def _analyze_common_structural_geometry(step, geometry, mesh_sizes, N, Vx, Vy, Mxx, Myy, Mzz): mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[mesh_sizes]) section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) finite_elements_number = len(section.mesh_elements) if finite_elements_number > MAX_FINITE_ELEMENTS_NUMBER: return False, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None elif finite_elements_number < MAX_FINITE_ELEMENTS_NUMBER and step == 'checking': return True, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None else: section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() loadcase = section.calculate_stress(N=N, Vx=Vx, Vy=Vy, Mxx=Mxx, Myy=Myy, Mzz=Mzz) nodes = section.mesh_nodes stresses = loadcase.get_stress()[0] area = section.get_area() ixx_c, iyy_c, ixy_c = section.get_ic() torsion_constant = section.get_j() warping_constant = section.get_gamma() elastic_centroid = section.get_c() centroidal_shear_center = section.get_sc() return True, nodes, stresses, area, ixx_c, iyy_c, ixy_c, torsion_constant, warping_constant, \ elastic_centroid, centroidal_shear_center
def calculate(self, loadProfileFromDB): '''Se ejecuta el calculo de las propiedades de la seccion. Referencia ---------- rx, ry : radio de giro del miembro | sqrt(I/A) c_i : coordenada del centroide de la seccion sc_i : coordenada del centro de corte A : Area de la seccion Cw : Constante torsional de warping de la seccion J : Constante de torsion de St. Venant Si : modulo elastico j : mitad de la constante monociclica a compresion en eje -y- (beta22-) ''' if loadProfileFromDB: try: self.load() except: loadProfileFromDB = False pass if not loadProfileFromDB: ## CALCULO PROPIEDADES A PARTIR DEL PAQUETE sectionproperties geometry = sections.CeeSection(d=self.H, b=self.B+self.r_out, l=self.r_out, t=self.t, r_out=self.r_out, n_r=8) # corto los labios y el radio p1 = geometry.add_point([self.B, 0]) p2 = geometry.add_point([self.B, self.t]) p3 = geometry.add_point([self.B, self.H]) p4 = geometry.add_point([self.B, self.H-self.t]) geometry.add_facet([p1, p2]) geometry.add_facet([p3, p4]) geometry.add_hole([self.B+self.r_out/10, self.t/2]) # add hole geometry.add_hole([self.B+self.r_out/10, self.H-self.t/2]) # add hole geometry.clean_geometry() # clean the geometry # create mesh mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[self.t/4.0]) # creo la seccion section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # calculo las propiedades section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() (self.c_x, self.c_y) = section.get_c() # centroides (self.sc_x, self.sc_y) = section.get_sc() # shear center self.Cw = section.get_gamma() # warping (self.rx, self.ry) = section.get_rc() # radios de giro self.J = section.get_j() self.A = section.get_area() self.Ae = section.get_area() (self.Ix, self.Iy, _) = section.get_ic() (self.Sx, _, _, _) = section.get_z() # modulo elastico self.j = section.get_beta_p()[3]/2.0 self.section = section
def calculate(self, loadProfileFromDB): '''Se ejecuta el calculo de las propiedades de la seccion. Parameters ---------- loadProfileFromDB: bool indica si se debe intentar cargar el perfil desde la base de datos Referencia ---------- rx, ry : radio de giro del miembro | sqrt(I/A) c_i : coordenada del centroide de la seccion sc_i : coordenada del centro de corte A : Area de la seccion Cw : Constante torsional de warping de la seccion J : Constante de torsion de St. Venant Si : modulo elastico j : mitad de la constante monociclica a compresion en eje -y- (beta22-) ''' if loadProfileFromDB: try: self.load() except: loadProfileFromDB = False pass if not loadProfileFromDB: ## CALCULO PROPIEDADES A PARTIR DEL PAQUETE sectionproperties geometry = sections.CeeSection(d=self.H, b=self.B, l=self.D, t=self.t, r_out=self.r_out, n_r=8) # create mesh mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[self.t/4.0]) # creo la seccion section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # calculo las propiedades section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() (self.c_x, self.c_y) = section.get_c() # centroides (self.sc_x, self.sc_y) = section.get_sc() # shear center self.Cw = section.get_gamma() # warping (self.rx, self.ry) = section.get_rc() # radios de giro self.J = section.get_j() # St Venant self.A = section.get_area() self.Ae = section.get_area() (self.Ix, self.Iy, _) = section.get_ic() (self.Sx, _, _, _) = section.get_z() # modulo elastico self.j = section.get_beta_p()[3]/2.0 self.section = section
