def command_tools_clean(): tools = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'tools')) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': devenv, vs_version_name, msbuild = find_devenv() if not devenv and not msbuild: error('Could not find a valid install of Visual Studio') return 1 if vs_version_name == '2008': proj_postfix = '.vcproj' sln_postfix = '.sln' vs_version = '9.0' elif vs_version_name == '2010': proj_postfix = '-2010.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2010.sln' vs_version = '10.0' elif vs_version_name == '2012': proj_postfix = '-2012.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2012.sln' vs_version = '11.0' if devenv: base_cmd = [devenv, '/clean', 'Release'] elif msbuild: base_cmd = [msbuild, '/t:clean', '/p:Configuration=Release', '/p:Platform=Win32', '/p:VisualStudioVersion=%s' % vs_version] cgfx2json_proj = os.path.join(tools, 'cgfx2json', 'cgfx2json%s' % proj_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [cgfx2json_proj] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) nvtristrip_sln = os.path.join(tools, 'NvTriStrip', 'NvTriStrip%s' % sln_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [nvtristrip_sln] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) else: sh('make clean', cwd=tools)
def command_env(): if sys.version_info[1] != 7: error('Turbulenz requires python 2.7') return -1 env_dir = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, ENV) if not os.path.isdir(env_dir): if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': sh('%s -m virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % (sys.executable, env_dir)) else: print "PYTHON: %s" % PYTHON cmd = 'virtualenv -p %s --no-site-packages %s' % (PYTHON, env_dir) print "CMD: %s" % cmd sh(cmd, console=True) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': env_bin = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'env', 'scripts') activate_script = os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate.bat') extra_path = 'set PATH=%PATH%;%VIRTUAL_ENV%\\..\\tools\\scripts\n' else: env_bin = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'env', 'bin') activate_script = os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate') extra_path = 'export PATH=$PATH:$VIRTUAL_ENV/../tools/scripts\n' with open(activate_script, 'r+') as f: activate_text = if activate_text.find(extra_path) == -1: # Seek is required here on Windows Python 2.x, 2) f.write(extra_path) def _easy_install(package): cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'easy_install'), package] sh(cmd) _easy_install('simplejson>=2.1.5') _easy_install('PyYAML>=3.10') _easy_install('logilab-common==0.57.1') _easy_install('logilab-astng==0.23.1') _easy_install('pylint==0.25.1') _easy_install('roman>=1.4.0') _easy_install('docutils>=0.9.1') _easy_install('Sphinx>=1.1.3') _easy_install('turbulenz_tools>=1.0.1') _easy_install('turbulenz_local>=1.1') cmd = [ os.path.join(env_bin, 'python'), os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'scripts', ''), '--prefix', env_dir, '--typescript' ] if not TURBULENZOS in ['linux32', 'linux64']: cmd.append('-f') sh(cmd, console=True)
def command_env(): if sys.version_info[1] != 7: error('Turbulenz requires python 2.7') return -1 env_dir = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, ENV) if not os.path.isdir(env_dir): if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': sh('%s -m virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % (sys.executable, env_dir)) else: print "PYTHON: %s" % PYTHON cmd = 'virtualenv -p %s --no-site-packages %s' % (PYTHON, env_dir) print "CMD: %s" % cmd sh(cmd, console=True) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': env_bin = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'env', 'scripts') activate_script = os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate.bat') extra_path = 'set PATH=%PATH%;%VIRTUAL_ENV%\\..