def dmri_moco(param): file_data = 'dmri' ext_data = '.nii' file_b0 = 'b0' file_dwi = 'dwi' mat_final = 'mat_final/' file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups' # no extension fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; ' # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz' # warping field # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data+'.nii').dim sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), param.verbose) # Identify b=0 and DWI images sct.printv('\nIdentify b=0 and DWI images...', param.verbose) index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = identify_b0('bvecs.txt', param.fname_bvals, param.bval_min, param.verbose) # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt: sct.printv('\nERROR in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Size of data ('+str(nt)+') and size of bvecs ('+str(nb_b0+nb_dwi)+') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error') sys.exit(2) # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...) #=================================================================================================================== # Split into T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose) status, output ='sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T', param.verbose) # Merge b=0 images sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_b0 # for it in range(nb_b0): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_b0 + ext_data + ' -i ' for it in range(nb_b0): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string status, output =, param.verbose) sct.printv((' File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose) # Average b=0 images sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose) file_b0_mean = file_b0+'_mean''sct_maths -i '+file_b0+'.nii'+' -o '+file_b0_mean+'.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_b0+'.nii', file_b0_mean+'.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_b0 + ' -Tmean ' + file_b0_mean # status, output =, param.verbose) # Number of DWI groups nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi/param.group_size)) # Generate groups indexes group_indexes = [] for iGroup in range(nb_groups): group_indexes.append(index_dwi[(iGroup*param.group_size):((iGroup+1)*param.group_size)]) # add the remaining images to the last DWI group nb_remaining = nb_dwi%param.group_size # number of remaining images if nb_remaining > 0: nb_groups += 1 group_indexes.append(index_dwi[len(index_dwi)-nb_remaining:len(index_dwi)]) # DWI groups for iGroup in range(nb_groups): sct.printv('\nDWI group: ' +str((iGroup+1))+'/'+str(nb_groups), param.verbose) # get index index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup] nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i) # Merge DW Images sct.printv('Merge DW images...', param.verbose) file_dwi_merge_i = file_dwi + '_' + str(iGroup) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i ' for it in range(nb_dwi_i): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_merge_i # for it in range(nb_dwi_i): # cmd = cmd +' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) # Average DW Images sct.printv('Average DW images...', param.verbose) file_dwi_mean = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)'sct_maths -i '+file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii'+' -o '+file_dwi_mean+'.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii', file_dwi_mean+'.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_mean #, param.verbose) # Merge DWI groups means sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose) # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups' cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_group + ext_data + ' -i ' for iGroup in range(nb_groups): cmd = cmd + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_group # for iGroup in range(nb_groups): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) # Average DW Images # TODO: USEFULL ??? sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose) fname_dwi_mean = 'dwi_mean''sct_maths -i '+file_dwi_group+'.nii'+' -o '+file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_group+'.nii', file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_group + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_group+'_mean', param.verbose) # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm if param.otsu: sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...', param.verbose) # import module otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu') # get class from module param_otsu = otsu.param() #getattr(otsu, param) param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group+'.nii' param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg' # run otsu otsu.otsu(param_otsu) file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group+'_seg' # extract first DWI volume as target for registration nii = Image(file_dwi_group+'.nii') data_crop =[:, :, :, index_dwi[0]:index_dwi[0]+1] = data_crop nii.setFileName('target_dwi.nii') # START MOCO #=================================================================================================================== # Estimate moco on b0 groups sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose) sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco = param param_moco.file_data = 'b0' if index_dwi[0] != 0: # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0 param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[index_dwi[0]-1]).zfill(4) else: # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0. param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4) param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.todo = 'estimate' param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups' moco.moco(param_moco) # Estimate moco on dwi groups sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose) sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group param_moco.file_target = 'target_dwi' # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0) param_moco.path_out = '' #param_moco.todo = 'estimate' param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply' param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups' moco.moco(param_moco) # create final mat folder sct.create_folder(mat_final) # Copy b=0 registration matrices sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose) for it in range(nb_b0):'cp '+'mat_b0groups/'+'mat.T'+str(it)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(index_b0[it])+ext_mat, param.verbose) # Copy DWI registration matrices sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose) for iGroup in range(nb_groups): for dwi in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):'cp '+'mat_dwigroups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi])+ext_mat, param.verbose) # Spline Regularization along T if param.spline_fitting: moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0), param.plot_graph) # combine Eddy Matrices if param.run_eddy: param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy' param.mat_final = mat_final moco.combine_matrix(param) # Apply moco on all dmri data sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Apply moco', param.verbose) sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco.file_data = 'dmri' param_moco.file_target = file_dwi+'_mean_'+str(0) # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final param_moco.todo = 'apply' moco.moco(param_moco) # copy geometric information from header # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1". copy_header('dmri.nii', 'dmri_moco.nii') # generate b0_moco_mean and dwi_moco_mean cmd = 'sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi -i dmri'+param.suffix+'.nii -b bvecs.txt -a 1' if not param.fname_bvals == '': cmd = cmd+' -m '+param.fname_bvals, param.verbose)
def create_mask(): fsloutput = "export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; " # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if param.fname_data == "" or param.method == "": sct.printv("\nERROR: All mandatory arguments are not provided. See usage (add -h).\n", 1, "error") # parse argument for method method_list = param.method.replace(" ", "").split(",") # remove spaces and parse with comma # method_list = param.method.split(',') # parse with comma method_type = method_list[0] # check existence of method type if not method_type in param.method_list: sct.printv( "\nERROR in " + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Method "' + method_type + '" is not recognized. See usage (add -h).\n', 1, "error", ) # check method val if not method_type == "center": method_val = method_list[1] del method_list # check existence of shape if not param.shape in param.shape_list: sct.printv( "\nERROR in " + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Shape "' + param.shape + '" is not recognized. See usage (add -h).\n', 1, "error", ) # check existence of input files sct.printv("\ncheck existence of input files...", param.verbose) sct.check_file_exist(param.fname_data, param.verbose) if method_type == "centerline": sct.check_file_exist(method_val, param.verbose) # check if orientation is RPI sct.printv("\nCheck if orientation is RPI...", param.verbose) status, output ="sct_orientation -i " + param.fname_data) if not output == "RPI": sct.printv( "\nERROR in " + os.path.basename(__file__) + ": Orientation of input image should be RPI. Use sct_orientation to put your image in RPI.\n", 1, "error", ) # display input parameters sct.printv("\nInput parameters:", param.verbose) sct.printv(" data .................." + param.fname_data, param.verbose) sct.printv(" method ................" + method_type, param.verbose) # Extract path/file/extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) # Get output folder and file name if param.fname_out == "": param.fname_out = param.file_prefix + file_data + ext_data # fname_out = os.path.abspath(path_out+file_out+ext_out) # create temporary folder sct.printv("\nCreate temporary folder...", param.verbose) path_tmp = sct.slash_at_the_end("tmp." + time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), 1)"mkdir " + path_tmp, param.verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii # NB: cannot use c3d here because c3d cannot convert 4D data. sct.printv("\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...", param.verbose) convert(param.fname_data, path_tmp + "data.nii") #'cp '+param.fname_data+' '+path_tmp+'data'+ext_data, param.verbose) if method_type == "centerline": convert(method_val, path_tmp + "centerline.nii.gz") #'isct_c3d '+method_val+' -o '+path_tmp+'/centerline.nii.gz') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv("\nGet dimensions of data...", param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image("data.nii").dim sct.printv(" " + str(nx) + " x " + str(ny) + " x " + str(nz) + " x " + str(nt), param.verbose) # in case user input 4d data if nt != 1: sct.printv( "WARNING in " + os.path.basename(__file__) + ": Input image is 4d but output mask will 3D.", param.verbose, "warning", ) # extract first volume to have 3d reference nii = Image("data.nii") data3d =[:, :, :, 0] = data3d if method_type == "coord": # parse to get coordinate coord = map(int, method_val.split("x")) if method_type == "point": # get file name fname_point = method_val # extract coordinate of point sct.printv("\nExtract coordinate of point...", param.verbose) status, output ="sct_label_utils -i " + fname_point + " -t display-voxel", param.verbose) # parse to get coordinate coord = output[output.find("Position=") + 10 : -17].split(",") if method_type == "center": # set coordinate at center of FOV coord = round(float(nx) / 2), round(float(ny) / 2) if method_type == "centerline": # get name of centerline from user argument fname_centerline = "centerline.nii.gz" else: # generate volume with line along Z at coordinates 'coord' sct.printv("\nCreate line...", param.verbose) fname_centerline = create_line("data.nii", coord, nz) # create mask sct.printv("\nCreate mask...", param.verbose) centerline = nibabel.load(fname_centerline) # open centerline hdr = centerline.get_header() # get header hdr.set_data_dtype("uint8") # set imagetype to uint8 data_centerline = centerline.get_data() # get centerline z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1) if data_centerline[:, :, iz].any()] nz = len(z_centerline) # get center of mass of the centerline cx = [0] * nz cy = [0] * nz for iz in range(0, nz, 1): cx[iz], cy[iz] = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(numpy.array(data_centerline[:, :, z_centerline[iz]])) # create 2d masks file_mask = "data_mask" for iz in range(nz): center = numpy.array([cx[iz], cy[iz]]) mask2d = create_mask2d(center, param.shape, param.size, nx, ny) # Write NIFTI volumes img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mask2d, None, hdr), (file_mask + str(iz) + ".nii")) # merge along Z # cmd = 'fslmerge -z mask ' cmd = "sct_concat_data -dim z -o mask.nii.gz -i " for iz in range(nz): cmd = cmd + file_mask + str(iz) + ".nii," # remove ',' at the end of the string cmd = cmd[:-1] status, output =, param.verbose) # copy geometry copy_header("data.nii", "mask.nii.gz") # come back to parent folder os.chdir("..") # Generate output files sct.printv("\nGenerate output files...", param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp + "mask.nii.gz", param.fname_out) # Remove temporary files if param.remove_tmp_files == 1: sct.printv("\nRemove temporary files...", param.verbose)"rm -rf " + path_tmp, param.verbose) # to view results sct.printv("\nDone! To view results, type:", param.verbose) sct.printv("fslview " + param.fname_data + " " + param.fname_out + " -l Red -t 0.5 &", param.verbose, "info") print
def register_images(fname_source, fname_dest, mask='', paramreg=Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='Translation', metric='MI', iter='5', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5'), ants_registration_params={'rigid': '', 'affine': '', 'compositeaffine': '', 'similarity': '', 'translation': '','bspline': ',10', 'gaussiandisplacementfield': ',3,0', 'bsplinedisplacementfield': ',5,10', 'syn': ',3,0', 'bsplinesyn': ',1,3'}, remove_tmp_folder = 1): """Slice-by-slice registration of two images. We first split the 3D images into 2D images (and the mask if inputted). Then we register slices of the two images that physically correspond to one another looking at the physical origin of each image. The images can be of different sizes but the destination image must be smaller thant the input image. We do that using antsRegistration in 2D. Once this has been done for each slices, we gather the results and return them. Algorithms implemented: translation, rigid, affine, syn and BsplineSyn. N.B.: If the mask is inputted, it must also be 3D and it must be in the same space as the destination image. input: fname_source: name of moving image (type: string) fname_dest: name of fixed image (type: string) mask[optional]: name of mask file (type: string) (parameter -x of antsRegistration) paramreg[optional]: parameters of antsRegistration (type: Paramreg class from sct_register_multimodal) ants_registration_params[optional]: specific algorithm's parameters for antsRegistration (type: dictionary) output: if algo==translation: x_displacement: list of translation along x axis for each slice (type: list) y_displacement: list of translation along y axis for each slice (type: list) if algo==rigid: x_displacement: list of translation along x axis for each slice (type: list) y_displacement: list of translation along y axis for each slice (type: list) theta_rotation: list of rotation angle in radian (and in ITK's coordinate system) for each slice (type: list) if algo==affine or algo==syn or algo==bsplinesyn: creation of two 3D warping fields (forward and inverse) that are the concatenations of the slice-by-slice warps. """ # Extracting names path_i, root_i, ext_i = sct.extract_fname(fname_source) path_d, root_d, ext_d = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # set metricSize if paramreg.metric == 'MI': metricSize = '32' # corresponds to number of bins else: metricSize = '4' # corresponds to radius (for CC, MeanSquares...) # Get image dimensions and retrieve nz print '\nGet image dimensions of destination image...' nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_dest).dim print '.. matrix size: '+str(nx)+' x '+str(ny)+' x '+str(nz) print '.. voxel size: '+str(px)+'mm x '+str(py)+'mm x '+str(pz)+'mm' # Define x and y displacement as list x_displacement = [0 for i in range(nz)] y_displacement = [0 for i in range(nz)] theta_rotation = [0 for i in range(nz)] # create temporary folder print('\nCreate temporary folder...') path_tmp = 'tmp.'+time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") sct.create_folder(path_tmp) print '\nCopy input data...''cp '+fname_source+ ' ' + path_tmp +'/'+ root_i+ext_i)'cp '+fname_dest+ ' ' + path_tmp +'/'+ root_d+ext_d) if mask:'cp '+mask+ ' '+path_tmp +'/mask.nii.gz') # go to temporary folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # Split input volume along z print '\nSplit input volume...' from sct_split_data import split_data split_data(fname_source, 2, '_z') # Split destination volume along z print '\nSplit destination volume...' split_data(fname_dest, 2, '_z') # Split mask volume along z if mask: print '\nSplit mask volume...' split_data('mask.nii.gz', 2, '_z') im_dest_img = Image(fname_dest) im_input_img = Image(fname_source) coord_origin_dest = im_dest_img.transfo_pix2phys([[0,0,0]]) coord_origin_input = im_input_img.transfo_pix2phys([[0,0,0]]) coord_diff_origin = (asarray(coord_origin_dest[0]) - asarray(coord_origin_input[0])).tolist() [x_o, y_o, z_o] = [coord_diff_origin[0] * 1.0/px, coord_diff_origin[1] * 1.0/py, coord_diff_origin[2] * 1.0/pz] if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': list_warp_x = [] list_warp_x_inv = [] list_warp_y = [] list_warp_y_inv = [] name_warp_final = 'Warp_total' #if modified, name should also be modified in msct_register (algo slicereg2d_bsplinesyn and slicereg2d_syn) # loop across slices for i in range(nz): # set masking