def add_bootstrap_plot_full(aeps, aep_qs, skew, mu, sigma, nbs=1, nsamples=50, color="brown", s=25): """ Analyitcal Bootstrap with Empirical Plotting """ f, a = plot_aep_full(aeps, aep_qs, skew, mu, sigma) for i in range(0, nbs): rvs = pearson3.rvs(skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=nsamples) lp3_data = LP3(rvs) log_peaks = lp3_data.log skew_new = lp3_data.weighted_skew(rskew, rskew_mse) mu_new = lp3_data.log.mean() sigma_new = lp3_data.log.std() x = np.linspace( pearson3.ppf(0.0001, skew_new, loc=mu_new, scale=sigma_new), pearson3.ppf(0.9999, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma), 100) fax2.plot(pearson3.pdf(x, skew_new, loc=mu_new, scale=sigma_new), 10**x, "black", lw=2, alpha=1, label="pearson3 pdf") a.set_title(f"{nbs} Bootstraps", fontsize=20) return f, a
def moment_plot(self): """ # 绘制矩法估计参数理论概率曲线 """ x = np.linspace(self.prob_lim_left, self.prob_lim_right, 1000) theo_y = (pearson3.ppf(1 - x / 100, self.coeff_of_skew) * self.coeff_of_var + 1) * self.expectation, theo_y, "--", lw=1, label="矩法估计参数概率曲线")
def fitted_plot(self): """ # 绘制适线后的概率曲线 """ x = np.linspace(self.prob_lim_left, self.prob_lim_right, 1000) theoY = (pearson3.ppf(1 - x / 100, self.fit_CS) * self.fit_CV + 1) * self.fit_EX, theoY, lw=2, label="适线后概率曲线")
def prob_to_value(self, prob): """ # 由设计频率转换设计值 ## 输入参数 + `prob`:设计频率,单位百分数 ## 输出参数 + `value`:设计值 """ value = (pearson3.ppf(1 - prob / 100, self.fit_CS) * self.fit_CV + 1) * self.fit_EX print("%.4f%% 的设计频率对应的设计值为 %.2f" % (prob, value)) return value
def p3ProbPlot(Ex, Cv, Cs, show=False): """ 该函数用于绘制P3曲线 Ex 曲线的数学期望 Cv 曲线的变差系数 Cs 曲线的偏态系数 show=False 是否显示图像,默认不显示 """ # 获取理论曲线的控制点 x = np.linspace(0.1, 99.9, 1000) theoryY = (pearson3.ppf(1 - x / 100, Cs) * Cv + 1) * Ex # 绘制理论曲线 plt.plot(x, theoryY, 'r-', lw=2, label='理论频率曲线') plt.legend() if show == True:
def add_bootstrap_plot_from_sample_pop_full(aeps, aep_qs, skew, mu, sigma, rskew, rskew_mse, nbs=1, nsamples=10, color="brown", nx=200, s=25): """ Bootstrap with Empirical Plotting """ f, a = plot_aep_full(aeps, aep_qs, skew, mu, sigma) xs = np.linspace(0.9999, 0.0001, nx) for i in range(0, nbs): rvs = np.random.choice(aep_qs, size=nsamples) lp3_data = LP3(rvs) log_peaks = lp3_data.log skew_new = lp3_data.weighted_skew(rskew, rskew_mse) mu_new = lp3_data.log.mean() sigma_new = lp3_data.log.std() ys = [] for x in xs: ys.append(10**pearson3.ppf(1 - x, skew_new, loc=mu_new, scale=sigma_new)) # Some Unusual Behavior results in negative skew? # Reversing here for plotting, need to debug this. if skew_new > 0: a.scatter(x=xs, y=ys, color=color, s=s) a.set_title(f"{nsamples}: Samples -- {nbs} Bootstraps", fontsize=20) return f, a
from scipy.stats import pearson3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Calculate a few first moments: skew = 0.1 mean, var, skew, kurt = pearson3.stats(skew, moments='mvsk') # Display the probability density function (``pdf``): x = np.linspace(pearson3.ppf(0.01, skew), pearson3.ppf(0.99, skew), 100) ax.plot(x, pearson3.pdf(x, skew), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='pearson3 pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = pearson3(skew) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = pearson3.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], skew) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], pearson3.cdf(vals, skew)) # True # Generate random numbers:
