def make_texture_from_bits(self, bits, width, height):
        if width < 1:
            raise ValueError("width must be greater than 0")

        rmask = gmask = bmask = amask = 0
        imgsurface = sdl2.surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32,
                                                  rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)
        if not imgsurface:
            raise sdl2.ext.SDLError()
        swtarget = sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite(imgsurface.contents, True)
        rtarget = swtarget.surface


        pitch = rtarget.pitch
        bpp = rtarget.format.contents.BytesPerPixel
        frac = pitch / bpp
        clip_rect = rtarget.clip_rect
        left, right = clip_rect.x, clip_rect.x + clip_rect.w - 1
        top, bottom = clip_rect.y, clip_rect.y + clip_rect.h - 1

        pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32))

        for idx in range(0,width*height):
            b_data = bits[idx:idx+3]
            # print("data: [%s]" % b_data)
            b_num = [ord(b) for b in b_data]
            col = (b_num[0],b_num[1],b_num[2],255)
            #col = (random.randint(0,255),0,0, 128)
            # pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)
            # if(col[0]!=0) or (col[1]!=0) or (col[2]!=0):
            #     print("[%05d] copy data %s" % (idx,col))
            pxbuf[int(idx)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)

        # Uint32 * pixels = new Uint32[640 * 480];
        ###sdl2.SDL_UpdateTexture(rtarget, None, pxbuf, width * sizeof(ctypes.c_uint32));

        # sw_sprite = self.load_surface("assets/dmd/smile.png")
        # tx = self.texture_from_surface(sw_sprite)
        tx = self.texture_from_surface(swtarget)
        del swtarget
        return tx
예제 #2
    def make_texture_from_bits(self, bits, width, height):
        if width < 1:
            raise ValueError("width must be greater than 0")

        rmask = gmask = bmask = amask = 0
        imgsurface = sdl2.surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32,
                                                  rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)
        if not imgsurface:
            raise sdl2.ext.SDLError()
        swtarget = sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite(imgsurface.contents, True)
        rtarget = swtarget.surface


        pitch = rtarget.pitch
        bpp = rtarget.format.contents.BytesPerPixel
        frac = pitch / bpp
        clip_rect = rtarget.clip_rect
        left, right = clip_rect.x, clip_rect.x + clip_rect.w - 1
        top, bottom = clip_rect.y, clip_rect.y + clip_rect.h - 1

        pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32))

        for idx in range(0,width*height):
            b_data = bits[idx:idx+3]
            # print("data: [%s]" % b_data)
            b_num = [ord(b) for b in b_data]
            col = (b_num[0],b_num[1],b_num[2],255)
            #col = (random.randint(0,255),0,0, 128)
            # pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)
            # if(col[0]!=0) or (col[1]!=0) or (col[2]!=0):
            #     print("[%05d] copy data %s" % (idx,col))
            pxbuf[int(idx)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)

        # Uint32 * pixels = new Uint32[640 * 480];
        ###sdl2.SDL_UpdateTexture(rtarget, None, pxbuf, width * sizeof(ctypes.c_uint32));

        # sw_sprite = self.load_surface("assets/dmd/smile.png")
        # tx = self.texture_from_surface(sw_sprite)
        tx = self.texture_from_surface(swtarget)
        del swtarget
        return tx
예제 #3
    def make_texture_from_image_tedious(self, img):
        """Creates a Sprite from a Python imaging Image."""
        width, height = img.size

        if width < 1:
            raise ValueError("width must be greater than 0")

        # rtarget =  sdl2.render.SDL_CreateTexture(self.texture_renderer.renderer, sdl2.pixels.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888,
        #                                                           sdl2.render.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET,
        #                                                           width, height)
        # sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(rtarget, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND)

        # txtarget = sdl2.ext.TextureSprite(rtarget)

        rmask = gmask = bmask = amask = 0
        imgsurface = sdl2.surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32,
                                                       rmask, gmask, bmask,
        if not imgsurface:
            raise sdl2.ext.SDLError()
        swtarget = sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite(imgsurface.contents, True)
        rtarget = swtarget.surface

        pitch = rtarget.pitch
        bpp = rtarget.format.contents.BytesPerPixel
        frac = pitch / bpp
        clip_rect = rtarget.clip_rect
        left, right = clip_rect.x, clip_rect.x + clip_rect.w - 1
        top, bottom = clip_rect.y, clip_rect.y + clip_rect.h - 1

        print((width, height))
        # if bpp == 3:
        #     raise UnsupportedError(line, "24bpp are currently not supported")
        # if bpp == 2:
        #     pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16))
        # elif bpp == 4:
        pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32))
        # else:
        #     pxbuf = rtarget.pixels  # byte-wise access.

