예제 #1
def blockstack_mutable_data_url_parse( url ):
    Parse a blockstack:// URL for mutable data
    Return (blockchain ID, data ID, data version, account ID, service ID) on success
    * The version may be None if not given (in which case, the latest value is requested).
    * The data ID may be None, in which case, a listing of mutable data is requested.
    * account ID and service ID will be None for mutable data in the profile, but will be defined for app-specific mutable data

    Raise on bad data

    url = str(url)
    mutable_url_data_regex = r"blockstack://(%s+)[/]+(%s+)(#[0-9]+)?" % (B40_CLASS, URLENCODED_CLASS)
    app_url_data_regex = r"blockstack://(%s+)\.(%s+)@(%s+)[/]+(%s+)(#[0-9]+)?" % (URLENCODED_CLASS, URLENCODED_CLASS, B40_CLASS, URLENCODED_CLASS)
    mutable_url_listing_regex = r"blockstack://(%s+)[/]+#mutable" % (B40_CLASS)

    blockchain_id = None
    data_id = None
    version = None

    # app?
    m = re.match( app_url_data_regex, url )
    if m:
        account_id, service_id, blockchain_id, data_id, version = m.groups()
        if not is_name_valid( blockchain_id ):
            raise ValueError("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % blockchain_id)
        # version?
        if version is not None:
            version = version.strip("#")
            version = int(version)

        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), urllib.unquote(data_id), version, urllib.unquote(account_id), urllib.unquote(service_id)

    # mutable?
    m = re.match( mutable_url_data_regex, url )
    if m:

        blockchain_id, data_id, version = m.groups()
        if not is_name_valid( blockchain_id ):
            raise ValueError("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % blockchain_id)

        # version?
        if version is not None:
            version = version.strip("#")
            version = int(version)

        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), urllib.unquote(data_id), version, None, None

        # maybe a listing?
        m = re.match( mutable_url_listing_regex, url )
        if not m:
            raise ValueError("Invalid URL: %s" % url)

        blockchain_id = m.groups()[0]
        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), None, None, None, None
예제 #2
def blockstack_mutable_data_url_parse(url):
    Parse a blockstack:// URL for mutable data
    Return (blockchain ID, data ID, data version, datastore ID) on success.
    The data ID will be a path if user ID and datastore ID are given; if the path ends in '/', then a directory is specifically requested.
    The version may be None if not given (in which case, the latest value is requested).

    url = str(url)
    mutable_url_data_regex = r'^blockstack://({}+)[/]+({}+)[/]*(#[0-9]+)?$'.format(
    datastore_url_data_regex = r"^blockstack://({}+)@({}+)[/]+({}+)[/]*(#[0-9]+)?$".format(

    blockchain_id, data_id, version, app_domain = None, None, None, None
    is_dir = False

    # mutable?
    m = re.match(mutable_url_data_regex, url)
    if m:

        blockchain_id, data_id, version = m.groups()
        if not is_name_valid(blockchain_id):
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid blockchain ID "{}"'.format(blockchain_id))

        # version?
        if version is not None:
            version = version.strip('#/')
            version = int(version)

        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), data_id, version, None

    # datastore?
    m = re.match(datastore_url_data_regex, url)
    if m:

        datastore_id, app_domain, path, version = m.groups()
        if path.endswith('/'):
            is_dir = True

        # version?
        if version is not None:
            version = version.strip('#/')
            version = int(version)

        # unquote
        path = '/' + '/'.join(
            [urllib.unquote(p) for p in posixpath.normpath(path).split('/')])
        if is_dir:
            path += '/'

        return urllib.unquote(datastore_id), urllib.unquote(
            path), version, urllib.unquote(app_domain)

    return None, None, None, None
예제 #3
def is_fq_data_id( fq_data_id ):
    Is a data ID is fully qualified?
    if len(fq_data_id.split(":")) < 2:
        return False 

    # name must be valid
    name = fq_data_id.split(":")[0]
    if not is_name_valid(name):
        return False

    return True
예제 #4
def blockstack_immutable_data_url_parse(url):
    Parse a blockstack:// URL for immutable data
    Return (blockchain ID, data ID, data hash)
    * The hash may be None if not given, in which case, the hash should be looked up from the blockchain ID's profile.
    * The data ID may be None, in which case, the list of immutable data is requested.

