def randomize_struture_factors(map_coeffs, number_of_kicks, phases_only=False): map_coeff_data = None for kick in xrange(number_of_kicks): rc, ar, pr = random.choice([(0.1, 0.10, 40), (0.2, 0.09, 40), (0.3, 0.08, 30), (0.4, 0.07, 30), (0.5, 0.06, 20), (0.6, 0.05, 20), (0.7, 0.04, 20), (0.8, 0.03, 10), (0.9, 0.02, 10), (1.0, 0.01, 10) ]) if(phases_only): ar = 0 sel = flex.random_bool(map_coeffs.size(), rc) mc = map_coeffs.randomize_amplitude_and_phase( amplitude_error=ar, phase_error_deg=pr, selection=sel) if(map_coeff_data is None): map_coeff_data = else: map_coeff_data = map_coeff_data + map_coeff_data = map_coeff_data/number_of_kicks return miller.set( crystal_symmetry = map_coeffs.crystal_symmetry(), indices = map_coeffs.indices(), anomalous_flag = False).array(data = map_coeff_data)
def setup_class(self): from dials.algorithms.image.connected_components import LabelImageStack3d self.size = (500, 500) self.label_images = LabelImageStack3d(self.size) from scitbx.array_family import flex self.data_list = [] self.mask_list = [] for i in range(10): data = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution( self.size[0] * self.size[1], 100, 10 ) data.reshape(flex.grid(self.size)) mask = flex.random_bool(self.size[0] * self.size[1], 0.1) mask.reshape(flex.grid(self.size)) self.data_list.append(data) self.mask_list.append(mask) for i in range(10): self.label_images.add_image(self.data_list[i], self.mask_list[i]) self.labels = self.label_images.labels() self.coords = self.label_images.coords() self.values = list(self.label_images.values()) assert len(self.labels) > 0 assert len(self.labels) == len(self.coords) assert len(self.labels) == len(self.values)
def compute_f_calc(fmodel, params): from cctbx import miller coeffs_partial_set = fmodel.f_obs().structure_factors_from_scatterers( xray_structure = fmodel.xray_structure).f_calc() if(hasattr(params,"dev") and coeffs = fmodel.xray_structure.structure_factors( d_min = fmodel.f_obs().d_min()).f_calc() frac_inc = 1.* n_miss = - if( == "randomly"): sel = flex.random_bool(, frac_inc) coeffs = elif( == "low"): coeffs = coeffs.sort() coeffs = miller.set( crystal_symmetry = coeffs, indices = coeffs.indices()[n_miss+1:], anomalous_flag = coeffs.anomalous_flag()).array( data =[n_miss+1:]) elif( == "high"): coeffs = coeffs.sort(reverse=True) coeffs = miller.set( crystal_symmetry = coeffs, indices = coeffs.indices()[n_miss+1:], anomalous_flag = coeffs.anomalous_flag()).array( data =[n_miss+1:]) else: coeffs = coeffs_partial_set return coeffs
def compute_f_calc(fmodel, params): from cctbx import miller coeffs_partial_set = fmodel.f_obs().structure_factors_from_scatterers( xray_structure=fmodel.xray_structure).f_calc() if (hasattr(params, "dev") and coeffs = fmodel.xray_structure.structure_factors( d_min=fmodel.f_obs().d_min()).f_calc() frac_inc = 1. * / n_miss = - if ( == "randomly"): sel = flex.random_bool(, frac_inc) coeffs = elif ( == "low"): coeffs = coeffs.sort() coeffs = miller.set(crystal_symmetry=coeffs, indices=coeffs.indices()[n_miss + 1:], anomalous_flag=coeffs.anomalous_flag()).array([n_miss + 1:]) elif ( == "high" ): coeffs = coeffs.sort(reverse=True) coeffs = miller.set(crystal_symmetry=coeffs, indices=coeffs.indices()[n_miss + 1:], anomalous_flag=coeffs.anomalous_flag()).array([n_miss + 1:]) else: coeffs = coeffs_partial_set return coeffs
def run(self): from scitbx.array_family import flex data_list = [] mask_list = [] for i in range(10): data = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution( self.size[0] * self.size[1], 100, 10) data.reshape(flex.grid(self.size)) mask = flex.random_bool(self.size[0] * self.size[1], 0.1) mask.reshape(flex.grid(self.size)) data_list.append(data) mask_list.append(mask) for i in range(10): self.label_images.add_image(data_list[i], mask_list[i]) labels = self.label_images.labels() coords = self.label_images.coords() values = self.label_images.values() assert(len(labels) > 0) assert(len(labels) == len(coords)) assert(len(labels) == len(values)) self.tst_coords_are_valid(mask_list, coords) self.tst_values_are_valid(data_list, mask_list, values) self.tst_labels_are_valid(data_list, mask_list, coords, labels)
