예제 #1
def project_SR_stats(stats2, A, ind):
    """Project the high-dim statistics into a line using a SR direction specified by coefficients 'A' and indices 'ind'

        stats2: Stats2
            a vectorintegrated 2D numpy.array
        ind: array(shape=(n,), dtype='int')
            indices of the SR feature
        A: array(shape=(n,), dtype='double')
            coefficients of the SR feature
        stats2e: a 1D Stats2e representing the projected result
    ofs = stats2.ofs
    size = stats2.size
    stats2A = stats2.A.ravel()
    A = arrayd(A)
    ind = ind.ravel()
    outA = zeros(6,'d')

    code = """
        project_SR_with_stats((int*)ofs, (int*)size, stats2A, Nind[0], (int*)ind, A, outA);
        return_val = 1;
    inline(code, arg_names=['ofs', 'size', 'stats2A', 'ind', 'A', 'outA'], \
        headers=['<SdSRFeature.h>'], libraries=['sdcpp', 'cblas_ext', 'cephesd', 'plat_det'])

    return Stats2e(2, (), outA)
예제 #2
def resampleStratifiednwq(w, M=0 ):
    code = \
    int jj = 0;

    for(int ii = 0; ii < R; ii++)  // For each input particle
            while( u(jj) <= ww(ii) && jj < M )
                Ind(jj) = ii;

    # Number of input particles
    R = len(w);

    # Number  of output particles
    if M==0:
        M = R;

    u  = ( ( np.arange(0,M,1) + np.random.uniform(0.0,1.0,(M,1)) ) / M ).astype(float);
    ww = ( np.cumsum(w) / np.sum(w) ).astype(float);

    Ind = np.empty(M, dtype='int')
    weave.inline(code,['u','R','M','Ind','ww'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz)
    return Ind;
예제 #3
def KramarsKronig(om, f):
    dh = float((om[-1]-om[1])/(len(om)-1))  # you need to typecast for weave to know the type
    logo = zeros(len(om), dtype=float)
    for i in range(1,len(om)-1):
        logo[i] = log((om[-1]-om[i])/(om[i]-om[0]))
    deriv = zeros(len(om), dtype=float)
    deriv[0] = (f[1]-f[0])/dh
    deriv[-1] = (f[-1]-f[-2])/dh
    for i in range(1,len(om)-1):
        deriv[i] = (f[i+1]-f[i-1])/(2*dh)
    fr = zeros(len(om), dtype=float)
    ## C++ code
       using namespace std;
       for (int i=0; i<om.size(); i++){
          double sum1=0;
          for (int j=0; j<om.size(); j++){
             if (i!=j){
                sum1 += (f(j)-f(i))*dh/(om(j)-om(i));
                sum1 += deriv(i)*dh;
          fr(i) = (sum1 + f(i)*logo(i))/pi;
    weave.inline(code, ['om','f','fr','deriv','logo','dh','pi'],
                 type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
    return fr
예제 #4
파일: gpy_linalg.py 프로젝트: davmre/treegp
def cholupdate(L, x):
    update the LOWER cholesky factor of a pd matrix IN PLACE

    if L is the lower chol. of K, then this function computes L\_
    where L\_ is the lower chol of K + x*x^T

    support_code = """
    #include <math.h>
    code = """
    double r,c,s;
    int j,i;
    for(j=0; j<N; j++){
      r = sqrt(L(j,j)*L(j,j) + x(j)*x(j));
      c = r / L(j,j);
      s = x(j) / L(j,j);
      L(j,j) = r;
      for (i=j+1; i<N; i++){
        L(i,j) = (L(i,j) + s*x(i))/c;
        x(i) = c*x(i) - s*L(i,j);
    x = x.copy()
    N = x.size
    weave.inline(code, support_code=support_code, arg_names=['N', 'L', 'x'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz)
예제 #5
def Laguerre_dirty(x,alpha,max_n):
    Lag = zeros(max_n+1, dtype=float)
       // Initialize the recursion process. //
       #include <iostream>
       using namespace std;
       double alpha_one_mx = (double) alpha + 1.0L - (double) x;
       if (max_n >=0 ){
       double ln2 = 1.0L;
       double ln1 = alpha_one_mx;
       Lag(0) = (double) ln2;
       if (max_n > 0){
       Lag(1) = (double) ln1;
       if (max_n > 1){
       // Calculate Ln(x) for n = 2,...,max_n //
       for (int k = 1; k < max_n; k++) {
          double beta = ( (double)(k + k) + alpha_one_mx );
          double gamma = (double) k + (double) alpha;
          double ln = (beta * ln1 - gamma * ln2) / (double)(k+1);
          Lag(k+1) = (double)ln;
          ln2 = ln1;
          ln1 = ln;
    weave.inline(codel, ['Lag', 'x', 'alpha', 'max_n'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
    return Lag
def withweave(nsteps):
    for _ in xrange(nsteps):
        weave.inline(codeweave, ['S', 'N', 'A', 'C'],
                     extra_compile_args=['-O3', '-ffast-math',
예제 #7
def iniGibbsDoc(state,topicCount,topicsWords,alpha):
  dist = numpy.empty(topicCount.shape[0], dtype = numpy.float_)
  rand = numpy.random.random(state.shape[0])
  code = """
  for (int w=0;w<Nstate[0];w++)
   // Calculate the unnormalised distribution...
    float sum = 0.0;
    for (int t=0;t<Ndist[0];t++)
     DIST1(t)  = TOPICSWORDS2(t,STATE2(w,0));
     DIST1(t) *= TOPICCOUNT1(t) + alpha;
     DIST1(t) /= float(w) + NtopicCount[0]*alpha;
     sum += DIST1(t);
   // Normalise...
    for (int t=0;t<Ndist[0];t++) DIST1(t) /= sum;
   // Select and set the state...
    sum = 0.0;
    for (int t=0;t<Ndist[0];t++)
     STATE2(w,1) = t;
     sum += DIST1(t);
     if (sum>RAND1(w)) break;
   // Incriment the relevant count for the words-per-topic array...
    TOPICCOUNT1(STATE2(w,1)) += 1;
  weave.inline(code,['state', 'topicCount', 'topicsWords', 'alpha', 'dist', 'rand'])
예제 #8
파일: error.py 프로젝트: bcriger/py-qcode
    def depolarize(self, q, p):
        For something a little faster than __mul__, I hard-code
        multiplication by a depolarizing model on a select qubit.
        nq = self.nq
        new_vec = np.empty(len(self.vec), dtype=float_type)
        c_code = '''
        int mask_01 = 1 << (nq - q - 1);
        int mask_10 = 1 << (2 * nq - q - 1);
        int mask_11 = mask_10 + mask_01;
        for (int idx = 0; idx < vec_len; ++idx)
            new_vec[idx] = (1. - double(p)) * s_vec[idx] + \
                           double(p) / 3. * (s_vec[idx ^ mask_01] +
                                     s_vec[idx ^ mask_10] +
                                     s_vec[idx ^ mask_11]);
        s_vec = self.vec
        vec_len = len(self.vec)
        arg_names = ['s_vec', 'new_vec', 'vec_len', 'nq', 'p', 'q']

        inline(c_code, arg_names=arg_names, compiler='gcc', 
            extra_compile_args=[''], libraries=['rt'])
        #self = DensePauliErrorModel(new_vec) 
        self.vec = new_vec

예제 #9
def _set_boundary_conditions(p, flag, dx, dy):
    code = """
        #line 19 "pressure.py"
        int imax = Np[0]-2;
        int jmax = Np[1]-2;

        /* Outer boundary */
        for(int i=1; i<=imax; i++) {
            P2(i, 0) = P2(i, 1);
            P2(i, jmax+1) = P2(i, jmax);

        for(int j=1; j<=jmax; j++) {
            P2(0, j) = P2(1, j);
            P2(imax+1, j) = P2(imax, j);

        /* Boundary conditions on obstacle cells */
        double tmp = 1.0/(dx*dx+dy*dy);

        for(int i=1; i<=imax; i++) {
            for(int j=1; j<=jmax; j++) {
                if( !(FLAG2(i, j)&FC) && (FLAG2(i, j)!=OC)) {
                    switch(FLAG2(i, j)) {
                    case B_N:
                        P2(i, j) = P2(i, j+1);
                    case B_E:
                        P2(i, j) = P2(i+1, j);
                    case B_S:
                        P2(i, j) = P2(i, j-1);
                    case B_W:
                        P2(i, j) = P2(i-1, j);
                    case B_NE:
                        P2(i, j) = tmp*(dx*dx*P2(i, j+1)+dy*dy*P2(i+1, j));
                        P2(i,j) = 0.5*(P2(i,j+1)+P2(i+1,j));
                    case B_SE:
                        P2(i, j) = tmp*(dx*dx*P2(i, j-1)+dy*dy*P2(i+1, j));
                        P2(i,j) = 0.5*(P2(i,j-1)+P2(i+1,j));
                    case B_SW:
                        P2(i, j) = tmp*(dx*dx*P2(i, j-1)+dy*dy*P2(i-1, j));
                        P2(i,j) = 0.5*(P2(i,j-1)+P2(i-1,j));
                    case B_NW:
                        P2(i, j) = tmp*(dx*dx*P2(i, j+1)+dy*dy*P2(i-1, j));
                        P2(i,j) = 0.5*(P2(i,j+1)+P2(i-1,j));

    weave.inline(code, ['p', 'flag', 'dx', 'dy'],
예제 #10
파일: solvers.py 프로젝트: Guyome/PCLSP
def ipopt(alpha, beta, cost_prod, cost_stor, cons_prod,
    setup, constraint, time_hor, nb_obj, verbose):
    This function solve quadratic problem as define
    in 'the profit mazimizing capacited lot-size problem'.
    It is based on ipopt solvers (http://www.coin-or.org/Ipopt/).
    ipopt(alpha, beta, cost_prod, cost_stor,cons_prod,
    cost_setup, constraint, time_hor, nb_obj, verbose)
    extra_code = open(join(split(__file__)[0],'LLBP','main.cpp')).read()
    results = np.zeros((3*nb_obj+1)*time_hor+1, float)
    if verbose > 1:
        print "\nCompute lower bound (IpOpt)..."
    int status = ipopt(alpha,beta,cost_prod,
    wv.inline(code,['time_hor', 'nb_obj','alpha', 'beta', 'cost_prod',
        'cost_stor', 'setup', 'results', 'cons_prod', 'constraint', 'verbose'],
        sources =[join(split(__file__)[0],'LLBP','LbIpopt.cpp')],
        #force = 1)
    return results[0],results[1:time_hor+1],\
예제 #11
파일: thin.py 프로젝트: kevin5396/EYE
def _thinningIteration(im, iter):
	I, M = im, np.zeros(im.shape, np.uint8)
	expr = """
	for (int i = 1; i < NI[0]-1; i++) {
		for (int j = 1; j < NI[1]-1; j++) {
			int p2 = I2(i-1, j);
			int p3 = I2(i-1, j+1);
			int p4 = I2(i, j+1);
			int p5 = I2(i+1, j+1);
			int p6 = I2(i+1, j);
			int p7 = I2(i+1, j-1);
			int p8 = I2(i, j-1);
			int p9 = I2(i-1, j-1);

			int A  = (p2 == 0 && p3 == 1) + (p3 == 0 && p4 == 1) +
			         (p4 == 0 && p5 == 1) + (p5 == 0 && p6 == 1) +
			         (p6 == 0 && p7 == 1) + (p7 == 0 && p8 == 1) +
			         (p8 == 0 && p9 == 1) + (p9 == 0 && p2 == 1);
			int B  = p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 + p8 + p9;
			int m1 = iter == 0 ? (p2 * p4 * p6) : (p2 * p4 * p8);
			int m2 = iter == 0 ? (p4 * p6 * p8) : (p2 * p6 * p8);

			if (A == 1 && B >= 2 && B <= 6 && m1 == 0 && m2 == 0) {
				M2(i,j) = 1;

	weave.inline(expr, ["I", "iter", "M"])
	return (I & ~M)
예제 #12
def restrict(u_h, weighting='full'):
    m_h, n_h = u_h.shape
    m_2h, n_2h = (m_h + 1)//2 - 1, (n_h + 1)//2 - 1,
    u_2h = zeros((m_2h, n_2h))
    center, side, corner = ({
        'full':   (4, 2, 1),
        'half':   (4, 1, 0),
        'inject': (1, 0, 0),
    divider = center + 4 * side + 4 * corner
    code = '''
        for (int i = 0; i < m_2h; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < n_2h; ++j)
                u_2h(i, j) = (center * (u_h(2 * i + 1, 2 * j + 1)) +
                              side   * (u_h(2 * i    , 2 * j + 1) +
                                        u_h(2 * i + 2, 2 * j + 1) +
                                        u_h(2 * i + 1, 2 * j    ) +
                                        u_h(2 * i + 1, 2 * j + 2)) +
                              corner * (u_h(2 * i    , 2 * j    ) +
                                        u_h(2 * i + 2, 2 * j    ) +
                                        u_h(2 * i    , 2 * j + 2) +
                                        u_h(2 * i + 2, 2 * j + 2))) / divider;
    weave.inline(code, 'm_2h n_2h u_2h u_h center side corner divider'.split(),
    return u_2h
예제 #13
파일: solvers.py 프로젝트: Guyome/PCLSP
def thomas(alpha, beta, cost_prod, cost_stor, cons_prod, 
    cost_setup, coef, time_hor, nb_obj, verbose):
    This function is an adapted version of J. Thomas's algorithm
    (see price-production decision with deterministic demand 1970)
    for lagrangian relaxatio and multi product 
    thomas(alpha, beta, cost_prod, cost_stor,cons_prod,
    cost_setup,coef, time_hor, nb_obj, verbose)
    opti_price = np.zeros((nb_obj,time_hor), float)
    ind = np.zeros((nb_obj,time_hor),int)
    extra_code = open(join(split(__file__)[0],'LUBP','lupb.cpp')).read()
    if verbose > 1:
        print "\nCompute upper bound (Thomas)..."
    thomas_code = """
    int status = thomas(alpha, beta, cost_prod,
        cost_stor, cons_prod, cost_setup,
        opti_price, coef, ind,
        time_hor, nb_obj, verbose);
    wv.inline( thomas_code ,
        ['time_hor', 'nb_obj','alpha', 'beta', 'cost_setup','ind',
        'cost_prod', 'cost_stor', 'opti_price','cons_prod','coef','verbose'], 
    return opti_price, ind
예제 #14
 def XYPlotToImage(self,xs,ys,intensities,screenlatticesize):
     N = screenlatticesize
     xs = array(xs).flatten()
     ys = array(ys).flatten()
     intensities = array(intensities).flatten()+ME
     data = zeros((2*N,2*N),float)
     xlist = (N+xs*N).astype(int)
     ylist = (N+ys*N).astype(int)
     #slow part
     newdata = zeros((2*N,2*N),float)
     c = 0
     for i,j in zip (xlist,ylist):
   newdata[i,j] += intensities[c]
   c += 1
     np = len(xlist)
     s = 2*N
     code = """
     for (int i=0; i<np; i++) 
   *(data+(*(xlist+i))*s+*(ylist+i)) += *(intensities+i);
     variables = ['np','s','xlist', 'ylist','intensities','data']
     W.inline(code, variables, extra_compile_args=["-w"])
     return data 
예제 #15
    def execute(self, image):
        # self.notify_output_observers("ScipyTestPy: j=6 \n")
        notify = self.notify_output_observers
        param = {}
        for value in self.get_params():
            key = value.get_name()
            param[key] = value.get()
        py::tuple notify_args(1);
        notify_args[0] = "patatoum";
        cv::Mat mat(Nimage[0], Nimage[1], CV_8UC(3), image);

        int circlex = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyDict_GetItemString(param,
        int circley = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyDict_GetItemString(param,
        int colorr = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyDict_GetItemString(param, "colorr"));
        int colorg = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyDict_GetItemString(param, "colorg"));
        int colorb = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyDict_GetItemString(param, "colorb"));

        cv::circle(mat, cv::Point(circlex, circley), mat.cols/4,
            cv::Scalar(colorr, colorg, colorb), -1);
            arg_names=['image', 'notify', 'param'],
            headers=['<cv.h>', '<cxcore.h>'],
            # libraries = ['ml', 'cvaux', 'highgui', 'cv', 'cxcore'],
            extra_objects=["`pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`"]
        return image
예제 #16
def backprop_chol_grad(dL, L):
    Given the derivative of an objective fn with respect to the cholesky L,
    compute the derivate with respect to the original matrix K, defined as

