예제 #1
    def _choose_extra_settings(cls, app_name):
        Choose what directory and filename are used for extra settings file.
        #   List of paths to add when running as developer.
        _developer_settings_path_list   = \

        #   List of paths to add when running as service user.
        _service_settings_path_list     = \
            os.path.join(util.get_base(), util._PATH_PART_CONFIG),

        #   Set up settings file name depending who's running
        if sdg.is_service_user():
            modname = '%s_settings_customer' % app_name
            path_list = _developer_settings_path_list
            return modname, path_list

        if sdg.is_developer():
            modname = '%s_settings_developer' % app_name
            path_list = _service_settings_path_list
            return modname, path_list

        raise ValueError('can\'t find settings; invalid home directory: %s' % \
예제 #2
def media_root():
    Return a media root based on whether caller is service user or developer.
    if sdg.is_service_user():
        return os.path.join(get_base(), _PATH_PART_WEB, 'static')
    #   Get __file__ attribute from caller's frame.
    ##### FIXME
    dir = os.path.dirname \
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir, '../../web/static'))
예제 #3
def template_dir():
    Return a tuple of template directories based on whether caller is
    service user or deveeloper.
    if sdg.is_service_user():
        return (os.path.join(get_base(), _PATH_PART_WEB, 'template'), )

    #   Get __file__ attribute from caller's frame.
    ##### FIXME
    dir = os.path.dirname \
    return (os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir, '../../web/template')), )