def test(self,alpha,GSNR_low,GSNR_up,interval,test_batch,num_words): SNR_dB_start_Eb = GSNR_low SNR_dB_stop_Eb = GSNR_up SNR_points = interval SNR_dB_start_Es = SNR_dB_start_Eb + 10 * np.log10(self.k / self.N) SNR_dB_stop_Es = SNR_dB_stop_Eb + 10 * np.log10(self.k / self.N) SNRs = np.linspace(SNR_dB_start_Eb, SNR_dB_stop_Eb, SNR_points) sigma_start = np.sqrt(1 / (2 * 10 ** (SNR_dB_start_Es / 10))) sigma_stop = np.sqrt(1 / (2 * 10 ** (SNR_dB_stop_Es / 10))) sigmas = np.linspace(sigma_start, sigma_stop, SNR_points) nb_errors = np.zeros(len(sigmas), dtype=int) nb_bits = np.zeros(len(sigmas), dtype=int) ber = np.zeros(len(sigmas), dtype=float) seedrand = np.zeros(100, dtype=int) for sr in range(1, 100): seedrand[sr] = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 14, size=(1)) # seedrand[sr-1]+1 for i in range(0, len(sigmas)): # different SNR scale = CommFunc.CalScale(SNRs[i], alpha, self.R) # print("GSNR={},scale={}".format(SNRs[i], scale)) for ii in range(0, np.round(num_words / test_batch).astype(int)): # Source x_test, d_test=Data.genRanData(self.k, self.N, test_batch, seedrand[ii]) # Modulator (BPSK) s_test = -2 * x_test + 1 # Channel (alpha-stable) y_test = s_test + levy_stable.rvs(alpha, 0, 0, scale, (test_batch, self.N)) # Decoder nb_errors[i] += self.decoder.evaluate(y_test, d_test, batch_size=test_batch, verbose=2)[2] nb_bits[i] += d_test.size ber = np.float32(nb_errors/nb_bits) return ber
def generate_series(N, return1, return10, alpha, beta, delta, gamma): #generate random variables sequentially according to Levy alpha-stable distribution randomvariable = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): randomvariable[i] = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, delta, gamma, random_state=None) ##initialize prices price = np.zeros(N+1) price[0] = 100.0 #arbitrary initial price ##Standard practice, as prescribed by Mandelbrot (1963) ##presumes that the daily change in natural logarithms ##of prices is represented by said random variable: ## X = log_e[P_(i+1)] - log_e[P_i] , or equivalently ## P_(i+1) = P_i * exp(X) exprv = np.exp(randomvariable) for i in range(N): price[i+1] = price[i] * exprv[i] #Use the equations given for fractional daily returns: # r^1_i = ( P_(i+1) - P_i ) / P_i # r^10_i = ( P_(i+10) - P_i ) / P_i for i in range(N): return1[i] = (price[i+1] / price[i]) - 1 #shortcut return1[i] = exprv[i] - 1 if (i < N - 9): return10[i] = (price[i+10] / price[i]) - 1
def monte_carlo_test(mon_car_tr, overlap_per): # input params alpha, beta = 1.7, .0 # generate prices price = levy_stable.rvs( alpha, beta, size=mon_car_tr ) # Generate 1 day returns one_day_returns = [ (price[i+1]-price[i])/price[i] for i in range(len(price)-1) ] # Generate overlapping data overlap_data = [] for i in range(mon_car_tr-overlap_per): val = 0 for j in range(overlap_per): val = val + one_day_returns[i+j] overlap_data.append(val) # Probability of specific value in oveerlappig data probs = [ levy_stable.ppf(i, alpha, beta) for i in overlap_data ] return probs, overlap_data
def sample_new_coordinates(self, x_old, y_old, gazeDir, dV_x, dV_y): #Distances drawn from the stable random number generator r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=self.alpha_stable, beta=self.beta_stable, loc=self.delta_stable, scale=self.gamma_stable, size=self.NUM_SAMPLE_LEVY) #Generate randomly a direction theta from a uniform distribution #between -pi and pi and as a function of previous direction theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand( self.NUM_SAMPLE_LEVY, ) - np.pi + gazeDir dV_x = np.reshape(dV_x, -1, order='F') dV_y = np.reshape(dV_y, -1, order='F') #Compute new gaze position of the FOA via Langevin equation x_new = np.round(x_old + self.h * (-self.k_P * dV_x[x_old] + self.k_R * np.multiply(r, np.cos(theta)))) y_new = np.round(y_old + self.h * (-self.k_P * dV_y[y_old] + self.k_R * np.multiply(r, np.sin(theta)))) return x_new, y_new