        K = LL^T

    where L was obtained by Cholesky decomposition

    from scipy import weave
    dL_dK = np.tril(dL).copy()
    code = """
    for(int k=N-1;k>-1;k--){
        for(int j=k+1;j<N;j++){
            for(int i=j;i<N; i++){
                dL_dK(i, k) -= dL_dK(i, j) * L(j, k);
                dL_dK(j, k) -= dL_dK(i, j) * L(i, k);
        for( int j=k+1;j<N; j++){
            dL_dK(j, k) /= L(k, k);
            dL_dK(k, k) -= L(j, k) * dL_dK(j, k);
        dL_dK(k, k) /= (2 * L(k, k));
    N = L.shape[0]
    weave.inline(code, ['dL_dK', 'L', 'N'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz)
    return dL_dK
예제 #17
def det_3x3(weight):
    """ returns the NxM matrix containing the determinants of a set of 3x3 weight matrices. weight should have shape of the form (0:N, 0:M, 0:3, 0:3). """
    import scipy.weave as weave

    ret = np.zeros(weight[:,:,0,0].shape)
    n_pix_y, n_pix_x = weight[:,:,0,0].shape

    zero_det = np.array([0])

    c_code = """
    #line 11 "util.py"
    long double cof[3][3]; // A temporary variable

    for (int iy=0; iy<int(n_pix_y); ++iy) {
        for (int ix=0; ix<int(n_pix_x); ++ix) {
                // Take the inverse of the weight matrix in this pixel.
                cof[0][0] = weight(iy,ix,1,1)*weight(iy,ix,2,2)-weight(iy,ix,1,2)*weight(iy,ix,2,1);
                cof[1][0] = weight(iy,ix,1,2)*weight(iy,ix,2,0)-weight(iy,ix,1,0)*weight(iy,ix,2,2);
                cof[2][0] = weight(iy,ix,1,0)*weight(iy,ix,2,1)-weight(iy,ix,1,1)*weight(iy,ix,2,0);
                double det = (weight(iy,ix,0,0)*cof[0][0] + weight(iy,ix,0,1)*cof[1][0] + weight(iy,ix,0,2)*cof[2][0]);
                ret(iy,ix) = det;
            } // end for (loop over ix)
        } // end for (loop over iy)
    weave.inline(c_code, ['weight', 'zero_det', 'n_pix_y', 'n_pix_x', 'ret'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz)

    return ret
예제 #18
def get_arr(arr, socket, handle):
    dtype2ctype = {
        npy.dtype(npy.float64): "double",
        npy.dtype(npy.float32): "float",
        npy.dtype(npy.int32): "int",
        npy.dtype(npy.int16): "short",
    dt = dtype2ctype.get(arr.dtype)  # I'm leaving this code here in case anyone wants to mess with it.
    assert dt == "double"  # Only use float64 arrays!

    code = """

// I don't usually program in python, but when I do, I program in C++

QLocalSocket s;
QDataStream ds(&s);
qint64 count;

PyArray_Dims dims;
dims.len = 1;
dims.ptr = new npy_intp[1];
dims.ptr[0] = (npy_intp)count;
PyArray_Resize(arr_array, &dims, 0, PyArray_ANYORDER);

char**dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(it);
NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(it, NULL);

do {
	char* data=*dataptr;	//i.e., byte array
	while(ds.atEnd()) {s.waitForReadyRead(-1);}	//possible optimization: call ds.atEnd() less
	ds>>((double*)data)[0];	//possible optimization: QByteArray switches the endianess twice...
} while(iternext(it));

"""  #% (dt)

    support_code = """
#include <QtCore>
#include <QLocalSocket>

    socket = str(socket)
    handle = str(handle)
        ["arr", "socket", "handle"],
예제 #19
def resample2D(array, weights, Nx, xdim, Ntheta):
    """ Indexed of resampled particles
    (deterministic scheme) """
    code = \
    for(int i = 0; i < Ntheta; i++)
        int j = 0;
        float csw = weights(0, i);
        for(int k = 0; k < Nx; k++)
            while(csw < u(i))
                csw += weights(j, i);
            for (int l = 0; l < xdim; l++){
                newarray(k, l, i) = array(j, l, i);
            u(i) = u(i) + 1.;
    u = random.uniform(size = Ntheta, low = 0, high = 1).astype(float32)
    print u[0:10],"..."
    weights = double(weights * Nx / sum(weights, axis = 0))
    weights = weights.astype(float32)
    array = array.astype(float32)
    newarray = zeros_like(array).astype(float32)
    weave.inline(code,['u','Nx', 'Ntheta','weights', 'array', 'newarray', 'xdim'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz)
    return newarray
예제 #20
def rotation_matrix_weave(axis, theta, mat=None):
        from scipy import weave
    except ImportError:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if mat is None:
        mat = np.eye(3, 3)

    support = "#include <math.h>"
    code = """
        double x = sqrt(axis[0] * axis[0] + axis[1] * axis[1] + axis[2] * axis[2]);
        double a = cos(theta / 2.0);
        double b = -(axis[0] / x) * sin(theta / 2.0);
        double c = -(axis[1] / x) * sin(theta / 2.0);
        double d = -(axis[2] / x) * sin(theta / 2.0);

        mat[0] = a*a + b*b - c*c - d*d;
        mat[1] = 2 * (b*c - a*d);
        mat[2] = 2 * (b*d + a*c);

        mat[3*1 + 0] = 2*(b*c+a*d);
        mat[3*1 + 1] = a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d;
        mat[3*1 + 2] = 2*(c*d-a*b);

        mat[3*2 + 0] = 2*(b*d-a*c);
        mat[3*2 + 1] = 2*(c*d+a*b);
        mat[3*2 + 2] = a*a+d*d-b*b-c*c;

    weave.inline(code, ['axis', 'theta', 'mat'], support_code=support, libraries=['m'])

    return mat
예제 #21
파일: chisq_cpu.py 프로젝트: jsread/pycbc
def shift_sum(v1, shifts, bins):
    real_type = real_same_precision_as(v1)
    shifts = numpy.array(shifts, dtype=real_type)
    bins = numpy.array(bins, dtype=numpy.uint32)
    blen = len(bins) - 1
    v1 = numpy.array(v1.data, copy=False)
    slen = len(v1)

    if v1.dtype.name == 'complex64':
        code = point_chisq_code_single
        code = point_chisq_code_double
    n = int(len(shifts))
    # Create some output memory
    chisq =  numpy.zeros(n, dtype=real_type)
    inline(code, ['v1', 'n', 'chisq', 'slen', 'shifts', 'bins', 'blen'],
                    extra_compile_args=['-march=native -O3 -w'] + omp_flags,
    return  chisq
예제 #22
 def grad(self,d_outputs,inputs,gates):
     if len(inputs.shape) < 2:
         inputs = inputs[:,newaxis]
         gates = gates[:,newaxis]
     numcases = inputs.shape[1]
     if self.maxcases:
         gradw = self.gradw[:,:numcases]
         gradw *= 0.0
         gradw = \
     if self.optlevel > 0:
         from scipy import weave
         code = r"""
         for (int c=0; c<numcases; c++)
           for (int k=0; k<numgate; k++)
             for (int i=0; i<numin; i++)
               for (int j=0; j<numout; j++)
         global_dict = {'inputs':inputs,'d_outputs':d_outputs,'gates':gates,\
         gradw += (gates.T[:,:,newaxis,newaxis]\
     return gradw
예제 #23
    def __getvolumeobject_par(self,objfield,obj,dvol):
        codestring ="""
int i,j,k;
volume = 0.0;
unsigned int point;
unsigned int object;

object = int(obj);

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : volume) private(i,j,k)
for (i=1;i<nx-1;i++){                                    
  for (j=1;j<ny-1;j++){                                                   
    for (k=1;k<nz-1;k++){
      point = objfield(i,j,k);
      if (point == object){
        volume = volume + dvol(i+1,j+1,k+1);
        volume = np.empty((1,),dtype=np.float64)
        nx = objfield.shape[0]
        ny = objfield.shape[1]
        nz = objfield.shape[2]
        variables = "objfield obj dvol volume nx ny nz".split()
               extra_compile_args =['-O3 -fopenmp'],

        return volume
예제 #24
def get_mono_rdf(pos, Nbins, L, maxdist=None):
    if maxdist is None:
        maxdist = L/2.0
    imaxsq = 1.0/(maxdist**2)
    g = np.zeros([len(pos), Nbins], int)
    code = """
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i=0; i<Npos[0]; ++i)
        for(int j=i+1; j<Npos[0]; ++j)
            double disq = 0.0;
            for(int dim=0; dim<3;++dim)
                disq += pow(periodic_dist(pos(i,dim), pos(j,dim), L), 2);
            const int r = sqrt(disq*imaxsq)*Ng[1];
            #pragma omp atomic
            ++g(i, r);
            #pragma omp atomic
            ++g(j, r);
        code,['pos', 'imaxsq', 'L', 'g'],
        type_converters =converters.blitz,
        support_code = dist_code,
        extra_compile_args =['-O3 -fopenmp'],
        verbose=2, compiler='gcc')
    return g
예제 #25
  def __buildMaskPyramid(self, mask, pyramid):
    """Given a mask and a pyramid of masks makes a pyramid, where it uses the or operation for combining flags."""

    code = start_cpp() + """
    // Make curr all false...
     for (int y=0;y<Ncurr[0];y++)
      for (int x=0;x<Ncurr[1];x++) CURR2(y,x) = 0;

    // Iterate prev, and update curr...
    for (int y=0;y<Nprev[0];y++)
     for (int x=0;x<Nprev[1];x++)
      if (PREV2(y,x)!=0)
       CURR2(y/2,x/2) = 1;

    pyramid[0][:,:] = mask
    for l in xrange(1,len(pyramid)):
      prev = pyramid[l-1]
      curr = pyramid[l]

      weave.inline(code, ['prev','curr'])
예제 #26
파일: array3d.py 프로젝트: beiko-lab/gengis
def blitz_inline(arr):
    """Prints the given 3D array by using blitz converters which
    provides a numpy-like syntax for accessing the numpy data.

    Notice the following:
      1. '\\n' to escape generating a newline in the C++ code.
      2. rows, cols = Narr[0], Narr[1].
      3. Array access using arr(i, j, k).


    code = """
    int rows = Narr[0];
    int cols = Narr[1];
    int depth = Narr[2];
    for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
            printf("img[%3d][%3d]=", i, j);
            for (int k=0; k< depth; ++k)
                printf(" %3d", arr(i, j, k));

    weave.inline(code, ['arr'], type_converters=converters.blitz)
예제 #27
def get_N_ngbs(pos, radii, L=203, N=12, maxdist=8.0):
    assert len(pos) == len(radii)
    #initialize the geometry of each particle
    neighbours = -np.ones([len(pos), N], int)
    code = """
    const double maxdistsq = maxdist*maxdist;
    //look for nearby particles
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int p=0; p<Npos[0]; ++p)
        std::multimap<double, int> ngbbydist;
        for(int q=0; q<Npos[0]; ++q)
            if (p==q) continue;
            double disq = 0.0;
            for(int dim=0; dim<3;++dim)
                disq += pow(periodic_dist(pos(p,dim), pos(q,dim), L), 2);
            disq /= pow(radii(p) + radii(q), 2);
            if (disq>maxdistsq) continue;
            ngbbydist.insert(std::make_pair(disq, q));
        std::multimap<double, int>::const_iterator it = ngbbydist.begin();
        for(int i=0; i<Nneighbours[1] && it!=ngbbydist.end(); ++i)
            neighbours(p, i) = (it++)->second;
        code,['pos', 'radii', 'maxdist', 'L', 'neighbours'],
        type_converters =converters.blitz,
        support_code = dist_code,
        headers = ['<map>', '<list>'],
        extra_compile_args =['-O3 -fopenmp -march=native'],
        verbose=2, compiler='gcc')
    return neighbours
예제 #28
 def bprop(self,d_outputs,inputs,gates):
     if len(inputs.shape) < 2:
         inputs = inputs[:,newaxis]
         gates = gates[:,newaxis]
     if self.optlevel > 0:
         numcases = inputs.shape[1]
         if self.maxcases:
             d_inputs = self.d_inputs[:,:numcases]
             d_inputs *= 0.0
             d_inputs = zeros((self.numin,numcases),dtype=float)
         from scipy import weave
         code = r"""
         for (int c=0; c<numcases; c++)
           for (int i=0; i<numin; i++)
             for (int j=0; j<numout; j++)
               for (int k=0; k<numgate; k++)
                 d_inputs(i,c) += d_outputs(j,c)*gates(k,c)*weights(k,i,j); 
         global_dict = \
         return d_inputs
         return sum(sum(self.w[newaxis,:,:,:]*\
예제 #29
파일: array3d.py 프로젝트: beiko-lab/gengis
def pure_inline(arr):
    """Prints the given 3D array by accessing the raw numpy data and
    without using blitz converters.

    Notice the following:
      1. '\\n' to escape generating a newline in the C++ code.
      2. rows, cols = Narr[0], Narr[1].
      3. Array access using arr[(i*cols + j)*depth + k].