def kick_map_coeffs( map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, number_of_kicks, macro_cycles, missing = None, kick_completeness = 0.95, phases_only = False): map_data = None if(macro_cycles==0): map_data = compute_map_and_combine( map_coeffs = map_coeffs, crystal_gridding = crystal_gridding, map_data = map_data) for it in xrange(macro_cycles): print " %d"%it if(number_of_kicks>0): mc = randomize_struture_factors(map_coeffs=map_coeffs, number_of_kicks=number_of_kicks, phases_only=phases_only) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() if(missing is not None): mc = mc.complete_with(other=missing, scale=True) if(kick_completeness): mc =, kick_completeness)) map_data = compute_map_and_combine( map_coeffs = mc, crystal_gridding = crystal_gridding, map_data = map_data) return map_data
def setup_class(self): from scitbx.array_family import flex spot = flex.double(flex.grid(11, 11)) for j in range(11): for i in range(11): spot[j, i] = exp(-((j - 5) ** 2 + (i - 5) ** 2) / 2 ** 2) self.image = flex.double(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) for n in range(200): x = randint(0, 2000) y = randint(0, 2000) for j in range(0, 11): for i in range(0, 11): xx = x + i - 5 yy = y + j - 5 if xx >= 0 and yy >= 0 and xx < 2000 and yy < 2000: self.image[yy, xx] = poisson(100 * spot[j, i]) background = flex.double(list(poisson(5, 2000 * 2000))) background.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.image += background # Create an image self.mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99) self.mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.gain = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) + 1.0 self.gain.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.size = (3, 3) self.min_count = 2
def randomize_completeness2(map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, n_cycles=10): map_filter = None from mmtbx.maps import fem for cycle in xrange(n_cycles): if (cycle > 0): mc =, 0.99)) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() m = get_map(map_coeffs=mc, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding) maptbx.reset(data=m, substitute_value=0.0, less_than_threshold=0.5, greater_than_threshold=-9999, use_and=True) m = maptbx.volume_scale(map=m, n_bins=10000).map_data() if (map_filter is not None): map_filter = maptbx.volume_scale(map=map_filter, n_bins=10000).map_data() map_filter = fem.intersection(m1=map_filter, m2=m, thresholds=flex.double( [i / 100. for i in range(0, 55, 5)]), average=True) #map_filter = map_filter.set_selected(map_filter< 0.5, 0) #map_filter = map_filter.set_selected(map_filter>=0.5, 1) return map_filter
def test_masked_mean_filter(): from scitbx.array_family import flex from dials.algorithms.image.filter import mean_filter # Create an image image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99).as_int() mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) # Calculate the summed area table mask2 = mask.deep_copy() mean = mean_filter(image, mask2, (3, 3), 1) # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the # sum of the area under the kernel eps = 1e-7 for i in range(10000): i = random.randint(10, 1990) j = random.randint(10, 1990) m1 = mean[j, i] p = image[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] m = mask[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] if mask[j, i] == 0: m2 = 0.0 else: p =, flags=m) mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(p)) m2 = mv.mean() assert m1 == pytest.approx(m2, abs=eps)
