def test_plotting(): torun = [ 'hex2rgb', 'arraycolors', 'gridcolors', 'surf3d', 'bar3d', ] if 'hex2rgb' in torun: c1 = sc.hex2rgb('#fff') c2 = sc.hex2rgb('fabcd8') print(c1) print(c2) if 'arraycolors' in torun: n = 1000 ncols = 5 arr = pl.rand(n, ncols) for c in range(ncols): arr[:, c] += c x = pl.rand(n) y = pl.rand(n) colors = sc.arraycolors(arr) if doplot: pl.figure(figsize=(20, 16)) for c in range(ncols): pl.scatter(x + c, y, s=50, c=colors[:, c]) if 'gridcolors' in torun: colors_a = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=8, demo=doplot) colors_b = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=18, demo=doplot) colors_c = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=28, demo=doplot) print('\n8 colors:', colors_a) print('\n18 colors:', colors_b) print('\n28 colors:', colors_c) if 'surf3d' in torun: data = pl.randn(50, 50) smoothdata = sc.smooth(data, 20) if doplot: sc.surf3d(smoothdata) if 'bar3d' in torun: data = pl.rand(20, 20) smoothdata = sc.smooth(data) if doplot: sc.bar3d(smoothdata) return pl.gcf()
def plot_scens(to_plot=None, scens=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, mpl_args=None, n_cols=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=None, sep_figs=False, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot the results of a scenario -- see Scenarios.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, fill_args=fill_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, date_args=date_args, mpl_args=mpl_args, **kwargs) to_plot, n_cols, n_rows = handle_to_plot('scens', to_plot, n_cols, sim=scens.base_sim, check_ready=False) # Since this sim isn't run fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) # Do the plotting default_colors = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=len(scens.sims)) for pnum,title,reskeys in to_plot.enumitems(): ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, ax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) reskeys = sc.promotetolist(reskeys) # In case it's a string for reskey in reskeys: resdata = scens.results[reskey] for snum,scenkey,scendata in resdata.enumitems(): sim = scens.sims[scenkey][0] # Pull out the first sim in the list for this scenario strain_keys = sim.result_keys('strain') if reskey in strain_keys: ns = sim['n_strains'] strain_colors = sc.gridcolors(ns) for strain in range(ns): res_y =[strain,:] color = strain_colors[strain] # Choose the color label = 'wild type' if strain == 0 else sim['strains'][strain - 1].label ax.fill_between(scens.tvec, scendata.low[strain,:], scendata.high[strain,:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(scens.tvec, res_y, label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line if['data']: plot_data(sim, ax, reskey, args.scatter, color=color) # Plot the data else: res_y = color = set_line_options(colors, scenkey, snum, default_colors[snum]) # Choose the color label = set_line_options(labels, scenkey, snum, # Choose the label ax.fill_between(scens.tvec, scendata.low, scendata.high, color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(scens.tvec, res_y, label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line if['data']: plot_data(sim, ax, reskey, args.scatter, color=color) # Plot the data if['interventions']: plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions if['ticks']: reset_ticks(ax, sim, # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) if['legend']: title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, pnum==0) # Configure the title, grid, and legend -- only show legend for first return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args)
def plot_cascade(self, vertical=True): if vertical: fig_size = (12, 12) ax_size = [0.45, 0.05, 0.5, 0.9] else: fig_size = (16, 8) ax_size = [0.05, 0.45, 0.9, 0.5] df = sc.dcp( cutoff = 200e3 fig = pl.figure(figsize=fig_size) df.sort(col='icer', reverse=False) DA_data = hp.arr(df['opt_spend']) inds = sc.findinds(DA_data > cutoff) DA_data = DA_data[inds] DA_data /= 1e6 DA_labels = df['shortname'][inds] npts = len(DA_data) colors = sc.gridcolors(npts, limits=(0.25, 0.75)) x = np.arange(len(DA_data)) pl.axes(ax_size) for pt in range(npts): loc = x[pt:] this = DA_data[pt] start = sum(DA_data[:pt]) prop = 0.9 color = colors[pt] amount = sum(DA_data[:pt + 1]) amountstr = '%0.1f' % amount if vertical: pl.barh(loc, width=this, left=start, height=prop, color=color) pl.text(amount, x[pt], amountstr, verticalalignment='center', color=colors[pt]) else:, height=this, bottom=start, width=prop, color=color) pl.text(x[pt], amount + 1, amountstr, horizontalalignment='center', color=colors[pt]) if vertical: pl.xlabel('Spending for optimized investment cascade') pl.gca().set_yticks(x) ticklabels = pl.gca().set_yticklabels(DA_labels) else: pl.ylabel('Optimized investment cascade') pl.gca().set_xticks(x) ticklabels = pl.gca().set_xticklabels(DA_labels, rotation=90) for t, tl in enumerate(ticklabels): tl.set_color(colors[t]) pl.gca().set_facecolor('none') pl.title('Investment cascade') return fig
def plot_sim(to_plot=None, sim=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, date_args=None, show_args=None, mpl_args=None, n_cols=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=None, sep_figs=False, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot the results of a single simulation -- see Sim.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args=fig_args, plot_args=plot_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, axis_args=axis_args, fill_args=fill_args, legend_args=legend_args, show_args=show_args, date_args=date_args, mpl_args=mpl_args, **kwargs) to_plot, n_cols, n_rows = handle_to_plot('sim', to_plot, n_cols, sim=sim) fig, figs = create_figs(args, sep_figs, fig, ax) # Do the plotting strain_keys = sim.result_keys('strain') for pnum,title,keylabels in to_plot.enumitems(): ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, ax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) for resnum,reskey in enumerate(keylabels): res_t = sim.results['t'] if reskey in strain_keys: res = sim.results['strain'][reskey] ns = sim['n_strains'] strain_colors = sc.gridcolors(ns) for strain in range(ns): color = strain_colors[strain] # Choose the color label = 'wild type' if strain == 0 else sim['strains'][strain-1].label if res.low is not None and res.high is not None: ax.fill_between(res_t, res.low[strain,:], res.high[strain,:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t, res.values[strain,:], label=label, **args.plot, c=color) # Actually plot the sim! else: res = sim.results[reskey] color = set_line_options(colors, reskey, resnum, res.color) # Choose the color label = set_line_options(labels, reskey, resnum, # Choose the label if res.low is not None and res.high is not None: ax.fill_between(res_t, res.low, res.high, color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(res_t, res.values, label=label, **args.plot, c=color) # Actually plot the sim! if['data']: plot_data(sim, ax, reskey, args.scatter, color=color) # Plot the data if['ticks']: reset_ticks(ax, sim, # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) if['interventions']: plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions if['legend']: title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend) # Configure the title, grid, and legend return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, args)