def plot_aep_full(aeps, aep_qs, skew, mu, sigma, color="Brown", ci=95): # PDF fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(30, 8)) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=6, nrows=1, figure=fig) fax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:5]) fax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[5], sharey=fax1) fax2.axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) fax2.axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) x = np.linspace(pearson3.ppf(0.0001, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma), pearson3.ppf(0.9999, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma), 100) fax2.plot(pearson3.pdf(x, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma), 10**x, "black", lw=2, alpha=1, label="pearson3 pdf") density_range = pearson3.pdf(x, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fax2.fill_between(, 0, 100, color='black', alpha = 0.2) # fax2.fill_between(density_range, q90lower, q90upper, color='gray', alpha = 0.2) # fax2.fill_between(density_range, q90lower, pdfmin, color='lightgray', alpha = 0.2) fax2.set_xlim([0, np.max(density_range)]) fax1.set_ylim([20000, 1200000]) fax2.set_yscale("log") pdfmin = 10**x[0] pdfmax = 10**x[-1] # adjust the line for to match the extent of peakfq plots fax1.plot(aeps[1:-10], aep_qs[1:-10], "black", linewidth=2, alpha=0.8) # Plot Formatting # fax1.invert_xaxis() fax1.set_xscale("logit") # fax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(myLogitFormat)) fax1.set_yscale("log") fax1.set_xlim([0.990, 0.002]) fax1.set_ylim([20000, 1200000]) # fax1.set_xlabel('Annual exceedance probability, [%]');fax1.set_ylabel('Discharge, [cfs]') fax1.set_title("Flow Frequency Curve") fax1.grid(True, which="both") fax1.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(logit_plot_format)) fax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(log_plot_format)) fax1.set_xlabel("Annual Exceendence Probability") fax1.set_ylabel("Flow (cfs)") # fax1.axhline(pdfmax, 0, 1e9, color='purple'); upper_ci, lower_ci = ci * 0.01, (100 - ci) * 0.01 qupper = int(10**pearson3.ppf(upper_ci, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma)) qlower = int(10**pearson3.ppf(lower_ci, skew, loc=mu, scale=sigma)) fax1.fill_between(np.arange(0.990, 0.002, -0.001), pdfmax, qupper, color="gray", alpha=0.2) fax1.fill_between(np.arange(0.990, 0.002, -0.001), qlower, qupper, color="black", alpha=0.2) fax1.fill_between(np.arange(0.990, 0.002, -0.001), qlower, pdfmin, color="gray", alpha=0.2) fax2.grid() fig.tight_layout(pad=1.00, h_pad=0, w_pad=-1, rect=None) return fig, fax1
def plot_fitting(self, sv_ratio=0, ex_fitting=True, output=True): """ # 优化适线 ## 输入参数 + `sv_ratio`:倍比系数,即偏态系数 `Cs` 与 变差系数 `Cv` 之比。 默认为 0,即关闭倍比系数功能。 - 当 `sv_ratio` ≠ 0 时,Cs 不参与适线运算中,且 `Cs` = `sv_ratio` × `Cv`; - 当 `sv_ratio` = 0 时,Cs 正常参与适线运算。 + `ex_fitting`:适线时是否调整 EX,默认为 True + `output`:是否在控制台输出参数,默认为 True """ if sv_ratio == 0: if ex_fitting: p3 = lambda prob, ex, cv, cs: (pearson3.ppf( 1 - prob / 100, cs) * cv + 1) * ex [self.fit_EX, self.fit_CV, self.fit_CS], pcov = curve_fit( p3, self.empi_prob, self.arr, [self.expectation, self.coeff_of_var, self.coeff_of_skew]) else: p3 = lambda prob, cv, cs: (pearson3.ppf(1 - prob / 100, cs) * cv + 1) * self.expectation [self.fit_CV, self.fit_CS ], pcov = curve_fit(p3, self.empi_prob, self.arr, [self.coeff_of_var, self.coeff_of_skew]) self.fit_EX = self.expectation else: if ex_fitting: p3 = lambda prob, ex, cv: (pearson3.ppf( 1 - prob / 100, cv * sv_ratio) * cv + 1) * ex [self.fit_EX, self.fit_CV ], pcov = curve_fit(p3, self.empi_prob, self.arr, [self.expectation, self.coeff_of_var]) else: p3 = lambda prob, cv: (pearson3.ppf( 1 - prob / 100, cv * sv_ratio) * cv + 1) * self.expectation [self.fit_CV], pcov = curve_fit(p3, self.empi_prob, self.arr, [self.coeff_of_var]) self.fit_EX = self.expectation self.fit_CS = self.fit_CV * sv_ratio if output: print("适线后") print("期望 EX 为 %.2f" % self.fit_EX) print("变差系数 Cv 为 %.4f" % self.fit_CV) print("偏态系数 Cs 为 %.4f" % self.fit_CS)