예제 #1
    def clean(self, corpora, dest_folder, langs=None):
        if langs is None and len(corpora) > 0:
            langs = (corpora[0].langs[0], corpora[0].langs[1])

                        [(corpus, ParallelCorpus(corpus.name, dest_folder, corpus.langs), langs) for corpus in corpora])
        return ParallelCorpus.list(dest_folder)
예제 #2
    def encode(self, corpora, dest_folder):
        if not os.path.isdir(dest_folder):
            fileutils.makedirs(dest_folder, exist_ok=True)

        for corpus in corpora:
            for lang in corpus.langs:
                source = corpus.get_file(lang)
                dest = ParallelCorpus(corpus.name, dest_folder,

                self.encode_file(source, dest)

        return ParallelCorpus.list(dest_folder)
예제 #3
    def process(self,
        for corpus in corpora:
            for lang in corpus.langs:
                source = corpus.get_file(lang)
                dest = ParallelCorpus(corpus.name, dest_folder,

                self.__process_file(source, dest, lang, print_tags,
                                    print_placeholders, original_spacing)

        return ParallelCorpus.list(dest_folder)
예제 #4
    def train(self, corpora, aligner, working_dir='.', log_file=None):
        if os.path.isdir(self._model) and len(os.listdir(self._model)) > 0:
            raise Exception('Model already exists at ' + self._model)

        if not os.path.isdir(self._model):
            fileutils.makedirs(self._model, exist_ok=True)

        if not os.path.isdir(working_dir):
            fileutils.makedirs(working_dir, exist_ok=True)

        l1 = self._source_lang
        l2 = self._target_lang
        langs = (l1, l2)
        langs_suffix = l1 + '-' + l2

        mct_base = self._get_model_basename()
        dmp_file = mct_base + '.dmp'
        mam_file = mct_base + '.' + langs_suffix + '.mam'
        lex_file = mct_base + '.' + langs_suffix + '.lex'

        log = shell.DEVNULL

            if log_file is not None:
                log = open(log_file, 'a')

            # Clean corpus for training
            clean_output = os.path.join(working_dir, 'clean_corpora')
            fileutils.makedirs(clean_output, exist_ok=True)
            corpora = self._cleaner.clean(corpora, clean_output, (self._source_lang, self._target_lang))

            # Create merged corpus and domains list file (dmp)
            merged_corpus = ParallelCorpus(os.path.basename(mct_base), working_dir, langs)

            fileutils.merge([corpus.get_file(l1) for corpus in corpora], merged_corpus.get_file(l1))
            fileutils.merge([corpus.get_file(l2) for corpus in corpora], merged_corpus.get_file(l2))
            with open(dmp_file, 'w') as dmp:
                for corpus in corpora:
                    dmp.write(str(corpus.name) + ' ' + str(corpus.count_lines()) + '\n')

            # Create alignments in 'bal' file and symmetrize
            bal_file = aligner.align(merged_corpus, langs, self._model, working_dir, log_file)

            symal_file = os.path.join(working_dir, 'alignments.' + langs_suffix + '.symal')
            symal_command = [self._symal_bin, '-a=g', '-d=yes', '-f=yes', '-b=yes']
            with open(bal_file) as stdin:
                with open(symal_file, 'w') as stdout:
                    shell.execute(symal_command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=log)

            # Execute mtt-build
            mttbuild_command = self._get_mttbuild_command(mct_base, dmp_file, l1)
            with open(merged_corpus.get_file(l1)) as stdin:
                shell.execute(mttbuild_command, stdin=stdin, stdout=log, stderr=log)

            mttbuild_command = self._get_mttbuild_command(mct_base, dmp_file, l2)
            with open(merged_corpus.get_file(l2)) as stdin:
                shell.execute(mttbuild_command, stdin=stdin, stdout=log, stderr=log)

            # Create 'mam' file
            mam_command = [self._symal2mam_bin, mam_file]
            with open(symal_file) as stdin:
                shell.execute(mam_command, stdin=stdin, stdout=log, stderr=log)

            # Create 'lex' file
            lex_command = [self._mmlexbuild_bin, mct_base + '.', l1, l2, '-o', lex_file]
            shell.execute(lex_command, stdout=log, stderr=log)
            if log_file is not None: