예제 #1
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def __hsl_op(op, color, h, s, l):
    color = ColorValue(color)
    c = color.value
    h = None if h is None else NumberValue(h)
    s = None if s is None else NumberValue(s)
    l = None if l is None else NumberValue(l)
    a = [
        None if h is None else h.value / 360.0,
        None if s is None else _apply_percentage(s),
        None if l is None else _apply_percentage(l),
    # Convert to HSL:
    h, l, s = list(
        colorsys.rgb_to_hls(c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0))
    c = h, s, l
    # Do the additions:
    c = [
        if c[i] < 0 else 1.0 if c[i] > 1 else op(c[i], a[i]) if op is not None
        and a[i] is not None else a[i] if a[i] is not None else c[i]
        for i in range(3)
    # Validations:
    c[0] = (c[0] * 360.0) % 360
    r = 360.0, 1.0, 1.0
    c = [0.0 if c[i] < 0 else r[i] if c[i] > r[i] else c[i] for i in range(3)]
    # Convert back to RGB:
    c = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0] / 360.0, 0.99999999 if c[2] == 1 else c[2],
                            0.99999999 if c[1] == 1 else c[1])
    color.value = (c[0] * 255.0, c[1] * 255.0, c[2] * 255.0, color.value[3])
    return color
예제 #2
def dash_compass_slice(lst, start_index, end_index=None):
    start_index = NumberValue(start_index).value
    end_index = NumberValue(end_index).value if end_index is not None else None
    ret = {}
    lst = List(lst)
    if end_index:
        # This function has an inclusive end, but Python slicing is exclusive
        end_index += 1
    ret = lst.value[start_index:end_index]
    return List(ret, use_comma=lst.use_comma)
예제 #3
def __grad_position(index, default, radial, color_stops):
        stops = NumberValue(color_stops[index][0])
        if radial and stops.unit != 'px' and (index == 0 or index == -1 or
                                              index == len(color_stops) - 1):
                "Webkit only supports pixels for the start and end stops for radial gradients. Got %s",
    except IndexError:
        stops = NumberValue(default)
    return stops
예제 #4
def grad_point(*p):
    pos = set()
    hrz = vrt = NumberValue(0.5, '%')
    for _p in p:
    if 'left' in pos:
        hrz = NumberValue(0, '%')
    elif 'right' in pos:
        hrz = NumberValue(1, '%')
    if 'top' in pos:
        vrt = NumberValue(0, '%')
    elif 'bottom' in pos:
        vrt = NumberValue(1, '%')
    return List([v for v in (hrz, vrt) if v is not None])
예제 #5
파일: images.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def image_height(image):
    Returns the height of the image found at the path supplied by `image`
    relative to your project's images directory.
    if not Image:
        raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")
    filepath = StringValue(image).value
    path = None
        height = _image_size_cache[filepath][1]
    except KeyError:
        height = 0
        if callable(config.STATIC_ROOT):
                _file, _storage = list(config.STATIC_ROOT(filepath))[0]
                path = _storage.open(_file)
            _path = os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, filepath.strip('/'))
            if os.path.exists(_path):
                path = open(_path, 'rb')
        if path:
            image = Image.open(path)
            size = image.size
            height = size[1]
            _image_size_cache[filepath] = size
    return NumberValue(height, 'px')
예제 #6
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def _color_type(color, a, type):
    color = ColorValue(color).value
    a = NumberValue(a).value if a is not None else color[3]
    col = list(color[:3])
    col += [0.0 if a < 0 else 1.0 if a > 1 else a]
    col += [type]
    return ColorValue(col)
예제 #7
def enumerate_(prefix, frm, through, separator='-'):
    separator = StringValue(separator).value
        frm = int(getattr(frm, 'value', frm))
    except ValueError:
        frm = 1
        through = int(getattr(through, 'value', through))
    except ValueError:
        through = frm
    if frm > through:
        frm, through = through, frm
        rev = reversed
        rev = lambda x: x

    ret = []
    for i in rev(range(frm, through + 1)):
        if prefix.value:
                StringValue(prefix.value + separator + str(i), quotes=None))

    return List(ret, use_comma=True)
예제 #8
파일: extra.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def background_noise(density=None, opacity=None, size=None, monochrome=False, intensity=None, color=None, background=None, inline=False):
    if not Image:
        raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")

