def load_images(self, image_dir): image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(image_dir) for image_file in image_files: parts = image_file[:-4].split("_") if parts[1] == "draw": continue idx = int(parts[0]) - 1 self.blocks[idx].reload_image(source=image_dir + "/" + image_file)
def get_test_image(): chromosome_dir = data_dir + "/chromosome" chromosome_ids = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, "x", "y" ] idx = np.random.randint(len(chromosome_ids)) chromosome_dir = chromosome_dir + "/" + str(chromosome_ids[idx]) image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(chromosome_dir) image_file = image_files[np.random.randint(len(image_files))] test_image = cv2.imread(chromosome_dir + "/" + image_file, 0) return test_image
def test_generate_chromosome_cluster(self): image_dir = data_dir + "/chromosome/1" image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(image_dir) num_chromosome = 15 contours = list() chromosomes = list() chosen_files = list() # error_case = ['/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xx_karyotype_225_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_213_1.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_190_1.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xx_karyotype_064_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xx_karyotype_017_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_055_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_208_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_266_1.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_132_0.bmp', # '/home/lntk/Desktop/Karyotype/data/chromosome/1/xy_karyotype_233_1.bmp'] for _ in range(num_chromosome): """ Randomly get chromosome image from directory """ idx = np.random.randint(len(image_files)) chromosome = image_utils.read_image(image_dir + "/" + image_files[idx]) chosen_files.append(image_dir + "/" + image_files[idx]) # for image_file in error_case: # chromosome = image_utils.read_image(image_file) """ Resize """ chromosome = cv2.resize(chromosome, (64, 64)) """ Rotate """ angle = np.random.randint(90) rotated_chromosome = image_utils.rotate_image(chromosome, angle) """ Extract contour """ contour = image_utils.get_chromosome_contour(rotated_chromosome) contours.append(contour) chromosomes.append(rotated_chromosome) print(chosen_files) contours, boxes, initial_boxes = chromosome_utils.generate_chromosome_cluster( contours) for contour in contours: print(contour.shape) # silhouette_image = chromosome_utils.get_chromosome_silhouette(contours, boxes) cluster_image = chromosome_utils.get_chromosome_cluster_image( boxes, initial_boxes, chromosomes) image_utils.show_multiple_images([cluster_image])
def directory_to_images_files_and_labels(directory, verbose=False): if verbose: print("Processing " + directory) relative_label_dirs = [x for x in next(os.walk(directory))[1] ] # get label names, such as "1", "2", .... label_to_id = { key: value for (value, key) in enumerate(relative_label_dirs) } # mapping label to id (0, 1, ...) id_to_label = { key: value for (key, value) in enumerate(relative_label_dirs) } if verbose: print(label_to_id) image_ids, label_ids = list(), list() for label in relative_label_dirs: label_id = int(label_to_id[label]) label_dir = directory + "/" + label if verbose: print("Processing " + label_dir) image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(label_dir) for image_file in image_files: image_file = label_dir + "/" + image_file image_ids.append(image_file) label_ids.append(label_id) if verbose: print("#Images so far: ", len(image_ids)) if verbose: print("10 first image ids:", image_ids[:10]) print("10 first label ids:", label_ids[:10]) print("10 first label:", [id_to_label[idx] for idx in label_ids[:10]]) return image_ids, label_ids, id_to_label, label_to_id
def load_images(self, image_dir): image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(image_dir) for image_file in image_files: idx = int(image_file[:-4]) - 1 self.blocks[idx].reload_image(source=image_dir + "/" + image_file)