    code = """
    int rows = Narr[0];
    int cols = Narr[1];
    int depth = Narr[2];
    for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
            printf("img[%3d][%3d]=", i, j);
            for (int k=0; k< depth; ++k)
                printf(" %3d", arr[(i*cols + j)*depth + k]);

    weave.inline(code, ['arr'])
예제 #30
 def __call__(self, P):
     if self._arrays_to_check is not None:
         N = len(P)
         for name, X in self._arrays_to_check:
             if len(X) != N:
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Array " + name + " has wrong size (" + str(len(X)) + " instead of " + str(N) + ")"
         self._arrays_to_check = None
     self.namespace["dt"] = P.clock._dt
     self.namespace["t"] = P.clock._t
     self.namespace["num_neurons"] = len(P)
     self.namespace["_S"] = P._S
             self.namespace.keys(),  # ['_S', 'num_neurons', 'dt', 't'],
         log_warn("brian.experimental.codegen.stateupdaters", "C compilation failed, falling back on Python.")
         self.__class__ = PythonStateUpdater
         self.__init__(self.eqs, self.scheme, self.clock, self.freeze)
예제 #31
    def _subseq_dtw(dist):
        '''Fast DTW, with inlined C'''
        nx, ny = dist.shape
        rv = [0.0, 0]  #dtwcost,p
        path = np.zeros((nx + ny, 2), dtype=np.int)
        code = '''
    int i,j;
    double* cost = new double[ny];
    for (j=0; j<ny; ++j) cost[j] = dist(0,j);
    char** trace = new char*[nx];
    int** length = new int*[nx];
    for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
      trace[i] = new char[ny];
      trace[i][0] = 0;
      length[i] = new int[ny];
      length[i][0] = i+1;
    for (j=0; j<ny; ++j) {
      trace[0][j] = 1;
      length[0][j] =1;
    double diag,c;
    for (i=1; i<nx; ++i){
      diag = cost[0];
      cost[0] += dist(i,0);
      for (j=1; j<ny; ++j){
        // c <- min(cost[j],cost[j-1],diag), trace <- argmin
        double avg_cost1 = (cost[j]+dist(i,j))/(length[i-1][j]+1);
        double avg_cost2 = (cost[j-1]+dist(i,j))/(length[i][j-1]+1);
        double avg_diag = (diag+dist(i,j))/(length[i-1][j-1]+2);         
        if (avg_diag < avg_cost1){
          if (avg_diag < avg_cost2){
            c = diag;
            trace[i][j] = 2;
            length[i][j] = length[i-1][j-1]+2;
          } else {
            c = cost[j-1];
            trace[i][j] = 1;
            length[i][j] = length[i][j-1]+1;
        } else if (avg_cost1 < avg_cost2){
          c = cost[j];
          trace[i][j] = 0;
          length[i][j] = length[i-1][j]+1;
        } else {
          c = cost[j-1];
          trace[i][j] = 1;
          length[i][j] = length[i][j-1]+1;
        diag = cost[j];
        cost[j] = dist(i,j) + c;
    rv[0] = cost[0]/length[nx-1][0];
        float avg_cost = cost[i]/length[nx-1][i];
            rv[0] = avg_cost;
            j = i;
    delete[] cost;
    i = nx-1;
    int p = nx+ny-1;
    for (;p>=0; --p){
      path(p,0) = i;
      path(p,1) = j;
      if (i==0) break;
      switch (trace[i][j]){
        case 0: --i; break;
        case 1: --j; break;
        default: --i; --j;
    for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) delete[] trace[i];
    delete[] trace;
    for (i=0; i<nx; ++i) delete[] length[i];
    delete[] length;
    rv[1] = p;


        inline(code, ('nx', 'ny', 'rv', 'dist', 'path'), type_converters=blitz)
        return rv[0], path[rv[1]:]
예제 #32
def density_median(density, radius = 2, exp_weight = 0.0):
  """Performs a weighted median for each pixel in a density map - pixels are weighted by 1 minus their distance to the input values density. Uses the given radius to define the window for each pixel. Returns a new modified density map. exp_weight is a weight given to a location based on its value - used to bias towards larger values if set positive for instance."""
  ret = density.copy()
  support = start_cpp() + """
  struct Sam
   float value;
   float weight;
  int comp_sam(const void * a, const void * b)
   Sam & fa = *(Sam*)a;
   Sam & fb = *(Sam*)b;
   if (fa.value<fb.value) return -1;
   if (fb.value<fa.value) return 1;
   return 0;
  code = start_cpp() + """
  int rad = radius;
  float ew = exp_weight;
  Sam * sam = new Sam[(radius * 2 + 1) * (radius * 2 + 1)];
  for (int y=radius; y<Ndensity[0]-radius; y++)
   for (int x=radius; x<Ndensity[1]-radius; x++)
    // Collect the samples required...
     float centre_value = DENSITY2(y, x);
     int total = 0;
     float total_weight = 0.0;
     for (int dy=-radius; dy<=radius; dy++)
      const int range = radius - abs(dy);
      for (int dx=-range; dx<=range; dx++)
       if ((dx!=0)||(dy!=0)) // Middle pixel doesn't get a vote!
        float cv = sam[total].value;
        if (cv<1e-3) cv = 1e-3;
        if (cv>1.0) cv = 1.0;
        sam[total].value = DENSITY2(y+dy, x+dx);
        sam[total].weight = (1.0 - fabs(centre_value - cv)) * pow(cv, ew);
        total_weight += sam[total].weight;
        total += 1;
    // Sort them...
     qsort(sam, total, sizeof(Sam), comp_sam);
    // Find the median, assign the pixel...
     float remain = 0.5 * total_weight;
     for (int i=0; i<total; i++)
      if (remain>sam[i].weight)
       remain -= sam[i].weight;
       if (i==0) RET2(y, x) = sam[0].value;
        float t = remain / sam[i].weight;
        RET2(y, x) = (1-t) * sam[i-1].value + t * sam[i].value;
    // Only use it if its larger than - anotehr bias term...
     if (DENSITY2(y, x)>RET2(y, x)) RET2(y, x) = DENSITY2(y, x);
  delete[] sam;
  weave.inline(code, ['density', 'ret', 'radius', 'exp_weight'], support_code=support)
  return ret
예제 #33
def nuke_islands(mask, size = 1):
  """Removes all islands in the mask that are less than or equal to the given size by flipping their state. Good for toasting salt and pepper noise."""
  support = start_cpp() + """
  struct Tree
   Tree * parent;
   int size;
  Tree * Parent(Tree * tree)
   if (tree->parent==NULL) return tree;
   Tree * ret = Parent(tree->parent);
   tree->parent = ret;
   return ret;
  void Merge(Tree * a, Tree * b)
   a = Parent(a);
   b = Parent(b);
   if (a!=b)
    b->parent = a;
    a->size += b->size;

  code = start_cpp(support) + """
  // Malloc and plant a forest...
   int trees = Nmask[0] * Nmask[1];
   Tree * forest = (Tree*)malloc(trees * sizeof(Tree));
   for (int i=0; i<trees; i++)
    forest[i].parent = NULL;
    forest[i].size = 1;
  // Merge it to create the islands...
   for (int y=0; y<Nmask[0]; y++)
    for (int x=0; x<Nmask[1]; x++)
     int fi = y*Nmask[1] + x;
     if ((x!=0)&&(MASK2(y, x)==MASK2(y, x-1)))
      Merge(forest + fi, forest + fi - 1);
     if ((y!=0)&&(MASK2(y, x)==MASK2(y-1, x)))
      Merge(forest + fi, forest + fi - Nmask[1]);
  // Flip the state of all pixels that are in too small an island...
   for (int y=0; y<Nmask[0]; y++)
    for (int x=0; x<Nmask[1]; x++)
     int fi = y*Nmask[1] + x;
     Tree * parent = Parent(forest + fi);
     if (parent->size <= size)
      MASK2(y, x) = (MASK2(y, x) + 1) % 2;
  // Clean up...
  mask = mask.copy()
  weave.inline(code, ['mask', 'size'], support_code=support)
  return mask
예제 #34
def smooth_signed_distance(mask, iters = 1):
  """Given a mask this smooths it using a vaugly-not-stupid techneque based on signed distance to the edge of the line - converts the mask, then smoothes it using an oriented filter, that strongly enforces smooth contours and applies sub-pixel estimation. It then converts it back to a mask using the sign of the resulting distance. Should smoooth out bumps and sharpen small angle intersections."""

  # Convert to signed distance, using the 8 way neighbourhood (With sqrt(2) for the diagonals)...
  ## Initalise with effective infinities...
  sigdist = numpy.empty(mask.shape, dtype=numpy.float32)
  sigdist[:,:] = 1e64
  ## Mark all pixels that are at a transition boundary with the relevant cost - first the diagonals, then the halfs, as half is less than sqrt(2)...
  tran_sqrt2 = numpy.zeros(sigdist.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
  numpy.logical_or(mask[1:,1:]!=mask[:-1,:-1], tran_sqrt2[:-1,:-1], tran_sqrt2[:-1,:-1])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[1:,:-1]!=mask[:-1,1:], tran_sqrt2[:-1,1:], tran_sqrt2[:-1,1:])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[:-1,1:]!=mask[1:,:-1], tran_sqrt2[1:,:-1], tran_sqrt2[1:,:-1])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[:-1,:-1]!=mask[1:,1:], tran_sqrt2[1:,1:], tran_sqrt2[1:,1:])
  sigdist[tran_sqrt2] = numpy.sqrt(2.0)
  tran_half = numpy.zeros(sigdist.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
  numpy.logical_or(mask[1:,:]!=mask[:-1,:], tran_half[:-1,:], tran_half[:-1,:])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[:-1,:]!=mask[1:,:], tran_half[1:,:], tran_half[1:,:])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[:,1:]!=mask[:,:-1], tran_half[:,:-1], tran_half[:,:-1])
  numpy.logical_or(mask[:,:-1]!=mask[:,1:], tran_half[:,1:], tran_half[:,1:])
  sigdist[tran_half] = 0.5
  ## Do all 8 directions of sweep iterativly until distances stop getting smaller...
  stop = False
  while not stop:
    stop = True
    code = start_cpp() + """
    float sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
    // Forwards pass...
     for (int y=0; y<Nsigdist[0]; y++)
      for (int x=0; x<Nsigdist[1]; x++)
       bool negx = x!=0;
       bool negy = y!=0;
       if ((negx)&&((SIGDIST2(y, x-1)+1.0)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y, x-1) + 1.0;
        stop = false;
       if ((negy)&&((SIGDIST2(y-1, x)+1.0)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y-1, x) + 1.0;
        stop = false;
       if ((negx)&&(negy)&&((SIGDIST2(y-1, x-1)+sqrt2)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y-1, x-1) + sqrt2;
        stop = false;
    // Backwards pass...
     for (int y=Nsigdist[0]-1; y>=0; y--)
      for (int x=Nsigdist[1]-1; x>=0; x--)
       bool posx = (x+1)!=Nsigdist[1];
       bool posy = (y+1)!=Nsigdist[0];
       if ((posx)&&((SIGDIST2(y, x+1)+1.0)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y, x+1) + 1.0;
        stop = false;
       if ((posy)&&((SIGDIST2(y+1, x)+1.0)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y+1, x) + 1.0;
        stop = false;
       if ((posx)&&(posy)&&((SIGDIST2(y+1, x+1)+sqrt2)<SIGDIST2(y, x)))
        SIGDIST2(y, x) = SIGDIST2(y+1, x+1) + sqrt2;
        stop = false;
    weave.inline(code, ['sigdist', 'stop'])
  ## Add in the sign - negate all pixels that are within the mask...
  sigdist[mask] *= -1.0
  # Apply a funky smoothing function...
  temp = sigdist.copy()
  use = sigdist<16.0 # Don't bother with pixels that are too far from the text.
  for _ in xrange(iters):
    support = start_cpp() + """
    int comp_float(const void * a, const void * b)
     float fa = *(float*)a;
     float fb = *(float*)b;
     if (fa<fb) return -1;
     if (fb<fa) return 1;
     return 0;
    code = start_cpp(support) + """
    // Calculate and store the smoothed version into temp...
     for (int y=1; y<Nsigdist[0]-1; y++)
      for (int x=1; x<Nsigdist[1]-1; x++)
       if (USE2(y, x)==0) continue; // Skip pixels that are too far away to care about.
       static const char dx[8] = {-1,  0,  1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1};
       static const char dy[8] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1,  1,  0};
       static const float div[8] = {sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2), 1};
       // Loop through using a line direction estimated from each set of 3 adjacent neigbours in the 8-way neighbourhood - select the line direction that results in the lowest MAD, using the median of the estimates. The estimates are based on the signed distance of the neighbour offset by the projection distance to the line...
        float bestMedian = SIGDIST2(y, x);
        float bestMAD = 1e64;
        for (int ni=0; ni<8; ni++)
         // Estimate the perpendicular to the line direction from the 3 neighbours under consideration - a maximum liklihood mean direction of a Fisher distribution...
          float nx = 0.0;
          float ny = 0.0;
          bool skip = false;
          for (int oi=0; oi<3; oi++)
           int i = (ni+oi) % 8;
           if (USE2(y + dy[i], x + dx[i])==0)
            skip = true;
           float l = SIGDIST2(y + dy[i], x + dx[i]) - SIGDIST2(y, x);
           l /= div[i];
           nx += l * dx[i];
           ny += l * dy[i];
          if (skip) continue;
         // Normalise the perpendicular to the projection line...
          float len = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny);
          if (len<1e-3) continue;
          nx /= len;
          ny /= len;
         // Use the proposed line to calculate all 8 estimates...
          float e[8];
          for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
           float dot = nx * dx[i] + ny * dy[i];
           e[i] = SIGDIST2(y + dy[i], x + dx[i]) + dot;
         // Use the estimates to calculate the median...
          qsort(e, 8, sizeof(float), comp_float);
          float median = 0.5 * (e[3] + e[4]);
         // Mess around and then calculate the MAD...
          for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
           e[i] = fabs(e[i] - median);
          qsort(e, 8, sizeof(float), comp_float);
          float MAD = 0.5 * (e[3] + e[4]);
         // If its the best MAD thus far record it...
          if (MAD<bestMAD)
           bestMedian = median;
           bestMAD = MAD;
        TEMP2(y, x) = bestMedian;
    // Copy from temp to the actual signed distance field (Yeah, pointer flipping would make more sense, but no idea how to make a numpy object dance that)...
     for (int y=1; y<Nsigdist[0]-1; y++)
      for (int x=1; x<Nsigdist[1]-1; x++)
       SIGDIST2(y, x) = TEMP2(y, x);
    weave.inline(code, ['sigdist', 'temp', 'use'], support_code=support)
  # Convert back to a mask and return...
  return sigdist<=0.0
            part(0) = coord(prtcl,0); part(1) = coord(prtcl,1); part(2) = coord(prtcl,2);
            m = int(part(0)/h); n = int(part(1)/h); p = int(part(2)/h);
            for (i = -r + 1; i < r + 1; i = i + 1){
                for (j = -r + 1; j < r + 1; j = j + 1){
                    for (k = -r + 1; k < r + 1; k = k + 1){
                        xsp = (m+i)*h; ysp = (n+j)*h; zsp = (p+k)*h; 
                        if (((part(0)-xsp)*(part(0)-xsp) + (part(1)-ysp)*(part(1)-ysp) + (part(2)-zsp)*(part(2)-zsp)) <= R*R) {
                            meff = m + i; neff = n + j; peff = p + k;
                            if (meff<0) {meff+=numofsph-1;}
                            if (neff<0) {neff+=numofsph-1;}
                            if (peff<0) {peff+=numofsph-1;}
                            if (meff>=numofsph) {meff-=numofsph-1;}
                            if (neff>=numofsph) {neff-=numofsph-1;}
                            if (peff>=numofsph) {peff-=numofsph-1;}
                            density (meff, neff, peff)+=1;
weave.inline (ccode, ['density', 'nop', 'numofsph', 'part', 'R', 'h', 'r', 'coord'], type_converters = converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')   
density = density/V;                        

t2 = time() - t1 - t0
print ('time for reading = ', t1, 'time for calculating density', t2)  
#index = peff+neff*numofsph+meff*numofsph*numofsph;
예제 #36
파일: boo.py 프로젝트: yangyushi/colloids
def steinhardt_g_l(pos, bonds, is_center, Nbins, maxdist, l=6):
    Spatial correlation of the bond's spherical harmonics
    assert len(is_center) == len(pos)
    maxsq = float(maxdist**2)
    hq = np.zeros(Nbins)
    g = np.zeros(Nbins, int)
    qlms = np.zeros([len(bonds), l + 1], np.complex128)
    bpos = np.zeros([len(bonds), 3])
    code = """
    //position and spherical harmonics of each bond
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int b=0; b<Nbonds[0]; ++b)
        int i = bonds(b,0), j = bonds(b,1);
        blitz::Array<double,1> cart(pos(i, blitz::Range::all()) - pos(j, blitz::Range::all()));
        bpos(b, blitz::Range::all()) = pos(j, blitz::Range::all()) + 0.5 * cart;
        double sph[3] = {0, 0, 0};
        sph[0] = sqrt(blitz::sum(blitz::pow(cart, 2)));
        if(abs(cart(2))==sph[0] || sph[0]*sph[0]+1.0 == 1.0)
            sph[1] = 0;
            sph[2] = 0;
            sph[1] = acos(cart(2)/sph[0]);
            sph[2] = atan2(cart(1), cart(0));
                sph[2] += 2.0*M_PI;
        for(int m=0; m<Nqlms[1]; ++m)
            qlms(b,m) = boost::math::spherical_harmonic(Nqlms[1]-1, m, sph[1], sph[2]);
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int b=0; b<Nbonds[0]; ++b)
        int i = bonds(b,0), j = bonds(b,1);
        if(!is_center(i) || !is_center(j))
        for(int c=0; c<Nbonds[0]; ++c)
            const double disq = blitz::sum(blitz::pow(bpos(b, blitz::Range::all()) - bpos(c, blitz::Range::all()),2));
            const int r = sqrt(disq/(double)maxsq)*Nbins;
            double pq = real(qlms(b,0)*conj(qlms(c,0)));
            for(int m=1; m<Nqlms[1]; ++m)
                pq += 2.0*real(qlms(b,m)*conj(qlms(c,m)));
            pq *= 4.0*M_PI/(2.0*(Nqlms[1]-1)+1);
            #pragma omp critical
                hq(r) += pq;
        code, [
            'qlms', 'pos', 'bonds', 'bpos', 'maxsq', 'Nbins', 'hq', 'g',
        extra_compile_args=['-O3 -fopenmp'],
    return hq, g
예제 #37
파일: mandel.py 프로젝트: coruus/pylibtiff
static char f_types[] = {
ufunc_info = weave.base_info.custom_info()

mandel = weave.inline('/*' + md5.md5(support_code).hexdigest() + '''*/

return_val = PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(f_functions,
                                     1,             /* ntypes */
                                     2,             /* nin */
                                     1,             /* nout */
                                     PyUFunc_None,  /* identity */
                                     "mandel",      /* name */
                                     "doc",         /* doc */