def kick_map_coeffs(map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, number_of_kicks, macro_cycles, missing=None, kick_completeness=0.95, phases_only=False): map_data = None if (macro_cycles == 0): map_data = compute_map_and_combine(map_coeffs=map_coeffs, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding, map_data=map_data) for it in xrange(macro_cycles): print " %d" % it if (number_of_kicks > 0): mc = randomize_struture_factors(map_coeffs=map_coeffs, number_of_kicks=number_of_kicks, phases_only=phases_only) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() if (missing is not None): mc = mc.complete_with(other=missing, scale=True) if (kick_completeness): mc =, kick_completeness)) map_data = compute_map_and_combine(map_coeffs=mc, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding, map_data=map_data) return map_data
def test_setup(config): import cctbx.miller from iotbx import mtz, pdb from scitbx.array_family import flex mtz_name = config['mtz_filename'] mtz_file = mtz.object(mtz_filename) pdb_name = config['pdb_name'] pdb_inp = pdb.input(file_name=pdb_name) structure = pdb_inp.xray_structure_simple() miller = structure.structure_factors(d_min=2.85).f_calc() miller_sub = miller[20000:20002] flex.random_generator.seed(82364) size = miller.size() rand_sel_1 = flex.random_bool(size, 0.5) rand_sel_2 = flex.random_bool(size, 0.5) miller_1 = miller_2 = rand_doub_1 = flex.random_double(miller_1.size(), 0.1) + 0.015 rand_doub_2 = flex.random_double(miller_2.size(), 0.1) + 0.015 sigmas_1 = rand_doub_1 * miller_1.amplitudes().data() sigmas_2 = rand_doub_2 * miller_2.amplitudes().data() miller_1.set_sigmas(sigmas_1) miller_2.set_sigmas(sigmas_2) miller_1.set_observation_type_xray_amplitude() miller_2.set_observation_type_xray_amplitude() miller_1.as_intensity_array().i_over_sig_i() miller_2.as_intensity_array().i_over_sig_i() binner = miller.setup_binner(n_bins=20) indices = miller.indices() mtch_indcs = miller_1.match_indices(miller_2) mset = miller.set() # doc = wikify_all_methods(cctbx.miller.binning, config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(mset), config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(binner), config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(miller), config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(, config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(indices), config) # doc = wikify_all_methods(type(mtch_indcs), config, # module=["cctbx", "miller"]) return (mtch_indcs, ["cctbx", "miller"])
def __init__(self): from scitbx.array_family import flex # Create an image self.image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) self.image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99) self.mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.gain = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) + 0.5 self.gain.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) self.size = (3, 3) self.min_count = 2
def kick_fmodel( fmodel, map_type, crystal_gridding, number_of_kicks, macro_cycles, missing = None, kick_completeness = 0.95): f_model = fmodel.f_model_no_scales() zero = fmodel.f_calc().customized_copy(data = flex.complex_double(fmodel.f_calc().data().size(), 0)) fmodel_dc = mmtbx.f_model.manager( f_obs = fmodel.f_obs(), r_free_flags = fmodel.r_free_flags(), k_isotropic = fmodel.k_isotropic(), k_anisotropic = fmodel.k_anisotropic(), f_calc = fmodel.f_model_no_scales(), f_part1 = fmodel.f_part1(), f_part2 = fmodel.f_part2(), f_mask = zero) r1 = fmodel.r_work() r2 = fmodel_dc.r_work() assert approx_equal(r1, r2, 1.e-4), [r1, r2] def get_mc(fm): return fm.electron_density_map().map_coefficients( map_type = map_type, isotropize = True, fill_missing = False) def recreate_r_free_flags(fmodel): rc = random.choice([0.05, 0.9]) r_free_flags = flex.random_bool(fmodel.f_obs().indices().size(), rc) fmodel._r_free_flags._data = r_free_flags return fmodel map_data = None for it in xrange(macro_cycles): print " %d"%it f_model_kick = randomize_struture_factors(map_coeffs=f_model, number_of_kicks=number_of_kicks) fmodel_dc = recreate_r_free_flags(fmodel = fmodel_dc) fmodel_dc.update(f_calc = f_model_kick) mc = get_mc(fm=fmodel_dc) if(missing is not None): mc = mc.complete_with(missing, scale=True) if(kick_completeness): mc =, kick_completeness)) map_data = compute_map_and_combine( map_coeffs = mc, crystal_gridding = crystal_gridding, map_data = map_data) return map_data
