예제 #1
def main(screen, clock):
    bg = util.get_image('background')

    map_button = util.get_image('maps_button')
    map_button = pygame.transform.scale(map_button, (350, 150))
    cards_button = util.get_image('cards_button')
    cards_button = pygame.transform.scale(cards_button, (350, 150))
    items_button = util.get_image('items_button')
    items_button = pygame.transform.scale(items_button, (350, 150))

    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
    screen.blit(map_button, (20, 100))
    screen.blit(cards_button, (450, 100))
    screen.blit(items_button, (900, 100))

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
        # x w x, y h y
        if 20 + 350 > mouse[0] > 20 and 100 + 150 > mouse[1] > 100:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 0
        elif 450 + 350 > mouse[0] > 450 and 100 + 150 > mouse[1] > 100:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 1
        elif 900 + 350 > mouse[0] > 900 and 100 + 150 > mouse[1] > 100:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 2

        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False, -1
예제 #2
def main(screen, clock):
    bg = util.get_image('background')
    bg_h = 934
    logo = util.get_image('logo')
    start = util.get_image('start_button')
    start = pygame.transform.scale(start, (350, 150))
    option = util.get_image('options_button')
    option = pygame.transform.scale(option, (400, 150))

    bg_animation_ticks = 200
    bg_ease = util.EaseOutSine(bg_animation_ticks, util.HEIGHT - bg_h, 0)
    logo_ease = util.EaseOutSine(bg_animation_ticks, -50, -160)

    for i in range(bg_animation_ticks):
        # Initialize & scroll start screen
        screen.fill([0, 255, 0])
        screen.blit(bg, (0, next(bg_ease)))
        screen.blit(logo, (0, next(logo_ease)))

        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False

    for i in range(0, 200):
        start.set_alpha(i/20)  # doesn't make the image fully opaque
        screen.blit(start, (450, 350))
        screen.blit(option, (420, 500))
        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
        x = 450
        y = 350
        w = 350
        h = 150
        if x+w > mouse[0] > x and y+h > mouse[1] > y:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True
        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False
예제 #3
def main(screen, clock):
    bg = util.get_image('item_selection_background')
    bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (1280, 720))
    return_button = util.get_image('return_button')
    return_button = pygame.transform.scale(return_button, (175, 60))

    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
    screen.blit(return_button, (1080, 640))

    card_back = util.get_image('card_back', scale=(450, 458))
    card_border = util.get_image('card_border', scale=(450, 458))
    potion_image = util.get_image('Cards/potion', scale=(300, 300))
    dragon_image = util.get_image('Cards/dragon', scale=(280, 280))
    phoenix_image = util.get_image('Cards/phoenix', scale=(340, 340))

    # blitting the selction items
    screen.blit(card_back, (-10, 20))
    screen.blit(card_back, (410, 20))
    screen.blit(card_back, (830, 20))

    screen.blit(potion_image, (70, 90))
    screen.blit(dragon_image, (511, 86))
    screen.blit(phoenix_image, (875, 35))

    screen.blit(card_border, (-10, 20))
    screen.blit(card_border, (410, 20))
    screen.blit(card_border, (830, 20))

    # blitting the items selected
    card_back = pygame.transform.scale(card_back, (180, 188))
    card_border = pygame.transform.scale(card_border, (180, 188))
    potion_image = pygame.transform.scale(potion_image, (135, 135))
    dragon_image = pygame.transform.scale(dragon_image, (112, 115))

    screen.blit(card_back, (45, 510))
    screen.blit(card_back, (245, 510))

    screen.blit(potion_image, (75, 540))
    screen.blit(dragon_image, (287, 536))

    screen.blit(card_border, (45, 510))
    screen.blit(card_border, (245, 510))

