예제 #1
def _bivariate_kdeplot(x, y, filled, kernel, bw, gridsize, cut, clip, axlabel,
                       ax, **kwargs):
    """Plot a joint KDE estimate as a bivariate contour plot."""

    # Determine the clipping
    if clip is None:
        clip = [(-np.inf, np.inf), (-np.inf, np.inf)]
    elif np.ndim(clip) == 1:
        clip = [clip, clip]

    # Calculate the KDE
        xx, yy, z = _statsmodels_bivariate_kde(x, y, bw, gridsize, cut, clip)
    except ImportError:
        xx, yy, z = _scipy_bivariate_kde(x, y, bw, gridsize, cut, clip)

    # Plot the contours
    n_levels = kwargs.pop("n_levels", 10)
    cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", "BuGn" if filled else "BuGn_d")
    if isinstance(cmap, str):
        if cmap.endswith("_d"):
            pal = ["#333333"]
            pal.extend(color_palette(cmap.replace("_d", "_r"), 2))
            cmap = blend_palette(pal, as_cmap=True)
    contour_func = ax.contourf if filled else ax.contour
    contour_func(xx, yy, z, n_levels, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    # Label the axes
    if hasattr(x, "name") and axlabel:
    if hasattr(y, "name") and axlabel:

    return ax
예제 #2
def _bivariate_kdeplot(x, y, filled, kernel, bw, gridsize, cut, clip, axlabel,
                       ax, **kwargs):
    """Plot a joint KDE estimate as a bivariate contour plot."""

    # Determine the clipping
    if clip is None:
        clip = [(-np.inf, np.inf), (-np.inf, np.inf)]
    elif np.ndim(clip) == 1:
        clip = [clip, clip]

    # Calculate the KDE
        xx, yy, z = _statsmodels_bivariate_kde(x, y, bw, gridsize, cut, clip)
    except ImportError:
        xx, yy, z = _scipy_bivariate_kde(x, y, bw, gridsize, cut, clip)

    # Plot the contours
    n_levels = kwargs.pop("n_levels", 10)
    cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", "BuGn" if filled else "BuGn_d")
    if isinstance(cmap, str):
        if cmap.endswith("_d"):
            pal = ["#333333"]
            pal.extend(color_palette(cmap.replace("_d", "_r"), 2))
            cmap = blend_palette(pal, as_cmap=True)
    contour_func = ax.contourf if filled else ax.contour
    contour_func(xx, yy, z, n_levels, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    # Label the axes
    if hasattr(x, "name") and axlabel:
    if hasattr(y, "name") and axlabel:

    return ax
예제 #3
def _bivariate_kde(x, y, filled, kernel, bw, gridsize, cut, clip, axlabel, ax,
    """Plot a joint KDE estimate as a bivariate contour plot."""

    # Determine the clipping
    if clip is None:
        clip = [(-np.inf, np.inf), (-np.inf, np.inf)]
    elif np.ndim(clip) == 1:
        clip = [clip, clip]

    # Calculate the KDE
    if isinstance(bw, str):
        bw_func = getattr(sm.nonparametric.bandwidths, "bw_" + bw)
        x_bw = bw_func(x)
        y_bw = bw_func(y)
        bw = [x_bw, y_bw]
    elif np.isscalar(bw):
        bw = [bw, bw]
    kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEMultivariate([x, y], "cc", bw)
    x_support = _kde_support(x, kde.bw[0], gridsize, cut, clip[0])
    y_support = _kde_support(y, kde.bw[1], gridsize, cut, clip[1])
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_support, y_support)
    z = kde.pdf([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).reshape(xx.shape)

    # Plot the contours
    n_levels = kwargs.pop("n_levels", 10)
    cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", "BuGn" if filled else "BuGn_d")
    if isinstance(cmap, str):
        if cmap.endswith("_d"):
            pal = ["#333333"]
            pal.extend(color_palette(cmap.replace("_d", "_r"), 2))
            cmap = blend_palette(pal, as_cmap=True)
    contour_func = ax.contourf if filled else ax.contour
    contour_func(xx, yy, z, n_levels, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    # Label the axes
    if hasattr(x, "name") and axlabel:
    if hasattr(y, "name") and axlabel:

    return ax