    Raise on bad data

    url = str(url)
    immutable_data_regex = r'^blockstack://({}+)\.({}+)\.({}+)[/]*([/]+#[a-fA-F0-9]+)?$'.format(
    immutable_listing_regex = r'^blockstack://({}+)[/]+#immutable$'.format(

    m = re.match(immutable_data_regex, url)
    if m:
        data_id, blockchain_name, namespace_id, data_hash = m.groups()
        blockchain_id = '{}.{}'.format(blockchain_name, namespace_id)

        if not is_name_valid(blockchain_id):
            log.debug('Invalid blockstack ID "{}"'.format(blockchain_id))
            raise ValueError('Invalid blockstack ID')

        if data_hash is not None:
            data_hash = data_hash.lower().strip('#/')
            if not is_valid_hash(data_hash):
                log.debug('Invalid data hash "{}"'.format(data_hash))
                raise ValueError('Invalid data hash')

        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), data_id, data_hash
        # maybe a listing?
        m = re.match(immutable_listing_regex, url)
        if not m:
            log.debug('Invalid immutable URL "{}"'.format(url))
            raise ValueError('Invalid immutable URL')

        blockchain_id = m.groups()[0]
        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), None, None

    return None, None, None
예제 #5
def blockstack_immutable_data_url_parse(url):
    Parse a blockstack:// URL for immutable data
    Return (blockchain ID, data ID, data hash)
    * The hash may be None if not given, in which case, the hash should be looked up from the blockchain ID's profile.
    * The data ID may be None, in which case, the list of immutable data is requested.

    Raise on bad data

    url = str(url)
    immutable_data_regex = r"blockstack://(%s+)\.(%s+)\.(%s+)([/]+#[a-fA-F0-9]+)?" % (
    immutable_listing_regex = r"blockstack://(%s+)[/]+#immutable" % (B40_CLASS)

    m = re.match(immutable_data_regex, url)
    if m:

        data_id, blockchain_name, namespace_id, data_hash = m.groups()
        blockchain_id = "%s.%s" % (blockchain_name, namespace_id)

        if not is_name_valid(blockchain_id):
            log.debug("Invalid blockstack ID '%s" % blockchain_id)
            raise ValueError("Invalid blockstack ID")

        if data_hash is not None:
            data_hash = data_hash.lower().strip("#/")
            if not is_valid_hash(data_hash):
                log.debug("Invalid data hash '%s'" % data_hash)
                raise ValueError("Invalid data hash")

        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), urllib.unquote(
            data_id), data_hash

        # maybe a listing?
        m = re.match(immutable_listing_regex, url)
        if not m:
            log.debug("Invalid URL '%s'" % url)
            raise ValueError("Invalid URL")

        blockchain_id = m.groups()[0]
        return urllib.unquote(blockchain_id), None, None
예제 #6
def delete_mutable_data(fq_data_id, privatekey, only_use=None):
   Given the data ID and private key of a user,
   go and delete the associated mutable data.

    global storage_handlers

    only_use = [] if only_use is None else only_use

    # sanity check
    if not keys.is_singlesig(privatekey):
        log.error("Only single-signature data private keys are supported")
        return False

    fq_data_id = str(fq_data_id)
    assert is_fq_data_id(fq_data_id) or is_name_valid(
    ), "Data ID must be fully qualified or must be a valid blockchain ID (got %s)" % fq_data_id

    sigb64 = sign_raw_data(fq_data_id, privatekey)

    # remove data
    for handler in storage_handlers:

        if not hasattr(handler, "delete_mutable_handler"):

        if len(only_use) > 0 and handler.__name__ in only_use:
            log.debug("Skip storage driver %s" % handler.__name__)


            handler.delete_mutable_handler(fq_data_id, sigb64)
        except Exception, e:

            return False
예제 #7
def default_blockstack_opts( config_file=None, virtualchain_impl=None ):
   Get our default blockstack opts from a config file
   or from sane defaults.

