예제 #1
def handle_to_plot(kind, to_plot, n_cols, sim, check_ready=True):
    ''' Handle which quantities to plot '''

    # Check that results are ready
    if check_ready and not sim.results_ready:
        errormsg = 'Cannot plot since results are not ready yet -- did you run the sim?'
        raise RuntimeError(errormsg)

    # If not specified or specified as a string, load defaults
    if to_plot is None or isinstance(to_plot, str):
        to_plot = cvd.get_default_plots(to_plot, kind=kind, sim=sim)

    # If a list of keys has been supplied
    if isinstance(to_plot, list):
        to_plot_list = to_plot # Store separately
        to_plot = sc.odict() # Create the dict
        reskeys = sim.result_keys()
        for reskey in to_plot_list:
            name = sim.results[reskey].name if reskey in reskeys else sim.results['strain'][reskey].name
            to_plot[name] = [reskey] # Use the result name as the key and the reskey as the value

    to_plot = sc.odict(sc.dcp(to_plot)) # In case it's supplied as a dict

    # Handle rows and columns -- assume 5 is the most rows we would want
    n_plots = len(to_plot)
    if n_cols is None:
        max_rows = 4 # Assumption -- if desired, the user can override this by setting n_cols manually
        n_cols = int((n_plots-1)//max_rows + 1) # This gives 1 column for 1-4, 2 for 5-8, etc.
    n_rows,n_cols = sc.get_rows_cols(n_plots, ncols=n_cols) # Inconsistent naming due to Covasim/Matplotlib conventions

    return to_plot, n_cols, n_rows
예제 #2
def handle_to_plot(kind, to_plot, n_cols, sim, check_ready=True):
    ''' Handle which quantities to plot '''

    # Allow default kind to be overwritten by to_plot -- used by msim.plot()
    if isinstance(to_plot, tuple):
        kind, to_plot = to_plot  # Split the tuple

    # Check that results are ready
    if check_ready and not sim.results_ready:
        errormsg = 'Cannot plot since results are not ready yet -- did you run the sim?'
        raise RuntimeError(errormsg)

    # If it matches a result key, convert to a list
    reskeys = sim.result_keys('main')
    varkeys = sim.result_keys('variant')
    allkeys = reskeys + varkeys
    if to_plot in allkeys:
        to_plot = sc.tolist(to_plot)

    # If not specified or specified as another string, load defaults
    if to_plot is None or isinstance(to_plot, str):
        to_plot = cvd.get_default_plots(to_plot, kind=kind, sim=sim)

    # If a list of keys has been supplied or constructed
    if isinstance(to_plot, list):
        to_plot_list = to_plot  # Store separately
        to_plot = sc.odict()  # Create the dict
        invalid = sc.autolist()
        for reskey in to_plot_list:
            if reskey in allkeys:
                name = sim.results[
                    reskey].name if reskey in reskeys else sim.results[
                to_plot[name] = [
                ]  # Use the result name as the key and the reskey as the value
                invalid += reskey
        if len(invalid):
            errormsg = f'The following key(s) are invalid:\n{sc.strjoin(invalid)}\n\nValid main keys are:\n{sc.strjoin(reskeys)}\n\nValid variant keys are:\n{sc.strjoin(varkeys)}'
            raise sc.KeyNotFoundError(errormsg)

    to_plot = sc.odict(sc.dcp(to_plot))  # In case it's supplied as a dict

    # Handle rows and columns -- assume 5 is the most rows we would want
    n_plots = len(to_plot)
    if n_cols is None:
        max_rows = 5  # Assumption -- if desired, the user can override this by setting n_cols manually
        n_cols = int((n_plots - 1) // max_rows +
                     1)  # This gives 1 column for 1-4, 2 for 5-8, etc.
    n_rows, n_cols = sc.get_rows_cols(
        n_plots, ncols=n_cols
    )  # Inconsistent naming due to Covasim/Matplotlib conventions

    return to_plot, n_cols, n_rows
예제 #3
def test_samples(do_plot=False, verbose=True):
    sc.heading('Samples distribution')

    n = 200_000
    nbins = 100

    # Warning, must match utils.py!
    choices = [
        'uniform', 'normal', 'lognormal', 'normal_pos', 'normal_int',
        'lognormal_int', 'poisson', 'neg_binomial'

    if do_plot:
        pl.figure(figsize=(20, 14))

    # Run the samples
    nchoices = len(choices)
    nsqr, _ = sc.get_rows_cols(nchoices)
    results = sc.objdict()
    mean = 11
    std = 7
    low = 3
    high = 9
    normal_dists = [
        'normal', 'normal_pos', 'normal_int', 'lognormal', 'lognormal_int'
    for c, choice in enumerate(choices):
        kw = {}
        if choice in normal_dists:
            par1 = mean
            par2 = std
        elif choice == 'neg_binomial':
            par1 = mean
            par2 = 1.2
            kw['step'] = 0.1
        elif choice == 'poisson':
            par1 = mean
            par2 = 0
        elif choice == 'uniform':
            par1 = low
            par2 = high
            errormsg = f'Choice "{choice}" not implemented'
            raise NotImplementedError(errormsg)

        # Compute
        results[choice] = cv.sample(dist=choice,

        # Optionally plot
        if do_plot:
            pl.subplot(nsqr, nsqr, c + 1)
            plotbins = np.unique(results[choice]) if (
                choice == 'poisson' or '_int' in choice) else nbins
            pl.hist(x=results[choice], bins=plotbins, width=0.8)
            pl.title(f'dist={choice}, par1={par1}, par2={par2}')

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    # Do statistical tests
    tol = 1 / np.sqrt(
        n / 50 / len(choices)
    )  # Define acceptable tolerance -- broad to avoid false positives

    def isclose(choice, tol=tol, **kwargs):
        key = list(kwargs.keys())[0]
        ref = list(kwargs.values())[0]
        npfunc = getattr(np, key)
        value = npfunc(results[choice])
        msg = f'Test for {choice:14s}: expecting {key:4s} = {ref:8.4f} ± {tol*ref:8.4f} and got {value:8.4f}'
        if verbose:
        assert np.isclose(value, ref, rtol=tol), msg
        return True

    # Normal
    for choice in normal_dists:
        isclose(choice, mean=mean)
        if all([k not in choice
                for k in ['_pos', '_int']]):  # These change the variance
            isclose(choice, std=std)

    # Negative binomial
    isclose('neg_binomial', mean=mean)

    # Poisson
    isclose('poisson', mean=mean)
    isclose('poisson', var=mean)

    # Uniform
    isclose('uniform', mean=(low + high) / 2)

    return results