def plot_result(self, key, colors=None, labels=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Convenience method for plotting -- arguments passed to Sim.plot_result() ''' if self.which in ['combined', 'reduced']: fig = self.base_sim.plot_result(key, *args, **kwargs) else: fig = None if colors is None: colors = sc.gridcolors(len(self)) if labels is None: labels = [sim.label for sim in self.sims] orig_setylim = kwargs.get('setylim', True) for s,sim in enumerate(self.sims): if s == len(self.sims)-1: kwargs['setylim'] = orig_setylim else: kwargs['setylim'] = False fig = sim.plot_result(key=key, fig=fig, color=colors[s], label=labels[s], *args, **kwargs) return fig
def plot_scens(scens, data_check=None, dday=None, test_data=None, to_plot=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, show_args=None, as_dates=True, dateformat=None, interval=None, n_cols=None, font_size=18, font_family=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=True, sep_figs=False, fig=None): ''' Plot the results of a scenario -- see Scenarios.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args, plot_args, scatter_args, axis_args, fill_args, legend_args) to_plot, n_cols, n_rows = handle_to_plot('scens', to_plot, n_cols, sim=scens.base_sim) fig, figs, ax = create_figs(args, font_size, font_family, sep_figs, fig) was_plot=False # Do the plotting default_colors = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=len(scens.sims)) for pnum,title,reskeys in to_plot.enumitems(): ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, ax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) reskeys = sc.promotetolist(reskeys) # In case it's a string for reskey in reskeys: resdata = scens.results[reskey] for snum,scenkey,scendata in resdata.enumitems(): sim = scens.sims[scenkey][0] # Pull out the first sim in the list for this scenario res_y = color = set_line_options(colors, scenkey, snum, default_colors[snum]) # Choose the color label = set_line_options(labels, scenkey, snum, # Choose the label if dday is not None: ax.fill_between(scens.tvec[-dday:], smooth(scendata.low)[-dday:], smooth(scendata.high)[-dday:], color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(scens.tvec[-dday:], smooth(res_y)[-dday:], label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line else: ax.fill_between(scens.tvec, smooth(scendata.low), smooth(scendata.high), color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(scens.tvec, smooth(res_y), label=label, c=color, **args.plot) if data_check is not None and not was_plot: ax.scatter(range(data_check.index.size), data_check[reskey], label='Data') was_plot=True elif data_check is None: if['data']: plot_data(sim, ax, reskey, args.scatter, dday=dday, test_data=test_data, color=color) # Plot the data if['interventions']: plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions if['ticks']: reset_ticks(ax, sim, interval, as_dates, dateformat) # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) if['legend']: title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, pnum==0) # Configure the title, grid, and legend -- only show legend for first return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show)
def plot_scens(scens, to_plot=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, fill_args=None, legend_args=None, as_dates=True, dateformat=None, interval=None, n_cols=1, font_size=18, font_family=None, grid=False, commaticks=True, setylim=True, log_scale=False, colors=None, labels=None, do_show=True, sep_figs=False, fig=None): ''' Plot the results of a scenario -- see Scenarios.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs args = handle_args(fig_args, plot_args, scatter_args, axis_args, fill_args, legend_args) to_plot, n_rows = handle_to_plot('scens', to_plot, n_cols, sim=scens.base_sim) fig, figs, ax = create_figs(args, font_size, font_family, sep_figs, fig) # Do the plotting default_colors = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=len(scens.sims)) for pnum,title,reskeys in to_plot.enumitems(): ax = create_subplots(figs, fig, ax, n_rows, n_cols, pnum, args.fig, sep_figs, log_scale, title) reskeys = sc.promotetolist(reskeys) # In case it's a string for reskey in reskeys: resdata = scens.results[reskey] for snum,scenkey,scendata in resdata.enumitems(): sim = scens.sims[scenkey][0] # Pull out the first sim in the list for this scenario res_y = if colors is not None: color = colors[scenkey] else: color = default_colors[snum] if labels is not None: label = labels[scenkey] else: label = ax.fill_between(scens.tvec, scendata.low, scendata.high, color=color, **args.fill) # Create the uncertainty bound ax.plot(scens.tvec, res_y, label=label, c=color, **args.plot) # Plot the actual line plot_data(sim, reskey, args.scatter) # Plot the data plot_interventions(sim, ax) # Plot the interventions reset_ticks(ax, sim, interval, as_dates) # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) title_grid_legend(ax, title, grid, commaticks, setylim, args.legend, pnum==0) # Configure the title, grid, and legend -- only show legend for first return tidy_up(fig, figs, sep_figs, do_save, fig_path, do_show, default_name='covasim_scenarios.png')
def makepackage(self, burdenset=None, intervset=None, frpwt=None, equitywt=None, verbose=True, die=False): ''' Make results ''' # Handle inputs if burdenset is not None: self.burdenset = burdenset # Warning, name is used both as key and actual set! if intervset is not None: self.intervset = intervset if frpwt is None: frpwt = 0.25 if equitywt is None: equitywt = 0.25 self.frpwt = frpwt self.equitywt = equitywt burdenset = self.projectref().burden(key=self.burdenset) intervset = self.projectref().interv(key=self.intervset) intervset.parse() # Ensure it's parsed colnames = intervset.colnames # Create new dataframe origdata = sc.dcp( critical_cols = [ 'active', 'shortname', 'unitcost', 'spend', 'icer', 'frp', 'equity' ] df = sc.dataframe() for col in critical_cols: # Copy columns over df[col] = sc.dcp(origdata[colnames[col]]) df['parsedbc'] = sc.dcp(origdata['parsedbc']) # Since not named df.filter_out(key=0, col='active', verbose=True) # Calculate people covered (spending/unitcost) df['coverage'] = hp.arr( df['spend']) / (self.eps + hp.arr(df['unitcost'])) # Pull out DALYS and prevalence df.addcol('total_dalys', value=0) # Value=0 by default, but just to be explicit df.addcol('max_dalys', value=0) df.addcol('total_prevalence', value=0) df.addcol('dalys_averted', value=0) notfound = [] lasterror = None for r in range(df.nrows): theseburdencovs = df['parsedbc', r] for burdencov in theseburdencovs: key = burdencov[0] val = burdencov[1] # WARNING, add validation here try: thisburden = key=key, col=burdenset.colnames['cause'], asdict=True, die=True) df['total_dalys', r] += thisburden[burdenset.colnames['dalys']] df['max_dalys', r] += thisburden[burdenset.colnames['dalys']] * val df['total_prevalence', r] += thisburden[burdenset.colnames['prevalence']] except Exception as E: lasterror = E # Stupid Python 3 print('HIIII %s' % str(E)) print(type(df['total_dalys', r])) print(type(df['max_dalys', r])) print(type(df['total_prevalence', r])) print(type(thisburden[burdenset.colnames['dalys']])) print(type(thisburden[burdenset.colnames['prevalence']])) notfound.append(key) # Validation if len(notfound): errormsg = 'The following burden(s) were not found: "%s"\nError:\n%s' % ( notfound, str(lasterror)) raise hp.HPException(errormsg) invalid = [] for r in range(df.nrows): df['dalys_averted', r] = df['spend', r] / (self.eps + df['icer', r]) if df['dalys_averted', r] > df['max_dalys', r]: errormsg = 'Data input error: DALYs averted for "%s" greater than total DALYs (%0.0f vs. %0.0f); please reduce total spending, increase ICER, increase DALYs, or increase max coverage' % ( df['shortname', r], df['dalys_averted', r], df['max_dalys', r]) df['dalys_averted', r] = df[ 'max_dalys', r] # WARNING, reset to maximum rather than give error if die=False invalid.append(errormsg) if len(invalid): errors = '\n\n'.join(invalid) if die: raise Exception(errors) else: print(errors) # To populate with optimization results and fixed spending self.budget = hp.arr(df['spend']).sum() df.addcol('opt_spend') df.addcol('opt_dalys_averted') df.addcol('fixed') # Store colors nintervs = df.nrows colors = sc.gridcolors(nintervs + 2, asarray=True)[2:] # Skip black and white colordict = sc.odict() for c, name in enumerate(df['shortname']): colordict[name] = colors[c] self.colordict = colordict = df # Store it if verbose: print( 'Health package %s recalculated from burdenset=%s and intervset=%s' % (, self.burdenset, self.intervset)) return None
def plot(self, to_plot=None, dday=None, inds=None, plot_sims=False, color_by_sim=None, max_sims=5, colors=None, labels=None, alpha_range=None, plot_args=None, show_args=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot all the sims -- arguments passed to Sim.plot(). The behavior depends on whether or not combine() or reduce() has been called. If so, this function by default plots only the combined/reduced sim (which you can override with plot_sims=True). Otherwise, it plots a separate line for each sim. Note that this function is complex because it aims to capture the flexibility of both sim.plot() and scens.plot(). By default, if combine() or reduce() has been used, it will resemble sim.plot(); otherwise, it will resemble scens.plot(). This can be changed via color_by_sim, together with the other options. Args: to_plot (list) : list or dict of which results to plot; see cv.get_sim_plots() for structure inds (list) : if not combined or reduced, the indices of the simulations to plot (if None, plot all) plot_sims (bool) : whether to plot individual sims, even if combine() or reduce() has been used color_by_sim (bool) : if True, set colors based on the simulation type; otherwise, color by result type; True implies a scenario-style plotting, False implies sim-style plotting max_sims (int) : maximum number of sims to use with color-by-sim; can be overriden by other options colors (list) : if supplied, override default colors for color_by_sim labels (list) : if supplied, override default labels for color_by_sim alpha_range (list) : a 2-element list/tuple/array providing the range of alpha values to use to distinguish the lines plot_args (dict) : passed to sim.plot() show_args (dict) : passed to sim.plot() kwargs (dict) : passed to sim.plot() **Examples**:: sim = cv.Sim() msim = cv.MultiSim(sim) msim.plot() # Plots individual sims msim.reduce() msim.plot() # Plots the combined sim ''' # Plot a single curve, possibly with a range if not plot_sims and self.which in ['combined', 'reduced']: fig = self.base_sim.plot(to_plot=to_plot, dday=dday, colors=colors, **kwargs) # PLot individual sims on top of each other else: # Initialize fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) orig_show = kwargs.get('do_show', True) orig_setylim = kwargs.get('setylim', True) kwargs['legend_args'] = sc.mergedicts( {'show_legend': True}, kwargs.get( 'legend_args')) # Only plot the legend the first time # Handle indices if inds is None: inds = np.arange(len(self.sims)) n_sims = len(inds) # Handle what style of plotting to use: if color_by_sim is None: if n_sims <= max_sims: color_by_sim = True else: color_by_sim = False # Handle what to plot if to_plot is None: if color_by_sim: to_plot = cvd.get_scen_plots() else: to_plot = cvd.get_sim_plots() # Handle colors if colors is None: if color_by_sim: colors = sc.gridcolors(ncolors=n_sims) else: colors = [None] * n_sims # So we can iterate over it else: colors = [colors] * n_sims # Again, for iteration # Handle alpha if not using colors if alpha_range is None: if color_by_sim: alpha_range = [ 0.8, 0.8 ] # We're using color to distinguish sims, so don't need alpha else: alpha_range = [0.8, 0.3 ] # We're using alpha to distinguish sims alphas = np.linspace(alpha_range[0], alpha_range[1], n_sims) # Plot for s, ind in enumerate(inds): sim = self.sims[ind] final_plot = (s == n_sims - 1 ) # Check if this is the final plot # Handle the legend and labels if final_plot: merged_show_args = show_args kwargs['do_show'] = orig_show kwargs['setylim'] = orig_setylim else: merged_show_args = False # Only show things like data the last time it's plotting kwargs[ 'do_show'] = False # On top of that, don't show the plot at all unless it's the last time kwargs['setylim'] = False # Optionally set the label for the first max_sims sims if color_by_sim is True and s < max_sims: if labels is None: merged_labels = sim.label else: merged_labels = labels[s] elif final_plot and not color_by_sim: merged_labels = labels else: merged_labels = '' # Actually plot merged_plot_args = sc.mergedicts( {'alpha': alphas[s]}, plot_args) # Need a new variable to avoid overwriting fig = sim.plot(fig=fig, to_plot=to_plot, colors=colors[s], labels=merged_labels, plot_args=merged_plot_args, show_args=merged_show_args, **kwargs) return fig
def test_gof(doplot=False): n = 100 noise1 = 0.1 noise2 = 0.5 noise3 = 2 normalize_data = True normalize = True ylim = True minval = 0.1 subtract_min = True true_unif = pl.rand(n) true_normal = pl.randn(n) + 5 pairs = sc.objdict({ 'uniform_low': [true_unif, true_unif + noise1*pl.rand(n)], 'uniform_med': [true_unif, true_unif + noise2*pl.rand(n)], 'uniform_high': [true_unif, true_unif + noise3*pl.rand(n)], 'uniform_mul': [true_unif, true_unif * 2*pl.rand(n)], 'normal': [true_normal, true_normal + noise2*pl.randn(n)], }) # Remove any DC offset, while ensuring it doesn't go negative for pairkey,pair in pairs.items(): actual = sc.dcp(pair[0]) predicted = sc.dcp(pair[1]) if subtract_min: minmin = min(actual.min(), predicted.min()) actual += minval - minmin predicted += minval - minmin if normalize_data: a_mean = actual.mean() p_mean = predicted.mean() if a_mean > p_mean: predicted += a_mean - p_mean elif a_mean < p_mean: actual += p_mean - a_mean pairs[pairkey][0] = actual pairs[pairkey][1] = predicted for pair in pairs.values(): print(pair[0].mean()) print(pair[1].mean()) methods = [ 'mean fractional', 'mean absolute', 'median fractional', 'median absolute', 'max_error', 'mean_absolute_error', 'mean_squared_error', 'mean_squared_error', 'mean_squared_log_error', 'median_absolute_error', # 'r2_score', 'mean_poisson_deviance', 'mean_gamma_deviance', ] npairs = len(pairs) nmethods = len(methods) results = pl.zeros((npairs, nmethods)) for m,method in enumerate(methods): print(f'\nWorking on method {method}:') for p,pairkey,pair in pairs.enumitems(): print(f' Working on data {pairkey}') actual = pair[0] predicted = pair[1] try: results[p,m] = pe.gof(actual, predicted, estimator=method) except Exception as E: print(' '*10 + f'Failed: {str(E)}') if pl.isnan(results[p,m]): print(' '*10 + f'Returned NaN: {method}') if normalize: results = results/results.max(axis=0) if doplot: pl.figure(figsize=hifigsize) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) colors = sc.gridcolors(nmethods) for p,pairkey,pair in pairs.enumitems(): lastrow = (p == npairs-1) pl.subplot(npairs, 2, p*2+1) actual = pair[0] predicted = pair[1] pl.scatter(actual, predicted) pl.title(f"Data for {pairkey}") pl.ylabel('Predicted') if lastrow: pl.xlabel('Actual') pl.subplot(npairs, 2, p*2+2) for m,method in enumerate(methods):, results[p,m], facecolor=colors[m], label=f'{m}={method}') pl.gca().set_xticks(pl.arange(m+1)) pl.ylabel('Goodness of fit') pl.title(f"Normalized GOF for {pairkey}") if lastrow: pl.xlabel('Estimator') pl.legend() if ylim: pl.ylim([0,1]) return results