num = numerotation(i) num_2 = numerotation(int(num) + int(z_o)) if mask: masking = '-x mask_z' +num+ '.nii' else: masking = '' cmd = ('isct_antsRegistration ' '--dimensionality 2 ' '--transform '+paramreg.algo+'['+str(paramreg.gradStep) + ants_registration_params[paramreg.algo.lower()]+'] ' '--metric '+paramreg.metric+'['+root_d+'_z'+ num +'.nii' +','+root_i+'_z'+ num_2 +'.nii' +',1,'+metricSize+'] ' #[fixedImage,movingImage,metricWeight +nb_of_bins (MI) or radius (other) '--convergence '+str(paramreg.iter)+' ' '--shrink-factors '+str(paramreg.shrink)+' ' '--smoothing-sigmas '+str(paramreg.smooth)+'mm ' #'--restrict-deformation 1x1x0 ' # how to restrict? should not restrict here, if transform is precised...? '--output [transform_' + num + ','+root_i+'_z'+ num_2 +'reg.nii] ' #--> file.mat (contains Tx,Ty, theta) '--interpolation BSpline[3] ' +masking) try: if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid' or paramreg.algo == 'Translation': f = 'transform_' +num+ '0GenericAffine.mat' matfile = loadmat(f, struct_as_record=True) array_transfo = matfile['AffineTransform_double_2_2'] x_displacement[i] = array_transfo[4][0] # Tx in ITK'S coordinate system y_displacement[i] = array_transfo[5][0] # Ty in ITK'S and fslview's coordinate systems theta_rotation[i] = asin(array_transfo[2]) # angle of rotation theta in ITK'S coordinate system (minus theta for fslview) if paramreg.algo == 'Affine': # New process added for generating total nifti warping field from mat warp name_dest = root_d+'_z'+ num +'.nii' name_reg = root_i+'_z'+ num +'reg.nii' name_output_warp = 'warp_from_mat_' + num_2 + '.nii.gz' name_output_warp_inverse = 'warp_from_mat_' + num + '_inverse.nii.gz' name_warp_null = 'warp_null_' + num + '.nii.gz' name_warp_null_dest = 'warp_null_dest' + num + '.nii.gz' name_warp_mat = 'transform_' + num + '0GenericAffine.mat' # Generating null nifti warping fields nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(name_reg).dim nx_d, ny_d, nz_d, nt_d, px_d, py_d, pz_d, pt_d = Image(name_dest).dim x_trans = [0 for i in range(nz)] x_trans_d = [0 for i in range(nz_d)] y_trans= [0 for i in range(nz)] y_trans_d = [0 for i in range(nz_d)] generate_warping_field(name_reg, x_trans=x_trans, y_trans=y_trans, fname=name_warp_null, verbose=0) generate_warping_field(name_dest, x_trans=x_trans_d, y_trans=y_trans_d, fname=name_warp_null_dest, verbose=0) # Concatenating mat wrp and null nifti warp to obtain equivalent nifti warp to mat warp'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 2 ' + name_output_warp + ' -R ' + name_reg + ' ' + name_warp_null + ' ' + name_warp_mat)'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 2 ' + name_output_warp_inverse + ' -R ' + name_dest + ' ' + name_warp_null_dest + ' -i ' + name_warp_mat) # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge'isct_c3d -mcs ' + name_output_warp + ' -oo transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs ' + name_output_warp_inverse + ' -oo transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN': # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge # Need to separate the merge for x and y displacement as merge of 3d warping fields does not work properly'isct_c3d -mcs transform_'+num+'0Warp.nii.gz -oo transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp.nii.gz -oo transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # if an exception occurs with ants, take the last value for the transformation except: if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid' or paramreg.algo == 'Translation': x_displacement[i] = x_displacement[i-1] y_displacement[i] = y_displacement[i-1] theta_rotation[i] = theta_rotation[i-1] if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': print'Problem with ants for slice '+str(i)+'. Copy of the last warping field.''cp transform_' + numerotation(i-1) + '0Warp.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0Warp.nii.gz')'cp transform_' + numerotation(i-1) + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz') # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge'isct_c3d -mcs transform_'+num+'0Warp.nii.gz -oo transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp.nii.gz -oo transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_'+num+'0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_'+num+'0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': print'\nMerge along z of the warping fields...' # from sct_concat_data import concat_data'sct_concat_data -i '+','.join(list_warp_x)+' -o '+name_warp_final+'_x.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i '+','.join(list_warp_x_inv)+' -o '+name_warp_final+'_x_inverse.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i '+','.join(list_warp_y)+' -o '+name_warp_final+'_y.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i '+','.join(list_warp_y_inv)+' -o '+name_warp_final+'_y_inverse.nii.gz -dim z') # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_x), name_warp_final+'_x.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_x_inv), name_warp_final+'_x_inverse.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_y), name_warp_final+'_y.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_y_inv), name_warp_final+'_y_inverse.nii.gz', 2) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_x ' + " ".join(list_warp_x)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_x_inverse ' + " ".join(list_warp_x_inv)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_y ' + " ".join(list_warp_y)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_y_inverse ' + " ".join(list_warp_y_inv)) print'\nChange resolution of warping fields to match the resolution of the destination image...' from sct_copy_header import copy_header copy_header(fname_dest, name_warp_final + '_x.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_source, name_warp_final + '_x_inverse.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_dest, name_warp_final + '_y.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_source, name_warp_final + '_y_inverse.nii.gz') print'\nMerge translation fields along x and y into one global warping field ''isct_c3d ' + name_warp_final + '_x.nii.gz ' + name_warp_final + '_y.nii.gz -omc 2 ' + name_warp_final + '.nii.gz')'isct_c3d ' + name_warp_final + '_x_inverse.nii.gz ' + name_warp_final + '_y_inverse.nii.gz -omc 2 ' + name_warp_final + '_inverse.nii.gz') print'\nCopy to parent folder...''cp ' + name_warp_final + '.nii.gz ../')'cp ' + name_warp_final + '_inverse.nii.gz ../') #Delete tmp folder os.chdir('../') if remove_tmp_folder: print('\nRemove temporary files...')'rm -rf '+path_tmp) if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid': return x_displacement, y_displacement, theta_rotation if paramreg.algo == 'Translation': return x_displacement, y_displacement
def dmri_moco(param): file_data = 'dmri' ext_data = '.nii' file_b0 = 'b0' file_dwi = 'dwi' mat_final = 'mat_final/' file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups' # no extension fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; ' # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz' # warping field # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data + '.nii').dim sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), param.verbose) # Identify b=0 and DWI images sct.printv('\nIdentify b=0 and DWI images...', param.verbose) index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = identify_b0('bvecs.txt', param.fname_bvals, param.bval_min, param.verbose) # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt: sct.printv( '\nERROR in ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Size of data (' + str(nt) + ') and size of bvecs (' + str(nb_b0 + nb_dwi) + ') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error') sys.exit(2) # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...) #=================================================================================================================== # Split into T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose) status, output = 'sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T', param.verbose) # Merge b=0 images sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_b0 # for it in range(nb_b0): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_b0 + ext_data + ' -i ' for it in range(nb_b0): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str( index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string status, output =, param.verbose) sct.printv((' File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose) # Average b=0 images sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose) file_b0_mean = file_b0 + '_mean' 'sct_maths -i ' + file_b0 + '.nii' + ' -o ' + file_b0_mean + '.nii' + ' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_b0+'.nii', file_b0_mean+'.