   if config_file is None:
      config_file = virtualchain.get_config_filename()

   announce_path = get_announce_filename( virtualchain.get_working_dir(impl=virtualchain_impl) )

   parser = SafeConfigParser()
   parser.read( config_file )

   blockstack_opts = {}
   contact_email = None
   announcers = "judecn.id,muneeb.id,shea256.id"
   announcements = None
   backup_frequency = 144   # once a day; 10 minute block time
   backup_max_age = 1008    # one week
   rpc_port = RPC_SERVER_PORT 
   serve_zonefiles = True
   serve_profiles = False
   serve_data = False
   zonefile_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config_file), "zonefiles")
   analytics_key = None
   zonefile_storage_drivers = "disk,dht"
   zonefile_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   profile_storage_drivers = "disk"
   profile_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   data_storage_drivers = "disk"
   data_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   redirect_data = False
   data_servers = None
   server_version = None
   atlas_enabled = True
   atlas_seed_peers = "node.blockstack.org:%s" % RPC_SERVER_PORT
   atlasdb_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config_file), "atlas.db" )
   atlas_blacklist = ""
   atlas_hostname = socket.gethostname()

   if parser.has_section('blockstack'):

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'):
         backup_frequency = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_max_age'):
         backup_max_age = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_max_age') )

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'email'):
         contact_email = parser.get('blockstack', 'email')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'rpc_port'):
         rpc_port = int(parser.get('blockstack', 'rpc_port'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles'):
          serve_zonefiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles')
          if serve_zonefiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_zonefiles = True
              serve_zonefiles = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_profiles'):
          serve_profiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_profiles')
          if serve_profiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_profiles = True
              serve_profiles = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_data'):
          serve_data = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_data')
          if serve_data.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_data = True
              serve_data = False

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers"):
          zonefile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers_write"):
          zonefile_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers"):
          profile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers_write"):
          profile_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers"):
          data_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers_write"):
          data_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefiles"):
          zonefile_dir = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefiles")
      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'redirect_data'):
          redirect_data = parser.get('blockstack', 'redirect_data')
          if redirect_data.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              redirect_data = True
              redirect_data = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'data_servers'):
          data_servers = parser.get('blockstack', 'data_servers')

          # must be a CSV of host:port
          hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, data_servers.split(",") )
          for hp in hostports:
              host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
              assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'announcers'):
         # must be a CSV of blockchain IDs
         announcer_list_str = parser.get('blockstack', 'announcers')
         announcer_list = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, announcer_list_str.split(",") )

         import scripts

         # validate each one
         valid = True
         for bid in announcer_list:
             if not scripts.is_name_valid( bid ):
                 log.error("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % bid)
                 valid = False

         if valid:
             announcers = ",".join(announcer_list)

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'analytics_key'):
         analytics_key = parser.get('blockstack', 'analytics_key')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'server_version'):
         server_version = parser.get('blockstack', 'server_version')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas'):
         atlas_enabled = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas')
         if atlas_enabled.lower() in ['true', '1', 'enabled', 'enabled', 'on']:
            atlas_enabled = True
            atlas_enabled = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_seeds'):
         atlas_seed_peers = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_seeds')
         # must be a CSV of host:port
         hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, atlas_seed_peers.split(",") )
         for hp in hostports:
             host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
             assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlasdb_path'):
         atlasdb_path = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlasdb_path')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_blacklist'):
         atlas_blacklist = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_blacklist')

         # must be a CSV of host:port
         hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, atlas_blacklist.split(",") )
         for hp in hostports:
             host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
             assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_hostname'):
         atlas_hostname = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_hostname')

   if os.path.exists( announce_path ):
       # load announcement list
       with open( announce_path, "r" ) as f:
           announce_text = f.readlines()

       all_announcements = [ a.strip() for a in announce_text ]
       unseen_announcements = []