def randomize_completeness(map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, n_cycles=10, thresholds=[0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]): map_data = None for cycle in xrange(n_cycles): if(cycle>0): mc =, 0.95)) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() map_data = compute_map_and_combine( map_coeffs = mc, crystal_gridding = crystal_gridding, map_data = map_data, thresholds = thresholds) return map_data
def tst_labels_3d(self): from import PixelList, PixelListLabeller from scitbx.array_family import flex size = (500, 500) sf = 0 labeller = PixelListLabeller() count = 0 mask_list = [] for i in range(3): image = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution( size[0] * size[1], 100, 5) mask = flex.random_bool(size[0] * size[1], 0.5) image.reshape(flex.grid(size)) mask.reshape(flex.grid(size)) pl = PixelList(sf + i, image, mask) count += len(mask.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())) labeller.add(pl) mask_list.append(mask) coords = labeller.coords() labels = labeller.labels_3d() # Create a map of labels label_map =, size[0], size[1])) for c, l in zip(coords, labels): label_map[c] = l # Ensure all labels are correct vi = 0 for k in range(3): for j in range(size[0]): for i in range(size[1]): if mask_list[k][j, i]: l1 = labels[vi] if k > 0 and mask_list[k - 1][j, i]: l2 = label_map[k - 1, j, i] assert (l2 == l1) if j > 0 and mask_list[k][j - 1, i]: l2 = label_map[k, j - 1, i] assert (l2 == l1) if i > 0 and mask_list[k][j, i - 1]: l2 = label_map[k, j, i - 1] assert (l2 == l1) vi += 1 # Test passed print 'OK'
def kick_fmodel(fmodel, map_type, crystal_gridding, number_of_kicks, macro_cycles, missing=None, kick_completeness=0.95): f_model = fmodel.f_model_no_scales() zero = fmodel.f_calc().customized_copy( data=flex.complex_double(fmodel.f_calc().data().size(), 0)) fmodel_dc = mmtbx.f_model.manager(f_obs=fmodel.f_obs(), r_free_flags=fmodel.r_free_flags(), k_isotropic=fmodel.k_isotropic(), k_anisotropic=fmodel.k_anisotropic(), f_calc=fmodel.f_model_no_scales(), f_part1=fmodel.f_part1(), f_part2=fmodel.f_part2(), f_mask=zero) r1 = fmodel.r_work() r2 = fmodel_dc.r_work() assert approx_equal(r1, r2, 1.e-4), [r1, r2] def get_mc(fm): return fm.electron_density_map().map_coefficients(map_type=map_type, isotropize=True, fill_missing=False) def recreate_r_free_flags(fmodel): rc = random.choice([0.05, 0.9]) r_free_flags = flex.random_bool(fmodel.f_obs().indices().size(), rc) fmodel._r_free_flags._data = r_free_flags return fmodel map_data = None for it in xrange(macro_cycles): print " %d" % it f_model_kick = randomize_struture_factors( map_coeffs=f_model, number_of_kicks=number_of_kicks) fmodel_dc = recreate_r_free_flags(fmodel=fmodel_dc) fmodel_dc.update(f_calc=f_model_kick) mc = get_mc(fm=fmodel_dc) if (missing is not None): mc = mc.complete_with(missing, scale=True) if (kick_completeness): mc =, kick_completeness)) map_data = compute_map_and_combine(map_coeffs=mc, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding, map_data=map_data) return map_data
def randomize_completeness(map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, n_cycles=10, thresholds=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]): map_data = None for cycle in xrange(n_cycles): if (cycle > 0): mc =, 0.95)) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() map_data = compute_map_and_combine(map_coeffs=mc, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding, map_data=map_data, thresholds=thresholds) return map_data