def plot(): # Create the figure fig = pl.figure(num='Fig. 1: Calibration', figsize=(24, 20)) tx1, ty1 = 0.005, 0.97 tx2, ty2 = 0.545, 0.66 ty3 = 0.34 fsize = 40 pl.figtext(tx1, ty1, 'a', fontsize=fsize) pl.figtext(tx1, ty2, 'b', fontsize=fsize) pl.figtext(tx2, ty1, 'c', fontsize=fsize) pl.figtext(tx2, ty2, 'd', fontsize=fsize) pl.figtext(tx1, ty3, 'e', fontsize=fsize) pl.figtext(tx2, ty3, 'f', fontsize=fsize) #%% Fig. 1A: diagnoses x0, y0, dx, dy = 0.055, 0.73, 0.47, 0.24 ax1 = pl.axes([x0, y0, dx, dy]) format_ax(ax1, base_sim) plotter('cum_diagnoses', sims, ax1, calib=True, label='Model', ylabel='Cumulative diagnoses') pl.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=False) #%% Fig. 1B: deaths y0b = 0.42 ax2 = pl.axes([x0, y0b, dx, dy]) format_ax(ax2, base_sim) plotter('cum_deaths', sims, ax2, calib=True, label='Model', ylabel='Cumulative deaths') pl.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=False) #%% Fig. 1A-B inserts (histograms) agehists = [] for s, sim in enumerate(sims): agehist = sim['analyzers'][0] if s == 0: age_data = agehists.append(agehist.hists[-1]) # Observed data x = age_data['age'].values pos = age_data['cum_diagnoses'].values death = age_data['cum_deaths'].values # Model outputs mposlist = [] mdeathlist = [] for hists in agehists: mposlist.append(hists['diagnosed']) mdeathlist.append(hists['dead']) mposarr = np.array(mposlist) mdeatharr = np.array(mdeathlist) low_q = 0.025 high_q = 0.975 mpbest = pl.median(mposarr, axis=0) mplow = pl.quantile(mposarr, q=low_q, axis=0) mphigh = pl.quantile(mposarr, q=high_q, axis=0) mdbest = pl.median(mdeatharr, axis=0) mdlow = pl.quantile(mdeatharr, q=low_q, axis=0) mdhigh = pl.quantile(mdeatharr, q=high_q, axis=0) w = 4 off = 2 # Insets x0s, y0s, dxs, dys = 0.11, 0.84, 0.17, 0.13 ax1s = pl.axes([x0s, y0s, dxs, dys]) c1 = [0.3, 0.3, 0.6] c2 = [0.6, 0.7, 0.9] xx = x + w - off - off, pos, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1), mpbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i, ix in enumerate(xx): pl.plot([ix, ix], [mplow[i], mphigh[i]], c='k') ax1s.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 81, 20)) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Cases') sc.boxoff(ax1s) pl.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 1.1)) y0sb = 0.53 ax2s = pl.axes([x0s, y0sb, dxs, dys]) c1 = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0] c2 = [0.9, 0.4, 0.3] - off, death, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1) + w - off, mdbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i, ix in enumerate(xx): pl.plot([ix, ix], [mdlow[i], mdhigh[i]], c='k') ax2s.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 81, 20)) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Deaths') sc.boxoff(ax2s) pl.legend(frameon=False) sc.boxoff(ax1s) #%% Fig. 1C: infections x0, dx = 0.60, 0.38 ax3 = pl.axes([x0, y0, dx, dy]) format_ax(ax3, sim) # Plot SCAN data pop_size = 2.25e6 scan = pd.read_csv(scan_file) for i, r in scan.iterrows(): label = "Data" if i == 0 else None ts = np.mean(['since'], r['to'])) low = r['lower'] * pop_size high = r['upper'] * pop_size mean = r['mean'] * pop_size ax3.plot([ts] * 2, [low, high], alpha=1.0, color='k', zorder=1000) ax3.plot(ts, mean, 'o', markersize=7, color='k', alpha=0.5, label=label, zorder=1000) # Plot simulation plotter('cum_infections', sims, ax3, calib=True, label='Cumulative\ninfections\n(modeled)', ylabel='Infections') plotter('n_infectious', sims, ax3, calib=True, label='Active\ninfections\n(modeled)', ylabel='Infections', flabel=False) pl.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False) pl.ylim([0, 130e3]) plot_intervs(sim) #%% Fig. 1C: R_eff ax4 = pl.axes([x0, y0b, dx, dy]) format_ax(ax4, sim, key='r_eff') plotter('r_eff', sims, ax4, calib=True, label='$R_{eff}$ (modeled)', ylabel=r'Effective reproduction number') pl.axhline(1, linestyle='--', lw=3, c='k', alpha=0.5) pl.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) plot_intervs(sim) #%% Fig. 1E # Do the plotting pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.52, bottom=0.03, top=0.35, wspace=0.12, hspace=0.50) for i, k in enumerate(keys): eax = pl.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) c1 = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8] c2 = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0] c3 = [0.1, 0.6, 0.1] sns.kdeplot(df1[k], shade=1, linewidth=3, label='', color=c1, alpha=0.5) sns.kdeplot(df2[k], shade=0, linewidth=3, label='', color=c2, alpha=0.5) pl.title(mapping[k]) pl.xlabel('') pl.yticks([]) if not i % 4: pl.ylabel('Density') yfactor = 1.3 yl = pl.ylim() pl.ylim([yl[0], yl[1] * yfactor]) m1 = np.median(df1[k]) m2 = np.median(df2[k]) m1std = df1[k].std() m2std = df2[k].std() pl.axvline(m1, c=c1, ymax=0.9, lw=3, linestyle='--') pl.axvline(m2, c=c2, ymax=0.9, lw=3, linestyle='--') def fmt(lab, val, std=-1): if val < 0.1: valstr = f'{lab} = {val:0.4f}' elif val < 1.0: valstr = f'{lab} = {val:0.2f}±{std:0.2f}' else: valstr = f'{lab} = {val:0.1f}±{std:0.1f}' if std < 0: valstr = valstr.split('±')[0] # Discard STD if not used return valstr if k.startswith('bc'): pl.xlim([0, 100]) elif k == 'beta': pl.xlim([3, 5]) elif k.startswith('tn'): pl.xlim([0, 50]) else: raise Exception(f'Please assign key {k}') xl = pl.xlim() xfmap = dict( beta=0.15, bc_wc1=0.30, bc_lf=0.35, tn=0.55, ) xf = xfmap[k] x0 = xl[0] + xf * (xl[1] - xl[0]) ypos1 = yl[1] * 0.97 ypos2 = yl[1] * 0.77 ypos3 = yl[1] * 0.57 if k == 'beta': # Use 2 s.f. instead of 1 pl.text(x0, ypos1, f'M: {m1:0.2f} ± {m1std:0.2f}', c=c1) pl.text(x0, ypos2, f'N: {m2:0.2f} ± {m2std:0.2f}', c=c2) pl.text(x0, ypos3, rf'$\Delta$: {(m2-m1):0.2f} ± {(m1std+m2std):0.2f}', c=c3) else: pl.text(x0, ypos1, f'M: {m1:0.1f} ± {m1std:0.1f}', c=c1) pl.text(x0, ypos2, f'N: {m2:0.1f} ± {m2std:0.1f}', c=c2) pl.text(x0, ypos3, rf'$\Delta$: {(m2-m1):0.1f} ± {(m1std+m2std):0.1f}', c=c3) sc.boxoff(ax=eax) #%% Fig. 1F: SafeGraph x0, y0c, dyc = 0.60, 0.03, 0.30 ax5 = pl.axes([x0, y0c, dx, dyc]) format_ax(ax5, sim, key='r_eff') fn = safegraph_file df = pd.read_csv(fn) week = df['week'] days = s = df['p.tot.schools'].values * 100 w = df[''].values * 100 # From Fig. 2 colors = sc.gridcolors(5) wcolor = colors[3] # Work color/community scolor = colors[1] # School color pl.plot(days, w, 'd-', c=wcolor, markersize=15, lw=3, alpha=0.9, label='Workplace and\ncommunity mobility data') pl.plot(days, s, 'd-', c=scolor, markersize=15, lw=3, alpha=0.9, label='School mobility data') sc.setylim() xmin, xmax = ax5.get_xlim() ax5.set_xticks(np.arange(xmin, xmax, day_stride)) pl.ylabel('Relative mobility (%)') pl.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) plot_intervs(sim) return fig