\\tools\\scripts\n' else: env_bin = os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'env', 'bin') activate_script = os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate') extra_path = 'export PATH=$PATH:$VIRTUAL_ENV/../tools/scripts\n' with open(activate_script, 'r+') as f: activate_text = if activate_text.find(extra_path) == -1: # Seek is required here on Windows Python 2.x, 2) f.write(extra_path) def _easy_install(package): cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'easy_install'), package] sh(cmd) _easy_install('simplejson>=2.1.5') _easy_install('PyYAML>=3.10') _easy_install('logilab-common==0.57.1') _easy_install('logilab-astng==0.23.1') _easy_install('pylint==0.25.1') _easy_install('roman>=1.4.0') _easy_install('docutils>=0.9.1') _easy_install('Sphinx>=1.1.3') _easy_install('turbulenz_tools>=1.0.1') _easy_install('turbulenz_local>=1.1') cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'python'), os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'scripts', ''), '--prefix', env_dir, '--typescript'] if not TURBULENZOS in [ 'linux32', 'linux64' ]: cmd.append('-f') sh(cmd, console=True)
def command_tools(): tools = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'tools')) tools_bin = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tools, 'bin', TURBULENZOS)) mkdir(tools_bin) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': devenv, vs_version_name, msbuild = find_devenv() if not devenv and not msbuild: error('Could not find a valid install of Visual Studio') return 1 if vs_version_name == '2008': proj_postfix = '.vcproj' sln_postfix = '.sln' vs_version = '9.0' elif vs_version_name == '2010': proj_postfix = '-2010.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2010.sln' vs_version = '10.0' elif vs_version_name == '2012': proj_postfix = '-2012.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2012.sln' vs_version = '11.0' elif vs_version_name == '2013': proj_postfix = '-2013.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2013.sln' vs_version = '12.0' if devenv: base_cmd = [devenv, '/build', 'Release'] elif msbuild: base_cmd = [ msbuild, '/t:build', '/p:Configuration=Release', '/p:Platform=Win32', '/p:VisualStudioVersion=%s' % vs_version ] cgfx2json_proj = os.path.join(tools, 'cgfx2json', 'cgfx2json%s' % proj_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [cgfx2json_proj] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) cp('%s/cgfx2json/Release/cgfx2json.exe' % tools, tools_bin) cp('%s/external/Cg/bin/cg.dll' % TURBULENZROOT, tools_bin) cp('%s/external/Cg/bin/cgGL.dll' % TURBULENZROOT, tools_bin) nvtristrip_sln = os.path.join(tools, 'NvTriStrip', 'NvTriStrip%s' % sln_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [nvtristrip_sln] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) cp('%s/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripper/bin/release/NvTriStripper.exe' % tools, tools_bin) else: sh('make', cwd=tools, console=True) cp('%s/cgfx2json/bin/release/cgfx2json' % tools, tools_bin) cp('%s/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripper/bin/release/NvTriStripper' % tools, tools_bin)
def command_env(): if sys.version_info[1] != 7: error('Turbulenz requires python 2.7') return -1 if not os.path.isdir(ENV): if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': sh('%s -m virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % (sys.executable, ENV)) else: print "PYTHON: %s" % PYTHON cmd = 'virtualenv -p %s --no-site-packages %s' % (PYTHON, ENV) print "CMD: %s" % cmd sh(cmd, console=True) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': env_bin = os.path.join('env', 'scripts') with open(os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate.bat'), 'a') as f: f.write('set PATH=%PATH%;%VIRTUAL_ENV%\\..\\tools\\scripts\n') else: env_bin = os.path.join('env', 'bin') with open(os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate'), 'a') as f: f.write('export PATH=$PATH:$VIRTUAL_ENV/../tools/scripts\n') def _easy_install(package): cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'easy_install'), package] sh(cmd) _easy_install('simplejson>=2.1.5') _easy_install('PyYAML>=3.10') _easy_install('logilab-common==0.57.1') _easy_install('logilab-astng==0.23.1') _easy_install('pylint==0.25.1') _easy_install('roman>=1.4.0') _easy_install('docutils>=0.9.1') _easy_install('Sphinx>=1.1.3') _easy_install('turbulenz_tools>=1.0.1') _easy_install('turbulenz_local>=1.0.2') cmd = [ os.path.join(env_bin, 'python'), os.path.join('scripts', ''), '--typescript' ] if not TURBULENZOS in ['linux32', 'linux64']: cmd.append('-f') sh(cmd, console=True)