def random_weight_averaged_map_coefficients(self, random_scale, random_seed, n_cycles, fraction_keep, missing=None): assert self.map_coefficients_data.size() == \ self.r.size() == \ mc_data = maptbx.fem_averaging_loop( map_coefficients = self.map_coefficients_data, r_factors = self.r, sigma_over_f_obs =, random_scale = random_scale, random_seed = random_seed, n_cycles = n_cycles) mc_wa = self.map_coefficients.customized_copy(data = mc_data) if(missing is not None): mc_wa = mc_wa.complete_with(other=missing, scale=True) return, fraction_keep))
def run(self): from dials.algorithms.image.filter import fano_filter from scitbx.array_family import flex from random import randint # Create an image image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99).as_int() mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) # Calculate the summed area table mask2 = mask.deep_copy() fano_filter = fano_filter(image, mask2, (3, 3), 2) mean = fano_filter.mean() var = fano_filter.sample_variance() fano = fano_filter.fano() # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the # sum of the area under the kernel eps = 1e-7 for i in range(10000): i = randint(10, 1990) j = randint(10, 1990) m1 = mean[j,i] v1 = var[j,i] f1 = fano[j,i] p = image[j-3:j+4,i-3:i+4] m = mask[j-3:j+4,i-3:i+4] if mask[j,i] == 0: m2 = 0.0 v2 = 0.0 f2 = 1.0 else: p =, flags=m) mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(p)) m2 = mv.mean() v2 = mv.unweighted_sample_variance() f2 = v2 / m2 assert(abs(m1 - m2) <= eps) assert(abs(v1 - v2) <= eps) assert(abs(f1 - f2) <= eps) # Test passed print 'OK'
def run(self): from dials.algorithms.image.filter import fano_filter from scitbx.array_family import flex from random import randint # Create an image image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99).as_int() mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) # Calculate the summed area table mask2 = mask.deep_copy() fano_filter = fano_filter(image, mask2, (3, 3), 2) mean = fano_filter.mean() var = fano_filter.sample_variance() fano = fano_filter.fano() # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the # sum of the area under the kernel eps = 1e-7 for i in range(10000): i = randint(10, 1990) j = randint(10, 1990) m1 = mean[j, i] v1 = var[j, i] f1 = fano[j, i] p = image[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] m = mask[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] if mask[j, i] == 0: m2 = 0.0 v2 = 0.0 f2 = 1.0 else: p =, flags=m) mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(p)) m2 = mv.mean() v2 = mv.unweighted_sample_variance() f2 = v2 / m2 assert (abs(m1 - m2) <= eps) assert (abs(v1 - v2) <= eps) assert (abs(f1 - f2) <= eps) # Test passed print 'OK'
def test_add_image(): from import PixelList, PixelListLabeller from scitbx.array_family import flex size = (2000, 2000) sf = 10 labeller = PixelListLabeller() count = 0 for i in range(3): image = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution(size[0] * size[1], 100, 5) mask = flex.random_bool(size[0] * size[1], 0.5) image.reshape(flex.grid(size)) mask.reshape(flex.grid(size)) pl = PixelList(sf + i, image, mask) count += len(mask.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d())) labeller.add(pl) assert len(labeller.values()) == count
def randomize_struture_factors(map_coeffs, number_of_kicks, phases_only=False): map_coeff_data = None for kick in xrange(number_of_kicks): rc, ar, pr = random.choice([(0.1, 0.10, 40), (0.2, 0.09, 40), (0.3, 0.08, 30), (0.4, 0.07, 30), (0.5, 0.06, 20), (0.6, 0.05, 20), (0.7, 0.04, 20), (0.8, 0.03, 10), (0.9, 0.02, 10), (1.0, 0.01, 10)]) if (phases_only): ar = 0 sel = flex.random_bool(map_coeffs.size(), rc) mc = map_coeffs.randomize_amplitude_and_phase(amplitude_error=ar, phase_error_deg=pr, selection=sel) if (map_coeff_data is None): map_coeff_data = else: map_coeff_data = map_coeff_data + map_coeff_data = map_coeff_data / number_of_kicks return miller.set(crystal_symmetry=map_coeffs.crystal_symmetry(), indices=map_coeffs.indices(), anomalous_flag=False).array(data=map_coeff_data)