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_b0 + ' -Tmean ' + file_b0_mean # status, output =, param.verbose) # Number of DWI groups nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi / param.group_size)) # Generate groups indexes group_indexes = [] for iGroup in range(nb_groups): group_indexes.append(index_dwi[(iGroup * param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) * param.group_size)]) # add the remaining images to the last DWI group nb_remaining = nb_dwi % param.group_size # number of remaining images if nb_remaining > 0: nb_groups += 1 group_indexes.append(index_dwi[len(index_dwi) - nb_remaining:len(index_dwi)]) # DWI groups for iGroup in range(nb_groups): sct.printv('\nDWI group: ' + str((iGroup + 1)) + '/' + str(nb_groups), param.verbose) # get index index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup] nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i) # Merge DW Images sct.printv('Merge DW images...', param.verbose) file_dwi_merge_i = file_dwi + '_' + str(iGroup) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i ' for it in range(nb_dwi_i): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str( index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_merge_i # for it in range(nb_dwi_i): # cmd = cmd +' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) # Average DW Images sct.printv('Average DW images...', param.verbose) file_dwi_mean = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) 'sct_maths -i ' + file_dwi_merge_i + '.nii' + ' -o ' + file_dwi_mean + '.nii' + ' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii', file_dwi_mean+'.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_mean #, param.verbose) # Merge DWI groups means sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose) # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups' cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_group + ext_data + ' -i ' for iGroup in range(nb_groups): cmd = cmd + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_group # for iGroup in range(nb_groups): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) # Average DW Images # TODO: USEFULL ??? sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose) fname_dwi_mean = 'dwi_mean' 'sct_maths -i ' + file_dwi_group + '.nii' + ' -o ' + file_dwi_group + '_mean.nii' + ' -mean t', param.verbose) # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_group+'.nii', file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_group + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_group+'_mean', param.verbose) # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm if param.otsu: sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...', param.verbose) # import module otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu') # get class from module param_otsu = otsu.param() #getattr(otsu, param) param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group + '.nii' param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg' # run otsu otsu.otsu(param_otsu) file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group + '_seg' # extract first DWI volume as target for registration nii = Image(file_dwi_group + '.nii') data_crop =[:, :, :, index_dwi[0]:index_dwi[0] + 1] = data_crop nii.setFileName('target_dwi.nii') # START MOCO #=================================================================================================================== # Estimate moco on b0 groups sct.printv( '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose) sct.printv( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco = param param_moco.file_data = 'b0' if index_dwi[0] != 0: # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0 param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str( index_b0[index_dwi[0] - 1]).zfill(4) else: # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0. param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4) param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.todo = 'estimate' param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups' moco.moco(param_moco) # Estimate moco on dwi groups sct.printv( '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose) sct.printv( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group param_moco.file_target = 'target_dwi' # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0) param_moco.path_out = '' #param_moco.todo = 'estimate' param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply' param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups' moco.moco(param_moco) # create final mat folder sct.create_folder(mat_final) # Copy b=0 registration matrices sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose) for it in range(nb_b0): 'cp ' + 'mat_b0groups/' + 'mat.T' + str(it) + ext_mat + ' ' + mat_final + 'mat.T' + str(index_b0[it]) + ext_mat, param.verbose) # Copy DWI registration matrices sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose) for iGroup in range(nb_groups): for dwi in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])): 'cp ' + 'mat_dwigroups/' + 'mat.T' + str(iGroup) + ext_mat + ' ' + mat_final + 'mat.T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi]) + ext_mat, param.verbose) # Spline Regularization along T if param.spline_fitting: moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0), param.plot_graph) # combine Eddy Matrices if param.run_eddy: param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy' param.mat_final = mat_final moco.combine_matrix(param) # Apply moco on all dmri data sct.printv( '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Apply moco', param.verbose) sct.printv( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco.file_data = 'dmri' param_moco.file_target = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str( 0) # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final param_moco.todo = 'apply' moco.moco(param_moco) # copy geometric information from header # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1". copy_header('dmri.nii', 'dmri_moco.nii') # generate b0_moco_mean and dwi_moco_mean cmd = 'sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi -i dmri' + param.suffix + '.nii -b bvecs.txt -a 1' if not param.fname_bvals == '': cmd = cmd + ' -m ' + param.fname_bvals, param.verbose)
def create_mask(): fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; ' # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if param.fname_data == '' or param.method == '': sct.printv('\nERROR: All mandatory arguments are not provided. See usage (add -h).\n', 1, 'error') # parse argument for method method_list = param.method.replace(' ', '').split(',') # remove spaces and parse with comma # method_list = param.method.split(',') # parse with comma method_type = method_list[0] # check existence of method type if not method_type in param.method_list: sct.printv('\nERROR in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Method "'+method_type+'" is not recognized. See usage (add -h).\n', 1, 'error') # check method val if not method_type == 'center': method_val = method_list[1] del method_list # check existence of shape if not param.shape in param.shape_list: sct.printv('\nERROR in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Shape "'+param.shape+'" is not recognized. See usage (add -h).\n', 1, 'error') # check existence of input files sct.printv('\ncheck existence of input files...', param.verbose) sct.check_file_exist(param.fname_data, param.verbose) if method_type == 'centerline': sct.check_file_exist(method_val, param.verbose) # check if orientation is RPI sct.printv('\nCheck if orientation is RPI...', param.verbose) status, output ='sct_orientation -i '+param.fname_data) if not output == 'RPI': sct.printv('\nERROR in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Orientation of input image should be RPI. Use sct_orientation to put your image in RPI.\n', 1, 'error') # display input parameters sct.printv('\nInput parameters:', param.verbose) sct.printv(' data ..................'+param.fname_data, param.verbose) sct.printv(' method ................'+method_type, param.verbose) # Extract path/file/extension path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(param.fname_data) # Get output folder and file name if param.fname_out == '': param.fname_out = param.file_prefix+file_data+ext_data #fname_out = os.path.abspath(path_out+file_out+ext_out) # create temporary folder sct.printv('\nCreate temporary folder...', param.verbose) path_tmp = sct.slash_at_the_end('tmp.'