예제 #1
파일: es_utils.py 프로젝트: atopal/kitsune
def get_mappings():
    mappings = {}

    from search.models import get_mapping_types
    for cls in get_mapping_types():
        mappings[cls.get_mapping_type_name()] = cls.get_mapping()

    return mappings
예제 #2
파일: admin.py 프로젝트: timmi/kitsune
def index_view(request):
    requested_bucket = request.GET.get('bucket', '')
    requested_id = request.GET.get('id', '')
    last_20_by_bucket = None
    data = None

    bucket_to_model = dict(
        [(cls.get_mapping_type_name(), cls) for cls in get_mapping_types()])

    if requested_bucket and requested_id:
        # Nix whitespace because I keep accidentally picking up spaces
        # when I copy and paste.
        requested_id = requested_id.strip()

        # The user wants to see a specific item in the index, so we
        # attempt to fetch it from the index and show that
        # specifically.
        if requested_bucket not in bucket_to_model:
            raise Http404

        cls = bucket_to_model[requested_bucket]
        data = list(cls.search().filter(id=requested_id).values_dict())
        if not data:
            raise Http404
        data = _fix_value_dicts(data)[0]

        # Create a list of (class, list-of-dicts) showing us the most
        # recently indexed items for each bucket. We only display the
        # id, title and indexed_on fields, so only pull those back from
        # ES.
        last_20_by_bucket = [
            for cls_name, cls in bucket_to_model.items()]

    return render(
        {'title': 'Index Browsing',
         'buckets': [cls_name for cls_name, cls in bucket_to_model.items()],
         'last_20_by_bucket': last_20_by_bucket,
         'requested_bucket': requested_bucket,
         'requested_id': requested_id,
         'requested_data': data
예제 #3
파일: es_utils.py 프로젝트: atopal/kitsune
def get_indexable(percent=100, mapping_types=None):
    """Returns a list of (class, iterable) for all the things to index

    :arg percent: Defaults to 100.  Allows you to specify how much of
        each doctype you want to index.  This is useful for
        development where doing a full reindex takes an hour.
    :arg mapping_types: The list of mapping types to index.

    from search.models import get_mapping_types

    # Note: Passing in None will get all the mapping types
    mapping_types = get_mapping_types(mapping_types)

    to_index = []
    percent = float(percent) / 100
    for cls in mapping_types:
        indexable = cls.get_indexable()
        if percent < 1:
            indexable = indexable[:int(indexable.count() * percent)]
        to_index.append((cls, indexable))

    return to_index
예제 #4
파일: es_utils.py 프로젝트: atopal/kitsune
def get_doctype_stats(index):
    """Returns a dict of name -> count for documents indexed.

    For example:

    >>> get_doctype_stats()
    {'questions_question': 14216, 'forums_thread': 419, 'wiki_document': 759}

    :throws pyelasticsearch.exceptions.Timeout: if the request
        times out
    :throws pyelasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError: if there's a
        connection error
    :throws pyelasticsearch.exceptions.ElasticHttpNotFound: if the
        index doesn't exist

    stats = {}

    from search.models import get_mapping_types
    for cls in get_mapping_types():
        stats[cls.get_mapping_type_name()] = cls.search().count()

    return stats
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: timmi/kitsune
def search(request, template=None):
    """ES-specific search view"""

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    mimetype = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    # Search "Expires" header format
    expires_fmt = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            mimetype=mimetype, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(
        request.GET.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    a = request.GET.get('a', '0')

    # Search default values
        category = (map(int, r.getlist('category')) or
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist('category', category)

    # Basic form
    if a == '0':
        r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)
    # Advanced form
    if a == '2':
        r['language'] = language
        r['a'] = '1'

    # TODO: Rewrite so SearchForm is unbound initially and we can use
    # `initial` on the form fields.
    if 'include_archived' not in r:
        r['include_archived'] = False

    search_form = SearchForm(r)

    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == '2':
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = render(request, t, {
            'advanced': a, 'request': request,
            'search_form': search_form})
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                   (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                                minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    if request.MOBILE and cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_BASIC:
        cleaned['w'] = constants.WHERE_WIKI

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    # We use a regular S here because we want to search across
    # multiple doctypes.
    searcher = (UntypedS().es(urls=settings.ES_URLS)

    wiki_f = F(model='wiki_document')
    question_f = F(model='questions_question')
    discussion_f = F(model='forums_thread')

    # Start - wiki filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        # Category filter
        if cleaned['category']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_category__in=cleaned['category'])

        # Locale filter
        wiki_f &= F(document_locale=language)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            wiki_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            wiki_f &= F(topic=t)

        # Archived bit
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['include_archived']:
            # Default to NO for basic search:
            cleaned['include_archived'] = False
        if not cleaned['include_archived']:
            wiki_f &= F(document_is_archived=False)

    # End - wiki filters

    # Start - support questions filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        # Solved is set by default if using basic search
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['has_helpful']:
            cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
        d = dict(('question_%s' % filter_name,
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_f &= F(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_creator=cleaned['asked_by'])

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_f &= F(question_answer_creator=cleaned['answered_by'])

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split(',')]
        for t in q_tags:
            if t:
                question_f &= F(question_tag=t)

        # Product filter
        products = cleaned['product']
        for p in products:
            question_f &= F(product=p)

        # Topics filter
        topics = cleaned['topics']
        for t in topics:
            question_f &= F(topic=t)

    # End - support questions filters

    # Start - discussion forum filters

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_f &= F(post_is_locked=1)

        if cleaned['forum']:
            discussion_f &= F(post_forum_id__in=cleaned['forum'])

    # End - discussion forum filters

    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date']))
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                      filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

            discussion_f &= F(**before)
            question_f &= F(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                     filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

            discussion_f &= F(**after)
            question_f &= F(**after)