    density = [NumberValue(v).value for v in List.from_maybe(density)]
    intensity = [NumberValue(v).value for v in List.from_maybe(intensity)]
    color = [ColorValue(v).value for v in List.from_maybe(color) if v]
    opacity = [NumberValue(v).value for v in List.from_maybe(opacity)]

    size = int(NumberValue(size).value) if size else 0
    if size < 1 or size > 512:
        size = 200

    monochrome = bool(monochrome)

    background = ColorValue(background).value if background else None

    new_image = Image.new(
        size=(size, size)

    pixdata = new_image.load()
    _image_noise(pixdata, size, density, intensity, color, opacity, monochrome)

    if not inline:
        key = (size, density, intensity, color, opacity, monochrome)
        asset_file = 'noise-%s%sx%s' % ('mono-' if monochrome else '', size, size)
        # asset_file += '-[%s][%s]' % ('-'.join(to_str(s).replace('.', '_') for s in density or []), '-'.join(to_str(s).replace('.', '_') for s in opacity or []))
        asset_file += '-' + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(repr(key)).digest()).rstrip('=').replace('-', '_')
        asset_file += '.png'
        asset_path = os.path.join(config.ASSETS_ROOT or os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, 'assets'), asset_file)
        except IOError:
            log.exception("Error while saving image")
            inline = True  # Retry inline version
        url = '%s%s' % (config.ASSETS_URL, asset_file)
    if inline:
        output = six.BytesIO()
        new_image.save(output, format='PNG')
        contents = output.getvalue()
        url = 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.b64encode(contents)

    inline = 'url("%s")' % escape(url)
    return StringValue(inline)
예제 #9
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def percentage(value):
    if not isinstance(value, NumberValue):
        raise TypeError("Expected number, got %r" % (value, ))

    if not value.is_unitless:
        raise TypeError("Expected unitless number, got %r" % (value, ))