+time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S"), 1)'mkdir '+path_tmp, param.verbose) # Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii # NB: cannot use c3d here because c3d cannot convert 4D data. sct.printv('\nCopying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...', param.verbose) convert(param.fname_data, path_tmp+'data.nii') #'cp '+param.fname_data+' '+path_tmp+'data'+ext_data, param.verbose) if method_type == 'centerline': convert(method_val, path_tmp+'centerline.nii.gz') #'isct_c3d '+method_val+' -o '+path_tmp+'/centerline.nii.gz') # go to tmp folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image('data.nii').dim sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz)+ ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose) # in case user input 4d data if nt != 1: sct.printv('WARNING in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Input image is 4d but output mask will 3D.', param.verbose, 'warning') # extract first volume to have 3d reference nii = Image('data.nii') data3d =[:,:,:,0] = data3d if method_type == 'coord': # parse to get coordinate coord = map(int, method_val.split('x')) if method_type == 'point': # get file name fname_point = method_val # extract coordinate of point sct.printv('\nExtract coordinate of point...', param.verbose) status, output ='sct_label_utils -i '+fname_point+' -t display-voxel', param.verbose) # parse to get coordinate coord = output[output.find('Position=')+10:-17].split(',') if method_type == 'center': # set coordinate at center of FOV coord = round(float(nx)/2), round(float(ny)/2) if method_type == 'centerline': # get name of centerline from user argument fname_centerline = 'centerline.nii.gz' else: # generate volume with line along Z at coordinates 'coord' sct.printv('\nCreate line...', param.verbose) fname_centerline = create_line('data.nii', coord, nz) # create mask sct.printv('\nCreate mask...', param.verbose) centerline = nibabel.load(fname_centerline) # open centerline hdr = centerline.get_header() # get header hdr.set_data_dtype('uint8') # set imagetype to uint8 data_centerline = centerline.get_data() # get centerline z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1) if data_centerline[:, :, iz].any()] nz = len(z_centerline) # get center of mass of the centerline cx = [0] * nz cy = [0] * nz for iz in range(0, nz, 1): cx[iz], cy[iz] = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(numpy.array(data_centerline[:, :, z_centerline[iz]])) # create 2d masks file_mask = 'data_mask' for iz in range(nz): center = numpy.array([cx[iz], cy[iz]]) mask2d = create_mask2d(center, param.shape, param.size, nx, ny) # Write NIFTI volumes img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mask2d, None, hdr), (file_mask+str(iz)+'.nii')) # merge along Z # cmd = 'fslmerge -z mask ' cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim z -o mask.nii.gz -i ' for iz in range(nz): cmd = cmd + file_mask+str(iz)+'.nii,' # remove ',' at the end of the string cmd = cmd[:-1] status, output =, param.verbose) # copy geometry copy_header('data.nii', 'mask.nii.gz') # come back to parent folder os.chdir('..') # Generate output files sct.printv('\nGenerate output files...', param.verbose) sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'mask.nii.gz', param.fname_out) # Remove temporary files if param.remove_tmp_files == 1: sct.printv('\nRemove temporary files...', param.verbose)'rm -rf '+path_tmp, param.verbose) # to view results sct.printv('\nDone! To view results, type:', param.verbose) sct.printv('fslview '+param.fname_data+' '+param.fname_out+' -l Red -t 0.5 &', param.verbose, 'info') print
def fmri_moco(param): file_data = 'fmri' ext_data = '.nii' mat_final = 'mat_final/' fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; ' # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz' # warping field # Get dimensions of data sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose) nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data+'.nii').dim sct.printv(' ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose) # Split into T dimension sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose) status, output ='sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T', param.verbose) # assign an index to each volume index_fmri = range(0, nt) # Number of groups nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt/param.group_size)) # Generate groups indexes group_indexes = [] for iGroup in range(nb_groups): group_indexes.append(index_fmri[(iGroup*param.group_size):((iGroup+1)*param.group_size)]) # add the remaining images to the last DWI group nb_remaining = nt%param.group_size # number of remaining images if nb_remaining > 0: nb_groups += 1 group_indexes.append(index_fmri[len(index_fmri)-nb_remaining:len(index_fmri)]) # groups for iGroup in range(nb_groups): sct.printv('\nGroup: ' +str((iGroup+1))+'/'+str(nb_groups), param.verbose) # get index index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup] nt_i = len(index_fmri_i) # Merge Images sct.printv('Merge consecutive volumes...', param.verbose) file_data_merge_i = file_data + '_' + str(iGroup) # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i # for it in range(nt_i): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_data_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i ' for it in range(nt_i): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # Average Images sct.printv('Average volumes...', param.verbose) file_data_mean = file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)'sct_maths -i '+file_data_merge_i+'.nii -o '+file_data_mean+'.nii -mean t') # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3): # sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error') # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean #, param.verbose) # Merge groups means sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose) file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups' # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_groups_means_merge # for iGroup in range(nb_groups): # cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_data_groups_means_merge + ext_data + ' -i ' for iGroup in range(nb_groups): cmd = cmd + file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ',' cmd = cmd[:-1] # remove ',' at the end of the string, param.verbose) # Estimate moco on dwi groups sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Estimating motion...', param.verbose) sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco = param param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups' param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + str(param.num_target) param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply' param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups' moco.moco(param_moco) # create final mat folder sct.create_folder(mat_final) # Copy registration matrices sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose) for iGroup in range(nb_groups): for data in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])): # if param.slicewise: # for iz in range(nz): #'cp '+'mat_dwigroups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+'_Z'+str(iz)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi])+'_Z'+str(iz)+ext_mat, param.verbose) # else:'cp '+'mat_groups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][data])+ext_mat, param.verbose) # Apply moco on all fmri data sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) sct.printv(' Apply moco', param.verbose) sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose) param_moco.file_data = 'fmri' param_moco.file_target = file_data+'_mean_'+str(0) param_moco.path_out = '' param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final param_moco.todo = 'apply' moco.moco(param_moco) # copy geometric information from header # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1". copy_header('fmri.nii', 'fmri_moco.nii') # Average volumes sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)'sct_maths -i fmri_moco.nii -o fmri_moco_mean.nii -mean t')
def main(): # Initialization fname_anat = '' fname_point = '' slice_gap = remove_tmp_files = param.remove_tmp_files gaussian_kernel = param.gaussian_kernel start_time = time.time() verbose = 1 # get path of the toolbox status, path_sct = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_DIR') path_sct = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_sct, 1) # Parameters for debug mode if param.debug == 1: sct.printv('\n*** WARNING: DEBUG MODE ON ***\n\t\t\tCurrent working directory: '+os.getcwd(), 'warning') status, path_sct_testing_data = commands.getstatusoutput('echo $SCT_TESTING_DATA_DIR') fname_anat = path_sct_testing_data+'/t2/t2.nii.gz' fname_point = path_sct_testing_data+'/t2/t2_centerline_init.nii.gz' slice_gap = 5 else: # Check input param try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hi:p:g:r:k:') except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() if not opts: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': usage() elif opt in ('-i'): fname_anat = arg elif opt in ('-p'): fname_point = arg elif opt in ('-g'): slice_gap = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r'): remove_tmp_files = int(arg) elif opt in ('-k'): gaussian_kernel = int(arg) # display usage if a mandatory argument is not provided if fname_anat == '' or fname_point == '': usage() # check existence of input files sct.check_file_exist(fname_anat) sct.check_file_exist(fname_point) # extract path/file/extension path_anat, file_anat, ext_anat = sct.extract_fname(fname_anat) path_point, file_point, ext_point = sct.extract_fname(fname_point) # extract path of schedule file # TODO: include schedule file in sct # TODO: check existence of schedule file file_schedule = path_sct + param.schedule_file # Get input image orientation input_image_orientation = get_orientation(fname_anat) # Display arguments print '\nCheck input arguments...' print ' Anatomical image: '+fname_anat print ' Orientation: '+input_image_orientation print ' Point in spinal cord: '+fname_point print ' Slice gap: '+str(slice_gap) print ' Gaussian kernel: '+str(gaussian_kernel) print ' Degree of polynomial: '+str(param.deg_poly) # create temporary folder print('\nCreate temporary folder...') path_tmp = 'tmp.'