def plot(self, to_plot=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, as_dates=True, interval=None, dateformat=None, font_size=18, font_family=None, use_grid=True, use_commaticks=True, do_show=True, verbose=None): ''' Plot the results -- can supply arguments for both the figure and the plots. Args: to_plot (dict): Nested dict of results to plot; see default_sim_plots for structure do_save (bool or str): Whether or not to save the figure. If a string, save to that filename. fig_path (str): Path to save the figure fig_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.figure() plot_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.plot() scatter_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.scatter() axis_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.subplots_adjust() as_dates (bool): Whether to plot the x-axis as dates or time points interval (int): Interval between tick marks dateformat (str): Date string format, e.g. '%B %d' font_size (int): Size of the font font_family (str): Font face use_grid (bool): Whether or not to plot gridlines use_commaticks (bool): Plot y-axis with commas rather than scientific notation do_show (bool): Whether or not to show the figure verbose (bool): Display a bit of extra information Returns: fig: Figure handle ''' if verbose is None: verbose = self['verbose'] sc.printv('Plotting...', 1, verbose) if to_plot is None: to_plot = default_sim_plots to_plot = sc.odict(to_plot) # In case it's supplied as a dict # Handle input arguments -- merge user input with defaults fig_args = sc.mergedicts({'figsize': (16, 12)}, fig_args) plot_args = sc.mergedicts({'lw': 3, 'alpha': 0.7}, plot_args) scatter_args = sc.mergedicts({'s': 150, 'marker': 's'}, scatter_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts( { 'left': 0.1, 'bottom': 0.05, 'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.97, 'wspace': 0.2, 'hspace': 0.25 }, axis_args) fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size if font_family: pl.rcParams[''] = font_family res = self.results # Shorten since heavily used # Plot everything colors = sc.gridcolors(max([len(tp) for tp in to_plot.values()])) # Define the data mapping. Must be here since uses functions if is not None and len( data_mapping = { 'cum_exposed': pl.cumsum(['new_infections']), 'cum_diagnosed': pl.cumsum(['new_positives']), 'cum_tested': pl.cumsum(['new_tests']), 'infections':['new_infections'], 'tests':['new_tests'], 'diagnoses':['new_positives'], } else: data_mapping = {} for p, title, keylabels in to_plot.enumitems(): ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, p + 1) for i, key, label in keylabels.enumitems(): this_color = colors[i] y = res[key].values pl.plot(res['t'], y, label=label, **plot_args, c=this_color) if key in data_mapping: pl.scatter(['day'], data_mapping[key], c=[this_color], **scatter_args) if is not None and len( pl.scatter(pl.nan, pl.nan, c=[(0, 0, 0)], label='Data', **scatter_args) pl.grid(use_grid) cvu.fixaxis(self) if use_commaticks: sc.commaticks() pl.title(title) # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) if interval: xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xticks(pl.arange(xmin, xmax + 1, interval)) # Set xticks as dates if as_dates: xticks = ax.get_xticks() xticklabels = self.inds2dates(xticks, dateformat=dateformat) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) # Plot interventions for intervention in self['interventions']: intervention.plot(self, ax) # Ensure the figure actually renders or saves if do_save: if fig_path is None: # No figpath provided - see whether do_save is a figpath if isinstance(do_save, str): fig_path = do_save # It's a string, assume it's a filename else: fig_path = 'covasim.png' # Just give it a default name fig_path = sc.makefilepath( fig_path) # Ensure it's valid, including creating the folder pl.savefig(fig_path) if do_show: else: pl.close(fig) return fig
testdelay=base_cum_diag, trtime= base_cum_diag, # Denominator is people you start contact tracing from, not those traced ) pointcolor = [0.1, 0.4, 0.0] # High mobility, high intervention pointcolor2 = 'k' # Status quo, darker c1 = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4] c2 = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] # Plot each seed (eind) separately sepinds = 0 if sepinds: einds = df1['eind'].values eis = np.unique(einds) cols = sc.gridcolors(len(eis)) if not sepinds: eis = [0] cols = [c1] #%% Bottom row: surface plots print('Calculating surfaces...') df2 = cv.load(dffile2) bottom ='Oranges', 128) top ='Blues_r', 128) newcolors = np.vstack((top(np.linspace(0, 1, 128)), bottom(np.linspace(0, 1, 128)))) newcmp = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name='OrangeBlue')
def run_sim(sim_pars=None, epi_pars=None, show_animation=False, verbose=True): ''' Create, run, and plot everything ''' err = '' try: # Fix up things that JavaScript mangles orig_pars = cv.make_pars() defaults = get_defaults(merge=True) web_pars = {} web_pars['verbose'] = verbose # Control verbosity here for key, entry in {**sim_pars, **epi_pars}.items(): print(key, entry) best = defaults[key]['best'] minval = defaults[key]['min'] maxval = defaults[key]['max'] try: web_pars[key] = np.clip(float(entry['best']), minval, maxval) except Exception: user_key = entry['name'] user_val = entry['best'] err1 = f'Could not convert parameter "{user_key}", value "{user_val}"; using default value instead\n' print(err1) err += err1 web_pars[key] = best if key in sim_pars: sim_pars[key]['best'] = web_pars[key] else: epi_pars[key]['best'] = web_pars[key] # Convert durations web_pars['dur'] = sc.dcp( orig_pars['dur']) # This is complicated, so just copy it web_pars['dur']['exp2inf']['par1'] = web_pars.pop('web_exp2inf') web_pars['dur']['inf2sym']['par1'] = web_pars.pop('web_inf2sym') web_pars['dur']['crit2die']['par1'] = web_pars.pop('web_timetodie') web_dur = web_pars.pop('web_dur') for key in ['asym2rec', 'mild2rec', 'sev2rec', 'crit2rec']: web_pars['dur'][key]['par1'] = web_dur # Add the intervention web_pars['interventions'] = [] if web_pars['web_int_day'] is not None: web_pars['interventions'] = cv.change_beta( days=web_pars.pop('web_int_day'), changes=(1 - web_pars.pop('web_int_eff'))) # Handle CFR -- ignore symptoms and set to 1 prog_pars = cv.get_default_prognoses(by_age=False) web_pars['rel_symp_prob'] = 1.0 / prog_pars.symp_prob web_pars['rel_severe_prob'] = 1.0 / prog_pars.severe_prob web_pars['rel_crit_prob'] = 1.0 / prog_pars.crit_prob web_pars['rel_death_prob'] = web_pars.pop( 'web_cfr') / prog_pars.death_prob except Exception as E: err2 = f'Parameter conversion failed! {str(E)}\n' print(err2) err += err2 # Create the sim and update the parameters try: sim = cv.Sim() sim['prog_by_age'] = False # So the user can override this value sim['timelimit'] = max_time # Set the time limit if web_pars['seed'] == 0: web_pars['seed'] = None # Reset sim.update_pars(web_pars) except Exception as E: err3 = f'Sim creation failed! {str(E)}\n' print(err3) err += err3 if verbose: print('Input parameters:') print(web_pars) # Core algorithm try: except Exception as E: err4 = f'Sim run failed! {str(E)}\n' print(err4) err += err4 if sim.stopped: try: # Assume it stopped because of the time, but if not, don't worry day = sim.stopped['t'] time_exceeded = f"The simulation stopped on day {day} because run time limit ({sim['timelimit']} seconds) was exceeded. Please reduce the population size and/or number of days simulated." err += time_exceeded except: pass # Core plotting graphs = [] try: to_plot = sc.dcp(cv.default_sim_plots) for p, title, keylabels in to_plot.enumitems(): fig = go.Figure() colors = sc.gridcolors(len(keylabels)) for i, key, label in keylabels.enumitems(): this_color = 'rgb(%d,%d,%d)' % ( 255 * colors[i][0], 255 * colors[i][1], 255 * colors[i][2]) y = sim.results[key][:] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=sim.results['t'][:], y=y, mode='lines', name=label, line_color=this_color)) if sim['interventions']: interv_day = sim['interventions'][0].days[0] if interv_day > 0 and interv_day < sim['n_days']: fig.add_shape( dict(type="line", xref="x", yref="paper", x0=interv_day, x1=interv_day, y0=0, y1=1, name='Intervention', line=dict(width=0.5, dash='dash'))) fig.update_layout(annotations=[ dict(x=interv_day, y=1.07, xref="x", yref="paper", text="Intervention start", showarrow=False) ]) fig.update_layout(title={'text': title}, xaxis_title='Day', yaxis_title='Count', autosize=True) output = {'json': fig.to_json(), 'id': str(sc.uuid())} d = json.loads(output['json']) d['config'] = {'responsive': True} output['json'] = json.dumps(d) graphs.append(output) graphs.append(plot_people(sim)) if show_animation: graphs.append(animate_people(sim)) except Exception as E: err5 = f'Plotting failed! {str(E)}\n' print(err5) err += err5 # Create and send output files (base64 encoded content) files = {} summary = {} try: datestamp = sc.getdate(dateformat='%Y-%b-%d_%H.%M.%S') ss = sim.to_xlsx() files['xlsx'] = { 'filename': f'COVASim_results_{datestamp}.xlsx', 'content': 'data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64,' + base64.b64encode(ss.blob).decode("utf-8"), } json_string = sim.to_json() files['json'] = { 'filename': f'COVASim_results_{datestamp}.txt', 'content': 'data:application/text;base64,' + base64.b64encode(json_string.encode()).decode("utf-8"), } # Summary output summary = { 'days': sim.npts - 1, 'cases': round(sim.results['cum_exposed'][-1]), 'deaths': round(sim.results['cum_deaths'][-1]), } except Exception as E: err6 = f'File saving failed! {str(E)}\n' print(err6) err += err6 output = {} output['err'] = err output['sim_pars'] = sim_pars output['epi_pars'] = epi_pars output['graphs'] = graphs output['files'] = files output['summary'] = summary return output