       # find announcements we haven't seen yet
       for a in all_announcements:
           if a not in ANNOUNCEMENTS:
               unseen_announcements.append( a )

       announcements = ",".join( unseen_announcements )

   if zonefile_dir is not None and not os.path.exists( zonefile_dir ):
           os.makedirs( zonefile_dir, 0700 )

   blockstack_opts = {
       'rpc_port': rpc_port,
       'email': contact_email,
       'announcers': announcers,
       'announcements': announcements,
       'backup_frequency': backup_frequency,
       'backup_max_age': backup_max_age,
       'serve_zonefiles': serve_zonefiles,
       'zonefile_storage_drivers': zonefile_storage_drivers,
       "zonefile_storage_drivers_write": zonefile_storage_drivers_write,
       'serve_profiles': serve_profiles,
       'profile_storage_drivers': profile_storage_drivers,
       "profile_storage_drivers_write": profile_storage_drivers_write,
       'serve_data': serve_data,
       'data_storage_drivers': data_storage_drivers,
       "data_storage_drivers_write": data_storage_drivers_write,
       'redirect_data': redirect_data,
       'data_servers': data_servers,
       'analytics_key': analytics_key,
       'server_version': server_version,
       'atlas': atlas_enabled,
       'atlas_seeds': atlas_seed_peers,
       'atlasdb_path': atlasdb_path,
       'atlas_blacklist': atlas_blacklist,
       'atlas_hostname': atlas_hostname,
       'zonefiles': zonefile_dir,

   # strip Nones
   for (k, v) in blockstack_opts.items():
      if v is None:
         del blockstack_opts[k]

   return blockstack_opts
예제 #8
def put_mutable_data( fq_data_id, data_json, privatekey, required=None, use_only=None ):
   Given the unserialized data, store it into our mutable data stores.
   Do so in a best-effort way.  This method only fails if all storage providers fail.

   @fq_data_id is the fully-qualified data id.  It must be prefixed with the username,
   to avoid collisions in shared mutable storage.

   Return True on success
   Return False on error

   global storage_handlers 

   required = [] if required is None else required
   use_only = [] if use_only is None else use_only 

   # sanity check: only support single-sig private keys 
   if not keys.is_singlesig(privatekey):
       log.error("Only single-signature data private keys are supported")
       return False

   fq_data_id = str(fq_data_id)
   assert is_fq_data_id( fq_data_id ) or is_name_valid(fq_data_id), "Data ID must be fully qualified or must be a valid blockchain ID (got %s)" % fq_data_id
   assert privatekey is not None

   fqu = None
   if is_fq_data_id(fq_data_id):
       fqu = fq_data_id.split(":")[0]
       fqu = fq_data_id

   serialized_data = serialize_mutable_data( data_json, privatekey )
   successes = 0

   log.debug("put_mutable_data(%s), required=%s" % (fq_data_id, ",".join(required)))

   for handler in storage_handlers:

      if not hasattr( handler, "put_mutable_handler" ):
          if handler.__name__ in required:
              log.debug("Failed to replicate with required storage provider '%s'" % handler.__name__)
              return None

      if len(use_only) > 0 and handler.__name__ not in use_only:
          log.debug("Skipping storage driver '%s'" % handler.__name__)

      rc = False

         log.debug("Try '%s'" % handler.__name__)
         rc = handler.put_mutable_handler( fq_data_id, serialized_data, fqu=fqu )
      except Exception, e:
         log.exception( e )
         if handler.__name__ in required:
             log.debug("Failed to replicate with required storage provider '%s'" % handler.__name__)
             return None 

      if not rc:
         if handler.__name__ in required:
             log.debug("Failed to replicate with required storage provider '%s'" % handler.__name__)
             return None 
             log.debug("Failed to replicate with '%s'" % handler.__name__)

         successes += 1
예제 #9
def get_mutable_data( fq_data_id, data_pubkey, urls=None, data_address=None, owner_address=None, drivers=None, decode=True ):
   Given a mutable data's zonefile, go fetch the data.