        #pxbuf = bytes
        # for y in range(0, height):
        #     for x in range(0,width):
        #         pxbuff[int()]

        # casting -- no.
        # b = (ctypes.c_uint32 * int(width * height / int(4)) )(bytes)

        # for i,b in enumerate(bytes):
        #     pxbuf[int(i)] = (b)
        for i, col in enumerate(img.getdata()):  #range(0,pitch):
            # col = mpx
            # # col = (ord(bytes[i]),ord(bytes[i+1]),ord(bytes[i+2]),ord(bytes[i+3]))
            #col = (random.randint(0,255),0,0, 128)
            # pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)
            pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color(col, swtarget)
            print("[%05d] copy data %s" % (i, col))

        # Uint32 * pixels = new Uint32[640 * 480];
        ###sdl2.SDL_UpdateTexture(rtarget, None, pxbuf, width * sizeof(ctypes.c_uint32));

        # sw_sprite = self.load_surface("assets/dmd/smile.png")
        # tx = self.texture_from_surface(sw_sprite)

        tx = self.texture_from_surface(swtarget)
        del swtarget
        return tx
    def make_texture_from_image_tedious(self, img):
        """Creates a Sprite from a Python imaging Image."""
        width, height = img.size

        if width < 1:
            raise ValueError("width must be greater than 0")

        # rtarget =  sdl2.render.SDL_CreateTexture(self.texture_renderer.renderer, sdl2.pixels.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888,
        #                                                           sdl2.render.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET,
        #                                                           width, height)
        # sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(rtarget, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND)

        # txtarget = sdl2.ext.TextureSprite(rtarget)

        rmask = gmask = bmask = amask = 0
        imgsurface = sdl2.surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32,
                                                  rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)
        if not imgsurface:
            raise sdl2.ext.SDLError()
        swtarget = sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite(imgsurface.contents, True)
        rtarget = swtarget.surface

        pitch = rtarget.pitch
        bpp = rtarget.format.contents.BytesPerPixel
        frac = pitch / bpp
        clip_rect = rtarget.clip_rect
        left, right = clip_rect.x, clip_rect.x + clip_rect.w - 1
        top, bottom = clip_rect.y, clip_rect.y + clip_rect.h - 1

        print((width, height))
        # if bpp == 3:
        #     raise UnsupportedError(line, "24bpp are currently not supported")
        # if bpp == 2:
        #     pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16))
        # elif bpp == 4:
        pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32))
        # else:
        #     pxbuf = rtarget.pixels  # byte-wise access.

        #pxbuf = bytes
        # for y in range(0, height):
        #     for x in range(0,width):
        #         pxbuff[int()]

        # casting -- no.
        # b = (ctypes.c_uint32 * int(width * height / int(4)) )(bytes)

        # for i,b in enumerate(bytes):
        #     pxbuf[int(i)] = (b)
        for i,col in enumerate(img.getdata()): #range(0,pitch):
            # col = mpx
            # # col = (ord(bytes[i]),ord(bytes[i+1]),ord(bytes[i+2]),ord(bytes[i+3]))
            #col = (random.randint(0,255),0,0, 128)
            # pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)
            pxbuf[int(i)] = prepare_color( col , swtarget)
            print("[%05d] copy data %s" % (i,col))

        # Uint32 * pixels = new Uint32[640 * 480];
        ###sdl2.SDL_UpdateTexture(rtarget, None, pxbuf, width * sizeof(ctypes.c_uint32));

        # sw_sprite = self.load_surface("assets/dmd/smile.png")
        # tx = self.texture_from_surface(sw_sprite)
        tx = self.texture_from_surface(swtarget)
        del swtarget
        return tx