def get_profile(): twitter = Twitter() credentials = twitter.get_credentials() tw = Twython(credentials['consumer_key'], credentials['consumer_secret'], credentials['access_token'], credentials['access_token_secret']) tw_user_a = tw.show_user(screen_name=PROFILE_A) tw_user_b = tw.show_user(screen_name=PROFILE_B) user_a = { 'name': tw_user_a['name'], 'description': tw_user_a['description'], 'photo': tw_user_a['profile_image_url'] } user_b = { 'name': tw_user_b['name'], 'description': tw_user_b['description'], 'photo': tw_user_b['profile_image_url'] } dict_ = { 'A': user_a, 'B': user_b } return dict_
import time from datetime import datetime import pytz from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from twython import Twython from twython.exceptions import TwythonError, TwythonRateLimitError from db.database import db_session from db.models import AllTweets from scripts.d2l_collector.twitter import Twitter parent_dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) t = Twitter() credentials = t.get_credentials() tw = Twython(credentials['consumer_key'], credentials['consumer_secret'], credentials['access_token'], credentials['access_token_secret']) result = [] count = 0 context = "bvs" tag = "#teambatman OR #teamsuperman" with open(parent_dir_name + '/files/tweets_ids.csv', 'rt', encoding="utf-8") as csv_file: reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) all_tweets = [] for row in reader:
def profile_information(): list_topics = TOPICS.replace(" ", "").split(",") processing = Processing() twitter = Twitter() credentials = twitter.get_credentials() tw = Twython(credentials['consumer_key'], credentials['consumer_secret'], credentials['access_token'], credentials['access_token_secret']) tw_user_a = tw.show_user(screen_name=PROFILE_A) tw_user_b = tw.show_user(screen_name=PROFILE_B) user_a = { 'name': tw_user_a['name'], 'description': tw_user_a['description'], 'photo': tw_user_a['profile_image_url'] } user_b = { 'name': tw_user_b['name'], 'description': tw_user_b['description'], 'photo': tw_user_b['profile_image_url'] } timeline_a = tw.get_user_timeline(screen_name=PROFILE_A, count=200) timeline_b = tw.get_user_timeline(screen_name=PROFILE_B, count=200) args = {} all_texts_a = [] all_texts_b = [] for tweet in timeline_a: tweet_data = twitter.get_tweet_data(tweet) all_texts_a.append(tweet_data['text']) for tweet in timeline_b: tweet_data = twitter.get_tweet_data(tweet) all_texts_b.append(tweet_data['text']) words_a, hashtags_a, topics_a = processing.get_words_simple(all_texts_a, list_topics) words_b, hashtags_b, topics_b = processing.get_words_simple(all_texts_b, list_topics) temp_a = dict(Counter(words_a).most_common(250)) temp_b = dict(Counter(words_b).most_common(250)) sorted_a = dict(sorted(temp_a.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)) sorted_b = dict(sorted(temp_b.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)) top_10_a = [word for word in sorted_a][:10] top_10_b = [word for word in sorted_b][:10] user_a['top_10'] = top_10_a user_b['top_10'] = top_10_b user_a['words'] = sorted_a user_b['words'] = sorted_b user_a['hashtags'] = Counter(hashtags_a).most_common(3) user_b['hashtags'] = Counter(hashtags_b).most_common(3) user_a['topics'] = dict(Counter(topics_a)) user_b['topics'] = dict(Counter(topics_b)) args = { 'user_a': user_a, 'user_b': user_b, 'topics_name': list_topics } return jsonify(args)