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

w, h = 8000, 6000

y, x = numpy.ogrid[-1.5:+1.5:h * 1j, -2.75:+1.25:w * 1j]
예제 #38
파일: glob_mass.py 프로젝트: adesam01/fempy
def global_mass(X, elements, connect, nproc):
    """Assemble the global mass matrix

    X : array like, (i, j,)
        Nodal coordinates
        X[i, j] -> jth coordinate of ith node for i=1...nnode, j=1...ncoord

    elements : array_like, (i,)
        Array of element classes

    connect : array_like, (i, j,)
        Nodal connections
        connect[i, j] -> jth node on the ith element

    mass : array_like

    maxnodes = np.amax([x.nnodes for x in elements])
    ndof = elements[0].ndof
    sdim = ndof * X.shape[0]
    mass = np.zeros((sdim, sdim))

    # Loop over all the elements
    for (lmn, element) in enumerate(elements):

        mel = _elmass(lmn, element, maxnodes, connect[lmn], X)

        # Add the current element mass to the global mass
        nnodes = elements[lmn].nnodes
        ncoord = elements[lmn].ncoord
        ndof = elements[lmn].ndof
        if not HAS_CCOMPILER:
            for a in range(nnodes):
                for i in range(ndof):
                    for b in range(nnodes):
                        for k in range(ndof):
                            rw = ndof * connect[lmn, a] + i
                            cl = ndof * connect[lmn, b] + k
                            elrw = ndof * a + i
                            elcl = ndof * b + k
                            mass[rw, cl] += mel[elrw, elcl]
            code = """
                int rw, cl, elrw, elcl;
                for (int a=0; a < nnodes; ++a) {
                  for (int i=0; i < ndof; ++i) {
                    for (int b=0; b < nnodes; ++b) {
                      for (int k=0; k < ndof; ++k) {
                        rw = ndof * connect(lmn, a) + i;
                        cl = ndof * connect(lmn, b) + k;
                        elrw = ndof * a + i;
                        elcl = ndof * b + k;
                        mass(rw, cl) += mel(elrw, elcl);
            inline(code, ["nnodes", "ndof", "lmn", "connect", "mass", "mel"],

    return mass
def EvSync(e, noe, nodes, core, noc, perc, tm, season, P, noep):
    print "batch %d running ..." % core
    l = nodes * ((nodes / noc) - 1) / 2 + core * (nodes / noc)
    Q = np.zeros(l, dtype='bool')
    taumax = tm
    var = ['e', 'Q', 'nodes', 'noe', 'taumax', 'core', 'noc', 'P', 'noep']
    src = r"""
	int tau, tmp, count, dst;
	long i, k, m, n, t, c, li, lk;
   long long e1, e2;
	int q;
	c = 0;
	for(i = core; i < nodes; i += noc){
	    for(k = 0; k < i; k++){
	        count = 0;
           li = 0;
           lk = 0;
	        for(m = 1; m < noep[i] - 1; m++) {
				if(e[i * noe +  m] > 0){
	            for(n = 1; n < noep[k] - 1; n++) {
						if(e[k * noe +  n] > 0){
							dst = e[i * noe + m] - e[k * noe +  n];
							if(dst > taumax)
		                	tmp = e[i * noe + m + 1] - e[i * noe + m];
		                	if(tmp > e[i * noe + m] - e[i * noe + m - 1])
		                    	tmp = e[i * noe + m] - e[i * noe + m - 1];
		                	tau = e[k * noe +  n + 1] - e[k * noe +  n];
		                	if(tau > e[k * noe +  n] - e[k * noe +  n - 1])
		                    	tau = e[k * noe +  n] - e[k * noe +  n - 1];
		                	if(tau > tmp)
		                    	tau = tmp;
		                	tau /= 2;
	                		if(abs(e[i * noe + m] - e[k * noe + n]) <= taumax && abs(e[i * noe + m] - e[k * noe + n]) < tau)
							if(dst < -taumax)
				q = 0;
			else if(lk<3)
				q = 0;
	        	q = count;
         e1 = noep[i];
         e2 = noep[k];
         if(e1 < e2){
            e1 = noep[k];
            e2 = noep[i];
         if(e1 > 2 && e2 > 2 && q > P[((e1 - 2) * (e1 - 3) / 2 + e2 - 3) * 3 + 2]){
	         Q[c] = 1;
            Q[c] = 0;
			c += 1;
    weave.inline(src, var)
    del e
        % (perc, tm, season, core), Q)
    print "batch %d saved ..." % core
    del Q
    return 0
예제 #40
파일: fast.py 프로젝트: vnitinv/artemis
def find_interval_extremes(array, edges):
    Find the indeces of extreme points within each interval, and on the outsides of the two end edges.
    :param array: A vector
    :param edges: A vector of edges defining the intervals.  It's assumed that -Inf, Inf form the true outer edges.
    :return: A vector of ints indicating the indeces of extreme points.  If a distinct min and max extreme are found
        within every interval, this vector will have length 2*(len(edges)+1).  Otherwise, it will be shorter.

    indices = np.zeros(len(array), dtype=int) - 1
    how_many = np.array([0])
    code = """
    float min = INFINITY;
    float max = -INFINITY;
    int argmin;
    int argmax;
    bool foundpoint = false;
    int in_counter = 0;
    int out_counter = 0;
    int edge_counter = 0;
        float next_edge;
        if (edge_counter == Nedges[0])
            next_edge = INFINITY;
            next_edge = edges[edge_counter];

        if (array[in_counter] < min){
            min = array[in_counter];
            argmin = in_counter;
            foundpoint = true;
        if (array[in_counter] > max){
            max = array[in_counter];
            argmax = in_counter;
            foundpoint = true;
        if (in_counter > next_edge){
            if (foundpoint){
                if (argmin < argmax){
                    indices[out_counter] = argmin;
                    indices[out_counter+1] = argmax;
                else if (argmax < argmin){
                    indices[out_counter] = argmax;
                    indices[out_counter+1] = argmin;
                else {
                    indices[out_counter] = argmax;
                min = INFINITY;
                max = -INFINITY;
                foundpoint = false;
    how_many[0] = out_counter;
    weave.inline(code, ['array', 'edges', 'indices', 'how_many'],
    result = indices[:how_many[0]]
    return result
예제 #41
def scalar_map(y, x, scalar_field, hsml, width, pps, zshape):
    code contains an algorithm for doing sph particle smoothing.
    # !!!!! x and y are reversed in the c-code below - no idea why/how...
    # !!!!! (Hence the reversal above)
    zi = numpy.zeros(zshape)
    nzi = numpy.zeros_like(zi)
    N_gas = scalar_field.size
    code = \
        int procs, nthreads;
        int i,j,n, i_min,i_max,j_min,j_max;
        int flag_i = 0;
        int flag_j = 0;
        double center_i,center_j;
        double r,r2,weight,W_x;

        /* Get environment information */
        procs = omp_get_num_procs();
        nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
        /* Print environment information */
        printf("Number of processors = %d\n", procs);
        #pragma omp parallel for \
          private(n,i,j,i_min,i_max,j_min,j_max,flag_i,flag_j, \
        for(n =0; n < N_gas; n++) 
            i = 0;
            j = 0;
            i_min = int((x(n) - hsml(n) + width/2.0) / width*pps);
            i_max = int((x(n) + hsml(n) + width/2.0) / width*pps);
            j_min = int((y(n) - hsml(n) + width/2.0) / width*pps);
            j_max = int((y(n) + hsml(n) + width/2.0) / width*pps);
            weight = scalar_field(n)*scalar_field(n);
                if(i >= i_min && i <= i_max)
                    flag_i = 1;
                    center_i = -width/2.0 + (i+0.5) * width/ (double) pps;
                        if(j >= j_min && j <= j_max)
                            flag_j = 1;
                            center_j = -width/2.0 + (j+0.5)
                              * width / (double) pps;
                            r2 = ((x(n) - center_i) * (x(n) - center_i)
                                  + (y(n) - center_j) * (y(n) - center_j))
                              / hsml(n) / hsml(n);
                            if(r2 <= 1.0)
                                r = sqrt(r2);
                                if(r <= 0.5)
                                  W_x = 1.0 - 6.0 * r*r + 6.0 * r*r*r;
                                  W_x = 2.0 * (1.0-r) * (1.0-r) * (1.0-r);
                                zi(i,j) += weight * scalar_field(n) * W_x;
                                nzi(i,j) += weight * W_x;
                        else if(j > j_max)
                            flag_j = 2;
                            flag_j = 0;
                    while((flag_j == 0 || flag_j == 1) && j < pps);
                    j = 0;
                else if(i > i_max)
                    flag_i = 2;
                    flag_i = 0;
            while((flag_i == 0 || flag_i == 1) && i < pps);
            i = 0;
    weave.inline(code, [
        'pps', 'width', 'x', 'y', 'scalar_field', 'hsml', 'zi', 'nzi', 'N_gas'
                 headers=['<stdio.h>', '<math.h>', '<omp.h>'],
                 extra_compile_args=['-fopenmp '],
    zi = numpy.where(nzi > 0, zi / nzi, zi)
    return zi
예제 #42
    def isPointInPoly(self, pt, poly):
        Checks if point pt is in a polygon poly
        @param pt: the point
        @param poly: the polygon
        @return: true if point is in the polygon

        n = len(poly)

        code = """
            double p1x, p2x, p1y, p2y;
            bool inside = false;

            double x,y;
            x = pt[0]; y = pt[1];

            py::object p1 = poly[0];
            p1x = p1[0];
            p1y = p1[1];
            for (int i=0; i<n+1; i++) {
                double p2x, p2y;
                py::object p2 = poly[i%n];
                p2x = p2[0];
                p2y = p2[1];
                double miny, maxy, minx, maxx;
                if (p1x < p2x) {
                    minx = p1x;
                    maxx = p2x;
                } else {
                    minx = p2x;
                    maxx = p1x;

                if (p1y < p2y) {
                    miny = p1y;
                    maxy = p2y;
                } else {
                    miny = p2y;
                    maxy = p1y;

                if ((y > miny) && (y <= maxy) && (x <= maxx)) {
                    double xinters = 0;
                    if (p1y != p2y) {
                        xinters = (y-p1y)*(p2x-p1x)/(p2y-p1y)+p1x;
                        if ((p1x == p2x) || (x <= xinters)) {
                            inside = !inside;

                p1x = p2x;
                p1y = p2y;

            return_val = inside; """
        in_poly = weave.inline(code, ['poly', 'pt', 'n'],
        return in_poly
예제 #43
    def pnorm_w(data1, data2=None, weight=None, p=2):
        """Weighted p-norm between two datasets (scipy.weave implementation)

        ||x - x'||_w = (\sum_{i=1...N} (w_i*|x_i - x'_i|)**p)**(1/p)

        data1 : np.ndarray
          First dataset
        data2 : np.ndarray or None
          Optional second dataset
        weight : np.ndarray or None
          Optional weights per 2nd dimension (features)

        if weight == None:
            weight = np.ones(data1.shape[1], 'd')
        S1, F1 = data1.shape[:2]
        code = ""
        if data2 == None or id(data1)==id(data2):
            if not (F1==weight.size):
                raise ValueError, \
                      "Dataset should have same #columns == #weights. Got " \
                      "%d %d" % (F1, weight.size)
            F = F1
            d = np.zeros((S1, S1), 'd')
                code_peritem = \
                    {1.0 : "tmp = tmp+weight(t)*fabs(data1(i,t)-data1(j,t))",
                     2.0 : "tmp2 = weight(t)*(data1(i,t)-data1(j,t));" \
                     " tmp = tmp + tmp2*tmp2"}[p]
            except KeyError:
                code_peritem = "tmp = tmp+pow(weight(t)*fabs(data1(i,t)-data1(j,t)),p)"

            code = """
            int i,j,t;
            double tmp, tmp2;
            for (i=0; i<S1-1; i++) {
                for (j=i+1; j<S1; j++) {
                    tmp = 0.0;
                    for(t=0; t<F; t++) {
                    d(i,j) = tmp;
            return_val = 0;
            """ % code_peritem

            counter = weave.inline(code,
                               ['data1', 'S1', 'F', 'weight', 'd', 'p'],
                               compiler = 'gcc')
            d = d + np.triu(d).T # copy upper part to lower part
            return d**(1.0/p)

        S2, F2 = data2.shape[:2]
        if not (F1==F2==weight.size):
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Datasets should have same #columns == #weights. Got " \
                  "%d %d %d" % (F1, F2, weight.size)
        F = F1
        d = np.zeros((S1, S2), 'd')
            code_peritem = \
                {1.0 : "tmp = tmp+weight(t)*fabs(data1(i,t)-data2(j,t))",
                 2.0 : "tmp2 = weight(t)*(data1(i,t)-data2(j,t));" \
                 " tmp = tmp + tmp2*tmp2"}[p]
        except KeyError:
            code_peritem = "tmp = tmp+pow(weight(t)*fabs(data1(i,t)-data2(j,t)),p)"

        code = """
        int i,j,t;
        double tmp, tmp2;
        for (i=0; i<S1; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<S2; j++) {
                tmp = 0.0;
                for(t=0; t<F; t++) {
                d(i,j) = tmp;
        return_val = 0;

        """ % code_peritem

        counter = weave.inline(code,
                               ['data1', 'data2', 'S1', 'S2',
                                'F', 'weight', 'd', 'p'],
                               compiler = 'gcc')
        return d**(1.0/p)
예제 #44
  def nextFrame(self):
    # Reset some buffers....
    self.invMatrix = None
    self.prevCorrect = None
    self.currCorrect = None

    # Update the previous and current...
    if self.other==None:
      self.prev = self.curr
      self.curr = self.video.fetch(self.channel)

      if self.curr==None: return False
      if self.prev==None: return True

      self.curr = self.curr.copy()
      self.prev = self.other.fetch(self.otherChannel)
      self.curr = self.video.fetch(self.channel)

      if self.curr==None: return False
      if self.prev==None: return True

    # Make sure the temporary is the right size...
    pixelCount = self.width() * self.height()
    if self.temp==None or self.temp.shape[0]!=pixelCount:
      self.temp = numpy.empty((pixelCount,3), dtype=numpy.float32)

    # Collect for each channel the ratios that are essentially estimates of the lighting change...
    codeE = start_cpp() + """
    int count = 0;

    for (int y=0;y<Ncurr[0];y++)
     for (int x=0;x<Ncurr[1];x++)
      if ((CURR3(y,x,0)>lowLimit)&&(PREV3(y,x,0)>lowLimit))
       float diff = 0.0;
       for (int c=0;c<3;c++)
        float cVal = CURR3(y,x,c);
        float pVal = PREV3(y,x,c);
        diff += fabs(cVal - pVal);
        TEMP2(count,c) = cVal / pVal;

       if (diff<limit) count += 1;

    return_val = count;

    curr = self.curr
    prev = self.prev
    temp = self.temp
    limit = self.limit
    lowLimit = self.lowLimit

    count = weave.inline(codeE, ['curr', 'prev', 'temp', 'limit', 'lowLimit'])
    if count<8:
      self.matrix[:,:] = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
      return True

    # Sort each channel, ready for mean shift...
    for channel in xrange(3): self.temp[:count,channel].sort()

    # Mean shift for each channel in turn...
    codeMS = start_cpp() + """
    // Parameters and some initialisation...
     const float epsilon = 1e-3;
     const int maxIter = 32;
     const float hsm = 3.0;
     const float winWidth = hsm * float(scale);
    // Iterate the channels...
     for (int channel=0; channel<channels; channel++)
      // Median seems a good initial estimate - as long as at least half the pixels are background at the same time in both images it is guaranteed to be a good estimate...
       float estimate = TEMP2(count/2,channel); 
       float minVal = estimate - winWidth;
       float maxVal = estimate + winWidth;

      // Use a pair of binary searches to initialise the range to sum over...
       int low = 0;
       int other = count-1;
       while (low+1<other)
        int half = (low+other)/2;
        if (TEMP2(half,channel)<minVal) low   = half;
                                   else other = half;

       other = low+1;
       int high = count-1;
       while (other+1<high)
        int half = (other+high)/2;
        if (TEMP2(half,channel)>maxVal) high  = half;
                                   else other = half;

      // Iterate and do the mean shift steps...
       for (int iter=0;iter<maxIter;iter++)
        minVal = estimate - winWidth;
        maxVal = estimate + winWidth;

        // Update the low and high values by simply offsetting them until correct...
         for (;low>0;--low)
          if (TEMP2(low,channel)<minVal) break;

         for (;low<count-1;++low)
          if (TEMP2(low,channel)>minVal) break;

         for (;high<count-1;++high)
          if (TEMP2(high,channel)>maxVal) break;
         for (;high>0;--high)
          if (TEMP2(high,channel)<maxVal) break;

         if (low>=high) break; // No data - give up.