def plot(self, keys=None, width=0.8, font_size=18, fig_args=None, axis_args=None, plot_args=None): ''' Plot the fit of the model to the data. For each result, plot the data and the model; the difference; and the loss (weighted difference). Also plots the loss as a function of time. Args: keys (list): which keys to plot (default, all) width (float): bar width font_size (float): size of font fig_args (dict): passed to pl.figure() axis_args (dict): passed to pl.subplots_adjust() plot_args (dict): passed to pl.plot() ''' fig_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(figsize=(36,22)), fig_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3), axis_args) plot_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(lw=4, alpha=0.5, marker='o'), plot_args) pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size if keys is None: keys = self.keys + self.custom_keys n_keys = len(keys) loss_ax = None colors = sc.gridcolors(n_keys) n_rows = 4 figs = [pl.figure(**fig_args)] pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) main_ax1 = pl.subplot(n_rows, 2, 1) main_ax2 = pl.subplot(n_rows, 2, 2) bottom = sc.objdict() # Keep track of the bottoms for plotting cumulative bottom.daily = np.zeros(self.sim_npts) bottom.cumul = np.zeros(self.sim_npts) for k,key in enumerate(keys): if key in self.keys: # It's a time series, plot with days and dates days = self.inds.sim[key] # The "days" axis (or not, for custom keys) daylabel = 'Day' else: #It's custom, we don't know what it is days = np.arange(len(self.losses[key])) # Just use indices daylabel = 'Index' # Cumulative totals can't mix daily and non-daily inputs, so skip custom keys if key in self.keys: for i,ax in enumerate([main_ax1, main_ax2]): if i == 0: data = self.losses[key] ylabel = 'Daily mismatch' title = f'Daily total mismatch' else: data = np.cumsum(self.losses[key]) ylabel = 'Cumulative mismatch' title = f'Cumulative mismatch: {self.mismatch:0.3f}' dates = self.sim_results['date'][days] # Show these with dates, rather than days, as a reference point, data, width=width, bottom=bottom[i][self.inds.sim[key]], color=colors[k], label=f'{key}') if i == 0: bottom.daily[self.inds.sim[key]] += self.losses[key] else: bottom.cumul = np.cumsum(bottom.daily) if k == len(self.keys)-1: ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(title) ax.legend() pl.subplot(n_rows, n_keys, k+1*n_keys+1) pl.plot(days, self.pair[key].data, c='k', label='Data', **plot_args) pl.plot(days, self.pair[key].sim, c=colors[k], label='Simulation', **plot_args) pl.title(key) if k == 0: pl.ylabel('Time series (counts)') pl.legend() pl.subplot(n_rows, n_keys, k+2*n_keys+1), self.diffs[key], width=width, color=colors[k], label='Difference') pl.axhline(0, c='k') if k == 0: pl.ylabel('Differences (counts)') pl.legend() loss_ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_keys, k+3*n_keys+1, sharey=loss_ax), self.losses[key], width=width, color=colors[k], label='Losses') pl.xlabel(daylabel) pl.title(f'Total loss: {self.losses[key].sum():0.3f}') if k == 0: pl.ylabel('Losses') pl.legend() return figs
def plot(self, do_save=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, as_days=True, font_size=18, use_grid=True, verbose=None): ''' Plot the results -- can supply arguments for both the figure and the plots. Parameters ---------- do_save : bool or str Whether or not to save the figure. If a string, save to that filename. fig_args : dict Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.figure() plot_args : dict Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.plot() as_days : bool Whether to plot the x-axis as days or time points Returns ------- Figure handle ''' if verbose is None: verbose = self['verbose'] if verbose: print('Plotting...') if fig_args is None: fig_args = {'figsize': (26, 16)} if plot_args is None: plot_args = {'lw': 3, 'alpha': 0.7} if scatter_args is None: scatter_args = {'s': 150, 'marker': 's'} if axis_args is None: axis_args = { 'left': 0.1, 'bottom': 0.05, 'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.97, 'wspace': 0.2, 'hspace': 0.25 } fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size res = self.results # Shorten since heavily used # Plot everything colors = sc.gridcolors(5) to_plot = sc.odict({ # TODO 'Total counts': sc.odict({'n_susceptible':'Number susceptible', 'n_exposed':'Number exposed', 'n_infectious':'Number infectious', 'cum_diagnosed':'Number diagnosed', }), 'Daily counts': sc.odict({'infections':'New infections', 'tests':'Number of tests', 'diagnoses':'New diagnoses', }), }) data_mapping = { 'cum_diagnosed': pl.cumsum(['new_positives']), 'tests':['new_tests'], 'diagnoses':['new_positives'], } for p, title, keylabels in to_plot.enumitems(): pl.subplot(2, 1, p + 1) for i, key, label in keylabels.enumitems(): this_color = colors[i + p] y = res[key] pl.plot(res['t'], y, label=label, **plot_args, c=this_color) if key in data_mapping: pl.scatter(['day'], data_mapping[key], c=[this_color], **scatter_args) pl.scatter(pl.nan, pl.nan, c=[(0, 0, 0)], label='Data', **scatter_args) pl.grid(use_grid) cv.fixaxis(self) pl.ylabel('Count') pl.xlabel('Days since index case') pl.title(title) # Ensure the figure actually renders or saves if do_save: if isinstance(do_save, str): filename = do_save # It's a string, assume it's a filename else: filename = 'covid_abm_results.png' # Just give it a default name pl.savefig(filename) return fig
# Fonts and sizes font_size = 36 font_family = 'Libertinus Sans' pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size pl.rcParams[''] = font_family fig = pl.figure(figsize=(24,10)) ax = pl.axes([0.1, 0.11, 0.85, 0.85]) msim = sc.loadobj(f'{resfolder}/uk_sim_FNL.obj') sim = msim.base_sim tt = sim.make_transtree() #tt = sc.loadobj(f'{resfolder}/tt.obj') layer_keys = list(sim.people.layer_keys()) layer_mapping = {k:i for i,k in enumerate(layer_keys)} n_layers = len(layer_keys) colors = sc.gridcolors(n_layers) layer_counts = np.zeros((sim.npts, n_layers)) for source_ind, target_ind in tt.transmissions: dd = tt.detailed[target_ind] date = dd['date'] layer_num = layer_mapping[dd['layer']] layer_counts[date, layer_num] += sim.rescale_vec[date] lockdown1 = [sc.readdate('2020-03-23'),sc.readdate('2020-05-31')] lockdown2 = [sc.readdate('2020-11-05'),sc.readdate('2020-12-03')] lockdown3 = [sc.readdate('2021-01-04'),sc.readdate('2021-02-08')] labels = ['Household', 'School', 'Workplace', 'Community'] for l in range(n_layers): ax.plot(sim.datevec, layer_counts[:,l], c=colors[l], lw=3, label=labels[l])
def plot(self, which=None, n=None, axsize=None, figsize=None): ''' Create