def _realization(self, truncated_distribution): if self.alpha == 2: z = np.random.normal(0, scale=self.scale, size=self.Na) else: if self.truncate is not None: if truncated_distribution is not None: z = truncated_distribution.sample(self.Na) else: z = sampling.truncated_levy_distribution( self.truncate, self.alpha, self.scale, self.Na) else: z = levy_stable.rvs(self.alpha, 0, loc=0, scale=self.scale, size=self.Na) z = np.fft.fft(z, self.Na) w = np.fft.ifft(z * self.A, self.Na).real return w[:self.N * self.m:self.m]
def draw(a, b, fig): x = [] for i in range(1000): w = np.random.exponential(1) x.append(F_inv(w, a, b)) plt.figure(fig) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.hist(x, bins=100, color='r', label='a=' + str(a) + ' b=' + str(b), rwidth=0.8, density=1) r = levy_stable.rvs(a, b, size=1000, scale=1) plt.hist(r, bins=100, label="Theoretical", color='b', rwidth=0.8, density=1) plt.title('Sample histogram') plt.legend() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(np.arange(0, 1000), x) plt.title('time series plot') return
def gen_batch(hps): y_batch = np.zeros([TIMES_SLOTS_PER_BATCH, 2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) h_batch = np.zeros([TIMES_SLOTS_PER_BATCH, 2 * NUM_ANT, 2 * NUM_ANT]) s_batch = np.random.rand(TIMES_SLOTS_PER_BATCH, 2 * NUM_ANT, 1) s_batch = np.where(s_batch < 0.5, -1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)) w_batch = np.zeros([TIMES_SLOTS_PER_BATCH, 2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) p = 10**(hps.snr / 10) for i in range(PACKETS_PER_BATCH): h = np.sqrt(p / NUM_ANT) * complex_channel() for j in range(TIME_SLOTS_PER_PACKET): t = i * TIME_SLOTS_PER_PACKET + j if NOISE_TYPE == "MIXGAUSS": w = exampl_mixture_gauss(size=[2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) elif NOISE_TYPE == "NAKA": w = nakagami_m(m=hps.m, size=[2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) else: w = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=hps.alpha, beta=hps.beta,, scale=hps.sigma, size=[2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) s = s_batch[t, :, :] s = s.reshape([2 * NUM_ANT, 1]) y = h @ s + w y_batch[t:t + 1, :, :] = y h_batch[t:t + 1, :, :] = h w_batch[t:t + 1, :, :] = w return y_batch, h_batch, s_batch, w_batch
def getSlope(alpha): x = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=alpha, beta=0.0, size=100000) cutoffs = np.logspace(-1,4) means = np.array([np.std(np.clip(x,-c,c)) for c in cutoffs]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(np.log(cutoffs), np.log(means)) plt.loglog(cutoffs, means) return slope
def simu_gumbel(num, theta): """ # Gumbel copula """ # # d = theta alpha = 1 / theta beta = 1 gamma = 1 delta = 0 X = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=1 / theta, beta=1, scale=(np.cos(np.pi / (2 * theta)))**theta, loc=0, size=num) v1 = np.array([np.random.exponential(scale=1.0) for i in range(0, num)]) v2 = np.array([np.random.exponential(scale=1.0) for i in range(0, num)]) def phi_1(t): return np.exp(-t**(1 / theta)) u1 = phi_1(v1 / X) u2 = phi_1(v2 / X) return u1, u2
def get_transmission_delay(self): transmission_delay = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=self.levy_stable_alpha, beta=self.levy_stable_beta, loc=self.levy_stable_loc, scale=self.levy_stable_scale) return transmission_delay
def Gumbel(self, alpha, d=(1000, )): self.alpha = alpha x = np.random.uniform(size=d) y = np.random.uniform(size=d) beta = (math.cos(math.pi / (2 * alpha)))**alpha v = levy_stable.rvs(1 / alpha, 1, loc=0, scale=beta, size=d) u_x = self.gumbel_generator(-np.log10(x) / v) u_y = self.gumbel_generator(-np.log10(y) / v) return u_x, u_y
