예제 #1
    def extract_dropsline_header(self, table_head_type: str) -> float:
        """Parse the dropstablehead template for variable drop rarity values.

        :param table_head_type: Specify a seed, or herb table head search.
        :return: A float of the drop rarity multiplier.
        # Extract "dropstablehead" templates
        # This is used for extracting "herbbase" and "seedbase" values
        self.drops_templates = wikitext_parser.extract_wikitext_template(
            self.monster_wikitext, "dropstablehead")

        table_head_value = None

        # Loop the found "dropstablehead" templates
        for template in self.drops_templates:
            # Parse the template
            template_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.monster_wikitext)
            template_parser.template = template
            if "vardefine:" + table_head_type in template:
                # Example:
                # {{DropsTableHead{{#vardefine:herbbase|{{#expr:9/123/128}}}}}}
                table_head_value = template.split("#expr:")[1]
                table_head_value = table_head_value.replace("}", "")
                table_head_value = eval(table_head_value)
                return table_head_value
예제 #2
    def parse_monster_drops(self):
        """Extract monster drop information.

        This function parses the monsters wiki page (raw wikitext), and extracts
        any MediaWiki template with the name "dropsline". Each template is processed
        to determine the ID, name, quantity, rarity and and requirements of the
        specific drop.
        # Extract "dropsline" templates
        self.drops_templates = wikitext_parser.extract_wikitext_template(self.monster_wikitext, "dropsline")

        drops_dict_all = dict()
        drops_list_ids = list()
        self.monster_dict["drops"] = list()

        # Loop the found "dropsline" templates
        for template in self.drops_templates:
            # Parse the template
            template_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.monster_wikitext)
            template_parser.template = template

            # Initialize a null value dictionary for each item drop
            drop_dict = {
                "id": None,
                "name": None,
                "members": None,
                "quantity": None,
                "rarity": None,
                "drop_requirements": None

            # Extract the drop information...

            # Extract the item drop name
            name = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Name")

            # Skip any drop line with classified drop table
            if name.lower() == "drop table":

            # Determine the drop item ID
            item_id = None
            found = False
            for item in self.all_db_items:
                if item.name == name or item.wiki_name == name:
                    found = True
                    item_id = item.id
            if not found:
                item_id = None

            # Extract the item drop quantity and if the drop is noted
            quantity = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Quantity")
            noted = False
            if quantity:
                if "noted" in quantity.lower():
                    noted = True
            quantity = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_quantity(quantity)

            # Extract, or determine, if the item is members-only
            members = False
            name_notes = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Namenotes")
            if self.monster_dict["members"]:
                members = True
            elif item_id:
                if self.all_db_items[item_id].members:
                    members = True
            elif name_notes:
                if "{{m}}" in name_notes:
                    members = True

            # Extract the item drop rarity
            rarity = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Rarity")
            base_value = None
            # If the item drop has a drop variable, fetch it
            if rarity:
                if "var:herbbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("herbbase")
                elif "var:seedbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("seedbase")
                elif "var:uht" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("uht")
                    if not base_value:
                        base_value = "(22.5/250)/16"  # Temp fix for Lizardman shaman
                elif "var:bolttipbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("uht")
                    if not base_value:
                        base_value = "(2/128)/40"  # Temp fix for Hydra
            rarity = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_rarity(rarity, base_value)

            # Extract the rarity notes
            drop_requirements = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Raritynotes")
            drop_requirements = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_requirements(drop_requirements)

            # Populate the dictionary
            drop_dict = {
                "id": item_id,
                "name": name,
                "members": members,
                "quantity": quantity,
                "noted": noted,
                "rarity": rarity,
                "drop_requirements": drop_requirements

            # Attach drops dict to the drops object for this monster
            if item_id:
                # self.drops[item_id] = drop_dict
                drops_dict_all[str(item_id)] = drop_dict

        # Handle any embedded drop tables
        if "talismandroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.talisman(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "catacombsdroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.catacombs(self.monster_dict["name"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "herbdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.herb(self.monster_dict["members"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "usefulherbdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.usefulherb(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "fixedallotmentseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.fixedallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "dropsallotmenttable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.fixedallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "treeherbseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.treeseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "rareseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.rareseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "variableallotmentseeddroptale2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.variableallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "manyseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.commonseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "hopsdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.hopsseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "superiordroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.superior(self.monster_dict["slayer_level"])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if ("wildernessslayerdroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower() and
                "krystilia" in self.monster_dict["slayer_masters"]):
            items = drop_tables.wildernessslayer(self.monster_dict["name"],
                                                 self.monster_dict["combat_level"], self.monster_dict["hitpoints"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict

        # if "mainraredroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
        #     items = drop_tables.raredroptable(self.monster_wikitext[2])
        #     for item, item_dict in items.items():
        #         drops_list_ids.append(str(item))
        #         drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        # if "raredroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
        #     items = drop_tables.raredroptable(self.monster_wikitext[2])
        #     for item, item_dict in items.items():
        #         drops_list_ids.append(str(item))
        #         drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict

        # Append all parsed drops to the drops array
        for item_id in drops_list_ids: