def test_var(self): """ var(testcase) = 1.666666667 """ #y = stats.var([0]) #assert_approx_equal(y,6.009) y = stats.var(self.testcase) assert_approx_equal(y, 1.666666667)
def test_var(self): """ var(testcase) = 1.666666667 """ #y = stats.var([0]) #assert_approx_equal(y,6.009) y = stats.var(self.testcase) assert_approx_equal(y,1.666666667)
def regression(self): """ Perform linear regression """ stats = BasicStats() n = len(['x']) x2_sum = stats.sum_squares(['x']) x_sum2 = sum(['x'])*sum(['x']) x_sum = sum(['x']) y_sum = sum(['y']) xy_sum = stats.sum_xy( self.alpha = (y_sum*x2_sum - x_sum*xy_sum)/(n*x2_sum-x_sum2) self.beta = (n*xy_sum - x_sum*y_sum)/(n*x2_sum-x_sum2) self.beta = stats.cov(['x'],['y'])/stats.var(['x']) self.alpha = stats.mean(['y']) - self.beta * stats.mean(['x'])
def gausspeak(cmap, start): from scipy.stats import tvar as var from scipy.stats.distributions import norm from scipy import cumsum, log, exp, zeros, r_, dot, transpose, array from scipy import linalg, nan #(pseudo-)Gaussian peak fit: p(x,y) = exp(a + b*x + c*y + d*x*x + e*x*y + f*y*y) global QMAT rhs = zeros((9), dtype=float) ind = 0 for j in r_[-1:2]: for i in r_[-1:2]: rhs[ind] = log(max(cmap[start[1] + j, start[0] + i], 1e-12)) ind = ind + 1 if var(rhs) == 0: #right hand side was clipped everywhere: no good peak = 0 shift = array([0, 0]) ok = -1 #solve normal equations for least squares problem qr = dot(transpose(QMAT), transpose(rhs)) coeffs = linalg.solve(QQ, qr) #unpack solution vector; find peak position from zero derivative mmat = array([[2 * coeffs[3], coeffs[4]], [coeffs[4], 2 * coeffs[5]]]) mrhs = array([[-coeffs[1]], [-coeffs[2]]]) qvec = transpose(linalg.solve(mmat, mrhs)) #qvec = (mmat\mrhs)' if norm(qvec) > 1: #interpolated displacement is too large: no good peak = 0 shift = array([0, 0]) ok = -1 ok = 1 shift = qvec + start qvec = transpose(qvec) peak = exp(coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * qvec[0] + coeffs[2] * qvec[1] + coeffs[3] * qvec[0] * qvec[0] + coeffs[4] * qvec[0] * qvec[1] + coeffs[5] * qvec[1] * qvec[1]) return peak, shift, ok
def autocorrelation(series, k=1, biased=True): """Returns autocorrelation of order 'k' and corresponding two-tailed pvalue. (Inspired by CLM pp.45-47) @param series: The series on which to compute autocorrelation @param k: The order to which compute autocorrelation @param biased: If False, rho_k will be corrected according to Fuller (1976) @return: rho_k, pvalue """ T = len(series) mu = mean(series) sigma = var(series) # Centered observations obs = series-mu lagged = lag(obs, k) truncated = obs[:-k] assert len(lagged) == len(truncated) # Multiplied by 'T' for numerical stability gamma_k = T*add.reduce(truncated*lagged) # Numerator gamma_0 = T*add.reduce(obs*obs) # Denominator rho_k = (gamma_k / gamma_0) if rho_k > 1.0: rho_k = 1.0 # Correct for numerical errors # The standard normal random variable Z = sqrt(T)*rho_k # Bias correction? if not biased: rho_k += (1 - rho_k**2) * (T-k)/(T-1)**2 Z = rho_k * T/sqrt(T-k) # The two-tailed p-value is twice the prob that value of a std normal r.v. # turns out to be greater than the (absolute) value of Z pvalue = 2*( 1 - norm.cdf(abs(Z)) ) assert pvalue >= 0.0 and pvalue <= 1.0 return rho_k, pvalue
