def quickstart_example(): """ Create time series of comparison data by pairing and substracting 100 different Poisson distributions """ mu_values = np.random.randint(80, 110, 100) mu1, mu2 = map(np.array, zip(*combinations(mu_values, 2))) labels1, labels2 = [mu.astype(str) for mu in [mu1, mu2]] spreads = skellam.rvs(mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2) times = np.arange(spreads.size).astype('datetime64[s]') # MELO class arguments (explained in docs) lines = np.arange(-59.5, 60.5) k = .15 # train the model on the list of comparisons melo = Melo(lines=lines, k=k), labels1, labels2, spreads) # predicted and true (analytic) comparison values pred_times = np.repeat(melo.last_update, times.size) pred = melo.mean(pred_times, labels1, labels2) true = skellam.mean(mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2) # plot predicted means versus true means plt.scatter(pred, true) plt.plot([-20, 20], [-20, 20], color='k') plt.xlabel('predicted mean') plt.ylabel('true mean')
def shuffle_reactions(pop0, pop1, S1, S2, r, w): r1 = r[0:2] r2_o = r[2:4] # pertubate r2 and update r1 r2 = r2_o + skellam.rvs(w, w, size=2) # [[1,1],[0,1]] is inverse of S2=[[0,1],[1,-1]] r1 = np.matmul(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]), pop1 - pop0 - np.matmul(S2, r2)) # not needed, S1 is unity matrix r = np.array(np.append(r1, r2), dtype=int) if np.any(r < 0): while True: # pertubate r2 and update r1 r2 = r2_o + skellam.rvs(w, w, size=2) r1 = np.matmul(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]), pop1 - pop0 - np.matmul(S2, r2)) # not needed, S1 is unity matrix r = np.array(np.append(r1, r2), dtype=int) if np.all(r >= 0): break return r
def shuffle_reactions(pop0, pop1, S2, r, w): r1 = r[0:2] r2_o = r[2] # pertubate r2 and update r1 r2 = r2_o + skellam.rvs(w, w) #r1 = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(S1), pop1-pop0-S2*r2) # not needed, S1 is unity matrix r1 = pop1 - pop0 - S2 * r2 if np.any(r1 < 0) or r2 < 0: while True: # pertubate r2 and update r1 while True: r2 = r2_o + skellam.rvs(w, w, size=5) if np.any(r2 >= 0): r2 = r2[r2 >= 0][0] break r1 = pop1 - pop0 - S2 * r2 if np.all(r1 >= 0): break return np.array(np.append(r1, r2), dtype=int)
def __init__(self, size=1000): self.times = np.arange(size).astype('datetime64[s]') lambdas1, lambdas2 = np.random.choice(self.lambdas, size=(2, size)) self.spreads = skellam.rvs(mu1=lambdas1, mu2=lambdas2, size=size) self.totals = poisson.rvs(mu=(lambdas1 + lambdas2), size=size) self.labels1 = lambdas1.astype(str) self.labels2 = lambdas2.astype(str)
def fit_chi2(res_data, median1, median2, conf_level=0.995, dx=100, dy=100, std_thresh=1000, normalize=True): if np.std(res_data) == 0: Q = 0 elif (res_data.mask==True).all() == True: Q = 0 elif np.std(res_data) >= std_thresh: Q = 0 else: if normalize == True: res_data = (res_data - (median1 - median2)) / np.sqrt(median1 + median2) expected_iter = len(res_data.flatten()) expected_interval = skell.interval(0.99999999, median1, median2) medianAvg = np.mean([median1, median2]) bns = int((np.log2(expected_iter) + 1)) expected = skell.rvs(median1, median2, size=(expected_iter)) if medianAvg >= 0: data_hist = np.histogram(, weights=(res_data.mask-1)*-1, bins=bns, range=expected_interval, density=False) expected_hist = np.histogram(expected, bins=bns, range=expected_interval, density=False) elif medianAvg < 0: data_hist = np.histogram(, weights=(np.logical_not(res_data.mask)).astype(int), bins=bns, range=expected_interval, density=False) data_freq = list(data_hist[0]) expected_freq = list(expected_hist[0]) data_zeroind = [i for i in range(len(data_freq)) if expected_freq[i] == 0] expected_zeroind = [i for i in range(len(expected_freq)) if expected_freq[i] == 0] for i in expected_zeroind: if i not in data_zeroind: data_zeroind.append(i) data_freq_new = [] expected_freq_new = [] data_hist_new = [] for ind in range(len(data_freq)): if ind not in data_zeroind: data_freq_new.append(data_freq[ind]) expected_freq_new.append(expected_freq[ind]) data_hist_new.append(data_hist[1][ind]) del data_freq, expected_freq data_hist_new = np.array(data_hist_new, dtype=np.float64) chi2_test = chisquare(data_freq_new, f_exp=expected_freq_new) Q = 1 / (1 + (chi2_test[0] / (1 * expected_iter))) b_mid = 0.5*(data_hist_new[1:]+data_hist_new[:-1]) b_mid = b_mid.astype(np.float64) return Q
def _sample_scipy(self, size): mu1, mu2 = float(self.mu1), float(self.mu2) from scipy.stats import skellam return skellam.rvs(mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2, size=size)
x = np.arange(skellam.ppf(0.01, mu1, mu2), skellam.ppf(0.99, mu1, mu2)) ax.plot(x, skellam.pmf(x, mu1, mu2), 'bo', ms=8, label='skellam pmf') ax.vlines(x, 0, skellam.pmf(x, mu1, mu2), colors='b', lw=5, alpha=0.5) # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape and location. This returns a "frozen" RV object holding # the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pmf``: rv = skellam(mu1, mu2) ax.vlines(x, 0, rv.pmf(x), colors='k', linestyles='-', lw=1, label='frozen pmf') ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False) # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: prob = skellam.cdf(x, mu1, mu2) np.allclose(x, skellam.ppf(prob, mu1, mu2)) # True # Generate random numbers: r = skellam.rvs(mu1, mu2, size=1000)