a bar plot of the top causes of burden. By default, plots the top 10 causes of DALYs. Version: 2018sep27 ''' # Set labels titles = { 'dalys': 'Top causes of DALYs', 'deaths': 'Top causes of mortality', 'prevalence': 'Most prevalent conditions' } # Handle options if which is None: which = list(titles.keys()) if n is None: n = 10 if axsize is None: axsize = (0.65, 0.15, 0.3, 0.8) if figsize is None: figsize = (7, 4) barw = 0.8 # Pull out data df = sc.dcp( nburdens = df.nrows colors = sc.gridcolors(nburdens + 2, asarray=True)[2:] colordict = sc.odict() for c, cause in enumerate(df[self.colnames['cause']]): colordict[cause] = colors[c] # Convert to list if not isinstance(which, list): asarray = False whichlist = sc.promotetolist(which) else: asarray = True whichlist = which # Loop over each option (may only be one) figs = [] for which in whichlist: colname = self.colnames[which] try: thistitle = titles[which] thisxlabel = colname except Exception as E: errormsg = '"%s" not found, "which" must be one of %s (%s)' % ( which, ', '.join(list(titles.keys())), str(E)) raise Exception(errormsg) # Process data df.sort(col=colname, reverse=True) topdata = df[:n] try: barvals = hp.arr(topdata[colname]) except Exception as E: for r in range(topdata.nrows): try: float(topdata[colname, r]) except Exception as E2: if topdata[colname, r] in ['', None]: errormsg = 'For cause "%s", the "%s" value is missing or empty' % ( topdata[self.colnames['cause'], r], colname) else: errormsg = 'For cause "%s", could not convert "%s" value "%s" to number: %s' % ( topdata[self.colnames['cause'], r], colname, topdata[colname, r], str(E2)) raise Exception(errormsg) errormsg = 'An exception was encountered, but could not be reproduced: %s' % str( E) raise Exception(errormsg) barlabels = topdata[self.colnames['cause']].tolist() # Figure out the units largestval = barvals[0] if largestval > 1e6: barvals /= 1e6 unitstr = ' (millions)' elif largestval > 1e3: barvals /= 1e3 unitstr = ' (thousands)' else: unitstr = '' # Create plot fig = pl.figure(facecolor='none', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_axes(axsize) ax.set_facecolor('none') yaxis = pl.arange(n, 0, -1) for i in range(n): thiscause = topdata[self.colnames['cause'], i] color = colordict[thiscause] pl.barh(yaxis[i], barvals[i], height=barw, facecolor=color, edgecolor='none') ax.set_yticks(pl.arange(10, 0, -1)) ax.set_yticklabels(barlabels) sc.SIticks(ax=ax, axis='x') ax.set_xlabel(thisxlabel + unitstr) ax.set_title(thistitle) sc.boxoff() figs.append(fig) if asarray: return figs else: return figs[0]
def plot_people(people, bins=None, width=1.0, alpha=0.6, fig_args=None, axis_args=None, plot_args=None, do_show=None, fig=None): ''' Plot statistics of a population -- see People.plot() for documentation ''' # Handle inputs if bins is None: bins = np.arange(0, 101) # Set defaults color = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] # Color for the age distribution n_rows = 4 # Number of rows of plots offset = 0.5 # For ensuring the full bars show up gridspace = 10 # Spacing of gridlines zorder = 10 # So plots appear on top of gridlines # Handle other arguments fig_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(figsize=(18, 11)), fig_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts( dict(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.35), axis_args) plot_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, c=color, zorder=10), plot_args) # Compute statistics min_age = min(bins) max_age = max(bins) edges = np.append( bins, np.inf) # Add an extra bin to end to turn them into edges age_counts = np.histogram(people.age, edges)[0] # Create the figure if fig is None: fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) # Plot age histogram pl.subplot(n_rows, 2, 1), age_counts, color=color, alpha=alpha, width=width, zorder=zorder) pl.xlim([min_age - offset, max_age + offset]) pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age + 1, gridspace)) pl.grid(True) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Number of people') pl.title(f'Age distribution ({len(people):n} people total)') # Plot cumulative distribution pl.subplot(n_rows, 2, 2) age_sorted = sorted(people.age) y = np.linspace(0, 100, len(age_sorted)) # Percentage, not hard-coded! pl.plot(age_sorted, y, '-', **plot_args) pl.xlim([0, max_age]) pl.ylim([0, 100]) # Percentage pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age + 1, gridspace)) pl.yticks(np.arange(0, 101, gridspace)) # Percentage pl.grid(True) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Cumulative proportion (%)') pl.title( f'Cumulative age distribution (mean age: {people.age.mean():0.2f} years)' ) # Calculate contacts lkeys = people.layer_keys() n_layers = len(lkeys) contact_counts = sc.objdict() for lk in lkeys: layer = people.contacts[lk] p1ages = people.age[layer['p1']] p2ages = people.age[layer['p2']] contact_counts[lk] = np.histogram(p1ages, edges)[0] + np.histogram( p2ages, edges)[0] # Plot contacts layer_colors = sc.gridcolors(n_layers) share_ax = None for w, w_type in enumerate(['total', 'percapita', 'weighted' ]): # Plot contacts in different ways for i, lk in enumerate(lkeys): if w_type == 'total': weight = 1 total_contacts = 2 * len( people.contacts[lk]) # x2 since each contact is undirected ylabel = 'Number of contacts' title = f'Total contacts for layer "{lk}": {total_contacts:n}' elif w_type == 'percapita': weight = np.divide(1.0, age_counts, where=age_counts > 0) mean_contacts = 2 * len(people.contacts[lk]) / len( people) # Factor of 2 since edges are bi-directional ylabel = 'Per capita number of contacts' title = f'Mean contacts for layer "{lk}": {mean_contacts:0.2f}' elif w_type == 'weighted': weight =['beta_layer'][lk] *['beta'] total_weight = np.round(weight * 2 * len(people.contacts[lk])) ylabel = 'Weighted number of contacts' title = f'Total weight for layer "{lk}": {total_weight:n}' ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_layers, n_layers * (w + 1) + i + 1, sharey=share_ax), contact_counts[lk] * weight, color=layer_colors[i], width=width, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha) pl.xlim([min_age - offset, max_age + offset]) pl.xticks(np.arange(0, max_age + 1, gridspace)) pl.grid(True) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel(ylabel) pl.title(title) if w_type == 'weighted': share_ax = ax # Update shared axis cvset.handle_show(do_show) return fig
def plot(): fig = pl.figure(num='Fig. 2: Transmission dynamics', figsize=(20,14)) piey, tsy, r3y = 0.68, 0.50, 0.07 piedx, tsdx, r3dx = 0.2, 0.9, 0.25 piedy, tsdy, r3dy = 0.2, 0.47, 0.35 pie1x, pie2x = 0.12, 0.65 tsx = 0.07 dispx, cumx, sympx = tsx, 0.33+tsx, 0.66+tsx ts_ax = pl.axes([tsx, tsy, tsdx, tsdy]) pie_ax1 = pl.axes([pie1x, piey, piedx, piedy]) pie_ax2 = pl.axes([pie2x, piey, piedx, piedy]) symp_ax = pl.axes([sympx, r3y, r3dx, r3dy]) disp_ax = pl.axes([dispx, r3y, r3dx, r3dy]) cum_ax = pl.axes([cumx, r3y, r3dx, r3dy]) off = 0.06 txtdispx, txtcumx, txtsympx = dispx-off, cumx-off, sympx-off+0.02 tsytxt = tsy+tsdy r3ytxt = r3y+r3dy labelsize = 40-wf pl.figtext(txtdispx, tsytxt, 'a', fontsize=labelsize) pl.figtext(txtdispx, r3ytxt, 'b', fontsize=labelsize) pl.figtext(txtcumx, r3ytxt, 'c', fontsize=labelsize) pl.figtext(txtsympx, r3ytxt, 'd', fontsize=labelsize) #%% Fig. 2A -- Time series plot layer_keys = list(sim.layer_keys()) layer_mapping = {k:i for i,k in enumerate(layer_keys)} n_layers = len(layer_keys) colors = sc.gridcolors(n_layers) layer_counts = np.zeros((sim.npts, n_layers)) for source_ind, target_ind in tt.count_transmissions(): dd = tt.detailed[target_ind] date = dd['date'] layer_num = layer_mapping[dd['layer']] layer_counts[date, layer_num] += sim.rescale_vec[date] mar12 ='2020-03-12') mar23 ='2020-03-23') mar12d = mar23d = labels = ['Household', 'School', 'Workplace', 'Community', 'LTCF'] for l in range(n_layers): ts_ax.plot(sim.datevec, layer_counts[:,l], c=colors[l], lw=3, label=labels[l]) sc.setylim(ax=ts_ax) sc.boxoff(ax=ts_ax) ts_ax.set_ylabel('Transmissions per day') ts_ax.set_xlim([sc.readdate('2020-01-18'), sc.readdate('2020-06-09')]) ts_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b-%d')) ts_ax.set_xticks([, as_date=True) for d in np.arange(0,'2020-06-09'), 14)]) ts_ax.