예제 #1
    def __init__(self, allcards = None, streak = None, beststreak = None, q = None, rarity=None, format=None, difficulty=None):
        self.maxlength = 5
        self.streak = streak if streak else 0
        self.beststreak = beststreak if beststreak else 0
        self.rarity = rarity if rarity else ['Mythic','Rare','Uncommon','Common']
        self.format = format if format else ['standard','modern','legacy','special']
        self.difficulty = difficulty if difficulty else ['easy']
        self.allcards = allcards if allcards else getCardlistFromDB(self.rarity,self.format)

        if q:
            self.q = q
            self.q = []
            for i in range(self.maxlength):
                card = self.allcards.pop(0)
                self.q.append(Card(cardname=card[0], cardsetfull=card[1], cardset=card[2], realprice=card[3], rarity=card[4]))
예제 #2
    def new_card(self, choice = None):
        result = 0
        currentcard = None
        if choice:
            print "choice: " + choice
            currentcard = self.q.pop(0)
                currentcard.fakeprice = float(currentcard.fakeprice)
                currentcard.realprice = float(currentcard.realprice)
                currentcard.realprice = -1.0
                currentcard.fakeprice = -1.0
            if choice == "error":
                print "Error in choice! Real Price: "+ str(currentcard.realprice) + " Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
            elif abs(currentcard.fakeprice - currentcard.realprice) < .1 and choice == 'lucky':
                result = 'lucky'
                print "LUCKY!: You Selected Lucky, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was within .10 of Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice) + ". +10 Points!"
                self.streak += 10
            elif currentcard.fakeprice > currentcard.realprice:
                if choice == "lower":
                    result = 'correct'
                    print "CORRECT: You Selected Lower, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Lower than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak += 1
                elif choice == "higher":
                    result = 'wrong'
                    print "WRONG: You Selected Higher, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Lower than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak = 0
                elif choice == "lucky":
                    result = 'notlucky'
                    print "NOT SO LUCKY: You Selected Lucky, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Lower than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak = 0
            elif currentcard.fakeprice < currentcard.realprice:
                if choice == "higher":
                    result = 'correct'
                    print "CORRECT: You Selected Higher, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Greater than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak += 1
                elif choice == "lower":
                    result = 'wrong'
                    print "WRONG: You Selected Lower, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Greater than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak = 0
                elif choice == "lucky":
                    result = 'notlucky'
                    print "NOT SO LUCKY: You Selected Lucky, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was Greater than Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice)
                    self.streak = 0
            elif currentcard.fakeprice == currentcard.realprice:
                if currentcard.fakeprice == -1.0:
                    result = 'error'
                    print "There was an error in converting your Real or Fake price, your streak should be unaffected."
                elif choice == "higher":
                    result = 'tricked'
                    print "TRICKED: You Selected Higher, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was exactly Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice) + ". Streak Unaffected"
                    self.streak += 0
                elif choice == "lower":
                    result = 'tricked'
                    print "TRICKED: You Selected Lower, and Real Price: " + str(currentcard.realprice) + " was excatly Fake Price: " + str(currentcard.fakeprice) + ". Streak Unaffected"
                    self.streak += 0
        print self.streak
        if self.beststreak < self.streak:
            self.beststreak = self.streak
        print self.beststreak

        if len(self.allcards) < 10:

        bottom = self.allcards.pop(0)
        bottomcard = Card(cardname=bottom[0], cardsetfull=bottom[1], cardset=bottom[2], realprice=bottom[3], rarity=bottom[4])


        return self.q[0], bottomcard, self.beststreak, result