   Return a mutable data dict on success
   Return None on error

   global storage_handlers

   fq_data_id = str(fq_data_id)
   assert is_fq_data_id( fq_data_id ) or is_name_valid( fq_data_id ), "Need either a fully-qualified data ID or a blockchain ID: '%s'" % fq_data_id

   fqu = None
   if is_fq_data_id(fq_data_id):
       fqu = fq_data_id.split(":")[0]
       fqu = fq_data_id

   handlers_to_use = []
   if drivers is not None and len(drivers) > 0:
       # whitelist of drivers to try 
       for d in drivers:
           for h in storage_handlers:
               if h.__name__ == d:

       handlers_to_use = storage_handlers

   log.debug("get_mutable %s" % fq_data_id)
   for storage_handler in handlers_to_use:

      if not hasattr(storage_handler, "get_mutable_handler"):

      # which URLs to attempt?
      try_urls = []
      if urls is None:
          # make one on-the-fly
          if not hasattr(storage_handler, "make_mutable_url"):
             log.warning("Storage handler %s does not support `make_mutable_url`" % storage_handler.__name__)

          new_url = None

              new_url = storage_handler.make_mutable_url( fq_data_id )
          except Exception, e:
          try_urls = [new_url]

          # find the set that this handler can manage 
          for url in urls:
              if not hasattr(storage_handler, "handles_url"):
                  log.warning("Storage handler %s does not support `handles_url`" % storage_handler.__name__)

              if storage_handler.handles_url( url ):

      for url in try_urls:

         data_json = None
         data = None

         log.debug("Try %s (%s)" % (storage_handler.__name__, url))

            data_json = storage_handler.get_mutable_handler( url, fqu=fqu )
         except UnhandledURLException, uue:
            # handler doesn't handle this URL
            log.debug("Storage handler %s does not handle URLs like %s" % (storage_handler.__name__, url ))

         except Exception, e:
            log.exception( e )
예제 #10
파일: config.py 프로젝트: ghov/blockstore
def default_blockstore_opts(config_file=None, testset=False):
   Get our default blockstore opts from a config file
   or from sane defaults.

    if config_file is None:
        config_file = virtualchain.get_config_filename()

    testset_path = get_testset_filename(virtualchain.get_working_dir())
    announce_path = get_announce_filename(virtualchain.get_working_dir())

    parser = SafeConfigParser()

    blockstore_opts = {}
    tx_broadcaster = None
    utxo_provider = None
    testset_first_block = None
    max_subsidy = 0
    contact_email = None
    announcers = "judecn.id,muneeb.id,shea256.id"
    announcements = None

    if parser.has_section('blockstore'):

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'tx_broadcaster'):
            tx_broadcaster = parser.get('blockstore', 'tx_broadcaster')

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'utxo_provider'):
            utxo_provider = parser.get('blockstore', 'utxo_provider')

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'testset_first_block'):
            testset_first_block = int(
                parser.get('blockstore', 'testset_first_block'))

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'max_subsidy'):
            max_subsidy = int(parser.get('blockstore', 'max_subsidy'))

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'email'):
            contact_email = parser.get('blockstore', 'email')

        if parser.has_option('blockstore', 'announcers'):
            # must be a CSV of blockchain IDs
            announcer_list_str = parser.get('blockstore', 'announcers')
            announcer_list = announcer_list_str.split(",")

            import scripts

            # validate each one
            valid = True
            for bid in announcer_list:
                if not scripts.is_name_valid(bid):
                    log.error("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % bid)
                    valid = False

            if valid:
                announcers = ",".join(announcer_list)

    if os.path.exists(testset_path):
        # testset file flag set
        testset = True

    if os.path.exists(announce_path):
        # load announcement list
        with open(announce_path, "r") as f:
            announce_text = f.readlines()

        all_announcements = [a.strip() for a in announce_text]
        unseen_announcements = []

        # find announcements we haven't seen yet
        for a in all_announcements:
            if a not in ANNOUNCEMENTS:

        announcements = ",".join(unseen_announcements)

    blockstore_opts = {
        'tx_broadcaster': tx_broadcaster,
        'utxo_provider': utxo_provider,
        'testset': testset,
        'testset_first_block': testset_first_block,
        'max_subsidy': max_subsidy,
        'email': contact_email,
        'announcers': announcers,
        'announcements': announcements