import sectionproperties.pre.sections as sections from sectionproperties.analysis.cross_section import CrossSection # create a 50 diameter circle discretised by 64 points geometry = sections.CircularSection(d=50, n=64) geometry.plot_geometry() # plot the geometry # create a mesh with a mesh size of 2.5 mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[2.5]) section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # create a CrossSection object section.display_mesh_info() # display the mesh information section.plot_mesh() # plot the generated mesh # perform a geometric, warping and plastic anaylsis, displaying the time info section.calculate_geometric_properties(time_info=True) section.calculate_warping_properties(time_info=True) section.calculate_plastic_properties(time_info=True) # print the results to the terminal section.display_results() # get the second moments of area and the torsion constant (ixx_c, iyy_c, ixy_c) = section.get_ic() j = section.get_j() # print the sum of the second moments of area and the torsion constant print("Ixx + Iyy = {0:.3f}".format(ixx_c + iyy_c)) print("J = {0:.3f}".format(j))
def calculate(self, loadProfileFromDB): '''Se ejecuta el calculo de las propiedades de la seccion. Referencia ---------- rx, ry : radio de giro de la seccion | sqrt(I/A) ri : radio de giro en -y- de un solo perfil c c_x, c_y : coordenada del centroide de la seccion sc_x, sc_y : coordenada del centro de corte A : Area de la seccion Cw : Constante torsional de warping de la seccion J : Constante de torsion de St. Venant Si : modulo elastico j : mitad de la constante monociclica a compresion en eje -y- (beta22-) ''' if loadProfileFromDB: try: self.load() except: loadProfileFromDB = False pass if not loadProfileFromDB: c0 = c_profile(H= self.H, B= self. B, t= self.t, r_out= self.r_out) c0.calculate(loadProfileFromDB) c1 = sections.CeeSection(d=self.H, b=self.B+self.r_out, l=self.r_out, t=self.t, r_out=self.r_out, n_r=8) c2 = deepcopy(c1) # corto los labios y el radio c1 p1 = c1.add_point([self.B, 0]) p2 = c1.add_point([self.B, self.t]) p3 = c1.add_point([self.B, self.H]) p4 = c1.add_point([self.B, self.H-self.t]) c1.add_facet([p1, p2]) c1.add_facet([p3, p4]) c1.add_hole([self.B+self.r_out/10, self.t/2]) # add hole c1.add_hole([self.B+self.r_out/10, self.H-self.t/2]) # add hole c1.clean_geometry() # clean the geometry c2 = deepcopy(c1) c2.mirror_section(axis= 'y', mirror_point=[0, 0]) if self.s: c1.shift = [self.s/2, 0] c1.shift_section() c2.shift = [-self.s/2, 0] c2.shift_section() # soldadura en los extremos del alma if self.wld: h = self.wld*self.r_out # weld length a = self.wld*self.r_out*2 + self.s # base de la soldadura weld1 = sections.CustomSection( points=[[a/2,0], [-a/2, 0], [0, h]], facets=[[0,1], [1,2], [2,0]], holes=[], control_points=[[h / 3, h / 3]] ) weld2 = deepcopy(weld1) weld2.mirror_section(axis= 'x', mirror_point=[0, 0]) weld2.shift = [0, self.H] weld2.shift_section() geometry = sections.MergedSection([c1, c2, weld1, weld2]) geometry.clean_geometry(verbose= False) if self.s: geometry.add_hole([0, self.H/2]) mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[self.mesh_size, self.mesh_size, self.mesh_size, self.mesh_size]) else: geometry = sections.MergedSection([c1, c2]) geometry.clean_geometry() mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[self.mesh_size, self.mesh_size]) section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) #mesh_c1 = c1.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[self.mesh_size]) #section_c1 = CrossSection(c1, mesh_c1) #section_c1.calculate_geometric_properties() #section_c1.calculate_warping_properties() section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() (self.c_x, self.c_y) = section.get_c() # centroides (self.sc_x, self.sc_y) = section.get_sc() # shear center self.Cw = section.get_gamma() # warping (self.rx, self.ry) = section.get_rc() # radios de giro self.J = section.get_j() self.A = section.get_area() self.Ae = self.A self.ri = c0.ry # radios de giro y de c1 (self.Ix, self.Iy, _) = section.get_ic() (self.Sx, _, _, _) = section.get_z() # modulo elastico self.j = section.get_beta_p()[3]/2.0 self.section = section