def test(): from scitbx.array_family import flex from dials.algorithms.image.filter import index_of_dispersion_filter # Create an image image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99).as_int() mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) # Calculate the summed area table mask2 = mask.deep_copy() index_of_dispersion_filter = index_of_dispersion_filter( image, mask2, (3, 3), 2) mean = index_of_dispersion_filter.mean() var = index_of_dispersion_filter.sample_variance() index_of_dispersion = index_of_dispersion_filter.index_of_dispersion() # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the # sum of the area under the kernel eps = 1e-7 for i in range(10000): i = random.randint(10, 1990) j = random.randint(10, 1990) m1 = mean[j, i] v1 = var[j, i] f1 = index_of_dispersion[j, i] p = image[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] m = mask[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4] if mask[j, i] == 0: m2 = 0.0 v2 = 0.0 f2 = 1.0 else: p =, flags=m) mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(p)) m2 = mv.mean() v2 = mv.unweighted_sample_variance() f2 = v2 / m2 assert m1 == pytest.approx(m2, abs=eps) assert v1 == pytest.approx(v2, abs=eps) assert f1 == pytest.approx(f2, abs=eps)
def random_weight_averaged_map_coefficients(self, random_scale, random_seed, n_cycles, fraction_keep, missing=None): assert self.map_coefficients_data.size() == \ self.r.size() == \ mc_data = maptbx.fem_averaging_loop( map_coefficients=self.map_coefficients_data, r_factors=self.r,, random_scale=random_scale, random_seed=random_seed, n_cycles=n_cycles) mc_wa = self.map_coefficients.customized_copy(data=mc_data) if (missing is not None): mc_wa = mc_wa.complete_with(other=missing, scale=True) return, fraction_keep))
def randomize_completeness2(map_coeffs, crystal_gridding, n_cycles=10): map_filter = None from mmtbx.maps import fem for cycle in xrange(n_cycles): if(cycle>0): mc =, 0.99)) else: mc = map_coeffs.deep_copy() m = get_map(map_coeffs=mc, crystal_gridding=crystal_gridding) maptbx.reset( data=m, substitute_value=0.0, less_than_threshold=0.5, greater_than_threshold=-9999, use_and=True) m = maptbx.volume_scale(map = m, n_bins = 10000).map_data() if(map_filter is not None): map_filter = maptbx.volume_scale(map = map_filter, n_bins = 10000).map_data() map_filter = fem.intersection(m1=map_filter, m2=m, thresholds=flex.double([i/100. for i in range(0,55,5)]), average=True) #map_filter = map_filter.set_selected(map_filter< 0.5, 0) #map_filter = map_filter.set_selected(map_filter>=0.5, 1) return map_filter
def tst_masked_mean_filter(self): from dials.algorithms.image.filter import mean_filter from scitbx.array_family import flex from random import randint # Create an image image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000) image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) mask = flex.random_bool(2000 * 2000, 0.99).as_int() mask.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000)) # Calculate the summed area table mask2 = mask.deep_copy() mean = mean_filter(image, mask2, (3, 3), 1) # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the # sum of the area under the kernel eps = 1e-7 for i in range(10000): i = randint(10, 1990) j = randint(10, 1990) m1 = mean[j,i] p = image[j-3:j+4,i-3:i+4] m = mask[j-3:j+4,i-3:i+4] if mask[j,i] == 0: m2 = 0.0 else: p =, flags=m) mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(p)) m2 = mv.mean() s1 = flex.sum(flex.double(p)) s2 = flex.sum(m.as_1d()) assert(abs(m1 - m2) <= eps) # Test passed print 'OK'
def recreate_r_free_flags(fmodel): rc = random.choice([0.05, 0.9]) r_free_flags = flex.random_bool(fmodel.f_obs().indices().size(), rc) fmodel._r_free_flags._data = r_free_flags return fmodel