    # In basic search, we limit questions from the last
    if a == '0':
        start_date = unix_now - settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_MAX_QUESTION_AGE
        question_f &= F(created__gte=start_date)

    # Note: num_voted (with a d) is a different field than num_votes
    # (with an s). The former is a dropdown and the latter is an
    # integer value.
    if cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__lte=max(cleaned['num_votes'], 0))
    elif cleaned['num_voted'] == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
        question_f &= F(question_num_votes__gte=cleaned['num_votes'])

    # Done with all the filtery stuff--time  to generate results

    # Combine all the filters and add to the searcher
    doctypes = []
    final_filter = F()
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
        final_filter |= wiki_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
        final_filter |= question_f

    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        final_filter |= discussion_f

    searcher = searcher.doctypes(*doctypes)
    searcher = searcher.filter(final_filter)

    if 'explain' in request.GET and request.GET['explain'] == '1':
        searcher = searcher.explain()

    documents = ComposedList()

        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        # Set up the highlights
        # First 500 characters of content in one big fragment
        searcher = searcher.highlight(
            'question_content', 'discussion_content', 'document_summary',

        # Set up boosts
        searcher = searcher.boost(

            # Text phrases in document titles and content get an extra
            # boost.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of questions
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Apply sortby for advanced search of kb documents
        if cleaned['w'] == constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            sortby = cleaned['sortby_documents']
                searcher = searcher.order_by(
            except IndexError:
                # Skip index errors because they imply the user is
                # sending us sortby values that aren't valid.

        # Build the query
        if cleaned_q:
            query_fields = chain(*[cls.get_query_fields()
                                   for cls in get_mapping_types()])

            query = {}
            # Create text and text_phrase queries for every field
            # we want to search.
            for field in query_fields:
                for query_type in ['text', 'text_phrase']:
                    query['%s__%s' % (field, query_type)] = cleaned_q

            searcher = searcher.query(should=True, **query)

        num_results = min(searcher.count(), settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS)

        # TODO - Can ditch the ComposedList here, but we need
        # something that paginate can use to figure out the paging.
        documents = ComposedList()
        documents.set_count(('results', searcher), num_results)

        results_per_page = settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE
        pages = paginate(request, documents, results_per_page)

        # Facets
        product_facets = {}

        # If we know there aren't any results, let's cheat and in
        # doing that, not hit ES again.
        if num_results == 0:
            searcher = []
            # Get the documents we want to show and add them to
            # docs_for_page
            documents = documents[offset:offset + results_per_page]

            if len(documents) == 0:
                # If the user requested a page that's beyond the
                # pagination, then documents is an empty list and
                # there are no results to show.
                searcher = []
                bounds = documents[0][1]
                searcher = searcher.values_dict()[bounds[0]:bounds[1]]

                # If we are doing basic search, we show product facets.
                if a == '0':
                    pfc = searcher.facet(
                        'product', filtered=True).facet_counts()
                    product_facets = dict(
                        [(p['term'], p['count']) for p in pfc['product']])

        results = []
        for i, doc in enumerate(searcher):
            rank = i + offset

            if doc['model'] == 'wiki_document':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    summary = doc['document_summary']
                result = {
                    'title': doc['document_title'],
                    'type': 'document'}

            elif doc['model'] == 'questions_question':
                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                if not summary:
                    # We're excerpting only question_content, so if
                    # the query matched question_title or
                    # question_answer_content, then there won't be any
                    # question_content excerpts. In that case, just
                    # show the question--but only the first 500
                    # characters.
                    summary = bleach.clean(
                        doc['question_content'], strip=True)[:500]

                result = {
                    'title': doc['question_title'],
                    'type': 'question',
                    'is_solved': doc['question_is_solved'],
                    'num_answers': doc['question_num_answers'],
                    'num_votes': doc['question_num_votes'],
                    'num_votes_past_week': doc['question_num_votes_past_week']}

                summary = _build_es_excerpt(doc)
                result = {
                    'title': doc['post_title'],
                    'type': 'thread'}

            result['url'] = doc['url']
            result['object'] = ObjectDict(doc)
            result['search_summary'] = summary
            result['rank'] = rank
            result['score'] = doc._score
            result['explanation'] = escape(format_explanation(

    except ES_EXCEPTIONS as exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':
                                             _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                mimetype=mimetype, status=503)

        # Cheating here: Convert from 'Timeout()' to 'timeout' so
        # we have less code, but still have good stats.
        exc_bucket = repr(exc).lower().strip('()')

        import logging

        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)

    items = [(k, v) for k in search_form.fields for
             v in r.getlist(k) if v and k != 'a']
    items.append(('a', '2'))

    if is_json:
        # Models are not json serializable.
        for r in results:
            del r['object']
        data = {}
        data['results'] = results
        data['total'] = len(results)
        data['query'] = cleaned['q']
        if not results:
            data['message'] = _('No pages matched the search criteria')
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        if callback:
            json_data = callback + '(' + json_data + ');'

        return HttpResponse(json_data, mimetype=mimetype)

    fallback_results = None
    if num_results == 0:
        fallback_results = _fallback_results(language, cleaned['product'])

    results_ = render(request, template, {
        'num_results': num_results,
        'results': results,
        'fallback_results': fallback_results,
        'q': cleaned['q'],
        'w': cleaned['w'],
        'product': cleaned['product'],
        'products': Product.objects.filter(visible=True),
        'product_facets': product_facets,
        'pages': pages,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'lang_name': lang_name, })
    results_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
    results_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                           timedelta(minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
    results_.set_cookie(settings.LAST_SEARCH_COOKIE, urlquote(cleaned['q']),
                        max_age=3600, secure=False, httponly=False)

    return results_