def get_transmission_delay(self): if self.type == 0: transmission_delay = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=self.levy_stable_alpha, beta=self.levy_stable_beta, loc=self.levy_stable_loc, scale=self.levy_stable_scale) return transmission_delay elif self.type == 1: return self.mean_transmission_delay else: return None
def estimate_phi_mh(X, Xhat, alpha, Phi, n_iter_mcmc, n_burnin_mcmc, random_state, return_loglk=False, verbose=10): """Estimate the expectation of 1/phi by Metropolis-Hastings""" if n_iter_mcmc <= n_burnin_mcmc: raise ValueError('n_iter_mcmc must be greater than n_burnin_mcmc') n_trials, n_times = X.shape residual = (X - Xhat)**2 tau = np.zeros((n_trials, n_times)) rng = check_random_state(random_state) if return_loglk: loglk_all = np.zeros((n_iter_mcmc, 1)) for i in range(n_iter_mcmc): scale = 2 * np.cos(np.pi * alpha / 4)**(2 / alpha) Phi_p = levy_stable.rvs(alpha / 2, 1, loc=0, scale=scale, size=(n_trials, n_times), random_state=rng) log_acc = 0.5 * np.log(Phi / Phi_p) + residual * (1 / Phi - 1 / Phi_p) log_u = np.log(rng.uniform(size=(n_trials, n_times))) ix = (log_acc > log_u) Phi[ix] = Phi_p[ix] if return_loglk: loglk = np.sum(-0.5 * np.log(Phi) - 0.5 * residual / Phi) loglk_all[i] = loglk if verbose > 5: print("Iter: %d\t loglk:%E\t NumAcc:%d" % (i, loglk, np.sum(ix))) if (i >= n_burnin_mcmc): tau += 1 / Phi tau = tau / (n_iter_mcmc - n_burnin_mcmc) if return_loglk: return Phi, tau, loglk_all return Phi, tau
def MultiDimensionalGumbel(self, d=(2, 1000)): arr = [] beta = (math.cos(math.pi / (2 * self.alpha)))**self.alpha v = levy_stable.rvs(1 / self.alpha, 1, loc=0, scale=beta, size=(d[1], )) for i in range(d[0]): x = np.random.uniform(size=(d[1], )) u_x = self.gumbel_generator(-np.log10(x) / v) arr.append(u_x) return np.asarray(arr)
def levyflight(x0, n, dt, alpha, beta, out=None): """ Generate an instance of a Levy flight: Arguments --------- x0 : float or numpy array (or something that can be converted to a numpy array using numpy.asarray(x0)). The initial condition(s) (i.e. position(s)) of the Brownian motion. n : int The number of steps to take. dt : float The time step. alpha, beta: Levy parameters out : numpy array or None If `out` is not None, it specifies the array in which to put the result. If `out` is None, a new numpy array is created and returned. Returns ------- A numpy array of floats with shape `x0.shape + (n,)`. Note that the initial value `x0` is not included in the returned array. """ #can we really calculate the stats? #mean, var, skew, kurt = levy_stable.stats(alpha, beta, moments='mvsk') #print("Levy mean: ",mean," variance: ",var) x0 = np.asarray(x0) # For each element of x0, generate a sample of n numbers from a # normal distribution. r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=x0.shape + (n, ), scale=sqrt(dt)) # If `out` was not given, create an output array. if out is None: out = np.empty(r.shape) # This computes the Brownian motion by forming the cumulative sum of # the random samples. np.cumsum(r, axis=-1, out=out) # Add the initial condition. out += np.expand_dims(x0, axis=-1) return out
def test_sample_2(alpha, beta): num_samples = 10000 d = dist.Stable(alpha, beta, coords="S") # Temporarily increase radius to test hole-patching logic. # Scipy doesn't handle values of alpha very close to 1. try: old = pyro.distributions.stable.RADIUS pyro.distributions.stable.RADIUS = 0.02 actual = d.sample([num_samples]) finally: pyro.distributions.stable.RADIUS = old actual = d.sample([num_samples]) expected = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=num_samples) assert ks_2samp(expected, actual).pvalue > 0.05
def SimuGumbel(n, m, theta): """ # Gumbel copula Requires: n = number of variables to generate m = sample size theta = Gumbel copula parameter """ # # v = [np.random.uniform(0,1,m) for i in range(0,n)] X = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=1/theta, beta=1,scale=(np.cos(np.pi/(2*theta)))**theta,loc=0, size=m) phi_t = lambda t: np.exp(-t**(1/theta)) u = [phi_t(-np.log(v[i])/X) for i in range(0,n)] return u