def example(): # Read in PDB file and get xray_structure object xray_structure = iotbx.pdb.input( file_name = "model.pdb").xray_structure_simple() # compute Fcalc from atoms f_calc_1 = xray_structure.structure_factors(d_min=1.5).f_calc() print f_calc_1.indices().size() # create mtz file mtz_dataset = f_calc_1.as_mtz_dataset(column_root_label="FC1") # sel = flex.random_bool(, 0.5) f_calc_2 = print # add data to mtz mtz_dataset.add_miller_array( miller_array=f_calc_2, column_root_label="FC2") # write out mtz mtz_object = mtz_dataset.mtz_object() mtz_object.write(file_name = "data.mtz") # f1, f2 = f_calc_1.common_sets(f_calc_2) print, # n = flex.sum( flex.abs( flex.abs( ) ) d = flex.sum(flex.abs( print n/d # miller_arrays = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file( file_name = "data.mtz").as_miller_arrays() ma_2 = None for ma in miller_arrays: if( == ['FC2', 'PHIFC2']): ma_2 = ma break print ma_2 # f_obs1 = abs(f_calc_2) f_obs2 = f_calc_2.customized_copy(data = flex.abs( assert approx_equal(, fmodel = mmtbx.f_model.manager( f_obs = f_obs1, r_free_flags = f_obs1.generate_r_free_flags(), xray_structure = xray_structure) print dir(fmodel) print fmodel.r_work() print fmodel.r_free() # x = flex.double([1,2,3,4]) print x print list(x) # fft_map = f_calc_1.fft_map(resolution_factor = 0.3) fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() m1 = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() print "m1:", m1 print fft_map.n_real() # m2 = m1.deep_copy() # m3 = m1+m2 # map_coefficients = f_calc_1.structure_factors_from_map(map = m3) # sf = miller_set.structure_factors_from_map( map = map_data, use_scale = True, anomalous_flag = False, use_sg = False)
def run(): import iotbx.pdb xrs_str = """ CRYST1 8.000 8.000 8.000 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 1 HETATM 115 O HOH A 18 4.000 4.000 4.000 1.00 10.00 O TER END """ pdb_inp = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=xrs_str) xrs = pdb_inp.xray_structure_simple() xrs.scattering_type_registry(table = "wk1995") cntr = 0 for remove_fraction in [0.2, 0.5]: print print "remove_fraction:", remove_fraction for option in ["random", "smallest", "highest"]: print print "data incompleteness:",option,"-"*30 # f_exact = xrs.structure_factors(d_min = 1.0).f_calc() # if(option=="highest"): s = flex.sort_permutation(abs(f_exact).data(), reverse=True) f_exact = n_remove = int(s.size()*remove_fraction) f_poor = f_exact.customized_copy( data =[n_remove:], indices = f_exact.indices()[n_remove:]) elif(option == "smallest"): s = flex.sort_permutation(abs(f_exact).data(), reverse=True) f_exact = n_remove = int(s.size()*remove_fraction) sz = f_poor = f_exact.customized_copy( data =[:sz-n_remove], indices = f_exact.indices()[:sz-n_remove]) elif(option == "random"): s = flex.random_bool(, 1.-remove_fraction) f_poor = else: assert 0 # print "number of all data:", print "number of incomplete data:", cc1 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_poor) print "start CC(exact_map, poor_map): ", cc1 # f_dsf = f_poor.double_step_filtration( vol_cutoff_plus_percent =0.1, vol_cutoff_minus_percent=0.1, complete_set=f_exact) f_new = f_poor.complete_with(other = f_dsf) cc2 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_new) print "start CC(exact_map, filled_map)1: ", cc2 # f_dsf = f_poor.double_step_filtration( vol_cutoff_plus_percent =0.1, vol_cutoff_minus_percent=0.1, complete_set=f_exact, scale_to=f_exact) f_new = f_poor.complete_with(other = f_dsf) cc3 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_new) print "start CC(exact_map, filled_map)2: ", cc3 # if(option=="highest"): if(remove_fraction==0.2): assert cc1<0.92 assert cc2>0.99 and cc3>0.99 cntr += 1 elif(remove_fraction==0.5): assert cc1<0.16 assert cc2>0.76 assert cc3>0.99 cntr += 1 # assert cntr == 2 # make sure it's gone through all if statements