class TwitterCollector(): def __init__(self): self.twitter = Twitter() self.credentials = self.twitter.get_credentials() self.twython = Twython(self.credentials['consumer_key'], self.credentials['consumer_secret'], self.credentials['access_token'], self.credentials['access_token_secret']) def collect(self, query, context, waiting_time, count, number_of_attempts): def find(word, letter): for l in word: if l == letter: return True return False if query == '': return geocoder = Geocoder( access_token= "pk.eyJ1IjoiZ3Jhbmhva2FpbiIsImEiOiJjam8wbXdyeDIwMXprM3Bubm04ZnUyYzRqIn0.XKzTzY7qAr44O8hU2M2agA" ) tweets_collect = [] list_ids = [] for i in range(0, number_of_attempts): print("Collecting " + query + "... Attempt: " + str(i)) if i == 0: results =, count=count, lang='pt') else: results =, count=count, lang='pt', max_id=last_since) #count_control = 0 tweets = results['statuses'] indice = len(tweets) - 1 last_tweet = tweets[indice] last_since = last_tweet['id'] for t in results['statuses']: tweet = self.twitter.get_tweet_data(t) try: user_ = t['user'] _location = user_['location'] saveFile = open('raw.json', 'a') if _location == None: #print (':( User %s is not sharing location'%t['user']['screen_name']) saveFile.close() else: if find(_location, ',') == False: #print (':( User %s is sharing wrong location'%t['user']['screen_name']) saveFile.close() else: coordinates = geocoder.forward(_location) if coordinates.geojson()['features'] == []: #print (':( User %s is sharing wrong city'%t['user']['screen_name']) saveFile.close() else: mapboxResponse = coordinates.geojson( )['features'][0] coordinates_ = mapboxResponse['geometry'][ 'coordinates'] t['geo'] = { "type": "Point", "coordinates": (coordinates_[1], coordinates_[0]) } novo_tweet = json.dumps(t) saveFile.write(novo_tweet + '\n') saveFile.close() #Collecting all here tweet_instance = AllTweets( tweet['object_id'], tweet['user_name'], tweet['text'], tweet['date_formated'], tweet['user_rt'], tag, context) db_session.add(tweet_instance) db_session.commit() print("Saved " + str(tweet['object_id'])) except exc.IntegrityError as e: print("The tweet " + str(tweet['object_id']) + " has already on database") db_session.rollback() except Exception as e: raise Exception("Database Error: " + str(e)) #waiting_time in seconds print("Waiting Sleep Time ...") time.sleep(waiting_time)
if len(p) < 3: print("Number of arguments is not correct") exit(0) elif len(p) == 3: tag = str(p[1]) context = str(p[2]) language = None else: tag = str(p[1]) context = str(p[2]) language = str(p[3]) twitter = Twitter() credentials = twitter.get_credentials() consumer_key = credentials['consumer_key'] consumer_secret = credentials['consumer_secret'] access_token = credentials['access_token'] access_token_secret = credentials['access_token_secret'] stream = MyStreamer(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, twitter) stream.set_stringsearch(tag) stream.set_context(context) try: if language == None: stream.statuses.filter(track=tag) else:
class TwitterCollector(): def __init__(self): self.twitter = Twitter() self.credentials = self.twitter.get_credentials() self.twython = Twython(self.credentials['consumer_key'], self.credentials['consumer_secret'], self.credentials['access_token'], self.credentials['access_token_secret']) def collect(self, query, context, waiting_time, count, number_of_attempts): if query == '': return last_since = -1 tweets_collect = [] list_ids = [] for i in range(0, number_of_attempts): print("Collecting " + query + "... Attempt: " + str(i)) if i == 0: results =, count=count, lang='pt') else: results =, count=count, lang='pt', since_id=last_since) count_control = 0 for t in results['statuses']: tweet = self.twitter.get_tweet_data(t) if count_control == 0: last_since = tweet['object_id'] count_control += 1 try: tweet_instance = AllTweets(tweet['object_id'], tweet['user_name'], tweet['text'], tweet['date_formated'], tweet['user_rt'], tag, context) db_session.add(tweet_instance) db_session.commit() print("Saved " + str(tweet['object_id'])) except exc.IntegrityError as e: print("The tweet " + str(tweet['object_id']) + " has already on database") db_session.rollback() except Exception as e: raise Exception("Database Error: " + str(e)) #waiting_time in seconds print("Waiting Sleep Time ...") time.sleep(waiting_time)