def phil_parse(args=None, log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" slice_mtz { input .help = "Input files" { mtz_in = None .type = path .help = 'File name of PDB containing ensemble to be converted to supercell' npy_in = None .type = path .help = 'File containing 2D numpy array, output of this program' } params .help = "Control running" { array = 'Idff' .type = str .help = 'Array type, Ibrg, Itot or Idff' vmin = None .type = int .help = 'Minimum value in contour plot' vmax = None .type = int .help = 'Maximum value in contour plot' } output .help = "output files" { mtz_out = slice.mtz .type = path .help = 'Name of output mtz containing only sliced miller indices' npy_out = tmp.npy .type = path .help = 'Save 2D array to this numpy file' plt_out = slice.eps .type = path .help = 'Save plot to this eps file' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None, log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" additivity_all { input .help = "Input files" { single_pdb = None .type = path .help = 'PDB file containing single model' ensemble_pdb = None .type = path .help = 'PDB file containing ensemble' } params .help = "Control running" { create_ensemble = True .type = bool .help = 'wheter to create an ensemble from input or not' calc_diff = True .type = bool .help = 'Calculate diffuse scattering or not' merge_slices = True .type = bool .help = 'Merge 2D slices or not' plot_all_B_factors = True .type = bool .help = 'Plot all B-factors or not' } output .help = "output files" { mtz_out = mtz_out.mtz .type = path .help = 'file name for output mtz' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None, log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" additivity { input .help = "Input files" { mtz_1 = None .type = path .help = 'MTZ file, to be converted to map' mtz_2 = None .type = path .help = 'MTZ file, to be converted to map' } params .help = "Control running" { array = None .type = str .help = 'Array column name' sf_1 = 1.0 .type = float .help = 'scale factor for array 1' sf_2 = 1.0 .type = float .help = 'scale factor for array 2' } output .help = "output files" { mtz_out = mtz_out.mtz .type = path .help = 'file name for output mtz' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None, log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" Rfacts { input .help = "Input files" { pdb_1 = None .type = path .help = 'Calc FFT from this' mtz_2 = None .type = path .help = 'data mtz' er_mtz = None .type = path .help = 'output of ensemble refinement' } params .help = "Control running" { array_1 = FMODEL .type = str .help = 'array from pdb_1/mtz_1 to use' array_2 = ITOT2 .type = str .help = 'Array from data mtz to use in Rfact calc' } output .help = "output files" { mtz_out = mtz_out.mtz .type = path .help = 'file name for output mtz' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None, log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" sc_reduce { input .help = "Input files" { pdb_in = None .type = path .help = 'File name of supercell pdb (ensemble or single model)' ref_pdb = None .type = path .help = 'Ref PDB to make reference model (P1) from' supercell_size = 2 .type = int .help = 'Size of supercell (x*x*x)' } params .help = "Control running" { write_pdb = False .type = bool .help = 'write PDB file?' } output .help = "output files" { pdb_out = supercell_out.pdb .type = path .help = 'Name of output file containing supercell' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None,log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" cypa_helix { input .help = "Input files" { pdb_in = None .type = path .help = 'MTZ file, to be converted to map' } params .help = "Control running" { tmp = None .type = str .help = 'placeholder' } output .help = "output files" { pdb_out = mtz_out.mtz .type = path .help = 'file name for output pdb' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None,log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" sc_er_setup { input .help = "Input files" { rb_pdb_in = None .type = path .help = 'File name of single PDB (used to generate input for rigid body)' single_pdb_in = None .type = path .help = 'PDB file used for perfect supercell and data' supercell_num = 100 .type = int .help = 'supercell number, helps when generating loads of them' } params .help = "Control running" { rb_type = "trans" .type = str .help = 'Type of rb operations/ method to be used.' size_h = 2 .type = int .help = 'number of unit cells stacked in h direction' size_k = 2 .type = int .help = 'number of unit cells stacked in k direction' size_l = 2 .type = int .help = 'number of unit cells stacked in l direction' Ncpu = 10 .type = int .help = 'number of cpu's used for supercell calculations' make_rb = True .type = bool .help = 'Run rigid body module' prep_single = True .type = bool .help = 'Prepare single_pdb' single_sc = True .type = bool .help = 'Calculate scattering and supercell from single_pdb' single_P1 = True .type = bool .help = 'Create mtz and pdb from single_pdb in P1' rb_sc = True .type = bool .help = 'Calculate scattering and supercell from rb_out_pdb' rb_P1 = True .type = bool .help = 'Create mtz and pdb from rb_out_pdb in P1' add_sigma = True .type = bool .help = 'Create new mtz files containing sigma columns' b_fact_noise = True .type = bool .help = 'Create noise between 0.0 and 0.1 in B-factor columns to fool ptls fitting procedure of ensemble refinement' high_resolution = 2.0 .type = float .help = "up to what resolution are the structurefactors calculated" } output .help = "output files" { rb_pdb_out = rb_pdb_out.pdb .type = path .help = 'Name of output file containing rigid body ensemble' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()
def phil_parse(args=None,log=None): ''' Contains default parameters, will process commandline params and changes them ''' # Default parameters master_phil = libtbx.phil.parse(""" addLoes { input .help = "Input files" { single_pdb = None .type = path .help = 'Single structure PDB file' internal_pdb = None .type = path .help = 'PDB file containing internal motion ensemble' translation_pdb = trans.pdb .type = path .help = 'single translated pdb file' int_translation_pdb = internal_trans.pdb .type = path .help = 'ensemble translated pdb file' } params .help = "Control running" { do_rb = False .type = bool .help = 'Perform rb action on both single and ensemble pdbs' trans_sigma = 0.5 .type = float .help = 'Sigma used in translation of models' nr_models = 250 .type = int .help = 'Number of models in rb output' do_bfactor = False .type = bool .help = 'Calculate B-factors from the ensembles' do_diff_calc = False .type = bool .help = 'Calculate diffuse scattering from internal, translation and int_translation' size_h = 9 .type = int .help = 'Super parameter in h direction' size_k = 8 .type = int .help = 'Super parameter in k direction' size_l = 5 .type = int .help = 'Super parameter in l direction' do_slice = False .type = bool .help = 'Slice diffuse scattering mtz files' vmin = 1000 .type = int .help = 'plotting minimum' vmax = 75000000 .type = int .help = 'plotting maximum' vmin_internal = 10000 .type = int .help = 'plotting minimum' vmax_internal = 25000000 .type = int .help = 'plotting maximum' do_subtractions = True .type = bool .help = 'subtract translation from translation+internal, and subtract internal from translation+internal' vmin_sub = 10000 .type = int .help = 'plotting minimum after subtraction' vmax_sub = 40000000 .type = int .help = 'plotting maximumm after subtraction' } output .help = "output files" { mtz_out = mtz_out.mtz .type = path .help = 'file name for output mtz' } } """) working_phil = init_command_line_phil(master_phil=master_phil, args=args, log=log) return working_phil.extract()