def command_tools(): tools = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'tools')) tools_bin = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tools, 'bin', TURBULENZOS)) mkdir(tools_bin) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': devenv, vs_version_name, msbuild = find_devenv() if not devenv and not msbuild: error('Could not find a valid install of Visual Studio') return 1 if vs_version_name == '2008': proj_postfix = '.vcproj' sln_postfix = '.sln' vs_version = '9.0' elif vs_version_name == '2010': proj_postfix = '-2010.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2010.sln' vs_version = '10.0' elif vs_version_name == '2012': proj_postfix = '-2012.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2012.sln' vs_version = '11.0' elif vs_version_name == '2013': proj_postfix = '-2013.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2013.sln' vs_version = '12.0' if devenv: base_cmd = [devenv, '/build', 'Release'] elif msbuild: base_cmd = [msbuild, '/t:build', '/p:Configuration=Release', '/p:Platform=Win32', '/p:VisualStudioVersion=%s' % vs_version] cgfx2json_proj = os.path.join(tools, 'cgfx2json', 'cgfx2json%s' % proj_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [cgfx2json_proj] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) cp('%s/cgfx2json/Release/cgfx2json.exe' % tools, tools_bin) cp('%s/external/Cg/bin/cg.dll' % TURBULENZROOT, tools_bin) cp('%s/external/Cg/bin/cgGL.dll' % TURBULENZROOT, tools_bin) nvtristrip_sln = os.path.join(tools, 'NvTriStrip', 'NvTriStrip%s' % sln_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [nvtristrip_sln] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) cp('%s/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripper/bin/release/NvTriStripper.exe' % tools, tools_bin) else: sh('make', cwd=tools, console=True) cp('%s/cgfx2json/bin/release/cgfx2json' % tools, tools_bin) cp('%s/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripper/bin/release/NvTriStripper' % tools, tools_bin)
def command_env(): if sys.version_info[1] != 7: error('Turbulenz requires python 2.7') return -1 if not os.path.isdir(ENV): if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': sh('%s -m virtualenv --no-site-packages %s' % (sys.executable, ENV)) else: print "PYTHON: %s" % PYTHON cmd = 'virtualenv -p %s --no-site-packages %s' % (PYTHON, ENV) print "CMD: %s" % cmd sh(cmd, console=True) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': env_bin = os.path.join('env', 'scripts') with open(os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate.bat'), 'a') as f: f.write('set PATH=%PATH%;%VIRTUAL_ENV%\\..\\tools\\scripts\n') else: env_bin = os.path.join('env', 'bin') with open(os.path.join(env_bin, 'activate'), 'a') as f: f.write('export PATH=$PATH:$VIRTUAL_ENV/../tools/scripts\n') def _easy_install(package): cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'easy_install'), package] sh(cmd) _easy_install('simplejson>=2.1.5') _easy_install('PyYAML>=3.10') _easy_install('logilab-common==0.57.1') _easy_install('logilab-astng==0.23.1') _easy_install('pylint==0.25.1') _easy_install('roman>=1.4.0') _easy_install('docutils>=0.9.1') _easy_install('Sphinx>=1.1.3') _easy_install('turbulenz_tools>=1.0') _easy_install('turbulenz_local>=1.0') cmd = [os.path.join(env_bin, 'python'), os.path.join('scripts', ''), '--typescript'] if not TURBULENZOS in [ 'linux32', 'linux64' ]: cmd.append('-f') sh(cmd, console=True)
def command_tools_clean(): tools = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'tools')) if TURBULENZOS == 'win32': devenv, vs_version_name, msbuild = find_devenv() if not devenv and not msbuild: error('Could not find a valid install of Visual Studio') return 1 if vs_version_name == '2008': proj_postfix = '.vcproj' sln_postfix = '.sln' vs_version = '9.0' elif vs_version_name == '2010': proj_postfix = '-2010.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2010.sln' vs_version = '10.0' elif vs_version_name == '2012': proj_postfix = '-2012.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2012.sln' vs_version = '11.0' elif vs_version_name == '2013': proj_postfix = '-2013.vcxproj' sln_postfix = '-2013.sln' vs_version = '12.0' if devenv: base_cmd = [devenv, '/clean', 'Release'] elif msbuild: base_cmd = [ msbuild, '/t:clean', '/p:Configuration=Release', '/p:Platform=Win32', '/p:VisualStudioVersion=%s' % vs_version ] cgfx2json_proj = os.path.join(tools, 'cgfx2json', 'cgfx2json%s' % proj_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [cgfx2json_proj] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) nvtristrip_sln = os.path.join(tools, 'NvTriStrip', 'NvTriStrip%s' % sln_postfix) cmd = base_cmd + [nvtristrip_sln] sh(cmd, console=True, shell=True) else: sh('make clean', cwd=tools)
