예제 #1
    def create_child_candidate_from_relaxations(self,

        new_candidate = Candidate()

        new_candidate.resolved_conflicts = candidate.resolved_conflicts.copy()
        new_candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy(
        new_candidate.assignments_to_avoid = candidate.assignments_to_avoid.copy(
        new_candidate.assigned_variables = candidate.assigned_variables.copy()

        # We do not need the following line as it adds duplicated relaxations to the
        # new candidate.
        # new_candidate.add_temporal_relaxations(candidate.temporal_relaxations)
        # Add temporal relaxations
        if relaxations is not None:
            for relaxation in relaxations:
                if not new_candidate.add_temporal_relaxation(relaxation):
                    return None

        # Add temporal allocations
        if allocations is not None:
            for allocation in allocations:
                if not new_candidate.add_temporal_allocation(allocation):
                    return None


        # find all available variables
        for variable in self.tpnu.decision_variables.values():
            # it must not have been assigned
            if not variable in new_candidate.assigned_variables:
                # and the guard must have been satisfied
                if len(variable.guards
                       ) == 0 or variable.guards <= new_candidate.assignments:
                    new_candidate.h += variable.optimal_utility

        return new_candidate
예제 #2
    def create_child_candidate_from_relaxations(self,candidate,relaxations=None,allocations=None):

        new_candidate = Candidate()

        new_candidate.resolved_conflicts = candidate.resolved_conflicts.copy()
        new_candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles = candidate.continuously_resolved_cycles.copy()
        new_candidate.assignments_to_avoid = candidate.assignments_to_avoid.copy()
        new_candidate.assigned_variables = candidate.assigned_variables.copy()

        # We do not need the following line as it adds duplicated relaxations to the
        # new candidate.
        # new_candidate.add_temporal_relaxations(candidate.temporal_relaxations)
        # Add temporal relaxations
        if relaxations is not None:
            for relaxation in relaxations:
                if not new_candidate.add_temporal_relaxation(relaxation):
                    return None

        # Add temporal allocations
        if allocations is not None:
            for allocation in allocations:
                if not new_candidate.add_temporal_allocation(allocation):
                    return None


        # find all available variables
        for variable in self.tpnu.decision_variables.values():
            # it must not have been assigned
            if not variable in new_candidate.assigned_variables:
                # and the guard must have been satisfied
                if len(variable.guards) == 0 or variable.guards <= new_candidate.assignments:
                    new_candidate.h += variable.optimal_utility

        return new_candidate
예제 #3
    def get_solution(self, m):                    
        solution = Candidate()
      #  f = open('sol.txt', 'w')
        for var_a in m.getVars():
            vname = var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName)
            if self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MAX_FLEX_UNCERTAINTY:
                if vname.find("cl") == -1 and vname.find("cu") == -1:
                #f.write('%s    %s\n' % (var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName), var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.X)))
                # if vname.find("l") != -1:
                #   print(var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.VarName), var_a.getAttr(GRB.Attr.X))
                e = self.relax_e[vname]
                new_relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(e)
                if vname.find("cl") != -1:
                    new_relaxation.relaxed_lb = var_a.getAttr("X")
                    if new_relaxation.relaxed_lb != e.get_lower_bound():
                else :
                    new_relaxation.relaxed_ub = var_a.getAttr("X")
                    if new_relaxation.relaxed_ub != e.get_upper_bound():
            elif self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MIN_COST:
                if vname.find("vlr") == -1 and vname.find("vur") == -1:
                e = self.relax_e[vname]
                #print(vname,e.fro, e.to)
                new_relaxation = TemporalRelaxation(e)
                if vname.find("vlr") != -1:
                    new_relaxation.relaxed_lb = self.l[(e.fro,e.to)].getValue()
                    new_relaxation.relaxed_ub = self.u[(e.fro, e.to)].getValue()
                if var_a.getAttr("X") > 0:
#        for e in self.network.temporal_constraints.values():
#            if e.activated:
#                print(e.fro, e.to, self.l[(e.fro, e.to)].getValue(), self.u[(e.fro, e.to)].getValue())
        solution.utility = round(m.getObjective().getValue(), 6)
        if solution.utility > 1000 and self.objective_type == ObjectiveType.MAX_FLEX_UNCERTAINTY:
            solution.utility = 1000
#         for node_a in range(1, self.num_nodes+1):
#             for node_b in range(1, self.num_nodes+1):
#                 if node_a != node_b:
#                     f.write("%s->%s [%s, %s]\n"%(node_a,node_b,self.l[(node_a,node_b)].getValue(), self.u[(node_a,node_b)].getValue() ))
#        # if solution.utility > 100:
        #    solution.utility = 100
      #  f.close()
        #print a dot file
     #   f = open('sol.dot', 'w')
      #  f.write('digraph G {\n nodesep = .45; \n size = 30;\n label="CCTP";\n')
#         for e in self.network.temporal_constraints.values():
#             if e.activated:
#                 f.write('"%s"->"%s"'%(e.fro, e.to))
#                 tlb = self.l[(e.fro, e.to)].getValue()
#                 tub = self.u[(e.fro, e.to)].getValue() 
#                 f.write('[ label = "[%s,%s]'%(tlb, tub))
#                 if not e.controllable:
#                     f.write(' type=dashed')
#                 f.write('"];\n')           
#                  #%d"];'%(e.fro, e.to,e.get_lower_bound(),e.get_upper_bound(),e.controllable))
      #  f.write("}")
      #  f.close()
        return solution