def autocorrelation(series, k=1, biased=True): """Returns autocorrelation of order 'k' and corresponding two-tailed pvalue. (Inspired by CLM pp.45-47) @param series: The series on which to compute autocorrelation @param k: The order to which compute autocorrelation @param biased: If False, rho_k will be corrected according to Fuller (1976) @return: rho_k, pvalue """ T = len(series) mu = mean(series) sigma = var(series) # Centered observations obs = series - mu lagged = lag(obs, k) truncated = obs[:-k] assert len(lagged) == len(truncated) # Multiplied by 'T' for numerical stability gamma_k = T * add.reduce(truncated * lagged) # Numerator gamma_0 = T * add.reduce(obs * obs) # Denominator rho_k = (gamma_k / gamma_0) if rho_k > 1.0: rho_k = 1.0 # Correct for numerical errors # The standard normal random variable Z = sqrt(T) * rho_k # Bias correction? if not biased: rho_k += (1 - rho_k**2) * (T - k) / (T - 1)**2 Z = rho_k * T / sqrt(T - k) # The two-tailed p-value is twice the prob that value of a std normal r.v. # turns out to be greater than the (absolute) value of Z pvalue = 2 * (1 - norm.cdf(abs(Z))) assert pvalue >= 0.0 and pvalue <= 1.0 return rho_k, pvalue
from __future__ import division from mcmchammer import * from scipy import stats datafilename = "faculty.dat" nsamples = 10000 burn = 0 mean_candsd = 0.2 var_candsd = 0.15 # Read in Data data = [float(line) for line in open(datafilename)] # Use point estimators from the data to come up with starting values. estimated_mean = stats.mean(data) estimated_var = stats.var(data) # Create Nodes and Links in Network meannode = NormalNode(estimated_mean, name="Mean", candsd=mean_candsd, mean=5, var=(1 / 3) ** 2) varprior_mean = 1 / 4 varprior_stddev = 1 / 12 varprior_shape = MomentsInvGammaShape(varprior_mean, varprior_stddev ** 2) varprior_scale = MomentsInvGammaScale(varprior_mean, varprior_stddev ** 2) varnode = InvGammaNode(estimated_var, name="Variance", candsd=var_candsd, shape=varprior_shape, scale=varprior_scale) for datum in data: NormalNode(datum, observed=True, mean=meannode, var=varnode) # Perform simulations and plot results currentnetwork.simulate(nsamples, burn) meannode.plotmixing()
sims.plot_susceptibility(N) sims.plot_absmag(N) sims.plot_energies(N) """ ########################### # Plotting P(E) for L=20 an T = [1, 2.4] ########################### sim = Simulation(20, 2.4, "/scratch/henriasv/FYS3150/IsingModel_once/N20/T2.4") sim.set_thermalization(0.2) sim.calculate_properties() sim.plot_pe() title("Probability density function for the energy at T=2.4 (not normalized)") xlabel("E") ylabel("Count") variance = stats.var(sim.e_array) print "variance = %f" % variance, sim.var_E hold("on") sim = Simulation(20, 1, "/scratch/henriasv/FYS3150/IsingModel_once/N20/T1") sim.set_thermalization(0.2) sim.calculate_properties() sim.plot_pe() title("Probability density function for the energy at T=1 (not normalized)") xlabel("E") ylabel("Count") """ ########################### # Plotting convergence with ordered or random initialization for T = [1, 2.4] ########################### # Random, T=1 sim1 = Simulation(20, 1, "/scratch/henriasv/FYS3150/IsingModel_once_rand/N20/T1")
def approximate_hmean(dest_values): A = stats.mean(dest_values) varD = stats.var(dest_values) h_mean = 1/((1/A)+(varD)*pow((1/A),3)) return h_mean
def printParam(par, parString): mean = stats.mean(par) sd = sqrt(stats.var(par)) print parString, ' = ', mean, ' +/- ', sd
sims.plot_susceptibility(N) sims.plot_absmag(N) sims.plot_energies(N) """ ########################### # Plotting P(E) for L=20 an T = [1, 2.4] ########################### sim = Simulation(20, 2.4, "/scratch/henriasv/FYS3150/IsingModel_once/N20/T2.4") sim.set_thermalization(0.2) sim.calculate_properties() sim.plot_pe() title("Probability density function for the energy at T=2.4 (not normalized)") xlabel("E") ylabel("Count") variance = stats.var(sim.e_array) print "variance = %f" % variance, sim.var_E hold("on") sim = Simulation(20, 1, "/scratch/henriasv/FYS3150/IsingModel_once/N20/T1") sim.set_thermalization(0.2) sim.calculate_properties() sim.plot_pe() title("Probability density function for the energy at T=1 (not normalized)") xlabel("E") ylabel("Count") """ ########################### # Plotting convergence with ordered or random initialization for T = [1, 2.4] ########################### # Random, T=1