        // Iterate the relevant values and add them to the kernel...
         float newEst = 0.0;
         float weightEst = 0.0;

         float weight;
         float prevVal = 1e100;
         float scale2 = float(scale)*float(scale);
         for (int i=low;i<=high;i++)
          if (fabs(prevVal-TEMP2(i,channel))>epsilon)
           prevVal = TEMP2(i,channel);
           float delta = prevVal - estimate;
           // weight = exp(-0.5*delta*delta/scale2); // Gaussian option
           weight = float(scale) / (M_PI * (delta*delta + scale2)); // Cauchy option

          weightEst += weight;
          newEst += (TEMP2(i,channel)-newEst) * weight / weightEst;

        // Update the estimate, exit if change is minor...
         bool done = fabs(newEst-estimate) < epsilon;
         estimate = newEst;
         if (done) break;
      // Store it...
       MATRIX2(channel, channel) = estimate;
     for (int channel=channels; channel<3; channel++)
      MATRIX2(channel, channel) = 1,0;

    scale = self.scale
    matrix = self.matrix
    channels = self.channels

    weave.inline(codeMS, ['temp', 'count', 'scale', 'matrix', 'channels'])

    return True
    def erode(
            #W_if_used=None, Q_if_used=None,
        Note this method must be passed both 'receiver' and 'upstream_order',
        either as strings for field access, or nnode- long arrays of the 
        relevant IDs. These are most easily used as the
        outputs from route_flow_dn.
        Note that you must supply either slopes_at_nodes or link_slopes.
        if runoff_rate_if_used != None:
            runoff_rate = runoff_rate_if_used
            assert type(runoff_rate) in (int, float, np.ndarray)
            runoff_rate = 1.

        if dt == None:
            dt = self.tstep
            self.Dchar = self.Dchar_in
        except AttributeError:
                self.Dchar = grid.at_node[Dchar_if_used]
            except FieldError:
                assert type(Dchar_if_used) == np.ndarray
                self.Dchar = Dchar_if_used
            if not self.set_threshold:
                assert self.override_threshold, "You need to confirm to the module you intend it to internally calculate a shear stress threshold, with set_threshold_from_Dchar in the input file."
                #we need to adjust the thresholds for the Shields number & gs dynamically:
                variable_thresh = self.shields_crit * self.g * (
                    self.sed_density - self.fluid_density) * self.Dchar
            assert Dchar_if_used is None, "Trouble ahead... you can't provide Dchar both in the input file and as an array!"

        if type(node_elevs) == str:
            node_z = grid.at_node[node_elevs]
            node_z = node_elevs

        if type(node_drainage_areas) == str:
            node_A = grid.at_node[node_drainage_areas]
            node_A = node_drainage_areas

        if type(node_receiving_flow) == str:
            flow_receiver = grid.at_node[node_receiving_flow]
            flow_receiver = node_receiving_flow

        #new V3:
        if type(node_order_upstream) == str:
            s_in = grid.at_node[node_order_upstream]
            s_in = node_order_upstream

        if type(node_slope) == str:
            node_S = grid.at_node[node_slope]
            node_S = node_slope

        if self.lamb_flag:
            variable_shields_crit = 0.15 * node_S**0.25
                variable_thresh = variable_shields_crit * self.shields_prefactor_to_shear
            except AttributeError:
                variable_thresh = variable_shields_crit * self.shields_prefactor_to_shear_noDchar * self.Dchar

        if type(steepest_link) == str:
            link_length = np.empty(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=float)
            draining_nodes = np.not_equal(grid.at_node[steepest_link],
            core_draining_nodes = np.intersect1d(np.where(draining_nodes)[0],
            link_length[core_draining_nodes] = grid.link_length[
            link_length = grid.link_length[steepest_link]

        node_Q = self.k_Q * runoff_rate * node_A**self._c
        shear_stress_prefactor_timesAparts = self.shear_stress_prefactor * node_Q**self.point6onelessb
            transport_capacities_thresh = self.thresh * self.Qs_thresh_prefactor * runoff_rate**(
                0.66667 * self._b) * node_A**self.Qs_power_onAthresh
        except AttributeError:
            transport_capacities_thresh = variable_thresh * self.Qs_thresh_prefactor * runoff_rate**(
                0.66667 * self._b) * node_A**self.Qs_power_onAthresh

        transport_capacity_prefactor_withA = self.Qs_prefactor * runoff_rate**(
            0.6 + self._b / 15.) * node_A**self.Qs_power_onA

        internal_t = 0.
        break_flag = False
        dt_secs = dt * 31557600.
        counter = 0
        rel_sed_flux = np.empty_like(node_Q)
        #excess_vol_overhead = 0.

        while 1:  #use the break flag, to improve computational efficiency for runs which are very stable
            #we assume the drainage structure is forbidden to change during the whole dt
            #print "loop..."
            #note slopes will be *negative* at pits
            #track how many loops we perform:
            counter += 1
            #print counter
            downward_slopes = node_S.clip(0.)
            #positive_slopes = np.greater(downward_slopes, 0.)
            slopes_tothe07 = downward_slopes**0.7
            transport_capacities_S = transport_capacity_prefactor_withA * slopes_tothe07
            trp_diff = (transport_capacities_S -
            transport_capacities = np.sqrt(trp_diff * trp_diff * trp_diff)
            shear_stress = shear_stress_prefactor_timesAparts * slopes_tothe07
            shear_tothe_a = shear_stress**self._a

            dt_this_step = dt_secs - internal_t  #timestep adjustment is made AFTER the dz calc
            node_vol_capacities = transport_capacities * dt_this_step

            sed_into_node = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=float)
            dz = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=float)
            len_s_in = s_in.size
            cell_areas = self.cell_areas
                raise CompileError  #tripped out deliberately for now; doesn't appear to accelerate much
                weave.inline(self.routing_code, [
                    'len_s_in', 'sed_into_node', 'transport_capacities', 'dz',
                    'cell_areas', 'dt_this_step', 'flow_receiver'
            except CompileError:
                for i in s_in[::-1]:  #work downstream
                        cell_area = cell_areas[i]
                    except TypeError:  #it's a float, not an array
                        cell_area = cell_areas
                    sed_flux_into_this_node = sed_into_node[i]
                    node_capacity = transport_capacities[
                        i]  #we work in volume flux, not volume per se here
                    node_vol_capacity = node_vol_capacities[i]
                    if sed_flux_into_this_node < node_vol_capacity:  #note incision is forbidden at capacity
                        #                        sed_flux_ratio = sed_flux_into_this_node/node_capacity
                        #                        fqsqc=self.get_sed_flux_function(sed_flux_ratio)
                        #                        try:
                        #                            thresh = variable_thresh
                        #                        except: #it doesn't exist
                        #                            thresh = self.thresh
                        #                        dz_here = self._K_unit_time*dt_this_step*fqsqc*(shear_tothe_a[i]-thresh).clip(0.) #let's define down as +ve
                        #                        vol_pass_attempted = dz_here*cell_area + sed_flux_into_this_node
                        #                        if vol_pass_attempted > node_vol_capacity:
                        #                            #it's vital we don't allow the final node to erode more than it can remove from the node!!
                        #                            #=>must modify dz_here, not just drop that sed
                        #                            excess_volume = vol_pass_attempted-node_vol_capacity
                        #                            dz_reduction = excess_volume/cell_area
                        #                            dz_here -= dz_reduction
                        #                            #add a "sneak" to stop the transition point developing into a sed deposition shock:
                        #                            if dz_here < 0.:
                        #                                #excess_vol_overhead += (dz_reduction-dz_here)*cell_area
                        #                                #node_vol_capacities[flow_receiver[i]] += excess_vol_overhead
                        #                                dz_here = 0. #this sed packet gets to be "excess overhead" -> it gets freely transported downstream.
                        #                                #...but problems will arise if the system terminates before a boundary cell! (Mass leak)
                        #                                #also, upstream node is still incising freely; it can't feel this.
                        #                                #slopes can still reverse, if the initial gradient was small
                        #                                #=>no node may incise more than the next node down in the previous tstep?
                        #                                #could use this to set dt_internal...
                        #                                #do the "incising" part as normal, then pause once depo occurs,...
                        #                                #then reduce dt_int so it can't dig further than the next node anywhere...
                        #                                #then RERUN, don't scale dz
                        #                            vol_pass = node_vol_capacity
                        #                        else:
                        #                            vol_pass = vol_pass_attempted
                        ##implementing the pseudoimplicit method instead:
                            thresh = variable_thresh
                        except:  #it doesn't exist
                            thresh = self.thresh
                        dz_prefactor = self._K_unit_time * dt_this_step * (
                            shear_tothe_a[i] - thresh).clip(0.)
                        vol_prefactor = dz_prefactor * cell_area
                        dz_here, sed_flux_out, rel_sed_flux_here, error_in_sed_flux = self.get_sed_flux_function_pseudoimplicit(
                            sed_flux_into_this_node, node_vol_capacity,
                            vol_prefactor, dz_prefactor)
                        #note now dz_here may never create more sed than the out can transport...
                        assert sed_flux_out <= node_vol_capacity, 'failed at node ' + str(
                            s_in.size - i) + ' with rel sed flux ' + str(
                                sed_flux_out / node_capacity)
                        rel_sed_flux[i] = rel_sed_flux_here
                        vol_pass = sed_flux_out  #*dt_this_step
                        rel_sed_flux[i] = 1.
                        vol_dropped = sed_flux_into_this_node - node_vol_capacity
                        dz_here = -vol_dropped / cell_area
                        vol_pass = node_vol_capacity

                    dz[i] -= dz_here
                    sed_into_node[flow_receiver[i]] += vol_pass

#            #perform the fractional-slope-change stability analysis
#            elev_diff = node_z - node_z[flow_receiver]
#            delta_dz = dz - dz[flow_receiver] #remember, here dz is DOWN (unlike the TL case)
#            ###delta_dz = np.fabs(delta_dz)
#            ##excess_fraction = delta_dz/elev_diff
#            ##most_flattened_nodes = np.argmax(np.fabs(excess_fraction[grid.core_nodes]))
#            node_flattening = self.fraction_gradient_change*elev_diff - delta_dz #note the condition is that gradient may not change by >X%, not must be >0
#            #note all these things are zero for a pit node
#            most_flattened_nodes = np.argmin(node_flattening[grid.core_nodes])
#            most_flattened_nodes = np.take(grid.core_nodes, most_flattened_nodes) #get it back to node number, not core_node number
#            ##most_flattened_val = np.take(excess_fraction, most_flattened_nodes)
#            ##abs_most_flattened_val = np.fabs(most_flattened_val)
#            most_flattened_val = np.take(node_flattening, most_flattened_nodes)
#            print 'most flattened val: ', most_flattened_val
#            if most_flattened_val>=0.:
#            ##if abs_most_flattened_val<self.fraction_gradient_change:
#                break_flag = True #all nodes are stable
#            else: # a fraction > the critical fraction
#            ###need to think about if we can assume dz and dt behave linearly in these cases...
#            #first impression is that it's OK. Still assume everything works linearly *within any given tstep*
#                most_extreme_elev_diff = np.take(elev_diff, most_flattened_nodes)
#                most_extreme_delta_dz = np.take(delta_dz, most_flattened_nodes)
#                print 'elev_diff: ', most_extreme_elev_diff
#                print 'delta dz: ', most_extreme_delta_dz
#                print '***'
#                dt_fraction = 0.5*self.fraction_gradient_change*most_extreme_elev_diff/most_extreme_delta_dz
#                ##dt_fraction = self.fraction_gradient_change/abs_most_flattened_val
###persistent failure here happens when elev diff manages to reverse itself, which should be forbidden
###this might be showing that a linear model *isn't* adequate
###how about doing all the stability *before* the analysis? Once we have slope, capacity & fldir for all nodes,
###worst case scenario is that all the potential sed gets dumped in this node
###(better case - deduct the transport capacity out). ...isn't this just the TL stability condition??
#                #print 'dt_fraction: ', dt_fraction
#                #correct those elevs
#                dz *= dt_fraction
#                dt_this_step *= dt_fraction
            break_flag = True

            node_z[grid.core_nodes] += dz[grid.core_nodes]

            if break_flag:
            #do we need to reroute the flow/recalc the slopes here? -> NO, slope is such a minor component of Diff we'll be OK
            #BUT could be important not for the stability, but for the actual calc. So YES.
            node_S = np.zeros_like(node_S)
            #print link_length[core_draining_nodes]
            node_S[core_draining_nodes] = (
                node_z - node_z[flow_receiver]
            )[core_draining_nodes] / link_length[core_draining_nodes]
            internal_t += dt_this_step  #still in seconds, remember

        self.grid = grid

        active_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        if io:
                io[active_nodes] = node_z[active_nodes]
            except TypeError:
                if type(io) == str:
                    elev_name = io
                return grid, io

            elev_name = node_elevs

        if self.return_ch_props:
            #add the channel property field entries,
            #'channel_width', 'channel_depth', and 'channel_discharge'
            W = self.k_w * node_Q**self._b
            H = shear_stress / self.rho_g / node_S  #...sneaky!
            grid.at_node['channel_width'] = W
            grid.at_node['channel_depth'] = H

        grid.at_node['channel_discharge'] = node_Q
        grid.at_node['channel_bed_shear_stress'] = shear_stress
            'fluvial_sediment_transport_capacity'] = transport_capacities
        grid.at_node['fluvial_sediment_flux_into_node'] = sed_into_node
        grid.at_node['relative_sediment_flux'] = rel_sed_flux
        #elevs set automatically to the name used in the function call.
        self.iterations_in_dt = counter

        return grid, grid.at_node[elev_name]
예제 #46
    def _eval(self):
        '''Evaluate the integral based on the configuration of algorithm.

        if self.cached_dG == False and self.compiled_QdG_loop == False:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Configuration for pure Python integration is too slow and is not implemented'

        # prepare the array of the control variable discretization
        eps_arr = self.eps_arr
        mu_q_arr = zeros((eps_arr.shape[0], ), dtype='float_')

        # prepare the parameters for the compiled function in
        # a separate dictionary
        c_params = {}

        if self.compiled_eps_loop:

            # for compiled eps_loop the whole input and output array must be passed to c
            c_params['e_arr'] = eps_arr
            c_params['mu_q_arr'] = mu_q_arr
            #c_params['n_eps' ] = n_eps

        if self.compiled_QdG_loop:

            # prepare the lengths of the arrays to set the iteration bounds
            for rv in self.rv_list:
                c_params['%s_flat' % rv.name] = rv.theta_arr

        if len(self.rv_list) > 0:
            if self.cached_dG:
                c_params['dG_grid'] = self.dG_grid
                for rv in self.rv_list:
                    c_params['%s_pdf' % rv.name] = rv.dG_arr
            c_params['dG_grid'] = self.dG_grid

        if self.cached_dG:
            conv = converters.blitz
            conv = converters.default

        t = time.clock()

        if self.compiled_eps_loop:

            # C loop over eps, all inner loops must be compiled as well


            # Python loop over eps
            for idx, e in enumerate(eps_arr):

                if self.compiled_QdG_loop:

                    # C loop over random dimensions
                    c_params['e'] = e  # prepare the parameter
                    mu_q = inline(self.C_code,

                    # Numpy loops over random dimensions
                    # get the rf grid for all combinations of
                    # parameter values
                    Q_grid = self.rf(*e, **self.param_dict)

                    # multiply the response grid with the contributions
                    # of pdf distributions (weighted by the delta of the
                    # random variable disretization)
                    Q_grid *= self.dG_grid

                    # sum all the values to get the integral
                    mu_q = sum(Q_grid)

                # add the value to the return array
                mu_q_arr[idx] = mu_q

        duration = time.clock() - t

        return mu_q_arr, duration
예제 #47
def subtransitionAndWeight(states, y, parameters, alluniforms1, allK1,
                           alluniforms2, allK2):
    code = \
    float tempmeasure1 = 0.;
    float zs1 = 0.;
    float vs1 = 0.;
    float zs2 = 0.;
    float vs2 = 0.;
    int currentk1 = 0;
    int currentk2 = 0;
    float exponentialscale = 0.;
    float sum11 = 0.;
    float sum21 = 0.;
    float sum12 = 0.;
    float sum22 = 0.;
    int k1 = 0;
    int k2 = 0;
    float auxiliaryE1 = 0.;
    float auxiliaryC1 = 0.;
    float auxiliaryE2 = 0.;
    float auxiliaryC2 = 0.;
    exponentialscale = parameters(3) / parameters(2);
    for(int indexk = 0; indexk < Nx; indexk ++){
        sum11 = 0.;
        sum21 = 0.;
        k1 = allK1(indexk);
        for (int indexl = 0; indexl < k1; indexl ++){
            auxiliaryE1 = - log(alluniforms1(currentk1)) * exponentialscale;
            auxiliaryC1 = alluniforms1(currentk1 + 1);
            currentk1 += 2;
            sum11 = sum11 + auxiliaryE1;
            sum21 = sum21 + auxiliaryE1 * exp(-parameters(4) * auxiliaryC1);
        sum12 = 0.;
        sum22 = 0.;
        k2 = allK2(indexk);
        for (int indexl = 0; indexl < k2; indexl ++){
            auxiliaryE2 = - log(alluniforms2(currentk2)) * exponentialscale;
            auxiliaryC2 = alluniforms2(currentk2 + 1);
            currentk2 += 2;
            sum12 = sum12 + auxiliaryE2;
            sum22 = sum22 + auxiliaryE2 * exp(-(parameters(4) + parameters(5)) * auxiliaryC2);
        zs1 = exp(-parameters(4)) * states(indexk, 2) + sum21;
        vs1 = (1 / parameters(4)) * (states(indexk, 2) - zs1 + sum11);
        states(indexk, 1) = vs1;
        states(indexk, 2) = zs1;
        zs2 = exp(- (parameters(4) + parameters(5))) * states(indexk, 4) + sum22;
        vs2 = (1 / (parameters(4) + parameters(5))) * (states(indexk, 4) - zs2 + sum12);
        states(indexk, 3) = vs2;
        states(indexk, 4) = zs2;
        states(indexk, 0) = vs1 + vs2;
        tempmeasure1 = y(0) - (parameters(0) + parameters(1) * states(indexk, 0));
        weights(indexk) = -0.9189385 - 0.5 * log(states(indexk, 0)) - 0.5 / states(indexk, 0) *
                (tempmeasure1 * tempmeasure1);
    y = array([y])
    Nx = states.shape[0]
    weights = zeros(Nx)
    weave.inline(code,['Nx', 'states', 'y', 'parameters', 'weights', 'alluniforms1', \
            'allK1', 'alluniforms2', 'allK2'], \
            type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, libraries = ["m"])
    return {"states": states, "weights": weights}
예제 #48
def fd_decompress(amp,
    """Decompresses an FD waveform using the given amplitude, phase, and the
    frequencies at which they are sampled at.

    amp : array
        The amplitude of the waveform at the sample frequencies.
    phase : array
        The phase of the waveform at the sample frequencies.
    sample_frequencies : array
        The frequency (in Hz) of the waveform at the sample frequencies.
    out : {None, FrequencySeries}
        The output array to save the decompressed waveform to. If this contains
        slots for frequencies > the maximum frequency in sample_frequencies,
        the rest of the values are zeroed. If not provided, must provide a df.
    df : {None, float}
        The frequency step to use for the decompressed waveform. Must be
        provided if out is None.
    f_lower : {None, float}
        The frequency to start the decompression at. If None, will use whatever
        the lowest frequency is in sample_frequencies. All values at
        frequencies less than this will be 0 in the decompressed waveform.
    interpolation : {'linear', str}
        The interpolation to use for the amplitude and phase. Default is
        'linear'. If 'linear' a custom interpolater is used. Otherwise,
        ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d`` is used; for other options, see
        possible values for that function's ``kind`` argument.

    out : FrqeuencySeries
        If out was provided, writes to that array. Otherwise, a new
        FrequencySeries with the decompressed waveform.
    precision = _precision_map[sample_frequencies.dtype.name]
    if _precision_map[amp.dtype.name] != precision or \
            _precision_map[phase.dtype.name] != precision:
        raise ValueError("amp, phase, and sample_points must all have the "
                         "same precision")
    if out is None:
        if df is None:
            raise ValueError("Either provide output memory or a df")
        hlen = int(numpy.ceil(sample_frequencies.max() / df + 1))
        out = FrequencySeries(numpy.zeros(hlen,
        # check for precision compatibility
        if out.precision == 'double' and precision == 'single':
            raise ValueError("cannot cast single precision to double")
        df = out.delta_f
        hlen = len(out)
    if f_lower is None:
        imin = 0
        f_lower = sample_frequencies[0]
        if f_lower >= sample_frequencies.max():
            raise ValueError("f_lower is > than the maximum sample frequency")
        imin = int(numpy.searchsorted(sample_frequencies, f_lower))
    start_index = int(numpy.floor(f_lower / df))
    # interpolate the amplitude and the phase
    if interpolation == "linear":
        if precision == 'single':
            code = _linear_decompress_code32
            code = _linear_decompress_code
        # use custom interpolation
        sflen = len(sample_frequencies)
        h = numpy.array(out.data, copy=False)
        delta_f = float(df)
        inline(code, ['h', 'hlen', 'sflen', 'delta_f', 'sample_frequencies',
                      'amp', 'phase', 'start_index', 'imin'],
               extra_compile_args=[WEAVE_FLAGS + '-march=native -O3 -w'] +\
        # use scipy for fancier interpolation
        outfreq = out.sample_frequencies.numpy()
        amp_interp = interpolate.interp1d(sample_frequencies.numpy(),
        phase_interp = interpolate.interp1d(sample_frequencies.numpy(),
        A = amp_interp(outfreq)
        phi = phase_interp(outfreq)
        out.data[:] = A * numpy.cos(phi) + (1j) * A * numpy.sin(phi)
    return out
예제 #49
def calculate_capacity(surface_displacement, capacity_parameters):
    Calculate the building capacity curve

        |          ___________
        |      ___/    - flat region
     SA |    _/    - exponential decay region
        |   /
        |  / - linear region
        | /
    #Fixme - add unit information.
    # print "surface_displacement", surface_displacement
    Dy, Ay, Du, Au, a, b, c = capacity_parameters
    num_sites, num_events, num_periods = surface_displacement.shape
    assert surface_displacement.shape == (num_sites, num_events, num_periods)
    assert Dy.shape == Ay.shape == Du.shape == Au.shape == a.shape == b.shape == c.shape
    assert (Dy.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)
            ) or (Dy.shape == (num_sites, 1, 1))
    capacity = zeros((num_sites, num_events, num_periods), dtype=float)
    # print 'surface_displacement',surface_displacement[0,0:5]
    # print Dy.shape
    # y1=(Ay/Dy)*surface_displacement # linear region
    # y2=a*exp(surface_displacement*-b)+c # exp region
    # y3=c;  #constant part

    # b1=(surface_displacement<=Dy) # linear region
    # b2=((surface_displacement>Dy)&(surface_displacement<Du)) # exp region
    # b3=(surface_displacement>Du) # flat region
    # capacity=(b1*y1+b2*y2+b3*y3)
    code = """
    double Dyy,Duu,Ayy,aa,bb,cc;
    double sd;

    for (int i=0; i<num_sites; ++i){
        for (int j=0; j<num_events; ++j){
            for (int k=0;k<num_periods;++k){
                if (sd<=Dyy){
                else if ((sd>Dyy)&(sd<Duu)){
    return_val = 0;
    if (Dy.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)):
        Ay = Ay[:,:, 0]
        Dy = Dy[:,:, 0]
        Du = Du[:,:, 0]
        a = a[:,:, 0]
        b = b[:,:, 0]
        c = c[:,:, 0]
        code = code.replace('get_constants',

                            'aa=a(i,j);bb=b(i,j);cc=c(i,j);' +
        # print code
                         ['num_sites', 'num_events', 'num_periods',
                          'surface_displacement', 'capacity',
                          'a', 'b', 'c', 'Du', 'Dy', 'Ay'],
        except IOError:
            raise WeaveIOError
        assert Dy.shape == (num_sites, 1, 1)
        Ay = Ay[:, 0, 0]
        Dy = Dy[:, 0, 0]
        Du = Du[:, 0, 0]
        a = a[:, 0, 0]
        b = b[:, 0, 0]
        c = c[:, 0, 0]
        code = code.replace('get_constants',

                            'aa=a(i);bb=b(i);cc=c(i);' +
        # print code
                         ['num_sites', 'num_events', 'num_periods',
                          'surface_displacement', 'capacity',
                          'a', 'b', 'c', 'Du', 'Dy', 'Ay'],
        except IOError:
            raise WeaveIOError
    return capacity
예제 #50
    def OU_generator_weave1(self,
        Generates an Orstein Ulbeck process using the forward euler method. The function returns
        an AnalogSignal object.

        OU_generator_weave1, as opposed to OU_generator, uses scipy.weave
        and is thus much faster.

            dt      - the time resolution in milliseconds of th signal
            tau     - the correlation time in milliseconds
            sigma   - std dev of the process
            y0      - initial value of the process, at t_start
            t_start - start time in milliseconds
            t_stop  - end time in milliseconds
            array   - if True, the functions returns the tuple (y,t)
                      where y and t are the OU signal and the time bins, respectively,
                      and are both numpy arrays.

            >> stgen.OU_generator_weave1(0.1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 10000)

        See also:
            import scipy.weave as weave
            import weave

        import time

        if time_it:
            t1 = time.time()

        t = numpy.arange(t_start, t_stop, dt)
        N = len(t)
        y = numpy.zeros(N, float)
        y[0] = y0
        fac = dt / tau
        gauss = fac * y0 + numpy.sqrt(
            2 * fac) * sigma * self.rng.standard_normal(N - 1)

        # python loop... bad+slow!
        #for i in xrange(1,len(t)):
        # y[i] = y[i-1]+dt/tau*(y0-y[i-1])+numpy.sqrt(2*dt/tau)*sigma*numpy.ran
        # dom.normal()
        # use weave instead
        code = """

        double f = 1.0-fac;

        for(int i=1;i<Ny[0];i++) {
          y(i) = y(i-1)*f + gauss(i-1);

        weave.inline(code, ['y', 'gauss', 'fac'],

        if time_it:
            print('Elapsed ', time.time() - t1, ' seconds.')

        if array:
            return (y, t)
            raise NotImplementedError()
예제 #51
def transitionAndWeight(states, y, parameters,
                        t):  #here, the last argument t now becomes useful
    if t == 0:
        time = Time[
            0] - Time_start  #the duration from last state to the current
        time = Time[t] - Time[t - 1]

    # Negative bin is too slow in the c code below, so approximate it by Gaussisan
    # code = \
    # """
    # int temp1;
    # int temp2;
    # double p;
    # int n;
    # for (int j = 0; j < Ntheta; j++)
    # {
    #     for (int k = 0; k < Nx; k++)
    #     {
    #         states(k, 0, j) =  states(k, 0, j) * exp( parameters(2, j) * (%(time)s) + parameters(1, j) * noise(k,j) );
    #         p = 1 / (1 + parameters(0, j) * states(k, 0, j));
    #         n = (int) states(k, 0, j) * p / (1-p);
    #         temp1 = 1;
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= y(0); i++)
    #         {
    #             temp1 = temp1 * (1-p) / i;
    #         }
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= n+y(0)-1; i++)
    #         {
    #             temp1 = temp1 * i;
    #         }
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= n-1; i++)
    #         {
    #             temp1 = temp1 * p / i;
    #         }
    #         temp1 = temp1 * p;

    #         temp2 = 1;
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= y(1); i++)
    #         {
    #             temp2 = temp2 * (1-p) / i;
    #         }
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= n+y(1)-1; i++)
    #         {
    #             temp2 = temp2 * i;
    #         }
    #         for (int i = 1; i <= n-1; i++)
    #         {
    #             temp2 = temp2 * p / i;
    #         }
    #         temp2 = temp2 * p;

    #         weights(k, j) = temp1 * temp2;
    #     }
    # }
    # double HScoreInferenceFlag = (double) %(HScoreInference)s;
    # if ( HScoreInferenceFlag > 0 )
    # {
    #     double tbd = 0;
    # }
    # """ % {"time": time, "HScoreInference": HScoreInference} #the inline code first sample states and udpate weights, then normalize the weights,

    # the code below uses Gaussian approx.
    # code = \
    # """
    # double R;
    # double loglik1;
    # double loglik2;
    # for (int j = 0; j < Ntheta; j++)
    # {
    #     for (int k = 0; k < Nx; k++)
    #     {
    #         states(k, 0, j) =  states(k, 0, j) * exp( parameters(1, j) * noise(k,j) );
    #         R = states(k, 0, j) + parameters(0, j) * states(k, 0, j) * states(k, 0, j);
    #         loglik1 = -0.9189385 - 0.5 * log(R) - 0.5 / R * ((double) y(0) - states(k, 0, j)) * ((double) y(0) - states(k, 0, j));
    #         loglik2 = -0.9189385 - 0.5 * log(R) - 0.5 / R * ((double) y(1) - states(k, 0, j)) * ((double) y(1) - states(k, 0, j));
    #         weights(k, j) = loglik1 + loglik2;
    #     }
    # }
    # double HScoreInferenceFlag = (double) %(HScoreInference)s;
    # if ( HScoreInferenceFlag > 0 )
    # {
    #     ;
    # }
    # """ % {"time": time, "HScoreInference": HScoreInference}

    # the code below uses negative bin likelihood
    code = \
    for (int j = 0; j < Ntheta; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < Nx; k++)
            states(k, 0, j) =  states(k, 0, j) * exp( parameters(1, j) * noise(k,j) ); 
    double HScoreInferenceFlag = (double) %(HScoreInference)s;
    if ( HScoreInferenceFlag > 0 )
    """ % {"time": time, "HScoreInference": HScoreInference}

    dimY = y.shape[0]
    # if dimY == 1:
    # print '\n', dimY
    if dimY == 2:  #make sure we are in inference, instead of synthetic-data generating
        y0 = int(y[0])
        y1 = int(y[1])
    # y = array([y]) #input to the c++ code must be array type
    Nx = states.shape[0]
    Dx = states.shape[1]  #state dimension, which is M here
    Dparam = parameters.shape[0]  #dimension of the postulated model/parameter
    Ntheta = states.shape[2]
    weights = zeros((Nx, Ntheta))
    weightsNormalized = zeros(
        (Nx, Ntheta))  #normalized and exponentialed weights
    grad = zeros(Ntheta)
    lap = zeros(Ntheta)
    simpleHScore = zeros(Ntheta)
    noise = random.multivariate_normal(repeat(0, 1), [[time]],
                                       (Nx, Ntheta))  #dim: Nx x Ntheta x M
    weave.inline(code,['Nx', 'Ntheta', 'Dx', 'Dparam', 'states', 'y', 'parameters', 'noise', 'weights', \
            'simpleHScore', 'grad', 'lap', 'weightsNormalized', 'time'], \
            type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, libraries = ["m"])
    # print '\n'
    # print y[0][0]
    # print y[0]
    # for k in range(Nx):
    #     p = 1 / (1 + parameters[0,:] * states[k,0,:])
    #     p = minimum(p, 1-1e-4)
    #     n = maximum(1, floor(states[k,0,:] * p / (1-p)) ).astype(int32)
    #     weights[k,:] = nbinom.logpmf(y0, n, p) + nbinom.logpmf(y1, n, p)
    if dimY == 2:  #make sure we are in inference, instead of synthetic-data generating
        p = zeros((Nx, Ntheta))
        n = zeros((Nx, Ntheta))
        for k in range(Nx):
            p[k, :] = 1 / (1 + parameters[0, :] * states[k, 0, :])
            p[k, :] = minimum(p[k, :], 1 - 1e-7)
            p[k, :] = maximum(p[k, :], 1e-7)  #to prevent overflow
            states[k, 0, :] = minimum(states[k, 0, :],
                                      1e7)  #to prevent overflow
            n[k, :] = maximum(1,
                              floor(states[k, 0, :] * p[k, :] /
                                    (1 - p[k, :]))).astype(int32)
        weights[...] = nbinom.logpmf(y0, n, p) + nbinom.logpmf(y1, n, p)
    return {
        "states": states,
        "weights": weights,
        "simpleHScore": simpleHScore
    }  #the xweights are logged
예제 #52
def calculate_updated_demand(periods, SA0, SD0, Ra, Rv, Rd, TAV, TVD,
    update the demand, given original responses, damping factors,
    and corner periods.
    periods = periods[newaxis, newaxis, ...]
    TAV = TAV[:,:, newaxis]
    TVD = TVD[:,:, newaxis]
    assert len(periods.shape) == 3
    assert len(TAV.shape) == 3
    assert len(TVD.shape) == 3
    # print 'SA0',SA0[:,0:5]
    # print 'SD0',SD0[:,0:5]
    # print 'TAV',TAV[:,0:5]
    # print 'TVD',TVD[:,0:5]
    num_sites, num_events, num_periods = SA0.shape
    assert TAV.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)
    assert TVD.shape == (1, num_events, 1)
    assert periods.shape == (1, 1, num_periods)
    TAV = TAV[:,:, 0]
    TVD = TVD[0,:, 0]
    periods = periods[0, 0]
    assert SA0.shape == (num_sites, num_events, num_periods)
    assert SD0.shape == (num_sites, num_events, num_periods)

    assert ((Ra.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1) and
             Rv.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1) and
             Rd.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)) or
            (Ra.shape == (1, 1, 1) and
             Rv.shape == (1, 1, 1) and
             Rd.shape == (1, 1, 1)))

    R = zeros((num_sites, num_events, num_periods), dtype=float)

    assert TAV.shape == (num_sites, num_events)
    assert TVD.shape == (num_events,)
    assert periods.shape == (num_periods,)
    code = """
    double AV,VD;
    double p;
    for (int i=0; i<num_sites; ++i){
        for (int j=0; j<num_events; ++j){

            for (int k=0;k<num_periods;++k){
                if (p<=AV){
                else if (p<=VD){


    return_val = 0;

    if Ra.shape == (1, 1, 1):
        assert Rv.shape == (1, 1, 1)
        assert Rd.shape == (1, 1, 1)
        code = code.replace('get_R',
        code = code.replace('Raa',
        code = code.replace('Rvv',
        code = code.replace('Rdd',
        Ra = float(Ra[0, 0, 0])
        Rv = float(Rv[0, 0, 0])
        Rd = float(Rd[0, 0, 0])
                         ['num_sites', 'num_events', 'num_periods',
                          'Ra', 'Rv', 'Rd', 'R', 'periods',
                          'TAV', 'TVD'],
        except IOError:
            raise WeaveIOError
        assert Ra.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)
        assert Rv.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)
        assert Rd.shape == (num_sites, num_events, 1)
        Ra = (Ra[:,:, 0])    
        Rv = (Rv[:,:, 0])    
        Rd = (Rd[:,:, 0])    
        code = code.replace('get_R',
        code = 'double Raa,Rvv,Rdd;' + code

                         ['num_sites', 'num_events', 'num_periods',
                          'Ra', 'Rv', 'Rd', 'R', 'periods',
                          'TAV', 'TVD'],
        except IOError:
            raise WeaveIOError

    if csm_damping_use_smoothing == CSM_DAMPING_USE_SMOOTHING:
          1:-1] = 0.25 * R[...,
                           0:-2] + 0.5 * R[...,
                                           1:-1] + 0.25 * R[...,
    SAnew = SA0 / R
    SDnew = SD0 / R
    return SAnew, SDnew
예제 #53
    def lens_map(self, map, use_Pool=0, tidy=True, crude=0, do_not_prefilter=False):
        Lens the input map according to the displacement fields dx dy. 'map' typically could be (8192 * 8192) np array,
        or the path to the array on disk.

        Does this by splitting the job in chunks (of typically (256 * 256), as specified by the LD_res parameters)
        allowing a buffer size to ensure the junctions are properly performed.

        Set use_Pool to a power of two to use explicit threading via the multiprocessing module, or, if < 0,
        to perform the operation on the GPU.
        if > 0 'use_Pool' ** 2 is the number of threads. On laptop and Darwin use_Pool = 16 has the best performances.
        It use_Pool is set, then 'map' must be the path to the map to lens or map will be saved to disk.
        # TODO : could evaluate the splines at low res.
        assert self.load_map(map).shape == self.shape, (self.load_map(map).shape, self.shape)
        if crude > 0:
            return self.lens_map_crude(map, crude)
        if use_Pool < 0:
            # use of GPU :
                from lensit.gpu import lens_GPU
                assert 0, 'Import of mllens lens_GPU failed !'

            GPU_res = np.array(lens_GPU.GPU_HDres_max)
            if np.all(np.array(self.HD_res) <= GPU_res):
                return lens_GPU.lens_onGPU(map, self.get_dx_ingridunits(), self.get_dy_ingridunits(),
            LD_res, buffers = get_GPUbuffers(GPU_res)
            assert np.all(np.array(buffers) > (np.array(self.buffers) + 5.)), (buffers, self.buffers)
            Nchunks = 2 ** (np.sum(np.array(self.HD_res) - np.array(LD_res)))
            lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)  # Output
            dx_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            dy_N = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            unl_CMBN = np.empty((2 ** LD_res[0] + 2 * buffers[0], 2 ** LD_res[1] + 2 * buffers[1]))
            if self.verbose:
                print '++ lensing map :' \
                      '   splitting map on GPU , chunk shape %s, buffers %s' % (dx_N.shape, buffers)
            spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
            for N in xrange(Nchunks):
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers)
                for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
                    dx_N[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                    dy_N[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                    unl_CMBN[sLD] = self.load_map(map)[sHD]
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, LD_res, self.HD_res, buffers, inverse=True)
                lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = lens_GPU.lens_onGPU(unl_CMBN, dx_N, dy_N, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)[
            return lensed_map

        elif use_Pool > 100:
            if not isinstance(map, str):
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                np.save(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank, map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk():
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy(self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank))  # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map, str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank
            ret = ffs_pool.get_lens_Pooled(self.mk_args(path_to_map, self.dx, self.dy),
                                           root_Nthreads=use_Pool % 100, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)
            if tidy:
                if os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank):
                    os.remove(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank)
            return ret

        elif use_Pool == 100 or use_Pool == 101:
            assert self.load_map(map).shape == self.shape, self.load_map(map).shape
            s = self.chk_shape
            idc0, idc1 = np.indices(s)  # Two (256 * 256) maps
            dx_gu = np.empty(s)  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
            dy_gu = np.empty(s)  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
            map_chk = np.empty(s)  # Will be map chunk
            # (typ. (256 * 256) )
            lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)
            spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter()  # library to split periodic maps.
            for N in xrange(self.N_chks):
                # doing chunk N
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, self.buffers)
                for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
                    # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
                    dx_gu[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                    dy_gu[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                    map_chk[sLD] = self.load_map(map)[sHD]

                if do_not_prefilter:
                    # Undoing the prefiltering prior to apply bicubic interpolation
                    map_chk = np.fft.rfft2(map_chk)
                    w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(s[0])) + 4.)
                    map_chk /= np.outer(w0, w0[0:map_chk.shape[1]])
                    map_chk = np.fft.irfft2(map_chk, s)

                lx = (idc1 + dx_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
                ly = (idc0 + dy_gu).flatten()  # No need to enforce periodicity here.
                sLDs, sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res, self.buffers, inverse=True)
                lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(s[0]), np.arange(s[1]),
                                                                      map_chk, kx=self.k, ky=self.k).ev(ly, lx).reshape(
            return lensed_map
        elif use_Pool == 0 or use_Pool == 1:
            assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1], self.shape
            bicubicspline = r"\
                           int i,j;\
                          for( j= 0; j < width; j++ )\
                              for( i = 0; i < width; i++)\
                                  lenmap[j * width + i] = bicubiclensKernel(filtmap,i + dx_gu[j * width + i],j + dy_gu[j * width + i],width);\
            header = r' "%s/lensit/gpu/bicubicspline.h" ' % li.LENSITDIR
            if do_not_prefilter:
                filtmap = self.load_map(map).astype(np.float64)
                # TODO : may want to add pyFFTW here as well
                filtmap = np.fft.rfft2(self.load_map(map))
                w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(filtmap.shape[0])) + 4.)
                filtmap *= np.outer(w0, w0[0:filtmap.shape[1]])
                filtmap = np.fft.irfft2(filtmap, self.shape)

            lenmap = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
            dx_gu = self.get_dx_ingridunits().astype(np.float64)
            dy_gu = self.get_dy_ingridunits().astype(np.float64)
            width = int(self.shape[0])
            assert self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]
            weave.inline(bicubicspline, ['lenmap', 'filtmap', 'dx_gu', 'dy_gu', 'width'], headers=[header])
            return lenmap

        elif use_Pool > 1 and use_Pool < 100:
            # TODO : may want to add pyFFTW here as well
            if not isinstance(map, str):
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                np.save(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank, map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk():
                assert self.has_lib_dir(), "Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy(self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank))  # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map, str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank
            ret = ffs_pool.get_lens_Pooled_weave(self.mk_args(path_to_map, self.dx, self.dy),
                                                 root_Nthreads=use_Pool, do_not_prefilter=do_not_prefilter)
            if tidy:
                if os.path.exists(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank):
                    os.remove(self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens_rank%s.npy' % pbs.rank)
            return ret

            assert 0
예제 #54
    def nextFrame(self):
        # If first call initialise data structures...
        if self.output == None:
            self.output = numpy.empty((self.height(), self.width()),
            self.vote = numpy.empty((self.height(), self.width(), 6),

        # Get the inputs...
        flow = self.flow.fetch(self.flowChannel)
        mask = self.mask.fetch(self.maskChannel)

        # Do the work...
        code = start_cpp() + """
    // Zero the vote array - first 5 entrys map to the words, 6th entry is the vote for 'no-word'...
     for (int y=0;y<Nvote[0];y++)
      for (int x=0;x<Nvote[1];x++)
       for (int c=0;c<Nvote[2];c++) VOTE3(y,x,c) = 0;

    // Iterate the pixels, make them each cast a vote...
     for (int y=0;y<Nflow[0];y++)
      for (int x=0;x<Nflow[1];x++)
       int vy = y / gridSize;
       int vx = x / gridSize;

       if (MASK2(y,x)!=0)
        float speed = sqrt(FLOW3(y,x,0)*FLOW3(y,x,0) + FLOW3(y,x,1)*FLOW3(y,x,1));
        if (speed<threshold) VOTE3(vy,vx,0) += 1;
         if (fabs(FLOW3(y,x,0))>fabs(FLOW3(y,x,1)))
          // dy is greater than dx...
           if (FLOW3(y,x,0)>0.0) VOTE3(vy,vx,2) += 1;
           else VOTE3(vy,vx,4) += 1;
          // dx is greater than dy...
           if (FLOW3(y,x,1)>0.0) VOTE3(vy,vx,1) += 1;
           else VOTE3(vy,vx,3) += 1;
       else VOTE3(vy,vx,5) += 1;

    // Count the votes, declare the winners...
     for (int y=0;y<Nvote[0];y++)
      for (int x=0;x<Nvote[1];x++)
       int maxIndex = 0;
       for (int c=1;c<Nvote[2];c++)
        if (VOTE3(y,x,c)>VOTE3(y,x,maxIndex)) maxIndex = c;

       if (maxIndex==5) maxIndex = -1;
       OUTPUT2(y,x) = maxIndex;

        output = self.output
        vote = self.vote

        threshold = self.threshold
        gridSize = self.gridSize

            code, ['flow', 'mask', 'output', 'vote', 'threshold', 'gridSize'])

        return True
예제 #55
def linear_itpl(p, gpval, pout, do_exp=False):
    """ this function is used to interpolate complicated species
            p: logp values
            gpval: gp values at given Ps
            pout: the location where the values will interpolated to
            do_exp: if True, the extrapolation will be done
            yout, [p1, p2, wgt]: the gpval at pout, and its locations 

    out_shape = shape(pout)
    # print 'shape p'
    # print shape(p)
    # print shape(pout)

    wgt = zeros(out_shape, float)
    outval = zeros(out_shape, float)
    nxp = size(p)
    nyp = size(wgt)
    pr = zeros(out_shape, int)
    pl = zeros(out_shape, int)

    gp = gpval
    x = p
    xout = pout

    # print nxp, nyp

    c_code = """
    int i, j,l;
    for (i=0; i<nyp; ++i){
    for (l=j; l<nxp;++l) {
    if (x[l]>=xout[i]) break;
    if (l==0){
    else if (l>=nxp){
    else {
                      ['nxp', 'nyp', 'x', 'xout', 'gp', 'outval', 'pl', 'pr', 'wgt'])

    return outval, [pl, pr, wgt]
예제 #56
    def get_inverse_chk_N(self, N, NR_iter=None):
        Returns inverse displacement in chunk N
        Uses periodic boundary conditions, which is not applicable to chunks, thus there
        will be boudary effects on the edges (2 or 4 pixels depending on the rule). Make sure the buffer is large enough.
        if NR_iter is None: NR_iter = self.NR_iter

        # Inverse magn. elements. (with a minus sign) We may need to spline these later for further NR iterations :
        extra_buff = np.array((5, 5)) * (
            np.array(self.chk_shape) != np.array(self.shape))  # To avoid surprises with the periodic derivatives
        dx = np.zeros(self.chk_shape + 2 * extra_buff)  # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        dy = np.zeros(self.chk_shape + 2 * extra_buff)  # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        sLDs, sHDs = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter().get_slices_chk_N(N, self.LD_res, self.HD_res,
                                                                        (self.buffers[0] + extra_buff[0],
                                                                         self.buffers[1] + extra_buff[1]))

        rmin0 = self.lsides[0] / self.shape[0]
        rmin1 = self.lsides[1] / self.shape[1]

        for sLD, sHD in zip(sLDs, sHDs):
            dx[sLD] = self.get_dx()[sHD] / rmin1  # Need grid units displacement for the bicubic spline
            dy[sLD] = self.get_dy()[sHD] / rmin0
        # Jacobian matrix of the chunk :
        sl0 = slice(extra_buff[0], dx.shape[0] - extra_buff[0])
        sl1 = slice(extra_buff[1], dx.shape[1] - extra_buff[1])