    return value * NumberValue(100, unit='%')
예제 #10
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def __rgba_op(op, color, r, g, b, a):
    color = ColorValue(color)
    c = color.value
    a = [
        None if r is None else NumberValue(r).value,
        None if g is None else NumberValue(g).value,
        None if b is None else NumberValue(b).value,
        None if a is None else NumberValue(a).value,
    # Do the additions:
    c = [
        op(c[i], a[i]) if op is not None and a[i] is not None else
        a[i] if a[i] is not None else c[i] for i in range(4)
    # Validations:
    r = 255.0, 255.0, 255.0, 1.0
    c = [0.0 if c[i] < 0 else r[i] if c[i] > r[i] else c[i] for i in range(4)]
    color.value = tuple(c)
    return color
예제 #11
파일: extra.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def image_color(color, width=1, height=1):
    if not Image:
        raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")
    c = ColorValue(color).value
    w = int(NumberValue(width).value)
    h = int(NumberValue(height).value)
    if w <= 0 or h <= 0:
        raise ValueError
    new_image = Image.new(
        mode='RGB' if c[3] == 1 else 'RGBA',
        size=(w, h),
        color=(c[0], c[1], c[2], int(c[3] * 255.0))
    output = six.BytesIO()
    new_image.save(output, format='PNG')
    contents = output.getvalue()
    mime_type = 'image/png'
    url = 'data:' + mime_type + ';base64,' + base64.b64encode(contents)
    inline = 'url("%s")' % escape(url)
    return StringValue(inline)
예제 #12
 def atom(self):
     _token_ = self._peek(self.u_expr_chks)
     if _token_ == 'LPAR':
         LPAR = self._scan('LPAR')
         expr_lst = self.expr_lst()
         RPAR = self._scan('RPAR')
         return Parentheses(expr_lst)
     elif _token_ == 'ID':
         ID = self._scan('ID')
         return Literal(parse_bareword(ID))
     elif _token_ == 'BANG_IMPORTANT':
         BANG_IMPORTANT = self._scan('BANG_IMPORTANT')
         return Literal(String(BANG_IMPORTANT, quotes=None))
     elif _token_ == 'FNCT':
         FNCT = self._scan('FNCT')
         v = ArgspecLiteral([])
         LPAR = self._scan('LPAR')
         if self._peek(self.atom_rsts) != 'RPAR':
             argspec = self.argspec()
             v = argspec
         RPAR = self._scan('RPAR')
         return CallOp(FNCT, v)
     elif _token_ == 'NUM':
         NUM = self._scan('NUM')
         if self._peek(self.atom_rsts_) == 'UNITS':
             UNITS = self._scan('UNITS')
             return Literal(NumberValue(float(NUM), unit=UNITS.lower()))
         return Literal(NumberValue(float(NUM)))
     elif _token_ == 'STR':
         STR = self._scan('STR')
         return Literal(String(STR[1:-1], quotes="'"))
     elif _token_ == 'QSTR':
         QSTR = self._scan('QSTR')
         return Literal(String(QSTR[1:-1], quotes='"'))
     elif _token_ == 'COLOR':
         COLOR = self._scan('COLOR')
         return Literal(ColorValue(ParserValue(COLOR)))
     else:  # == 'VAR'
         VAR = self._scan('VAR')
         return Variable(VAR)
예제 #13
파일: sprites.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def sprite_position(map, sprite, offset_x=None, offset_y=None):
    Returns the position for the original image in the sprite.
    This is suitable for use as a value to background-position.
    map = StringValue(map).value
    sprite_name = StringValue(sprite).value
    sprite_map = sprite_maps.get(map)
    sprite = sprite_map and sprite_map.get(sprite_name)
    if not sprite_map:
        log.error("No sprite map found: %s", map, extra={'stack': True})
    elif not sprite:
        log.error("No sprite found: %s in %s", sprite_name, sprite_map['*n*'], extra={'stack': True})
    if sprite:
        x = None
        if offset_x is not None and not isinstance(offset_x, NumberValue):
            x = offset_x
        if x not in ('left', 'right', 'center'):
            if x:
                offset_x = None
            x = NumberValue(offset_x or 0, 'px')
            u = x.unit
            x = x.value
            if not x or (x <= -1 or x >= 1) and u != '%':
                x -= sprite[2]
        y = None
        if offset_y is not None and not isinstance(offset_y, NumberValue):
            y = offset_y
        if y not in ('top', 'bottom', 'center'):
            if y:
                offset_y = None
            y = NumberValue(offset_y or 0, 'px')
            u = y.unit
            y = y.value
            if not y or (y <= -1 or y >= 1) and u != '%':
                y -= sprite[3]
        pos = '%s %s' % (x, y)
        return StringValue(pos)
    return StringValue('0 0')
예제 #14
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_alpha_opacity(calc):
    assert calc('alpha(black)') == NumberValue(1.)
    assert calc('alpha(rgba(black, 0.5))') == NumberValue(0.5)
    assert calc('alpha(rgba(black, 0))') == NumberValue(0.)

    # opacity is a synonym
    assert calc('opacity(black)') == NumberValue(1.)
    assert calc('opacity(rgba(black, 0.5))') == NumberValue(0.5)
    assert calc('opacity(rgba(black, 0))') == NumberValue(0.)
예제 #15
파일: sprites.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def sprite(map, sprite, offset_x=None, offset_y=None):
    Returns the image and background position for use in a single shorthand
    map = StringValue(map).value
    sprite_name = StringValue(sprite).value
    sprite_map = sprite_maps.get(map)
    sprite = sprite_map and sprite_map.get(sprite_name)
    if not sprite_map:
        log.error("No sprite map found: %s", map, extra={'stack': True})
    elif not sprite:
        log.error("No sprite found: %s in %s", sprite_name, sprite_map['*n*'], extra={'stack': True})
    if sprite:
        url = '%s%s?_=%s' % (config.ASSETS_URL, sprite_map['*f*'], sprite_map['*t*'])
        x = NumberValue(offset_x or 0, 'px')
        y = NumberValue(offset_y or 0, 'px')
        if not x or (x <= -1 or x >= 1) and x.unit != '%':
            x -= sprite[2]
        if not y or (y <= -1 or y >= 1) and y.unit != '%':
            y -= sprite[3]
        pos = "url(%s) %s %s" % (escape(url), x, y)
        return StringValue(pos)
    return StringValue('0 0')
예제 #16
def _position(opposite, positions):
    if positions is None:
        positions = DEFAULT_POSITION
        positions = List.from_maybe(positions)