+time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") sct.create_folder(path_tmp) print '\nCopy input data...''cp '+fname_anat+ ' '+path_tmp+'/tmp.anat'+ext_anat)'cp '+fname_point+ ' '+path_tmp+'/tmp.point'+ext_point) # go to temporary folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # convert to nii convert('tmp.anat'+ext_anat, 'tmp.anat.nii') convert('tmp.point'+ext_point, 'tmp.point.nii') # Reorient input anatomical volume into RL PA IS orientation print '\nReorient input volume to RL PA IS orientation...' + 'fslswapdim tmp.anat RL PA IS tmp.anat_orient') set_orientation('tmp.anat.nii', 'RPI', 'tmp.anat_orient.nii') # Reorient binary point into RL PA IS orientation print '\nReorient binary point into RL PA IS orientation...' # + 'fslswapdim tmp.point RL PA IS tmp.point_orient') set_orientation('tmp.point.nii', 'RPI', 'tmp.point_orient.nii') # Get image dimensions print '\nGet image dimensions...' nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image('tmp.anat_orient.nii').dim print '.. matrix size: '+str(nx)+' x '+str(ny)+' x '+str(nz) print '.. voxel size: '+str(px)+'mm x '+str(py)+'mm x '+str(pz)+'mm' # Split input volume print '\nSplit input volume...' split_data('tmp.anat_orient.nii', 2, '_z') file_anat_split = ['tmp.anat_orient_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)] split_data('tmp.point_orient.nii', 2, '_z') file_point_split = ['tmp.point_orient_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0, nz, 1)] # Extract coordinates of input point # sct.printv('\nExtract the slice corresponding to z='+str(z_init)+'...', verbose) # data_point = Image('tmp.point_orient.nii').data x_init, y_init, z_init = unravel_index(data_point.argmax(), data_point.shape) sct.printv('Coordinates of input point: ('+str(x_init)+', '+str(y_init)+', '+str(z_init)+')', verbose) # Create 2D gaussian mask sct.printv('\nCreate gaussian mask from point...', verbose) xx, yy = mgrid[:nx, :ny] mask2d = zeros((nx, ny)) radius = round(float(gaussian_kernel+1)/2) # add 1 because the radius includes the center. sigma = float(radius) mask2d = exp(-(((xx-x_init)**2)/(2*(sigma**2)) + ((yy-y_init)**2)/(2*(sigma**2)))) # Save mask to 2d file file_mask_split = ['tmp.mask_orient_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] nii_mask2d = Image('tmp.anat_orient_z0000.nii') = mask2d nii_mask2d.setFileName(file_mask_split[z_init]+'.nii') # # # Get the coordinates of the input point # print '\nGet the coordinates of the input point...' # data_point = Image('tmp.point_orient.nii').data # x_init, y_init, z_init = unravel_index(data_point.argmax(), data_point.shape) # print '('+str(x_init)+', '+str(y_init)+', '+str(z_init)+')' # x_init, y_init, z_init = (data > 0).nonzero() # x_init = x_init[0] # y_init = y_init[0] # z_init = z_init[0] # print '('+str(x_init)+', '+str(y_init)+', '+str(z_init)+')' # # numpy.unravel_index(a.argmax(), a.shape) # # file = nibabel.load('tmp.point_orient.nii') # data = file.get_data() # x_init, y_init, z_init = (data > 0).nonzero() # x_init = x_init[0] # y_init = y_init[0] # z_init = z_init[0] # print '('+str(x_init)+', '+str(y_init)+', '+str(z_init)+')' # # # Extract the slice corresponding to z=z_init # print '\nExtract the slice corresponding to z='+str(z_init)+'...' # file_point_split = ['tmp.point_orient_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] # nii = Image('tmp.point_orient.nii') # data_crop =[:, :, z_init:z_init+1] # = data_crop # nii.setFileName(file_point_split[z_init]+'.nii') # # # # Create gaussian mask from point # print '\nCreate gaussian mask from point...' # file_mask_split = ['tmp.mask_orient_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] #'fslmaths '+file_point_split[z_init]+' -s '+str(gaussian_kernel)+' '+file_mask_split[z_init]) # # # Obtain max value from mask # print '\nFind maximum value from mask...' # file = nibabel.load(file_mask_split[z_init]+'.nii') # data = file.get_data() # max_value_mask = numpy.max(data) # print '..'+str(max_value_mask) # # # Normalize mask beween 0 and 1 # print '\nNormalize mask beween 0 and 1...' #'fslmaths '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -div '+str(max_value_mask)+' '+file_mask_split[z_init]) ## Take the square of the mask #print '\nCalculate the square of the mask...''fslmaths '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -mul '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' '+file_mask_split[z_init]) # initialize variables file_mat = ['tmp.mat_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] file_mat_inv = ['tmp.mat_inv_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] file_mat_inv_cumul = ['tmp.mat_inv_cumul_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] # create identity matrix for initial transformation matrix fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul[z_init], 'w') fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(1, 0, 0, 0) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 1, 0, 0) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) ) fid.close() # initialize centerline: give value corresponding to initial point x_centerline = [x_init] y_centerline = [y_init] z_centerline = [z_init] warning_count = 0 # go up (1), then down (2) in reference to the binary point for iUpDown in range(1, 3): if iUpDown == 1: # z increases slice_gap_signed = slice_gap elif iUpDown == 2: # z decreases slice_gap_signed = -slice_gap # reverse centerline (because values will be appended at the end) x_centerline.reverse() y_centerline.reverse() z_centerline.reverse() # initialization before looping z_dest = z_init # point given by user z_src = z_dest + slice_gap_signed # continue looping if 0 < z < nz while 0 <= z_src and z_src <= nz-1: # print current z: print 'z='+str(z_src)+':' # estimate transformation'flirt -in '+file_anat_split[z_src]+' -ref '+file_anat_split[z_dest]+' -schedule '+file_schedule+ ' -verbose 0 -omat '+file_mat[z_src]+' -cost normcorr -forcescaling -inweight '+file_mask_split[z_dest]+' -refweight '+file_mask_split[z_dest]) # display transfo status, output ='cat '+file_mat[z_src]) print output # check if transformation is bigger than 1.5x slice_gap tx = float(output.split()[3]) ty = float(output.split()[7]) norm_txy = linalg.norm([tx, ty],ord=2) if norm_txy > 1.5*slice_gap: print 'WARNING: Transformation is too large --> using previous one.' warning_count = warning_count + 1 # if previous transformation exists, replace current one with previous one if os.path.isfile(file_mat[z_dest]):'cp '+file_mat[z_dest]+' '+file_mat[z_src]) # estimate inverse transformation matrix'convert_xfm -omat '+file_mat_inv[z_src]+' -inverse '+file_mat[z_src]) # compute cumulative transformation'convert_xfm -omat '+file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src]+' -concat '+file_mat_inv[z_src]+' '+file_mat_inv_cumul[z_dest]) # apply inverse cumulative transformation to initial gaussian mask (to put it in src space)'flirt -in '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -ref '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -applyxfm -init '+file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src]+' -out '+file_mask_split[z_src]) # open inverse cumulative transformation file and generate centerline fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul[z_src]) mat = x_centerline.append(x_init + float(mat[3])) y_centerline.append(y_init + float(mat[7])) z_centerline.append(z_src) #z_index = z_index+1 # define new z_dest (target slice) and new z_src (moving slice) z_dest = z_dest + slice_gap_signed z_src = z_src + slice_gap_signed # Reconstruct centerline # ==================================================================================================== # reverse back centerline (because it's been reversed once, so now all values are in the right order) x_centerline.reverse() y_centerline.reverse() z_centerline.reverse() # fit centerline in the Z-X plane using polynomial function print '\nFit centerline in the Z-X plane using polynomial function...' coeffsx = polyfit(z_centerline, x_centerline, deg=param.deg_poly) polyx = poly1d(coeffsx) x_centerline_fit = polyval(polyx, z_centerline) # calculate RMSE rmse = linalg.norm(x_centerline_fit-x_centerline)/sqrt( len(x_centerline) ) # calculate max absolute error max_abs = max( abs(x_centerline_fit-x_centerline) ) print '.. RMSE (in mm): '+str(rmse*px) print '.. Maximum absolute error (in mm): '+str(max_abs*px) # fit centerline in the Z-Y plane using polynomial function print '\nFit centerline in the Z-Y plane using polynomial function...' coeffsy = polyfit(z_centerline, y_centerline, deg=param.deg_poly) polyy = poly1d(coeffsy) y_centerline_fit = polyval(polyy, z_centerline) # calculate RMSE rmse = linalg.norm(y_centerline_fit-y_centerline)/sqrt( len(y_centerline) ) # calculate max absolute error max_abs = max( abs(y_centerline_fit-y_centerline) ) print '.. RMSE (in mm): '+str(rmse*py) print '.. Maximum absolute error (in mm): '+str(max_abs*py) # display if param.debug == 1: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(z_centerline,x_centerline,'.',z_centerline,x_centerline_fit,'r') plt.legend(['Data','Polynomial Fit']) plt.title('Z-X plane polynomial interpolation') plt.figure() plt.plot(z_centerline,y_centerline,'.',z_centerline,y_centerline_fit,'r') plt.legend(['Data','Polynomial Fit']) plt.title('Z-Y plane polynomial interpolation') # generate full range z-values for centerline z_centerline_full = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1)] # calculate X and Y values for the full centerline x_centerline_fit_full = polyval(polyx, z_centerline_full) y_centerline_fit_full = polyval(polyy, z_centerline_full) # Generate fitted transformation matrices and write centerline coordinates in text file print '\nGenerate fitted transformation matrices and write centerline coordinates in text file...' file_mat_inv_cumul_fit = ['tmp.mat_inv_cumul_fit_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] file_mat_cumul_fit = ['tmp.mat_cumul_fit_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] fid_centerline = open('tmp.centerline_coordinates.txt', 'w') for iz in range(0, nz, 1): # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w') fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(1, 0, 0, x_centerline_fit_full[iz]-x_init) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(0, 1, 0, y_centerline_fit_full[iz]-y_init) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) ) fid.close() # compute forward cumulative fitted transformation matrix'convert_xfm -omat '+file_mat_cumul_fit[iz]+' -inverse '+file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]) # write centerline coordinates in x, y, z format fid_centerline.write('%f %f %f\n' %(x_centerline_fit_full[iz], y_centerline_fit_full[iz], z_centerline_full[iz]) ) fid_centerline.close() # Prepare output data # ==================================================================================================== # write centerline as text file for iz in range(0, nz, 1): # compute inverse cumulative fitted transformation matrix fid = open(file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz], 'w') fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(1, 0, 0, x_centerline_fit_full[iz]-x_init) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %f\n' %(0, 1, 0, y_centerline_fit_full[iz]-y_init) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 1, 0) ) fid.write('%i %i %i %i\n' %(0, 0, 0, 1) ) fid.close() # write polynomial coefficients savetxt('tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_x.txt',coeffsx) savetxt('tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_y.txt',coeffsy) # apply transformations to data print '\nApply fitted transformation matrices...' file_anat_split_fit = ['tmp.anat_orient_fit_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] file_mask_split_fit = ['tmp.mask_orient_fit_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] file_point_split_fit = ['tmp.point_orient_fit_z'+str(z).zfill(4) for z in range(0,nz,1)] for iz in range(0, nz, 1): # forward cumulative transformation to data'flirt -in '+file_anat_split[iz]+' -ref '+file_anat_split[iz]+' -applyxfm -init '+file_mat_cumul_fit[iz]+' -out '+file_anat_split_fit[iz]) # inverse cumulative transformation to mask'flirt -in '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -ref '+file_mask_split[z_init]+' -applyxfm -init '+file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]+' -out '+file_mask_split_fit[iz]) # inverse cumulative transformation to point'flirt -in '+file_point_split[z_init]+' -ref '+file_point_split[z_init]+' -applyxfm -init '+file_mat_inv_cumul_fit[iz]+' -out '+file_point_split_fit[iz]+' -interp nearestneighbour') # Merge into 4D volume print '\nMerge into 4D volume...' #'fslmerge -z tmp.anat_orient_fit tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*') #'fslmerge -z tmp.mask_orient_fit tmp.mask_orient_fit_z*') #'fslmerge -z tmp.point_orient_fit tmp.point_orient_fit_z*') concat_data(glob.glob('tmp.anat_orient_fit_z*.nii'), 'tmp.anat_orient_fit.nii', dim=2) concat_data(glob.glob('tmp.mask_orient_fit_z*.nii'), 'tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii', dim=2) concat_data(glob.glob('tmp.point_orient_fit_z*.nii'), 'tmp.point_orient_fit.nii', dim=2) # Copy header geometry from input data print '\nCopy header geometry from input data...' copy_header('tmp.anat_orient.nii', 'tmp.anat_orient_fit.nii') copy_header('tmp.anat_orient.nii', 'tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii') copy_header('tmp.anat_orient.nii', 'tmp.point_orient_fit.nii') # Reorient outputs into the initial orientation of the input image print '\nReorient the centerline into the initial orientation of the input image...' set_orientation('tmp.point_orient_fit.nii', input_image_orientation, 'tmp.point_orient_fit.nii') set_orientation('tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii', input_image_orientation, 'tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii') # Generate output file (in current folder) print '\nGenerate output file (in current folder)...' os.chdir('..') # come back to parent folder #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_x.txt','./','centerline_polycoeffs_x','.txt') #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.centerline_polycoeffs_y.txt','./','centerline_polycoeffs_y','.txt') #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.centerline_coordinates.txt','./','centerline_coordinates','.txt') #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.anat_orient.nii','./',file_anat+'_rpi',ext_anat) #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.anat_orient_fit.nii', file_anat+'_rpi_align'+ext_anat) #sct.generate_output_file('tmp.mask_orient_fit.nii', file_anat+'_mask'+ext_anat) fname_output_centerline = sct.generate_output_file(path_tmp+'/tmp.point_orient_fit.nii', file_anat+'_centerline'+ext_anat) # Delete temporary files if remove_tmp_files == 1: print '\nRemove temporary files...''rm -rf '+path_tmp) # print number of warnings print '\nNumber of warnings: '+str(warning_count)+' (if >10, you should probably reduce the gap and/or increase the kernel size' # display elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print '\nFinished! \n\tGenerated file: '+fname_output_centerline+'\n\tElapsed time: '+str(int(round(elapsed_time)))+'s\n'
def register_images( fname_source, fname_dest, mask='', paramreg=Paramreg(step='0', type='im', algo='Translation', metric='MI', iter='5', shrink='1', smooth='0', gradStep='0.5'), ants_registration_params={ 'rigid': '', 'affine': '', 'compositeaffine': '', 'similarity': '', 'translation': '', 'bspline': ',10', 'gaussiandisplacementfield': ',3,0', 'bsplinedisplacementfield': ',5,10', 'syn': ',3,0', 'bsplinesyn': ',1,3' }, remove_tmp_folder=1): """Slice-by-slice registration of two images. We first split the 3D images into 2D images (and the mask if inputted). Then we register slices of the two images that physically correspond to one another looking at the physical origin of each image. The images can be of different sizes but the destination image must be smaller thant the input image. We do that using antsRegistration in 2D. Once this has been done for each slices, we gather the results and return them. Algorithms implemented: translation, rigid, affine, syn and BsplineSyn. N.B.: If the mask is inputted, it must also be 3D and it must be in the same space as the destination image. input: fname_source: name of moving image (type: string) fname_dest: name of fixed image (type: string) mask[optional]: name of mask file (type: string) (parameter -x of antsRegistration) paramreg[optional]: parameters of antsRegistration (type: Paramreg class from sct_register_multimodal) ants_registration_params[optional]: specific algorithm's parameters for antsRegistration (type: dictionary) output: if algo==translation: x_displacement: list of translation along x axis for each slice (type: list) y_displacement: list of translation along y axis for each slice (type: list) if algo==rigid: x_displacement: list of translation along x axis for each slice (type: list) y_displacement: list of translation along y axis for each slice (type: list) theta_rotation: list of rotation angle in radian (and in ITK's coordinate system) for each slice (type: list) if algo==affine or algo==syn or algo==bsplinesyn: creation of two 3D warping fields (forward and inverse) that are the concatenations of the slice-by-slice warps. """ # Extracting names path_i, root_i, ext_i = sct.extract_fname(fname_source) path_d, root_d, ext_d = sct.extract_fname(fname_dest) # set metricSize if paramreg.metric == 'MI': metricSize = '32' # corresponds to number of bins else: metricSize = '4' # corresponds to radius (for CC, MeanSquares...) # Get image dimensions and retrieve nz print '\nGet image