예제 #1
    def ssft(self, 
             max_its = 10000, 
             start_psi = None, 
             precision= 1e-8):
        self.dt = dt
        ## kinetic energy part
        self.T = hbar**2*self.k**2/(2*self.p.m)
        self.exp_T =  scipy.exp(-1j*self.dt/(2.*hbar)*self.T)
        self.exp_2T =  scipy.exp(-1j*self.dt/(hbar)*self.T)

        if start_psi == None:
        ## Initialize psi to TF-solution
            psi = self.rand_psi()
            psi = self.Normalize(start_psi)
        psi_old = scipy.array(psi)
        exp_prefactor = -1j*self.dt/hbar

        psik = scipy.fftpack.fft(psi)
        psik *= self.exp_T
        psi = scipy.fftpack.ifft(psik)
        for i in scipy.arange(max_its):
#            print i
            if scipy.iscomplex(self.dt):
                psi = self.Normalize(psi)
            psi *= scipy.exp(exp_prefactor*(potential+self.interaction(psi)))
            psik = scipy.fftpack.fft(psi)
            psik *= self.exp_2T
            psi = scipy.fftpack.ifft(psik)
            if precision != None:
                if ((scipy.absolute(psi-psi_old)/scipy.absolute(psi)).sum() < precision)*(i>50):
                    psi_old = psi
        if scipy.iscomplex(self.dt):
            psi = self.Normalize(psi)
        psi *= scipy.exp(-1j*self.dt/hbar*(potential+self.interaction(psi)))
        psik = scipy.fftpack.fft(psi)
        psik *= self.exp_T
        psi = scipy.fftpack.ifft(psik)
        if (i == max_its-1)*(precision != None):
            logging.warning('warning: algorithm did not converge!')
        return self.Normalize(psi)
예제 #2
    def __call__(self, field, skip=1):
        Plot field.
        super(Plotter2d, self).__call__(field)

        dims = [0] * 4
        dimnames = ('time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon')
        xind = dimnames.index(self.axes[0])
        dims[xind] = slice(None)
        yind = dimnames.index(self.axes[1])
        dims[yind] = slice(None)

        # Find plot arguments
        dd = dict(lon=field.grid['lon'][0, :],
                  lat=field.grid['lat'][:, 0],

        args = []

        if xind > yind:
            z = field.data[dims][::skip, ::skip]
            z = sp.ma.transpose(field.data[dims][::skip, ::skip])

        if sp.any(sp.iscomplex(z.view(sp.ndarray))): args.append(sp.imag(z))

        cs = self.method(*args, **self.copts)

        if isinstance(cs, mlib.contour.ContourSet):
            if cs.filled:
                if self.cbar_opts is not None:
                    cb = pl.colorbar(**self.cbar_opts)
                    units = getattr(field, 'units', "")

        # If x-axis is time, apply default time formatting
        if self.axes[0] == 'time':
            fig = pl.gcf()

        return cs
예제 #3
    def take_step_split(self, dtau, ham_is_Herm=True):
        """Take a time-step dtau using the split-step integrator.
        This is the one-site version of a DMRG-like time integrator described
        It has a fourth-order local error and is symmetric. It requires
        iteratively computing two matrix exponentials per site, and thus
        has less predictable CPU time requirements than the Euler or RK4 
        This requires the expokit extension, which is included in evoMPS but 
        must be compiled during, e.g. using setup.py to build all extensions.
        dtau : complex
            The (imaginary or real) amount of imaginary time (tau) to step.
        ham_is_Herm : bool
            Whether the Hamiltonian is really Hermitian. If so, the lanczos
            method will be used for imaginary time evolution.
        #TODO: Compute eta.
        self.eta = 0
        assert self.canonical_form == 'right', 'take_step_split only implemented for right canonical form'
        assert self.ham_sites == 2, 'take_step_split only implemented for nearest neighbour Hamiltonians'
        dtau *= -1
        from expokit_expmv import zexpmv, zexpmvh