    ret = []
    for pos in positions:
        if isinstance(pos, (StringValue, six.string_types)):
            pos_value = getattr(pos, 'value', pos)
            if pos_value in OPPOSITE_POSITIONS:
                if opposite:

        elif isinstance(pos, NumberValue):
            if pos.unit == '%':
                if opposite:
                    ret.append(NumberValue(100 - pos.value, '%'))
            elif pos.unit == 'deg':
                # TODO support other angle types?
                if opposite:
                    ret.append(NumberValue((pos.value + 180) % 360, 'deg'))

        log.warn("Can't find opposite for position %r" % (pos, ))

    return List(ret, use_comma=False).maybe()
예제 #17
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def nth(lst, n):
    Return the Nth item in the string
    n = NumberValue(n).value
    lst = List(lst).value
        n = int(float(n)) - 1
        n = n % len(lst)
        if n.lower() == 'first':
            n = 0
        elif n.lower() == 'last':
            n = -1
        ret = lst[n]
    except KeyError:
        lst = [v for k, v in sorted(lst.items()) if isinstance(k, int)]
            ret = lst[n]
            ret = ''
    return ret.__class__(ret)
예제 #18
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_lightness(calc):
    assert calc('lightness(yellow)') == NumberValue(50, unit='%')
예제 #19
def pi():
    return NumberValue(math.pi)
예제 #20
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_saturation(calc):
    assert calc('saturation(yellow)') == NumberValue(100, unit='%')
예제 #21
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def lightness(color):
    c = ColorValue(color).value
    h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0)
    return NumberValue(l * 100, unit='%')
예제 #22
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_blue(calc):
    assert calc('blue(orange)') == NumberValue(0)
예제 #23
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_hue(calc):
    assert calc('hue(yellow)') == NumberValue(60, unit='deg')
예제 #24
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_green(calc):
    assert calc('green(orange)') == NumberValue(165)
예제 #25
파일: test_core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def test_red(calc):
    assert calc('red(orange)') == NumberValue(255)
예제 #26
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def index(lst, val):
    for i in xrange(len(lst)):
        if lst.value[i] == val:
            return NumberValue(i + 1)
    return BooleanValue(False)
예제 #27
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def _length(*lst):
    if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, List)):
        lst = lst[0]
    return NumberValue(len(lst))
예제 #28
파일: core.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def rgb(r, g, b, type='rgb'):
    return rgba(r, g, b, NumberValue(1.0), type)
예제 #29
파일: sprites.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def sprite_map(g, **kwargs):
    Generates a sprite map from the files matching the glob pattern.
    Uses the keyword-style arguments passed in to control the placement.

    $direction - Sprite map layout. Can be `vertical` (default), `horizontal`, `diagonal` or `smart`.

    $position - For `horizontal` and `vertical` directions, the position of the sprite. (defaults to `0`)
    $<sprite>-position - Position of a given sprite.

    $padding, $spacing - Adds paddings to sprites (top, right, bottom, left). (defaults to `0, 0, 0, 0`)
    $<sprite>-padding, $<sprite>-spacing - Padding for a given sprite.

    $dst-color - Together with `$src-color`, forms a map of source colors to be converted to destiny colors (same index of `$src-color` changed to `$dst-color`).
    $<sprite>-dst-color - Destiny colors for a given sprite. (defaults to `$dst-color`)

    $src-color - Selects source colors to be converted to the corresponding destiny colors. (defaults to `black`)
    $<sprite>-dst-color - Source colors for a given sprite. (defaults to `$src-color`)