def phose(image, dpixel=1, thresh=3.5, kron_min=0.01, fill_method='gauss', negative=False, fit='moffat'): data_image = image.replace('residual_', '') data_image = data_image.replace('residuals', 'data') res_data = fits.getdata(image) if negative == True: res_data *= -1 res_mask = fits.getdata(image, 1) try: weight_check = fits.getval(image, 'WEIGHT') except: weight_check = 'N' if weight_check == 'Y': res_mask = (res_mask - 1) * -1 location = image.split('/')[:-2] location = '/'.join(location) template = glob.glob("%s/templates/*.fits" % (location))[0] try: template_median = float(fits.getval(template, 'MEDIAN')) except: template_median = np.median(fits.getdata(template)) try: science_median = float(fits.getval(data_image, 'MEDIAN')) except: science_median = np.median(fits.getdata(data_image)) res_data_sep = res_data.byteswap().newbyteorder() try: res_bkg = sep.Background(res_data_sep, mask=res_mask) except ValueError: res_bkg = res_bkg = sep.Background(res_data, mask=res_mask) res_rms = res_bkg.globalrms res_back = res_bkg.globalback if fill_method == 'gauss': fill_bkg = np.random.normal(loc=res_bkg.globalback, scale=res_bkg.globalrms, size=res_data.shape) elif fill_method == 'skellam': fill_bkg = skellam.rvs(float(science_median), float(template_median), size=(res_data.shape)) fill_bkg = fill_bkg.astype(np.float64) else: print( "-> Error: Invalid value for 'fill_method' keyword\n-> Exiting...") sys.exit() FWHM = psf.fwhm(data_image) sigma = FWHM / 2.355 if fit == 'moffat': fit_param = moffat_fwhm_to_a(FWHM) elif fit == 'gauss': fit_param = FWHM / 2.355 else: print("-> Error: Invalid value for 'fit' parameter\n-> Exiting...") sys.exit() unfiltered_sources, temp_sources = get_sources(data_image, filtered=False, phose=True) filtered_sources, filtered_inds = get_sources(data_image, filtered=True) bad_mask = np.zeros(res_data.shape) good_mask = np.zeros(res_data.shape) for s in unfiltered_sources: og_flux = s[0] x = s[2] y = s[3] kron_radius = s[1] a_image = s[4] b_image = s[5] min_flux = (np.pi * np.mean( (kron_radius * a_image, kron_radius * b_image))**2) * res_back if (og_flux < min_flux) or (kron_radius == 0): continue theta_image = s[6] if kron_radius < kron_min: indices = [0] else: indices = [ v[1] for i, v in enumerate(temp_sources) if (v[2] - dpixel <= x <= v[2] + dpixel and v[3] - dpixel <= y <= v[3] + dpixel) and phose_check(res_data, x, y, kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, thresh, og_flux, v[0]) ] # phoseCheck = phose_check(res_data, x, y, kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, thresh, og_flux, og_flux) # if phoseCheck == True or (s not in filtered_sources): if indices != []: if np.mean(indices) > kron_radius: kron_radius = np.mean(indices) kron_radius *= 1.5 size_check = aperture_resize(res_rms, fit_param, sigma, og_flux, kron_radius, x, y, a_image, b_image, dist=fit) while size_check == True: kron_radius *= 1.5 size_check = aperture_resize(res_back, fit_param, sigma, og_flux, kron_radius, x, y, a_image, b_image, dist=fit) ellipse_mask(bad_mask, (y - 1), (x - 1), kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, fill_value=1) else: ellipse_mask(good_mask, (y - 1), (x - 1), kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, fill_value=1) # res_data = phose_fill(res_data, phose_check(res_data, x, y, kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, mask_return=True), fill_bkg) # for t in temp_sources: # t_flux = t[0] # t_x = t[2] # t_y = t[3] # if (t_x-dpixel<=x<=t_x+dpixel) and (t_y-dpixel<=y<=t_y+dpixel): # temp_mask = np.ones(res_data.shape) # ellipse_mask(temp_mask, (y-1), (x-1), kron_radius, a_image, b_image, theta_image, fill_value=0) # res_data_phot =, mask=temp_mask, fill_value=0) # s_flux = np.sum(res_data_phot.filled()) # if s_flux < (thresh * np.sqrt(og_flux + t_flux)): # temp_mask_fill = (temp_mask - 1) * -1 # res_data_final =, mask = temp_mask_fill, fill_value=0) # res_data_final = res_data_final.filled() # phose_patch = np.multiply(temp_mask_fill, fill_bkg) # res_data = res_data_final + phose_patch # del temp_mask, res_data_phot, temp_mask_fill, res_data_final # bad_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bad_mask.astype(np.float64)) # good_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(good_mask.astype(np.float64)) # bad_hdu.writeto("%s/%s_bad.fits" % (location, (image.split('/'))[-1])) # good_hdu.writeto("%s/%s_good.fits" % (location, (image.split('/'))[-1])) and_mask = np.logical_and(bad_mask, good_mask) bad_mask -= and_mask bad_mask = np.logical_or(bad_mask, res_mask) res_data = phose_fill(res_data, bad_mask, fill_bkg) # res_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(res_data) # res_hdu.writeto("%s/%s_res.fits" % (location, (image.split('/'))[-1])) # bad_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bad_mask.astype(np.float64)) # bad_hdu.writeto("%s/%s.fits" % (location, (image.split('/'))[-1])) return (res_data - (science_median - template_median)) / np.sqrt(science_median + template_median)