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        # x w x, y h y
        if 1080 + 175 > mouse[0] > 1080 and 640 + 60 > mouse[1] > 640:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 0
        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False
예제 #4
def main(screen, clock, counting_text):
    lose_screen = util.get_image('lose_screen')
    lose_screen = pygame.transform.scale(lose_screen, (680, 680))
    screen.blit(lose_screen, (300, 20))
    screen.blit(counting_text, (600, 330))
    font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 64, italic=True)
    item_text = font.render("2", 1, (43, 3, 9))
    screen.blit(item_text, (600, 375))

    return_button = util.get_image('return_button')
    return_button = pygame.transform.scale(return_button, (175, 60))
    screen.blit(return_button, (710, 560))

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        # x w x, y h y
        if 710 + 175 > mouse[0] > 710 and 560 + 60 > mouse[1] > 560:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 0

        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False
예제 #5
def main(screen, clock):
    bg = util.get_image('map_selection_background')

    bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (1280, 720))
    select_button_left = util.get_image('select_button_left')
    select_button_left = pygame.transform.scale(select_button_left, (150, 150))
    select_button_right = util.get_image('select_button_right')
    select_button_right = pygame.transform.scale(select_button_right,
                                                 (150, 150))
    play_button = util.get_image('play_button')
    play_button = pygame.transform.scale(play_button, (350, 150))
    return_button = util.get_image('return_button')
    return_button = pygame.transform.scale(return_button, (175, 60))
    plain_forest = util.get_image('plain_forest')
    plain_forest = pygame.transform.scale(plain_forest, (866, 350))
    mountain_background = util.get_image('mountain_background')
    mountain_background = pygame.transform.scale(mountain_background,
                                                 (866, 350))

    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
    screen.blit(select_button_left, (50, 280))
    screen.blit(select_button_right, (1100, 280))
    screen.blit(play_button, (460, 550))
    screen.blit(return_button, (1080, 640))
    screen.blit(plain_forest, (222, 165))

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
        if 1100 + 150 > mouse[0] > 1100 and 280 + 150 > mouse[1] > 280:
            if click[0] == 1:
                screen.blit(mountain_background, (222, 165))
        if 460 + 350 > mouse[0] > 460 and 550 + 150 > mouse[1] > 550:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 0
        if 1080 + 175 > mouse[0] > 1080 and 640 + 60 > mouse[1] > 640:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 1
        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False, -1
예제 #6
def main(screen, clock):
    bg = util.get_image('card_selection_background')
    bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (1280, 720))
    return_button = util.get_image('return_button')
    return_button = pygame.transform.scale(return_button, (175, 60))

    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
    screen.blit(return_button, (1080, 640))

    card_back = util.get_image('card_back', scale=(200, 208))
    card_border = util.get_image('card_border', scale=(200, 208))
    knight_image = util.get_image('Cards/knight', scale=(100, 100))
    lance_image = util.get_image('Cards/lance', scale=(100, 100))
    archer_image = util.get_image('Cards/archer', scale=(100, 100))
    wizard_image = util.get_image('Cards/wizard', scale=(100, 100))

    # bltting card selection list
    screen.blit(card_back, (145, 150))
    screen.blit(card_back, (395, 150))
    screen.blit(card_back, (645, 150))
    screen.blit(card_back, (895, 150))

    screen.blit(knight_image, (190, 185))
    screen.blit(archer_image, (455, 180))
    screen.blit(lance_image, (710, 180))
    screen.blit(wizard_image, (960, 180))

    screen.blit(card_border, (145, 150))
    screen.blit(card_border, (395, 150))
    screen.blit(card_border, (645, 150))
    screen.blit(card_border, (895, 150))

    # blitting card selection
    card_back = pygame.transform.scale(card_back, (90, 98))
    card_border = pygame.transform.scale(card_border, (90, 98))
    knight_image = pygame.transform.scale(knight_image, (45, 49))
    archer_image = pygame.transform.scale(archer_image, (45, 49))
    lance_image = pygame.transform.scale(lance_image, (45, 49))
    wizard_image = pygame.transform.scale(wizard_image, (45, 49))

    screen.blit(card_back, (120, 560))
    screen.blit(card_back, (220, 560))
    screen.blit(card_back, (320, 560))
    screen.blit(card_back, (420, 560))

    screen.blit(knight_image, (149, 590))
    screen.blit(archer_image, (251, 585))
    screen.blit(lance_image, (353, 585))
    screen.blit(wizard_image, (451, 585))