    $collapse - Collapses every image in the sprite map to a fixed size (`x` and `y`).
    $collapse-x  - Collapses a size for `x`.
    $collapse-y  - Collapses a size for `y`.
    if not Image:
        raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")

    now_time = time.time()

    g = StringValue(g).value

    if g in sprite_maps:
        sprite_maps[glob]['*'] = now_time
    elif '..' not in g:  # Protect against going to prohibited places...
        if callable(config.STATIC_ROOT):
            glob_path = g
            rfiles = files = sorted(config.STATIC_ROOT(g))
            glob_path = os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, g)
            files = glob.glob(glob_path)
            files = sorted((f, None) for f in files)
            rfiles = [(rf[len(config.STATIC_ROOT):], s) for rf, s in files]

        if not files:
            log.error("Nothing found at '%s'", glob_path)
            return StringValue(None)

        map_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(g)).replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_')
        key = list(zip(*files)[0]) + [repr(kwargs), config.ASSETS_URL]
        key = map_name + '-' + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(repr(key)).digest()).rstrip('=').replace('-', '_')
        asset_file = key + '.png'
        ASSETS_ROOT = config.ASSETS_ROOT or os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, 'assets')
        asset_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_ROOT, asset_file)
        cache_path = os.path.join(config.CACHE_ROOT or ASSETS_ROOT, asset_file + '.cache')

        sprite_map = None
        if os.path.exists(asset_path):
                save_time, asset, sprite_map, sizes = pickle.load(open(cache_path))
                sprite_maps[asset] = sprite_map

            if sprite_map:
                for file_, storage in files:
                    if storage is not None:
                        d_obj = storage.modified_time(file_)
                        _time = time.mktime(d_obj.timetuple())
                        _time = os.path.getmtime(file_)
                    if save_time < _time:
                        if _time > now_time:
                            log.warning("File '%s' has a date in the future (cache ignored)" % file_)
                        sprite_map = None  # Invalidate cached sprite map

        if sprite_map is None:
            direction = StringValue(kwargs.get('direction', config.SPRTE_MAP_DIRECTION)).value
            repeat = StringValue(kwargs.get('repeat', 'no-repeat')).value
            collapse = kwargs.get('collapse') or 0
            if isinstance(collapse, List):
                collapse_x = int(NumberValue(collapse[0]).value)
                collapse_y = int(NumberValue(collapse[-1]).value)
                collapse_x = collapse_y = int(NumberValue(collapse).value)
            if 'collapse_x' in kwargs:
                collapse_x = int(NumberValue(kwargs['collapse_x']).value)
            if 'collapse_y' in kwargs:
                collapse_y = int(NumberValue(kwargs['collapse_y']).value)

            position = kwargs.get('position', 0)
            position = NumberValue(position)
            if position.unit != '%' and position.value > 1:
                position = position.value / 100.0
                position = position.value
            if position < 0:
                position = 0.0
            elif position > 1:
                position = 1.0

            padding = kwargs.get('padding', kwargs.get('spacing', 0))
            padding = [int(NumberValue(v).value) for v in List.from_maybe(padding)]
            padding = (padding * 4)[:4]

            dst_colors = kwargs.get('dst_color')
            dst_colors = [list(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) for v in List.from_maybe(dst_colors) if v]
            src_colors = kwargs.get('src_color')
            src_colors = [tuple(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) if v else (0, 0, 0) for v in List.from_maybe(src_colors)]
            len_colors = max(len(dst_colors), len(src_colors))
            dst_colors = (dst_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]
            src_colors = (src_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]

            def images(f=lambda x: x):
                for file_, storage in f(files):
                    if storage is not None:
                        _file = storage.open(file_)
                        _file = file_
                    _image = Image.open(_file)
                    yield _image

            names = tuple(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_))[0] for file_, storage in files)

            has_dst_colors = False
            all_dst_colors = []
            all_src_colors = []
            all_positions = []
            all_paddings = []

            for name in names:
                name = name.replace('-', '_')

                _position = kwargs.get(name + '_position')
                if _position is None:
                    _position = position
                    _position = NumberValue(_position)
                    if _position.unit != '%' and _position.value > 1:
                        _position = _position.value / 100.0
                        _position = _position.value
                    if _position < 0:
                        _position = 0.0
                    elif _position > 1:
                        _position = 1.0

                _padding = kwargs.get(name + '_padding', kwargs.get(name + '_spacing'))
                if _padding is None:
                    _padding = padding
                    _padding = [int(NumberValue(v).value) for v in List.from_maybe(_padding)]
                    _padding = (_padding * 4)[:4]

