예제 #1
def sigmatheta(s, t, p, pr=0):
    :math:`\\sigma_{\\theta}` is a measure of the density of ocean water where the quantity :math:`\\sigma_{t}` is calculated using the potential temperature (:math:`\\theta`) rather than the in situ temperature and potential density of water mass relative to the specified reference pressure.

    s(p) : array_like
           salinity [psu (PSS-78)]
    t(p) : array_like
           temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)]
    p : array_like
        pressure [db]. The shape can be "broadcasted"
    pr : number
         reference pressure [db], default = 0

    sgmte : array_like
           density  [kg m :sup:`3`]

    See Also
    dens, sigma_t

    Density of Sea Water using UNESCO 1983 (EOS 80) polynomial.

    Data from Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22

    >>> import seawater.extras.sw_extras as swe
    >>> import seawater.csiro as sw
    >>> s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35, 35]
    >>> t = sw.T90conv([0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0, 30, 30])
    >>> p = [0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000]
    >>> swe.sigmatheta(s, t, p)
    array([ -0.157406  ,  -0.20476006,  -4.34886626,  -3.63884068,
            28.10633141,  28.15738545,  21.72863949,  22.59634627])

    .. [1] Fofonoff, P. and Millard, R.C. Jr UNESCO 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci., No. 44, 53 pp.  Eqn.(31) p.39. http://www.scor-int.org/Publications.htm

    .. [2] Millero, F.J., Chen, C.T., Bradshaw, A., and Schleicher, K. A new high pressure equation of state for seawater. Deap-Sea Research., 1980, Vol27A, pp255-264. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(80)90016-3

    Modifications: Filipe Fernandes, 2010
                   10-01-26. Filipe Fernandes, first version.
    # Convert input to numpy arrays
    s, t, p, pr = np.asarray(s), np.asarray(t), np.asarray(p), np.asarray(pr)

    sgmte = sw.pden(s, t, p, pr) - 1000.0
    return sgmte
예제 #2
파일: plt.py 프로젝트: crocha700/popy
def TS_diagram(ss,ts,ax,dlev=0.1):
    from seawater import csiro as sw
    from numpy import linspace,meshgrid,arange
    from pylab import clabel
    t= linspace(ts.min(), ts.max(), 30)
    s= linspace(ss.min(), ss.max(), 30)
    s2d,t2d = meshgrid(s,t)
    #ax.scatter(ss,ts,c=colors, s=size, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor = 'none', marker = marker)
예제 #3
def TS_diagram(ss, ts, ax, dlev=0.1):
    from seawater import csiro as sw
    from numpy import linspace, meshgrid, arange
    from pylab import clabel
    t = linspace(ts.min(), ts.max(), 30)
    s = linspace(ss.min(), ss.max(), 30)
    s2d, t2d = meshgrid(s, t)

    #ax.scatter(ss,ts,c=colors, s=size, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor = 'none', marker = marker)
    h = ax.contour(s2d,
                   sw.pden(s2d, t2d, s2d * 0) - 1000,
                   levels=arange(20, 30, dlev),
    clabel(h, inline=1, fontsize=9, fmt='%3.1f')