    screen.blit(card_border, (120, 560))
    screen.blit(card_border, (220, 560))
    screen.blit(card_border, (320, 560))
    screen.blit(card_border, (420, 560))

    while True:
        mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        # x w x, y h y
        if 1080 + 175 > mouse[0] > 1080 and 640 + 60 > mouse[1] > 640:
            if click[0] == 1:
                return True, 0
        if not util.tick(clock):
            return False
예제 #7
def init():
    # Backgrounds
    global ground
    ground = util.get_image('game_ground')
    global card_inventory
    card_inventory = util.get_image('card_inventory')
    global game_background
    game_background = util.get_image('game_background')
    # Cards
    card_back = util.get_image('card_back', scale=(100, 108))
    card_border = util.get_image('card_border', scale=(100, 108))
    potion_image = util.get_image('Cards/potion', scale=(70, 70))
    dragon_image = util.get_image('Cards/dragon', scale=(70, 70))
    phoenix_image = util.get_image('Cards/phoenix', scale=(70, 70))
    knight_image = util.get_image('Cards/knight', scale=(70, 70))
    lance_image = util.get_image('Cards/lance', scale=(70, 70))
    archer_image = util.get_image('Cards/archer', scale=(70, 70))
    wizard_image = util.get_image('Cards/wizard', scale=(70, 70))
    # Character
    for i, j in (('knight', .06), ('lance', .08), ('archer', .06),
                 ('gunslinger', None), ('wizard', .16)):
        if j is None:
            util.get_image(f'Characters/{i}/idle_{k+1}', scale=j)
            for k in range(4)
    for i, j in (('knight', .06), ('lance', .08), ('archer', .06),
                 ('gunslinger', None), ('wizard', .16)):
        if j is None:
                           f'/attack_{k+1}', scale=j) for k in range(4)
    for i, j in (('porc', .07), ('wraith', .07), ('fly', .07)):
        if i == 'wraith':
                util.get_image(f'Characters/{i}/idle_{k+1}', scale=j)
                for k in range(9)
        if i == 'fly':
                util.get_image(f'Characters/{i}/idle_{k+1}', scale=j)
                for k in range(7)
            util.get_image(f'Characters/{i}/idle', scale=j))

    for i, j in (('porc', .07), ('wraith', .07), ('fly', .07)):
        if j is None:
        if i == 'fly':
                               f'/attack_{k+1}', scale=j) for k in range(4)
                           f'/attack_{k+1}', scale=j) for k in range(8)

    global faint_animations
    global enemy_faint_animations
    faint_animations = [
        util.get_image(f'Faint/character/{i+1}', scale=.10) for i in range(26)
    enemy_faint_animations = [
        util.get_image(f'Faint/enemy/{i+1}', scale=.10) for i in range(16)
    # Draw grid into surface
    global grid_hor
    grid_hor = pygame.Surface((1280, 410))
    global grid_ver
    grid_ver = pygame.Surface((1280, 410))
    for i in range(11):
                         (i * GRID_SPACE_HOR + GRID_SPACE_HOR + 10, 10),
                         (i * GRID_SPACE_HOR + 10, 400),
    for i in range(4):
                         GRID_COLOR, (0, GRID_SPACE_VER * (i + 1)),
                         (1280, GRID_SPACE_VER * (i + 1)),
    # Draw cards into their own surfaces,
    global cards
    cards = [pygame.Surface((90, 90)) for _ in range(8)]
    for i in cards:
        i.blit(card_back, (-8, -8))
    cards[0].blit(potion_image, (10, 8))
    cards[1].blit(dragon_image, (10, 8))
    cards[2].blit(phoenix_image, (10, 8))
    cards[3].blit(knight_image, (10, 8))
    cards[4].blit(lance_image, (10, 8))
    cards[5].blit(archer_image, (10, 8))
    # cards[6].blit(gunslinger_image, (10, 8))
    cards[7].blit(wizard_image, (10, 8))
    for i in cards:
        i.blit(card_border, (-8, -8))