                _dst_colors = kwargs.get(name + '_dst_color')
                if _dst_colors is None:
                    _dst_colors = dst_colors
                    if dst_colors:
                        has_dst_colors = True
                    has_dst_colors = True
                    _dst_colors = [list(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) for v in List.from_maybe(_dst_colors) if v]
                _src_colors = kwargs.get(name + '_src_color')
                if _src_colors is None:
                    _src_colors = src_colors
                    _src_colors = [tuple(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) if v else (0, 0, 0) for v in List.from_maybe(_src_colors)]
                _len_colors = max(len(_dst_colors), len(_src_colors))
                _dst_colors = (_dst_colors * _len_colors)[:_len_colors]
                _src_colors = (_src_colors * _len_colors)[:_len_colors]

            sizes = tuple((collapse_x or i.size[0], collapse_y or i.size[1]) for i in images())

            if direction == 'horizontal':
                layout = HorizontalSpritesLayout(sizes, all_paddings, position=all_positions)
            elif direction == 'vertical':
                layout = VerticalSpritesLayout(sizes, all_paddings, position=all_positions)
            elif direction == 'diagonal':
                layout = DiagonalSpritesLayout(sizes, all_paddings)
            elif direction == 'smart':
                layout = PackedSpritesLayout(sizes, all_paddings)
                raise Exception("Invalid direction %r" % (direction,))
            layout_positions = list(layout)

            new_image = Image.new(
                size=(layout.width, layout.height),
                color=(0, 0, 0, 0)

            useless_dst_color = has_dst_colors

            offsets_x = []
            offsets_y = []
            for i, image in enumerate(images()):
                x, y, width, height, cssx, cssy, cssw, cssh = layout_positions[i]
                iwidth, iheight = image.size

                if has_dst_colors:
                    pixdata = image.load()
                    for _y in xrange(iheight):
                        for _x in xrange(iwidth):
                            pixel = pixdata[_x, _y]
                            a = pixel[3] if len(pixel) == 4 else 255
                            if a:
                                rgb = pixel[:3]
                                for j, dst_color in enumerate(all_dst_colors[i]):
                                    if rgb == all_src_colors[i][j]:
                                        new_color = tuple([int(c) for c in dst_color] + [a])
                                        if pixel != new_color:
                                            pixdata[_x, _y] = new_color
                                            useless_dst_color = False

                if iwidth != width or iheight != height:
                    cy = 0
                    while cy < iheight:
                        cx = 0
                        while cx < iwidth:
                            new_image = alpha_composite(new_image, image, (x, y), (cx, cy, cx + width, cy + height))
                            cx += width
                        cy += height
                    new_image.paste(image, (x, y))

            if useless_dst_color:
                log.warning("Useless use of $dst-color in sprite map for files at '%s' (never used for)" % glob_path)

            except IOError:
                log.exception("Error while saving image")

            filetime = int(now_time)
            url = '%s%s?_=%s' % (config.ASSETS_URL, asset_file, filetime)
            asset = 'url("%s") %s' % (escape(url), repeat)

            # Add the new object:
            sprite_map = dict(zip(names, zip(sizes, rfiles, offsets_x, offsets_y)))
            sprite_map['*'] = now_time
            sprite_map['*f*'] = asset_file
            sprite_map['*k*'] = key
            sprite_map['*n*'] = map_name
            sprite_map['*t*'] = filetime

            cache_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=ASSETS_ROOT)
            pickle.dump((now_time, asset, sprite_map, zip(files, sizes)), cache_tmp)
            os.rename(cache_tmp.name, cache_path)