def run(): import iotbx.pdb xrs_str = """ CRYST1 8.000 8.000 8.000 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 1 HETATM 115 O HOH A 18 4.000 4.000 4.000 1.00 10.00 O TER END """ pdb_inp = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=xrs_str) xrs = pdb_inp.xray_structure_simple() xrs.scattering_type_registry(table="wk1995") cntr = 0 for remove_fraction in [0.2, 0.5]: print print "remove_fraction:", remove_fraction for option in ["random", "smallest", "highest"]: print print "data incompleteness:", option, "-" * 30 # f_exact = xrs.structure_factors(d_min=1.0).f_calc() # if (option == "highest"): s = flex.sort_permutation(abs(f_exact).data(), reverse=True) f_exact = n_remove = int(s.size() * remove_fraction) f_poor = f_exact.customized_copy([n_remove:], indices=f_exact.indices()[n_remove:]) elif (option == "smallest"): s = flex.sort_permutation(abs(f_exact).data(), reverse=True) f_exact = n_remove = int(s.size() * remove_fraction) sz = f_poor = f_exact.customized_copy([:sz - n_remove], indices=f_exact.indices()[:sz - n_remove]) elif (option == "random"): s = flex.random_bool(, 1. - remove_fraction) f_poor = else: assert 0 # print "number of all data:", print "number of incomplete data:", cc1 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_poor) print "start CC(exact_map, poor_map): ", cc1 # f_dsf = f_poor.double_step_filtration(vol_cutoff_plus_percent=0.1, vol_cutoff_minus_percent=0.1, complete_set=f_exact) f_new = f_poor.complete_with(other=f_dsf) cc2 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_new) print "start CC(exact_map, filled_map)1: ", cc2 # f_dsf = f_poor.double_step_filtration(vol_cutoff_plus_percent=0.1, vol_cutoff_minus_percent=0.1, complete_set=f_exact, scale_to=f_exact) f_new = f_poor.complete_with(other=f_dsf) cc3 = map_cc(map_coeffs_1=f_exact, map_coeffs_2=f_new) print "start CC(exact_map, filled_map)2: ", cc3 # if (option == "highest"): if (remove_fraction == 0.2): assert cc1 < 0.92 assert cc2 > 0.99 and cc3 > 0.99 cntr += 1 elif (remove_fraction == 0.5): assert cc1 < 0.16 assert cc2 > 0.76 assert cc3 > 0.99 cntr += 1 # assert cntr == 2 # make sure it's gone through all if statements
def generate_mask(xsize, ysize): from scitbx.array_family import flex mask = flex.random_bool(xsize * ysize, 0.9) mask.reshape(flex.grid(ysize, xsize)) return mask
def example(): # Read in PDB file and get xray_structure object xray_structure = iotbx.pdb.input( file_name="model.pdb").xray_structure_simple() # compute Fcalc from atoms f_calc_1 = xray_structure.structure_factors(d_min=1.5).f_calc() print f_calc_1.indices().size() # create mtz file mtz_dataset = f_calc_1.as_mtz_dataset(column_root_label="FC1") # sel = flex.random_bool(, 0.5) f_calc_2 = print # add data to mtz mtz_dataset.add_miller_array(miller_array=f_calc_2, column_root_label="FC2") # write out mtz mtz_object = mtz_dataset.mtz_object() mtz_object.write(file_name="data.mtz") # f1, f2 = f_calc_1.common_sets(f_calc_2) print, # n = flex.sum(flex.abs(flex.abs( - flex.abs( d = flex.sum(flex.abs( print n / d # miller_arrays = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file( file_name="data.mtz").as_miller_arrays() ma_2 = None for ma in miller_arrays: if ( == ['FC2', 'PHIFC2']): ma_2 = ma break print ma_2 # f_obs1 = abs(f_calc_2) f_obs2 = f_calc_2.customized_copy(data=flex.abs( assert approx_equal(, fmodel = mmtbx.f_model.manager(f_obs=f_obs1, r_free_flags=f_obs1.generate_r_free_flags(), xray_structure=xray_structure) print dir(fmodel) print fmodel.r_work() print fmodel.r_free() # x = flex.double([1, 2, 3, 4]) print x print list(x) # fft_map = f_calc_1.fft_map(resolution_factor=0.3) fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() m1 = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() print "m1:", m1 print fft_map.n_real() # m2 = m1.deep_copy() # m3 = m1 + m2 # map_coefficients = f_calc_1.structure_factors_from_map(map=m3) # sf = miller_set.structure_factors_from_map(map=map_data, use_scale=True, anomalous_flag=False, use_sg=False)
def generate_mask(self, xsize, ysize): from scitbx.array_family import flex mask = flex.random_bool(xsize * ysize, 0.9) mask.reshape(flex.grid(ysize, xsize)) return mask