    # strip Nones
    for (k, v) in blockstore_opts.items():
        if v is None:
            del blockstore_opts[k]

    return blockstore_opts
def default_blockstack_opts( config_file=None, virtualchain_impl=None ):
   Get our default blockstack opts from a config file
   or from sane defaults.

   if config_file is None:
      config_file = virtualchain.get_config_filename()

   announce_path = get_announce_filename( virtualchain.get_working_dir(impl=virtualchain_impl) )

   parser = SafeConfigParser()
   parser.read( config_file )

   blockstack_opts = {}
   contact_email = None
   announcers = "judecn.id,muneeb.id,shea256.id"
   announcements = None
   backup_frequency = 144   # once a day; 10 minute block time
   backup_max_age = 1008    # one week
   rpc_port = RPC_SERVER_PORT 
   serve_zonefiles = True
   serve_profiles = False
   serve_data = False
   zonefile_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config_file), "zonefiles")
   analytics_key = None
   zonefile_storage_drivers = "disk,dht"
   zonefile_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   profile_storage_drivers = "disk"
   profile_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   data_storage_drivers = "disk"
   data_storage_drivers_write = "disk"
   redirect_data = False
   data_servers = None
   server_version = None
   atlas_enabled = True
   atlas_seed_peers = "node.blockstack.org:%s" % RPC_SERVER_PORT
   atlasdb_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config_file), "atlas.db" )
   atlas_blacklist = ""
   atlas_hostname = socket.gethostname()

   if parser.has_section('blockstack'):

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'):
         backup_frequency = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_max_age'):
         backup_max_age = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_max_age') )

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'email'):
         contact_email = parser.get('blockstack', 'email')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'rpc_port'):
         rpc_port = int(parser.get('blockstack', 'rpc_port'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles'):
          serve_zonefiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles')
          if serve_zonefiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_zonefiles = True
              serve_zonefiles = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_profiles'):
          serve_profiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_profiles')
          if serve_profiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_profiles = True
              serve_profiles = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_data'):
          serve_data = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_data')
          if serve_data.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_data = True
              serve_data = False

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers"):
          zonefile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers_write"):
          zonefile_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers"):
          profile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers_write"):
          profile_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers"):
          data_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers_write"):
          data_storage_drivers_write = parser.get("blockstack", "data_storage_drivers_write")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefiles"):
          zonefile_dir = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefiles")
      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'redirect_data'):
          redirect_data = parser.get('blockstack', 'redirect_data')
          if redirect_data.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              redirect_data = True
              redirect_data = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'data_servers'):
          data_servers = parser.get('blockstack', 'data_servers')

          # must be a CSV of host:port
          hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, data_servers.split(",") )
          for hp in hostports:
              host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
              assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'announcers'):
         # must be a CSV of blockchain IDs
         announcer_list_str = parser.get('blockstack', 'announcers')
         announcer_list = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, announcer_list_str.split(",") )

         import scripts

         # validate each one
         valid = True
         for bid in announcer_list:
             if not scripts.is_name_valid( bid ):
                 log.error("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % bid)
                 valid = False

         if valid:
             announcers = ",".join(announcer_list)

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'analytics_key'):
         analytics_key = parser.get('blockstack', 'analytics_key')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'server_version'):
         server_version = parser.get('blockstack', 'server_version')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas'):
         atlas_enabled = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas')
         if atlas_enabled.lower() in ['true', '1', 'enabled', 'enabled', 'on']:
            atlas_enabled = True
            atlas_enabled = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_seeds'):
         atlas_seed_peers = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_seeds')
         # must be a CSV of host:port
         hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, atlas_seed_peers.split(",") )
         for hp in hostports:
             host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
             assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlasdb_path'):
         atlasdb_path = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlasdb_path')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_blacklist'):
         atlas_blacklist = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_blacklist')

         # must be a CSV of host:port
         hostports = filter( lambda x: len(x) > 0, atlas_blacklist.split(",") )
         for hp in hostports:
             host, port = url_to_host_port( hp )
             assert host is not None and port is not None

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'atlas_hostname'):
         atlas_hostname = parser.get('blockstack', 'atlas_hostname')

   if os.path.exists( announce_path ):
       # load announcement list
       with open( announce_path, "r" ) as f:
           announce_text = f.readlines()

       all_announcements = [ a.strip() for a in announce_text ]
       unseen_announcements = []