def command_check_docs(): # clean the docs first to get all warnings command_docs_clean() build_fail_regex = re.compile('^.*ERROR.*$|^.*WARNING.*$|^.*SEVERE.*$|^.*Exception occurred.*$', re.MULTILINE) result = 0 cmd = _docs_build_command() log(cmd) stdout = sh(cmd, wait=True, verbose=False) errors = re.findall(build_fail_regex, stdout) if len(errors) > 0: for e in errors: error(e) result += 1 error('Build failed. Documentation contains errors or warnings.') if result == 0: ok('HTML build') print 'Checking links' result += check_documentation_links('build/docs') if result == 0: ok('docs links') if result == 0: ok('Documentation build succeeded') else: error('Documentation build failed') return result
def command_jslib(options): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" Builds or cleans specified app(s), by name or path. If no app is" " given, builds or cleans all the listed apps (except samples).") parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help="Clean jslib (completely removes directory!)") parser.add_argument('--outdir', default=None, help="Build jslib to an alternative directory") parser.add_argument('--closure', action='store_true', help="Verify the generated .js files with closure") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose output") parser.add_argument('-j', type=int, default=_get_num_cpus() + 1, help="Up to N processes (default is num CPUS + 1)") parser.add_argument('--check', help="Syntax check the given file under tslib") parser.add_argument('--refcheck', action='store_true', help="Enable the reference checking build") parser.add_argument('-m', '--modular', action='store_true', help="Build modules only (in dependency order)") parser.add_argument('--crude', action='store_true', help="Build jslib only (no error checking)") args = parser.parse_args(options) if args.modular: mode = 'modular' elif args.crude: mode = 'crude' else: mode = 'all' # Clean any make env vars in case we have been invoked from a # parent make process. os.environ['MAKEFLAGS'] = "" os.environ['MFLAGS'] = "" # Determine the make command line cmd = "%s -j %s" % (_get_make_command(), args.j) # Explicitly run make in the root of the engine folder cmd += ' -C %s' % TURBULENZROOT if args.outdir: cmd += " TZ_OUTPUT_DIR=%s" % args.outdir if args.verbose: cmd += " CMDVERBOSE=1" if args.closure: cmd += " VERIFY_CLOSURE=1" # If mode == "all", run the modular build, then crude if "all" == mode: if 0 != command_jslib(options + [ '--modular' ]): return 1 mode = "crude" elif "modular" == mode: cmd += " MODULAR=1" elif "refcheck" == mode: cmd += " REFCHECK=1" # Select the appropriate target based on whether we are syntax # checking or doing a full build. if args.check: cmd += " CHK_SOURCES=%s SYNTAX_CHECK_MODE=1 REFCHECK=1 check-syntax" \ % args.check elif args.clean: cmd += " distclean_ts" else: cmd += " jslib" print "BUILD CMD IS:\n %s" % cmd start_time = time.time() retval = call(cmd, shell=True) print "BUILD TOOK: %.6f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time) if 0 != retval: error(cmd) return retval
def main(): commands = { 'Environment setup': { 'env': (command_env, "initialise the development environment"), 'env-clean': (command_env_clean, "clean the installed environment") }, 'JavaScript build': { 'jslib' : (command_jslib, "build jslib from TypeScript"), 'jslib-clean' : (command_jslib_clean, "clean jslib files built from TypeScript") }, 'Application building': { 'samples': (command_samples, "build the samples"), 'samples-clean': (command_samples_clean, "clean the samples"), 'tools': (command_tools, "build the tools (-h for options)"), 'tools-clean': (command_tools_clean, "clean the tools"), 'apps': (command_apps, "build or clean apps (-h for options)"), 'apps-clean': (command_apps_clean, "clean apps"), }, 'Development': { 'docs': (command_docs, "build the documentation"), 'docs-clean': (command_docs_clean, "clean the documentation"), 'check-docs': (command_check_docs, "build the documentation and check for warnings or errors"), 'check-docs-links': (command_check_docs_links, "check links in the documentation (requires build path e.g. 'builds/docs')"), 'check-ts': (command_check_ts, "check the JavaScript code " \ "generated by TypeScript compiler."), 'check-py': (command_check_py, "check the Python source code"), } } if len(sys.argv) == 1: command_help(commands) return 1 command = sys.argv[1] options = sys.argv[2:] for command_group in commands.itervalues(): try: command_fn, _ = command_group[command] except KeyError: pass else: try: return command_fn(options) except CalledProcessError as e: error(str(e)) return e.retcode except OSError as e: error(str(e)) return e.errno except KeyboardInterrupt as e: error(str(e)) return 1 if command == '--list-commands': for command_group in commands.itervalues(): for command in command_group.iterkeys(): echo(command) return 0 command_help(commands) return 1
def command_apps(options): app_dirs = ['samples', 'apps/inputapp', 'apps/multiworm', 'apps/sampleapp', 'apps/templateapp', 'apps/viewer', 'apps/tictactoe', 'apps/protolibsampleapp'] app_dirs = [os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, p) for p in app_dirs] all_apps = {} for d in app_dirs: all_apps[os.path.split(d)[1]] = d parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" Builds or cleans specified app(s), by name or path. If no app is" " given, builds or cleans all the listed apps (except samples).") parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help="Clean specified apps (same as apps-clean)") parser.add_argument('--refcheck', action='store_true', help="Build with reference checking") parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help="Display verbose build output") parser.add_argument('--compactor', default='uglifyjs', help="Select a compactor for the code build", choices=['uglifyjs', 'yui', 'closure', 'none']) parser.add_argument('--mode', action='append', help="Add build mode (default canvas & canvas-debug)", choices=['all', 'plugin', 'plugin-debug', 'canvas', 'canvas-debug']) parser.add_argument('--assets-path', action='append', help="Specify additional asset root paths") parser.add_argument('app', default='all_apps', nargs='?', help="Select an individual app to build") parser.add_argument('--d3d11', action='store_true', help="Build shaders for d3d11") parser.add_argument('--d3d9', action='store_true', help="Build shaders for d3d11") parser.add_argument('--cgfx-flag', action='append', help="flag for cgfx2json") parser.add_argument('--options', nargs='*', help="Additional options to pass to the build process") args = parser.parse_args(options) if == 'all_apps': # If no app given, build all apps except samples apps = [app for app in all_apps.keys() if app != 'samples'] else: if not in all_apps and not os.path.exists( print "ERROR: app name not recognised: %s" % apps = [] if not args.mode: modes = ['canvas-debug', 'canvas'] elif 'all' in args.mode: modes = ['all'] else: modes = args.mode if 'plugin-debug' in modes: warning('**DEPRECATED** plugin-debug has been deprecated as a build mode. ' 'Please use canvas-debug for debugging. Removing from list of modes.') modes = [m for m in modes if m != 'plugin-debug'] if not modes: error("No remaining modes to build.") return options = ' '.join(args.options) if args.options else '' asset_options = [] if args.cgfx_flag: asset_options.extend([ '--cgfx-flag=%s' % c for c in args.cgfx_flag ]) if args.d3d11: d3d11_flags = _d3d11_cgfx2json_flags() asset_options.extend([ "--cgfx-flag=%s" % f for f in d3d11_flags ]) if args.d3d9: d3d9_flags = _d3d9_cgfx2json_flags() asset_options.extend([ "--cgfx-flag=%s" % f for f in d3d9_flags ]) start_time = time.time() # Build / clean each app for app in apps: try: app_dir = all_apps[app] except KeyError: app_dir = app print "APP: %s, DIR: %s, BUILDOPTIONS: %s" \ % (app, app_dir, options) if args.clean: for mode in modes: cmd = _get_make_command() + " -C " + app_dir + " clean" cmd += " MODE=%s" % mode #cmd += " BUILDVERBOSE=%d" % args.verbose cmd += " CMDVERBOSE=%d" % args.verbose cmd += " --no-print-directory" if 0 != call(cmd, shell=True): return 1 rmdir('%s/_build' % app_dir, False) rmdir('%s/staticmax' % app_dir, False) rm('%s/mapping_table.json' % app_dir, False) elif args.refcheck: make_cmd = "%s -C %s jslib TS_REFCHECK=1 -j %s" \ % (_get_make_command(), app_dir, _get_num_cpus() + 1) print "BUILD CMD IS: %s" % make_cmd if 0 != call(make_cmd, shell=True): return 1 else: if 0 != command_jslib([]): return 1 buildassets_cmd = ['python', os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'scripts', '')] buildassets_cmd.extend(['--root', TURBULENZROOT]) buildassets_cmd.extend(asset_options) # Add asset paths, start with user supplied paths, then app specific, then default assets # Build assets searches the paths in order in the case of duplicate source names if args.assets_path: for p in args.assets_path: buildassets_cmd.extend(['--assets-path', p]) app_assets = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app_dir, 'assets')) if os.path.isdir(app_assets): buildassets_cmd.extend(['--assets-path', app_assets]) buildassets_cmd.extend(['--assets-path', os.path.join(TURBULENZROOT, 'assets')]) if args.verbose: buildassets_cmd.append('--verbose') try: sh(buildassets_cmd, cwd=app_dir, console=True) except CalledProcessError as e: return e.retcode for mode in modes: cmd = _get_make_command() + " -C " + app_dir + " build" cmd += " -j %d" % (_get_num_cpus() + 1) cmd += " MODE=%s" % mode cmd += " COMPACTOR=" + args.compactor #cmd += " BUILDVERBOSE=%d" % args.verbose cmd += " CMDVERBOSE=%d" % args.verbose cmd += " --no-print-directory" if 0 != call(cmd, shell=True): return 1 print "BUILD TOOK: %.6f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time)
def command_jslib(options): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" Builds or cleans specified app(s), by name or path. If no app is" " given, builds or cleans all the listed apps (except samples).") parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help="Clean jslib (completely removes directory!)") parser.add_argument('--outdir', default=None, help="Build jslib to an alternative directory") parser.add_argument('--closure', action='store_true', help="Verify the generated .js files with closure") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose output") parser.add_argument('-j', type=int, default=_get_num_cpus() + 1, help="Up to N processes (default is num CPUS + 1)") parser.add_argument('--check', help="Syntax check the given file under tslib") parser.add_argument('--refcheck', action='store_true', help="Enable the reference checking build") parser.add_argument('-m', '--modular', action='store_true', help="Build modules only (in dependency order)") parser.add_argument('--crude', action='store_true', help="Build jslib only (no error checking)") parser.add_argument('--cgfx-flag', action='append', help="Flag for cgfx2json") parser.add_argument('--d3d11', action='store_true', help="Build D3D11 shaders") parser.add_argument('--d3d9', action='store_true', help="Build D3D9 shaders") args = parser.parse_args(options) if args.modular: mode = 'modular' elif args.crude: mode = 'crude' else: mode = 'all' # Clean any make env vars in case we have been invoked from a # parent make process. os.environ['MAKEFLAGS'] = "" os.environ['MFLAGS'] = "" # Determine the make command line cmd = "%s -j %s" % (_get_make_command(), args.j) # Explicitly run make in the root of the engine folder cmd += ' -C %s' % TURBULENZROOT if args.outdir: cmd += " TZ_OUTPUT_DIR=%s" % args.outdir if args.verbose: cmd += " CMDVERBOSE=1" if args.closure: cmd += " VERIFY_CLOSURE=1" cgfx2json_flags = [] if args.d3d11: cgfx2json_flags.extend(_d3d11_cgfx2json_flags()) if args.d3d9: cgfx2json_flags.extend(_d3d9_cgfx2json_flags()) if args.cgfx_flag: cgfx2json_flags.extend(args.cgfx_flag) if 0 != len(cgfx2json_flags): cmd += " \"CGFX2JSONFLAGS=%s\"" % " ".join(cgfx2json_flags) # If mode == "all", run the modular build, then crude if "all" == mode: if 0 != command_jslib(options + ['--modular']): return 1 return command_jslib(options + [ '--crude' ]) elif "modular" == mode: cmd += " MODULAR=1" elif "refcheck" == mode: cmd += " REFCHECK=1" elif "crude" == mode: cmd += " ONESHOT=1" # Select the appropriate target based on whether we are syntax # checking or doing a full build. if args.check: cmd += " CHK_SOURCES=%s SYNTAX_CHECK_MODE=1 REFCHECK=1 check-syntax" \ % args.check elif args.clean: cmd += " distclean_ts" else: cmd += " jslib" print "BUILD CMD IS:\n %s" % cmd start_time = time.time() retval = call(cmd, shell=True) print "BUILD TOOK: %.6f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time) if 0 != retval: error(cmd) return retval