        if sp.iscomplex(dtau) or not ham_is_Herm:
            expmv = zexpmv
            fac = 1.j
            dtau = sp.imag(dtau)
            expmv = zexpmvh
            fac = 1
        norm_est = abs(self.H_expect.real)
        KL = [None] * (self.N + 1)
        KL[1] = sp.zeros((self.D[1], self.D[1]), dtype=self.typ)
        for n in xrange(1, self.N + 1):
            lop = Vari_Opt_Single_Site_Op(self, n, KL[n - 1], tau=fac)
            #print "Befor A", n, sp.inner(self.A[n].ravel().conj(), lop.matvec(self.A[n].ravel())).real
            An = expmv(lop, self.A[n].ravel(), dtau/2., norm_est=norm_est)            
            self.A[n] = An.reshape((self.q[n], self.D[n - 1], self.D[n]))
            self.l[n] = tm.eps_l_noop(self.l[n - 1], self.A[n], self.A[n])
            norm = m.adot(self.l[n], self.r[n])
            self.A[n] /= sp.sqrt(norm)
            #print "After A", n, sp.inner(self.A[n].ravel().conj(), lop.matvec(self.A[n].ravel())).real, norm.real
            #shift centre matrix right (RCF is like having a centre "matrix" at "1")
            G = tm.restore_LCF_l_seq(self.A[n - 1:n + 1], self.l[n - 1:n + 1],
            if n > 1:
                self.AA[n - 1] = tm.calc_AA(self.A[n - 1], self.A[n])
                self.C[n - 1] = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(self.ham[n - 1], self.AA[n - 1])
                KL[n], ex = tm.calc_K_l(KL[n - 1], self.C[n - 1], self.l[n - 2], 
                                        self.r[n], self.A[n], self.AA[n - 1])
            if n < self.N:                    
                lop2 = Vari_Opt_SC_op(self, n, KL[n], tau=fac)
                #print "Befor G", n, sp.inner(G.ravel().conj(), lop2.matvec(G.ravel())).real
                G = expmv(lop2, G.ravel(), -dtau/2., norm_est=norm_est)
                G = G.reshape((self.D[n], self.D[n]))
                norm = sp.trace(self.l[n].dot(G).dot(self.r[n].dot(G.conj().T)))
                G /= sp.sqrt(norm)
                #print "After G", n, sp.inner(G.ravel().conj(), lop2.matvec(G.ravel())).real, norm.real
                for s in xrange(self.q[n + 1]):
                    self.A[n + 1][s] = G.dot(self.A[n + 1][s])                
                self.AA[n] = tm.calc_AA(self.A[n], self.A[n + 1])
                self.C[n] = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(self.ham[n], self.AA[n])           
        for n in xrange(self.N, 0, -1):
            lop = Vari_Opt_Single_Site_Op(self, n, KL[n - 1], tau=fac, sanity_checks=self.sanity_checks)
            #print "Before A", n, sp.inner(self.A[n].ravel().conj(), lop.matvec(self.A[n].ravel())).real
            An = expmv(lop, self.A[n].ravel(), dtau/2., norm_est=norm_est)
            self.A[n] = An.reshape((self.q[n], self.D[n - 1], self.D[n]))
            self.l[n] = tm.eps_l_noop(self.l[n - 1], self.A[n], self.A[n])
            norm = m.adot(self.l[n], self.r[n])
            self.A[n] /= sp.sqrt(norm)
            #print "After A", n, sp.inner(self.A[n].ravel().conj(), lop.matvec(self.A[n].ravel())).real, norm.real
            #shift centre matrix left (LCF is like having a centre "matrix" at "N")
            Gi = tm.restore_RCF_r_seq(self.A[n - 1:n + 1], self.r[n - 1:n + 1],
            if n < self.N:
                self.AA[n] = tm.calc_AA(self.A[n], self.A[n + 1])
                self.C[n] = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(self.ham[n], self.AA[n])                                          
                self.calc_K(n_low=n, n_high=n)
            if n > 1:
                lop2 = Vari_Opt_SC_op(self, n - 1, KL[n - 1], tau=fac, sanity_checks=self.sanity_checks)
                Gi = expmv(lop2, Gi.ravel(), -dtau/2., norm_est=norm_est)
                Gi = Gi.reshape((self.D[n - 1], self.D[n - 1]))
                norm = sp.trace(self.l[n - 1].dot(Gi).dot(self.r[n - 1].dot(Gi.conj().T)))
                G /= sp.sqrt(norm)
                #print "After G", n, sp.inner(Gi.ravel().conj(), lop2.matvec(Gi.ravel())).real, norm.real

                for s in xrange(self.q[n - 1]):
                    self.A[n - 1][s] = self.A[n - 1][s].dot(Gi)
                self.AA[n - 1] = tm.calc_AA(self.A[n - 1], self.A[n])
                self.C[n - 1] = tm.calc_C_mat_op_AA(self.ham[n - 1], self.AA[n - 1])
예제 #4
A * A  # matrix multiplication
A ** 2  # Matrix 2 to the power of 2 (same as A*A)
B = 5 * sp.diag([1.0, 3, 5])
sp.mat(B)  # converts B to matrix type
sp.mat(B).I  # computes matrix inverse of sp.mat(B)

# isnan, isfinite, isinf are newly added functions to NumPy
C = B  # copy matrix B into C
C[0, 1] = sp.nan  # insert NaN value into 1st row, 2nd column element
sp.isnan(C)  # yields all 'False' elements except one element as True

# looking at complex numbers
a4 = sp.array([1 + 1j, 2, 5j])  # create complex array
sp.iscomplexobj(a4)  # determine whether a4 is complex (TRUE)
sp.isreal(a4)  # determines element by element which are REAL or COMPLEX
sp.iscomplex(a4)  # determination of COMPLEX elements
type(a4)  # outputs type and functional dependencies

# concatenating matrices and arrays:
a5 = sp.array([1, 2, 3])
a6 = sp.array([4, 5, 6])
sp.vstack((a5, a6))  # vertical array concatenation
sp.hstack((a5, a6))  # horizontal array concat
dstack((a5, a6))  # vertical array concat, transposed

# view all variables that have been created thus far:
sp.who()  # python command, similar to MATLAB

# importing and using matplotlib (plotting library from MATLAB)
t = sp.linspace(0, 100)  # create time array 't'
y = sp.sin(2 * sp.pi * t)  # create sinusoidal series y