       # find announcements we haven't seen yet
       for a in all_announcements:
           if a not in ANNOUNCEMENTS:
               unseen_announcements.append( a )

       announcements = ",".join( unseen_announcements )

   if zonefile_dir is not None and not os.path.exists( zonefile_dir ):
           os.makedirs( zonefile_dir, 0700 )

   blockstack_opts = {
       'rpc_port': rpc_port,
       'email': contact_email,
       'announcers': announcers,
       'announcements': announcements,
       'backup_frequency': backup_frequency,
       'backup_max_age': backup_max_age,
       'serve_zonefiles': serve_zonefiles,
       'zonefile_storage_drivers': zonefile_storage_drivers,
       "zonefile_storage_drivers_write": zonefile_storage_drivers_write,
       'serve_profiles': serve_profiles,
       'profile_storage_drivers': profile_storage_drivers,
       "profile_storage_drivers_write": profile_storage_drivers_write,
       'serve_data': serve_data,
       'data_storage_drivers': data_storage_drivers,
       "data_storage_drivers_write": data_storage_drivers_write,
       'redirect_data': redirect_data,
       'data_servers': data_servers,
       'analytics_key': analytics_key,
       'server_version': server_version,
       'atlas': atlas_enabled,
       'atlas_seeds': atlas_seed_peers,
       'atlasdb_path': atlasdb_path,
       'atlas_blacklist': atlas_blacklist,
       'atlas_hostname': atlas_hostname,
       'zonefiles': zonefile_dir,

   # strip Nones
   for (k, v) in blockstack_opts.items():
      if v is None:
         del blockstack_opts[k]

   return blockstack_opts
예제 #12
def default_blockstack_opts( config_file=None ):
   Get our default blockstack opts from a config file
   or from sane defaults.

   if config_file is None:
      config_file = virtualchain.get_config_filename()

   announce_path = get_announce_filename( virtualchain.get_working_dir() )

   parser = SafeConfigParser()
   parser.read( config_file )

   blockstack_opts = {}
   contact_email = None
   announcers = "judecn.id,muneeb.id,shea256.id"
   announcements = None
   backup_frequency = 1008  # once a week; 10 minute block time
   backup_max_age = 12096   # 12 weeks
   rpc_port = RPC_SERVER_PORT 
   blockchain_proxy = False
   serve_zonefiles = True
   serve_profiles = False
   zonefile_dir = None
   analytics_key = None
   zonefile_storage_drivers = "disk"
   profile_storage_drivers = ""
   server_version = None

   if parser.has_section('blockstack'):

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'):
         backup_frequency = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_frequency'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'backup_max_age'):
         backup_max_age = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'backup_max_age') )

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'email'):
         contact_email = parser.get('blockstack', 'email')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'rpc_port'):
         rpc_port = int(parser.get('blockstack', 'rpc_port'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'blockchain_proxy'):
         blockchain_proxy = parser.get('blockstack', 'blockchain_proxy')
         if blockchain_proxy.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
             blockchain_proxy = True
             blockchain_proxy = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles'):
          serve_zonefiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_zonefiles')
          if serve_zonefiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_zonefiles = True
              serve_zonefiles = False

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'serve_profiles'):
          serve_profiles = parser.get('blockstack', 'serve_profiles')
          if serve_profiles.lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true', 'on']:
              serve_profiles = True
              serve_profiles = False

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers"):
          zonefile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers"):
          profile_storage_drivers = parser.get("blockstack", "profile_storage_drivers")

      if parser.has_option("blockstack", "zonefiles"):
          zonefile_dir = parser.get("blockstack", "zonefiles")

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'announcers'):
         # must be a CSV of blockchain IDs
         announcer_list_str = parser.get('blockstack', 'announcers')
         announcer_list = announcer_list_str.split(",")

         import scripts

         # validate each one
         valid = True
         for bid in announcer_list:
             if not scripts.is_name_valid( bid ):
                 log.error("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % bid)
                 valid = False

         if valid:
             announcers = ",".join(announcer_list)

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'analytics_key'):
         analytics_key = parser.get('blockstack', 'analytics_key')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'server_version'):
         server_version = parser.get('blockstack', 'server_version')

   if os.path.exists( announce_path ):
       # load announcement list
       with open( announce_path, "r" ) as f:
           announce_text = f.readlines()

       all_announcements = [ a.strip() for a in announce_text ]
       unseen_announcements = []

       # find announcements we haven't seen yet
       for a in all_announcements:
           if a not in ANNOUNCEMENTS:
               unseen_announcements.append( a )

       announcements = ",".join( unseen_announcements )

   if zonefile_dir is not None and not os.path.exists( zonefile_dir ):
           os.makedirs( zonefile_dir, 0700 )

   blockstack_opts = {
       'rpc_port': rpc_port,
       'email': contact_email,
       'announcers': announcers,
       'announcements': announcements,
       'backup_frequency': backup_frequency,
       'backup_max_age': backup_max_age,
       'blockchain_proxy': blockchain_proxy,
       'serve_zonefiles': serve_zonefiles,
       'serve_profiles': serve_profiles,
       'zonefile_storage_drivers': zonefile_storage_drivers,
       'profile_storage_drivers': profile_storage_drivers,
       'zonefiles': zonefile_dir,
       'analytics_key': analytics_key,
       'server_version': server_version

   # strip Nones
   for (k, v) in blockstack_opts.items():
      if v is None:
         del blockstack_opts[k]

   return blockstack_opts
예제 #13
def default_blockstack_opts( config_file=None, testset=False ):
   Get our default blockstack opts from a config file
   or from sane defaults.

   if config_file is None:
      config_file = virtualchain.get_config_filename()

   testset_path = get_testset_filename( virtualchain.get_working_dir() )
   announce_path = get_announce_filename( virtualchain.get_working_dir() )

   parser = SafeConfigParser()
   parser.read( config_file )

   blockstack_opts = {}
   tx_broadcaster = None
   utxo_provider = None
   testset_first_block = None
   max_subsidy = 0
   contact_email = None
   announcers = "judecn.id,muneeb.id,shea256.id"
   announcements = None

   if parser.has_section('blockstack'):

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'tx_broadcaster'):
         tx_broadcaster = parser.get('blockstack', 'tx_broadcaster')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'utxo_provider'):
         utxo_provider = parser.get('blockstack', 'utxo_provider')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'testset_first_block'):
         testset_first_block = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'testset_first_block') )

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'max_subsidy'):
         max_subsidy = int( parser.get('blockstack', 'max_subsidy'))

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'email'):
         contact_email = parser.get('blockstack', 'email')

      if parser.has_option('blockstack', 'announcers'):
         # must be a CSV of blockchain IDs
         announcer_list_str = parser.get('blockstack', 'announcers')
         announcer_list = announcer_list_str.split(",")

         import scripts

         # validate each one
         valid = True
         for bid in announcer_list:
             if not scripts.is_name_valid( bid ):
                 log.error("Invalid blockchain ID '%s'" % bid)
                 valid = False

         if valid:
             announcers = ",".join(announcer_list)

   if os.path.exists( testset_path ):
       # testset file flag set
       testset = True

   if os.path.exists( announce_path ):
       # load announcement list
       with open( announce_path, "r" ) as f:
           announce_text = f.readlines()

       all_announcements = [ a.strip() for a in announce_text ]
       unseen_announcements = []

       # find announcements we haven't seen yet
       for a in all_announcements:
           if a not in ANNOUNCEMENTS:
               unseen_announcements.append( a )

       announcements = ",".join( unseen_announcements )

   blockstack_opts = {
       'tx_broadcaster': tx_broadcaster,
       'utxo_provider': utxo_provider,
       'testset': testset,
       'testset_first_block': testset_first_block,
       'max_subsidy': max_subsidy,
       'email': contact_email,
       'announcers': announcers,
       'announcements': announcements

   # strip Nones
   for (k, v) in blockstack_opts.items():
      if v is None:
         del blockstack_opts[k]

   return blockstack_opts