            # Use the sorted list to remove older elements (keep only 500 objects):
            if len(sprite_maps) > MAX_SPRITE_MAPS:
                for a in sorted(sprite_maps, key=lambda a: sprite_maps[a]['*'], reverse=True)[KEEP_SPRITE_MAPS:]:
                    del sprite_maps[a]
                log.warning("Exceeded maximum number of sprite maps (%s)" % MAX_SPRITE_MAPS)
            sprite_maps[asset] = sprite_map
        for file_, size in sizes:
            _image_size_cache[file_] = size
    ret = StringValue(asset)
    return ret
예제 #30
파일: images.py 프로젝트: magical/pyScss
def _image_url(path,
    src_color - a list of or a single color to be replaced by each corresponding dst_color colors
    spacing - spaces to be added to the image
    collapse_x, collapse_y - collapsable (layered) image of the given size (x, y)
    if inline or dst_color or spacing:
        if not Image:
            raise Exception("Images manipulation require PIL")
    filepath = StringValue(path).value
    mime_type = inline and (StringValue(mime_type).value
                            or mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0])
    path = None
    if callable(config.STATIC_ROOT):
            _file, _storage = list(config.STATIC_ROOT(filepath))[0]
            d_obj = _storage.modified_time(_file)
            filetime = int(time.mktime(d_obj.timetuple()))
            if inline or dst_color or spacing:
                path = _storage.open(_file)
            filetime = 'NA'
        _path = os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, filepath.strip('/'))
        if os.path.exists(_path):
            filetime = int(os.path.getmtime(_path))
            if inline or dst_color or spacing:
                path = open(_path, 'rb')
            filetime = 'NA'
    BASE_URL = config.STATIC_URL
    if path:
        dst_colors = [
            list(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) for v in List.from_maybe(dst_color)
            if v

        src_colors = src_color
        src_colors = [
            tuple(ColorValue(v).value[:3]) if v else (0, 0, 0)
            for v in List.from_maybe(src_color)

        len_colors = max(len(dst_colors), len(src_colors))
        dst_colors = (dst_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]
        src_colors = (src_colors * len_colors)[:len_colors]

        spacing = [
            int(NumberValue(v).value) if v else 0
            for v in List.from_maybe(spacing)
        spacing = (spacing * 4)[:4]

        file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(
            os.path.normpath(filepath).replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_'))
        key = (filetime, src_color, dst_color, spacing)
        key = file_name + '-' + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
            hashlib.md5(repr(key)).digest()).rstrip('=').replace('-', '_')
        asset_file = key + file_ext
        ASSETS_ROOT = config.ASSETS_ROOT or os.path.join(
            config.STATIC_ROOT, 'assets')
        asset_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_ROOT, asset_file)

        if os.path.exists(asset_path):
            filepath = asset_file
            BASE_URL = config.ASSETS_URL
            if inline:
                path = open(asset_path, 'rb')
                url = 'data:' + mime_type + ';base64,' + base64.b64encode(
                url = '%s%s' % (BASE_URL, filepath)
                if cache_buster:
                    filetime = int(os.path.getmtime(asset_path))
                    url = add_cache_buster(url, filetime)
            image = Image.open(path)
            width, height = collapse_x or image.size[
                0], collapse_y or image.size[1]
            new_image = Image.new(mode='RGBA',
                                  size=(width + spacing[1] + spacing[3],
                                        height + spacing[0] + spacing[2]),
                                  color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
            for i, dst_color in enumerate(dst_colors):
                src_color = src_colors[i]
                pixdata = image.load()
                for _y in xrange(image.size[1]):
                    for _x in xrange(image.size[0]):
                        pixel = pixdata[_x, _y]
                        if pixel[:3] == src_color:
                            pixdata[_x, _y] = tuple(
                                [int(c) for c in dst_color] +
                                [pixel[3] if len(pixel) == 4 else 255])
            iwidth, iheight = image.size
            if iwidth != width or iheight != height:
                cy = 0
                while cy < iheight:
                    cx = 0
                    while cx < iwidth:
                        cropped_image = image.crop(
                            (cx, cy, cx + width, cy + height))
                                        (int(spacing[3]), int(spacing[0])),
                        cx += width
                    cy += height
                new_image.paste(image, (int(spacing[3]), int(spacing[0])))

            if not inline:
                    filepath = asset_file
                    BASE_URL = config.ASSETS_URL
                    if cache_buster:
                        filetime = int(os.path.getmtime(asset_path))
                except IOError:
                    log.exception("Error while saving image")
                    inline = True  # Retry inline version
                url = '%s%s' % (config.ASSETS_URL, asset_file)
                if cache_buster:
                    url = add_cache_buster(url, filetime)
            if inline:
                output = six.BytesIO()
                new_image.save(output, format='PNG')
                contents = output.getvalue()
                url = 'data:' + mime_type + ';base64,' + base64.b64encode(
        url = '%s%s' % (BASE_URL, filepath)
        if cache_buster:
            url = add_cache_buster(url, filetime)

    if not only_path:
        url = 'url("%s")' % escape(url)
    return StringValue(url)