def run():
    f_ids = open(TOP_FRIENDS_IDS_PATH).readlines()
    api = get_twitter_api_from_creds()
    for profile in fetch_profiles(api, user_ids = f_ids):
        # note that we fetch profile id from each retrieved profile
        p_id = str(profile['id'])
        p_sn = profile['screen_name']
        fname = os.path.join(FETCHED_FRIENDS_PROFILES_DIR, p_id + '.json')
        with open(fname, 'w') as f:
            print('Writing (%s): %s' % (p_sn, fname))
            json.dump(profile, f, indent = 2)
    $ python3 -m scripts.fetch.fetch_profiles
from scripts.settings import congress_twitter_names
from scripts.settings import setup_space, get_twitter_api_from_creds
from scripts.settings import FETCHED_CONGRESS_PROFILES_DIR
from scripts.utils.twitter import fetch_profiles
import json
import os.path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    api = get_twitter_api_from_creds()
    for p in fetch_profiles(api, screen_names = congress_twitter_names()):
        sn = p['screen_name'].lower()
        fname = os.path.join(FETCHED_CONGRESS_PROFILES_DIR, sn + '.json')
        with open(fname, 'w') as f:
            print('Writing', fname)
            json.dump(p, f, indent = 2)