def generator2(dataset_name, fraction, mu, sigma, SNR=None, distribution="Gaussian"): #print(os.getcwd()) a = np.load( os.path.join(os.path.join('../../data', dataset_name), r'normlized_tensor.npy')) b = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=bool) DIM = a.shape sigmas = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1] #Add noise if SNR != None: sigma2 = np.var(tensor_to_vec(a)) * (1 / (10**(SNR / 10))) GN = np.sqrt(sigma2) * np.random.randn(DIM[0], DIM[1], DIM[2]) a = a + GN for it in range(5): #Add outliers if distribution == "Gaussian": outliers = np.random.randn(DIM[0], DIM[1], DIM[2]) * sqrt( sigmas[it]) + mu elif distribution == "levy_stable": outliers = levy_stable.rvs(sigma, mu, size=(DIM[0], DIM[1], DIM[2])) locations = list(range( if fraction != 0: sampled_locations = np.random.choice( locations, int(len(locations) * fraction), replace=False) # print(len(sampled_locations)) for x in sampled_locations: k = x // (DIM[0] * DIM[1]) x %= (DIM[0] * DIM[1]) i = x // DIM[1] j = x % DIM[1] b[i, j, k] = 1 a[i, j, k] += outliers[i, j, k] return a, b
def test_spectrum(): for N in [1000, 10000]: for q_list in [6, 12, 21]: alpha = 1.5 X = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta=0, size=N) q = np.linspace(-10, 10, q_list) q = q[q!=0.0] print(q) lag = np.unique( np.logspace( 0, np.log10(X.size // 4), 55 ).astype(int) + 1 ) lag, dfa = MFDFA(X, lag = lag, q = q, order = 1) alpha, f = singspect.singularity_spectrum(lag, dfa, q = q) _ = singspect.singularity_spectrum_plot(alpha, f); assert alpha.shape[0] == f.shape[0], "Output shape mismatch" assert alpha.shape[0] == q.shape[0], "Output shape mismatch" q, tau = singspect.scaling_exponents(lag, dfa, q = q) _ = singspect.scaling_exponents_plot(q, tau); assert tau.shape[0] == q.shape[0], "Output shape mismatch" q, hq = singspect.hurst_exponents(lag, dfa, q = q) _ = singspect.hurst_exponents_plot(q, hq); assert hq.shape[0] == q.shape[0], "Output shape mismatch" try: singspect._slopes(lag, dfa, q[0:3]) except Exception: pass
def fractional_diffusion(alpha_, beta_, theta_, D_, L, M, use_parallel=False, do_save=False): L = int(L) M = int(M) xnt = np.zeros((L, M)) L_temp = 20 * L tau = 1e-5 c_alpha_ = np.power(D_ * tau, 1 / alpha_) c_beta_ = np.power(tau, 1 / beta_) x_alpha_ = alpha_ x_beta_ = -tan(theta_ * pi / 2) / tan(alpha_ * pi / 2) x_gamma_ = c_alpha_ * np.power(cos(theta_ * pi / 2), 1 / alpha_) x_delta_ = -x_gamma_ * tan(theta_ * pi / 2) t_alpha_ = beta_ t_beta_ = 1 t_gamma_ = c_beta_ * np.power(cos(beta_ * pi / 2), 1 / beta_) t_delta_ = t_gamma_ * tan(beta_ * pi / 2) M_thres = 200 num_processes = cpu_count() ti = time() if M > M_thres: num_M = int(np.floor(M / M_thres)) if use_parallel: pool = Pool(processes=num_processes) results_dt = [] results_dx = [] for i in range(num_M): results_dt.append( apply_async(pool, get_levy_stable, (t_alpha_, t_beta_, t_delta_, t_gamma_, (L_temp, M_thres)))) results_dt = [p.get() for p in results_dt] dt = np.concatenate(results_dt, axis=1) for i in range(num_M): results_dx.append( apply_async(pool, get_levy_stable, (x_alpha_, x_beta_, x_delta_, x_gamma_, (L_temp, M_thres)))) results_dx = [p.get() for p in results_dx] dx = np.concatenate(results_dx, axis=1) else: dt = np.zeros((L_temp, M)) dx = np.zeros((L_temp, M)) for i in range(num_M): dt_temp = levy_stable.rvs(t_alpha_, t_beta_, t_delta_, t_gamma_, size=(L_temp, M_thres)) dt[:, i * M_thres:(i + 1) * M_thres] = dt_temp dx_temp = levy_stable.rvs(x_alpha_, x_beta_, x_delta_, x_gamma_, size=(L_temp, M_thres)) dx[:, i * M_thres:(i + 1) * M_thres] = dx_temp else: dt = levy_stable.rvs(t_alpha_, t_beta_, t_delta_, t_gamma_, size=(L_temp, M)) dx = levy_stable.rvs(x_alpha_, x_beta_, x_delta_, x_gamma_, size=(L_temp, M)) dt_sum = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, M)), np.cumsum(dt, axis=0))) dx_sum = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, M)), np.cumsum(dx, axis=0))) T = np.linspace(0, np.min(dt_sum[-1, :]), L) nt = np.zeros((np.size(T), M), dtype=int) for i in range(M): jj = 0 looping_complete = False for k in range(1 + L_temp): while (True): if dt_sum[k, i] >= T[jj]: nt[jj, i] = k jj += 1 if jj >= np.size(T): looping_complete = True break else: break if looping_complete: break for i in range(M): xnt[:, i] = dx_sum[nt[:, i], i] if do_save: data_dir_name = 'data' make_dir(data_dir_name) file_name = 'sim_frac_diff_a_%1.2f_b_%1.2f_t_%1.2f_D_%1.2f_L_%d_M_%d.p' % ( alpha_, beta_, theta_, D_, L, M) pk.dump({ 'x': xnt, 'T': T }, open(os.path.join(data_dir_name, file_name), 'wb')) savemat( open(os.path.join(data_dir_name, file_name[:-1] + 'mat'), 'wb'), { 'xnt': xnt, 'T': T }) return {'x': xnt, 'T': T}
############################################################################### # We can also visualize the learned activations plot_data([z[:10] for z in z_hat], ['stem'] * n_atoms) ############################################################################### # Note if the data is corrupted with impulsive noise, this method may not be # the best. Check out our :ref:`example using alphacsc # <>` to learn how to deal with # such data. alpha = 1.2 noise_level = 0.005 X[idx_corrupted] += levy_stable.rvs(alpha, 0, loc=0, scale=noise_level, size=(n_corrupted_trials, n_times), random_state=random_state_simulate) pobj, times, d_hat, z_hat, reg = learn_d_z(X, n_atoms, n_times_atom, reg=reg, n_iter=n_iter, solver_d_kwargs=dict(factr=100), random_state=random_state, n_jobs=1, verbose=1) plt.figure() plt.plot(d_hat.T) plt.plot(ds_true.T, 'k--')
def Inoise(alpha_train, x1, x2, x3): y = np.float32(levy_stable.rvs(alpha_train, 0, x1, x2, x3)) return y
x = np.linspace(levy_stable.ppf(0.01, alpha, beta), levy_stable.ppf(0.99, alpha, beta), 100) ax.plot(x, levy_stable.pdf(x, alpha, beta), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='levy_stable pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = levy_stable(alpha, beta) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = levy_stable.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], alpha, beta) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], levy_stable.cdf(vals, alpha, beta)) # True # Generate random numbers: r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=1000) # And compare the histogram: ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2) ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
""" from scipy.stats import levy_stable import numpy as np points = 1000000 #jennys_constant = 8675309 alpha = 1.7 beta = 0.0 delta = 1.0 gamma = 1.0 draw1 = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, size=points, random_state=None) draw2 = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, size=points, random_state=None) draw = np.zeros(points) for i in range(points): draw[i] = draw1[i] + draw2[i] #use scipy's quantile estimator to estimate the parameters and convert to S parameterization #pconv = lambda alpha, beta, mu, sigma: (alpha, beta, mu - sigma * beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0), sigma)
for a in alpha: for b in beta: x = [] for i in range(N): W = np.random.exponential(1) x.append(f(W, a, b)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) # alpha-stable simulations plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.hist(x, bins=100, color='black', density=1, alpha=0.75, label='Simulation: ' + chr(945) + '=' + str(a) + ',' + chr(946) + '=' + str(b)) theo = levy_stable.rvs(a, b, size=N, scale=1) plt.hist(theo, bins=100, color='r', density=1, label='Theoretical') plt.title('Simulation Histogram') plt.legend() # plots of time series plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(np.arange(0, N), x) plt.title('Time Series Plot') plt.savefig('Q3_a{}_b{}.png'.format(a, b))
def jumps(self, N): return levy_stable.rvs(self.params[0], beta=0, scale=self.params[-1], size=N)
def stable(self, alpha, beta, mu=0, c=1): return levy_stable.rvs(alpha, c)
def SimuMx(n, m, combination): v = [np.random.uniform(0, 1, m) for i in range(0, n)] weights = [comb["weight"] for comb in combination] #Generate m random sample of category labels y = np.array([ np.where(ls == 1)[0][0] for ls in np.random.multinomial(n=1, pvals=weights, size=m) ]) for i in range(0, len(combination)): combinationsize = len(v[0][y == i]) if combination[i]["type"] == "clayton": theta = combination[i]["theta"] X = np.array([ np.random.gamma(theta**(-1), scale=1.0) for i in range(0, combinationsize) ]) phi_t = lambda t: (1 + t)**(-1 / theta) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = phi_t(-np.log(v[j][y == i]) / X) elif combination[i]["type"] == "gumbel": theta = combination[i]["theta"] X = levy_stable.rvs(alpha=1 / theta, beta=1, scale=(np.cos(np.pi / (2 * theta)))**theta, loc=0, size=combinationsize) phi_t = lambda t: np.exp(-t**(1 / theta)) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = phi_t(-np.log(v[j][y == i]) / X) elif combination[i]["type"] == "gaussian": corrMatrix = combination[i]["corrMatrix"] v2 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, combinationsize) L = linalg.cholesky(corrMatrix, lower=True) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(v[j][y == i])) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * v2) y =, [vk[y == i] for vk in v]) Y = norm.cdf(y, loc=0, scale=1) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = np.array(Y[j]) elif combination[i]["type"] == "student": corrMatrix = combination[i]["corrMatrix"] k = combination[i]["k"] v2 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, combinationsize) L = linalg.cholesky(corrMatrix, lower=True) r = np.random.chisquare(df=k, size=combinationsize) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(v[j][y == i])) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * v2) z =, [vk[y == i] for vk in v]) Y = t.cdf(np.sqrt(k / r) * z, df=k, loc=0, scale=1) for j in range(0, len(v)): v[j][y == i] = np.array(Y[j]) return v
beta = np.max([beta, -1]) gam = np.max([gam, 0]) return [alpha, alphaold], [beta, betaold], [gam, gamold], [delta, deltaold] if __name__ == "__main__": alphas = np.linspace(0.1, 2, 5) betas = np.linspace(-1, 1, 2) errorsa = np.zeros((len(alphas), len(betas))) errorsb = np.zeros((len(alphas), len(betas))) for i in range(len(alphas)): alpha = alphas[i] for j in range(len(betas)): beta = betas[j] r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, loc=0, scale=1, size=10000) k = estimate(r) errorsa[i][j] = np.absolute((k[0][0]) - alpha) / alpha errorsb[i][j] = np.absolute(k[1][0] - beta) / beta ''' pd.DataFrame(errorsa,index = alphas,columns = betas).to_csv('/alpha_err.csv') pd.DataFrame(errorsb,index = alphas,columns = betas).to_csv('/beta_err.csv') ''' np.savetxt('errorsa.csv', errorsa, fmt='%.4e', delimiter=',') np.savetxt('errorsb.csv', errorsb, fmt='%.4e', delimiter=',')
def noise(input_shape, alpha=1.5, beta=0, scale=1): im_noise = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, 0, scale, input_shape) return im_noise
import numpy as np from scipy.stats import levy_stable import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N = 1000 ##alpha, beta = 1.8, 0.75 ##r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=N, scale = 0.3) ##plt.hist(r,bins = 30,label = "α=2 and β=0.75") ##alpha, beta = 2, 0.75 ##r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=N, scale = 1) ##plt.hist(r,alpha= 0.5,bins = 20,label = "Theoretical and β=0.75") ##plt.legend() alpha, beta = 0.5, 0 r = levy_stable.rvs(alpha, beta, size=N, scale=1) x = np.linspace(0, 999, 1000) plt.plot(x, r) plt.legend()