + str(N_stop) + '\n'
def pkd(j, k, x, y): return (1 - y) ** j * leg(j, 2 * x / (1 - y) - 1) * jac(k, 2 * j + 1, 0, 2 * y - 1)
def che2w(x): return np.sqrt(1-x**2) def jacw(x, a=1, b=1): return (1-x)**a*(1+x)**b def inte(nodes, ws, typ=0): funlst = [legw, che1w, che2w, jacw] ft = g(nodes)/funlst[typ](nodes) return (ws*ft).sum()*(b-a)/2 for n in ns: nodeout = 'nodes: ' + '{:>8.5f} '*n wout = 'weights: ' + '{:>8.5f} '*n lnds, lws = leg(n) intt = inte(lnds, lws, 0) print('Legendre') print(f'n: {n}, integration: {intt:>8.5f}') print(nodeout.format(*lnds)) print(wout.format(*lws)) c1nds, c1ws = che1(n) intt = inte(c1nds, c1ws, 1) print('Chebyshev 1') print(f'n: {n}, integration: {intt:>8.5f}') print(nodeout.format(*c1nds)) print(wout.format(*c1ws)) c2nds, c2ws = che2(n) intt = inte(c2nds, c2ws, 2)