def process_karyotyping_images(directory, chromosome_type="xx", debug=False, load_karyotype_info=False, max_p=None, need_confirm=False): last_chromosome = chromosome_type[1] chromosome_ids = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, "x", "y" ] save_directory = directory + "/" + chromosome_type + "/chromosome" karyotype_directory = directory + "/" + chromosome_type if debug: print("Save directory: " + save_directory) print("Karyotype directory: " + karyotype_directory) general_utils.create_directory(save_directory) if not load_karyotype_info: # Create directories to store output images for idx in chromosome_ids: general_utils.create_directory(save_directory + "/" + str(idx)) karyotypes = dict() image_files = general_utils.get_all_files(karyotype_directory) for image_file in image_files: if not image_file.endswith(".bmp"): continue if debug: print(image_file) image = cv2.imread(karyotype_directory + "/" + image_file, 0) # ret, thresh = threshold.partial_otsu_threshold(image, minval=0, maxval=255, dark_background=False) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(image, 254, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) # if debug: # image_utils.show_image(thresh) _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) num_contour = len(contours) # Find area threshold - taking the 46-th largest area areas = list() for idx in range(num_contour): is_outer_contour = hierarchy[0][idx][3] == -1 if is_outer_contour: area = cv2.contourArea(contours[idx]) areas.append(area) areas.sort(reverse=True) if len(areas) < 46: print("Wrong at " + image_file) continue area_threshold = areas[45] - 0.01 chosen_contours = list() for idx in range(num_contour): contour = contours[idx] if cv2.contourArea(contour) < area_threshold: continue chosen_contours.append(contour) if len(chosen_contours) < 46: print("Wrong at " + image_file) continue contour_info = list() for contour in chosen_contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) contour_info.append([x, y, w, h, contour]) def sorted_by(a, b): x_a, y_a, w_a, h_a, _ = a x_b, y_b, w_b, h_b, _ = b if (y_a + h_a) < y_b: return -1 if x_a < x_b: return -1 return 1 cmp = functools.cmp_to_key(sorted_by) contour_info.sort(key=cmp) if need_confirm: rgb_image = np.stack((image, ) * 3, axis=-1) image_utils.show_image(image_utils.get_image_with_contours( rgb_image, chosen_contours, thickness=-1), cmap=None) user_input = input() if "yes".startswith(user_input): karyotypes[image_file] = contour_info else: print("Skipping: " + image_file) else: rgb_image = np.stack((image, ) * 3, axis=-1) image_utils.show_image(image_utils.get_image_with_contours( rgb_image, chosen_contours, thickness=-1), cmap=None) karyotypes[image_file] = contour_info # Save data in case of bugs pickle.dump( karyotypes, open(directory + "/" + chromosome_type + "", 'wb')) else: with open(directory + "/" + chromosome_type + "", 'rb') as f: karyotypes = pickle.load(f) # Find maximum perimeter if max_p is None: max_p = -1 for idx in karyotypes.keys(): contour_info = karyotypes[idx] if len(contour_info) != 46: print("Skipping:" + idx) continue con_1 = contour_info[0][4] con_2 = contour_info[1][4] p_1 = cv2.arcLength(con_1, True) p_2 = cv2.arcLength(con_2, True) max_p = max(p_1, max_p) max_p = max(p_2, max_p) if debug: print("Max p: " + str(max_p)) # Resize all images according to max perimeter for image_file in karyotypes.keys(): image = cv2.imread(karyotype_directory + "/" + image_file, 0) contour_info = karyotypes[image_file] if debug: print(image_file) if len(contour_info) != 46: print("Skipping:" + image_file) continue # Get max perimeter of two chromosome 1 con_1 = contour_info[0][4] con_2 = contour_info[1][4] p_1 = cv2.arcLength(con_1, True) p_2 = cv2.arcLength(con_2, True) local_max_p = max(p_1, p_2) # Get scale according to above local max scale = max_p * 1.0 / local_max_p print(scale) component_size = 512 counter = 1 pixel_open = 0 for idx in range(len(contour_info)): x, y, w, h, contour = contour_info[idx] # open the bounding box a little bit x -= pixel_open y -= pixel_open w += pixel_open h += pixel_open # create a white image of size 512 white_image = 255 - np.zeros(shape=(component_size, component_size)) # calculate corresponding top-left point in white image new_x = int((component_size - w) / 2) new_y = int((component_size - h) / 2) # copy bounding box patch from karyotype image into white image white_image[new_y:(new_y + h), new_x:(new_x + w)] = image[y:(y + h), x:(x + w)] # rescale chromosome image white_image = cv2.resize( white_image, (int(component_size * scale), int(component_size * scale))) white_image = white_image.astype('uint8') # get the center patch of size 512 white_image = image_utils.get_center_sub_image(white_image, size=component_size) # get current chromosome name (1, 2, ..., x, y) chromosome_name = str(chromosome_ids[int(idx / 2)]) # the last chromosome name depends on what karyotype image (xx or xy) if idx == 45: chromosome_name = last_chromosome # save the patch contain only 1 chromosome cv2.imwrite( save_directory + "/" + chromosome_name + "/" + chromosome_type + "_" + image_file + "_" + str(idx), white_image) counter += 1