mesh_size_list = [50, 20, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1] nr_list = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 64] # initialise result lists mesh_results = [] mesh_elements = [] nr_results = [] nr_elements = [] # calculate reference solution geometry = sections.ISection(d=203, b=133, t_f=7.8, t_w=5.8, r=8.9, n_r=64) mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[0.5]) # create mesh section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # create a CrossSection object section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() j_reference = section.get_j() # get the torsion constant # run through mesh_sizes with n_r = 16 for mesh_size in mesh_size_list: geometry = sections.ISection(d=203, b=133, t_f=7.8, t_w=5.8, r=8.9, n_r=16) mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=[mesh_size]) # create mesh section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # create a CrossSection object section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() mesh_elements.append(len(section.elements)) mesh_results.append(section.get_j()) # run through n_r with mesh_size = 3 for n_r in nr_list: geometry = sections.ISection(d=203, b=133, t_f=7.8, t_w=5.8, r=8.9, n_r=n_r)
def process_geometry(geometry, mesh_sizes, loadcases): # update this to receive the geometry, mesh info, material and loads # generate a finite element mesh mesh = geometry.create_mesh(mesh_sizes=mesh_sizes) # generate material - can be overwritten if needed --all in N and cm # create a CrossSection object for analysis section = CrossSection(geometry, mesh) # calculate various cross-section properties section.calculate_geometric_properties() section.calculate_warping_properties() section.calculate_plastic_properties() # Area area = section.get_area() sheararea = section.get_As() asx = sheararea[0] asy = sheararea[1] # Second Moment of Area about centroid (ixx, iyy, ixy) = section.get_ic() # Centroid (xg, yg) = section.get_c() # Radii of Gyration (rxx, ryy) = section.get_rc() # Principal bending axis angle phi = section.get_phi() # St. Venant torsion constant ipp = section.get_j() # Warping Constant cw = section.get_gamma() # Elastic Section Moduli (welx_top, welx_bottom, wely_top, wely_bottom) = section.get_z() # Plastic Section Moduli (wplx, wply) = section.get_s() # plot centroid to image section.plot_centroids(pause=False) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plot_centroid = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode() plt.close() # calculate torsion resistance from stress and torque #from the below can also return torsional stress if wanted stress_post = section.calculate_stress(Mzz=10) unit_mzz_zxy = [] maxstress = [] for group in stress_post.material_groups: maxstress.append(max(group.stress_result.sig_zxy_mzz)) unit_mzz_zxy.append(group.stress_result.sig_zxy_mzz.tolist()) #there should be only one maxstress value therefore: wt = 10 / maxstress[0] #plot this image stress_post.plot_stress_mzz_zxy(pause=False) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plot_unittorsionstress = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode() plt.close() #foreach load case submitted calculate vm stress state and create image vmStressImages = {} vmStressStates = {} for loadcase in loadcases: lc_name = loadcase[0] s_n = loadcase[1] s_vx = loadcase[2] s_vy = loadcase[3] s_mxx = loadcase[4] s_myy = loadcase[5] s_mzz = loadcase[6] stress_post = section.calculate_stress(N=s_n, Vx=s_vx, Vy=s_vy, Mxx=s_mxx, Myy=s_myy, Mzz=s_mzz) stress_state = [] for group in stress_post.material_groups: stress_state.append(group.stress_result.sig_vm.tolist()) vmStressStates['lc_' + str(lc_name) + '_vm_stress'] = stress_state #plot this image stress_post.plot_stress_vm(pause=False) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') vmStressImages['lc_' + str(lc_name) + '_vm_stress'] = base64.b64encode( buf.getvalue()).decode() plt.close() # create rhino mesh rmesh = rhino_mesh_from_meshpy(mesh) # return send_file(path, as_attachment=True) # get some of the calculated section properties return_data = {} return_data['properties'] = { 'area': area, 'Avx': asx, 'Avy': asy, 'xg': xg, 'yg': yg, 'rxx': rxx, 'ryy': ryy, 'phi': phi, 'ixx': ixx, 'iyy': iyy, 'ipp': ipp, 'cw': cw, 'welx+': welx_top, 'welx-': welx_bottom, 'wely+': wely_top, 'wely-': wely_bottom, 'wplx': wplx, 'wply': wply, 'wt': wt, } return_data['geometry'] = { 'mesh': rhino.CommonObject.Encode(rmesh), } return_data['images'] = { 'centroids': plot_centroid, 'unittorsion_vxy_stress': plot_unittorsionstress, } return_data['images'].update(vmStressImages) return_data['stress_results'] = { 'unittorsion_vxy_stress': unit_mzz_zxy, } return_data['stress_results'].update(vmStressStates) return return_data