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.85,0.1)) color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] ts_ax.axvline(mar12, c=color, linestyle='--', alpha=0.4, lw=3) ts_ax.axvline(mar23, c=color, linestyle='--', alpha=0.4, lw=3) yl = ts_ax.get_ylim() labely = yl[1]*1.015 ts_ax.text(mar12, labely, 'Schools close ', color=color, alpha=0.9, style='italic', horizontalalignment='center') ts_ax.text(mar23, labely, ' Stay-at-home', color=color, alpha=0.9, style='italic', horizontalalignment='center') #%% Fig. 2A inset -- Pie charts pre_counts = layer_counts[0:mar12d, :].sum(axis=0) post_counts = layer_counts[mar23d:, :].sum(axis=0) pre_counts = pre_counts/pre_counts.sum()*100 post_counts = post_counts/post_counts.sum()*100 lpre = [ f'Household\n{pre_counts[0]:0.1f}%', f'School\n{pre_counts[1]:0.1f}% ', f'Workplace\n{pre_counts[2]:0.1f}% ', f'Community\n{pre_counts[3]:0.1f}%', f'LTCF\n{pre_counts[4]:0.1f}%', ] lpost = [ f'Household\n{post_counts[0]:0.1f}%', f'School\n{post_counts[1]:0.1f}%', f'Workplace\n{post_counts[2]:0.1f}%', f'Community\n{post_counts[3]:0.1f}%', f'LTCF\n{post_counts[4]:0.1f}%', ] pie_ax1.pie(pre_counts, colors=colors, labels=lpre, **pieargs) pie_ax2.pie(post_counts, colors=colors, labels=lpost, **pieargs) pie_ax1.text(0, 1.75, 'Transmissions by layer\nbefore schools closed', style='italic', horizontalalignment='center') pie_ax2.text(0, 1.75, 'Transmissions by layer\nafter stay-at-home', style='italic', horizontalalignment='center') #%% Fig. 2B -- histogram by overdispersion # Process targets n_targets = tt.count_targets(end_day=mar12) # Handle bins max_infections = n_targets.max() edges = np.arange(0, max_infections+2) # Analysis counts = np.histogram(n_targets, edges)[0] bins = edges[:-1] # Remove last bin since it's an edge norm_counts = counts/counts.sum() raw_counts = counts*bins total_counts = raw_counts/raw_counts.sum()*100 n_bins = len(bins) index = np.linspace(0, 100, len(n_targets)) sorted_arr = np.sort(n_targets) sorted_sum = np.cumsum(sorted_arr) sorted_sum = sorted_sum/sorted_sum.max()*100 change_inds = sc.findinds(np.diff(sorted_arr) != 0) pl.set_cmap('Spectral_r') sscolors = sc.vectocolor(n_bins) width = 1.0 for i in range(n_bins):[i], total_counts[i], width=width, facecolor=sscolors[i]) disp_ax.set_xlabel('Number of transmissions per case') disp_ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of transmissions (%)') sc.boxoff() disp_ax.set_xlim([0.5, 32.5]) disp_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 32.5, 4)) sc.boxoff(ax=disp_ax) dpie_ax = pl.axes([dispx+0.05, 0.20, 0.2, 0.2]) trans1 = total_counts[1:3].sum() trans2 = total_counts[3:5].sum() trans3 = total_counts[5:8].sum() trans4 = total_counts[8:].sum() labels = [ f'1-2:\n{trans1:0.0f}%', f' 3-4:\n {trans2:0.0f}%', f'5-7: \n{trans3:0.0f}%\n', f'>7: \n{trans4:0.0f}%\n', ] dpie_args = sc.mergedicts(pieargs, dict(labeldistance=1.2)) # Slightly smaller label distance dpie_ax.pie([trans1, trans2, trans3, trans4], labels=labels, colors=sscolors[[0,4,7,12]], **dpie_args) #%% Fig. 2C -- cumulative distribution function rev_ind = 100 - index n_change_inds = len(change_inds) change_bins = bins[counts>0][1:] for i in range(n_change_inds): ib = int(change_bins[i]) ci = change_inds[i] ici = index[ci] sci = sorted_sum[ci] color = sscolors[ib] if i>0: cim1 = change_inds[i-1] icim1 = index[cim1] scim1 = sorted_sum[cim1] cum_ax.plot([icim1, ici], [scim1, sci], lw=4, c=color) cum_ax.scatter([ici], [sci], s=150, zorder=50-i, c=[color], edgecolor='w', linewidth=0.2) if ib<=6 or ib in [8, 10, 25]: xoff = 5 - 2*(ib==1) + 3*(ib>=10) + 1*(ib>=20) yoff = 2*(ib==1) cum_ax.text(ici-xoff, sci+yoff, ib, fontsize=18-wf, color=color) cum_ax.set_xlabel('Proportion of primary infections (%)') cum_ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of transmissions (%)') xmin = -2 ymin = -2 cum_ax.set_xlim([xmin, 102]) cum_ax.set_ylim([ymin, 102]) sc.boxoff(ax=cum_ax) # Draw horizontal lines and annotations ancol1 = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] ancol2 = sscolors[0] ancol3 = sscolors[6] i01 = sc.findlast(sorted_sum==0) i20 = sc.findlast(sorted_sum<=20) i50 = sc.findlast(sorted_sum<=50) cum_ax.plot([xmin, index[i01]], [0, 0], '--', lw=2, c=ancol1) cum_ax.plot([xmin, index[i20], index[i20]], [20, 20, ymin], '--', lw=2, c=ancol2) cum_ax.plot([xmin, index[i50], index[i50]], [50, 50, ymin], '--', lw=2, c=ancol3) # Compute mean number of transmissions for 80% and 50% thresholds q80 = sc.findfirst(np.cumsum(total_counts)>20) # Count corresponding to 80% of cumulative infections (100-80) q50 = sc.findfirst(np.cumsum(total_counts)>50) # Count corresponding to 50% of cumulative infections n80, n50 = [sum(bins[q:]*norm_counts[q:]/norm_counts[q:].sum()) for q in [q80, q50]] # Plot annotations kw = dict(bbox=dict(facecolor='w', alpha=0.9, lw=0), fontsize=20-wf) cum_ax.text(2, 3, f'{index[i01]:0.0f}% of infections\ndo not transmit', c=ancol1, **kw) cum_ax.text(8, 23, f'{rev_ind[i20]:0.0f}% of infections cause\n80% of transmissions\n(mean: {n80:0.1f} per infection)', c=ancol2, **kw) cum_ax.text(14, 53, f'{rev_ind[i50]:0.0f}% of infections cause\n50% of transmissions\n(mean: {n50:0.1f} per infection)', c=ancol3, **kw) #%% Fig. 2D -- histogram by date of symptom onset # Calculate asymp_count = 0 symp_counts = {} minind = -5 maxind = 15 for _, target_ind in tt.transmissions: dd = tt.detailed[target_ind] date = dd['date'] delta = sim.rescale_vec[date] # Increment counts by this much if dd['s']: if tt.detailed[dd['source']]['date'] <= date: # Skip dynamical scaling reinfections sdate = dd['s']['date_symptomatic'] if np.isnan(sdate): asymp_count += delta else: ind = int(date - sdate) if ind not in symp_counts: symp_counts[ind] = 0 symp_counts[ind] += delta # Convert to an array xax = np.arange(minind-1, maxind+1) sympcounts = np.zeros(len(xax)) for i,val in symp_counts.items(): if i<minind: ind = 0 elif i>maxind: ind = -1 else: ind = sc.findinds(xax==i)[0] sympcounts[ind] += val # Plot total_count = asymp_count + sympcounts.sum() sympcounts = sympcounts/total_count*100 presymp = sc.findinds(xax<=0)[-1] colors = ['#eed15b', '#ee943a', '#c3211a'] asymp_frac = asymp_count/total_count*100 pre_frac = sympcounts[:presymp].sum() symp_frac = sympcounts[presymp:].sum()[0]-2, asymp_frac, label='Asymptomatic', color=colors[0])[:presymp], sympcounts[:presymp], label='Presymptomatic', color=colors[1])[presymp:], sympcounts[presymp:], label='Symptomatic', color=colors[2]) symp_ax.set_xlabel('Days since symptom onset') symp_ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of transmissions (%)') symp_ax.set_xticks([minind-3, 0, 5, 10, maxind]) symp_ax.set_xticklabels(['Asymp.', '0', '5', '10', f'>{maxind}']) sc.boxoff(ax=symp_ax) spie_ax = pl.axes([sympx+0.05, 0.20, 0.2, 0.2]) labels = [f'Asymp-\ntomatic\n{asymp_frac:0.0f}%', f' Presymp-\n tomatic\n {pre_frac:0.0f}%', f'Symp-\ntomatic\n{symp_frac:0.0f}%'] spie_ax.pie([asymp_frac, pre_frac, symp_frac], labels=labels, colors=colors, **pieargs) return fig