def does_id_exists_in_DB(profile_id): if not DB.SAVE_ON: scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG( "DB.SAVE_ON is False. So program is not fetching data") return conn = psycopg2.connect(user=pg_user, password=pg_pass, host=pg_host, port=pg_port, database=pg_db) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(f"select id from main where id={profile_id}") count = cur.rowcount cur.close() conn.close() scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG(f"Checking if profile id: {profile_id} exists?") if count != 0: scr_hlp.pause_if_EXTRADEBUG("profile exists.") return True scr_hlp.pause_if_EXTRADEBUG("profile not exists") return False
def addtoDB(columns_lst, values_lst, dtable): if not DB.SAVE_ON: scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG( "DB.SAVE_ON is False. So program is not saving data") return conn = psycopg2.connect(user=pg_user, password=pg_pass, host=pg_host, port=pg_port, database=pg_db) cur = conn.cursor() columns = ", ".join(columns_lst) values = ", ".join([f"'{replaceq(v)}'" for v in values_lst]) insert_q = f"insert into {dtable} ({columns}) values({values});" cur.execute(insert_q) count = cur.rowcount conn.commit() scr_hlp.pause_if_EXTRADEBUG( f"{count} Record inserted successfully into mobile table") cur.close() conn.close()
def open_wb(): scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("Opening an existing sheet named = %s" % xlsx_hlp.current) wbRD = xlrd.open_workbook(xlsx_hlp.current) sheets = wbRD.sheets() xlsx_hlp.wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsx_hlp.current) for sheet in sheets: # write data from old file if == 'main': ws = xlsx_hlp.ws_main = xlsx_hlp.wb.add_worksheet( xlsx_hlp.row_num_main = sheet.nrows scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("%s was having %i rows previously." % (, sheet.nrows - 1)) elif == 'compétences': ws = xlsx_hlp.ws_comp = xlsx_hlp.wb.add_worksheet( xlsx_hlp.row_num_comp = sheet.nrows scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("%s was having %i rows previously." % (, sheet.nrows - 1)) elif == 'lang': ws = xlsx_hlp.ws_lang = xlsx_hlp.wb.add_worksheet( xlsx_hlp.row_num_lang = sheet.nrows scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("%s was having %i rows previously." % (, sheet.nrows - 1)) elif == 'atouts': ws = xlsx_hlp.ws_atouts = xlsx_hlp.wb.add_worksheet( xlsx_hlp.row_num_atouts = sheet.nrows scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("%s was having %i rows previously." % (, sheet.nrows - 1)) elif == 'nb_moments_cles': ws = xlsx_hlp.ws_nb_moments = xlsx_hlp.wb.add_worksheet( xlsx_hlp.row_num_nb_moments = sheet.nrows scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("%s was having %i rows previously." % (, sheet.nrows - 1)) else: raise NameError("Some Problem in Excel file") for row in range(sheet.nrows): for col in range(sheet.ncols): ws.write(row, col, sheet.cell(row, col).value)
"//button[@class='optanon-allow-all accept-cookies-button']") while True: scr_hlp.pause_if_EXTRADEBUG("Starting job with page_num = %i" % page_num) scr_hlp.load_page( list_page_URL % page_num, do_handle_login=False, refresh_also=False, wait_ele_xpath= "//a[@class='actualLink' and contains(@href,'/detailProfil/')]", ele_count=20) candidates_nodes = scr_hlp.d.find_elements_by_xpath( "//a[@class='actualLink' and contains(@href,'/detailProfil/')]" ) scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("Total candidates on this page are: " + str(len(candidates_nodes))) is_next_exists = scr_hlp.is_next_page_exists() scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG("is_next_exists = %r" % scr_hlp.is_next_page_exists()) c_page_URLs = [] #save all urls in current page for i in range(0, len(candidates_nodes)): c_URL = candidates_nodes[i].get_attribute("href") scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG( str(i) + ": Candidate link: " + c_URL) c_page_URLs.append(c_URL) scr_hlp.print_if_DEBUG( "Total candidates on page_num = %i are %i" % (page_num, len(c_page_URLs))) #load those urls