dimensions of destination image...' nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(fname_dest).dim print '.. matrix size: ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) print '.. voxel size: ' + str(px) + 'mm x ' + str(py) + 'mm x ' + str( pz) + 'mm' # Define x and y displacement as list x_displacement = [0 for i in range(nz)] y_displacement = [0 for i in range(nz)] theta_rotation = [0 for i in range(nz)] # create temporary folder print('\nCreate temporary folder...') path_tmp = 'tmp.' + time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") sct.create_folder(path_tmp) print '\nCopy input data...''cp ' + fname_source + ' ' + path_tmp + '/' + root_i + ext_i)'cp ' + fname_dest + ' ' + path_tmp + '/' + root_d + ext_d) if mask:'cp ' + mask + ' ' + path_tmp + '/mask.nii.gz') # go to temporary folder os.chdir(path_tmp) # Split input volume along z print '\nSplit input volume...' from sct_split_data import split_data split_data(fname_source, 2, '_z') # Split destination volume along z print '\nSplit destination volume...' split_data(fname_dest, 2, '_z') # Split mask volume along z if mask: print '\nSplit mask volume...' split_data('mask.nii.gz', 2, '_z') im_dest_img = Image(fname_dest) im_input_img = Image(fname_source) coord_origin_dest = im_dest_img.transfo_pix2phys([[0, 0, 0]]) coord_origin_input = im_input_img.transfo_pix2phys([[0, 0, 0]]) coord_diff_origin = (asarray(coord_origin_dest[0]) - asarray(coord_origin_input[0])).tolist() [x_o, y_o, z_o] = [ coord_diff_origin[0] * 1.0 / px, coord_diff_origin[1] * 1.0 / py, coord_diff_origin[2] * 1.0 / pz ] if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': list_warp_x = [] list_warp_x_inv = [] list_warp_y = [] list_warp_y_inv = [] name_warp_final = 'Warp_total' #if modified, name should also be modified in msct_register (algo slicereg2d_bsplinesyn and slicereg2d_syn) # loop across slices for i in range(nz): # set masking num = numerotation(i) num_2 = numerotation(int(num) + int(z_o)) if mask: masking = '-x mask_z' + num + '.nii' else: masking = '' cmd = ( 'isct_antsRegistration ' '--dimensionality 2 ' '--transform ' + paramreg.algo + '[' + str(paramreg.gradStep) + ants_registration_params[paramreg.algo.lower()] + '] ' '--metric ' + paramreg.metric + '[' + root_d + '_z' + num + '.nii' + ',' + root_i + '_z' + num_2 + '.nii' + ',1,' + metricSize + '] ' #[fixedImage,movingImage,metricWeight +nb_of_bins (MI) or radius (other) '--convergence ' + str(paramreg.iter) + ' ' '--shrink-factors ' + str(paramreg.shrink) + ' ' '--smoothing-sigmas ' + str(paramreg.smooth) + 'mm ' #'--restrict-deformation 1x1x0 ' # how to restrict? should not restrict here, if transform is precised...? '--output [transform_' + num + ',' + root_i + '_z' + num_2 + 'reg.nii] ' #--> file.mat (contains Tx,Ty, theta) '--interpolation BSpline[3] ' + masking) try: if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid' or paramreg.algo == 'Translation': f = 'transform_' + num + '0GenericAffine.mat' matfile = loadmat(f, struct_as_record=True) array_transfo = matfile['AffineTransform_double_2_2'] x_displacement[i] = array_transfo[4][ 0] # Tx in ITK'S coordinate system y_displacement[i] = array_transfo[5][ 0] # Ty in ITK'S and fslview's coordinate systems theta_rotation[i] = asin( array_transfo[2] ) # angle of rotation theta in ITK'S coordinate system (minus theta for fslview) if paramreg.algo == 'Affine': # New process added for generating total nifti warping field from mat warp name_dest = root_d + '_z' + num + '.nii' name_reg = root_i + '_z' + num + 'reg.nii' name_output_warp = 'warp_from_mat_' + num_2 + '.nii.gz' name_output_warp_inverse = 'warp_from_mat_' + num + '_inverse.nii.gz' name_warp_null = 'warp_null_' + num + '.nii.gz' name_warp_null_dest = 'warp_null_dest' + num + '.nii.gz' name_warp_mat = 'transform_' + num + '0GenericAffine.mat' # Generating null nifti warping fields nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(name_reg).dim nx_d, ny_d, nz_d, nt_d, px_d, py_d, pz_d, pt_d = Image( name_dest).dim x_trans = [0 for i in range(nz)] x_trans_d = [0 for i in range(nz_d)] y_trans = [0 for i in range(nz)] y_trans_d = [0 for i in range(nz_d)] generate_warping_field(name_reg, x_trans=x_trans, y_trans=y_trans, fname=name_warp_null, verbose=0) generate_warping_field(name_dest, x_trans=x_trans_d, y_trans=y_trans_d, fname=name_warp_null_dest, verbose=0) # Concatenating mat wrp and null nifti warp to obtain equivalent nifti warp to mat warp'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 2 ' + name_output_warp + ' -R ' + name_reg + ' ' + name_warp_null + ' ' + name_warp_mat)'isct_ComposeMultiTransform 2 ' + name_output_warp_inverse + ' -R ' + name_dest + ' ' + name_warp_null_dest + ' -i ' + name_warp_mat) # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge'isct_c3d -mcs ' + name_output_warp + ' -oo transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs ' + name_output_warp_inverse + ' -oo transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN': # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge # Need to separate the merge for x and y displacement as merge of 3d warping fields does not work properly'isct_c3d -mcs transform_' + num + '0Warp.nii.gz -oo transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz -oo transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # if an exception occurs with ants, take the last value for the transformation except: if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid' or paramreg.algo == 'Translation': x_displacement[i] = x_displacement[i - 1] y_displacement[i] = y_displacement[i - 1] theta_rotation[i] = theta_rotation[i - 1] if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': print 'Problem with ants for slice ' + str( i) + '. Copy of the last warping field.''cp transform_' + numerotation(i - 1) + '0Warp.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0Warp.nii.gz')'cp transform_' + numerotation(i - 1) + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz') # Split the warping fields into two for displacement along x and y before merge'isct_c3d -mcs transform_' + num + '0Warp.nii.gz -oo transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz')'isct_c3d -mcs transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp.nii.gz -oo transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') # List names of warping fields for futur merge list_warp_x.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_x_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_x.nii.gz') list_warp_y.append('transform_' + num + '0Warp_y.nii.gz') list_warp_y_inv.append('transform_' + num + '0InverseWarp_y.nii.gz') if paramreg.algo == 'BSplineSyN' or paramreg.algo == 'SyN' or paramreg.algo == 'Affine': print '\nMerge along z of the warping fields...' # from sct_concat_data import concat_data'sct_concat_data -i ' + ','.join(list_warp_x) + ' -o ' + name_warp_final + '_x.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i ' + ','.join(list_warp_x_inv) + ' -o ' + name_warp_final + '_x_inverse.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i ' + ','.join(list_warp_y) + ' -o ' + name_warp_final + '_y.nii.gz -dim z')'sct_concat_data -i ' + ','.join(list_warp_y_inv) + ' -o ' + name_warp_final + '_y_inverse.nii.gz -dim z') # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_x), name_warp_final+'_x.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_x_inv), name_warp_final+'_x_inverse.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_y), name_warp_final+'_y.nii.gz', 2) # concat_data(','.join(list_warp_y_inv), name_warp_final+'_y_inverse.nii.gz', 2) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_x ' + " ".join(list_warp_x)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_x_inverse ' + " ".join(list_warp_x_inv)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_y ' + " ".join(list_warp_y)) #'fslmerge -z ' + name_warp_final + '_y_inverse ' + " ".join(list_warp_y_inv)) print '\nChange resolution of warping fields to match the resolution of the destination image...' from sct_copy_header import copy_header copy_header(fname_dest, name_warp_final + '_x.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_source, name_warp_final + '_x_inverse.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_dest, name_warp_final + '_y.nii.gz') copy_header(fname_source, name_warp_final + '_y_inverse.nii.gz') print '\nMerge translation fields along x and y into one global warping field ''isct_c3d ' + name_warp_final + '_x.nii.gz ' + name_warp_final + '_y.nii.gz -omc 2 ' + name_warp_final + '.nii.gz')'isct_c3d ' + name_warp_final + '_x_inverse.nii.gz ' + name_warp_final + '_y_inverse.nii.gz -omc 2 ' + name_warp_final + '_inverse.nii.gz') print '\nCopy to parent folder...''cp ' + name_warp_final + '.nii.gz ../')'cp ' + name_warp_final + '_inverse.nii.gz ../') #Delete tmp folder os.chdir('../') if remove_tmp_folder: print('\nRemove temporary files...')'rm -rf ' + path_tmp) if paramreg.algo == 'Rigid': return x_displacement, y_displacement, theta_rotation if paramreg.algo == 'Translation': return x_displacement, y_displacement