        Minv_yy = - (PDP(dx, axis=1)[sl0, sl1] + 1.)
        Minv_xx = - (PDP(dy, axis=0)[sl0, sl1] + 1.)
        Minv_xy = PDP(dy, axis=1)[sl0, sl1]
        Minv_yx = PDP(dx, axis=0)[sl0, sl1]
        dx = dx[sl0, sl1]
        dy = dy[sl0, sl1]

        det = Minv_yy * Minv_xx - Minv_xy * Minv_yx
        if not np.all(det > 0.): print "ffs_displ::Negative value in det k : something's weird, you'd better check that"
        # Inverse magn. elements. (with a minus sign) We may need to spline these later for further NR iterations :
        Minv_xx /= det
        Minv_yy /= det
        Minv_xy /= det
        Minv_yx /= det
        del det
        ex = (Minv_xx * dx + Minv_xy * dy)
        ey = (Minv_yx * dx + Minv_yy * dy)

        if NR_iter == 0: return ex * rmin1, ey * rmin0

        # Setting up a bunch of splines to interpolate the increment to the displacement according to Newton-Raphson.
        # Needed are splines of the forward displacement and of the (inverse, as implemented here) magnification matrix.
        # Hopefully the map resolution is enough to spline the magnification matrix.
        s0, s1 = self.chk_shape
        r0 = s0
        r1 = s1 / 2 + 1  # rfft shape

        w0 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * Freq(np.arange(r0), s0) / s0) + 4.)
        w1 = 6. / (2. * np.cos(2. * np.pi * Freq(np.arange(r1), s1) / s1) + 4.)
        # FIXME: switch to pyfftw :
        bic_filter = lambda _map: np.fft.irfft2(np.fft.rfft2(_map) * np.outer(w0, w1))

        dx = bic_filter(dx)
        dy = bic_filter(dy)
        Minv_xy = bic_filter(Minv_xy)
        Minv_yx = bic_filter(Minv_yx)
        Minv_xx = bic_filter(Minv_xx)
        Minv_yy = bic_filter(Minv_yy)

        header = r' "%s/lensit/gpu/bicubicspline.h" ' % li.LENSITDIR
        iterate = r"\
            double fx,fy;\
            double ex_len_dx,ey_len_dy,len_Mxx,len_Mxy,len_Myx,len_Myy;\
            int i = 0;\
            for(int y= 0; y < width; y++ )\
               for(int x = 0; x < width; x++,i++)\
                fx = x +  ex[i];\
                fy = y +  ey[i];\
                ex_len_dx = ex[i] +  bicubiclensKernel(dx,fx,fy,width);\
                ey_len_dy = ey[i] +  bicubiclensKernel(dy,fx,fy,width);\
                len_Mxx =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_xx,fx,fy,width);\
                len_Myy =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_yy,fx,fy,width);\
                len_Mxy =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_xy,fx,fy,width);\
                len_Myx =  bicubiclensKernel(Minv_yx,fx,fy,width);\
                ex[i] += len_Mxx * ex_len_dx + len_Mxy * ey_len_dy;\
                ey[i] += len_Myx * ex_len_dx + len_Myy * ey_len_dy;\
        width = int(s0)
        assert s0 == s1, 'Havent checked how this works with rectangular maps'
        for i in range(0, NR_iter):
            weave.inline(iterate, ['ex', 'ey', 'dx', 'dy', 'Minv_xx', 'Minv_yy', 'Minv_xy', 'Minv_yx', 'width'],
        return ex * rmin1, ey * rmin0
예제 #57
    def exponentialFiltering_ref(self, V, spks_ind, theta_tau) :
        Auxiliary function used to compute the matrix Y used in maximum likelihood.
        This function compute a set of integrals:
        theta_i(t) = \int_0^T 1\tau_theta exp(-s/tau_theta) g_j{ V(t-s) }ds
        After each spike in spks_ind theta_i(t) is reset to 0 mV and the integration restarts.
        The function returns a matrix where each line is given by theta_i(t).
        Input parameters:
        - V : numpy array containing the voltage trace (in mV)
        - spks_ind   : list of spike times in ms (used to reset)
        - theta_tau  : ms, timescale used in the intergration.
        # Input parameters
        p_T         = len(V)
        p_dt        = self.dt
        p_Tref      = self.Tref
        # Model parameters  definin threshold coupling      
        p_theta_tau = theta_tau
        p_theta_bins = self.theta_bins
        p_theta_bins = p_theta_bins.astype("double")

        # Define arrays
        V = np.array(V, dtype="double")

        R      = len(self.theta_bins)-1                 # subthreshold coupling theta
        theta  = np.zeros((p_T,R))
        theta  = theta.astype("double")

        spks   = np.array(spks_ind, dtype='double')
        p_spks_L = len(spks)
        code =  """
                #include <math.h>
                int   T_ind      = int(p_T);                
                float dt         = float(p_dt); 
                int   Tref_ind   = int(float(p_Tref)/dt);     
                float theta_tau  = float(p_theta_tau);

                float theta_taufactor = (1.0-dt/theta_tau);                 
                int spks_L     = int(p_spks_L);  
                int spks_cnt   = 0;
                int next_spike = int(spks(0));
                for (int t=0; t<T_ind-1; t++) {
                    // INTEGRATION THRESHOLD DYNAMICS      
                    for (int r=0; r<R; r++) { 
                        theta(t+1,r) = theta_taufactor*theta(t,r);                           // everybody decay
                        if ( V(t) >= p_theta_bins(r) && V(t) < p_theta_bins(r+1) ) {         // identify who integrates
                            theta(t+1,r) += dt/theta_tau;

                    // MANAGE RESET        
                    if ( t+1 >= next_spike ) {                                        
                        if(spks_cnt < spks_L) {
                            spks_cnt  += 1;
                            next_spike = int(spks(spks_cnt));
                        else {
                            next_spike = T_ind+1;
                        if ( t + Tref_ind < T_ind-1 ) { 
                            for (int r=0; r<R; r++)  
                                theta(t + Tref_ind ,r) = 0.0;                                // reset         
                        t = t + Tref_ind; 
        vars = [ 'spks', 'p_spks_L', 'theta', 'R', 'p_theta_tau', 'p_theta_bins', 'p_T','p_dt','p_Tref','V' ]
        v = weave.inline(code, vars, type_converters=converters.blitz)
        return theta
예제 #58
    def getpos(self, val):
        """ get boundary for given value(s) 
        pl, pr: left and right position of the value(s):
        if (val>max) the boundary is set to right-most
        if (val<min) the boundary is set to left most
        it maybe is quicker than checkpos for one array

        use_c = False
        sgl_val = False
        aval = array(val)
        tmp_sh = shape(aval)

        if (len(tmp_sh) == 0):
            # then we choose to return as single value instead of array
            sgl_val = True

        if (use_c):

            x = self.ax_grd

            nxp = size(x)

            if (sgl_val):
                nyp = 1
                xout = array([aval])

                nyp = size(aval)
                xout = aval

            pl = zeros(nyp)
            pr = zeros(nyp)

            c_code = """

            int i, j,l;
            for (i=0; i<nyp; ++i){
            for (l=0; l<nxp;++l) {
            if (x[l]>=xout[i]) break;
            if (l==0){

            else if (l>=nxp){
            else {

                              ['nxp', 'nyp', 'x','xout', 'pl', 'pr'])
            lp = pl.astype(int)
            rp = pr.astype(int)
            # print max(rp), nyp


            rp = searchsorted(self.ax_grd, aval)
            if (sgl_val):
                if (rp == 0):
                    lp = 0
                elif (rp == self.np):
                    rp = rp - 1
                    lp = rp
                    lp = rp - 1
                lp = where(rp == 0, 0, rp - 1)
                lp = where(lp == self.np, self.np - 1, lp)
                rp = where(rp == self.np, self.np - 1, rp)

        return lp, rp
예제 #59
    def simulate(self, I, V0):
        Simulate the spiking response of the GIF model to an input current I (nA) with time step dt.
        V0 (mV) indicate the initial condition V(0)=V0.
        The function returns:
        - time     : ms, support for V, eta_sum, V_T, spks
        - V        : mV, membrane potential
        - eta_sum  : nA, adaptation current
        - V_T      : mV, firing threshold
        - spks     : ms, list of spike times 
        # Input parameters
        p_T         = len(I)
        p_dt        = self.dt
        # Model parameters
        p_gl        = self.gl
        p_C         = self.C 
        p_El        = self.El
        p_Vr        = self.Vr
        p_Tref      = self.Tref
        p_Vt_star   = self.Vt_star
        p_DV        = self.DV
        p_lambda0   = self.lambda0

        # Model parameters  definin threshold coupling      
        p_theta_tau = self.theta_tau
        p_theta_bins = self.theta_bins
        p_theta_bins = p_theta_bins.astype("double")
        p_theta_i    = self.theta_i       
        p_theta_i    = p_theta_i.astype("double")
        # Model kernels   
        (p_eta_support, p_eta) = self.eta.getInterpolatedFilter(self.dt)   
        p_eta       = p_eta.astype('double')
        p_eta_l     = len(p_eta)

        (p_gamma_support, p_gamma) = self.gamma.getInterpolatedFilter(self.dt)   
        p_gamma     = p_gamma.astype('double')
        p_gamma_l   = len(p_gamma)
        # Define arrays
        V = np.array(np.zeros(p_T), dtype="double")
        I = np.array(I, dtype="double")

        theta_trace = np.array(np.zeros(p_T), dtype="double")        
        R     = len(self.theta_bins)-1                 # subthreshold coupling theta
        theta = np.zeros((p_T,R))
        theta = theta.astype("double")

        spks = np.array(np.zeros(p_T), dtype="double")                      
        eta_sum = np.array(np.zeros(p_T + 2*p_eta_l), dtype="double")
        gamma_sum = np.array(np.zeros(p_T + 2*p_gamma_l), dtype="double")            
        # Set initial condition
        V[0] = V0
        code =  """
                #include <math.h>
                int   T_ind      = int(p_T);                
                float dt         = float(p_dt); 
                float gl         = float(p_gl);
                float C          = float(p_C);
                float El         = float(p_El);
                float Vr         = float(p_Vr);
                int   Tref_ind   = int(float(p_Tref)/dt);
                float Vt_star    = float(p_Vt_star);
                float DeltaV     = float(p_DV);
                float lambda0    = float(p_lambda0);
                float theta_tau  = float(p_theta_tau);

                int eta_l        = int(p_eta_l);
                int gamma_l      = int(p_gamma_l);
                float rand_max  = float(RAND_MAX); 
                float p_dontspike = 0.0 ;
                float lambda = 0.0 ;            
                float rr = 0.0;

                float theta_taufactor = (1.0-dt/theta_tau);                 
                for (int t=0; t<T_ind-1; t++) {
                    // INTEGRATE VOLTAGE
                    V[t+1] = V[t] + dt/C*( -gl*(V[t] - El) + I[t] - eta_sum[t] );
                    // INTEGRATION THRESHOLD DYNAMICS                
                    for (int r=0; r<R; r++) { 
                        theta[t+1,r] = theta_taufactor*theta[t,r];                           // everybody decay
                        if ( V[t] >= p_theta_bins[r] && V[t] < p_theta_bins[r+1] ) {         // identify who integrates
                            theta[t+1,r] += dt/theta_tau;
                    float theta_tot = 0.0;
                    for (int r=0; r<R; r++) { 
                        theta_tot += p_theta_i[r]*theta[t+1,r];
                    theta_trace[t+1] = theta_tot;
                    lambda = lambda0*exp( (V[t+1]-Vt_star-gamma_sum[t+1]-theta_trace[t+1])/DeltaV );
                    p_dontspike = exp(-lambda*(dt/1000.0));                                  // since lambda0 is in Hz, dt must also be in Hz (this is why dt/1000.0)
                    rr = rand()/rand_max;
                    if (rr > p_dontspike) {
                        if (t+1 < T_ind-1)                
                            spks[t+1] = 1.0; 
                        t = t + Tref_ind;    
                        if (t+1 < T_ind-1){ 
                            V[t+1] = Vr;
                            for (int r=0; r<R; r++) 
                                theta[t+1,r] = 0.0;
                        // UPDATE ADAPTATION PROCESSES     
                        for(int j=0; j<eta_l; j++) 
                            eta_sum[t+1+j] += p_eta[j]; 
                        for(int j=0; j<gamma_l; j++) 
                            gamma_sum[t+1+j] += p_gamma[j] ;  
        vars = [ 'theta_trace', 'theta', 'R', 'p_theta_tau', 'p_theta_bins', 'p_theta_i', 'p_T','p_dt','p_gl','p_C','p_El','p_Vr','p_Tref','p_Vt_star','p_DV','p_lambda0','V','I','p_eta','p_eta_l','eta_sum','p_gamma','gamma_sum','p_gamma_l','spks' ]
        v = weave.inline(code, vars)

        time      = np.arange(p_T)*self.dt
        eta_sum   = eta_sum[:p_T]     
        V_T       = gamma_sum[:p_T] + p_Vt_star + theta_trace[:p_T]
        spks      = (np.where(spks==1)[0])*self.dt
        return (time, V, eta_sum, V_T, spks)
예제 #60
def resize_cdef_arr():
    """Demos in weave.inline how to allocate a numpy array directly in C,
    fill it up with values, and then dynamically resize it if it's
    full, allowing you to continue adding values indefinitely. I can't
    get resizing to work if the array was originally declared in Python"""

    #a = np.empty((np.random.randint(50, 150), 2), dtype=np.int64)
    leninc = np.random.randint(50, 150)  # inc arr len this much each time
    code = r"""
    #line 53 "weave_example.py"
    int nd = 2; // num dimensions
    npy_intp dimsarr[nd];
    dimsarr[0] = leninc; // nrows
    dimsarr[1] = 2;      // ncols
    PyArrayObject *a;
    a = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(nd, dimsarr, NPY_LONGLONG);

    PyArray_Dims dims;

    int counter = 0;
    dims.len = nd;
    dims.ptr = dimsarr;
    PyObject *dummy;

    printf("a started with length %d\n", PyArray_DIM(a, 0));
    for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
        if (i == PyArray_DIM(a, 0)) { // resize to prevent going out of bounds
            dims.ptr[0] += leninc;
            dummy = PyArray_Resize(a, &dims, 0, NPY_ANYORDER);
            if (dummy == NULL) {
                PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "can't resize a");
                return NULL;
            // don't need dummy anymore I guess, see
            // http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg13013.html
            printf("a is now %d long\n", dims.ptr[0]);
        // get pointer to i,jth entry in data, typecast appropriately,
        // then dereference the whole thing so you can assign
        // a value to it. Using PyArray_GETPTR2 macro is easier than
        // manually doing pointer math using strides
        *((long long *) PyArray_GETPTR2(a, i, 0)) = i;   // assign to ith row, col 0
        *((long long *) PyArray_GETPTR2(a, i, 1)) = 2*i; // assign to ith row, col 1
    // resize once more to reduce a down to just those values
    // that were added to it
    dims.ptr[0] = counter;
    dummy = PyArray_Resize(a, &dims, 0, NPY_ANYORDER);
    if (dummy == NULL) {
        PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "can't resize a");
        return NULL;
    printf("a is now %d long\n", dims.ptr[0]);
    //return_val = Na[0];
    //return_val = (PyObject *) a;  // these two both
    return_val = PyArray_Return(a); // seem to work
    a = weave.inline(code, ['leninc'], compiler='gcc')
    return a