def project(array,choices): print "Projected scores on available choices: ", for c in choices: if choices[c]: print cl.Fore.GREEN+cl.Style.BRIGHT+c+": "+cl.Fore.RED+str(score.wrap(array,c))+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL, print "\n"
project(array,choices) redos = raw_input("\nWhich dices do you want to re-roll (last chance)?\nInput indices (start from 1) separated by space, press enter if you want to keep all of them: ").split() for r in redos: array[int(r)-1]=random.randint(1,6) print "\n\nYour dices are: ", for a in array: print cl.Fore.YELLOW+cl.Back.BLUE+cl.Style.BRIGHT+str(a)+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Back.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL, print "\n" project(array,choices) choice = raw_input("\nPlease make a choice from the available choices: ") try: while not choices[choice]: choice = raw_input("You've already used that one before. Please try again: ") except: choice = raw_input("That one does not exist. Please try again: ") scores[choice]=score.wrap(array,choice) print "\nYou chose "+cl.Fore.GREEN+cl.Style.BRIGHT+choice+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL+" and scored "+cl.Fore.RED+cl.Style.BRIGHT+str(scores[choice])+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL+" in "+cl.Fore.YELLOW+cl.Style.BRIGHT+"round #"+str(13-rounds_left+1)+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL+"!\n" choices[choice] = False calc(scores) print "Scores: ", for s in scores: if s != 'UPPER_BONUS' and s != 'TOTAL': if not choices[s]: print cl.Fore.CYAN+cl.Style.BRIGHT+s+" "+cl.Fore.MAGENTA+str(scores[s])+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL, else: print cl.Fore.CYAN+cl.Style.BRIGHT+s+" "+cl.Fore.MAGENTA+str(scores[s])+cl.Fore.RESET+cl.Style.RESET_ALL, print "" rounds_left -= 1 print cl.Fore.BLUE+cl.Style.BRIGHT+"\nCongratulations! You've finished the Yahtzee game and scored a total of ", print cl.Fore.RED+str(scores['TOTAL']),