예제 #1
def bytescale(data, cmin=None, cmax=None, high=255, low=0):
    if data.typecode == _UInt8:
        return data
    high = high - low
    if cmin is None:
        cmin = amin(ravel(data))
    if cmax is None:
        cmax = amax(ravel(data))
    scale = high *1.0 / (cmax-cmin or 1)
    bytedata = ((data*1.0-cmin)*scale + 0.4999).astype(_UInt8)
    return bytedata + cast[_UInt8](low)
예제 #2
def kstat(data,n=2):
    """Return the nth k-statistic (1<=n<=4 so far).

    The nth k-statistic is the unique symmetric unbiased estimator of the nth
    cumulant kappa_n
    if n>4 or n<1:
        raise ValueError, "k-statistics only supported for 1<=n<=4"
    n = int(n)
    S = zeros(n+1,'d')
    data = ravel(data)
    N = len(data)
    for k in range(1,n+1):
        S[k] = sum(data**k)
    if n==1:
        return S[1]*1.0/N
    elif n==2:
        return (N*S[2]-S[1]**2.0)/(N*(N-1.0))
    elif n==3:
        return (2*S[1]**3 - 3*N*S[1]*S[2]+N*N*S[3]) / (N*(N-1.0)*(N-2.0))
    elif n==4:
        return (-6*S[1]**4 + 12*N*S[1]**2 * S[2] - 3*N*(N-1.0)*S[2]**2 - \
                4*N*(N+1)*S[1]*S[3] + N*N*(N+1)*S[4]) / \
        raise ValueError, "Should not be here."
예제 #3
def bayes_mvs(data,alpha=0.90):
    """Return Bayesian confidence intervals for the mean, var, and std.

    Assumes 1-d data all has same mean and variance and uses Jeffrey's prior
    for variance and std.

    alpha gives the probability that the returned interval contains
    the true parameter.

    Uses peak of conditional pdf as starting center.

    Returns (peak, (a, b)) for each of mean, variance and standard deviation.
    x = ravel(data)
    n = len(x)
    assert(n > 1)
    n = float(n)
    xbar = sb.add.reduce(x)/n
    C = sb.add.reduce(x*x)/n - xbar*xbar
    fac = sqrt(C/(n-1))
    tval = distributions.t.ppf((1+alpha)/2.0,n-1)
    delta = fac*tval
    ma = xbar - delta
    mb = xbar + delta
    mp = xbar
    fac = n*C/2.0
    peak = 2/(n+1.)
    a = (n-1)/2.0    
    F_peak = distributions.invgamma.cdf(peak,a)
    q1 = F_peak - alpha/2.0
    q2 = F_peak + alpha/2.0
    if (q1 < 0):  # non-symmetric area
        q2 = alpha
        va = 0.0
        va = fac*distributions.invgamma.ppf(q1,a)
    vb = fac*distributions.invgamma.ppf(q2,a)
    vp = peak*fac
    fac = sqrt(fac)
    peak = sqrt(2./n)
    F_peak = distributions.gengamma.cdf(peak,a,-2)
    q1 = F_peak - alpha/2.0
    q2 = F_peak + alpha/2.0
    if (q1 < 0):
        q2 = alpha
        sta = 0.0
        sta = fac*distributions.gengamma.ppf(q1,a,-2)
    stb = fac*distributions.gengamma.ppf(q2,a,-2)
    stp = peak*fac
    return (mp,(ma,mb)),(vp,(va,vb)),(stp,(sta,stb))
예제 #4
def kstatvar(data,n=2):
    """Returns an unbiased estimator of the variance of the k-statistic:  n=1 or 2
    data = ravel(data)
    N = len(data)
    if n==1:
        return kstat(data,n=2)*1.0/N
    elif n==2:
        k2 = kstat(data,n=2)
        k4 = kstat(data,n=4)
        return (2*k2*k2*N + (N-1)*k4)/(N*(N+1))
        raise ValueError, "Only n=1 or n=2 supported."
예제 #5
def toimage(arr,high=255,low=0,cmin=None,cmax=None,pal=None,
    """Takes a Numeric array and returns a PIL image.  The mode of the
    PIL image depends on the array shape, the pal keyword, and the mode

    For 2-D arrays, if pal is a valid (N,3) byte-array giving the RGB values
    (from 0 to 255) then mode='P', otherwise mode='L', unless mode is given
    as 'F' or 'I' in which case a float and/or integer array is made

    For 3-D arrays, the channel_axis argument tells which dimension of the
      array holds the channel data. 
    For 3-D arrays if one of the dimensions is 3, the mode is 'RGB'
      by default or 'YCbCr' if selected.  
    if the

    The Numeric array must be either 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional.
    data = asarray(arr)
    if iscomplexobj(data):
        raise ValueError, "Cannot convert a complex-valued array."
    shape = list(data.shape)
    valid = len(shape)==2 or ((len(shape)==3) and \
                              ((3 in shape) or (4 in shape)))
    assert valid, "Not a suitable array shape for any mode."
    if len(shape) == 2:
        shape = (shape[1],shape[0]) # columns show up first
        if mode == 'F':
            image = Image.fromstring(mode,shape,data.astype('f').tostring())
            return image
        if mode in [None, 'L', 'P']:
            bytedata = bytescale(data,high=high,low=low,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax)
            image = Image.fromstring('L',shape,bytedata.tostring())
            if pal is not None:
                # Becomes a mode='P' automagically.
            elif mode == 'P':  # default gray-scale
                pal = arange(0,256,1,typecode='b')[:,NewAxis] * \
            return image
        if mode == '1':  # high input gives threshold for 1
            bytedata = ((data > high)*255).astype('b')
            image = Image.fromstring('L',shape,bytedata.tostring())   
            image = image.convert(mode='1')
            return image
        if cmin is None:
            cmin = amin(ravel(data))
        if cmax is None:
            cmax = amax(ravel(data))
        data = (data*1.0 - cmin)*(high-low)/(cmax-cmin) + low
        if mode == 'I':
            image = Image.fromstring(mode,shape,data.astype('i').tostring())
            raise ValueError, _errstr
        return image

    # if here then 3-d array with a 3 or a 4 in the shape length.
    # Check for 3 in datacube shape --- 'RGB' or 'YCbCr'
    if channel_axis is None:
        if (3 in shape):
            ca = Numeric.nonzero(asarray(shape) == 3)[0]
            ca = Numeric.nonzero(asarray(shape) == 4)
            if len(ca):
                ca = ca[0]
                raise ValueError, "Could not find channel dimension."
        ca = channel_axis

    numch = shape[ca]
    if numch not in [3,4]:
        raise ValueError, "Channel axis dimension is not valid."

    bytedata = bytescale(data,high=high,low=low,cmin=cmin,cmax=cmax)
    if ca == 2:
        strdata = bytedata.tostring()
        shape = (shape[1],shape[0])
    elif ca == 1:
        strdata = transpose(bytedata,(0,2,1)).tostring()
        shape = (shape[2],shape[0])
    elif ca == 0:
        strdata = transpose(bytedata,(1,2,0)).tostring()
        shape = (shape[2],shape[1])
    if mode is None:
        if numch == 3: mode = 'RGB'
        else: mode = 'RGBA'

    if mode not in ['RGB','RGBA','YCbCr','CMYK']:
        raise ValueError, _errstr

    if mode in ['RGB', 'YCbCr']:
        assert numch == 3, "Invalid array shape for mode."
    if mode in ['RGBA', 'CMYK']:
        assert numch == 4, "Invalid array shape for mode."

    # Here we know data and mode is coorect
    image = Image.fromstring(mode, shape, strdata)
    return image